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Patient name : Mahadev Shinde.

Age : 48 years. Sex : Male

Occupation : Machine operator Address : Belagavi
Religion : Hindu
Ward : G + 3 free ward

1. Abdominal distension since 20 days

2. Swelling over lower limbs since 20 days
3. Pain around umbilical region since 20 days
Patient was apparently alright 20 days , when he developed distension of
abdomen which was insidious in onset and progressive in nature. It first appeared
around the umbilicus and progressed to the whole abdomen.

Patient also complains of swelling over lower limbs which was insidious in onset
and progressive in nature. The swelling progressed from ankles up to the knee in
the span of 20 days. It was painless in nature and there is no diurnal variation. The
swelling aggravates on doing work at day time.

Patient also complains of pain over the umbilical region which was insidious in
onset and progressive in nature , it was dull type of pain, non-radiatin, aggravated
on doing work and relief on taking rest.
The pain was associated with moderate fever, which was insidious in onset.

No history of chills and rigor.

Patient also complains of breathlessness on doing routine work

History of hematemesis 15 days back

History of bleeding through rectum - 2 episodes in 3 months

No history of of melena , diarrhoea , foul smelling stools , reduced micturition or

loss of weight.
The patient had 4 episodes of similar complaints in the past.

The 1st episode was in August 2019, for which he was admitted to KLE
Hospital,Yellur where tapping was done and 3.5 ltr fluid was removed.

The symptoms reappeared after a span of 2 months, which he showed in KLE

Hospital, Belagavi. He was given medication and found relief.

Then 3rd episode came in the month of December and the final episode
occurred in January.
Patient has undergone appendectomy

Not a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension , tuberculosis

No history of blood transfusion

No history of jaundice

FAMILY HISTORY - nothing significant

Diet - Mixed. Appetite - Normal. Sleep - Reduced.

Bladder - Reduced. Bowel - Reduced.

Habits - History of alcohol intake one quarter per day ( whiskey) since 9 years

1 quarter = 180 ml

(180*40) / 100 = 72 gm per day

History of tobacco chewing since 10 years, three packets per week

Patient is 48 years old male, who is moderately built and moderately nourished.
He is conscious, cooperative and well oriented to time, place and person.

VITALS - PR - 92 beats per minute. BP - 110/90 mm of Hg

RR - 16 cycles per minute. Temperature - Afebrile

Pallor - present. Icterus - present. Cyanosis - absent. Clubbing - absent

Lymphadenopathy - absent. Edema - absent


Scalp - grey hair , lustrous. Eyes - Pallor and icterus present , pupils normal

Nose - normal. Face - normal. Ears - normal

Mouth and oral cavity - normal.

Lower limb - bilateral pitting type oedema present till knee

Chest - gynaecomastia present

Abdomen - umbilicus horizontally stretched , uniformly distended , no prominent

veins seen

Abdomen - shape - uniformly distended , flanks full

Respiratory movement - abdominothoracic.

No visible peristalsis , umbilicus inverted , prominent veins absent , hernial

orifices absent

Operation scars for appendectomy present

No pigmentation , no branding marks

Signs of hepatocellular failure

Alopecia - present. Parotid swelling - absent. Gynecomastia - present

Spider navi - absent. Jaundice - present. Palmar erythema - present

Clubbing - absent. Loss of shaving tendency - present

Loss of axillary , pubic , chest hair- present

Palpation -

Superficial - tenderness absent , no guarding , no rigidity

Deep - no organomegaly

Percussion -

Fluid thrill present ( Grade IV ascites)

Auscultation -

Normal bowel sounds heard

Respiratory system - Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

Cardiovascular system - Heart sounds S1 + S2 heard normally , no added

sounds heard

CNS - All sensory and motor functions of the patient are intact

DIAGNOSIS - Chronic liver disease with Grade IV ascites with signs of

portal hypertension and hepatocellular failure

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