Building A SOC
Building A SOC
Building A SOC
start small
Start simply, grow according to
future SOC are realistic. Keep in mind that a SOC AlertTeam, the Tax and Customs Administration, the Ministry of
Security and Justice, the Directorate-General for Public Works
is a means and not an end in itself. and Water Management, SSC-ICT and the Volksbank.
What are the challenges? Simple monitoring as the starting point
Effective operation of a SOC requires cooperation with many Building a fully fledged SOC from scratch is a major challenge. A
parts of the organisation since information is processed across simpler approach is to start small and then build on this in a
the organisation as a whole. This means the establishment of a slow and controlled manner to create a fully fledged SOC. In
SOC is a daunting task, which brings a wide range of issues into order to achieve this, begin by having the IT administration
play. However, experts that can offer assistance in this regard team monitor log data from a select number of key
are difficult to find, given that SOCs are a relatively new infrastructure or middleware components, such as your
phenomenon. Building a SOC is also costly and time- firewall, a web server or your antivirus program. Target the
consuming, and it can therefore be challenging to convince monitoring on technical aspects initially, in order to confine
management teams of the value and necessity. This factsheet the necessary interactions to the IT administration team. Focus
will help to address these challenges. on notifications highlighting a specific problem or on
indicators of potential future issues. Report any findings to the
IT service desk.
Building a SOC is mainly an organisational challenge, despite all
the technology involved.
There is a wide range of software products available that enable
monitoring of log files. Use a search engine or make your own
What is a SOC?
enquiries to help you make your choice.
There is no set definition of what a SOC is, but practice shows
that SOCs are most commonly tasked with security monitoring.
This involves the centralised collection and correlation of log Build up experience with the monitoring, detection,
data from relevant applications and devices in the network, in registration and mitigation of incidents. Do not increase the
order to identify any deviations that may have taken place. The number of systems to be monitored too soon. At the beginning,
collected log data can relate to a wide range of applications and the main emphasis should be on gaining experience with the
devices – from intrusion detection systems, firewalls, web entire monitoring process rather than the monitoring itself.
applications, Active Directory servers and anti-virus software to Ensure you have the right tools for registering incidents,
industrial control systems. This may involve any system able to generating periodic reports on this and recording any lessons
supply information relevant to providing insight into the learned. Arrange for staff tasked with the monitoring to
security or status of the network and the systems connected to participate in the appropriate meetings within the IT
it. When determining which type of information to collect, administration team and meetings relating to change
which systems to collect information from and which management. This will leave them well prepared for any
correlation method to use, the key is to focus on information changes to the network.
relevant to the organisation rather than on what is considered
customary to collect.
When you set out, do not focus on building a SOC, but simply
begin to gain insight into security based on the needs of your
A Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) system is a
organisation. There is nothing wrong with finding at a later
tool that forms an indispensable part of a SOC. SIEM systems
point that what you have created is in fact a SOC.
are software products that are able to interpret log data from
various sources and correlate it with cyber attacks and other
security incidents taking place in and around the network.
What is needed to be able to monitor security
In addition to information regarding systems and the network, incidents?
a SOC also uses what is known as threat intelligence – In order to achieve adequate monitoring of information
information from external sources regarding vulnerabilities and security, organisations will need to do more than simply check
threat information in the area of cyber security. This the log files of an antivirus program, firewall or similar. Before
information can be used to assess events relating to systems the monitoring structure within the IT administration team can
and within the network. be developed into a SOC, there are a number of measures that
the organisation must put in place first.
A SOC is an effective facility for monitoring business
information security and digital threats. Establishing such a
centre, however, requires investment of time, effort and
resources. In order for a SOC to function successfully, it must
grow in controlled fashion along with the organisation’s need
for insight into and control of information security. Start
small, share results with the organisation and build on a
positive reception to these results to realise the next step in the
development process. Ensure the planning, roadmap and
implementation of a future SOC are realistic. Keep in mind that
a SOC is a means and not an end in itself.
For aditional information, see
Nationaal Cyber
Security Centrum (NCSC)
P.O. Box 117, 2501 CC The Hague
Turfmarkt 147, 2511 DP The Hague
+31 (70) 751 5555
More information
[email protected]