Cec Unit 1 Self-Asssessments 1
Cec Unit 1 Self-Asssessments 1
Cec Unit 1 Self-Asssessments 1
Cassidy E. Carmichael
Spring A
Section One: Summarize your results and any particular “aha moments” you may have
had when working through the Kuder Assessments. What particular career interests stuck
out to you? With respect to the interest profiler, how did your interests score in the Holland
use interests-based assessments to help move your career and your life forward? If you
have taken any other interests-based assessments in the past, please comment on those, and
any relevant connections to the Kuder Assessments. Incorporate additional support you
have gathered from all of your OGL courses in your analysis and any other research you
have done.
My assessment results for the Kuder Career Interest Assessment were S/E/C, meaning:
social, enterprising and conventional. My results weren’t very surprising to me because after
reading what each of those sections, I really related to what they meant. Social and enterprising
were equal with results and this stood out because the social part of me loves to interact with
people and create a connection. I love getting to know people and what they are interested in and
how I could possibly help or relate to them in some way. I am constantly asking people random
questions, telling and listening to people's life stories and I am quick to remember the little things
about people. Within the enterprising section I related the most to being interested in leadership,
problem solving and traditional beliefs. When it comes to my leadership skills I thrive the most
when there is structure. At my current job, I am constantly referring back to the standards of the
company whenever I am approached with any kind of question or concern. I love this kind of
structure because we can keep the company consistent while if someone disagrees, it's not
personally my fault. There are a few things about my current work standards that I don’t always
agree with, but as someone who needs to lead by example, I have to do all I can to make sure the
standard is always being followed. While taking the assessment I did notice there were a lot of
things that I ‘disliked’ or ‘strongly disliked’. Something I have noticed about myself while taking
this assessment, along with thinking about a future career, I really don’t have a dream job. I am
hopeful to have options and find a job that I enjoy and thrive in.
My assessment results for the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment were SEI, meaning:
social, enterprising and investigative. The social and enterprising results weren’t surprising to me
because I had similar results in the Kuder Career Interest Assessment, so it makes sense that I
would have similar results in this assessment too. Investigative interests was my third highest
interest and it did stand out to me because it talks about having confidence skills in science and
math. Science and math aren’t my favorite subjects but they do relate to my minor, personal
health. I have taken many courses about health and wellness and I feel confident in those
abilities, but I don’t often feel confident in other aspects of math and science. Math has always
been my worst subject and I even failed a semester of it while I was in high school. While I am
not that type of student anymore, I still have my struggles in both of those subjects so I am lucky
to have passion within my organizational leadership degree which focuses more on my strengths
Section Two: Summarize your results and any particular “aha moments” that you may
have had when working through the “skills/work values-based” assessments through the
Kuder Assessments. What are your top skills? Are these competencies you highlighted in
your e-portfolio (from OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I)? Comment on any differences there, and how
you might improve, or add to the skills section of your e-portfolio based on this new
perspective. Also, be sure to comment on your Holland Occupations Codes (RIASEC), and
how your skills and interests compare in that regard. How could you use skills-based
assessments to help move your career and your life forward? If you have taken any other
skills-based assessments in the past, please comment on those, and any relevant connections
to the Kuder Assessments. Incorporate additional support you have gathered from all of
your OGL courses in your analysis and any other research you have done.
My top three assessment results for the Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised are:
1.lifestyle, 2. co-workers and 3. supervision. lifestyle was the only result that ended up in the
‘high’ category. This doesn’t surprise me because I really hope to have a job that has a really
good work/life balance. Being able to separate work and life is something that is really important
to me not only so I can maintain a decent social/family life but I think it would be really good for
my mental health too. Being able to step away from work, having free time and just enjoying life
is what is really important to me. My husband and I both grew up with workaholic parents and
we really hope to be more present with our future children.I think having a job with a good work/
life balance would be perfect for the personal life that I want. I also struggle with anxiety and
depression and oftentimes I need time and space to decompress and relax because that is what
helps me get out of a hard mental health episode. Focusing on work can also help me get out of a
bad mental health episode too, my current job keeps me and my mind busy and it tends to be
really positive for me. Independence was the last on my list and I was surprised it ranked that
low. While I do enjoy having independence in my personal life, when it comes to my work life, I
really enjoy having structure, rules and standards. I enjoy having those things to ensure that I am
meeting the company's expectations. In my current job as a manager, it’s really nice to have
those rules and standards to reflect back to if you’re having to coach or have a hard conversation
Section Three: Discuss your primary and secondary career anchors. Any surprises? Make
some connections between your current work/life and your scores on the Motivation and
Career Anchors assessment. What was your lowest scoring career anchor? Comment on
your perceptions about that (and the career anchors instrument, in general). Incorporate
additional support you have gathered from all of your OGL courses in your analysis and
After completing the Motivation and Careers Anchor Assessment, my primary career
anchor was security, stability and organizational identity. My secondary career anchor was
managerial competence. Security, stability and organizational identity being my primary career
anchor was not surprising to me at all. Having stability and security is something that I am
constantly working on in my personal life and in my work life, for example, I have always been
very dedicated to my jobs. The last two jobs I have had, I have stayed with those companies for
many years and got promoted to lower level management at both places. The description
provided for my primary result talks about how a person in this category shows loyalty and
willingness to change locations if the company and job requires to do so. I have personally
transferred locations within my current job. In 2022 I was moving back to my hometown and
when I tried to go back to a location that I had worked for before, another manager reached out
to me asking if I would go help open a brand new store who was in need of managers. I took that
opportunity and have been thriving at this location ever since. My lowest scoring anchor was
entrepreneurial creativity, this didn’t come as a surprise to me. I’ve never been super interested in
owning my own business or even being my own boss, I have personally seen too many failures at
this, and since my primary anchor focuses a lot on stability, it’s too much of a risk for me.
Section Four:With respect to additional self-assessment instruments that you included (at
least 3 from either past courses or taken from the Assessment Links tab), write briefly
about what you learned about yourself. (Cite the new assessments you took, and briefly
describe your findings and how those findings relate to how you see yourself in the world).
Throughout your personal or professional life, what have been the most useful
self-assessments tools for you for your leadership growth, and why? Incorporate additional
support you have gathered from all of your OGL courses in your analysis and any other
After getting to choose three other self-assessments from truity.com, I decided to finally
take some personality tests that I have always heard of but never took the time to do. Those tests
were: The Enneagram Personality Test, The Big Five Personality Test and DISC Personality
Assessment. The Enneagram test was the one I had heard the most about so I took that one first
and I was an enneagram two. It says that twos seek to love and help the people around them, they
are able to know just based on intuition when people need help or support and they are willing to
give it without hesitation. Twos always see the good in people and are always there to share a
kind word or an ear to listen. Getting this result made me so happy because it really does feel like
the type of person I think I am. I do always try to see the best in each person, and while that is a
good thing most of the time, sometimes it can come around and hurt me. Sometimes I feel like I
see the good in a person and it overshadows the very bad in a person, sometimes making me
blind to their true intentions. From the Big Five Personality Test, I scored 69% as an empathic
idealist. Empathic idealists use insight and creativity to help others and I am good at noticing
details. My empathy is something that I have been recently talking to my therapist about, how
it’s something that I really admire about myself but at times it can be very overwhelming. Seeing
the words empathic idealist made me laugh because it put into words the way that I often feel. I
like to use my book knowledge and my street smarts to help people as much as I can. DISC
personality assessment told me my type was drive. Someone with a DISC type drive can be seen
at work as someone who is results-oriented, confident and a natural leader. In my current job I
am a lower level manager but it is my job to make sure the day goes smoothly and that everyone
is doing what they are supposed to. I am the decision maker and everyone is supposed to follow
my choices and they always do, I feel very confident in this role. Within my professional life, I
haven’t used any self assessments to help grow in my leadership role, until now. Taking these
assessments helped me put into words the type of leader I am and I am very happy with all of my