Cheat Sheet Final
Cheat Sheet Final
Cheat Sheet Final
Leadership-Influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and Power- Capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others. Not changing behaviour, but potential. Also
success of the organizations- Motivate others using persuasion/influence tactics and are enablers based on target’s perception you contain valuable resource, not your own feeling of power.
Shared Leadership-A role, not a position; people within lead each other When successful? - Leaders -Involves asymmetric dependence and less powerful party has countervailing power. Requires trust too.
delegate power, encourage employees without fear of failure, have collaborative culture. Employees Sources of Power-Legitimate power= A position and right to request certain behaviours of others.
influence others through their enthusiasm, logical analysis, and involvement of co-workers oMost important source in orgs- managers have it but so do employees through legal rights.
Transformational Leadership- Leaders are change agents by creating, communicating, and modelling oRestriction=Zone of indifference- a line can be drawn by subordinates
a vision for the org or team and inspiring employees to strive for that vision- oNorm of reciprocity is a subtle form of legitimate power- informal rule of conduct we follow
-Towards new direction to provide better opportunities and external alignment oInformation control (2 ways)- Info is a resource people need and gatekeepers can selectively distribute
-Steps= Develop vision (value-based, distant, unifying). Communicate vision (Generate information so that those receiving the information perceive situations in specific way
meaning+motivate using symbols, stories, etc.) (construct mental models) (Humility, sincerity, and -Reward power=Ability to control the allocation of rewards and remove negative sanctions
passion). Model vision (legitimizes and builds trust). Encourage experimentation (learning oManagers have it- provide bonuses/promotions and Employees have it through OCB and feedback
orientation). Build Commitment (rewards and recognition)(stronger from earlier elements) -Coercive power= Ability to punish- Coworkers can show disapproval/pressure and managers have it too
-Charisma vs transformational- T focuses on vision and motivates through behaviours that -Expert power= Capacity to influence others by possessing valued knowledge and skills. Can help cope with
persuade and earn trust. C focuses on referent power + dependent followers + power>goal uncertainty in 3 ways: Prevention, forecasting, Absorption (Absorbing or neutralizing the impact of env. shifts)
-Benefits: Satisfaction, OCB, better performance, committed, more creative. -Referent power= Capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the holder.
-Challenges: Models engage in circular logic (Define based on its effects not behaviours). Traits Associated with charisma- self-presentation characteristics and nonverbal communication behaviours generate
predict transformational behavior, not always inherent to it. Not universal. interpersonal attraction
Managerial Leadership- Effective leaders help employees improve their performance and well-being -Deference to power- Mindlessly follow charismatic people who claim to have legitimacy or expertise
towards current objectives and practices- engaging in daily activities---- do things right. Contingencies of Power. Non-substitutability- More power when resource is unique. Refers not only to other
-Managerial vs transformational- M assumes objectives are stable and externally aligned. T wants sources that offer the resource; also refers to substitutions for the resource. To increase- control access or
to change direction. M=Micro + T=Macro. Both are still interdependent. differentiate Centrality- Pertains to the degree and nature of interdependence between powerholder and others.
-Task oriented- Behaviours that define and structure work roles. Assigning employees to tasks. Increases as more people depend on you. Visibility- Increase by taking on people-oriented jobs, being visible, and
Setting goals and deadlines. Evaluating and providing feedback. Plan future activities. using public symbols. Discretion- Freedom to exercise judgement and making decisions without referring to rule.
-People oriented- Listening to employees. Creating a pleasant work environment. Showing interest. Social Networks- Social structures of individuals or social units that are connected to each other through one or
Complimenting and recognizing. Showing consideration of employee needs. more forms of interdependence- common interests, expertise, kinship, etc. Exist everywhere
-Rely on both but use in different circumstances. Servant is a variation of people-oriented -Gain power through social capital- Knowledge, opportunities, and resources available to a social network,
-Servant leadership- Leaders serve followers. 3 key features- Natural desire to help, Humble, along with mutual support, trust, reciprocity, and coordination facilitating sharing of resources
egalitarian, accepting relationship with followers, ethical decisions and behaviours -Enhance and maintain power of their members through 3 resources. Information (from other members),
Path-goal leadership- Effective leaders choose the most appropriate leadership style(s), depending on visibility (other members would recommend you), and referent power Increased
employee/situation, to influence employee expectations about desired results and their positive -Gaining power- Strong ties (similar people, few, offer quickly) and weak ties (unique opportunities)
outcomes. Lot of research support but dynamic takes considerable effort – A contingency approach -Dark side: Women often not included
-4 leadership styles: Directive (task), supportive (people), participative (behaviours that Social network centrality- The more centrally one is located in the network, the more social capital and, therefore,
encourage/facilitate involvement), Achievement-oriented (behaviours to reach peak perf.) more power they acquire. 3 factors that affect it are betweenness, # of connections, closeness
-4 contingencies: Skills and experience (directive supportive for unskilled), locus of control -Structural holes exist as well- A gap that lacks network ties- A person connecting them has more power.
(internal=participative+achievement) (external=directive+supportive), task structure Influence- Power allows influence- Any behaviour that attempts to alter someone’s attitudes or behaviour.
(directive+participative for nonroutine) (Supportive for routine). Team dynamic (High team -Silent authority- Influencing behaviour through legitimate power without explicitly referring to it
cohesion substitutes for supportive) (Performance-oriented team norms substitute for directive -Assertiveness- Actively applying legitimate and coercive power by applying pressure or threats
and achievement) (Supportive=low team cohesion) (Directive to counteract norms) -Information control- Altering information for the purpose of changing attitudes and/or behaviour
Leadership Substitute- Conditions limiting ability to influence subordinates or make style -Coalition formation- Influential in 3 ways- pools resources, symbolizes legitimacy, increases confidence
unnecessary. - Task oriented: Performance rewards, skilled employee, guidance from co-workers, -Upward appeal- Relying on people with higher authority or expertise to support one’s position
team norms reinforce objectives, intrinsically motivating work, employee applies self-leadership. -Persuasion- Using logical arguments, factual evidence, and emotional appeals to convince people
-People oriented: Supportive coworkers, skilled, enjoyable work, effective stress-coping oPersuader characteristics= Expertise, credibility, no apparent profit motive, and neutral.
Implicit Leadership- People evaluate a leader’s effectiveness in terms of how well that person fits oMessage content= Multiple viewpoints, few strong and repeated arguments, emotional appeals.
leadership prototypes, and that people tend to inflate the influence of leaders oCommunication channel= High social presence and media-richness (face-to-face)
-Prototypes- Preconceived beliefs about features and behaviours of effective leader-through oAudience characteristics: Less effective when the audience has higher self-esteem, competence and a self-
socialization. Occurs as people want to trust leader before s+ way to estimate leader success concept tied to an opposing position
-Inflate leader’s influence- Way to simplify events and people want to believe that life events are -Impression management (including ingratiation)- Actively shaping, through self-presentation and other means,
generated more from people than uncontrollable sources the perceptions, and attitudes that others have of us, which includes ingratiation (refers to the influencer’s
Personal attributes perspective- Personality, self-concept, leadership motivation, drive, integrity, attempt to be more liked by the targeted person or group)
knowledge, cognitive and practical intelligence, EI -Exchange- Promising benefits or resources in exchange for the target person’s compliance
-Authentic leadership- The view that effective leaders need to be aware of, feel comfortable with, Response of influence tactics- Resistance (When individuals or work units oppose the behaviour desired by the
and act consistently with values, personality, and self-concept. Know and be yourself influencer), compliance (extrinsically motivated), and commitment (identify and highly motivated)
oRething leadership image, increase self-awareness, assess values and (dis)likes, take action -People react more favourably to soft tactics (the last 3)
but get support, and work on effective communication -Appropriate influence tactic depends on: Influencer’s power base, org position, cultural values/expectations
-Faults: Relational, not personal. Alternative combinations can work. Leadership is too complex -Contingencies- Influencer’s strongest source of power (ex. Expertise can persuade and legitimate can use silent
Followership- The sheep, the yes people, the star, the alienated, and the pragmatic. Engaged with authority) and person’s job level (employee cannot be assertive with boss)
leader and critical independent though. Challenge and support: Implementers(lc,hs), partners (hs,hc), Organizational Politics- use of influence tactics for personal gain at the perceived expense of others and the
resources (lc,ls), and individualists (hc,ls). Effective followership= proactive, speak up, enhance their organization. Dark triad.
competencies, listen, research and implement best practices. Most effective when no leader -Occurs due to org factors (scarce resources for example), ambiguous rules, and tolerated by organization
Conflict- One party perceives that its interests are being opposed/negatively affected by another -Minimize through sufficient resources, clarify resource allocation rules, apply effective organizational change
party practices, purge political behaviour norms, and role models
-Negatives: Can reduce performance (consumes energy and distracting), threatens personal needs
Communication- The process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people
and self-concept (produces employee stress, reduces satisfaction, and increases turnover),
-Effective communication- vital to orgs (interdependence), vital to decision-making (brings info/opportunities),
undermines information sharing, fuels organizational politics, and power struggles in work unit
can change behaviour, supports employee well-being (reduces work/emotional stress), facilitates learning
-Benefits: Optimal conflict levels most effectiveness, improves decision-making (tests argument
A model of communication- Communication flows through channels (media) between sender and receiver
logic, questions assumptions, generates creative thinking), more responsive to changing
-Sending and receiving- Forms message and encodes into words, symbols, etc. Transmitted through voice, text,
environment (active thinking and questioning about how org can be more closely aligned with
or other channels. The receiver senses the incoming message and decodes it into something meaningful
stakeholders), better team cohesion (when conflict is against external party)
-Sending feedback- similar to sending- Sender needs evidence that receiver understood original message
Task conflict- Focus discussion on the issue and different viewpoints- showing respect for people
-Hampered by noise- Psychological, social, and structural barriers that distort and obscure the original message
involved. Keeps spotlight on ideas presented and logical questioning. Benefits above.
Influences on Effective Encoding and Decoding Message: Depends on MARS: Can improve communication
Relationship conflict- people focus their discussion on qualities of the people in the dispute, not on
-Similar codebooks- dictionaries of symbols, language, gestures, and other tools- reduces confirmation need
idea. Questions competence and argues presenter lacks intelligence. Also when relying on status
-Sender’s encoding experience- enhanced clarity and persuasion through frequent transmission
Minimizing relationship conflict in task conflict- Tough to do so as when our self-esteem and public
-Communication channel motivation and ability and Shared mental models of communication context-
image is threatened, we feel a need to defend.3 conditions minimizing level of relationship conflict:
Communication Channels- Two main types: verbal (spoken or written- words) and nonverbal (no words)
-Higher EI (regulate emotions and view other emotions as valuable, team development (stronger
Digital written- Text messaging, online chat, virtual whiteboards, and other digital text-based. (Email popular.)
team cohesion and understand each other more, and norms to support psychological safety
-Benefits: Written, edited, appended, and transmitted quickly to many, asynchronous forms do not require time
Conflict process model- Conflict sources-conflict perception-manifest conflict-positive/negative result
coordination, many platforms have search engines, can communicate further up the hierarchy, reduce status
Sources of conflict- Incompatible goals (divisions have different goals), differentiation (beliefs, values,
differences between sender and receiver, reduce stereotypes and prejudice, diplomatic message
and preferences-same goal but different ways-socialization + ethnicity-generational), interdependence
-Negatives: Faulty communication of emotions (attempts to rectify this: emojis and exclamation marks but still
(lowest when working with pooled resource- highest in sequential such as assembly line), scarce
does not replace), less politeness and respectfulness sent and interpreted (less diplomatic than written letters
resources (everyone needs but not enough ex. pay), ambiguous rules (ambiguous, inconsistently
and paper messages take longer to prepare, allowing senders to reflect more calmly), inefficient for ambiguous,
enforced, or missing), communication (aggressive- or even lack of comm, relying on stereotypes)
complex, and novel Situations, and contributes to information overload (similar messages)
Interpersonal conflict handling styles and contingencies- cooperation and assertiveness model
Social media- Digital comm channels that enable people to collaborate in the creation and exchange of user-
-Problem solving- Beneficial for both-win win situation. Requires info sharing and collaboration
generated content- Traditionally relied on pushing info but then implemented enterprise collaborative platforms
oPreferred: Interests not perfectly opposing. Both have trust, openness, and time- complexity
-Many types and each channel emphasize specific functions- enabling convo, sharing info, supporting, etc.
oProblem: Other party might use information sharing to their advantage -Benefits- improves knowledge sharing and socializing under some conditions, enables feedback, gives a voice
-Forcing- Winning conflict at expense of other- win loss situation. Relies on hard-influence tactics Nonverbal- Includes facial gestures, voice intonation, physical distance, and even silence- Needed when effective
oPreferred: Quick solutions, position is logically stronger, or other party would take advantage verbal exchanges are difficult (ex. noise) and requires immediate feedback- Most info is shared like this- subtle info
oProblem: Risks relationship conflict and can damage long-term relationship -vs. verbal: Less rule-bound (no training), more ambiguous (misinterpretation), universal, nonconscious
-Avoiding- Smooth or evade conflict altogether- Common strat is to avoid those associated -Emotional contagion- The nonconscious process of “catching” or sharing another person’s emotions by
oPreferred: Conflict too emotionally charged, want to maintain relationship, costly to solve mimicking that person’s facial expressions and other nonverbal behaviour. Influences comm and social
oProblem: Does not resolve the conflict and could cause uncertainty relationships in 3 ways: Provides continuous feedback, stronger emotional meaning, fulfills drive to bond
-Yielding- Giving in to the other side and cooperating with no self-interest Choosing the best communication channel- 4 important factors
oPreferred: Not as important to u, your position isn’t clear, other party more power, maintain -Synchronicity- Sender and receiver connect and involved in convo same time (sync) or different (async)
oProblem: Increases other party’s expectations for future oSync: high-urgency and complex issues. Async: simple and low time urgency tasks
-Compromising- Seeking middle ground. Preferred: single-issue conflict with opposing interests, -Social presence- The extent to which a channel creates psychological closeness to others, awareness of their
lack time or trust for problem solving, want to maintain a harmonious relationship, equal power humanness, and appreciation of the interpersonal relationship- message content also plays a role
oProblem: Suboptimal solution where mutual gains are possible oHigh social presence is better when there is need to influence or empathize- Face-to-face has highest.
Structural approaches to conflict management- Emphasize subordinate goals (Goals all parties value -Social acceptance- Channel is approved and supported by others (norms, preferences, and symbolic meaning
and requires joint resources and effort), reduce differentiation (temporary assignments, rotate staff, -Media richness- A medium’s data-carrying capacity, that is, the volume and variety of information that can be
strong org culture), improve comm and mutual understanding (awareness and respect) (2 warnings: transmitted during a specific time: Rich media: Nonroutine, synchronous. Lean media: routine, shared models.
some cultures do not resolve with open dialogue, should be applied only where differentiation is not oExceptions: Digital channels could be richer; multi communicate, proficiency, social presence effects
high or they will try to reinforce views), reduce interdependence (create buffers, use integrators, -Persuasive effect: Face-to-face is more persuasive due to 3 reasons: Spoken comes with nonverbal cues, offers
combine tasks), increase resources, and clarify rules and procedures feedback to sender about whether listener is persuaded, high social presence means people more persuade
Third-party conflict resolution- Attempt by a relatively neutral person to help resolve differences.
Communication Barriers- Perceptions (receivers don’t listen as well + senders overestimate), language (ambiguous,
-Arbitration- High control over decision, low over process. Following previously agreed rules of due
different codebooks and meanings) (sometimes purposefully by managers), jargon (can improve but noise if
process, listening to arguments, and making a binding decision. Preferred where org goals>ind goal
different codebook), filtering (deleting, delaying, or using less harsh words) (unseen in a culture of candor), info
-Inquisition- Control all discussion. Used by managers but least effective in organizational settings
as collecting limited info can result in ineffective solutions + violates procedural justice rules overload (volume exceeds capacity) (Solution: increase capacity, decrease info load (buffer omit summarize), both)
-Mediation- Control process not decision. Preferred in everyday disagreements, offers satisfact. Cross-cultural and gender communication- Cultures (language, accents, voice intonation, nonverbal, and other
Negotiation- Interdependent parties with divergent beliefs/goals attempt to reach agreement noise) and Genders (Women engage in more rapport talk, indirect request, and more sensitive to nonverbal cues)
-Distributive approach- one party loses – adopted when there is one item to be resolved (salary ex) Improving interpersonal communication- 2 essential features
-Integrative approach- win win- resources at stake are expandable rather than fixed if the parties -Getting your message across- empathize (being sensitive to words that are ambiguous or trigger the wrong
work creatively together to find a solution- more common when multiple issues to be resolved emotional response), repeat, find time when receiver isn’t distracted by noise, focus on problem not person
-Most negotiations begin with integrative but switch to distributive once parties realize differences -Active listening- Sensing (Postpone evaluation, avoid interrupting, remain motivated to listen to the speaker),
Preparing to negotiate- Develop goals and understand needs- What you want to achieve and what evaluating (emphasize and organize info), responding (show interest and clarify message)
needs can be fulfilled from these- Effective negotiators understand needs-anticipating for other party Improving Communication throughout the Hierarchy- 3 strategies-
as well-Bargaining zone model of negotiations: Initial offering, target point, resistance point. Know -Workplace design: Open workplace helps flow of info- challenges=pandemic and lower productivity. Another
your Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) and power-How we determine resistance
point-High BATNA = others available and can walk away: Actively investigate multiple alternatives strat is cloister employees into team spaces + encourage sufficient interaction with people from other team.
The negotiation process- Gather info- Discover the other party’s needs hidden behind offers and goal. -Digitally based communication- Web pages and PDFs to share info, social media, and wikis (less involvement)
Can transform distributive to integrative. Share info slowly. Manage concessions- offer in installments. -Direct communication with top management- Ex. Town hall. MBWA- (less info filtered, acquire deeper meaning
Manage time and build the relationship (EI and discovering common backgrounds/interests) and quicker understanding of internal problems, employees develop better empathy for executive decisions)
Negotiation Setting- Location (home turf), physical setting (seating), audience characteristics Communicating through the Grapevine- Def: Unstructured and informal communication network founded on
Lewin’s Force Field Analysis-System-wide change that helps change agents diagnose the forces that social relationships- relied upon for news- everyone uses but not preferred: Cluster chain, works through informal
drive and restrain proposed organizational change. Driving and restraining forces- Stable=equilibrium social networks, rumours, digital media. Benefits: Needed when formal info isn’t available, org stories and symbols,
-Effective change by unfreezing (disequilibrium between driving and restraining) and refreezing
relieves anxiety, drive to bond. Negatives: False info creates anxiety and employees develop negative attitudes
Understanding resistance- We assume that it is others—not us—who need to do the changing
-Resistance is conflict- Should see it as task conflict not relationship (not prepared or change bad) towards org when it is slower than the grapevine in communicating info. Orgs should listen to the grapevine as a
-Why employees resist change- Dispositional factors= personality and values. 6 other factors below signal of employee anxiety and correct the cause of this anxiety, step in to correct errors, provide info faster.
oAn employee’s readiness for change depends on MARS: Negative valence of change, fear of Org culture- Values and assumptions shared within an organization. Defines what is/isn’t important. Directs
the unknown (assuming worst and lack of personal control), not-invented-here syndrome everyone towards doing the right thing.- we refer to the dominant culture, usually followed by senior management
(oppose change if initiated by outsider and will inflate problems to protect self-worth), -Shared values- evaluative beliefs guiding us- shared in common or placed near top in hierarchy
breaking routines, incongruent team dynamics, and incongruent org systems and structures -Assumptions- Nonconscious, taken-for-granted perceptions or ideal prototypes of behaviour that are
Unfreezing- Driving forces>resisting forces- Making driving forces stronger (barely works since it considered the correct way to think and act toward problems and opportunities. Cannot be discovered by
brings equal resistance), weakening restraining (clears road but does not motivate), or both (works) surveying employees, only by observing employees, analyzing decisions, and debriefing them on their actions.
-Creating urgency for change. Leaders buffer employees from external forces but results in not
-Espoused vs enacted- Espoused are values leaders hope will eventually become the organization’s culture- the
understanding or ineffective change. Therefore, employees should be exposed to external- push
ones they want others to believe guides the org. Org culture is defined by enacted, the ones actually in practice
them out of their comfort zone, remind them of competitors. Customer-driven change as well
-Problems with models- Oversimplify diversity of cultural values, they ignore the shared assumptions aspect of
oWithout external factors: Begin change process before problems arise- tough doing so if org
culture and assume orgs have a fairly clear, unified, and easily decipherable culture
is alr stable. Also requires persuasive influence: visualize future competitive threats and
Org subculture- Subcultures throughout divisions, locations, and groups. Some enhance dominant culture by
environmental shifts. Comes off as manipulative. Can also develop through a leader's vision
espousing parallel values and assumptions. Some differ from dominant culture but don’t have conflicting values
-Reducing resistance- Increasing driving increases resistance: 6 strategies (First 4 are priorities)
and assumptions. Some are countercultures. Some orgs only consist of subcultures.
oCommunication- generates urgency of change and reduces unknown- timely and costly
-2 functions: Maintain org standards of performance and ethical behaviour (Counter Cultural enhance task-
oLearning- Develop stronger change self-efficacy- timely, costly, unable to learn new skills
conflict). The second is that they change and evolve values, aligning with changing external demands
oEmployee involvement- minimizes not-invented-here syndrome- timely, conflicting interests Artifacts decipher org culture- Observable symbols and signs of an org culture- obsv manifestations (4 categories)
oStress management- Minimize resistance by reducing negative valence. Can increase their -Org stories/legends- Add human realism to corporate expectations, indv performance standards, and criteria
motivation to support change- timely, costly, methods may not work for getting fired. Produce emotions- better lesson learned. Greatest effect when real, known, and clear message
oNegotiation- gains support from those who otherwise lose out- no commitment, short-term -Org language- Verbal symbols- ex. How employees talk to each other, greet customers, etc. Stands out when
oCoercion- Assertive influence- ex. Replacing staff- less trust and engage in org politics employees habitually use customized phrases and labels. Captures less complimentary cultural values as well.
Refreezing- Realigning organizational systems and team dynamics with the desired change -Rituals and Ceremonies- Rituals are programmed routines of daily org life that dramatize the organization’s
-Org rewards can help. Employees focus on new priorities when receiving continuous feedback culture. Ceremonies are formal planned displays of org culture, specifically for the benefit of an audience
Leadership, Coalitions, and Pilot Projects- 4 other ingredients in effective change processes -Physical structures/symbols- Structure’s size, shape, location, and age reinforce or alter org culture- ex. Layout
-Transformational leadership- Build strategic vision (Provides sense of direction and establishes Effective org culture- Culture strength refers to how widely and deeply employees understand and embrace the
critical success, provides emotional foundation, minimizes fear of the unknown) org’s dominant values and assumptions. Strong culture= shared values, well-established artifacts. Weak culture=
-Coalitions- A guiding coalition supporting change agents- committed- influential leaders dominant values held only at top, unstable values and assumptions, and artifacts don’t represent it well.
-Social networks- Strengthens change process. Viral change process (word of mouth and trust each -Companies are more effective with stronger cultures because of 3 important functions of a culture
other more). Opportunities to observe, motivating them to change their own behaviour to adapt oControl system (guides and unconsciously directs), social glue (bonds, fulfills social identity, feel part of org
-Pilot Projects- Change one work unit or section of the org, testing effectiveness and support. Gets experience, and attracts and retains), sense-making (what goes on and why, what is expected of them)
diffused using MARS. M (communicate and celebrate success, reward, reinforce desired -Contingencies- culture content is externally aligned (motivated to engage in aligned behaviors), culture
behaviours, address resistance) A (Pilot employees’ interaction, coach, and train) R (Show strength is not the level of a cult (lock-in mental models and suppress subcultures), adaptive culture
relevancy to all functions, not specific or general) S (Give staff sufficient time and resources) -Influences ethical conduct as well- could also result in unethical behaviour
Action research- problem-focused process that combines action orientation research orientation Merging culture- Fail financially if they have incompatible cultures
-Action orientation= Changing attitudes and behaviors. Required since ultimate goal is to change -Bicultural audit- Diagnosing compatibility- determining extent to which clashes will occur
workplace practices. Diagnosing current problems and applying intervention o3 Stages= Identifying differences, determining which will result in conflict and which values provide
-Research orientation= Testing theory through data collection and analysis. Required because common ground to build foundation, identifying strategies and preparing action plans to bridge the 2
change agents apply conceptual frameworks to real situations. Open systems view -Strategies for merging- Assimilation (Willingly embrace the cultural values of the acquiring org. Works best if 1
-Phases: Form client-consultant relationship (determine readiness), diagnose need for change is really weak or strong), Deculturation (Imposing culture and business practices on the acquired org. Leads to
(gather+analyze data, decide objectives), introduce intervention (incremental or rapid), evaluate resistance but works if acquired culture is dysfunctional), Integration (preserves best features, symbolizing that
and stabilize change (determine effectiveness and refreeze), disengage consultant services both firms have meaningful values for the combined org. Works best if both are weak or have overlapping
Appreciative Inquiry- Directs the group’s attention away from its own problems and focuses values. Slow and risky), Separation (remain distinct entities. Works best with different businesses requiring this)
participants on the group’s potential and positive elements. Deeply grounded in the emerging Changing and strengthening- Changing culture is a challenge but there are 5 strategies that can help
philosophy of positive organizational behavior- building positive qualities- not focusing on negatives -Model desired culture through actions of founders and leaders (Transformational and authentic leadership)
-Useful for groups already aware of their problems or suffering from negativity- optimistic view -Align artifacts with desired cultures (An open layout, even for executives, to implement servant leadership)
-Principles (5): Positive (focus), Constructionist (how we perceive and understand change depends -Introduce culturally consistent rewards and recognition (Ex. reward system that encourages cooperation)
on questions and language we use throughout process), Simultaneity (inquiry and change), poetic -Support workforce stability and communication (give time for employees to understand, ongoing interactions)
(orgs are open books- we have choices in how orgs may be perceived, framed, and described), -Use attraction, selection, and socialization for cultural fit- ASA theory-Orgs have a natural tendency to attract,
anticipatory (motivated and guided by a vision seen and believed in) select, and retain people with values and personality characteristics that are consistent with the org’s character.
-4D Model: Discovery (positive elements of events/org), dreaming (envisioning and revealing), oAttraction (Job applicants avoid prospective employers who have value incongruence), selection (orgs
designing (discussing what should be + collective mental model), delivering (developing objectives) looking for the best cultural fit), attrition (Motivating employees to leave value incongruent workplaces)
-Concern: Not always successful, must let go of problem approach and stop blaming, leader must Org socialization- The process by which individuals learn the values, expected behaviours, and social knowledge
appreciate approach, and little research about contingencies necessary to assume their roles in the org. Can strengthen org culture and help newcomers adjust.
Large group intervention- a “whole systems” perspective of the change process. Believes change is -Effective org socialization offers newcomers better understanding about company’s values wand gives them
more effective with more people. Future-oriented and positive. Identifying trends and developing guidelines to engage in value-consistent behaviours more accurately and motivates incongruence to leave
strategies Meaning making process. Concerns: Limits indv. contribution, finding common ground -Learning process (try to make sense of the company’s physical workplace, supporting organizational
prevents discovery of differences interfering with future progress, high expectations-difficult reality. comprehension) and adjustment process (adapting to a new environment with new roles, norms, etc.)
Parallel learning structures- Highly participative arrangements composed of people from most levels -Psychological contract- Individual’s beliefs about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement
of the organization who follow the action research model to produce meaningful organizational between that person and another party (typically employer). Transactional (short term exchange) and relational
change. Social structures developed alongside formal hierarchy to increase org learning -Stages: Stage 1- Preemployment (learn about org, job, form expectations, and rely on indirect info that arises
2 types of change- Operational (process) and social (people). due to conflict). Stage 2- Encounter (testing expectation vs realities, often resulting in reality shock (stress)).
HBR 4 tips to manage- Start with a small group, identify keystone change, network movement, Stage 3- Role management (Strengthen relationships, practice new behaviours, and resolve conflicts). Outcomes
surviving victory. Kotter’s 8 steps- Increase urgency, build guiding team, get the right vision, (Higher motivation, higher loyalty, higher satisfaction, lower stress, and lower turnover)
communicate for buy-in, empower action, create short-term wins, don’t let up, make it stick
Improving the socialization process- Realistic job preview- applicants are given balanced positive and negative
information about the job and work context. Helps them decide whether they are compatible. Socialization agents
also play a role by providing technical info, performance feedback, and aiding in the formation of social ties.