Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
Execution of Concurrent Events in the computing process to achieve faster Computational Speed
Levels of Parallel Processing
• Architectural Classification
• Flynn's classification
Instruction Stream
• Data Stream
• Operations performed on the data in the processor
Pipelining is the process of accumulating instruction from the processor through a pipeline. It allows
storing and executing instructions in an orderly process. It is also known as pipeline processing.
Pipelining is a technique where multiple instructions are overlapped during execution. Pipeline
is divided into stages and these stages are connected with one another to form a pipe like
structure. Instructions enter from one end and exit from another end.
Pipelining increases the overall instruction throughput.
Pipeline system is like the modern-day assembly line setup in factories. For example, in a car
manufacturing industry, huge assembly lines are setup and at each point, there are robotic
arms to perform a certain task, and then the car moves on ahead to the next arm.
Types of Pipeline
Arithmetic Pipeline
Instruction Pipeline
Arithmetic pipelines are usually found in most of the computers. They are used for floating point
operations, multiplication of fixed-point numbers etc. For example: The input to the Floating-
Point Adder pipeline is:
X = A*2^a
Y = B*2^b
Here A and B are mantissas (significant digit of floating-point numbers), while a and b are
The floating-point addition and subtraction is done in 4 parts:
In this a stream of instructions can be executed by overlapping fetch, decode and execute
phases of an instruction cycle. This type of technique is used to increase the throughput of
the computer system.
An instruction pipeline reads instruction from the memory while previous instructions are being
executed in other segments of the pipeline. Thus we can execute multiple instructions
simultaneously. The pipeline will be more efficient if the instruction cycle is divided into
segments of equal duration.
Advantages of Pipelining
Such complex instruction, which operates on multiple data at the same time, requires
a better way of instruction execution, which was achieved by Vector processors.
Scalar CPUs can manipulate one or two data items at a time, which is not very
efficient. Also, simple instructions like ADD A to B, and store into C are not practically
Addresses are used to point to the memory location where the data to be operated will be
found, which leads to added overhead of data lookup. So, until the data is found, the CPU
would be sitting ideal, which is a big performance issue.
Hence, the concept of Instruction Pipeline comes into picture, in which the instruction
passes through several sub-units in turn. These sub-units perform various independent
functions, for example: thefirst one decodes the instruction, the second sub-unit fetches the
data and the third sub-unit performs the math itself. Therefore, while the data is fetched for
one instruction, CPU does not sit idle; it rather works on decoding the next instruction set,
ending up working like an assembly line.
Vector processor, not only use Instruction pipeline, but it also pipelines the data, working on
multiple data at the same time.
A normal scalar processor instruction would be ADD A, B, which leads to addition of two
operands, but what if we can instruct the processor to ADD a group of numbers(from 0 to n
memory location) to another group of numbers(lets say, n to k memory location). This can be
achieved by vector processors.
In vector processor a single instruction, can ask for multiple data operations, which
saves time, as instruction is decoded once, and then it keeps on operating on different
data items.
Computer with vector processing capabilities are in demand in specialized applications. The
following are some areas where vector processing is used:
1. Petroleum exploration.
2. Medical diagnosis.
3. Data analysis.
4. Weather forecasting.
5. Aerodynamics and space flight simulations.
6. Image processing.
7. Artificial intelligence.
Multiprocessor is a single computer that has multiple processors. It is possible that the
processors in the multiprocessor system can communicate and cooperate at various levels of
solving a given problem. The communications between the processors take place by sending
messages from one processor to another, or by sharing a common memory.
Both multiprocessors and multicomputer systems share the same fundamental goal, which is to
perform the concurrent operations in the system. However, there is a significant difference
between multicomputer systems and multiprocessors. The difference exists depending on the
extent of resource sharing and cooperation in solving a problem. A multicomputer system
includes numerous autonomous computers which may or may not communicate with each other.
However, a single operating system that provides communication between processors and their
programs on the process, data set, and data element level, controls a multiprocessor system.
The inter-processor communication is carried out with the help of shared memories or through
an interrupt network. Most significantly, a single operating system that provides interactions
between processors and their programs at different levels, control the whole system.
Did u know? Processors share access to general sets of memory modules, Input/output channels
,and also peripheral devices. All processors have their individual local memory and Input/
Output devices along with shared memory.
Multiprocessor is a data processing system that can execute more than one program or
more than one arithmetic operation simultaneously. It is also known as multiprocessing
system. Multiprocessor uses with more than one processor and is similar to
multiprogramming that allows multiple threads to be used for a single procedure. The term
‘multiprocessor’ can also be used to describe several separate computers running together.
It is also referred to as clustering. A system is called multiprocessor system only if it
includes two or more elements that can implement instructions independently. A
multiprocessor system employs a distributed approach. In distributed approach, a single
processor does not perform a complete task. Instead more than one processor is used to do
the subtasks.
Supercomputing: This involves usage of the fastest machines to resolve big and
computationallycomplex problems. In the past, supercomputing machines were vector computers
but at present, vector or parallel computing is accepted by most of the people.
Pipelining: This is a method wherein a specific task is divided into several subtasks that mustbe
performed in a sequence. The functional units help in performing each subtask. The units are
attached in a serial fashion and all the units work simultaneously.
Vector Computing: It involves usage of vector processors, wherein operations such
as‘multiplication’ is divided into many steps and is then applied to a stream of operands (“vectors”).
Systolic: This is similar to pipelining, but units are not arranged in a linear order. The steps
insystolic are normally small and more in number and performed in a lockstep manner. This is more
frequently applied in special-purpose hardware such as image or signal processors.
A multiprocessor system has the following advantages:
1. It helps to fit the needs of an application, when several processors are combined. At the same
time, a multiprocessor system avoids the expenses of the unnecessary capabilities of a centralized
system. It helps to improve the cost or performance ratio of the system.
2. However, this system provides room for expansion.
3. It helps to divides the tasks among the modules. If failure happens, it is simple and cheaper to
identify and replace the malfunctioning processor, instead of replacing the failing part of complex
4. It helps to improve the reliability of the system. A failure that occurs in any one part of
amultiprocessor system has a limited effect on the rest of the system. If error occurs in
oneprocessor, a second processor may take up the responsibility of doing the task of the processorin
which the error has occurred. This helps in enhancing the reliability of the system at the cost of
some loss in the efficiency
Coupling of Processors
Tightly-coupled Multiprocessor System: This system has many CPUs that are attached at thebus
level. Tasks and/or processors interact in a highly synchronized manner. The CPUs have access to a
central shared memory and communicate through a common shared memory.
Granularity of Parallelism
When you talk about parallelism, you need to know the concept of granularity. The granularity of
parallelism specifies the size of the computations that are carried out at the same time between
synchronizations. Granularity is referred to as the level to which a system is divided into small
parts, either the system itself or its explanation or observation. Granularity of parallelism is of three
types. They are:
Coarse-grain: A task is divided into a handful of pieces, where each piece is performed with
thehelp of a powerful processor. Processors are heterogeneous. Communication/computation ratio
is very high.
Medium-grains: A task is divided into tens to few thousands of subtasks. Processors here
usuallyrun the same code. Computation ratio is more often hundreds or more.
Fine-grain: A task is divided into thousands to millions of small subtasks that are
implementedusing very small and simple processors, or through pipelines. Processors have
instructions broadcasted to them. The computation ratio is more often 1 or less.
We are aware of the concepts of memory and the memory hierarchy. The different categories of
memory discussed in the previous units are main memory, cache memory, and virtual memory. In
this section, the different types of memory are listed. They are:
3. Uniform Memory: Every processor takes the same time to reach all memory locations.
4. Non-uniform Memory Access: Memory access is not uniform. It is in contrast to the
In shared-memory multiprocessors, there are numerous processors accessing one or more shared
memory modules. The processors may be physically connected to the memory modules in many
ways, but logically every processor is connected to every memory module.
One of the major characteristics of shared memory multiprocessors is that all processors have
equally direct access to one large memory address space.
Shared memory multiprocessors have a major benefit over other multiprocessors, because all the
processors share the same view of the memory.
These processors are also termed as Uniform Memory Access (UMA) systems. This term denotes
that memory is equally accessible to every processor, providing the access at the same performance
Message-Passing Multiprocessors
In a message-passing multiprocessor system, a method for conveying messages between nodes, and
a node and a method, in order to format the same in a message-passing computer system is
specified. Network interface is an example of the message-passing multiprocessor system. In the
network interface for a computer system, there exists:
1. Multiple nodes linked with one another through an interconnection network for communication
of messages.
2. More than one processor and a local shared memory that are linked with one another through a
Example: Tree structure: Teradata, DADO, Mesh-connected: Redi flow, Series 2010, J-
Machine Hypercube: Cosmic Cube, iPSC, NCUBE, FPS T Series, Mark III
Uses of Multiprocessors
Use of multiprocessor systems in real-time applications is becoming popular. One of the major
reasons for this popularity is the recent drop in the cost of these systems. At present, dual processor
machines are available at fifty to sixty thousand rupees, and it is predicted that the prices are going
to drop even further. The faster response time and fault-tolerance feature of such systems are the
other reasons that attract real-time system developers to install multiprocessor systems.
It is to be noted that using a multiprocessor is more beneficial than using independent processors.
The parallelism existing within each multiprocessor helps in gaining localized high performance
and also maintains extensive multithreading for the fine-grained parallel programming models. The
thread block has individual threads that execute together within a multiprocessor to allocate data.
For maintaining area and power efficiency, the multiprocessor shares large and complex units
among the different processor cores, which also include the instruction cache, the multithreaded
instruction unit, and the shared memory RAM.
One of the main advantages of multiprocessor is shared memory programming model. Shared-
memory multiprocessors have a major advantage over other multiprocessors, as all the other
processors share the same view of the memory. These processors are also termed as Uniform
Memory Access (UMA) systems. This term indicates that all processors can equally access the
memory with the same performance.
The popularity of the shared-memory systems is just not due to the demand for high
performancecomputing. These systems also provide high throughput for a multiprocessing load.
They alsowork efficiently as high-performance database servers, Internet servers, and network
servers. Asmore processors are added, the throughput of these systems is increased
linearly.Multiprocessors also find their applications in various domains which include:
1. Server Workload: This includes many concurrent updates, lookups, searches, queries, and
soon. Processors deal with different requests.
2. Example:Database for airline reservation
3. Media Workload: Processors compress/decompress different parts of image/frames.
Thisincludes compressing/decompressing of different parts of image/frames.
4. Scientific Computing: This includes large grids that integrate changes over time, and
eachprocessor computes for a part of the grid.
The structures that are used to connect the memories and processors (and between memories and
I/O channels if required), are called interconnection structures. A multiprocessor system is formed
by elements such as CPUs, peripherals, and a memory unit that is divided into numerous separate
modules. There can exist different physical configurations for the interconnection between the
elements. The physical configurations are based on the number of transfer paths existing between
the processors and memory in a shared memory system or among the processing elements in a
loosely coupled system. An interconnection network is established using several physical forms
available. Some of the physical forms include:
Bus is defined as a group of signal lines that carry module-to-module communication. Here, data
highways connect several digital system elements. Each processor (and memory) is connected to a
common bus. Memory access is moderately uniform, but it is less scalable.
In above figure:
Master Device (M2, M3, and M4): This is a device that initiates and controls the communication.
2. M2 sends data to S6, or S6 sends data to M2. (Determined by the command line)
In time-shared common bus, there are numerous processors connected through a common path to
the memory unit in a common-bus multiprocessor system. Figure 13.6 shows organization of time-
shared common bus for five processors. At any specified time, only one processor can communicate
with the memory or another processor. The processor that is in control of the bus at the time
performs transfer operations. Any processor that wants to initiate a transfer must first verify the
availability status of the bus.
Once the bus is available, the processor can establish a connection with the destination unit to
initiate the transfer. A command is issued to inform the destination unit about the function to be
performed. The receiving unit identifies its address in the bus, and then responds to the control
signals from the sender, after which the transfer is initiated. As all processors share a common bus,
it is possible that the system may display some transfer conflicts. Incorporation of a bus controller
that creates priorities among the requesting units helps in resolving the transfer conflicts.
There is a restriction of one transfer at a time for a single common-bus system. This means that,
other processors are busy with internal operations or remain idle waiting for the bus when one,
Processor is communicating with the memory. Hence, the speed of the single path limits the total,
Overall transfer rate within the system. The system processors are kept busy through the execution,
of two or more independent buses, to allow multiple bus transfers simultaneously. However,
this leads to increase in the system cost and complexity.
Figure depicts a more economical execution of a dual bus structure for multiprocessors.
In above figure we see that there are many local buses, and each bus is connected to its own local
memory, and to one or more processors. Each local bus is connected to a peripheral, a CPU, or any
combination of processors. Each local bus is linked to a common system bus using a system bus
The I/O devices connected to both the local I/O peripherals and the local memory is available to the
local processor. All processors share the memory connected to the common system bus. When an
IOP is connected directly to the system bus, the Input/Output devices attached to it are made
available to all processors. At any specified time, only one processor can communicate with the
shared memory, and other common resources through the system bus. All the other processors are
busy communicating with their local memory and I/O devices.
Multiport memory
Multiport memory is a memory that helps in providing more than one access port to separate
processors or to separate parts of one processor. A bus can be used to achieve this kind of an access.
This mechanism is applicable to interconnected computers too. A multiport memory system uses
separate buses between each CPU and each memory module. Figure 9.8 depicts a multiport
memory system for four CPUs and four Memory Modules (MMs). Every processor bus is
connected to each memory module. A processor bus consist three elements; namely: address, data,
and control lines. These elements are needed to communicate with memory. Memory module has
four ports and each port contains one of the buses. It is necessary for a module to have internal
control logic to verify which port will have access to memory at any specified time. Assigning fixed
priorities to each memory port helps in resolving memory access conflicts. The priority for memory
Notes each processor is created with the physical port position that its bus occupies in each
Crossbar Switch
In a network, a device that helps in channeling data between any two devices that are connected
to it, up to its highest number of ports is a crossbar switch. The paths set up between devices can
be fixed for some period of time or changed when wanted.
In a crossbar switch organization, there are several cross points that are kept at intersections
between processor buses and memory module paths.
Figure shows a crossbar switch interconnection between four memory modules and four CPU
In above figure, the small square in each cross point indicates a switch. This switch determines the
path starting from a processor to a memory module. There is control logic for each switch point to
set up the transfer path between a memory module and a processor. It checks the address that is
placed in the bus to verify if its particular module is addressed. It also allows resolving multiple
requests to get access to the same memory module on a predetermined priority basis.
The circuit includes multiplexers that choose the data, address, and control from one CPU for
communication with the memory module. The arbitration logic establishes priority levels to
choose one CPU when two or more CPUs try to get access to the same memory. The binary code
controls the multiplexers. A priority encoder generates this binary code within the arbitration
The network that is built from small (for example, 2 x 2 crossbar) switch nodes along with a
regular interconnection pattern is a multistage switching network. Two-input, two-output
interchange switch is a fundamental element of a multistage network. There are two inputs
marked A and B, and two outputs marked 0 and 1 in the 2 x 2 switch as shown in the below
As depicted in figure above, there are control signals associated with the switch. The control
signals establish interconnection between the input and output terminals. The switch can connect
input A to either of the outputs. Terminal B of the switch acts in a same way. The switch can
also arbitrate between conflicting requests. In case, inputs A and B request the same output
terminals, it is possible that only one of the inputs is connected and the other is blocked.
The two processors P1 and P2 are linked through switches to eight memory modules labeled in
binary, starting from 000 through 111. The path starting from source to destination is determined
from the binary bits of destination number. The first bit of the destination number helps in
indicating the first level’s switch output. The second bit identifies the second level’s switch output,
and the third bit specifies the third level’s switch output.
Example: As shown in above figure, in order to make a connection between P1 and memory101, it
is important to create a path from P1 to output 1 in the third-level switch, output 0 in the second-
level switch, and output 1 in the third-level switch. Hence, it is evident that either P1 or P2 must be
connected to any one of the eight memories.
It is also evident that certain request patterns however cannot be satisfied simultaneously.
There are many topologies for multistage switching networks that help to:
As depicted in above figure, a specific request is started in the switching network through the
source that sends a 3-bit pattern depicting the destination number. Every level checks a different bit
to determine the 2 x 2 switch setting as the binary pattern moves through the network. Level 1
examines the most important bit, level 2 examines the middle bit, and level 3 examines the least
important bit. When the request appears on input 2 x 2 switch, it is routed to the lower output if the
specified bit is 1 or to the upper output if the specified bit is 0.
The source is considered to be a processor and the destination is considered as a memory module in
a tightly-coupled multiprocessor system. The path is set when the first pass is through the network.
If the request is read or write the address is transferred into memory, and then the data is transferred
in either direction using the succeeding passes. Both the destination and the source are considered
to be processing elements in a loosely-coupled multiprocessor system. The source processor
transfers a message to the destination processor once the path is established.
Hypercube Interconnection
A depicted in above figure, a one-cube structure contains n = 1 and 2n = 2. It has two processors
that are interconnected by a single path. A two-cube structure contains n = 2 and 2n = 4. It has four
nodes that are interconnected as a square. There are eight nodes interconnected as a cube in a three-
cube structure. There are 2n nodes in an n-cube structure with a processor existing in every node.
A binary address is assigned to every node such that the addresses of two neighbors vary in exactly
one-bit position.
Example: As shown in figure, the three neighbors of the node having address 100 in athree-cube
structure are 000, 110, and 101. Each of these binary numbers vary from address 100 by one-bit
Routing messages through an n-cube structure may require one to n links, starting from a source
node to a destination node.
Example: As shown in figure, it is possible for node 000 to communicate directly withnode 001 in
a three-cube structure. To communicate from node 000 to node 111, the message has to travel
through at least three links.
Computing the exclusive-OR of the source node address with the destination node address helps in
developing a routing procedure. The resulting binary value has 1 bit relating to the axes on which
the two nodes vary. Later, the message is sent along any one of the axes.
Example:A message at 010 being sent to 001 generates an exclusive-OR of the two
addressesequivalent to 011 in a three-cube structure. It is possible to send the message along the
second axis to 000 and then through the third axis 001.
The Intel iPSC has 128 (n = 7) microcomputers connected through communication channels. Each
node has a CPU, local memory, floating-point processor, and serial communication interface units.
The individual nodes work independently on data saved in local memory according to the resident
programs. It is evident that the programs and data at every node is received through a message-
passing system from other nodes or from a cube manager. Application programs are developed
and gathered on the cube manager and then downloaded to the individual nodes. Computations are
allocated through the system and implemented concurrently.
A multiprocessor system has various processors that must be provided with a facility to
communicate with each other. Using a common I/O channel, a communication path is established.
The most frequently used procedure in a shared memory multiprocessor system is to set aside a part
of the memory that is available to all processors. The major use of the common memory is to work
as a message center similar to a mailbox, where every processor can leave messages for other
processors and pick up messages meant for it.
The sending processor prepares a request, a message, or a procedure, and then places it in the
memory mailbox. The receiving processor can check the mailbox periodically to determine if there
are valid messages in it, as a processor identifies a request only while polling messages. However,
the response time of this procedure may be time consuming. The sending processor has a more
efficient procedure, and the procedure involves alerting the receiving processor directly using an
interrupt signal. This procedure is achieved with the help of software initiated interprocessor
interrupt initialized in one processor, which when implemented generates an external interrupt
condition in a second processor. This interrupt informs the second processor that processor one has
inserted a new message in its mailbox.
Notes Status bits present in common memory are usually used to determine the condition ofthe
mailbox, if it has meaningful data, and for which processor it is intended.
Example: An IOP, to which a magnetic disk storage unit is connected, is available to allCPUs.
This helps in providing a facility for sharing of system programs stored in the disk.
A communication path can be established between two CPUs through a link between two IOPs,
which connects two different CPUs. This kind of link allows each CPU to treat the other as an I/O
device, such that messages can be transferred through the I/O path.
There should be a provision for assigning resources to processors to avoid inconsistent use of
shared resources by many processors. This job is given to the operating system. The three
organizations that are used in the design of operating system for multiprocessors include:
1. Master-slave configuration
2. Separate operating system
3. Distributed operating system
In a master-slave configuration mode, one processor, designated the master, always implements the
operating system functions. The remaining processors, designated as slaves, do not execute
Operating system functions. If a slave processor requires an operating system service, then it
shouldrequest it by interrupting the master.Each processor can implement the operating system
routines that it requires in the separateoperating system organization. This kind of organization is
more appropriate for loosely-coupledsystems wherein, every processor needs to have its own copy
of the entire operating system.The operating system routines are shared among the available
processors in the distributedoperating system organization. However, each operating system
function is allocated to only oneprocessor at a time. This kind of organization is also termed as a
floating operating system becausethe routines float from one processor to another, and the
implementation of the routines areallocated to different processors at different times.The memory is
distributed among the processors and there is no shared memory for sendinginformation in a
loosely-coupled multiprocessor system. Message passing system through me /Ochannels is used for
communication between processors. The communication is started by oneprocessor calling a
procedure that exists in the memory of the processor with which it has tocommunicate. A
communication of channel is established when both the sending processor andthe receiving
processor recognize each other as source and destination. A message is then sent tothe nodes with a
header and different data objects that are required for communication betweenthe nodes. In order to
send the message between any two nodes, several possible paths areavailable. The operating system
of each node has the routing information which indicates theavailable paths to send a message to
different nodes.
The communication efficiency of the inter-processor network depends on four major factors and
they are:
Inter-processor Synchronization
Synchronization refers to a special case where the control information is the data employed to
communicate between processors. Synchronization is necessary to implement the exact sequence of
processes and to ensure mutually exclusive access to shared writable data.
There are many mechanisms in multiprocessor systems to handle the synchronization of resources.
The hardware directly implements low-level primitives. These primitives act as essential
mechanisms that enforce mutual exclusion for more difficult mechanisms executed in software.
Many hardware mechanisms for mutual exclusion are developed. However, the use of a binary
semaphore is considered to be one of the most popular mechanisms.
Appropriately operating multiprocessor system must provide a mechanism that would ensure
systematic access to shared memory and other shared resources. This is required to protect data,
since two or more processors can change the data simultaneously.
This mechanism is referred to as mutual exclusion. A multiprocessor system must have mutual
exclusion to allow one processor to rule out or lock out access to an allocated resource by other
processors when it is in a critical section. A critical section is defined as a program sequence which
once started must complete implementation before another processor accesses the same allocated
When the semaphore is set to one, it indicates that a processor is implementing a critical program,
and the shared memory is unavailable to other processors. When the semaphore is set to zero, it
indicates that the shared memory is available to any requesting processor. Processors sharing the
same memory segment agree to not use the memory segment unless the semaphore is 0, showing
that memory is available. The processors also concur to set the semaphore to 1, while they are
implementing a critical section, and then to clear it to 0 when they are done.
Testing and setting the semaphore is considered to be a critical function, and needs to be carried out
as a single indivisible operation. Otherwise, two or more processors may check the semaphore
simultaneously and set the semaphore in such a way that it can enter a critical section at the same
time. This action allows the simultaneous execution of these critical sections resulting in incorrect
initialization of control factors and a loss of necessary information.
A semaphore is initialized using a test and set instruction together with a hardware lock
mechanism. A hardware lock is defined as a processor-generated signal that helps in preventing
other processors from using the system bus as long as the signal is active. When the instruction is
being executed, the test-and-set instruction tests and sets a semaphore and activates the lock
mechanism. This helps in preventing the other processors from changing the semaphore between
the time that the processor is testing it and the time that the processor is setting it.
Consider that the semaphore is a bit in the least significant position of a memory word whose
address is symbolized by SEM. Let the mnemonic TSL designate the “test and set while locked”
function. The instruction TSL SEM is executed in two memory cycles, that is, the first one to read
and the second to write without any interference as given below:
In order to test the semaphore, its value is transferred to a processor register R and then set to 1.
The value of R indicates what to do next. If the processor identifies that R = 1, it means that the
semaphore was initially set. Even if the register is set again, it does not change the value of the
semaphore. This indicates that another processor is executing a critical section and therefore, the
processor that checked the semaphore does not access the shared memory. The common memory or
the shared resource that the semaphore represents is available when R = 0. In order to avoid other
processors from accessing memory, the semaphore is set to 1. Now, it is possible for the processor
to execute the critical section. To release the shared resource to other processors, the final
instruction of the program must clear location SEM to zero.
It is crucial to note that the lock signal must be active at the time of execution of the test-and-set
instruction. Once the semaphore is set, the lock signal does not have to be active. Therefore, the
lock mechanism prevents other processors from accessing memory while the semaphore is being
set. Once set, the semaphore itself will prevent other processors from accessing shared memory
while one processor is implementing a critical section.
In a shared memory multiprocessor with a separate cache memoryfor each processor, it is possible
to have many copies of any one instruction operand: one copy in the main memory and one in each
cache memory. When one copy of an operand is changed, the other copies of the operand must be
changed also. Cache coherence is the discipline that ensures that changes in the values of shared
operands are propagated throughout the system in a timely fashion.
Virtual Memory
Virtual memory is the separation of logical memory from physical memory. This separation
provides large virtual memory for programmers when only small physical memory is available.
Virtual memory is used to give programmers the illusion that they have a very large memory even
though the computer has a small main memory. It makes the task of programming easier because
the programmer no longer needs to worry about the amount of physical memory available.
Address mapping using pages:
3 The table implementation of the address mapping is simplified if the information in the
address space. And the memory space is each divided into groups of fixed size.
4 Moreover, The physical memory is broken down into groups of equal size called blocks,
which may range from 64 to 4096 words each.
5 The term page refers to groups of address space of the same size.
6 Also, consider a computer with an address space of 8K and a memory space of 4K.
If we split each into groups of 1K words we obtain eight pages and four blocks as shown in the
At any given time, up to four pages of address space may reside in main memory in any one of the
four blocks.
Associative memory page table:
The implementation of the page table is vital to the efficiency of the virtual memory technique, for
each memory reference must also include a reference to the page table. The fastest solution is a set
of dedicated registers to hold the page table but this method is impractical for large page tables
because of the expense. But keeping the page table in main memory could cause intolerable delays
because even only one memory access for the page table involves a slowdown of 100 percent and
large page tables can require more than one memory access. The solution is to augment the page
table with special high-speed memory made up of associative registers or translation look aside
buffers (TLBs) which are called ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY.
Page replacement
The advantage of virtual memory is that processes can be using more memory than exists
in the machine; when memory is accessed that is not present (a page fault), it must be paged in
(sometimes referred to as being "swapped in", although some people reserve "swapped in to refer
to bringing in an entire address space).
Swapping in pages is very expensive (it requires using the disk), so we'd like to avoid page faults
as much as possible. The algorithm that we use to choose which pages to evict to make space for
the new page can have a large impact on the number of page faults that occur.