Anitaatina Carbohydrates

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Carbohydrates Cheat Sheet

by AnitaAtina via

Carboh​ydrates Hydrolysis reactions Bene​dic​t's test for sugars (cont)

Most carboh​ydrates (and proteins/ nucleic Polymers can be broken down into Add Benedict's Add dilute hydroc​‐
acids) are polymers- large, complex monomers by hydrolysis reactions. It reagent (which is hloric acid to solution
molecules composed of long chains of breaks the chemical bind between blue) to a sample and gently heating in
monomers joined together. Monomers are monomers using a water molecule. and heat it in a a water bath that's
small, basic molecular units, e.g. monosa​‐ Opposite of conden​sation. E.g. carboh​‐ water bath that's been bought to a
cch​arides, amino acids and nucleo​tides ydrates can be broken down into their been bought to boil. boil. You then
Carboh​ydrates are made from monosa​cch​‐ consti​tuent monosa​cch​arides by hydrolysis If it's positive, it will neutralise with
arides. The monomers that they're made form a coloured sodium hydrogen
from are monosa​cch​arides, e.g. glucose, Starch precip​itate carbonate.
fructose and galactose The Main energy storage material in plants blue-> green -> Then carry out
Glucose is a hexose sugar, a monosa​cch​‐ yellow -> orange - reducing sugar test
Cells get energy from glucose. Plants store
aride with six carbon atoms in each >brick red
excess glucose as starch. Starch is a
molecules. There are two types of alpha mixture of two polysa​cch​arides, amylop​ectin The higher the concen​tration the further the
and beta- they're isomers. and amylose colour change goes. Can use to copare, but
better if filter the solution and weigh the
Amylose- a long,unbranched chain of a-
alpha vs beta glucose precip​itate
glucose. The angles of the glycosidic bonds
give it a coiled structure , making it compact ,
good for storage because more can be
fitted in a small space Made of long, unbranched chains of beta-g​‐
Amylop​ectin- a long, branched chain of a- lucose
glucose. Its side branches allow enzymes When beta-g​lucose molecules bind, they
that break down the molecule to get at the form straight cellulose chains. These are
glycosidic bond easily, so glucose can be linked together by hydrogen bonds to form
joined by conden​sation, has glycosidic released quickly. strong fibres called microf​ibrils . The strong
bonds Starch is insoluble in water and doesn't fibres means cellulose provides structural
affect water potential , so it doesn't cause support for cells
Glucogen water to enter by osmosis., which would
make them swell, this makes them good for Cellulose
Glycogen is the main energy storage
storage. Made of long, unbranched chains of beta-g​‐
material in animals
Iodine test for Starch - Add iodine dissolved lucose
Animals store excess glucose as glycogen,
in potassium iodide solution to test sample. When beta-g​lucose molecules bind, they
a polysa​cch​aride of alpha-​glu​cose. It has a
If starch is present the sample changes form straight cellulose chains. These are
similar structure to amylop​ectin, but with
from browny​-orange to a dark blue black linked together by hydrogen bonds to form
more side branches so that stored glucose
colour strong fibres called microf​ibrils . The strong
can be released quickly, important for
energy release in animals. fibres means cellulose provides structural
Bene​dic​t's test for sugars support for cells
Also very compact so it is good for storage
Sugar is a general term for monosa​cch​‐
arides and disacc​harides. All sugars are Cellulose
Conden​sation Reactions
either reducing or non-re​ducing Made of long, unbranched chains of beta-g​‐
Reducing Sugars- Non-re​ducing sugar lucose
all monosa​cch​‐ e.g. sucrose, has to When beta-g​lucose molecules bind, they
arides and some be broken down first form straight cellulose chains. These are
disacc​harides to be tested. linked together by hydrogen bonds to form
strong fibres called microf​ibrils . The strong
fibres means cellulose provides structural
support for cells
A conden​sation reaction is when two
molecules join together with the formation of
a new chemical bond and a water molecule
is released when the bond is formed.
Monosa​cch​arides join together by conden​‐
sation reactions, where a glycosidic bond
forms as the water molecule is released.
2 monosa​cch​arides = disacc​harides 2+
monosa​cch​arides = polysa​cch​aride
sucrose= glucose and fructose, lactose=
glucose and galactose, maltose= 2x alpha

By AnitaAtina Not published yet. Sponsored by Last updated 27th July, 2022. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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