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12-18 18:28:32.911 1893 5098 E ActivityManager: 1.7% 1321/media.

swcodec: 1%
user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 3377 minor
12-18 19:19:24.019 1893 2973 E ActivityManager: 0.4% 1321/media.swcodec: 0.2%
user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 1137 minor 43 major
12-19 02:15:50.371 1893 1917 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
13210,uid: 10173
12-19 09:35:12.159 13212 13212 E stagram.androi: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-19 09:35:12.856 13212 13240 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current
context (logged once per thread)
12-19 09:35:12.856 13212 13240 I chatty : uid=10220(com.instagram.android)
identical 1 line
12-19 09:35:12.856 13212 13240 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current
context (logged once per thread)
12-19 09:35:12.883 13212 13240 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current
context (logged once per thread)
12-19 09:35:13.401 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:13.401 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:13.894 13212 13314 E msys : E[N
mns]_RemoveConnectionIfNoOngoingTransactions(214)=>T164985276 Calling
MNSHTTPConnectionClose() 0x730d938f00
12-19 09:35:13.904 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:13.904 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:14.924 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:14.924 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:15.106 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: deserialize start
12-19 09:35:15.107 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: start reading pending
12-19 09:35:15.112 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: Set the submedia on
12-19 09:35:15.112 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: Set the submedia on
post threads
12-19 09:35:15.112 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: Set the submedia on
story templates
12-19 09:35:15.112 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: deserialize is done.
start calling callbacks
12-19 09:35:15.112 13212 13376 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: deserialize end
12-19 09:35:15.528 13212 13212 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: wait for
deserialization lock
12-19 09:35:15.529 13212 13212 E PendingMediaStoreSerializer: calling callbacks
12-19 09:35:15.549 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 0ms: InstagramAppShell
12-19 09:35:15.550 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 280ms: SecureFileProvider
12-19 09:35:15.550 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 297ms:
FirstPartyUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating…
12-19 09:35:15.550 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 297ms:
AsyncFamilyAppsUserValuesProvider instantiating…
12-19 09:35:15.550 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 299ms:
AsyncInstagramPhoneIdProvider instantiating…
12-19 09:35:15.550 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 308ms: FileProvider
12-19 09:35:15.551 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 338ms:
DeferredCurrentUserProvider instantiating…
12-19 09:35:15.551 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 349ms: InstallReferrerProvider
12-19 09:35:15.551 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 350ms:
IgLoggedInUsersContentProvider instantiating…
12-19 09:35:15.551 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: 352ms: AndroidXAppInitializer
12-19 09:35:15.551 13212 13212 E SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
3002ms in the background starting with InstagramAppShell
12-19 09:35:15.804 13212 13398 E msys : E[D
decrypt]MCIDatabaseFileManagerDecryptDB(297)=>Encryption handlers not registered.
12-19 09:35:15.879 13212 13376 E ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskStart BACKGROUND
modules: [pytorch]
12-19 09:35:15.938 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:15.938 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:16.304 13212 13398 E msys : E[S
sync]MCDUtilsCreateSyncGroupsByIdQuery(493)=>Unable to find sync group 104 by
database ID
12-19 09:35:16.324 13212 13399 E msys : E[N
rtchannel]_rt_mqtt_bridge_bootstrap_callback(967)=>Failed to boot stap bridged mqtt
channel. RT error code:2002 token:-2
12-19 09:35:16.326 13212 13399 E msys : E[N
rtchannel]_rt_mqtt_bridge_bootstrap_callback(967)=>Failed to boot stap bridged mqtt
channel. RT error code:2002 token:-3
12-19 09:35:16.428 13212 13376 E ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onLoadBatchStart
BACKGROUND modules: [pytorch]
12-19 09:35:16.439 13212 13376 E ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onLoadBatchComplete
exception: null BACKGROUND modules: [pytorch]
12-19 09:35:16.585 13212 13392 E msys : E[ADNSUCTIMH
current:724646116.00, execute:724646114.00 device current:724646116.59
12-19 09:35:16.958 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:16.958 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:17.563 13212 13412 E ActionQueryTaskListener: 0 onTaskComplete
[true,false,] BACKGROUND modules: [pytorch]
12-19 09:35:17.978 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:17.978 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:18.998 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:18.998 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:20.018 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:20.018 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:21.038 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:21.038 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:22.058 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:22.058 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:23.080 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: /proc/zoneinfo open: errno=13
12-19 09:35:23.080 13212 13285 E nightwatch-target: sysmeminfo parse failed
12-19 09:35:32.798 13212 13411 E msys : E[N mccw.liger]onEOF(515)=>read/eof
12-19 09:35:32.798 13212 13399 E msys : E[N
WA]_WCCXMPPStreamDisconnectHandler(244)=>xmpp/disconnect: Error
Domain=MCCWLigerStream Code=4
12-19 09:40:15.704 1893 2076 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{579de3c
13212:com.instagram.android/u0a220} is attached to a previous process
12-19 09:40:15.705 1893 2076 E ActivityManager: Already have existing proc
ProcessRecord{579de3c 13212:com.instagram.android/u0a220} when adding
ProcessRecord{d0d6f9f 0:com.instagram.android/u0a220}
12-19 09:40:15.707 1893 1934 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{579de3c
13212:com.instagram.android/u0a220} refused to die, but we need to launch
ProcessRecord{d0d6f9f 0:com.instagram.android/u0a220}
12-19 09:40:15.851 1893 1935 E libprocessgroup: Error encountered killing process
cgroup uid 10220 pid 13212: Permission denied
12-19 09:40:15.856 1893 1917 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
13212,uid: 10220
12-19 09:41:25.840 610 10620 E mm-camera: <IFACE ><ERROR> 2423:
iface_axi_handle_sof_event: Event SOF session 2 VFE1, src 0 with frame_id 23592 ts:
12-19 09:41:27.186 610 10566 E QCamera : <MCI><ERROR> mm_stream_read_msm_frame:
1766: VIVO VIDIOC_DQBUF buf_index 7, frame_idx 23623, stream type 7, rc 0,queued:
17, buf_type = 0 flags = 8192 FD = 70 my_num 0 buf fd 123,tv_sec -
1089516293813219880,tv_nsec 73014452224
12-19 09:41:57.587 1321 3531 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:58.006 1321 3531 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:58.454 1321 18108 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:58.798 1321 18108 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:58.965 1321 24806 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:59.283 1321 18108 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:59.578 1321 10356 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:41:59.891 1321 10356 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:00.079 1321 21383 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:00.356 1321 24806 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:00.721 1321 18108 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:01.024 1321 21383 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:02.683 1321 21383 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:03.074 1321 18108 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:03.405 1321 10356 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:03.735 1321 24806 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:03.977 1321 3477 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:04.231 1321 18108 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:04.231 1321 18108 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:04.258 1321 18108 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:04.258 1321 18108 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:04.293 1273 14369 I _V_CCodec: int32_t max-input-size = 413214
12-19 09:42:04.299 1273 14369 D CCodec : client requested max input size 413214,
which is smaller than what component recommended (2097152); overriding with
component recommendation.
12-19 09:42:04.348 1321 15979 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:04.350 1321 14374 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:04.426 31307 31321 W System : A resource failed to call close.
12-19 09:42:04.640 1321 14375 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:04.640 1321 14375 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:04.658 1321 15979 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:04.658 1321 15979 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:04.706 1321 15979 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:04.709 1321 14383 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:04.927 1321 15979 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:04.927 1321 15979 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:04.939 1321 15979 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:04.939 1321 15979 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:05.010 1321 3493 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:05.011 1321 14393 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:05.129 1321 15979 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:05.129 1321 15979 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:05.145 1321 15979 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:05.145 1321 15979 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:05.209 1321 3493 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:05.210 1321 14406 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:05.432 1321 9135 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:05.432 1321 9135 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:05.452 1321 9135 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:05.452 1321 9135 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:05.535 1321 3493 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:05.537 1321 14414 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:05.686 1321 3493 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:05.687 1321 3493 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:05.873 1321 3493 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:05.873 1321 3493 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:05.936 1321 9135 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:05.943 1321 14429 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:06.046 1321 9135 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:06.046 1321 9135 V C2Store : unloading dll
12-19 09:42:06.153 1321 14375 V C2Store : in init
12-19 09:42:06.153 1321 14375 V C2Store : loading dll
12-19 09:42:06.210 1321 9135 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
12-19 09:42:06.213 1321 14438 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 1 => got 1 - 0
12-19 09:42:06.269 1321 14375 V C2Store : in ~ComponentModule
12-19 09:42:06.269 1321 14375 V C2Store : unloading dll

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