Ocean Engineering
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Handling Editor: Prof. A.I. Incecik Two parallel strings in a deepwater dual-derrick drilling system are likely to interfere with each other. The
mechanical interference properties of the two parallel strings have not been systematically studied. A mechanical
Keywords: interference model for parallel strings considering current, wave, platform motion, and the interference effect
Parallel strings between two strings is established on the basis of Bernoulli beam theory and wake models. An interference
Mechanical interference properties
analysis method is also proposed on the basis of the finite element method, Newton’s method, and Newmark-β
Drilling riser
method. Lastly, a mechanical interference analysis program is developed in MATLAB and applied in the static
Xmas tree installation
Wake model and dynamic interference property analysis of two parallel strings. It turns out that the wake effect of the riser is
significant and adsorbs the drill pipe around the riser. The adsorption effect may cause a collision between two
parallel strings. The collision risk of parallel strings exists at the end of the hanging string and increases with the
hanging water depth. It is also found that the collision between two strings in dynamic analysis decreases when
the drill pipe is in upstream due to combined wave and current loads but increases when the drill pipe is in
downstream due to the adsorption effect.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Liu).
Received 3 October 2022; Received in revised form 9 January 2023; Accepted 13 January 2023
Available online 17 January 2023
0029-8018/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
2. Interference model
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
where uc(z) is the current velocity at different WDs, ut is the tidal current where the coefficients a1 and a2 are 1 and 4.5, respectively.
velocity, uw is the wind current velocity, and h is the WD. The RMS of the corrected drag force coefficient is used as the
Unlike the hydrodynamic load of the US, that of the DS needs to equivalent drag force coefficient of the DS, which can be expressed as
consider the wake of the US. The Huse wake model and the Blevins wake √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
model are commonly used to correct the hydrodynamic load of the DS. 1 R2 2
CD2 = Ċ (x, y)dy (13)
Huse (1992) introduced the concept of a “virtual source” to estimate D2 − R2 D2
the local current velocity in the wake field, as shown in Fig. 2. The The lateral load per unit length of the DS is derived by combining the
current velocity at any position in the two-dimensional wake field can be Blevins wake model and the modified Morrison equation, which can be
described as expressed as
⎧ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ )
⎪ CD1 D1 [ ]
⎪ u = u − u exp ( − 0.639(y/b)2 πρ D2 ∂2 x
⎨ c c
xs f2 (z, t) = w 2 CM2 u̇w (z, t) − (CM2 − 1) 2
4 ∂t
⎪ xs = xv + x ⃒ ⃒( )
⎪ ⃒
ρ D2 CD2 ⃒ ∂x⃒⃒ ∂x
⎩ + w ⃒ u + u − u + u − (14)
xv = 4D1 /CD1 2
w c
∂t ⃒ w c
where uc is the current velocity, xs is the distance from the wake source The boundary conditions at the top of the hanging string are
to the center of the circle of the DS, u is the local current velocity of the expressed as
DS, y is the longitudinal distance of the strings, xv is the distance from ⎧
⎨ x(0, t) = Sp (t)
the virtual source to the US, and b satisfies the following equation:
dx(0, t) (15)
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ⎪
⎩ θ(0, t) = =0
b = 0.25 CD1 D1 xs (8) dz
The root mean square (RMS) of the local current velocity is used as The boundary conditions at the top of the connected string are shown
the equivalent current velocity of the DS, which can be written as in Eq. (16), and the boundary condition at the bottom is shown in Eq.
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (17).
1 R2 2 ⎧
u= u (xr , yr )dy (9) ⎪
⎪ x(0, t) = Sp (t)
D2 − R2 ⎪
dx(0, t)
where the coordinates (xr , yr ) describe the spatial location of the outer ⎪
M(0, t) = Kuf
diameter semicircle of the DS, and R2 is the radius of the DS. ⎪
⎩ T(0) = Ttop
The lateral load per unit length of the DS is derived by combining the
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
damping matrix, and stiffness matrix of the string, respectively. parallel strings and the parameters of waves and currents are first
A static interference analysis model of the parallel strings is deter defined. The static offset of the two parallel strings is then calculated in
mined by neglecting the velocity and acceleration terms of the dynamic accordance with the established static interference analysis model
interference analysis model, which can be expressed as shown in Eqs. (20) and (21). Finally, dynamic analysis of the parallel
strings in the dual-derrick system can be conducted on the basis of the
K 1 δ 1 = F1 (20)
established dynamic interference analysis model shown in Eqs. (18) and
(19). Moreover, the hydrodynamics of the DS needs to be updated timely
K 2 δ 2 = F2 (21)
in accordance with the wake model in the dynamic interference analysis.
The Newton–Raphson iterative method (Connaire et al., 2015; Wang The correctness of the self-developed MATLAB program should be
et al., 2021) is an accurate and fast one-dimensional root calculation verified before interference analysis of the two parallel strings. The
method that is often used in static numerical analysis. Therefore, this verification is done using the finite element analysis software ABAQUS.
method is selected to solve the static interference analysis model shown A 1000 m string with an outer diameter of 0.533 m and an inner
in Eqs. (20) and (21). The specific solution steps are shown in Appendix diameter of 0.483 m is chosen for analysis. The wind current velocity is
A. 0.7 m/s. The wave period and wave height are 12.1 s and 3.9 m,
The Newmark-β method is a stable time-stepping solution method respectively. The sinusoidal motion amplitude and period of platform in
that can accurately and efficiently carry out time-domain dynamic the horizontal direction are 2m and 12.1s, respectively. The static and
analysis (Liu et al., 2021; Han et al., 2022). Therefore, the Newmark-β dynamic responses of the 1000 m string are analyzed in the self-
method is selected to solve the dynamic interference analysis model developed MATLAB program and ABAQUS, respectively, and then
shown in Eqs. (18) and (19). The specific solution steps are shown in compared with each other. The contrast results show that the result is
Appendix B. basically consistent, as shown in Fig. 5. Besides, the computational ef
A MATLAB program is self-developed in accordance with the inter ficiency of the self-developed program and ABAQUS is compared. The
ference analysis method shown in Fig. 4. The structural configuration of dynamic analysis time is set to 200s. The self-developed MATLAB
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
Table 1
Dual-derrick system parameters.
Parameters Values Units
Table 2
LMRP/BOP system parameters.
Parameters Values Units Parameters Values Units
Table 3
XT system parameters.
Parameters Values Units Parameters Values Units
Table 4
Environmental parameters.
Parameters Values Units Parameters Values Units
program takes 2.21s and 125.14s to solve static and dynamic models,
respectively. ABAQUS takes 24.44s and 895.16s to solve static and dy
namic models, respectively. The computational efficiency of the self-
developed program is higher than that of ABAQUS.
4. Case study
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
Table 5 riser is located upstream, as shown in Fig. 7. Moreover, the effect of the
Working conditions of Operation modes 1 and 2. Blevins wake on the lateral deformation of the DS is greater than that of
Influencing factors the Huse wake, which is consistent with the findings of Tian et al.
(2020b), as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The main reason is related to the
Operation mode 1-1 Drill pipe located upstream
Operation mode 1–2 Drill pipe located downstream “virtual source” in the Huse wake model, which increases the calculated
Operation mode 2-1 Drill pipe located upstream distance of the wake between the two strings and reduces the wake flow
Operation mode 2-2 Drill pipe located downstream decay. Conservatively, the Blevins wake model is chosen for interference
analysis of parallel strings in this study.
4.1. Wake model analysis
4.2. Static analysis
The Huse wake model and the Blevins wake model are the dominant
wake models to simulate the interference effect between parallel strings. The interference properties of the parallel strings in Operation modes
A static interference analysis of parallel strings is performed with no 1 and 2 are similar because they both have hanging string and connected
wake, the Huse wake model, and the Blevins wake model to select a string. Static interference analysis of parallel strings at different hanging
suitable wake model for the parallel string interference analysis. The WDs is performed for Operation modes 1 and 2, as listed in Table 5. The
lateral deformation of the US and DS in different current directions state of the US has a significant effect on the interference properties of
under Operation mode 3 is shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. It turns the two parallel strings. There is no risk of collision between the two
out that collision between the strings is difficult when the wake is not strings when the US is a connected string, as shown in Figs. 9(b) and 10
considered. However, the lateral deformation of the DS decreases under (a). On the contrary, there is a risk of collision between the two strings at
the wake effect of the US, while the lateral deformation of the US is not the end of the US when the US is a hanging string. The collision risk
affected when the wake is considered. The distance between the two increases with hanging WD, as shown in Figs. 9(a) and 10(b). The main
strings decreases due to the wake effect. The decreased distance leads to reason is that the lateral stiffness of the connected string is large
an increase in collision risk between the two strings, especially when the compared with that of the hanging string due to different bottom
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
Table 6 have an adsorption effect on the downstream drill pipe. The adsorption
Working conditions of Operation mode 3. effect of the riser causes the drill pipe to move close to the upstream riser
Influencing factors gradually as the hanging depth increases, which changes the response
pattern of the downstream drill pipe and increases the risk of collision
Operation mode 3-1 Riser suspension length
Operation mode 3-2 Drill pipe suspension length between the parallel strings. Moreover, the collision of the parallel
Operation mode 3-3 Two strings with the same suspension depth strings is likely to occur at the end of the hanging riser, which is the same
as that in Operation modes 1 and 2.
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
5. Conclusions
Fig. 13. Lateral displacement envelope of parallel strings when drill pipe is in upstream.
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
Fig. 14. Lateral displacement envelope of parallel strings when drill pipe is in downstream.
Xiuquan Liu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – review & No data was used for the research described in the article.
editing. Yan Shi: Investigation, Writing – original draft, Formal analysis.
Yanwei Li: Investigation, Modeling. Zhaowei Liu: Writing – review & Acknowledgements
editing. Na Qiu: Writing – review & editing. Yuanjiang Chang: Inves
tigation. Guoming Chen: Formal analysis. This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Grant No: 52271300, 51809279, 52071337), High-tech Ship
Declaration of competing interest Research Projects Sponsored by MIIT (CBG2N21-4-2-5), Program for
Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (Grant
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial No. IRT14R58).
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A
The solution steps for the static interference analysis model are as follows.
(1) Establish the stiffness matrix K and force vectors F. The nodal force of the DS needs to be corrected in accordance with the wake model in the
interference analysis.
(2) Define the initial deformation increment Δδ0 and the initial deformation value δ0.
(3) Define the deformation convergence condition DP and the load convergence condition FP.
(4) Calculate the residual force vector ΔF:
ΔF = F − Kδ0 (A-1)
(7) Judge the result convergence. If the following equation is more than zero, then converge; otherwise, repeat step (4).
|Δδ0 | |ΔF|
Dp − , Fp − (A-4)
|δ0 | |F|
X. Liu et al. Ocean Engineering 269 (2023) 113720
Appendix B
The solution steps for the dynamic interference analysis model are as follows.
(1) Establish the mass matrix M, damping matrix C, and stiffness matrix K.
(2) Define the initial values of δ0 , δ̇0 , and δ̈0 .
(3) Determine the time step Δt and parameters α and β.
(4) Calculate the integral parameters:
1 β 1
a1 = , a2 = , a3 = ,
αΔt2 αΔt αΔt
( ) (B-1)
1 β Δt β
a4 = − 1, a5 = − 1, a6 = − 2
2α α 2 α
̃ = K + a1 M + a2 C
K (B-2)
(6) Calculate the vector of the effective load ̃ Ft+Δt for the time of t+Δt:
[ ] [ ]
̃ t+Δt = Ft+Δt + a1 δt + a3 δ̇t + a4 δ̈t M + a2 δt + a5 δ̇t + a6 δ̈t C
F (B-3)
̃− 1F
δt+Δt = K ̃ t+Δt (B-4)
(9) Calculate the velocity vector δ̇t+Δt and the acceleration vector δ̈t+Δt at the next time step t+Δt:
( )
1 1 1
δ̈t+Δt = (δ t+Δt − δ t ) − δ̇ t − − 1 δ̈t
αΔt2 αΔt 2α (B-5)
δ̇t+Δt = δ̇t + (1 − β)Δtδ̈t + βΔtδ̈t+Δt
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