Acts 01 16 11 2011
Acts 01 16 11 2011
Acts 01 16 11 2011
garnrq Earror
u eftq44 11
(z) gsor ft-w{ e-do i-d qfrr n?F €trn ri flq-ni rrw d ard t. sikd frtS
ftfuf, t-fl i qr furff qs rR ft{fi d oft cil riEm d frq-q frqr.$ Efrilqi o
srtatft{ EIr
(a) ue gra rgo in I '
z. fftiq s{orQ +1o. qrqn frrrqr+fr, rszo d ft{c-.rz d src Tqr ftqq-tz-o *sr
G|rflF s.Fr fiqq|{* d ftqq- rz d er{ fo +ql ftqq i2-6 ftE{EqIt d'.cr qrv,Tr-
"rz-o. qdo s{6rfi +q-6, eTTi glR Tffi
'rq 6-ff d qE.{rsTtro qr*c d
rqts-flet q+or i d ffi of qr ftrff *i*er d W qq q-fr cr-{6ft, fue-or garsr
Efir 6r srfudr-{ 3TDft-qq. zoos d rro ft-qr qr d-4,-r ii, or wq+c 6t{T r
w*orq_Ss t+qq d crqqr+ +r q-e ereJ o-<rfr -{ti 6r6qr q-}rn fu frtS qfbe
qfir 6r frrS 3rcTtrfld Er{ ii 3Te,-sr ffxff sror-il .iiq-o qr er< of cr5foa tnrr d
frr wqfi ol 3t-Jqfr fr .r{ i r"
g. fr6R srqtrfr +qo, lrrqn f*nrq-fr, 1ez6 d l+qq-:.-l4 A scfrqq (z). avltqq 6y qit
svffw (l) { riviqqF
tw Frqqr+fi d F-qq-r+ n qri-qEf ord vq q<i i m-c$, "5r.r- oo(uiq o1;
"2ool- so(d d scd)", "7sl- so(qqf,fl{ sq-})" \fq '2sl- ro(Tffs sq-d)" 6T Tqtrr
ger t +d ed s1t 316] yq crd 6\T '1sooo / sc {,r45 rur* w-})'. '6000/- Fo
(ue rwt vrg;", "3ooo/- so (fti run wrr)' w 1iioo7- so (gp aqR sqll' *
qR-{afift-f, fuqr wtrnt i: j ji'
"O) c+6 ln{dTfi +{6, tfr riq-{6n A ri{q n, lwwot 1w s{6l'fi e-q-n d d
qrat d W nd-c q)s ft-nd-{ t 3lft6 d, t0 *iqq* d Wf 6}i d c6'qra d
3rqr wttFl-t ol qrqor0 ttn;
qt5 q€ fr qR t€T 6t{ *iq{6R frffi i-d qfu d srer dI fus6T srofft
trq-o d qrq qftq 6lrqn qaar dt d s{6"n ol Td q-St fr qr}fi t"
sm Fr+trqfr d ftqq-rg d svFqq (1) Ei ftn"ft (z) e'rn sqF+qq (s) a
wqoruT d rrs (o) q sren vq vt< "10002/- so (go E-qn sq}I' o} 3to qq crdi
"sopoo /
- ro (ff$ rqn tl-i)" t qfuplrft-d fu-qr qri'n t
(iv) sm 1ffi d ftqq rg d scftqq (z) d er< Frefrfod gr rqT sqfuqq (e)
tt)"q qK',TT-
"(s) ffi
sifu( qqq qs rff sqfitd fit qrd s{6rei +E6 or iac 5rrdn, s{6ft
qr frfld-d crffi ffi qqff-d 6G do' t6 $-diil rFrq rr{ ffi T€t qqfilo fuqr qnr.
srci qrqlt ot'q qrqq ft .rnfl-r o-qrqn {1-{r qryrn fti-sd fuq ce frtnrftq artrerfr 6T Er4
€Tfi I"
ifan qrqqra d 3ilt{r t.
, ----,|'-,1-t\
qq sr )
wcon d wgm vfr-+t
Government of Bihar
General Administration Department
No. 3/M-75/2008 ...9-.h.A8... ..../ In exercise of powers cont-erred by proviso to Article 309
to the constitution of India. The Covernor Bihar is pleased to make following Rules to amend the
Bihar Covernment Servants Conduct Rules. | 976 -
l. Short title, extent & commencement.- ( | ) These Rules may be called "Bihar Government
Servant Conduct (Amendment) Rules, 20 | | .
(2) These Rules shall apply to every person appointed to a Civil Service or post in connection
with the affairs of the state of Bihar and who are subject to Rules making powers of the
(3) It shall come into force at once.
2. Addition of a new Rule l2-A after Rule-I2 of Bihar Government Servants Conduct
Rules, 1976- In the said Rules. after lule-12, the fbllowing new rule l2-A shall be added
"121A". Every Govemment servant shall, in performance of this duties in good faith
' communicate to a member of public or any organization fu ll and accurate information. which
can be disclosed under the Right to Infbrmation Act. 2005.
Explanation.- " Nothing in this rule shall be considered as permining communication of
classified information in an unauthorized manner or for improper gains to a Govemment
servant or others."
3. Amendment in suFrule(2), sub-rule(3) and sub-rule(4) of Rule-I4 of the Bihar
Goyernment Servints Conduct Rules, 1976.- In the said Rules, in rule l4 wherever the
figures-and words as "Rs. 500r(Five hundred)", "Rs. 200/-(Two hundred)", "Rs. 75l-
(Seventy five)" and "Rs. 25l-(Twenty five)". respectively been used, shall be substituted by
r< sT)
wron d qgm qft+r
5TC vsr -s / v-75,/ zooe sr"..i.ll...l_,7_.. r, Te-{r. R-{i6l(l ty I zorr
cftRrfi:- vff fuqm7q"ff fuirrmaerZqff qrfu-d=q 3rfg</wrfi fu"dr
u-<rfu-orfi 4n
{qlT g's erav+o o@ lg nfuor
T< sr)
1 b't'" '
scon d vgw qhqr