Patient also complains of swelling over lower limbs which was insidious in onset
and progressive in nature. The swelling progressed from ankles up to the knee in
the span of 20 days. It was painless in nature and there is no diurnal variation. The
swelling aggravates on doing work at day time.
Patient also complains of pain over the umbilical region which was insidious in
onset and progressive in nature , it was dull type of pain, non-radiatin, aggravated
on doing work and relief on taking rest.
The pain was associated with moderate fever, which was insidious in onset.
The 1st episode was in August 2019, for which he was admitted to KLE
Hospital,Yellur where tapping was done and 3.5 ltr fluid was removed.
Then 3rd episode came in the month of December and the final episode
occurred in January.
Patient has undergone appendectomy
No history of jaundice
Habits - History of alcohol intake one quarter per day ( whiskey) since 9 years
1 quarter = 180 ml
Scalp - grey hair , lustrous. Eyes - Pallor and icterus present , pupils normal
Deep - no organomegaly
Percussion -
Auscultation -
CNS - All sensory and motor functions of the patient are intact