9 Func Lang Prac Making A Complaint 1-1

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9 Functional Language Practice: Making a complaint

1 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below.

broken ​give refunds ​going to write ​have my money ​
not happy ​receipt ​there’s a problem ​what’s wrong

Sales Assistant Hello, can I help you?

Customer Yes, I bought this games console yesterday and
with it.
Sales Assistant Oh dear, 2
with it?
Customer The on/off button is 3 .
Sales Assistant Ah yes, I can see that.
Customer Can I 4 back, please?
Sales Assistant Have you got the 5 ?
Customer No, I haven’t. I threw it away.
Sales Assistant Well, I’m afraid we don’t 6 without
a receipt.
Customer I’m 7 about that. This console cost me
£250 and now it doesn’t work.
Sales Assistant I’m sorry, but that’s our policy.
Customer I’m 8 to your head office. I think this
is terrible!

2 Act out the dialogue in pairs.

3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Practise a dialogue in a shop and then perform it to the class.
Student A You are the customer. Choose one of the problems below or use your
own ideas and complain to the sales assistant.
•• A smartphone – the charger doesn’t work
•• A laptop – the USB drive is broken
•• A pair of jeans – they shrank (got smaller) after the first wash
•• A camera – the lens is scratched
•• A bag – the zip is broken
•• An e-book reader – the screen is broken
Student B You are the sales assistant. Find out when the item was bought.
Ask if the customer has got a receipt. Offer to refund / exchange / repair the item.

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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