Ajzen 20 Attitude 20 Theory 20 Ann Rev Psy 202001
Ajzen 20 Attitude 20 Theory 20 Ann Rev Psy 202001
Ajzen 20 Attitude 20 Theory 20 Ann Rev Psy 202001
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1 author:
Icek Ajzen
University of Massachusetts Amherst
All content following this page was uploaded by Icek Ajzen on 13 June 2014.
attitude-behavior relation
■ Abstract This survey of attitude theory and research published between 1996
and 1999 covers the conceptualization of attitude, attitude formation and activation,
attitude structure and function, and the attitude-behavior relation. Research regarding
the expectancy-value model of attitude is considered, as are the roles of accessible
beliefs and affective versus cognitive processes in the formation of attitudes. The
survey reviews research on attitude strength and its antecedents and consequences,
and covers progress made on the assessment of attitudinal ambivalence and its effects.
Also considered is research on automatic attitude activation, attitude functions, and
the relation of attitudes to broader values. A large number of studies dealt with the
relation between attitudes and behavior. Research revealing additional moderators of
this relation is reviewed, as are theory and research on the link between intentions
and actions. Most work in this context was devoted to issues raised by the theories
of reasoned action and planned behavior. The present review highlights the nature of
perceived behavioral control, the relative importance of attitudes and subjective norms,
the utility of adding more predictors, and the roles of prior behavior and habit.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
CONCEPTUALIZATION OF ATTITUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Attitude Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Evaluation Versus Affect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
ATTITUDE FORMATION AND ACTIVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Expectancy-Value Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Automatic Attitude Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Affect Versus Cognition as Antecedents of Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Accessibility of Beliefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
ATTITUDE STRENGTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Consequences of Attitude Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
ATTITUDINAL AMBIVALENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Consequences of Ambivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
FUNCTIONS OF ATTITUDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PREDICTION OF BEHAVIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
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December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
the period covered in this review. To the relief of authors, the Annual Review
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
of Psychology now divides this burgeoning field into two separate chapters, one
surveying attitude change, persuasion, and social influence (Wood 2000), and this
chapter, intended to deal with most of the remaining topics: conceptualization of
attitudes, attitude formation and activation, attitude structure and function, and the
attitude-behavior relation. Space limitations confine this review to basic, theory-
oriented research, and to topics not covered in other Annual Review chapters, such
as biases in judgment and decision making (Mellers et al 1998, Johnson-Laird
1999), social cognition and social perception (Fiske 1993), mood and emotion
(Cacioppo & Gardner 1999), the self and self esteem (Demo 1989, Banaji &
Prentice 1994), and stereotypes and prejudice (Hilton & von Hippel 1996), as well
as intra- and inter-group attitudes (Levine & Moreland 1990, Pettigrew 1998). A
new collection of attitude scales in the political domain (Robinson et al 1999)
provides a useful discussion of available instruments.
There is general agreement that attitude represents a summary evaluation of a
psychological object captured in such attribute dimensions as good-bad, harmful-
beneficial, pleasant-unpleasant, and likable-dislikable (Ajzen & Fishbein 2000,
Eagly & Chaiken 1993, Petty et al 1997; an in-depth discussion of issues related
to evaluation can be found in Tesser & Martin 1996; see also Brendl & Higgins
1996). Recent neurological evidence suggests that evaluative judgments differ in
important ways from nonevaluative judgments. Crites & Cacioppo (1996; see
also Cacioppo et al 1996) asked respondents to categorize food items either as
positive versus nonpositive or as vegetable versus nonvegetable. Compared with
the late positive brain potential evoked by nonevaluative categorizations, evaluative
categorizations were found to evoke a potential that was relatively larger over wide
areas of the right than the left scalp regions. So fundamental and ubiquitous are
evaluative reactions to psychological objects that investigators have posited a need
to evaluate (Jarvis & Petty 1996, Petty & Jarvis 1996). Individuals are said to
differ in their chronic tendency to engage in evaluative responding. Jarvis & Petty
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
(1996) developed a 16-item scale to measure this tendency, a scale shown to have
high internal consistency, a single-factor structure, high test-retest reliability, and
convergent and discriminant validity. Compared to respondents with low scores,
respondents high in the need to evaluate were found to be more likely to hold
attitudes toward various social and political issues and to list more evaluative
thoughts about unfamiliar paintings and about a typical day in their lives.
Attitude Objects
The idea that attitudes are dispositions to evaluate psychological objects would
seem to imply that we hold one, and only one, attitude toward any given object or
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issue. Recent work, however, suggests that this may be too simplistic a concep-
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tion. Thus, when attitudes change, the new attitude overrides but may not replace
the old attitude (Wilson et al 2000). According to this model of dual attitudes,
people can simultaneously hold two different attitudes toward a given object in the
same context, one attitude implicit or habitual, the other explicit. Motivation and
capacity are assumed to be required to retrieve the explicit attitude in favor of the
implicit evaluative response.
Depending on perspective, different evaluations of the same object in different
contexts can be considered evidence for multiple attitudes toward the same object,
or attitudes toward different psychological objects. One mechanism for the de-
velopment of different context-dependent attitudes has been found in the presence
of illusory correlations between a target’s behavior and the context in which the
behavior is observed (McConnell et al 1997). These investigators suggest that
some apparent discrepancies between attitudes and behavior may reflect the pres-
ence of multiple context–dependent attitudes toward social targets. In a similar
vein, respondents have been found to hold different attitudes with respect to high
and low relevance versions of the same attitudinal issue (Liberman & Chaiken
Bipolarity of Affect Somewhat beyond the scope of this review, an emerging res-
olution of the controversy regarding bipolarity of affect is worth noting. Findings
reported in the 1960s (e.g. Nowlis 1965) suggested that, contrary to intuition and
theory, positive moods and emotions may be orthogonal to their negative counter-
parts, and many investigators subsequently accepted the relative independence and
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
separability of positive and negative affect (e.g. Cacioppo & Berntson 1994, Ito et al
1998a). In a persuasive reconceptualization and series of experiments, Feldman
Barrett & Russell (1998) and Russell & Carroll (1999) posed a serious challenge
to this view (see also Watson & Tellegen 1999). The apparent independence of
positive and negative affect is shown to be largely an artifact of the methodology
used in empirical investigations. When items are selected to be semantic bipo-
lar opposites of affective experience, to represent the full domain of positive and
negative terms, and to separate high and low levels of activation inherent in the
experience, strong negative correlations between positive and negative affect are
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by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
Critical Issues Despite, or perhaps because of, its popularity, the expectancy-
value model continues to draw critical attention. In a provocative article, Fishbein &
Middlestadt (1995) presented evidence that overall evaluations or attitudes are
indeed based on beliefs and their associated evaluations, and argued that when
noncognitive factors are sometimes found to have a direct effect on attitudes, this
is due to methodological artifacts. A torrent of replies has challenged this conclu-
sion, reaffirming the idea that beliefs are only one possible influence on attitudes
(Haugtvedt 1997, Miniard & Barone 1997, Priester & Fleming 1997, Schwarz
1997; but see Fishbein & Middlestadt 1997 for a rejoinder).
A recurrent issue regarding the expectancy-value model has to do with the rel-
ative importance of different beliefs as determinants of attitude. Assuming that
importance affects accessibility (see Higgins 1996), and hence that only impor-
tant beliefs are likely to be activated spontaneously, the expectancy-value model
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
with this reasoning, the authors noted that their measure of perceived importance
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
may have served primarily to identify the beliefs that were accessible for smokers
and nonsmokers. Indeed, follow-up research (van Harreveld et al 2000) showed
that beliefs judged to be important are more accessible in memory, as indicated by
lower response latencies.
Another concern regarding the expectancy-value model is that the assumed be-
lief × evaluation interaction may misrepresent the cognitive processes involved
in attitude formation. Thus, it has been proposed that beliefs and values may relate
independently to overall attitudes in a process termed double denial (Sjoeberg &
Montgomery 1999). To illustrate, a person with a strong negative attitude toward
drinking alcohol may deny (rate as highly unlikely) that drinking makes you happy,
yet at the same time assign a negative evaluation to “being happy.” When mul-
tiplied in accordance with the expectancy-value model, the product term implies
a relatively favorable attitude toward drinking alcohol, or at least a less negative
attitude than if the likelihood rating had been high. Sjoeberg & Montgomery
(1999) obtained data in support of this phenomenon, in an apparent contradic-
tion of the expectancy-value model. However, according to the expectancy-value
model, when attributes come to be linked to an object in the process of belief
formation, the pre-existing attribute evaluations are associated with the object,
producing an overall positive or negative attitude. It is thus important to assess
attribute evaluations independent of their link to the attitude object. In the above
example, a person who rates “being happy” as negative most likely does so in the
context of drinking alcohol, i.e. the person asserts that being happy as a result of
drinking alcohol is undesirable, not that being happy is bad in general.
Although not dealing directly with attitudes, an interesting perspective on the
interaction between expectancies and values has arisen out of theorizing on regula-
tory focus (Higgins 1987). Shah & Higgins (1997) either measured or manipulated
promotion and prevention focus, and predicted task performance or decisions from
expectancies and values associated with potential outcomes of goal attainment.
Positive expectancies and values generally had the anticipated effects, increasing
goal commitment. However, after entering the expectancy and value measures
as main effects, the added contribution of the interaction varied as a function of
regulatory focus: The interaction term had a significant positive coefficient for
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
exposure times, these primes are found to influence the speed at which subsequent
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target stimuli, usually adjectives, are judged to be good or bad. Judgments are
faster when the valence of the target adjective matches the valence of the prime
(see, however, Glaser & Banaji 1999 for a reversal of this effect in the case of
evaluatively extreme primes).
Initial research tried to demonstrate that attitudes can be automatically acti-
vated, and—more importantly—to establish the conditions necessary for auto-
matic attitude activation. Thus, it was first proposed that attitudes are activated
automatically only by stimuli that elicit a quick, conscious evaluative response
(Fazio et al 1986). Low-conscious evaluation latencies were assumed to indicate
the presence of a strong, chronically accessible attitude amenable to automatic
activation. Subsequent research, however, showed that preconscious automatic
attitude activation is independent of attitude strength, i.e. of the speed at which
conscious evaluations occur (Bargh et al 1992). In fact, it is now clear that au-
tomatic attitude activation occurs even in the absence of an explicit goal to make
evaluative judgments (Bargh et al 1996, Bargh & Chartrand 1999). In the first
of three experiments, explicit evaluation of the target adjectives was removed by
asking participants to simply pronounce the target stimuli as quickly as possible.
Although nonevaluative, these responses were found to be faster when prime and
target valences were congruent rather than incongruent. In the remaining two
experiments, the need to obtain an initial evaluation of the priming stimuli was
obviated by using normative data from previous research. Shorter pronunciation
latencies for target adjectives with prime-congruent valences again confirmed the
automatic attitude activation effect. Moreover, the experiments demonstrated au-
tomatic attitude activation not only for primes with strongly positive and negative
valences, but also for primes with mildly positive and negative valences. Simi-
larly, using drawings of animate and inanimate objects instead of words as primes,
Giner-Sorolla et al (1999) again extended the generality of the automatic evalu-
ation effect to moderately valenced priming stimuli, and to situations that do not
pose evaluation as an explicit processing goal.
If automatic attitude activation seems to be unaffected by degree of accessibility,
a recent series of experiments suggests that it may be moderated by familiarity
with the attitude object (Ottati et al, submitted for publication). Using a variation
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
of the sequential priming paradigm, it was shown that automatic attitude activation
is produced by primes representing well-known positive or negative person types
(e.g. genius, bully) but not by primes representing newly acquired attitude objects
(fictitious persons who performed positive or negative behaviors).
The finding that attitudes are activated automatically has led investigators to
propose that response latencies be used to obtain measures of attitude that are free
of reactive effects, especially when trying to assess racial attitudes or attitudes
toward other socially sensitive issues. Ingenious methods have been developed to
take advantage of reaction times to relevant stimuli, and evidence for the validity
of these methods is becoming available (see Fazio et al 1995, Greenwald & Banaji
1995, Greenwald et al 1998).
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Joint Effects of Affect and Cognition An alternative and by far more popular
position is based on the multi-component view of attitude and assumes that eval-
uations are influenced by cognition as well as affect (see Eagly & Chaiken 1993,
van der Pligt et al 1998). Recent research suggests that the affective and cognitive
components of attitude may differ in accessibility (Verplanken et al 1998b). Par-
ticipants were asked to indicate, on a set of evaluative semantic differential scales,
how they thought versus how they felt about attitude objects in two different do-
mains: brand names and countries. Response times were significantly shorter for
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affective judgments, suggesting that the affective aspects underlying attitudes are
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report their feelings and beliefs with respect to the product. Evaluation of the
trial experience with the hedonic product (the computer game) was found to be
based largely on feelings, whereas for the functional product (grammar checking
program) the evaluation was determined primarily by beliefs about brand attributes.
In sum, it has been found that individuals differ in their reliance on cognition
versus affect as determinants of attitude, and that the two components also take on
different degrees of importance for different attitude objects.
comparably extreme positive information. The negativity bias was again demon-
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Accessibility of Beliefs
According to the expectancy-value model, chronically accessible beliefs provide
the foundation for our current, relatively stable attitudes, but various contextual
factors can temporarily make certain beliefs more readily accessible. Depending
on the valence of these beliefs, the prevailing attitude could shift in either a positive
or negative direction (Ajzen & Sexton 1999). A systematic approach to the relation
between accessibility of beliefs and its effects on attitudes is provided by attitude
representation theory (Lord & Lepper 1999; see also Sia et al 1999), which makes
a strong case for the dependence of evaluation on the subjective representation
of the attitude object. An experimental test of the theory showed that measured
attitudes toward such social categories as politicians, homosexuals, and rock musi-
cians remain relatively stable over time to the extent that the same representations
(exemplars) of the category are accessed on different occasions (Sia et al 1997).
In a somewhat related approach, the goal compatibility framework (Markman &
Brendl 2000) suggests that people evaluate objects in relation to currently active
Perhaps the simplest way to influence people’s accessible beliefs in a positive
or negative direction is to ask them to think about positive or negative aspects
of the attitude object, a directed thinking task that can at least temporarily im-
pact even such a fundamental aspect of personality as self-esteem (McGuire &
McGuire 1996). College students asked to list desirable characteristics they pos-
sess or undesirable characteristics they do not possess expressed more favorable
attitudes toward themselves than did students who were asked to list undesirable
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
were generated (easy task) but no significant difference when seven beliefs were
generated (difficult task). Readers of the same arguments, however, displayed
the intuitively expected pattern: Their attitudes were affected more by seven than
by three arguments. It appears that the attitudes expressed by participants who
generated the arguments took account of the subjective difficulty of the task.
According to temporal construal theory (Liberman & Trope 1998), a goal’s
desirability is represented at an abstract level, whereas the likelihood that the
goal will be attained is construed at a more concrete level. Furthermore, the
value of the abstract aspects of the goal, i.e. the goal’s desirability, increases
with temporal distance from the goal, whereas the value of the concrete aspects,
i.e. its probability, decreases with temporal distance. In a series of experiments,
Liberman and Trope found that people give weight to a goal’s positive aspects (its
desirability) when making decisions for the long term, and to the goal’s negative as-
pects (i.e. its difficulty) when making decisions for the short term. These findings
imply that positive beliefs about the goal are more readily accessible in long-term
decisions, whereas negative beliefs predominate in short-term decisions.
Studying impression formation, Wojciszke et al (1998) distinguished between
morality- and competence-related beliefs. Personality traits related to morality
(e.g. sincere, generous) were found to be more chronically accessible than traits re-
lated to competence (e.g. intelligent, foresighted): Many more morality than com-
petence traits were emitted spontaneously as being important in others. Consistent
with this finding, global impressions of real persons were better predicted from
beliefs about morality-related traits than from beliefs about competence-related
traits, and attitudes toward fictitious persons were based more on the morality than
on the competence of their behaviors.
An interesting finding regarding the accessibility of beliefs comes from re-
search on the effects of alcohol on behavioral decisions. According to the alco-
hol myopia hypothesis (Steele & Josephs 1990), alcohol consumption decreases
cognitive capacity so that intoxicated individuals are likely to attend to the most
salient cues in a situation. In laboratory and field experiments (MacDonald et al
1996), intoxicated participants indicated a greater likelihood of engaging in un-
protected sex than did sober participants and, in support of the alcohol myopia
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
hypothesis, they were more likely to endorse beliefs that provide justifications for
unprotected sex.
In short, personal and contextual factors combine to increase or decrease the
accessibility of different kinds of beliefs, with potentially important ramifications
for evaluative judgments and behavioral decisions.
Strong attitudes are thought to have a number of interesting qualities. They are
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ative aspects of their attitudes. Resistance to change was, in both studies, assessed
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by observing reactions to a counter argument, and in the second study also by sta-
bility over a two-week period. The results of multiple regression analyses showed
that resistance to change was affected only by the operative measures of attitude
strength; the meta-attitudinal measures did not account for unique variance.
A possible clue to the inferiority of the subjective or meta-attitudinal measures
of attitude strength can be found in a study by Haddock et al (1996), who showed
that the subjective experience of attitude strength is quite malleable. After express-
ing their attitudes toward doctor-assisted suicide, college students were asked to
list either three or seven arguments pro or counter their own positions. This was
followed by several questions designed to assess subjective attitude strength. As
might be expected, participants found it easier to generate three as compared to
seven arguments. They then apparently used the ease of argument generation to
infer the strength of their attitudes. Attitude importance, intensity, and certainty
were judged greater when generation of arguments in favor of one’s position was
relatively easy (three pro arguments) and when generation of arguments opposed to
one’s position was relatively difficult (seven con arguments). Interestingly, these
findings were obtained only when subjective attitude strength was assessed in terms
of importance, intensity, and certainty, not when attitude strength was measured in
terms of frequency of thinking or knowledge concerning the issue. Furthermore,
in a subsequent experiment, ease of argument retrieval was found to have no effect
on subjective certainty for individuals with relatively extreme attitudes (Haddock
et al 1999). These findings again support the relative independence of different
aspects of attitude strength.
A similar conclusion emerged in another series of studies concerning the effects
of attitude strength on temporal stability (Prislin 1996). Undergraduates expressed
their attitudes toward affirmative action, euthanasia, and legalized abortion on two
occasions. Different dimensions of attitude strength were found to predict the sta-
bility of these different attitudes. Generalized attitude strength ( judged certainty,
importance, vested interest, frequency of thought, experience, knowledge) moder-
ated the stability of attitudes toward affirmative action, with strong attitudes being
more stable than weak attitudes; internal consistency of the attitude (evaluative-
cognitive and evaluative-affective consistencies) moderated stability of attitudes
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
toward euthanasia; and attitude extremity affected the stability of attitudes toward
legalized abortion.
Lavine et al (1998a) showed that attitude strength moderates the susceptibility
of attitudes to item context effects in surveys, with relatively weak attitudes being
more susceptible to context effects than relatively strong attitudes. However, this
finding was obtained only with a multi-item aggregate measure of attitude strength
(containing measures of importance, certainty, extremity, frequency of thought,
intensity, and ambivalence), not when a single item was used to assess attitude
The strength of evaluative reactions has proven to be an important characteristic
of attitudes, but its multidimensional nature is proving to be a serious obstacle to
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2001.52:27-58. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
importance of the issue, extremity of the attitude, its stability over time, certainty
in one’s position, vested interest, involvement, affective-cognitive consistency,
knowledge about the issue, frequency of thinking about it, and—consistent with
Fazio’s (Fazio et al 1986, Fazio & Towles-Schwen 1999) theorizing—latency of
conscious, deliberate responses to attitudinal inquiries (see Krosnick et al 1993,
Petty & Krosnick 1995). Yet, research continues to reveal only weak relations
among these dimensions of attitude strength, and different measures tend to pro-
duce conflicting research findings.
Consequences of Ambivalence
Holding ambivalent attitudes has been shown to affect judgments and behavior
in profound ways. Thus, although equal in stability over time, relatively nonam-
bivalent attitudes toward eating a low-fat diet were found to be more predictive of
subsequent intentions and behavior than ambivalent attitudes, and they were also
more resistant to a persuasive communication (Armitage & Conner 2000b; see also
Conner et al 1998b). However, this may hold only for attitudes toward familiar
objects or issues. Arguing that ambivalence decreases people’s confidence in their
attitudes toward behaviors involving the attitude object, Jonas et al (1997) pos-
tulated that ambivalent attitudes are associated with more systematic information
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processing and hence, predict intentions better than nonambivalent attitudes. Two
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
are the value-expressive function of attitudes, the knowledge function, the ego-
defensive function, the social-adjustive function, and the utilitarian function
(see e.g. Murray et al 1996). The operation of some of these functions has been
investigated in recent studies.
In a laboratory experiment, Chen & Bargh (1999) demonstrated that positive
and negative evaluations serve to orient people toward approach and avoidance,
respectively. Participants exposed to positive words responded faster when in-
structed to pull a lever toward them than to push it away, whereas the reverse
pattern was observed for participants exposed to negative words.
Attitudinal function can be associated with positions on social issues
(cf. Reeder & Pryor 1999). Studying the functions of attitudes toward lifting
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the ban on homosexuals in the military, Wyman & Snyder (1997) examined ego-
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defensive beliefs (e.g. “Admitting gays to the military would create many more
problems of unwelcome sexual advances”) and value-expressive beliefs (e.g. “Ho-
mosexuality is wrong and this policy would be condoning it”). Respondents who
approved of lifting the ban rejected ego-defensive reasons for keeping it and they
endorsed value-expressive reasons to lift it. Conversely, respondents opposed to
lifting the ban endorsed ego-defensive and value-expressive reasons for keeping
the ban and rejected value-expressive reasons to lift it. Approaching this issue in
the context of the expectancy-value model, Demski & McGlynn (1999) showed
that attitudes toward parolees were based primarily on beliefs related to the instru-
mental or utilitarian function (i.e. practical concerns) rather than to beliefs related
to the value-expressive function (i.e. moral or symbolic concerns).
An attitude’s functional basis has been shown to influence the extent to which
people process function-consistent and function-inconsistent information (Petty &
Wegener 1998). College students preselected to be high or low in self-monitoring
tendency were exposed to a message that matched or mismatched the functional
basis of their attitudes toward common products: an image appeal for high self-
monitors and a quality appeal for low self-monitors, or vice versa. To examine
depth of information processing, the message contained either strong or weak
arguments. The strength of the arguments had a greater impact on attitudes toward
the products when they matched rather than mismatched the functional basis of
the attitude and, in a second study, this difference was especially pronounced for
individuals low in need for cognition.
Results across studies were inconsistent, and the overall effect was weak. Attitude
structure and motivation to process attitude-relevant information were found to be
of possible significance in understanding the inconsistent findings. In line with
this suggestion, amount of prior knowledge combined with high fear of AIDS
was found to bias processing of information relevant to risk estimates, enabling
respondents to defend their existing views regarding the risk of contracting AIDS
(Biek et al 1996).
Attitudes and Values Favorable valences associated with such abstract concepts
as freedom and equality are known as values. Interest in the measurement and
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beliefs supported by a very limited cognitive foundation (Maio & Olson 1998).
Consistent with this assumption, asking participants to analyze their reasons for
holding such values as altruism and equality caused them to change their ratings
of these values. Moreover, this change was observed only when participants were
not provided with cognitive support for their values.
General values, once activated, are assumed to influence evaluations of specific
objects and events (Feather 1996). Indeed, broad values, as assessed by Schwartz’s
(1992) survey instrument, have been found to be related to food preferences in
different contexts (Feather et al 1998). Similarly, the values of security through
order, humanistic and expressive concerns, and religiosity and personal restraint
are related to liberal versus conservative attitudes (Braithwaite 1998; see also
Braithwaite 1997), and values of communalism and the work ethic predict attitudes
toward welfare (P Kulesa & AH Eagly, unpublished). On a somewhat narrower
scale, attitudes toward fat people were found to be linked to strong value placed on
responsibility for one’s actions in the United States, but not in Mexico (Crandall &
Martinez 1996).
The functional approach to attitudes has so far held out more promise than it has
been able to deliver. Attempts to link the functional basis of attitudes to processing
of function-relevant information may help to integrate work on attitudinal functions
with other theory and research on attitude formation and change.
The ability of attitudes to predict behavioral intentions and overt behavior con-
tinues to be a major focus of theory and research. By far the greatest number of
publications on a single topic were concerned with this issue.
produced in relation to an issue, Prislin & Ouellette (1996) found that highly
embedded attitudes toward preservation of the environment were more strongly
related to an aggregate measure of behavioral intentions than were low-embedded
attitudes. Also dealing with environmental issues, Schultz & Oskamp (1996) de-
termined that the relation between concern about the environment and recycling
behavior increased, as expected, to the extent that the behavior required effort on the
part of the participant. Others have investigated the effects on the attitude-behavior
relation of prior experience and thought (Millar & Millar 1998), cognitive load
and positive mood (Blessum et al 1998), direct and indirect experience (Millar &
Millar 1996), and the accessibility of alternative actions (Posavac et al 1997).
Returning to a theme of the 1970s, several studies dealt with the moderating
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2001.52:27-58. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
as well as response latency (accessibility) were found to increase the impact of atti-
tudes on product choices. Involvement also took central stage in an exchange about
the role of vested interest in political behavior (Crano 1997a,b; Sears 1997). Con-
trary to earlier research that reported limited impact of vested interest on political
attitudes and actions, Crano (1997b) presented data to show that vested interest—
although uncorrelated with attitude valence—does affect the strength of the relation
between attitudes and behavior. In response, Sears (1997) contended that the mod-
erating effects of vested interest tend to be relatively small and restricted largely to
the daily lives of college students. According to Sears, symbolic aspects of an atti-
tude (ideology and values evoked by the attitude object) take on greater significance
in the public arena where they overshadow the impact of narrow self-interest.
Schomers 1996), wearing a safety helmet (Quine et al 1998), using dental floss
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
Attitudes Versus Norms Another issue has to do with the relative contributions
of attitudes and subjective norms to the prediction of intentions. Relying on
within-subjects analyses across 30 different behaviors, Trafimow & Finlay (1996;
see also Finlay et al 1997, 1999) confirmed that individuals differ in the relative
weights they place on attitudes and subjective norms, and that the weights of
these predictors also vary across behaviors. At the group level, workers’ turnover
intentions were, as might be expected, more under the influence of subjective
norms in a collectivist culture (Japan) than in an individualistic culture (Britain)
(Abrams et al 1998). Similarly, the intentions of general medical practitioners to
refer Asian patients to mental health services were more under control of subjective
norms, whereas their intentions to refer non-Asian patients were more under the
control of attitudinal considerations (Conner & Heywood-Everett 1998). In an
experimental analogue, Ybarra & Trafimow (1998) primed the accessibility of
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
either the private or the collective self. Intentions to use condoms during sexual
intercourse were more under the control of attitudes in the former condition and
more under control of subjective norms in the latter. Similarly, intentions to avoid
exposure to the sun were influenced by the perceived norms of a reference group
among respondents who strongly identified with the group, whereas among low
identifiers, personal attitudes were a better predictor (Terry & Hogg 1996).
In a study on the effects of mood (Armitage et al 1999) it was found that attitudes
influenced intentions to use condoms and to eat low-fat foods after induction of a
negative mood, whereas subjective norms influenced these behaviors in a positive
mood condition. Intentions to eat sweets showed a consistent pattern of gender
differences: women’s intentions were under the influence of both attitudes and
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2001.52:27-58. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
Sufficiency Many studies challenge the assumption that the predictors in the the-
ory of planned behavior are sufficient to account for intentions and behavior. This
is done by including measures of additional variables in the prediction equation
and showing significant improvement in the prediction of intentions or behavior
(see Conner & Armitage 1998 for a review). Thus, several investigations showed
that the inclusion of a measure of self-identity can account for additional variance
in adherence to a low-fat diet (Armitage & Conner 1999a,b; Sparks & Guthrie
1998) and in marijuana use (Conner & McMillan 1999). Other studies demon-
strated improved prediction of environmentally relevant behavior with the addition
of personal or moral norms (Harland et al 1999; see also Kristiansen & Hotte 1996
and Manstead 2000 for a general discussion) and improved prediction of playing
the lottery and of precautionary sexual behavior with the addition of anticipated
regret (Richard et al 1998, Sheeran & Orbell 1999a; see also van der Pligt et al
1998). Measures of personality traits also improved prediction (Courneya et al
1999a), but the addition of various demographic variables did not (Albarracin
et al 1997). In general, however, even when improvements were found, for the most
part the improvements in prediction of intentions or behavior were relatively minor,
and their generalizability to other behavioral domains has yet to be demonstrated.
Past Behavior Related to the question of sufficiency is the role of past behavior.
Based on the assumption that frequent performance of a behavior leads to the
formation of a habit, and that habits can influence behavior independent of attitudes
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
and intentions, theorists have proposed that frequency of past behavior be added
to our predictive models (e.g. Bentler & Speckart 1979, Triandis 1977; see also
Ouellette & Wood 1998). Several investigators have tested this idea by including
a measure of past conduct in the theory of planned behavior and have shown
that doing so can help account for a substantial portion of additional variance in
intentions or actual behavior (e.g. Conner et al 1999, O’Callaghan et al 1999). For
example, in a study of travel mode choice, prediction of car use from intentions
and perceptions of behavioral control was significantly improved by the addition
of past car use (Verplanken et al 1998a). More importantly, this study revealed
a significant interaction between intention and past behavior. When the relation
between intention and behavior was examined separately for respondents with
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2001.52:27-58. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
high, moderate, and low levels of past car use, it was significant only at the lowest
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
use level (see also Verplanken et al 1997). This finding suggests that intentions
may become largely irrelevant when a behavior has been performed many times,
i.e. when it has become habitual.
The prediction of studying intentions and behavior among college students was
also shown to benefit from the inclusion of a measure of past behavior (Leone et al
1999). This study found, however, that the contribution of past behavior declined
when perceived behavioral control was included in the prediction equation. Con-
sistent with this finding, perceived behavioral control was shown to mediate the
impact of similar past behaviors on acceptance of hormone replacement therapy
(Quine & Rubin 1997).
In short, the frequency with which a behavior has been performed in the past
tends to correlate well with later actions. Although there is some indication that
this relation may be mediated in part by perceived behavioral control, neither this
variable nor intentions completely explain the link between prior and later behavior.
Some investigators have interpreted these findings to mean that behavior has come
at least in part under the control of automatic processes or habits (e.g. Aarts &
Dijksterhuis 2000, Aarts et al 1998, Ouellette & Wood 1998). However, this is not
the only possible interpretation. Frequency of past behavioral performance may
capture and reflect a number of psychological processes or variables other than
habituation (see Ajzen & Fishbein 2000 for a discussion).
a schema relevant for dieting were found to exhibit stronger relations between
dieting intentions and behavior than did aschematic participants (Kendzierski &
Whitaker 1997); easily accessible voting intentions were better predictors of voting
choice than intentions with longer response latencies (Bassili 1995); and intentions
based on attitudes tended to predict performance of everyday behaviors better than
did intentions based on subjective norms (Sheeran et al 1999a).
Examination of the last four years of basic research on the nature and operation
of attitudes reveals continued interest in the major themes of the past. We can see
definite progress in some areas, but—as might be expected—no groundbreaking
developments in such a short period of time. The ubiquity and importance of
evaluative reactions were reaffirmed, with increased emphasis being placed on
automatic processes in attitude formation and activation. Evaluative reactions
have been shown to occur without awareness, even in the absence of conscious
intent to evaluate a stimulus object. The expectancy-value model of attitudes has
continued to provide a useful framework for research on attitude formation and
organization, but the debate over the cognitive versus affective basis of attitudes has
yet to be completely resolved. The research reviewed found that the contributions
of affect and cognition to overall evaluation vary with the attitude object and as
a function of individual differences. Research has continued to explore the role
of attitude strength, revealing again the problematic, multidimensional nature of
December 12, 2000 12:44 Annual Reviews AR120-02
theories of reasoned action and planned behavior. There is now little doubt that
by UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO on 08/24/05. For personal use only.
these theories can be usefully employed in various domains, but specific aspects
continue to draw critical attention. Research has shown that a distinction can be
drawn between perceived controllability and perceived difficulty of performing a
behavior (self-efficacy) and that the latter may be a more important antecedent of
intentions and actions; that the relative contributions of attitudes and subjective
norms vary across behaviors and subject populations; that other predictors may
have to be added to the theory; and that behavior may contain automatic, habitual
aspects not accounted for in models of reasoned action.
I would like to thank Jim Averill for his helpful comments on an earlier draft.
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Annual Review of Psychology
Volume 52, 2001
SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY: An Agentic Perspective, Albert
Bandura 1
META-ANALYSIS: Recent Developments in Quantitative Methods for
Literature Reviews, R. Rosenthal, M. R. DiMatteo 59
ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, Laurence Steinberg, Amanda
Sheffield Morris 83
Pearce, Mark E. Bouton 111
on Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being, Richard M. Ryan, Edward L.
Deci 141
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2001.52:27-58. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org