Deactivating The Material Ledger in Production Systems
Deactivating The Material Ledger in Production Systems
Deactivating The Material Ledger in Production Systems
Other Terms
You have activated and used the material ledger in your production system. You
now want to deactivate the material ledger.
Whether you can actually deactivate the material ledger in a running production
system depends on the environment in which you use the material ledger. In
particular, the Customizing settings for Controlling and the Profit Center
Accounting must be taken into account for this.
Deactivation of the material ledger from the point of view of the inventory valuation
You can deactivate the material ledger according to the method described in SAP
Note 108374. This has the following effects:
• Materials are no longer valuated with the historical exchange rates in the
parallel currencies.
• The inventory accounts do not show any inventories for historical exchange
rates in the parallel currencies.
• The material ledger master data is deleted. Prices and inventory values in
parallel currencies and their histories are lost.
• The parallel currency records of the purchase order history are deleted. In
the case of a new material ledger production startup, the original values
cannot be recovered.
• The actual cost component split records are deleted. Therefore, the actual
cost component information and its history is lost.
Deactivation of the material ledger from the point of view of Profit Center Accounting
If transfer prices are active in your system, the material ledger cannot be
deactivated. See SAP Note 175758.
If no transfer prices are activated in your system, the material ledger can be
deactivated. From the point of view of Profit Center Accounting, this does not
have any additional consequences.
If the leading CO version 0 is managed in the profit center view (possible only
if transfer prices are activated), the material ledger cannot be deactivated
from the point of view of CO (see SAP Note 175758).
If the leading CO version 0 is managed in the legal view, the material ledger
can be deactivated. However, the data of Profit Center Accounting is useless as
a result. Contact your consultant for Profit Center Accounting.
In SAP S/4HANA or SAP Simple Finance, you can no longer deactivate the material
ledger if the relevant ACDOCA table entries already exist for the company code.
Otherwise, this causes inconsistencies (see SAP Note 2434515).
Other Components
Component Description
2434515 S/4HANA: Prevent that SAPRCKMJX is executed, if corresponding ACDOCA entries already exist