Attached Declaration
Attached Declaration
Attached Declaration
I, CHRISTINA STAVRAKIS, am the Respondent in this mentioned matter hereby declare the following; I AM THE BIOLOGICAL MOTHER of minor daughter DIMITRIA FELIX, born on 8/14/2006, age 4. THE PETITIONER IS THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER of the above mentioned minor daughter. I presently resided with our minor daughter at 8477 Suva St., in the City Of Downey, in the County Of Los Angeles.
On or about 3/07/201 the petitioner and I terminated our relationship. On or about 3/30/2011 filed and ordered by this Court is a CRIMINAL PROTECTIVE ORDER-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, CASE # FV11100585, against the Petitioner. I do not agree or consent to the order requested by the petitioner for Sole Legal and Physical Custody of our minor Daughter based on the following reasons; Petitioner is not gainfully employed nor has the responsible capability of providing for our minor daughter. Due to the continued physical and emotional abuse and unhealthy living environment for our daughter and my son, who is 11 years of age who is not biologically related to the petitioner. Petitioner has been very manipulative person not only with me but towards the minor children as well. At this moment I feel his abuse of the legal system and Courts time is yet another attempt to adversely affect my life. The petitioner has had multiple felony convictions for the following; 14601.1(A),16028(A),12500(A)10851(A) of the Vehicle Code; 11550(A),11378 of the Health and Safety Code; 273.5(A),496,12020(A),12021(A)(1) of the Penal Code, not to mention an array of arrests involving serious and violent felony crimes that were dismissed in lieu of plea agreements.
My intention is not to keep our daughter away from seeing the petitioner, due to our daughters crying to see her Father, I have made an effort to keep that bond between father and daughter, who I have not spoken to Or seen since this order. In #14 of protective order it states peaceful contact for the safe exchange of children. Which I have provided to The petitioner through his mother CAROL SALCIDO and the petitioners brother DANIEL SALCIDO. I have driven 140 miles round trip just so that our daughter could visit the petitioner. The petitioner has not made one attempt to make this peaceful contact for the exchange of our child.
At this time I do not agree or consent to the petitioners request of the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. THEREFORE I am requesting the court to grant me and I consent to the following; 1. SOLE LEGAL AND PHYSICAL CUSTODY to Mother CHRISTINA STAVRAKIS. 2. PRIMEMARY CARETAKER of minor daughter to Mother CHRISTINA STAVRAKIS 3. CHILD VISITATION of minor daughter to the PETITIONER as follows; a. Mediation to assist in working out a visiting schedule for Father. b. SUPERVISED visitation until the petitioner enters and completes a parenting class. c. Petitioner enters and completes a DOMESTIC VIOLENT CLASS. I AM able to provide the necessities of life for my daughter; I am gainfully employed and prove this to the court. I ask the court to grant me the above mentioned requests in the best interest of my daughter DEMITRIA FELIX.