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First Mastering Physics

assignment due in by
midnight Sunday!

Enter via Blackboard link.



Millikan’s experiment

An ink-jet printer
Robert A. Millikan (1868 –1953)
"At the close of my sophomore year at Chicago[...] my Greek professor [...] asked me to
teach the course in elementary physics in the preparatory department during the next
year. To my reply that I did not know any physics at all, his answer was, 'Anyone who can
do well in my Greek can teach physics.' 'All right,' said I, 'you will have to take the

Harvey Fletcher (1884–1981)

American physicist. Known as the "father of stereophonic sound" he is credited with the
invention of the audiometer and hearing aid.

As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, his dissertation research was on

methods to determine the charge of an electron. This included the now famous oil drop
experiment commonly attributed to his advisor and collaborator, Robert Millikan.
Professor Millikan took sole credit, in return for Fletcher claiming full authorship on a
related result for his dissertation. Fletcher's contributions were detail-oriented but
necessary for a successful experiment, in which he incorporated, among other things,
experience with projection lanterns. Millikan went on to win the 1923 Nobel Prize for
Physics, in part for this work, and Fletcher kept the agreement a secret until his death.

PHYS1022 will be on Monday 4th November at 11 am

Please prepare one A4 sheet of revision notes which you may bring
with you. This will be handed in with your answers but will not be

The test is worth 10% of your final mark for this course.
The main purpose of the test is to assess your progress and provide

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