Question . - You Are Given The Points P
Question . - You Are Given The Points P
Question . - You Are Given The Points P
The first question will be about lines and points on lines in Rn .
1 3 a. Find the midpoint of the line segment joining p and q.
Question . — You are given the points p = −2 and q = −1. b. Find the point which is 58 of the way from p towards q.
3 1 c. Give a parametric form of the line containing p and q.
p u q
Leave space around your drawing, because you will be adding vectors to it as you work this exercise.
a. Compute the vectors u and v in the figure and write them as columns.
b. Compute the linear combination p − u + 2v and draw it as an arrow in your drawing.
c. Write the linear combination − 16 p + 21 q + 23 r in the form p + au + bv (that is, find a and b) and indicate its position in your
d. Give a parametric form of the plane containing p, q and r.
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– Write organized solutions. At least one mark in each part is reserved for organization and presentation.
– Write all answers and intermediate work in simplified exact form. Otherwise you will lose some credit.
– Never write decimals. In all work and final answers, decimals will not be checked and will not earn credit.
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Practice exercises for Quiz Linear Algebra I (-nyc-/) Winter
p−u p u q
− 61 p + 12 q + 23 r = − 16 p + 12 (p + u) + 23 (p + v) = − 16 p + 21 p + 23 p + 12 u + 23 v = p + 12 u + 32 v.
This linear combination is shown in the figure below as a red dot, with red dashed lines indicating how it is obtained.
Practice exercises for Quiz Linear Algebra I (-nyc-/) Winter
p − u + 2v
p + 12 u + 32 v
p+ 3 v
p−u p p+ 12 u q
Note. — It was not required to compute this linear combination. Nevertheless, here is a computation of it in case you did so
and wanted to check your work:
3 2 5 23 6
1 1 2 1 1 1 8
− 6 p + 2 q + 3 r = 6 (−p + 3q + 4r) = 6 − −1 + 3 1 + 4 3 = 6 16 = 3 .
4 7 2 25 25