2023-2024 1st Semestral Accomplishment Report Macalnas

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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

Marawi City




Department NURSING



Academic Rank/ Designation


No. of
Course No. Course Title Time Days Sec. Units

MSN 297.1 Practicum (Nursing Administration) TBA M-F A 4.5 10

Community Health Nursing 1 (Ind and 1:00 PM –

NSG 121 Th B 2 20
Fam) LEC – Vv1 (D) 2:30 PM

Community Health Nursing 1 (Ind and 10:00 AM –

NSG 121 Th D 2 29
Fam) LEC – Xx (B) 11:30 AM

4:00 PM –
NSG 107.1 Nursing Informatics LAB – Zz (A1) TTh A1 3 19
5:30 PM

4:00 PM –
NSG 107.1 Nursing Informatics LAB – Hh1 (C2) MW C2 3 15
5:30 PM

2:30 PM –
NSG 107.1 Nursing Informatics LAB – Gg1 (D2) MW D2 3 8
4:00 PM

7:00 AM –
NSG 128.5 RHU RLE Duty S-W A2 3 11
3:00 PM

7:00 AM –
NSG 128.5 RHU RLE Duty S-W B2 3 12
3:00 PM

7:00 AM –
NSG 128.5 RHU RLE Duty S-W A4 3 12
3:00 PM

7:00 AM –
NSG 128.5 RHU RLE Duty S-W D3 3 13
3:00 PM


Consultation Hours Venue

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

List of Titles



E. ACTED AS THESIS ADVISER for 1st sem 2022-2023

Date Title of the Research/Thesis being advised



Extension Activities Location Date





I. PHOTO DOCUMENTATION (Kindly attach supporting photos/screenshots of the class record and other
evidence for documentation purposes)

Date accomplished: JANUARY 15, 2024

Signature over printed name

Received by:


College Secretary

Noted by:

Dr. Athena Jalaliyah D. Lawi, RN, MN, MAN

Dean of the College
Republic of the Philippines
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, 9700
NSG 121

MISSION: MSU System aspires to be a Center of Excellence in Instruction, Research and Extension transforming itself into a premier and globally competitive
national peace university.


VISION: MSU System is committed to:
1. Lead in social transformation through peace and education and integration of the Muslims and other cultural minority groups into the
mainstream society;
2. Ensure excellence in instruction, research development, innovation, extension, and environmental education and discovery;
3. Advance national and international linkages through collaboration and,
4. Demonstrate greater excellence, relevance, and inclusiveness for Mindanao and the Filipino nation.

GOALS: 1. To continue offering high quality and relevant programs in health.

2. To develop new programs to meet the health needs of the communities in the MINSUPALA Region and the country in general.
3. To act as catalyst through its graduates and college manpower in inculcating values of health, sanitation, health promotion, illness prevention
and alleviation of suffering of the infirmed and handicapped.
4. To conduct research studies and makes data available to concerned/involved population in order to spur health development.
5. To engage in extension and consultancy, health manpower training and other services that would support the growth of the community.

OBJECTIVES: The College of Health Sciences is dedicated to develop a health worker who:
1. Possesses self-discipline, moral integrity and knowledge of the ethico-legal aspect of the profession.
2. Develops sensitive awareness of health needs and problems in the communities he/she serves.
3. Possesses caring behavior, nationalistic outlook, critical ability and competence in the exercise of his/her profession.
4. Utilizes nursing process in assisting individuals, family and community towards health maintenance, illness prevention, health promotion,
restoration, and alleviation of sufferings.
5. Possesses knowledge, skills and attitude in research with the end view of utilizing research findings.
6. Participate in the community development through extension services.
7. Applies management concepts in the work setting as a leader or member of a team.
A. Course Information

Course Number NSG 121

Course Title Community Health Nursing 1 (Individual and Family as Clients)
Course Description This course deals with concepts, principles, theories, and techniques in the provision of basic care in terms of health promotion, disease
prevention, restoration and maintenance and rehabilitation at the individual and family level. It includes the study of the Philippine Health Care
Delivery System, national health situation and the global context of public health. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate, and
holistic nursing care to individual and family as clients in community setting utilizing the nursing process.
Course Credit Theory: 2 units (36 hours)
Placement 2nd Year, 1st Semester
Co-requisites NSG 121.2
Self-Directed Learning Independent study (20-30%)
Level Outcomes At the end of the 2nd year, given a normal and high risk mother and newborn, child, family, communities and population groups in any health
care setting, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process.

Course Requirements Journal Sharing/ Critiquing, Long Exams, Individual & Group Projects and Activities, Quizzes, Class Participation, Portfolio, and Case Studies
(lifted from MSU-CHS Student Handbook Revised 2018, pp.26-27)
Long Exams------------------------------------------------------------30%
Preliminary Examination----------------------------30%
Midterm Examination--------------------------------30%
Final Examination------------------------------------40%
Quizzes/ Individual & Group Activities/ Projects ---------------40%
Requirements/ Assignments-----------------------------------------20%
Attendance/ Class Participation-------------------------------------10%

Grading System MSU Grading System Standard Grading MSU Grading System Standard Grading
1.00 - 97 – 100 2.25 - 82 – 84
1.25 - 94 – 96 2.50 - 79 – 81
1.50 - 91 – 93 2.75 - 76 – 78
1.75 - 88 – 90 3.00 - 75
2.00 - 85 – 87 5.00 - 74 and below
B. Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes and Philippine Professional Nursing Practice Standards Mapping

Program Outcomes UPDATED Emphasis

Common to all Programs

a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. Introduced

b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino. Practiced

c. Work effectively and independently in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. Demonstrated

d. Demonstrate professional, social, ethical, and environmental responsibility specially in practicing intellectual property rights. Practiced

e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage.” Practiced

f. Advocate peace in multicultural setting. Practiced

g. Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of nursing theories. Practiced

Common to Health Professionals

a. Demonstrates clinical competence in specific profession. Practiced

b. Observes ethical conduct in the practice of the professions. Practiced

c. Pursues interprofessional education. Demonstrated

d. Communicates effectively skills orally and in writing. Practiced

e. Engages in self-directed lifelong learning. Demonstrated

f. Assumes leadership and management role. Demonstrated

g. Promotes the use of health systems approach in the delivery of health care. Practiced

h. Participates in the conduct of research. Practiced

i. Acts as a social advocate/mobilizer. Practiced

1. Apply knowledge of  Apply knowledge of  Integrate principles and A1.2 Demonstrates appropriate 2.1 Explains health needs of Practiced
physical, social, natural, physical, social, concepts of physical, knowledge and skills based on clients;
and health sciences and natural, health social, natural and health health/illness status of
humanities in the sciences, and sciences and humanities in individual, families, 2.2 Provides holistic care across
practice of nursing. humanities in the care a given health and nursing population groups and/or lifespan; and
of individual and situation. communities.
family in the  Discuss appropriate 2.3 Uses appropriate skills in the
community setting. community health nursing care of clients.
concepts and actions
holistically and A1.3 Provides sound decision 3.1 Gathers data related to the
comprehensively. making in the care of health condition taking into
individuals/families/population account the beliefs and values
groups and communities of the client;
considering their beliefs and
values. 3.2 Analyzes the data gathered;

3.3 Selects appropriate action to

support/enhance responses to
health and illness; and

3.4 Monitors periodically the

response of the client to the
nurse’s action.

2. Perform safe,  Provide safe,  Assess with the individual A1.1 Provide quality and safe 1.1 Performs comprehensive and Demonstrated
appropriate, and holistic appropriate, and and family one’s health nursing care utilizing the systematic nursing assessment
care to individual, holistic care to status/ competence. nursing process. by collecting pertinent data
families, population individuals and  Formulate with the client a using appropriate techniques
groups, and community families in the plan of care to address the and tools;
utilizing nursing community utilizing health conditions, needs,
process. family nursing problems, and issues based 1.2 Formulates appropriate
process. on priorities. nursing diagnosis based on
 Implement safe and quality assessment data;
interventions with the
client to address the health 1.3 Identifies client outcomes that
needs, problems, and are realistic and attainable;
 Provide health education 1.4 Develops a plan of care in
using selected planning collaboration with the client
models to targeted and other members of the
clientele (individuals and health care team;
families) in the
community. 1.5 Implements the care plan
safely and effectively using
evidence-based nursing
interventions; and

1.6 Evaluates effectiveness of

interventions, makes revisions
when necessary, and
documents nursing care

A1.4 Promotes client safety. 4.1 Performs age-specific

measures in all aspects of
client care;

4.2 Complies with the

International Patient Safety
Goals issued in January 2017
by the Join Commission;

4.3 Complies with other

International Safety

4.4 Conforms to the golden rules

in medication (preparation,
administration and drug

4.5 Administers other health

therapeutics safely; and

4.6 Educates client and family on

indications and effects of

A1.5 Sets priorities in nursin 5.1 Identifies the needs of clients;

based on client’s needs.
5.2 Analyzes the priority needs of
clients; and

5.3 Determines appropriate

nursing care.

A1.6 Implements sound nursing 6.1 Explains interventions to

care to achieve identified client before carrying them
client outcomes. out;

6.2 Carries out safe, efficient and

effective nursing intervention;

6.3 Uses the participatory

approach to enhance client-
partners empowering potential
for healthy lifestyle and

A1.7 Ensures continuity of care. 7.1 Establishes means of

providing continuous client

7.2 Collaborates with other

members of health care team
and appropriate agencies for
continuity of care;

7.3 Refers client with identified

problems to appropriate
professionals/agencies; and

7.4 Promotes client empowerment

towards self-care.
3. Apply guidelines and  Apply guidelines and  Provide safe, appropriate B1.3 Uses research results/findings 3.1 Incorporates research data in Demonstrated
principles of evidence- principles of evidence- and evidenced-based to improve nursing practice. clinical care rounds and
based practice in the based practice in the nursing interventions in conferences; and
delivery of care. delivery of care to the different categories of
individual and family health care. 3.2 Presents research
in the community  Institute appropriate results/findings in proper
setting. corrective actions to forum.
prevent or minimize harm
arising from adverse B2.1 Uses the current best evidence 1.1 Appraises data from current
effects. in providing safe and quality evidence;
1.2 Incorporates best practice sin
the total care of clients; and

Identifies opportunities of
1.3 improvement of existing
practice guidelines based on
new evidence.

B2.2 Collaborates with the health 2.1 Shares the best applicable
are team and other research results/findings with
stakeholders in the application health care team and
of best research evidence in stakeholders; and
client care.
2.2 Coordinates with the health
are team and other
stakeholders to improve client

B2.3 Integrates client’s values, 3.1 Informs clients appropriately

preferences, best evidences on the risks and benefits of
and clinical expertise in interventions and
decision making for client therapeutics; and
3.2 Supports client’s decision-
making process in the choice
of health care.
4. Practice nursing in  Practice nursing in the  Adhere to ethico-legal A2.1 Adheres to ethico-moral and 1.1 Makes professional decision Demonstrated
accordance with existing community setting in considerations when legal considerations when within ethical, bioethical
laws, ethical, and moral accordance with law, providing safe, quality and providing safe and quality principles, moral and legal
principles. legal, ethical, and professional nursing care. care. parameters;
moral principles.  Adhere to established
norms of conduct based on 1.2 Uses institutional, community
the Philippine Nursing and other relevant resources
Law and other legal, to address ethical, moral and
regulatory and institutional legal concerns in nursing
requirements relevant to practice;
safe nursing practice.
 Protect client rights based 1.3 Applies legal and ethical
on “Patient’s Bill of Rights principles to advocate for
and Obligations”. human and societal well-
 Implement strategies/ being and preferences; and
policies related to
Informed Consent as it 1.4 Clarifies unclear or
applies in multiple questionable policies, orders,
contexts. decisions or actions made by
intra/inter-professional health
team members.

A2.2 Protects client’s right based on 2.1 Advocates client’s rights;

“Patients Bill of Rights and
Obligations.” 2.2 Educate the client on their
shared roles and
responsibilities in health care;

2.3 Evaluates client’s

understanding of health care

2.4 Implements
strategies/interventions to
protect client’s right guided
by the “Patient’s Bill of
Rights and Obligations”; and

2.5 Monitors compliance to

“Patient’s Bill of Rights and

A2.3 Applies ethical reasoning and 3.1 Executes the ethical reasoning
decision-making process to process used in decisions to
address situations of ethical address situations of ethical
and moral dilemma. and moral dilemma; and

3.2 Decides on cases based on

ethical reasoning.

A2.4 Adheres to the established 4.1 Performs within the scope and
norms of conduct based on the standards of nursing practice;
Philippine Nursing Law and
other legal, regulatory and 4.2 Shows evidence of
institutional requirements compliance with legal
relevant to safe nursing requirements in the practice of
practice. nursing such as, but not be
limited to, current
professional identification
care (PIC); and

4.3 Acts in accordance with the

terms of contract of
employment and other rules
and regulations.

A2.5 Accepts responsibility and 5.1 Meets nursing accountability

accountability for own requirements as embodied in
decisions and actions. the job description;

5.2 Justifies bases for nursing

actions and judgment;

5.3 Recognizes own limitations

and seeks appropriate help
when needed; and

5.4 Projects a positive image of

the professions.

5. Communicate  Communicate  Ensure a working C1.1 Establishes working 1.1 Sets an agreement with the Practiced
effectively in speaking, effectively in relationship with relationship with clients, client, family, health team
writing and presenting speaking, writing, and individual and family family/relatives, health team members and other
using culturally presenting using based on trust, respect and members, and other stakeholders to facilitate
appropriate language. culturally appropriate shared decision making stakeholders. interaction;
language in the using appropriate
community setting. communication/ 1.2 Listens actively to the
interpersonal techniques/ concerns of client, family,
strategies. health team members and
other stakeholders; and

1.3 Provides feedback in an

appropriate and timely

C1.2 Communicates effective with 2.1 Identifies barriers in

clients, health team members communication;
and other stakeholders to
facilitate delivery of care. 2.2 Uses effective strategies in
communication; and

2.3 Uses varied channels of

communication to include
available and appropriate
information and
communication technology.

C1.3 Responds to needs of 3.1 Provides reassurance through

individuals, families, therapeutic touch, warmth and
population groups and comforting words of
communities. encouragement;

3.2 Uses therapeutic

communication techniques
and bio-behavioral
interventions to meet client’s
needs; and

3.3 Provides timely available,

affordable, and appropriate
services and resources based
on expressed needs of clients.

C1.4 Uses safe, appropriate and 4.1 Demonstrates competence in

secure technology to facilitate the use of informatics (e.g.,
communication. information and
communication technology,
basic computer systems),
database management and

4.2 Utilizes available, accessible,

appropriate and functional
modes of communication to
support the delivery of care.

C3.1 Demonstrates better 1.1 Provides culturally sensitive

understanding of the role of client-centered care;
culture in the delivery of
nursing care. 1.2 Refrains from using
derogatory, judgmental and
stereotype remarks; and

1.3 Recognizes common barriers

to cultural understanding
among health team members
and clients.

6. Report/document client  Document care of  Document clients’ C2.2 Coordinates plan of care with 2.1 Prepares accurate Demonstrated
care accurately and individual and family responses/ nursing care inter-professional health team documentation for efficient
comprehensively. accurately and services rendered and members. communication of services;
comprehensively. processes/ outcomes of the
nurse-client working
 Ensure completeness,
integrity, safety,
accessibility and security
of information.
 Adhere to protocol and
principles of
confidentiality in
safekeeping and releasing
of records and other
7. Collaborate effectively  Work effectively in  Ensure intra-agency, inter- C2.3 Applies principles of 3.1 Uses the right principles in Demonstrated
with inter-, intra-, and collaboration with agency, multidisciplinary partnership and collaboration carrying out strategies and
multi- disciplinary and inter-, intra, and multi- and sectoral collaboration to improve delivery of health activities in partnership and
multi-cultural teams. disciplinary and multi- in the delivery of health services. collaboration intended to
cultural teams in the care. improve health service
care of individuals and  Implement strategies/ delivery; and
family in the approaches to enhance/
community. support the capability of 3.2 Addresses issues and
the client and care concerns in safe and quality
providers to participate in client care.
decision making by the
inter-professional team. C2.4 Determines resources available 4.1 Selects appropriate strategies
 Maintain a harmonious for networking, linkage for networking, linkage
and collegial relationship building, and referral building and referral
among members of the necessary for improving necessary to improve delivery
health team for effective, delivery of health services. of health services; and
efficient and safe client
care. 4.2 Uses appropriate mechanisms
 Coordinate the tasks/ and strategies for networking,
functions of other nursing linkage building and referrals.
personnel (midwife, BHW,
and utility worker). C2.5 Collaborates with government 5.1 Carries out effective
 Collaborate with other organization (GOs), partnership strategies with
members of the health nongovernment organizations GOs, NGOs, and socio-civic
team in the (NGOs) and other socio-civic organization to improve
implementation of organizations on matters health of the communities;
programs and services. related to environmental and and
 Apply principles of community health.
partnership and 5.2 Supports environment
collaboration to improve protection policies, safety and
delivery of health services. security efforts in the
 Collaborate with GOs, community.
NGOs and other socio-
civic agencies to improve
healthcare services,
support environment
protection policies and
strategies, and safety and
security mechanisms in the
 Evaluate with the client
the health status/
8. Practice beginning  Practice beginning  Manage resources D2.1 Supervise the nursing care 1.1 Organizes workload to ensure Demonstrated
management and management and efficiently and effectively. given by others, while efficiency in meeting
leadership skills using
system approach in the leadership skills using  Apply management and retaining accountability for the responsibilities and achieving
delivery of care. systems approach in leadership principles in quality of care given to clients. outcome; and
the delivery of care to providing direction to
individual and family. manage a community D2.3 Participates in the 3.5 Monitors compliance to the
based program. development of policies and policies and standards.
 Use appropriate strategies/ standards regarding safe
approaches to plan nursing practice.
community health
programs and nursing
 Evaluate specific
components of health
programs and nursing
services based on
 Maintain a positive
practice environment.
9. Conduct research with  Conduct research with  Participate in a research B1.1 Plans research activities 1.1 Explains the relevance of the Demonstrated
an experienced an experienced study as a member of a individually or in groups to research for the improvement
researcher. researcher in the care research team. generate relevant areas of of care;
of individual client study.
and family in the 1.2 Identifies research gaps
community setting. through comprehensive
review of literature and use of
clinical data;

1.3 Formulates research problems

based on identifies gaps;

1.4 Determines appropriate

research methodology; and

1.5 Applies research ethics


B1.2 Conducts relevant research 2.1 Participates in the collection

studies. and/or analysis of data; and

2.2 Applies ethical principles and

guidelines in all the phases of
the research.
B1.3 Uses research results/findings 3.1 Incorporates research data in
to improve nursing practice. clinical care rounds and
conferences; and

3.2 Presents research

results/findings in proper

10. Engage in lifelong  Engage lifelong  Assume responsibility for A3.1 Assumes responsibility and 1.1 Identifies learning needs Demonstrated
learning with a passion learning with a lifelong learning, own accountability for personal and based on current and
to keep current with passion to keep personal development and professional development and projected/future practice
national and global current with national maintenance of for lifelong learning. requisites;
developments in general, and global competence.
nursing and health development in the  Engage in advocacy 1.2 Updates one’s learning plan to
development in care of individual and activities to influence enhance competence as a
particular. family in the health and social care registered nursing;
community setting. service policies and access
to services. 1.3 Validates new knowledge
 Model professional from peers and other sources
behavior as a Community that enhance one’s
Health Nurse. competency; and

1.4 Works towards personal and

professional career path as
part of one’s lifelong learning.

C2.6 Engages in advocacy activities 6.1 Identifies priority advocacies

that foster the growth and to address nursing and health-
development of the nursing related concerns; and
6.2 Participates in advocacy
strategies to address nursing
and health related concerns.
11. Demonstrate responsible  Demonstrate  Exemplify love for country D3.2 Maintains professionalism in 2.1 Demonstrates professional Demonstrated
citizenship and pride in responsible citizenship in the service of the the workplace. presence with dignity,
being a Filipino. and pride of being a Filipinos and family. respectability and confidence,
Filipino.  Customize nursing and uses appropriate language
interventions based on in verbal and non-verbal
Philippine culture and forms;
2.2 Asserts appropriately one’s
democratic and economic

2.3 Treats colleagues with

respect, trust and dignity;

2.4 Demonstrates effective

conflict resolution skills;

2.5 Applies specific resolution

strategies/approaches to
resolve/transform conflict
situations; and

2.6 Adheres to the highest moral

and ethical standards of
nursing practice.

12. Apply techno-intelligent  Apply techno-  Use appropriate B3. 3 Keeps abreast with trends and 3.2 Utilizes basic information Demonstrated
care systems and intelligent care technology to support the development of health care technology system in the
processes in health care systems and processes delivery of care to system and nursing profession. delivery of health care.
delivery. to perform safe and individuals and families.
efficient nursing C1.4 Uses safe, appropriate and 4.1 Demonstrates competence in
activities for secure technology to facilitate the use of informatics (e.g.,
individual and family communication. information and
in the community. communication technology,
basic computer systems),
database management and
data security; and

4.2 Utilizes available, accessible,

appropriate and functional
modes of communication to
support the delivery of care.
13. Uphold the nursing core  Demonstrate nursing  Demonstrate caring as the A3.1 Models personal and 4.1 Demonstrates consistently Demonstrated
values in the practice of core values in the core of nursing, love of professional behavior and professional behavior in
the profession. delivery of health care GOD, love of country and values. words, actions, and in relating
to individuals and love of people. with clients, colleagues and
families.  Manifest professionalism, the general public; and
integrity and excellence.
4.2 Utilizes communications and
social media judiciously and
14. Apply entrepreneurial  Apply entrepreneurial  Identify opportunities for D5.3 Utilizes financial, technical, 3.1 Practices cost-effectiveness of Practiced
skills in the delivery of skills in the delivery of entrepreneurial nursing physical and material resource utilization.
nursing care. nursing care to practice. resources to support client
individuals, and  Apply strategic care.
families in community interventions to address
setting. health-related concerns of
individuals, families,
communities and
population groups to any
healthcare setting.
15. Practice social  Reinforce community  Participates in social D4.1 Participates in activities that 1.1 Applies strategies to foster Demonstrated
transformation through engagement to activities that contribute to contribute to the attainment of growth and development of
excellence in Research, develop a culture of the attainment of social social goals and development. the family, community, and
Instruction and community goals and development. society; and
Extension, peace cooperation towards D4.2 Empowers self, clients and
education, achieving sustainable society towards social 1.2 Influences others to maintain
innovativeness and peace. responsibility. a clean and safe environment
collaboration. through health education

2.1 Works to uplift one’s health

and well-being;

2.2 Encourages participation of

clients and society at large to
improve their health and

2.3 Participates in critical

discussion on nursing and
health issues and
developments; and

2.4 Works towards attainment of

the health dimensions of
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG).
C. Teaching-Learning Plan


 Memorize and internalize A. Introduction to the Course Interactive Discussion Week 1 MSU-CHS Student General Task: Students are able to
the MVGO and core values (Orientation) The instructor provides an (09-14-23) Handbook Learning Contract discuss the policy
of the college and the informative introduction to Students are stated in the Student
university.  MVGO the course. Further, the 2 hours Course Syllabus presented with the Handbook.
 Classroom Policy instructor will discuss the learning contract and
 Discuss the policy stated in  Syllabus university MVGO, policy, let them read the Students are able to
the Student Handbook  Grading System the Syllabus with a detailed content of the understand the
 References course objective and learning contract. After which MVGO and the
 Self-Introduction outcomes of course. they will be Syllabus.
 Introduce self in a instructed to affix
respectful and interactive their signature after Students submitted
manner. Getting-to-know-You all their queries have their learning contract
Activity been answered and with affixed
Each of the student will both the instructor signatures of students
introduce themselves. They and students agree on and their guardians.
will also set their learning all the terms in the
contract signed and noted by contract.
the instructor.

 Integrate relevant B. Overview of Public Health Lecture-discussion Week 2 PowerPoint Task: Students are able to
principles of social, Nursing in the Philippines (09-19-23) Presentation One Sentence integrate principles
physical, natural and health Audiovisual Summary “How do and concepts of
sciences and humanities in  Global and National Health Student Activity (The Zoo): 2 hours Presentation you define Community.
a given health and nursing Situations The instructor will divide the community?” Community and
situation.  Definition and Focus class in 4 groups. Names of Community Health
 Discuss appropriate 1. Public Health animals are written on paper Tool: Nursing into life
Community Health 2. Community Health strips (provided by the Rubric for Answering situations and in the
Nursing concepts and 3. Public Health Nursing instructor). Without talking, Question care of population
actions holistically and 4. Community Health the students will try to find groups and
comprehensively. Nursing their group (classification of community.
 Assume responsibility for animals) by imitating the
lifelong learning, own sound of animals. Task: Quiz Results
personal development and Quiz/ Pen and Paper
maintenance of Synthesis will be done by the Test.
competence. instructor after the activity. Students will answer
 Engage in advocacy different questions
activities to influence Through this activity, about the topic.
health and social care students will appreciate a
service policies and access sense of belongingness, a Tool:
to services. feeling that each student Point System
 Model professional matter to one another and to
behavior as a Community the group, and a shared faith
Health Nurse. that member’s needs will be
 Demonstrate caring as the met through their
core of nursing, love of commitment to be together.
country, love of God, and
love of people. 5. Standards of Public Brainstorming Week 3 PowerPoint Task: Students are able to
 Manifest professionalism, Health Nursing in the (09-28-23) Presentation Inquiry-based answer the three
integrity and excellence. Philippines Lecture-Discussion Video Clips Instruction. The questions.
 Project the positive 6. Evolution of Public 2 hours instructor will ask
professional image of a Health Nursing in the Visualization: The instructor questions:
Filipino nurse. Philippines will show images and video 1. What field of
7. Roles and clips of nurses in different nursing
Responsibilities of a fields/ areas. caught your
Community Health interest/
Nurse Film viewing: The instructor attention?
8. Nursing Core Values as will how a film about Why?
a Community Health Community Health Nurse. 2. Can you name
Nurse any other field
of nursing?
What are

Point System/ Rubric

C. The Health Care Delivery Pre-class Assignments Week 4 PowerPoint Task: Students submitted
System (10-12-23) Presentation Concept Mapping. individual concept
Evocative discussion Video Clips Students create a map based on their
 World Health Organization 2 hours concept map or understanding of the
(WHO) Instructional media diagram that topic.
1. Millenium Development illustrates the key
Goals Case study: Present students components of the
2. Sustainable with case study of real-world health care delivery
Development Goals situations related to the system.
 Philippine Department of health care delivery system
Health (DOH) in the Philippines. Ask them Tool: Concept Map
1. Mission-Vision to analyze the cases and Rubric
2. Historical Background identify the key issues and
3. Local Health System challenges. Then, have them
4. Devolution of Health develop and propose
Services solutions to the problems.
5. Classification of
Health Facilities (DOH
A.O. -0012A)
6. Philippine Health
Agenda 2010-2022
 Primary Health Care (PHC)
1. Brief History
2. Legal Basis
3. Definition
4. Goals and Elements
5. Principles
6. Strategies
 Levels of Prevention
 Universal Health Care (UHC)
1. Legal Basis
2. Background
3. Rationale
4. Objectives
5. Thrusts

D. The Family Interactive Lecture- Week PowerPoint Task: Results

Discussion 5&6 Presentation Quiz.
 Family as Basic Unit of the (10-19/26- Instructional media Students will answer
Society Role-playing: Have students 23) different questions
 Types of Family role-play different scenarios about the topic.
1. Family as a Client involving families in the 4 hours
2. Family as a System community, such as a nurse Tool: Point-system
 Functions Developmental providing health education to
Stages a family about a new
 Family Health Task immunization program.
 Characteristics of a Healthy
 Exemplify love for country E. Filipino Culture, Values, and Evocative Discussions PowerPoint Task: Students submitted
in the service of the Practices in relation to Health Presentation Case Study. their case study
Filipinos and families. Care of Individual and Family Short Film: Students will Instructional Have students output by group.
 Family Solidarity role play Filipino Family Media develop a case study
 Customize nursing  Filipino Family Values Culture, Values, and of a Filipino family
interventions based on 1. Communications Practices in relation to Health that is facing a health
Philippine culture and 2. Helping Others and Care of Individual and challenge. The case
values. Gratitude Family. study should identify
3. Respect the cultural factors
4. Independence that are influencing
5. Service the family's
6. Trust experience and
 Filipino Family Culture and strategies for
Tradition providing culturally
competent care.

Case Study Rubric


 Assess with the individual F. Family Nursing Process Evocative Lecture- Week 8 PowerPoint Task: The student
and family one’s health discussion (10-31-23) Presentation Reflective Journals. submitted their output
status/ competence.  Family Health Assessment Instructional Students will write and ensured academic
1. Tools for Assessment 2 hours Media their reflection on integrity in writing.
▪ Typology of Nursing their learning on
Practice Family Nursing
▪ Family Coping Process.
2. Family Data Analysis Tool: Rubrics
▪ Socio-economic and
▪ Home Environment
▪ Family Health
▪ Family Values and
Health Practices
 Develop family nursing  Family Nursing Diagnosis Case Analysis:
diagnosis. The instructor will formulate
family scenarios wherein
students will be able to
construct their own family
nursing diagnosis.

 Formulate with the client a  Formulating Family Nursing Interactive discussion Week 9 PowerPoint Task: Result
plan of care to address the Care (11-7-23) Presentation Pen and Paper Test
health conditions, needs, 1. Priority Setting Pros and Cons Grid: The Instructional
problems, and issues based 2. Establishing Goals and students will consider the 2 hours Media
on priorities. Objectives advantages/ disadvantages of Tool:
3. Selecting Appropriate identified action. Point system
Family Nursing
 Implement safe and quality  Implementing Family Care Interactive discussion Week 10 PowerPoint
interventions with the Plan (11-9-23) Presentation
client to address health 1. Categories of Instructional
needs, problems and issues. Interventions 2 hours Media
▪ Promotive
 Provide safe, appropriate ▪ Preventive
and evidence-based ▪ Curative
nursing interventions in the
▪ Rehabilitative
different categories of
2. Tools of Public Health
▪ PHN Bag and
▪ Principles and
Techniques in the
use of PHN Bag
3. Types of Family Nurse Interactive discussion Week 11
Contact (11-14-23)
▪ Clinic Visit Brainstorming
▪ Home Visit 2 hours
▪ Group Conference
▪ Telephone Calls
▪ Written
 Participate in a research 4. Family Health Care
study as member of a Researches
research team. ▪ Related Studies
▪ Evidence-based
 Ensure a working relationship 5. Interprofessional Care Interactive discussion Week 12
with individual and family in the Community (11-16-23)
based on trust, respect and
shared decision-making using ▪ Rural Health Unit Brainstorming
(RHU)Personnel 2 hours
appropriate communication/
interpersonal techniques/ ▪ Local Government
strategies. Unit
▪ Government
 Ensure intra-agency, inter- Organizations
agency, multidisciplinary and
sectoral collaborations in the
delivery of health care. ▪ Nutrition
Implement Council
strategies/approaches to ▪ Population
enhance/support the Commission
capability of the client and ▪ Non-government
care providers to participate Organizations
in decision making by the
inter-professional team. ▪ Socio-civic
▪ Religious
 Maintain a harmonious and Organizations
collegial relationship among ▪ Schools
members of the health team
for effective, efficient and
safe client care.
 Coordinate with other
members of the health team
in the implementation of
programs and services.
 Apply principles of
partnership and collaboration
to improve delivery of health
 Collaborate with GOs, NGOs
and other socio-civic agencies
to improve delivery of health
services, support environment
protection policies and
strategies and safety and
security mechanisms in the

 Evaluate with the client the 6. Evaluation of Family Interactive discussion Week 13
health status/competence. Nursing Care (11-21-23)
 Institute appropriate ▪ Evaluation Process Cooperative Learning
corrective actions to and Outcomes 2 hours
prevent or minimize harm
▪ Re-assessment
arising from the adverse
effect of care implemented.

MIDTERM EXAMINATION (Week 14: 11-23-23)

 Document client’s G. Records in Family Health Evocative and Interactive Week 15 PowerPoint Task: Students submitted
responses/nursing care Nursing Practice Lecture- discussion (11-30-23) Presentation Training manual. finished Training
services rendered and Instructional Create a training Manual.
processes/outcomes of the  Importance and Uses Creative projects: Students 2 hours Media manual for
nurse client working  Types of Records and create creative projects, such community health
relationship. Reports as a poster, infographic, or workers on how to
 Ensure completeness, video, that explains the maintain accurate and
integrity, safety, importance of records in complete records.
accessibility and security family health nursing
of information. practice. This will help them Tool:
 Adheres to protocols and to learn and retain the Rubrics on Writing
principles of information in a fun and Manual
confidentiality in engaging way.
safekeeping and releasing
of records and other
 Manage resources efficiently H. DOH Programs related to Lecture discussion Week 16 PowerPoint Task: Students submitted
and effectively. Family Health Instructional media (12-5-23) Presentation Health Education their developed
 Apply management and Instructional Interventions. Health Education
leadership principles in  Expanded Program of 2 hours Media Students will develop Interventions.
providing direction to manage Immunization (EPI)/ National a community health
a community based program.
Immunization Program (NIP) education
 Use appropriate
 Integrated Management of intervention that
strategies/approaches to plan
community health programs Childhood Illness (IMCI) promotes awareness
and nursing service.  Early Essential Intrapartal and use of DOH
 Evaluate specific components and Newborn Care (EEINC) programs related to
of health programs and  Newborn Screening family health. This
nursing services based on  BEmONC/ CEmONC intervention could be
parameters/ criteria.  Nutrition Program targeted at a specific
 Maintain a positive practice  MHGap population group or
environment.  Other related programs community, and it
should be delivered in
a way that is
culturally competent.

Rubrics on
Developing Health
 Adhere to ethico-legal I. Ethical Considerations in Pre-class assignments Week 17 PowerPoint Task: Students submitted
considerations when Community Health Nursing (12-7-23) Presentation Reflective Essay. their individual
providing safe, quality, and Lecture-discussion Instructional Ask students to write reflective essay.
professional nursing care.  Public Health Law 1 hour Media a reflective essay on
 Adhere to established norms 1. Magna Carta for Case studies: Present an ethical dilemma
of conduct based on the
healthcare workers students with real-world case that they have faced
Philippine Nursing Law and
other legal, regulatory and
2. Sanitation code studies of ethical dilemmas or witnessed in their
institutional requirements 3. Clean air act faced by community health community health
relevant to safe nursing 4. Generic act nurses. This will help them practice. This essay
practice. 5. National health insurance to think critically about the should reflect on the
 Protect client rights based on Act (PhilHealth) different ethical principles ethical principles
“Patient ‘s Bill of Rights and 6. National Blood service involved and to develop their involved, the decision
Obligations”. act decision-making skills. that was made, and
 Implement strategies/policies 7. Laws on Notifiable the lessons learned.
related to informed consent as disease Role-playing: Have students Tool:
it applies in multiple contexts. 8. Senior citizen law role-play different scenarios Rubrics on Reflective
9. Revised Dangerous Drug involving ethical dilemmas Essays.
Law in community health nursing.
10. Act on cheaper medicine This will help them to
11. Save the children practice their skills in
12. Violence against the communicating with clients
women and colleagues in a safe and
13. Disaster Risk Reduction supportive environment.
14. Rooming-in and
breastfeeding Act of 1992
(Milk code)
15. Responsible Parenthood
and reproductive Health
Law of 2012
16. Mandatory Infants and
Children Health
17. Immunization Act of 2011
18. Children safety on
Motorcycles Act of 2015
19. Children Emergency
Relief and Protection Act
of 2016
20. Child and youth welfare
code of the Philippines
21. Tobacco Regulation act of
2003 (RA 9211)
22. Other related Laws
 Use appropriate technology J. New Technologies related to Pre-class Assignments Week 18 PowerPoint Task: Result
to support the delivery of Public Health Electronic (12-11-23) Presentation Quiz.
care to individual and Information Interactive Discussions Instructional Students will answer
families. 1 hour Media different questions
 Government Sites about the topic.
 Nursing and Health Care
Sites Tool:
Point system

 Identify opportunities for K. Health- Related Interactive Discussion Week 18 PowerPoint Task: Result
entrepreneurial nursing Entrepreneurial Activities in (12-11-23) Presentation Quiz.
practice. the Community Setting Instructional Students will answer
 Apply strategic 1 hour Media different questions
interventions to address about the topic.
health related concerns of
individuals, families, and Tool:
communities and Point system
population group to any
health care settings.


D. Bibliography

Main Book References:

Famorca, Z. U., Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2013). Nursing Care of the Community. Singapore: Elsevier, Inc.

Library Sources:
Bailon-Reyes, S. G. (2006). Community Health Nursing - The Basic of Practice (First ed.). Mandaluyong: National Book Store.

Castro, C. E. (2012). Community Health Nursing and Community Health Development. Philippines: Educational Publishing House.

de Belen, R. T., & de Belen, D. V. (2008). A Praxis in Community Health Nursing (1st ed.). Philippines: C & E Publishing.

Estrada-Castro, C. (2012). Community Health Nursing and Community Health Development (First ed.). Ermita, Manila, Philippines: Educational Publishing


Jimenez, S. E. (2008). Community Organizing Participatory Action Research for Community Health Development. Philippines: C & E Publishing.

Nies, M. A., McEwen, M., & Sumile, E. R. (2022). Community and Public Health Nursing (2nd ed.). Philippines.

Untalan, A. T. (2007). Concepts and Guidelines in COPAR. Philippines.

Online Sources:

E. Supplemental Materials
Rector, C. L. (2018). Community & Public Health Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Faahb, F. R. P. M. N. A., & Anef, M. M. P. R. C. (2018). Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations, 7e (7th ed.). Saunders.

Faan, S. M. P. R., & Faan, L. J. P. R. (2017). Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing - Binder Ready (5th ed.). Mosby.

Stanhope, P. D. R. N. F., Lancaster, P. D. R. N. F., Marcia Stanhope, P. D. R. N. F., & Jeanette Lancaster, P. D. R. N. F. (2015). Public Health Nursing. Elsevier

F. Classroom Rules and Regulations

Attendance and Attitude (Articles 333-338, MSU Code)

• Any student who, for unavoidable cause, absents himself from class, must obtain an excuse slip signed by a parent or
guardian and noted by the Dean and present it to the instructor concerned no later than the date of the student’s return.
• Absence due to illness must be supported by a parent’s letter together with a medical certificate within three days after his
absence. All class work missed must be made up for to the satisfaction of the instructor concerned within a reasonable time
from date of absence.
• A student shall be dropped from his class when his absences reach 20% of the scheduled hours of that particular subject. That
means, for a three-unit course of 54 hours, allowable hours for absences is 10.8 hours or equivalent to seven (7) class
Uniform • The students should wear the prescribed uniform in clinical/community exposure, ATTENDING CLASSES, and/or
transacting any school-related concerns. Fines and sanctions for not wearing uniform will be imposed (see Guidelines for
Uniform Policy).
Quizzes and Exams • The schedule for term examinations will be determined by the University. A calendar of school activities including the
schedule of examinations must be followed to maintain smooth operation within the University. In cases where examinations
are given not within the schedule the Dean must be informed by the Chairman and must see to it that examinations will not
disrupt other class schedules. Furthermore, the maximum period for each examination shall be two hours but not to exceed
four hours (Art. 62, MSU Code).
• There will be no more special quizzes unless excused.
• In cases of cheating, entire class will be warned.
• First Call: Warning
• Second Call: Deduction of 30% of the total points acquired by the students.
• Third Call: The student/s will be given a zero grade and will be subjected for disciplinary action/s.
Activities and Assignments • Outputs should be submitted on or before the deadline set and as agreed by both the instructor and the students. Late
submissions of outputs will have deductions of the grade based on the number of days beyond the deadline the output was
• 1-2 days after the deadline date: Minus 20%
• 3-5 days after the deadline date: Minus 35%
• 6-7 days after the deadline date: Minus 50%
Mobile Phones • Phone must be on a silent mode.
• There shall be no student to use mobile phones unless the instructor told the class to do so.
• In case the student’s phone vibrates and a call is made to the student’s phone, the instructor may or may not allow the students
to answer the call unless it is an important or emergency call.
• In case the student is using their phone, disrupts the class, and not of importance, the students will be instructed to go out and
not join the class.
Snacks • Snacks may be allowed, provided that it does not disrupts the class (foul smelling, noise from food wrapper) during the
meeting and discussions.
• There should be no littering inside the classroom. Practice CLAY GO (CLean As You Go).
Gadgets • Laptops, tablets, and other form of electronic gadgets are only allowed during class presentations.
Social Media • Exclusive Group Chats may be created for announcements and other class related information.
• The students should strictly observe proper decorum.
Others • The students are not allowed to take pictures or videos of the slides during class discussions.
• Students are not allowed to go out of the classroom during class discussions and activities. The student who wish to go out for
a bathroom break shall seek the approval of the instructor first.
• Bringing of textbooks and other reference materials are highly encouraged.

Prepared by: Noted by: Recommending Approval:

Alibasher D. Macalnas, RN, RM, MAN, LPT Dr. Laarni A. Caorong, RN, MAN Dr. Athena Jalaliyah B. Derico-Lawi, RN, MN, DScn
Instructor/ Learning Facilitator Chairman, Nursing Program Dean, MSU-CHS

The first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year started in September 2023. With events such as

the MSU Founding Anniversary and Intramurals on the calendar, this semester was filled with activity. This

influx of events has led to a somewhat chaotic timetable, encroaching upon the ordinary academic activities

slated for this term.

The ebb and flow of holidays and university events throughout the term has had a significant effect on

the educational atmosphere. These occurrences have distorted the usual schedule, triggered disruptions and

prompted the need for shifts in instructional strategies and administrative tasks. The influence of holidays and

university activities has been quite impactful, necessitating mindful planning and coordination to uphold the

seamless operation of the College.

My responsibilities at MSU-CHS now encompass the Graduate Studies Coordinator role, as I have

been designated the position. Alongside my usual faculty duties, I am charged to implement the recently ratified

MSU GS Handbook. This serves as a reference for various colleges that offers graduate programs.

As a Graduate Studies Coordinator, one of my indispensable responsibilities, in coordination with the

Dean and Chairman of the Nursing Department, involves bringing the MSU GS Handbook alive. This critical

guide, approved by the MSU Board of Regents (BOR), is the lodestone for all colleges at MSU-CHS that

provide graduate programs. It frames the guiding principles, processes, and demands that everyone involved

in the graduate studies lifecycle, from faculty to students, must agree to abide by. Hence, my coordinator role

demands vigilance in ensuring the handbook rules are stridently executed and its essence communicated to

every party involved. This necessitates staging, archival meetings, and educational seminars to acquaint both

students and faculty with the substance of the handbook.

Moreover, the duties of the Graduate Studies Coordinator encompass a diverse array of

responsibilities. Chief among these is management oversight of the graduate studies program at MSU-CHS,

with the guidance of the Dean of the College. This means liaising with all vested interests - faculty, students,

and administrative personnel - to guarantee the seamless functioning of every component of the program.

Beyond coordination, the role involves functioning as a link between students in the graduate program and the

upper echelons of the institution, responding to concerns, and handling any issues. Additionally, the

coordinator must pave the way for the application of the MSU GS Handbook and safeguard the observance of

all stipulated principles and processes.

Talking about my designation, I was privileged with a chance to visit MSU-SULU and appraise the

ongoing efforts of the MAN extension program under the Graduate Studies at MSU-CHS. It served as a critical

occasion to see in real-time the various challenges as well as the status of the MAN extension program.
Throughout my time at MSU-SULU, together with the Dean, Assistant Dean and the then Chairperson,

I was able to discern multiple facets of the MAN extension program and delineate noteworthy findings. Among

them was the tenacity and zeal of the faculty and staff, in their pursuit to offer high-cadre education to their

students. Their resilience and fervor were conspicuous, even in situations with underequipped resources and


Before the semester ends, one incident shocked the country. One of the highlights of this semester is

the unfortunate incident that has taken away lives and injured our brothers and sisters during their mass at the

Dimaporo Gymnasium. This has a huge impact on the safety and security of the students and faculty that had

led to one week break from the academics.

This tragic incident has sent shockwaves through our community. It has raised levels of fear and

unease, undermining the existent feeling of security within the campus. This elevated state of concern now

affects every individual in the community, impacting the well-being of each student and faculty member. Belief

in our institution's capacity to provide a safe environment has been seriously questioned. In light of this incident,

it becomes crucial to reevaluate and bolster our safety protocols, with a goal to reinstate a sense of security

and guarantee the well-being of our academic community members.

In response to the incident at Dimaporo Gymnasium, swift actions were implemented to strengthen

the safety and security of both the students and the teaching staff. The university leadership joined hands with

local police forces to augment their presence and vigilance on the campus grounds. More security staff were

recruited and strategically placed in critical locations to augment scrutiny and dissuade potential threats.

The academic hiatus of one week following the unfortunate incident at Dimaporo Gymnasium carries

significant ramifications for the student and faculty members. This pause serves as a vital time allotment for

the collective academic community to mourn, digest the shock, and reconcile themselves with the unfortunate

event that transpired. This somehow facilitates essential emotional recovery and introspection, crucial for

individual and community wellness. The break also presents a window for the students and faculty to access

necessary support, including counseling services if required. This support framework is instrumental in aiding

individuals handle the emotional consequences of the event, thereby fostering their overall psychological


With all the challenges this first semester bring forth, still we remained resilient. It tested our faith to

the people, to the officials and to the government as well. Nevertheless, we need to move forward and leave

behind all the unfortunate past but bringing with us the learnings and realizations.
PHOTO DOCUMENTATION (Kindly attach supporting photos/screenshots of the class record and other evidence
for documentation purposes)

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