Media and information literacy involves understanding the codes, conventions, and language used in media. This includes symbolic codes that convey specific meanings, such as a red rose representing romance, as well as technical codes like camera angles. Representation refers to how media presents reality from the perspective of its creators. Producers create media content using standardized genres, formats, and conventions to communicate ideas and information to audiences. Other stakeholders that contribute include libraries, archives, and museums.
Media and information literacy involves understanding the codes, conventions, and language used in media. This includes symbolic codes that convey specific meanings, such as a red rose representing romance, as well as technical codes like camera angles. Representation refers to how media presents reality from the perspective of its creators. Producers create media content using standardized genres, formats, and conventions to communicate ideas and information to audiences. Other stakeholders that contribute include libraries, archives, and museums.
Media and information literacy involves understanding the codes, conventions, and language used in media. This includes symbolic codes that convey specific meanings, such as a red rose representing romance, as well as technical codes like camera angles. Representation refers to how media presents reality from the perspective of its creators. Producers create media content using standardized genres, formats, and conventions to communicate ideas and information to audiences. Other stakeholders that contribute include libraries, archives, and museums.
Media and information literacy involves understanding the codes, conventions, and language used in media. This includes symbolic codes that convey specific meanings, such as a red rose representing romance, as well as technical codes like camera angles. Representation refers to how media presents reality from the perspective of its creators. Producers create media content using standardized genres, formats, and conventions to communicate ideas and information to audiences. Other stakeholders that contribute include libraries, archives, and museums.
Media Language- These are codes, conventions, formats, symbols, and
narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
“Language is the Source of Misunderstanding”-Antoine de Saint
Language - pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or
codes and conventions that media and information professionals may select and use in an effort to communicate ideas, information and knowledge.
Representation – the ways in which the media represents reality. More
appropriately, it is how the process of media creation and production represent reality through the decisions and perspectives of its creators. Media and information literacy are concerned with how certain groups’ ideas, faith systems and topics are presented from a particular perspective or value system.
Codes – system of signs and symbolic meaning embedded in a media and
information text.
Conventions – the established and socially accepted ways of doing
things. In media, these are the styles and approaches that have been standardized into the content.
Genre – a system of classification of works of art, based on
established conventions.
Format – manner of presentation and style that provides a structure
for media and information texts
Technical codes • include sound, camera angles, types of shots and
lighting. They may include, for example, ominous music to communicate danger in a feature film, or high-angle camera shots to create a feeling of power in a photograph.
Symbolic codes • include the language, dress or actions of
characters, or iconic symbols that are easily understood. For example, a red rose may be used symbolically to convey romance, or a clenched fist may be used to communicate anger.
Convention - In the media context, refers to a standard or norm that
acts as a rule governing behavior.
1 Media and Information Literacy
Messages - the information sent from a source to a receiver.
Audience - the group of consumers for whom a media message was
constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
Producers - People engaged in the process of creating and putting
together media content to make a finished media product.
Other stakeholders - Libraries, archives, museums, internet and other
relevant information providers.
• Form/Style can also pertain to tone, mood, color, font types,