Laszczyk2009 HTSH
Laszczyk2009 HTSH
Laszczyk2009 HTSH
Affiliations Betulin Institut, Darmstadt, Germany
Carl Gustav Carus-Institut, Niefern-Öschelbronn, Germany
Introduction the outer bark of birch, leaves of rosemary and olive, mistletoe as
! well as plane tree bark and apple peelings contain more than 1 %
Today solid tumours are no longer considered as a mere accumu- (w/w) of these pentacyclic triterpenes (l " Table 1). These plants
lation of abnormal, malignant cancer cells. The tumour environ- can be used to obtain triterpene dry extracts consisting of 50–
ment, the tumour stroma, is becoming more and more impor- 90 % (w/w) triterpenes [5]. Depending on the plant material, lu-
tant. Therefore, treatment strategies have to be changed. Most peol, betulin, betulinic acid, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid or an
therapies now try to eliminate cancer cells by inducing apoptosis equal mixture of these substances are the main components of
or necrosis. New therapy strategies include the treatment of the such dry extracts [6] (l " Fig. 1). This kind of triterpene extract
tumour environment, avoiding angiogenesis and modulating the may be used as starting material for further pharmaceutical de-
immune response or the chronic inflammation that is often asso- velopment.
ciated with cancer promotion and progression. Another approach In the last 15 years hundreds of publications have highlighted the
penes (> 1 % of the dry weight of the plant organ). The highest tri- man nutrition because of their chemopreventive potential to
terpene amount has been found in the outer bark of white birch. fend off cancer promotion [7, 8].
The white outer bark contains up to 34% (w/w) betulin [4]. Beside
Induction of apoptosis by pro-apoptotic agents is one important
part of cancer therapy. But apoptosis in cancer cells is often im-
paired or even blocked by mutated genes regulating the cell cycle
or an imbalanced ratio of pro- and antiapoptotic proteins. There-
fore it is necessary to target different steps of the apoptotic pro-
cess to bypass such blocks with respect to the type of cancer. This
review highlights only a few aspects of the knowledge about tri-
terpenes and apoptosis. But it should give an impression of the
diversity of mechanisms triggered by these triterpenes and with
it the chance to overcome apoptosis resistance in cancer cells.
Triterpenes trigger apoptosis by different modes of action, as ex-
tensively described in a series of reviews, especially for betulinic
acid [7–9]. First it was assumed that betulinic acid is a selective
cytotoxic compound against melanoma cells. However, up to
now a large panel of cancer cell lines have proven to be sensitive
to betulinic acid and other pentacyclic triterpenes. It is also as-
sumed by some authors that there is a selective sensitivity
against malignant cells. Nevertheless, cytotoxicity against pri-
mary cells such as fibroblasts, melanocytes, keratinocytes, neuro-
Fig. 2 Pentacyclic triterpenes such as lupeol, betulin, betulinic acid, nal cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes is reported, but they
erythrodiol, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid exhibit various pharmacological seem to tolerate higher triterpene concentrations than cancer
activities. Besides targeting tumour cells by induction of apoptosis, they cells of the same origin [10–14]. Whether this may result in a
also modulate the tumour environment displaying antiangiogenic, anti-in- positive effect in vivo, when cancer cells are in a united cell struc-
flammatory as well as antioxidant effects and enhancing cell differentia- ture is questionable. But in the case of triterpene acids another
tion. The efficacy of each single compound might differ with respect to the possibility to enhance their activity in cancer tissue was ob-
various activities, so the combination of these substances might have a
served. In vitro the activity of betulinic acid was increased by de-
benefit in order to treat cancer from different from different angles in
modern cancer strategies. creasing the pH [15]. And interestingly in athymic mice carrying
human melanoma xenografts, its highest concentration after in-
traperitoneal injection (500 mg/kg) compared with other tissues neuroblastoma (GOTO, NB-1) [34]. However, in nonmalignant,
like liver, lung, and kidney was found in the tumour tissue, which immortalised HaCaT keratinocytes induction of caspase-depen-
often exhibits a lower pH, caused by a changed metabolism. This dent apoptosis has been observed [5] and recently, Pyo et al. re-
could be an explanation of the triterpene acid accumulation in vealed anticancer activity of betulin (20 µM) against a human lung
the melanoma tissue. Up to now, only a few investigations in- cancer cell line (A549) by induction of apoptosis [35]. Erythrodiol,
clude pH variations [15, 16], but this fact could be an important the closely related diol of the oleanane group, has not been inves-
factor for increasing the activity of triterpene acids in cancer tigated very thoroughly either, but in 2008 apoptotic activity in
treatment and should be investigated in more detail. HT-29 human adenocarcinoma cells at concentrations of 50–
The apoptosis mechanism of betulinic acid has been investigated 150 µM was reported [36]. In the case of betulin and erythrodiol,
quite well and was reviewed in 2009 by Fulda [9]. In short, betu- it is difficult to evaluate their pro-apoptotic potential compared to
linic acid induces apoptosis via the intrinsic pathway by affecting betulinic acid, because of the low amount of published data.
the mitochondrial membrane potential [17] and initiates reactive Sometimes only moderate pro-apoptotic effects of triterpenes are
oxygen species (ROS) generation linked to an activation of pro- observed in vitro, as reported for immortalised HaCaT keratino-
apoptotic p38 MAPK and SAP/JNK kinases [18, 19]. A similar in- cytes or human epidermoid carcinoma cells (A431) treated with a
crease of ROS was also observed for oleanolic acid (25 µM) in as- triterpene dry extract from birch bark containing 80 % betulin and
trocytoma cell lines [20]. While recently published data reported up to 4 % betulinic acid and smaller amounts of lupeol and olea-
Bax/Bak-independent apoptosis induction by betulinic acid in nolic acid [5]. It was only able to induce a twofold higher apoptosis
various cancer cell lines [21], a number of publications show a rate in HaCaT keratinocytes. At first these results seem to have no
modulation of anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 fam- relevance for therapeutic treatment. Nevertheless the triterpene
ily [13, 22–25]. The modulation of pro- and antiapoptotic factors extract was successful in vivo treating actinic keratosis [37].
fects on the angiogenic process but these proved controversial. In be due to activation of selective proteasome-dependent degrada-
serum free cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells tion of the transcription factors specificity protein 1 (Sp1), Sp3,
(HUVECs), ursolic acid (10–100 µM) increases expression of ad- and Sp4 which regulate the VEGF expression and that are mostly
hesion molecules that support angiogenesis, such as ICAM-1 and overexpressed in tumours, as was shown by Chintharlapalli and
CD31, and the expression of angiogenic growth factors, particu- colleagues [47]. The concentration-dependent effect on the tran-
larly vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast scription factors and the expression of VEGF by betulinic acid
growth factor-2 (FGF-2) [39]. This suggests a possible support of could be fully blocked by using a proteasome inhibitor.
the migration step and the structure formation process. Further- Only one publication reports an antiangiogenic effect of lupeol.
more, 4–20 µM ursolic acid failed to produce a significant inhibi- You and colleagues found that lupeol also inhibits HUVEC tube
tion of the invasion capability of BAEC through matrigel. In addi- formation [48].
tion, the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) by ECM deg- Based on the current literature, primarily triterpene acids seem
radation proteins as MMP-2 and urokinase was assumed to be to have an antiangiogenic effect. However, to clarify the exact
stimulated by ursolic acid (4 µM) due to an increased expression mechanisms by which they exert this effect more experimental
shown by gelatinase and urokinase zymography of these en- work is still needed, even if there are some doubts in the case of
zymes in BAEC [40]. But this should be investigated in more de- ursolic acid because of the upregulation of pro-angiogenic factors
tail, considering that two years later Jedinak found a strong inhi- such as MMP-2 or VEGF in vitro. It is necessary to interpret these
bition of urokinase activity by ursolic acid in a cell free system pro-angiogenic data very carefully. There are four key steps in an-
[41]. Despite the enhancement of pro-angiogenic factors, in giogenesis. These include degradation of the extracellular matrix,
2004 Cardenas confirmed Sohnʼs (1995) observation of the anti- migration and proliferation of aortic endothelial cells and the for-
angiogenic effect of ursolic acid in the CAM assay. Furthermore, mation of new blood vessels. All four steps are necessary for suc-
activity of betulinic acid and ursolic acid on NF-κB [26, 68]. Kas- ing beneficial physiological effects, for example in cellular re-
perczyk et al. [26] postulated an NF- κB activating effect of betu- sponses to noxia, or in the regulation of immune responses. Over-
linic acid (13–22 µM) on various cancer cell lines (neuroblastoma, production results in oxidative stress that can be an important
melanoma, glioblastoma). In contrast, in 2003 Takada and Aggar- mediator of damage to cell structures [78]. Initially increased lev-
wal described an inhibition of NF-κB regulated cyclooxygenase-2 els of ROS disrupt cell membrane integrity by oxidation of unsat-
(COX-2) expression and determined a maximal suppressive effect urated membrane lipids. Lipid peroxidation is commonly related
of betulinic acid at a concentration of 30 µM on NF-κB in colon to cardiovascular diseases [79], autoimmune diseases or chronic
carcinoma cells [68]. Similarly NF-κB in melanoma cells was in- inflammation [80]. Furthermore, free radicals cause DNA damage
hibited by ursolic acid (50 µM) accompanied by downregulation which may result in tumour initiation and promotion [81]. Thus
of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α; IL-1β, IL-6, and regulation of the ROS level may be an important preventive
GM‑CSF and apoptosis occurred after 48 h [31]. Also, carcino- measure and may also support the anticancer therapies, by
gen-induced NF-κB expression is decreased by ursolic acid [69]. avoiding oxidative stress.
However, in contrast to this, in resting macrophages ursolic acid The organism uses two antioxidative mechanisms to regulate the
and also oleanolic acid activate NF-κB causing increased expres- level of free radicals, first an enzymatic and second a non-enzy-
sion of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α at concentra- matic system [82, 83]. The enzymatic system concerns enzymes
tions of 5 µM and 4 µM, respectively [70, 71]. such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) or catalase (CAT) that are
At first these results seem to be contradictory, but the different oxidised and reduced within a cascade to eliminate the free radi-
observations could be based on concentration-dependent effects, cals. The non-enzymatic system deals with antioxidants. One of
as observed for oleanolic acid with respect to the TNF-α produc- the bodyʼs own antioxidants is glutathione (GSH). It exists as a
tion of human mononuclear cells [65] or for betulinic acid monomeric tripeptide (GSH); when oxidised a GSSG dimer is
these changes are directly induced by triterpenoids or are a result growth arrest in melanoma tumours by interfering with the cy-
of the activated differentiation process. But it should be men- clin/cdk2/p21 complex activity [124].
tioned that morphological changes could also be observed in the Modern cancer treatment also includes modulation of the im-
apoptosis process induced by triterpenes [20]. Therefore the inter- mune system. As noted above, in vitro a broad spectrum of im-
pretation of this phenomenon must be carefully evaluated. mune modulations by triterpenes is observed. Indeed, this could
Moreover, differentiation is also indicated by regaining or devel- be confirmed in some in vivo studies, e.g., in a study using mela-
oping special cell type specific properties. For example, myeloid noma (B16.F10) bearing mice (C57BL/6). I. p. injected ursolic or
leukaemia cells (HL-60) amplify 1-alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin oleanolic acid (50 µmol/kg body weight, for 5 days) was found to
D3 induced monocytic marker expression such as CD11b or CD14 produce enhanced natural killer cell activity and increased the
when treated additionally with betulinic acid [117]. Oleanolic ac- cytokine IL-2 that promotes the lytic activity of NK cells. In addi-
id decreases the proliferation rate of M1 mouse carcinoma cells tion, antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) as
and human leukaemia cells (HL-60) while phagocytotic activity well as antibody-dependent complement-mediated cytotoxicity
is increased. And lupeol as well as betulin and betulinic acid in- (ACC) were enhanced. According to the expected anticancer ef-
duce melanogenesis in B16 2F2 mouse melanoma cells [118]. fect, the elevated levels of GM‑CSF and IL-6 in tumour-bearing
The ability to induce differentiation or redifferentiation, instead control animals were also reduced by the treatment with ursolic
of acting as a cytotoxic substance, is always a question of the acid [125]. Another study showed lupeol efficacy in a TPA in-
available triterpene concentration and depends also on cell type duced mouse skin tumourigenesis model (CD1) by its anti-in-
and cell status [109]. Until now some mechanistic investigations flammatory activity. Prior topical application of 1–2 mg/animal
have been carried out only in keratinocytes, revealing two possi- lupeol resulted in the inhibition of the TPA induced activation of
ble targets: PPAR-α and TRPC6. For other cell types, the observa- PI3K and NF-κB and in an inhibition of COX-2 and iNOS protein
concentration of the chemotherapeutic agent, without loosing Another possible application is combining triterpenes with al-
the effectiveness of treatment, while side effects were decreased. ready commonly used chemotherapeutic agents. This may allow
As mentioned previously, up to now there has been only very lowering the chemotherapeutic dose without loss of efficacy but
limited experience in the treatment of human cancer patients hopefully brings with it less adverse effects and may even give
with the listed triterpenoids. It should be mentioned, that in ani- synergistic effects.
mal studies dosages of between 10 and 100 mg/kg body weight The pharmacological potential of triterpenes for cancer treat-
are applied which is between 0.6 and 6 g per patient per applica- ment seems to be high, although up to now no clinical trial has
tion (60 kg body weight assumed). This is an unusually high been published using triterpenes in cancer therapy. This may be
amount for a drug, and the feasibility and the relevance of this explained by their almost complete insolubility in water [5, 122].
dose is questionable. Nevertheless, betulinic acid is currently But this galenic problem can be solved by derivatisation, com-
undergoing a phase II clinical trial for dysplastic melanocytic nae- plexation [132, 133], or liposomal formulation [134]. Another
vus (web site: Beside this, recent data show problem might be that triterpenes often provide only moderate
the successful topical treatment of precancerous lesions, namely effects in vitro, perhaps due to their poor solubility [122] and
actinic keratoses, with a triterpene dry extract (TE) of the outer the use of solvents such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) that are
bark of birch as mentioned above [37]. Immunohistochemical in- not inert. In our experience, using 1 % DMSO in cell culture me-
vestigations of biopsies before and after a three month treatment dium, a maximum concentration between 20 and 40 µg/ml triter-
with TE showed a downstaging of the actinic keratosis and a re- penes is possible without crystallisation but it has to be carefully
organised epidermal structure. checked in each case. Nonetheless they exhibit convincing effects
It has been possible to confirm in vivo all the general effects of the when applied in vivo, as seen in the case of the birch bark TE ex-
triterpenes discussed that were predicted based on in vitro data tract. Further, the high dose that is used in animal tests might be
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