Security Incident Response Reaches

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Security Incident Response Reaches

Beyond the SOC to Achieve Resolution

Security operations leaders have begun to realize the need for a scalable enterprise-wide
approach to security incident response.
Security operations teams demand a platform to drive high-speed working partnerships with
other technology teams (e.g., IT, network, service desk, etc.) via packaged, sharable knowledge
and adaptive automation.

Executive Summary
Current approaches to security incident response remain insufficient against
Contents the escalating volume and severity of security incidents. Organizations are
beginning to discuss in earnest a question: Can the security operations team
1-2 continue to succeed with only informal, ad hoc support from other technical teams?
State of Security Operations
Partnership between various operations teams such as security, IT, network,
Technology-Fortified and service desk is critical for security incident response success, and an
Cross-Team Collaboration “enterprise-wide” incident response strategy benefits all involved teams,
corporate leadership, and the broader organization.
Benefits of Enterprise-wide Security incident response strategy requires enablement by technology, and
Security Incident Response
this paper examines specific platform requirements. Major themes include
6-8 interactive automated guidance (aka adaptive automation), data continuity,
Enterprise-wide context preservation, shared toolkits, progress visibility, and reliability.
Orchestration in Action
This paper also explores the results achieved and an exemplar use case
8 enabled by such a platform.
Key Functionality

The State of Security Operations and Response
How Does Your SOC Stack Up? Businesses today experience security incidents at unprecedented rate and
scale. The volume of data stolen by cybercriminals doubles year over year,
References & About Us and the cost of cyberattacks overall is increasing.1 Deeply damaging attacks
(in which >USD$1M is lost per attack) constitute a growing proportion of
all cyberattacks as well.2 A security incident’s direct and indirect costs come
from many sides. For example, attacks causing network downtime cost, on
average, more than USD$100,000 per down hour and, aside from a lack
of availability, costs also stem from indirect factors such as legal liability,
customer alienation, and violation of government regulations.3

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 1

Recent security incidents have caused affected businesses historic damage, and even threatened entire industry
landscapes. For example, a recent malware attack cut FedEx’s profits by USD$300M in a single quarter.4
At greater scale, the ramifications of Equifax’s massive breach of US consumers’ personal data resulted
in multiple C-suite forced removals and many federal and state-level hearings and investigations.5 The
severity of the Equifax breach in particular may trigger new, restrictive legislation and even destabilize the
US credit industry.6
Prevention-only strategies have proven insufficient, and as a result security teams have increased focus on
incident response. In the wake of recent corporate security catastrophes, security incident response practices
have gained media attention and public awareness. Yet current approaches to security incident response are
ineffective against the escalating volume and severity of attacks.7 Many well known factors act against the
security team in incident response, including:
»» The arms race nature of cybersecurity
»» Friction between finite staff and evergrowing incident volume8
»» Skills shortage
»» Crime-fighting administration due to the potential legal ramifications of an incident*

Equally important but less well publicized factors

SOC Slowdown Factor Impact

Manual processes slow incident detection and response as they scale

Manual Processes
poorly and are prone to human error.9

Security has limited effectiveness when the team depends on multiple

Reliance on a Disparate Toolset independent point tools. Pivoting between platforms wastes staff
bandwidth and valuable details fall into the cracks.10

Without appropriate visibility into response progress, the SOC has

Lack of Visibility into Remediation Progress difficulty tracking security incident lifecycle and confirming identified
security deficiencies have been remediated.11

Cross-team Incident Handling Challenges

Collaboration difficulties between security, IT, and other
technical groups choke incident response progress.12

All of the above hamper incident response speed and efficacy, increasing the risk of damage and slowing
containment of significant breaches.13
These challenges have been difficult to address with products available to security teams today, as most
vendors see security incident response and resolution as primarily a problem for the security operations
team. Addressing the issues enumerated above, however, requires the participation of multiple technical
teams across the entire enterprise; thus, security incident response must be examined enterprise-wide.

*These topics are explored further in Security Incident Response Needs A Unified Platform. White paper. Resolve Systems, 2017.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 2

The SOC Needs Technology-Fortified Cross-Team Collaboration
Many enterprise organizations are discussing an important question:
Can the security operations team succeed with only Security Ops

informal, ad hoc support from other technical teams?

Research indicates security leaders share a growing recognition

IT Ops Network Ops
of the need for cross-team response, and many industry-leading
organizations have instituted a Cybersecurity Incident Response
Team (CSIRT).14 CSIRTs demonstrate successful security incident
response requires multiple technical teams to come together. It’s Service
worthwhile to explore why teams must assure these connections Operations teams share automation,
in security incident response. Once understood, it becomes clear orchestration, and knowledge in a
unified incident response platform.
how a product guaranteeing these collaborations creates immense value.
When responding to a security incident, security team members need to affect various systems to gather
investigative data and/or take remediation actions. However, the security team often lacks authority
over many internal systems; most belong to IT, network, and other technical owners. For example, IT
operations teams must manage enterprise IT systems carefully, as even the smallest inadvertent change
could have a catastrophic impact on business-critical applications.
How then can a security analyst interact safely with these systems?

Network Servers & Endpoint Firewall Email

Workstations Protection

The analyst must partner with system administrators in the relevant/affected technical team during security
incident response, however, the network and IT teams experience pressure to keep business-impacting
applications and services available, which may be at odds with security incident remediation.15 Thus,
the teams often find themselves at cross-purposes in the midst of a security incident. This further
heightens the need for cross-team collaboration in incident response.16
Additionally, the service desk team can support security incident response via its engagement in
both detection and remediation. It is often the first team to become aware of security incidents, both in
obvious user-reported attack types (e.g., phishing) and in subtler user-side warning signs of significant
breaches. For example, corrupted or deleted data, unexplained user account lockouts, and performance
degradation from unusual usage or traffic suggests a deeper security incursion may be in progress.17
On the remediation side, service desk is in regular contact with end users and acts as a valuable channel
to communicate essential security messages. In many businesses today, service desk is unable to investigate
and diagnose these incidents to solve the issue independently. Much opportunity exists to let service desk
teams drive solutions and work more closely with security teams.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 3

Better Incident Response is Enterprise-wide
Based on these partnerships’ importance in security incident response, it’s crucial to look at how to realize
them. The approach of empowering the security team to handle incidents by spearheading work across IT,
network, service desk, and other technical teams is “enterprise-wide” security incident response orchestration.
Several critical components power enterprise-wide orchestration for security incident response: A unified
platform that works across teams and the automated processes underpinning it. Even organizations with an existing
CSIRT need this technology to scale successfully. To ensure streamlined task handoff and proper
visibility, the platform must:
»» Help avoid remediation delays Empowering the security team to handle
»» Ensure prompt, correct remediation actions incidents by spearheading work across
IT, network, service desk, and other
»» Capture a continuous audit trail of all human
technical teams is “enterprise-wide”
and automation-driven activities
security incident response orchestration.
»» Manage the security incident no matter which
team (security, IT, etc.) works on it
To speed response, avoid information fragmentation, and create the audit trail forensics and compliance
require, the platform must manage the security incident through its entire lifecycle, and thus must support
all technical teams involved in the response. The platform must help avoid remediation delays by preserving
crucial incident context for supporting technical teams and allow the SOC to share critical insights on the
incident without the typical constraints and signal loss associated with transferring data manually across
multiple tracking systems.

Security Operations Center “Central Hub”

Security Event Incident Parallel Orchestration of Response Across Teams Incident
Case File Case File
Validation &
SIEM Enrichment
Network Desktop & Clients Security Systems IT Operations
• Attachments
Block bad IP Disable account Hunt for IoCs Collect logs • Automation
Recover affected Results
Isolate affected Enforce Detonate • Timeline
system password reset suspect file • Notifications

Update Update Update

case case case

Execute Execute Execute Execute IT

Automations & Network Automations, Guided
Desktop Automations, Guided
Automations, Guided
Infra & LOB
Automations, Guided
Guided Process Actions Procedures, Decision Actions Procedures, Decision System Procedures, Decision
Apps Actions Procedures, Decision
Trees Trees Actions Trees Trees

Network Client Devices Security Systems IT Infra. & Apps

Synchronized cross-group response for security incidents

Assurance that supporting technical teams execute quick and correct remediation actions is possible
only with a platform providing respective teams prescriptive, context-specific procedures and guidance. This is
a crucial element, as incident response procedures are often non-obvious and known only to Subject
Matter Experts (SMEs). However, IT, network, and service desk SMEs are rare and overloaded resources,
so level 1 (L1) agents will most likely handle requested incident response actions. As L1 agents are less
trained and less knowledgeable than SMEs, avoiding errors requires clear guidance without reliance on
individual judgment.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 4

Guaranteeing the above functions requires automated processes, which also contain damage during
incident response, thereby reducing risk, and help frontline security analysts to do more without
escalation. Automation is often called a “force multiplier,” as it maximizes scarce security staff ’s
focus on investigation versus menial and repetitive tasks. However, automation needs standards-based
security incident response procedures to ensure optimal response and consistency.

Indeed, a true force multiplier would be greater than automation alone. It would also be
a strategy that empowers frontline security analysts to do more without escalation.

Called “left shifting,” the power of SME-approved procedures and automations to lead frontline security
analysts to correct actions and decisions increases the entire security team’s efficacy. Such a strategy
benefits the security incident remediation work done by network, IT, and service desk teams as well.
As an added benefit, giving these teams improved visibility and inclusion in security incident response
processes fosters better understanding of cybersecurity, how it affects other teams’ responsibilities, and
how it applies to their day-to-day work. A superior enterprise-wide security incident response platform
also drives efficiencies across teams and enables further security operations empowerment over time.
A platform that:
»» Helps security and other technical teams share processes and tools creates multiplying efficiencies–
greater speed and lower cost in incident response
»» Creates a path to package IT and network activities and approve security to execute them, and vice
versa, builds unprecedented cross-team enablement. In addition, packaged automations can be
pushed to frontline agents like service desk

It also extends reach to drive the highest-velocity incident response possible.

Gains from Enterprise-wide Security Incident Response Orchestration

The previous section examined how technology fortifies partnerships between security and the IT,
network, and service desk teams. Also key to explore is how these technology-enabled partnerships
benefit all involved groups, corporate leadership, and the entire organization.
An enterprise-wide approach to security incident response benefits the security operations team by
offering faster response and reduced risk, as well as improved visibility, forensics, and compliance.
Accelerated response and remediation becomes possible when necessary knowledge and automation
get packaged and pushed closer to where the security incident is first detected.
Once IT and network teams develop confidence with simpler use cases, they can package automations
and procedures and give them to security to execute. So, for example, security can take approved actions
on the network upon noticing an anomaly, without having to engage the network team. Automated actions
maximize security and other technical staff ’s effect by tackling basic tasks, allowing the team to focus on
investigation and containment. With SME-approved guided procedures, frontline security analysts can do
more without slowdown from escalation. Remediation activities outside the SOC happen faster because
other technical teams share the same efficiencies and can access crucial incident context.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 5

Security enjoys reduced risk in response with the help of automations and procedures designed to
contain damage during incident response. Guided response procedures ensure other technical teams
take prompt and correct remediative actions without inadvertently adding damage. Security also receives
increased visibility into incident remediation progress with a continuous audit trail of all actions taken
by both humans and automation, which the SOC can query on demand, resulting in improved forensics
and compliance from complete evidence capture and activity recording.
The security team is far from the sole beneficiary of an enterprise-wide approach to security incident
response orchestration, as significant gains exist for the network operations team, the IT operations team,
the service desk team, corporate leadership, and the broader organization as well. Both the network and IT
operations teams experience significant time savings, as well as optimal network availability and maximum
systems uptime, respectively. The service desk team reaps time savings as well, and new problem-solving
capabilities bring improved customer satisfaction and first-call resolution rates. Finally, leadership and the
broader organization experience rewards like cost avoidance and reputation protection.
Enterprise-wide Security Incident Response Orchestration in Action

s s
Removal Request Guided Procedure Phishing Emails
with Automation Removed

Detection Investigation Remediation Resolution

An example security incident illustrates the improved response delivered by an enterprise-wide approach.
Consider the phish, a common attack type, sees investigation, remediation, and resolution with
unprecedented speed, efficiency, and documentation via enterprise-wide orchestration technology.
The benefits begin even at the point of detection: the service desk team.
An employee reports to service desk he received an unusual email prompting him to enter his corporate
credentials into a strange-looking login portal, which then loaded a blank page. This employee has become a
phishing email victim, and his corporate credentials have been compromised. With an enterprise-wide security
incident response platform in place, the L1 service desk agent who receives the employee’s report engages
the platform and follows a guided procedure that helps identify the issue and walks the agent through
issue-appropriate steps. The procedure zips the L1 agent to an approved IT automation that performs an
immediate password reset for the employee, thereby preventing further damage (e.g., data exfiltration, malware
introduction, etc.) to the employee’s account and associated corporate systems. Finally, the procedure guides
the L1 agent to create a new security incident in the enterprise-wide security incident response platform for
the security operations team to investigate further.

The platform enabled the L1 service desk agent to accomplish “first call” issue
s s
resolution for the employee, and it’s helped the agent take immediate incident
Removal Request Guided Procedure Phishing Emails
containment steps. with Automation Removed

Detection Investigation Remediation Resolution

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 6

Security Team Engages
A L1 security analyst receives the incident via the platform/service desk, complete with a log of all steps
taken by the L1 service desk agent. The platform gives the L1 security analyst a guided procedure and IT-
approved automation to quickly search the corporate mail servers for similar phishing emails sent to other
employees. Finding several, the L1 security analyst assigns, through the same platform, email removals
and spam filter updates to the IT operations team.

The L1 security analyst has received the incident with full context from service desk,
and the platform guided the agent to tackle the most risk-critical incident response
s activities first (i.e., completing full containment) as well as engage the required IT
resources as soon as possible.

The guided procedure continues to lead the L1 security analyst to identify this particular phish as a credential
harvester. The enterprise-wide security incident response platform provides adaptive automations to
quickly find employees who have opened the message and clicked the malicious links. Discovering several
compromised employees, the L1 security analyst receives another IT-approved automation to execute
immediate password resets for the additional affected employees. As it does for all users, the platform
automatically captures the L1 security analyst’s notes and actions, as well as all relevant data on the affected
employees and automations executed within the incident.

The L1 security analyst has quickly investigated the phish’s full scope via adaptive
s and guided procedures. The enterprise-wide s security incident response
platform helped execute
Removal Request Guided critical
with Automation
Phishing response actions without escalation or hand-off delay,

thus preventing further damage to compromised entities.

Investigation Remediation Resolution

Meanwhile, the platform sends a L1 IT operations agent the L1 security analyst’s request to remove the
specified “phishing messages and update the spam filter. The request comes complete with a log of all steps
taken by the L1 security analyst and the L1 service desk agent. The L1 IT operations agent is guided through
procedures and uses the platform’s adaptive automations to quickly find all instances of the phishing email
on the mail server, remove them, and update the spam filter to screen out related phishing messages
moving forward. Finally, the enterprise-wide security incident response platform guides the L1 IT operations
agent to send all affected employees (those people for whom the L1 security analyst had reset credentials) a
message with a templatized explanation of the incident.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 7

The L1 IT operations agent received the request with full context from both security
and service desk, and avoids wasting time going back and forth between teams to
understand steps already taken. The platform led him to best practice remediation and
communication procedures, and adaptive automations accelerated his actions. The incident had the least
possible impact on the IT operations team, as the L1 IT operations agent was only asked to do the least
activity required by the team’s specific ownership areas (i.e., deleting email messages, changing the spam
filter, and communicating with employees about IT matters), and the enterprise-wide security incident
response platform ensured seamless transitions without escalation. Indeed, the incident has been fully
remediated without requiring escalation within any involved team!

The incident is resolved when the L1 IT operations agent sends affected employees the templatized
message and closes the request, while the L1 security analyst receives notification from the platform that
all required IT operations steps are complete. The security analyst checks the notes and actions taken
by the other respective parties in the enterprise-wide platform’s log, and can rest assured forensic and
compliance experts will have all necessary incident documentation for post-hoc analysis. The L1 security
analyst closes the incident, and the L1 service desk agent receives notification from the platform that the
incident is fully remediated.

All incident stakeholders have maintained visibility into the incident resolution’s
s progress without having to take proactive measures or update one another manually.
The security operations team retained a complete audit trail of all incident activities,
including actions executed by both the service desk and IT operations teams. The
enterprise-wide security incident response platform enabled investigation, containment, and full
remediation of the phish with unprecedented speed, efficiency, and visibility. The risk presented by the
phish was minimized, while all engaged teams maintained optimal productivity.

Key Functionality to Power Enterprise-wide Orchestration of

Security Incident Resolution
The superior results of an enterprise-wide orchestration approach to security incident resolution can
be achieved only via technology offering specific, key functionality. A platform that can follow security
incidents across all technical teams, from open to close, speeding response and preventing information
fragmentation must offer:

Interactive Data Context A Shareable Progress High

Guidance Continuity Preservation Toolkit Visibility Reliability

Only with these offerings can an organization create a new enterprise-wide approach to security incident
response orchestration or enable a successful CSIRT strategy.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 8

Speeding response and cutting remediation risk requires interactive guidance–prescriptive, context-
specific procedures for all technical teams engaged in the incident response. This guidance reduces
reliance on overloaded SMEs and integrates human-directed activities and decisions with machine
automation. For example, automation can perform system validations at machine speed, saving
significant time and ensuring an analyst or frontline agent enters a resolution procedure armed with
required information. In addition, automation-enhanced procedures guarantee security analysts and
frontline agents make correct decisions in complex technical scenarios, as such procedures summarize
results in non-technical terms, while preserving a complete data set for security engineers.
Critical security functions such as preventing incomplete, scattered records and preserving crucial
evidence depend on data continuity—the enterprise-wide security incident response platform’s ability
to capture a continuous audit trail of actions taken by humans and automations in incident response.
Capitalizing on its direct involvement in all incident response steps, the platform retains results of
all activities, automations, and authorization requests, thus enabling security, legal, compliance, and
forensics teams post-hoc. It also avoids unreliable cross-system data transfer methods, such as copy/
paste to move information between ticketing and other incident response platforms. It can even note
deviations for retrospective process improvement, training, and other automation opportunities.
Reducing delay in cross-team response and remediation activity is possible with context preservation,
which provides supporting technical teams with instant access to critical insights from the SOC on the
incident. The success of identifying, retaining, and sharing crucial incident details with teams outside
the SOC is assured programmatically and no longer at the mercy of available ticketing fields or an
individual’s writing skills and focus. The incident’s IT- or network-side recipient is no longer tasked with
having to track down and interview the requesting security analyst to identify affected systems, incident
criticality, or previous actions.
A shareable toolkit containing standardized, cross-team
processes and automations drives response speed and
efficiency. IT and network experts can package specific
Security Ops
actions as adaptive automations and approve them for
execution by security team members. Security experts
can do the same for IT, network, and service desk teams.
This approach extends the security team’s reach in both
investigation and remediation.

Infrastructure and Teams

Finally, progress visibility, which lets the SOC view the
incident while it’s remediated by other technical teams, and
platform reliability, which any operations-grade product
Security Applications should offer, round out a successful solution. Maintaining
IT Network the SOC’s visibility throughout the incident response
lifecycle allows the security team to give advisory support
and added threat context proactively, should an incident
require difficult decisions in other teams. Reliability requires a platform with a scalable and redundant
architecture, supporting the best deployment method for the specific organization
served (e.g., on premise
or SaaS) as well as demonstrating proven success in the most complex and largest global enterprises.

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 9

How Does Your SOC Stack Up?
Visionary SOCs across the world are laying the technology foundation for greater security empowerment
and improved cross-team incident response. It’s clear leaders see enterprise-wide security incident
response orchestration as a growing priority, and many seek the right platform to serve this critical
strategy. The preceding sections have examined the challenges, approaches, and technology requirements
for success in enterprise-wide security incident response orchestration, and have also discussed the rewards
following from adoption of an enterprise-wide security incident response platform.
Leading organizations today are setting a new bar in risk reduction and response speed thanks to
enterprise-wide incident response technology and a forward-thinking approach.

Is your SOC ready to join today’s top enterprise-wide security forces?

Security Incident Resolution Reaches Beyond the SOC 10

1. Leyden, John . "More data lost or stolen in first half of 2017 than the whole of last year." The Register® - Biting the hand that feeds IT. Situation Publishing, 20 Sept. 2017. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

2. Chickowski, Ericka. The Impact of a Security Breach 2017. Rep. DARKReading Reports with Guidance Software, June 2017. Web. 9 Oct. 2017.


4. Kovacs, Eduard. "FedEx Profit Takes $300 Million Hit After Malware Attack." Information Security News, IT Security News & Expert Insights: SecurityWeek.Com. Wired Business
Media, 20 Sept. 2017. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

5. United States. Cong. House. Energy and Commerce Committee. Hearing on Oversight of the Equifax Data Breach: Answers for Consumers Oct. 3, 2017. 115th Cong. 1st sess.
Washington: GPO, 2017 (statement of Richard F. Smith, former CEO, Equifax).

6. Cox, Jeff. “Regulators to crack down on credit firms after Equifax hack, CFPB director says.” CNBC, CNBC LLC, 27 Sept. 2017. Web. 16 Oct. 2017.

7. Oltsik, Jon. Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations in Transition. Rep. Enterprise Strategy Group, July 2017. Web. 05 Oct. 2017.

8. Monahan, David. InfoBrief: A Day in the Life of a Cyber Security Pro. Issue brief. Enterprise Management Associates, 17 May 2017. Web. 26 July 2017.

9. Oltsik, Cybersecurity Analytics

10. Oltsik, Jon. “Cybersecurity pros reveal what they think about their organizations.” CSO Online. IDG Communications, Inc., 5 Sept. 2017. Web. 16 Oct. 2017.

11. Oltsik, Cybersecurity Analytics

12. Chuvakin, Anton, and Augusto Barros. How to Plan and Execute Modern Security Incident Response. Research Note. Gartner, 7 Apr. 2016. Web. 27 Sept. 2017.

13. The State of Malware Detection & Prevention. Rep. Ponemon Institute, LLC with Cyphort, Mar. 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

14. Oltsik, Cybersecurity Analytics

15. Chickowski, Ericka . "Bringing Network And Security Teams Together." Network Computing: Connecting the Infrastructure Community. UBM Tech, 16 July 2015. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

16. Oltsik, Jon. "People, process and technology challenges with security operations." CSO Online. IDG Communications, Inc., 11 Apr. 2017. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

17. Rance, Stuart. "5 Reasons the Service Desk Should Care About Information Security." SysAid Blog. SysAid, 8 Oct. 2015. Web. 12 Oct. 2017.

About Resolve Systems

Resolve Systems is the global leader in providing a single platform for enterprise-wide incident response,
automation and process orchestration for Security Operations, IT Operations, Network Operations and
service desk teams.
Resolve accelerates incident response and resolution by supplying engineers with partially or fully
customized human-guided automations, powerful real-time incident collaboration and the omnipresence to
orchestrate existing systems, across silos.
Headquartered in Irvine, California, USA with operations in EMEA and APAC, Resolve Systems works
with nearly 100 of the largest global firms and is majority owned by funds affiliated with Insight Venture
Partners, a leading global private equity and venture capital firm investing in high-growth technology
and software companies

About Insight Venture Partners

Insight Venture Partners is a leading global venture capital and private equity firm investing in high-growth
technology and software companies that are driving transformative change in their industries. Founded
in 1995, Insight has raised more than $13 billion and invested in nearly 300 companies worldwide. Our
mission is to find, fund and work successfully with visionary executives, providing them with practical,
hands-on growth expertise to foster long-term success.
For more information on Insight and all of its investments, visit or follow
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