Jurisprudence I
Jurisprudence I
Jurisprudence I
Custom are the rules of conduct, which the people have
themselves evolved, developed and which they have agreed to practice,
observe and respect, knowingly or unknowingly.
Hans Kelsen was an Austrian jurist who gave “Kelsen’s Pure Theory of law” in
his famous book “General Theory of Law” in 1945.
Kelsen argued that the theory of law must be pure i.e. logically self -
supporting and independent of other social sciences. It is called pure theory
of law because its aim is to free the science of law from alien elements.
According to him, law is just if it is legal, one does not need to know the
reasons behind it.
Like Austin, Kelsen is a positivist but a more extreme one. Law is what
it is and the law does not depend upon any moral, ethical or divine norms but
norms setup by human in power.
❖ NORMS AND SANCTIONS: According to Kelsen, Law is a
normative science. A norm is a pattern or standard regarded as typical
of a specified society. To understand what is law, we have to look at
norms which have the character of legal norms, that make certain acts
legal or illegal. Norm is a rule forbidding or prescribing certain behaviour
and they are backed by physical compulsion or sanctions. Thus, if a
person commits a theft, he ought to be punished and it is the duty of
official i.e. police, judges etc, who are allowed to apply sanctions.