The Role of Human Milk Nutrients in Preventing NEC
The Role of Human Milk Nutrients in Preventing NEC
The Role of Human Milk Nutrients in Preventing NEC
TYPE Review
PUBLISHED 02 June 2023
DOI 10.3389/fped.2023.1188050
Ahmad S. Sami1†, Lauren C. Frazer2†, Claire M. Miller2,
Yuying Liu, Dhirendra K. Singh2, Lynda G. Clodfelter2, Kelly A. Orgel2
University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, United States
and Misty Good2*
Roberto Murgas Torrazza, 1
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Innovación, Panama University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Misty Good Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an intestinal disease that primarily impacts
[email protected]
preterm infants. The pathophysiology of NEC involves a complex interplay of
These authors have contributed equally to this factors that result in a deleterious immune response, injury to the intestinal
mucosa, and in its most severe form, irreversible intestinal necrosis.
RECEIVED 16 March 2023 Treatments for NEC remain limited, but one of the most effective
ACCEPTED 22 May 2023
preventative strategies for NEC is the provision of breast milk feeds. In this
PUBLISHED 02 June 2023
review, we discuss mechanisms by which bioactive nutrients in breast milk
impact neonatal intestinal physiology and the development of NEC. We also
Sami AS, Frazer LC, Miller CM, Singh DK,
Clodfelter LG, Orgel KA and Good M (2023) The
review experimental models of NEC that have been used to study the role of
role of human milk nutrients in preventing breast milk components in disease pathophysiology. These models are
necrotizing enterocolitis. necessary to accelerate mechanistic research and improve outcomes for
Front. Pediatr. 11:1188050. neonates with NEC.
doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1188050
© 2023 Sami, Frazer, Miller, Singh, Clodfelter,
Orgel and Good. This is an open-access article breast milk, neonates, prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), intestine, nutrients
distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original author(s) and Introduction
the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is cited, in
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a severe gastrointestinal disease that impacts 2%–7%
accordance with accepted academic practice.
No use, distribution or reproduction is of preterm infants (1). Risk factors for NEC include prematurity, low birth weight, delivery
permitted which does not comply with these via cesarean section, lack of breast milk feeds, microbial dysbiosis, inadequate intestinal
perfusion, and exposure to medications such as antibiotics and acid blockers (2). Disease
pathogenesis is characterized by unrestrained inflammation, injury to the intestinal
epithelium, and bowel ischemia, which can rapidly progress to bowel necrosis, sepsis, and
death (3). Treatment options for NEC include the discontinuation of enteral nutrition,
gastric decompression, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and surgical removal of necrotic bowel
(3). There are no targeted therapies available due to our incomplete understanding of
disease pathogenesis; however, it has been well described that breast milk feedings are a
protective factor against the development of NEC (4–7). Bioactive components in human
milk have been demonstrated to reduce intestinal inflammation, enhance stem cell
proliferation, decrease enterocyte apoptosis, and promote the development of a healthy
microbiome (5–11).
In this review, we discuss important components of breast milk and their role in
intestinal immune homeostasis, barrier function, and the prevention of NEC (Figure 1).
Finally, we outline models of NEC that can be utilized for mechanistic studies into the
impact of breast milk components on intestinal physiology.
Summary of the impact of nutritional factors on gut barrier integrity and the mucosal immune response. Nutritional components improve the intestinal
barrier by enhancing the expression of tight junctions, increasing IL-22 production, promoting mucus secretion, and inducing Paneth cell AMP release.
They also have diverse effects on the immune response via modulation of the microbiome, downregulation of inflammatory signaling pathways, and
prevention of potentially deleterious immune cell activation. Gln, glutamine; Zn, zinc; Vit A, vitamin A; Vit D, vitamin D; HMOs, human milk
oligosaccharides; IPA, 3-indole propionic acid; AMP, antimicrobial peptides; SCFAs, short-chain fatty acids; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; VDR, vitamin D
receptor; TLR4, toll-like receptor 4; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species. Figure created with
Lipids Lactoferrin
Breast milk lipids are important in supporting a diverse array of Lactoferrin is an abundant component of the whey protein
physiologic functions in early life, such as organogenesis, lipid fraction of breast milk that has a diverse array of potentially
membrane development, and signaling molecule synthesis (12). beneficial functions, including enhancing immunity, controlling
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) are a class of inflammation, and promoting intestinal epithelial cell growth (18–
bioactive lipids that are predominately acquired during the third 21). Host defense properties of lactoferrin arise from iron binding
trimester of pregnancy (13). This translates into inadequate properties as well as direct interactions with microbes and immune
LC-PUFA stores in preterm neonates and rapid declines in cells (22). Clinical trials and a 2020 Cochrane Review have thus far
LC-PUFA levels after birth (14). The impact of these deficiencies not detected a significant benefit for lactoferrin supplementation in
on intestinal health remains an area of active research. In a study of the risk of NEC or mortality for preterm neonates (23–25).
preterm piglets, enteral provision of a lipid emulsion containing Additional studies, such as the Lactoferrin Infant Feeding Trial
varying ratios of the LC-PUFAs arachidonic acid (ARA, C20:4n-6) (LIFT_Canada), are needed to examine the impact of lactoferrin
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) found greater villus supplementation on the health of preterm neonates (26).
height in the ileum of piglets that were adequately supplemented
with ARA (15). In a rat model of NEC, supplementation of
formula with ARA and DHA led to reduced disease severity Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs)
relative to controls (16). Finally, in vitro studies using human fetal
intestinal epithelial cells found that treatment with ARA and/or Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are a family of over 150
DHA reduced cytokine production in response to an inflammatory structurally complex glycans that are abundant in human milk,
stimulus (17). Additional research is needed in the form of both with concentrations varying based on the stage of lactation
preclinical models and clinical trials to determine the optimal dose (27–30). HMOs are metabolized by intestinal bacteria such as
and ratio of LC-PUFA supplementation to support intestinal Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli spp., and thus shape the
development and reduce the risk of NEC in preterm infants. development of the intestinal microbiome (31). Additionally,
In addition, supplementation of L-arginine attenuated intestinal diverse immunomodulatory effects by binding to vitamin D
injury in another study using this model (69). Mechanistically, this receptors (VDR) expressed on immune cells (83, 84). For
was attributed to enhanced NOS activity and NO production in example, vitamin D inhibits Th17 differentiation and decreases
the intestine (69). In a murine model of NEC, endothelial cell IL-17 production (85). VDR activation also inhibits IL-17
TLR4 activation was associated with increased tissue damage and expression in the intestine and reduces IEC apoptosis by
reduced endothelial NOS (eNOS) activity (70). NEC severity was blocking NF-κB activation (86). Moreover, activation of VDR
also found to be increased in eNOS-deficient mice (70). In signaling reduces tissue damage by promoting T-cell
addition, enteral L-arginine supplementation attenuated hypoxia- differentiation into Th2 cells rather than inflammatory Th1 cells
reoxygenation-induced bowel injury in a murine model of NEC (71). (87). T-cell phenotype is important in the pathogenesis of NEC,
In neonates, low levels of circulating L-arginine have been with a role for increased Th17 cells and IL-17-related
associated with an increased risk of NEC (72). Data from animal inflammatory signaling in disease development (88, 89).
studies and RCTs support a potential role for L-arginine Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in preterm infants, particularly
supplementation in NEC prevention (59, 63, 68, 69, 71–73). in those below 32 weeks of gestation, and decreased levels of vitamin
However, a 2017 Cochrane review determined that L-arginine D have been associated with NEC (90). The role of Vitamin D in
supplementation was associated with a significant reduction in supporting intestinal health has been supported by findings in
the risk of Bell’s Stage 1 but not Stage 2 or 3 NEC (74). A large animal models. In a rat model of NEC, vitamin D downregulated
high-quality study is needed before the routine arginine TLR4 expression and attenuated apoptosis of intestinal epithelial
supplementation for preterm neonates can be implemented. cells (91). Moreover, vitamin D protected against intestinal barrier
disruption and the loss of tight junction proteins by increasing
occludin expression (91). In another study, supplementation of
L-Tryptophan vitamin D to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated cells improved cell
viability, increased proliferation and growth, and decreased
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid found in human milk expression of IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α (92). Although the
(75). It is metabolized by tryptophanase expressed by the gut protective role of vitamin D is documented using human cell lines
microbiota leading to the production of tryptamine and indole and mouse models, there is limited data available on the impact of
derivatives such as 3-indole propionic acid (IPA) (76). IPA and vitamin D supplementation in NEC prevention.
other tryptophan metabolites have important roles in gut
immunity and intestinal barrier integrity.
IPA regulates intestinal barrier function and inflammation by Vitamin A
activating the xenobiotic sensor pregnane-X receptor (PXR) (77).
PXR activation upregulates the expression of tight junction proteins Vitamin A is present in human milk, but concentrations are
and downregulates the expression of the inflammatory cytokine significantly lower in milk from mothers of preterm infants (93).
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) (78). In epithelial cell-specific Vitamin A levels also vary by lactational stage with higher levels
PXR-deficient mouse models, enhanced TLR4 signaling results in found in colostrum relative to mature milk (94). In addition,
significant inflammation and loss of intestinal barrier integrity (79). serum levels of vitamin A in patients with NEC are decreased
Indole derivatives also activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor relative to healthy controls (95). It is possible that Vitamin A is
(AhR) (80, 81). Decreased AhR expression has been associated with involved in improving intestinal health in preterm neonates, as it
the development of NEC, with reduced levels detected in the has been previously implicated in regulating intestinal immunity
intestine of neonates, mice, and piglets with NEC (82). Recent and in maintaining intestinal barrier function (96).
evidence from a murine model of NEC found that administration Studies in mice found that the intestinal mucosa of vitamin A
of the AhR proligand indole-3-carbinol (I3C) resulted in reduced deficient mice contains a reduced number of immune cells,
severity of NEC (81). Mechanistically, this was associated with including macrophages, B- and T-cells (97, 98). Vitamin A
downregulated expression of inflammatory cytokines and increased deficiency in rats is associated with an increased abundance of
expression of the polyfunctional cytokine IL-22, which has been Escherichia coli, decreased mucin-2 (MUC2) and defensin-6, and
shown to be an effective therapeutic against NEC (27, 81, 82). upregulation of TLR2 and TLR5 expression in the intestine (99).
Further investigation is needed to determine the protective In a study using a mouse model of NEC, vitamin A
mechanisms induced by tryptophan metabolites in both animal supplementation reduced TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA levels relative
models and human studies. to controls (100). Vitamin A supplementation also increased the
expression levels of claudin-1, occludin, and ZO-1, indicating
vitamin A’s role in improving intestinal barrier function (95). In
Vitamins another study using murine epithelial cells cultured with retinoic
acid (RA), the expression of several tight junction proteins,
Vitamin D including occludin, claudin-6, and ZO-1 were induced (101).
Finally, decreased permeability and increased transepithelial
Vitamin D is important in immunoregulation and electrical resistance were noted in another study using intestinal
enhancement of intestinal barrier function. Vitamin D exerts epithelial monolayers grown with all-trans RA (102). These
findings support the role of vitamin A in supporting intestinal deficiency and the intestinal microbiome could provide new
homeostasis. insights into NEC pathophysiology.
volume of maternal colostrum available. Over the course of and will differentiate and produce mucus-secreting goblet
lactation, milk content shifts to a composition that promotes cells in specific cell culture conditions (160). The benefit of
infant growth and development with higher concentrations of using cell lines for mechanistic studies include abundance,
lactose and fat in mature milk relative to colostrum, although reproducibility, and ease of culture. However, the cellular
the composition is influenced by a variety of maternal factors complexity of the intestine is hard to emulate in these
(141). static monoculture cell models. In addition, the relevance of
findings in these adult tumor cell lines to neonatal disease
is questionable. To overcome these difficulties, an ex vivo
Donor milk three-dimensional (3D) human organoid culture was
developed to bridge the gap between traditional cell culture
Donor milk is an alternative source of human milk feeds and studying primary human samples.
when maternal milk is not available in adequate quantities. The Gastrointestinal organoids are multicellular, 3D structures
composition of donor milk is significantly impacted by developed from primary intestinal stem cells (ISCs) or from
pasteurization and storage (144–147), and it is generally derived inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) (161, 162). Intestinal
from a pool of high-producing donors, which can also lead to organoids (also called enteroids) contain multiple intestinal
significant differences in milk composition from maternal milk. epithelial cell types, which retain their critical structural and
Meta-analyses point to a reduced risk of NEC for donor milk functional properties of the intestinal epithelium, such as
feeds, although it remains to be determined if there is a barrier integrity, mucus and antimicrobial peptide (AMP)
significant impact on death or neurodevelopmental impairment secretion, and differentiation capabilities. Therefore, enteroids
(148). The Milk trial is a recently completed randomized allow for the study of numerous biologic properties, including
control trial that will address these questions by investigating barrier function, inflammation, cellular proliferation,
the impact of donor milk vs. formula on neurodevelopmental therapeutic responses, nutrient effects, and epithelial-microbial
outcomes 22–26 months. interactions (163, 164). Limitations of using enteroids include
their polarity and difficulties in co-culturing with immune and
endothelial cells (165, 166). These challenges led to the
Breast milk fortification and risk of NEC development of novel Gut-on-a-Chip or Intestine-on-a-Chip
platforms (167, 168).
The caloric density of human milk feeds is commonly The Gut-on-a-Chip platform is a technical advance on enteroid
increased with the addition of fortifiers to enhance the growth of models due to the ability to co-culture multiple cell types, provide a
preterm neonates. Comparison of human milk-based and bovine constant flow of media, access the apical side of the epithelium, and
milk-based fortifiers has not demonstrated a significant difference mimic intestinal peristalsis via stretch (167). We recently developed
in either mortality or morbidity, including in NEC rates, between a NEC-on-a-Chip model using enteroids cultured from intestinal
these types of fortification (149, 150). This remains an area of tissue obtained from neonates undergoing intestinal surgery
active research. (168). These enteroids were cultured on a microfluidic device in
the presence of an endothelial cell line and the intestinal
microbiome of an infant that died from NEC (168). In these
Models for studying the roles of culture conditions, we detected cellular and gene expression
nutrients in NEC changes similar to what is observed upon studying samples from
neonates with NEC (168). This study highlights the scientific
Due to the limited availability of human neonatal intestinal relevance of Gut-on-a-Chip models for mechanistic investigations
samples, mechanistic studies into the pathogenesis of NEC rely related to the pathogenesis of NEC.
upon animal studies and in vitro models. NEC-like intestinal
inflammation is induced in neonatal rats, mice, rabbits, and piglets
through brief periods of hypoxia, feeding formula, LPS, and Conclusions and future directions
bacteria isolated from the microbiota of infants with NEC (151,
152). These models have been used to investigate the roles of The intestine of the preterm neonate faces the difficult task of
prebiotics, probiotics, maternal milk constituents (milk proteins, meeting their nutritional requirements while still undergoing
HMOs), vitamins, fatty acid supplementation, and amino acids in postnatal development and being inundated with microbes and the
the pathophysiology of NEC (81, 82, 91, 95, 153–155). challenges posed by critical illness. Optimizing the provision of the
Numerous in vitro models and cell lines have been used beneficial components of breast milk is central to supporting
in studies investigating the mechanisms involved in NEC neonates through this difficult stage. Disrupted intestinal
(156–159). The human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line, homeostasis and dysregulated inflammation can lead to NEC.
Caco-2, is often used to study intestinal disease; however, Breast milk provides protection against this dangerous disease, and
these cells are unable to differentiate into goblet cells further research into how modulation of enteral nutrition can
leading to a lack of mucus secretion. The human colon prevent NEC and improve outcomes for neonates with NEC
adenocarcinoma cell line, HT-29, is also used to study NEC remains a priority.
Publisher’s note
MG is supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants
R01DK124614, R01DK118568, and R01HD105301, the Chan All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
Zuckerberg Initiative Grant number 2022–316749, and the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the
Pediatrics. LCF is supported by a Thrasher Research Fund Early editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be
Career Award (LCF) and a UNC Children’s Development Early evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by
Career Investigator Grant (LCF) through the generous support of its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the
donors to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. publisher.
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