BS Iso 00048-4-2018
BS Iso 00048-4-2018
BS Iso 00048-4-2018
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 48‑4:2018. It
supersedes BS ISO 7619‑1:2010, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee PRI/22, Testing and analysis of rubber.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2018
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2018
ISBN 978 0 580 99962 8
ICS 83.060
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 August 2018.
Rubber, vulcanized or
thermoplastic — Determination
of hardness —
Part 4:
Indentation hardness by durometer
method (Shore hardness)
Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique - Détermination
de la dureté —
Partie 4: Dureté par pénétration par la méthode au duromètre
(dureté Shore)
Reference number
ISO 48‑4:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
BS ISO 48‑4:2018
ISO 48-4:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Choice of durometer ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Apparatus ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1 Durometer types A, D and AO .................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.1 Pressure foot ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.2 Indentor ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1.3 Indicating device .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
6.1.4 Calibrated spring ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
6.1.5 Automatic timing device (optional) ................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Durometer type AM ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.2.1 Pressure foot ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.2 Indentor ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.3 Indicating device .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
6.2.4 Calibrated spring ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
6.2.5 Automatic timing device (optional) ................................................................................................................ 6
6.3 Stand ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.4 Durometer spring force calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 6
7 Test pieces ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.2 Thickness ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Surface ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
8 Conditioning and test temperature ................................................................................................................................................... 8
9 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
9.2 Test time ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
9.3 Measurements ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
10 Calibration and checking ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
10.1 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
10.2 Checking using standard rubber blocks .......................................................................................................................... 9
11 Precision ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
12 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (informative) Precision ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non‑governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any p atent rights identi fie d du ri ng the development o f the do c ument wi l l b e i n the I ntro duc tion and/or
assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products,
Subcommittee SC 2, Testing and analysis.
T h i s fi rs t e d ition o f I S O 4 8 ‑ 4 c ancel s and replace s ISO 7619‑1:2010 which has been technically revised.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— a new standard number has been given.
— in the Introduction, an explanation of the purpose of the grouping work has been added.
— in 6.3.1, the description has been improved to distinguish hand‑held instruments and on‑a‑stand
instruments more clearly.
— in Clause 8, the description for the required time for conditioning has been improved for better
— in 9.2, the use of talcum powder has been removed.
— in Annex A, precision results from ITPs that were carried out in 1985 and 2007 have been included.
A list of all parts in the ISO 48 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
ISO/TC 45/SC 2 established a principle that it would be helpful for users if standards on the same subject
but covering different aspects or methods were grouped together, preferably with an introductory
guidance standard, rather than being scattered throughout the numbering system. This has been
achieved for some subjects, for example curemeters (ISO 6502) and dynamic properties (ISO 4664).
In 2017, it was decided to group standards for hardness and, subsequently, it was agreed that they
would be grouped under the ISO 48 number. The new standards together with the previously numbered
standards are listed below.
The hardness of rubber, as measured by a durometer (Shore hardness) or an IRHD pocket meter, is
determined from the response of the rubber to an applied indentation. The response is complex and
will depend on:
Because of these factors, it is inadvisable to relate results using a durometer (Shore hardness) directly to
IRHD values, although correlations have been established for some individual rubbers and compounds.
Durometers were originally portable hand‑held instruments that have proved to be particularly
convenient for making measurements on products. By now a lot of laboratories also use them on a stand
with a weight appl ie d to the pre s s u re fo o t i n order to i mprove pre ci s ion s ign i fic antly.
100 IRHD. Further information on the relationship between the durometer values and IRHD values is given in
References [5][6][7] .
1 Scope
This do c ument s p e ci fie s a me tho d for de term i n i ng the i ndentation h ard ne s s (S hore h ard ne s s) of
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 48‑9, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 9: Calibration and
verification o f hardness testers
ISO 23529, Rubber — General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical
test methods
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
4 Principle
An indentor o f specified dimensions is pressed into a test piece under a specified load and the depth o f
indentation measured. This indentation is converted to a hardness value by means o f a specified relation.
5 Choice of durometer
When using durometers, the scale should be chosen as follows:
6 Apparatus
6.1 Durometer types A, D and AO
These durometers consist o f the components specified in 6.1.1 to 6.1.5.
6.1.2 Indentor
The indentor shall be formed from a hardened‑steel rod of diameter 1,25 mm ± 0,15 mm to the shape
and dimensions shown in Figure 1 for type A durometers and Figure 2 for type D durometers. Type AO
durometers shall have a round indentor with a radius of 2 ,5 mm ± 0,02 mm in accordance with Figure 3.
F = 550 + 75 HA
F = 445 HD
F = 550 + 75 HAO
where HAO is the hardness reading taken from the type AO durometer.
NOTE The rubber industry uses the term equation for the relationships herein termed formula. The term
formula is used to describe the table of ingredients in a rubber compound.
Dimension in millimetres
Dimension in millimetres
Dimension in millimetres
Dimension in millimetres
6.2.2 Indentor
The indentor shall be formed from a hardened‑steel rod of diameter 0,79 mm ± 0,025 mm to the shape
and dimensions shown in Figure 4.
where HAM is the hardness reading taken from the type AM durometer.
NOTE The rubber industry uses the term equation for the relationships herein termed formula. The term
formula is used to describe the table of ingredients in a rubber compound.
6.3 Stand
6.3.1 The original concept of a durometer was a portable instrument that could be used, for example,
on a product in service. However, better precision can be expected by using a stand with a weight centred
on the axis of the indentor to apply the pressure foot to the test piece. Durometer types A, D and AO may
be used either as hand‑held instruments or mounted on a stand. Type AM durometers shall always be
mounted on a stand. Clearly, when a stand is used, the portability is lost.
NOTE As a general trend, it can be expected that the precision will follow the order:
Hand held durometer < Hand held durometer equipped with force‑calibrated hand‑grip < Durometer using a
stand < Durometer equipped with a timer and using a stand.
Precision is affected by a number of factors, including parallax error, time of load application, speed of
applying the load to the foot and orientation of the test piece. A detailed study of the reproducibility of
rubber hardness tests can be found in Reference [8] .
6.3.2 The operating stand shall be capable of supporting the pressure‑foot surface of the durometer
parallel to the test piece support table.
6.3.3 The stand shall be capable of applying the test piece to the indentor, or vice versa, without shock.
NOTE A maximum speed of 3,2 mm/s has been found to be suitable.
6.3.4 The total mass of the durometer and extra mass to overcome the spring force shall be:
— kg for type D;
7 Test pieces
7.1 General
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with ISO 23529.
7.2 Thickness
For the determination of hardness using type A, D and AO durometers, the thickness of the test piece
shall be at least 6 mm.
For the determination of hardness using type AM durometers, the thickness of the test piece shall be at
least 1,5 mm.
For sheets thinner than 6 mm and 1,5 mm (see above), the test piece may be composed of not more than
three layers, in order to obtain the necessary thickness. However, determinations made on such test
pieces might not agree with those made on single‑layer test pieces.
7.3 Surface
T he o ther d i men s ion s o f the te s t pie ce sha l l b e s u ffic ient to p erm it me as u rements at le as t 1 2 m m away
from any edge for types A and D, and 15 mm and 4,5 mm away from any edge for type AO and type AM,
T he s u r face o f the te s t pie ce s ha l l b e fl at a nd p ara l lel over an are a s u fficient to p erm it the pre s s u re fo o t
to come into contact with the test piece over an area having a radius of at least 6 mm from the indentor
point for types A and D, 9 mm for type AO and 2 ,5 mm for type AM.
Satisfactory hardness determinations cannot be made on rounded, uneven or rough surfaces using
durometers. However, their use in certain specialized applications is recognized, e.g. ISO 48‑7 for the
determination of the hardness of rubber‑covered rolls. In such applications, the limitations to their use
shall be clearly identified.
9 Procedure
9.1 General
Place the test piece on a flat, hard, rigid sur face (e.g. glass). Apply the pressure foot to the test piece, or
vice versa, as rapidly as possible but without shock, keeping the foot parallel to the surface of the test
piece and ensuring that the indentor is normal to the rubber surface.
NOTE 1 A test time of 15 s has been introduced for thermoplastic rubber because the hardness value continues
to decrease over a longer period o f time than for vulcanized rubber, this test time being the same as that specified
for plastics in ISO 868.
NOTE 2 I f a flow curve is recorded for at least 15 s (hardness every 0,1 s) for an unknown material, the
appropriate measuring time (3 s or 15 s) can be selected instead of treating it as vulcanized.
9.3 Measurements
Make three (known material) or five (unknown material) measurements o f hardness at di fferent
positions on the test piece at least 6 mm apart for types A, D and AO and at least 0,8 mm apart for type
AM, and determine the median value.
If the time interval after which each reading was taken is different from 3 s, record the individual
values of the indentation hardness together with the time interval after which each reading was taken,
and determine the median value and the maximum and minimum values obtained.
NOTE Abrasive material can strongly wear the indenter. Therefore, recalibration or replacement of the
indenter can be needed more often than the standard frequency.
Continue the instrument check using a set of standard rubber blocks covering the measurement
range. All adjustments shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The set
of standard rubber blocks used shall consist of at least three reference blocks in a suitable covered
container away from light, heat, oil and grease. The reference blocks shall be recalibrated once a year,
or i f the me an va lue deviate s more th an one un it comp a re d with the cer ti fic ate o f the re ference blo cks .
The calibration of the reference blocks needs to be done with a reference measurement device of an
accredited laboratory. Instruments in regular use shall be checked at least each week against standard
rubber blocks.
11 Precision
See Annex A.
12 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) sample details:
2) a description of the test piece, including its thickness and, in the case of a composite test piece,
the number of layers;
b) the test method used, i.e. the reference number of this document (ISO 48‑4:2018);
c) test details:
1) the temperature of test, and the relative humidity when the hardness of the material is
dependent on the humidity;
3) number of measurements;
4) the time which elapsed between the preparation of the test piece and the measurement of
its hardness;
6) de ta i l s o f any op eration s no t s p e c i fie d i n th i s do c u ment and any i ncidents l i kely to have had an
d) the test result, expressed as a whole number, together with the scale used, e.g. 75 Shore A (A75);
1) Standard rubber hardness blocks are available from a number of instrument manufacturers and accredited test
Annex A
A.1 General
Interlaboratory test programmes (ITPs) for precision evaluation for hardness tests were conducted in
1985, 2004 and 2007.
NOTE ISO/TR 9272:1986 2) was used for the ITP carried out in 1985, but ISO/TR 9272:2005 was used for the
2004 and the 2007 programmes.
A.2.2 The precision assessment is a type 1 (cured prepared test pieces circulated) and the time for
repeatability and reproducibility is on a scale of days.
A.2.3 The precision results for the Shore hardness meter are given in Table A.1.
A.3 ITP in 2004 (Precision results for the type AM durometer compared to that
of Micro IRHD testing)
A.3.1 The precision was determined for a type AM durometer. The results are given in Tables A.2 and
A.3 . Although Micro IRHD testing is not specified in this test method, the precision for Micro International
Rubber Hardness Degrees (Micro IRHD) was also evaluated for the purposes of comparison. ISO 48‑2
includes the additional set of precision results for IRHD 3) .
The repeatability, or local domain precision, for each of the hardness test methods was established for
each material as the values found in Table A.2. Two individual test results (obtained by the proper use
of this document) that differ by more than the tabulated values of r (in measurement units) and (r) (in
percent) should be considered as suspect, i.e. as having come from different populations, and should
suggest that some appropriate investigative action be taken.
The reproducibility, or global domain precision, for the type AM durometer hardness test method was
established for each material as the values found in Table A.2. Two individual test results obtained in
different laboratories (by the proper use of this document) that differ by more than the tabulated values
of R (in measurement units) and (R) (in percent) should be considered as suspect, i.e. as having come
from different populations, and should suggest that some appropriate investigative action be taken.
A.3.2 A type 1 precision was evaluated (for both tests) using cured test pieces prepared from four
different rubber compounds, A, B, C and D (with a range of hardness values), supplied to each of the
six laboratories participating in the ITP. On each of two test days, two weeks apart, the following test
sequence was carried out. Three test pieces were furnished for each compound, and the median value of
five hardnes s meas urements o n each o f the three tes t p ieces was o b tained fo r each o f two o p erato rs . Fo r
each operator, the median value was selected for all three test pieces. The two median values were then
averaged to obtain a single value designated as the test result for that test day. Shore AM measurements
were made on one side of the test piece and IRHD measurements were made on the reverse side. The
precision analysis was based on test result data, i.e. two test result values per laboratory.
The ISO/TR 9272:2005 option 2 outlier treatment procedure, outlier replacement, was adopted since
the ITP had the minimum number of six participating laboratories. This option 2 procedure replaces
e ach outl ier de clare d a s s igni fic a nt with a va lue th at i s con s i s tent with the data va lue d i s tribution for
the non‑outlier data for that material. See ISO/TR 9272:2005 for the rationale behind this concept and
for other details.
The precision results as determined by this ITP may not be applied to acceptance or rejection testing for
any group of materials or products without documentation that the results of this precision evaluation
actually apply to the materials or products tested.
A.3.3 The precision results for type AM durometer measurements are given in Table A.2, with the
materials listed in order of increasing hardness. The results are given in terms of both absolute precision,
r and R, and relative precision (r) and (R). General statements for the use of the precision results are
given above.
A.3.4 The precision results for Micro IRHD testing are given in Table A.3, with the materials listed
in order of increasing hardness. The results are given in terms of both absolute precision, r and R, and
relative precision (r) and (R). General statements for the use of the precision results are given above.
A.3.5 The results of the precision analyses in Tables A.2 and A.3 indicate that there is no pronounced
trend for r or R versus hardness level over the 46 to 74 range. The repeatability parameters for the
type AM durometer [r = 0,88, (r) = 1,47] and for Micro IRHD [r = 1,14, (r) = 2,04] are reasonably similar.
However, the reproducibility of the two hardness measurement methods is substantially different: for
Shore AM, R = 5,08 and (R) = 8,98, and for IRHD, R = 2,20 and (R) = 3,85. The reproducibility parameters
R and (R) for IRHD are 43 % of the value(s) for Shore AM, indicating much better between‑laboratory
agreement for the IRHD measurements.
3) This is to ensure that optimum use is made of the results on IRHD from the ITP for ISO 7619‑1 at that time, given
that these results might otherwise be discarded. Having precision in both documents (ISO 48‑2 and ISO 48‑4) for
IRHD expands the precision knowledge base for IRHD and provides more precision information on this method.
Table A.2 — Precision for ISO 7619-1 (current ISO 48-4) hardness — Type AM durometer
Within-laboratory Between laboratories
Material Mean Standard Repeatabili- Repeatabili- Standard Reproducibili- Reproducibili- Number of
level deviation ty (absolute) ty (relative) deviation ty (absolute) ty (relative) laboratories d
sra ra (r) b sRc Ra (R ) b
B (2) 47,9 0,276 0,772 1,61 2,32 6,5 13,57 6
C (3) 55,2 0,223 0,623 1,13 1,85 5,17 9,35 6 (1)
A (1) 62,8 0,404 1,13 1,8 1,95 5,45 8,68 6
D (4) 73,9 0,357 1 1,35 1,14 3,2 4,33 6 (1)
Average — 0,881 25 1,472 5 — 5,08 8,982 5 —
NOTE See A.3.5 for a discussion of the precision results in this table.
a In measurement units.
b In percent of mean level.
c For total between‑laboratory variation, in measurement units.
d Number of option 2 outlier laboratory replacement values given in parentheses.
Table A.3 — Precision for ISO 48 (current ISO 48-2) hardness — Micro IRHD
Within-laboratory Between laboratories
Material Mean Standard Repeatabili- Repeatabili- Standard Reproducibili- Reproducibili- Number of
level deviation ty (absolute) ty (relative) deviation ty (absolute) ty (relative) laboratories d
sra ra (r) b sRc Ra (R ) b
B (2) 45,6 0,404 1,13 2,48 0,954 2,67 5,85 6
C (3) 53,9 0,469 1,31 2,43 0,583 1,63 3,03 6 (1)
A (1) 63,7 0,605 1,7 2,66 0,728 2,04 3,2 6
D (4) 74 0,149 0,416 0,57 0,875 2,45 3,31 6 (1)
Average — 1,139 2,035 — 2,197 5 3,847 5 —
NOTE See A.3.5 for a discussion of the precision results in this table.
a In measurement units.
b In percent of mean level.
c For total between‑laboratory variation, in measurement units.
d Number of option 2 outlier laboratory replacement values given in parentheses.
A.4.1.2 A type 1 precision was evaluated, using cured test pieces prepared from seven different
reference materials or compounds (RM) designated as RM 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 and 128. These
materials had a range of hardness levels from low to high. See the actual precision tables (Tables A.4 and
A.5) for the actual hardness levels with Shore A and Shore D test methods.
A.4.1.3 The number of laboratories volunteering to participate was as follows: 26 laboratories for‑
Shore A; 18 laboratories for Shore D.
However, some of the laboratories that initially volunteered did not participate in the testing. The
number of laboratories on which each type of hardness method is based is given in the tables of
precision results (Tables A.4 and A.5). The number of participating laboratories as noted in these tables
i s the fi na l nu mb er a fter cer tai n l ab orator y va lue s were dele te d a s outl iers (for e ach o f the five d i fferent
A.4.1.4 For each RM or compound and for each laboratory, two test pieces (designated as a and b) were
furnis hed and five hardnes s meas urements were made o n each o f the two tes t p ieces o n each o f two tes t
days (Monday and Friday) in a given test week. This process was repeated on alternating test weeks for a
total of four “test” weeks that covered a total time span of eight calendar weeks.
A.4.1.5 Fo r each o f the two data s ets (a and b p ieces ) o f five meas urements each day (o f each week) ,
a median value was selected. The two median values (a and b) for each test day were then averaged to
obtain a single value designated as the “combined test result” value for any given test day and test week.
Statistical analysis for precision was then conducted on each of these day 1 and day 2 “pooled combined
test result” values. A separate precision analysis was conducted for each of the four test weeks and to
generate the final p recis io n tab les , the p recis io n p arameters ( r, R , etc.) were averaged to obtain a pooled
A.4.1.6 The participating laboratories were encouraged to use two equally competent operators (if
available) for this ITP: Operator 1 for test weeks 1 and 3 and Operator 2 for test weeks 2 and 4. The
decision to use different test pieces and different operators as well as the use of four test weeks was
b as ed o n the des ire to include s uch no rmal variatio n s o urces in the final o r p o o led co mb ined datab as e.
Thus the precision values, as listed in Tables A.4 and A.5, represent more reliable or realistic values
compared to the usual ITP results which constitute a “single point in time” estimate of precision.
A.4.1.7 The precision results as determined by this ITP should not be applied to acceptance or rejection
testing for any group of materials or products without documentation that the results of this precision
evaluation actually apply to the products or materials tested.
A.4.2.1 The precision results for Shore hardness tests obtained for the 2007 ITP are given in Tables A.4
and A.5 and the ones for IRHD hardness tests are given in ISO 48‑2. Precision is given for Shore A in
Table A.4 and precision for Shore D in Table A.5. The results are given in terms of both the absolute
precision, r or R, and the relative precision, (r) and (R).
A.4.2.2 The precision results showed that the precision of IRHD N was substantially better than
IRHD M. IRHD L appeared to be roughly equivalent to IRHD N but caution was advised since the IRHD L
precision was based on only four laboratories. IRHD N precision was essentially equal to Shore A, but
Shore D precision was the worst of all methods.
A.4.2.3 Bias is the difference between a measured average test result and a reference or true value
for the measurement in question. Reference values do not exist for this test method and therefore bias
cannot be evaluated.
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