Start With Why Summary PDF
Start With Why Summary PDF
Start With Why Summary PDF
by Simon Sinek in a 2009. In this Start With Why summary, we dive deep into Sinek's
perspective on asking the right questions to get to the solution faster.
While it is very difficult to manage a team of even a few people in a small company, how do you
manage the operations of thousands of people that a large company performs? Simon Sinek
explained in his book how the leaders who manage these companies can direct people. He
informs us about leadership by giving examples from world-famous people.
Before buying anything, people first ask why. After the question of "why" comes the "how" and
"what" questions. Our author described this in the book as The Golden Circle. He explains the
starting point of all works, from shopping to sports and art, with these questions.
#2 How
After the what question, the next question is "how". After people define their problems, they
think about how they want to solve them. If they decided to buy a product, you should think
about what kind of product they would like to buy at that point. If you manage to offer them a
solution, you will gain their trust.
#3 What
Everything in your company, from employees to customers, depends on what you do. It is up to
you to ensure that your company achieves its goals, that your team develops, and that your
customers choose you.
#4 Manipulation
You can only fool customers once. After a while, you can't fool anyone. New customers do not
come after your first deception. If you do your job right, you will have permanent customers who
will advertise you.
#5 Order of Questions
Before moving on to the "How" and "What" questions, you should definitely start with the
"Why" question. You cannot solve your goals without an order. First of all, you need to know the
reason for the work you are going to do. You can then move on to the “How” and “What”
#6 Feelings
If you treat your customers honestly and make them feel good, you will gain loyal customers
who will choose you again next time. Your campaigns should be satisfying, not manipulative.
Focus on providing good service. You cannot be successful with simple vigilance.
#7 Your Team
You should establish a team that can understand the answer your business gives to the question
Why and will continue to improve itself. Don't hire anyone saying it's okay for now. This way of
thinking also applies to business partnerships. Do not take such steps to save the day or just to
have done it. It won't make up for it.
The most important factor that will determine the performance of your team and the quality of
the resulting work is to work with people who believe in the purpose of the company. Working
with people who see themselves as a part of this company and are proud to be on the team that
will achieve a great purpose gives your company a splash.
It is very important to be a dreamer to take your company to the top. You can't become a world-
class company without goofy ideas. But all your dreams have to be part of a plan. Otherwise, you
will have empty dreams and you will lose your money in a short time.
Where the business will end up depends entirely on first-come customers. If these customers like
your product or service, the rest is easy. Because when you first hit the market, customers who
buy products from you when no one even knows your name are people who can take risks. If you
can please these people, they will advertise to you by word of mouth.
Ordinary leaders rejoice and brag when the company achieves its few monthly goals. Visionary
leaders know that this success is not insignificant, but they cannot be completely happy until they
see that the company has achieved its main goal.
Sometimes companies' teams and leaders can change. You can also start another company. In
such cases, you must first understand the purpose of the company. You must know what you are
serving. Working in harmony with the purpose of the company will lead you to success.
#13 Logo
The areas where the most time is lost in newly established companies are the logo and website
design parts. Of course, these are not trivial details, but your logo is something that will gain
meaning as your company grows. Even big companies can change their logos from time to time.
So don't get obsessed at the beginning of the road. When the time comes, you will have a logo
that symbolizes your company's purpose.
Do not randomly advertise your product or service after revealing it. Analyze how many age
groups and income levels your company appeals to. After that, you reach people who can be
your customers with pinpoint promotions.
Take as an example people who have proven themselves in leadership. Completely copy their
business understanding, how they plan. It is no coincidence that very large companies have
similar characteristics. Success by no means happens by accident. Act knowing what you are
#16 Competition
If it's your company's first year, focus on yourself. You are not strong enough to compete with
anyone right now. Do not even compete with companies that were established 1 year before you.
Because even in 1 year, companies can add great value to themselves. Even if they fail, they
learn many lessons. If you are new to the market, mind your own business first.
Big companies are so loved by their customers that even their almost mundane products are
fanatically defended. This is called adding value. You should also add value to your company
and make it a beloved brand.
#18 Motivation
You cannot reach your goal with a team that constantly needs you for motivation. When hiring,
you should find people who are already motivated to work. Then you have to guide these people
towards your purpose.
#19 Money
Money, which seems like a great source of motivation at first, loses its effect after a while.
Money is of course very important, it doesn't make any sense if we can't make money from this
business, but no matter how big the amount of money is, it does not motivate the purpose.
2. “Great leaders, in contrast, are able to inspire people to act. Those who are able to inspire give
people a sense of purpose or belonging that has little to do with any external incentive or benefit
to be gained.”
3. “As we all know, however, not all decisions work out to be the right ones, regardless of the
amount of data we collect. Sometimes the impact of those wrong decisions is minor, and
sometimes it can be catastrophic.”
4. “There's barely a product or service on the market today that customers can't buy from
someone else for about the same price, about the same quality, about the same level of service,
and about the same features.”
5. “Playing the price game, however, can come at tremendous cost and can create a significant
dilemma for the company. For the seller, selling based on price is like heroin.”
6. “Energy motivates but charisma inspires. Energy is easy to see, easy to measure, and easy to
copy Charisma is hard to define, nearly impossible to measure, and too elusive to copy.”
7. “In every case of a great charismatic leader who ever achieved anything of significance, there
was always a person or small group lurking in the shadows who knew HOW to take the vision
and make it a reality.”
8. “This relationship starts to clarify the difference between a vision statement and a mission
statement in an organization. The vision is the public statement of the founder's intent, WHY the
company exists.”
9. “For a message to have real impact, to affect behavior and seed loyalty, it needs more than
publicity. It needs to publicize some higher purpose, cause or belief to which those with similar
values and beliefs can relate.”
10. “Every company, organization or group with the ability to inspire starts with a person or
small group of people who were inspired to do something bigger than themselves.”