FA - ACCA Lecture Notes
FA - ACCA Lecture Notes
FA - ACCA Lecture Notes
Financial Accounting
Lecture Notes
A1Introduction to Financial Accounting
Sole trader
This form of business enterprise is owned and managed by one person. The sole trader is
fully and personally liable for any losses that the business might make.
This is a business owned jointly by two or more persons. The partners are jointly and
severally liable for any losses that the business might make.
This form of business is owned by shareholders. As a group, the shareholders elect the
directors who run the business. As against other form of businesses, companies are almost
always limited companies. That is, the shareholders will not be personally liable for any
losses the company incurs. Their liability is limited to the nominal values of the shares that
they own.
For accounting purposes, all three forms of business enterprise are treated as separate
from their owners. This is called the business entity concept.
The money put up by the individual, partners or the shareholders, is referred to as the
business capital. This is divided into shares in the case of companies.
Users of Financial Statements
Users of financial statements also called stakeholders are people who have economic
interest in the activities and operations of an enterprise. The users and their information
needs can be summarized as follows:
Accounting System
Financial accounting
Concerned with the production of financial statements for external users.
They provide historical information.
Financial accounts are prepared using accepted accounting conventions and
Management accounting
Debts of a business. They are the present obligations of an enterprise arising from past
events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits; i.e. creditors claims on the resources of a company.
If the owner of the business introduces funds into the business we regard this as Capital. It
will increase each year by any new capital injected into the business and by the profit
made by the business.
Forms part of the published annual Financial statements of a LLC will usually be for the
period of a year, commencing from the date of the previous year's statements.
Revenue is the income from goods sold in the year regardless of whether the goods have
been paid for.
Expenses are the costs of running the business for the same period, e.g wages, costs of
Illustrations in class
Regulation ensures that accounts are sufficiently reliable and useful, and prepared
without unnecessary delay.
• Financial accounts are used as the starting point for calculating taxable profits.
• The annual report and accounts is the main document used for reporting to
shareholders on the condition and performance of a company.
To ensure regulation, IASB bore IAS and IFRS which are produced by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
• International accounting standards are the rules that govern accounting for
• In 2003 IFRS 1 was issued and all new standards are now designated as IFRSs.
10 standards relevant to F3- IFRS 3, IAS 1,2,7,8,10,16, 18, 37, 38
IASB was established in 2001 as part of the IASC. In 2010 the IASC foundation was
renamed the IFRS foundation. Governance rests with 22 trustees- appointing members of
the IASB and others and financing for the organisation.
IASB has 15 full time members – deal with approval of IFRS and related documents
(conceptual framework), exposure drafts
IFRSIC has 14 members appointed by the trustees. They prepare interpretations of IFRS for
approval by IASB, and timely guidance on financial reporting issues
a)To develop, a single set of high quality, understandable and enforceable global
accounting standards
Sets out the concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial
statements for external users, and is designed to assist:
• the Board of the IASB in developing new standards and reviewing existing ones
• provide those interested in the work of the IASB with information about its approach to
the formulation of IFRSs.
•Underlying assumptions
• the definition, recognition and measurement of the elements from which financial
statements are constructed (not examinable at this level).
The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position
(in Statement of financial position), performance (in Statement of comprehensive
Income) and cash flows (Statement of cash flows) of an entity that is useful to a wide
range of users in making economic decisions.
These are set of attributes which together make the information in the financial
statements useful to users.
This is a qualitative characteristic that affects the way an item has been included or stated
in the financial statement. That is, the contents of the accounts. An item is relevant if it could
assist users of accounts to evaluate past, present or future events or by confirming, or
correcting existing evaluations. It helps in assessing the future of the business. Relevance of
information is affected by its nature and materiality.
Others- Prudence and substance over form not part of faithful representation
This quality affects the way and manner financial statements are presented. It means that
financial statements should be comparable with the financial statements of other
companies and with the financial statements of the same company for earlier periods.
Constraints on relevant and reliable information
Timeliness vs Relevance
Understandability vs completeness
If all aspects of the business are disclosed, the information becomes less comprehensible
Relevance vs reliability
Sometimes info that is the most relevant, is not the most reliable
Going concern
Assumption that the comapany will continue in business for the foreseeable future.
It is assumed that the entity has neither the intention nor the necessity of liquidation or of
curtailing materially the scale of its operations. The main significance is that the assets
should not be valued at their 'break-up' value; the amount they would sell for if they were
sold off piecemeal and the business were broken up.
Financial statements aim to reflect transactions when they actually occur, not necessarily
when cash movements occur.
In computing profit revenue earned must be matched against the expenditure incurred
in earning it. This is also known as the matching convention.
(i) Assets- Resources controlled by the enterprise as a result of past events and from
which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the enterprise.
(ii) Liabilities- present obligations of an enterprise arising from past events, the settlement
of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources embodying economic
(iii) Equity- Residual interest in the assets after subtracting the liabilities.
(b) Performance
Financial statements should present fairly the financial position, financial performance
and cash flows of an entity.
(b) All relevant IASs/IFRSs must be followed if compliance with IASs/IFRSs is disclosed
It is probable that any future economic benefit associated with the item will flow to
or from the entity
The item can be measured at a monetary amount (cost or value) with sufficient
Presentation requirements
IAS 1 does not allow assets and liabilities to be offset against each other unless such a
treatment is required or permitted by another IFRS.
Income and expenses can be offset only when one of the following applies:
(b) Gains, losses and related expenses arising from the same/similar transactions are not
Comparative information-
IAS 1 requires it to be disclosed for the previous period for all numerical information, unless
another IFRS permits/requires otherwise. Give in narrative information where helpful.
Restate when presentation or classification of items in the FS is amended.
Consistency of presentation
The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements should stay the
same from one period to the next, except as follows:
(a) There is a significant change in the nature of the operations or a review of the
financial statements indicates a more appropriate presentation. Use motor vehicles
within Lagos but now need to start travelling
The objective of this topic is to show the process of preparing the financial statements.
That is, from source documents to books of prime entry, the ledgers, the trial balance and
finally to the financial statements.
These are documents that show the evidence of transactions. For example; receipts,
payment vouchers, invoices, credit/debit notes, bank statements, e.t.c. They serve as the
basis of recording in other books of accounts.
These are books where transactions are first recorded on a daily basis for convenient sake
before they are transferred into the main books of accounts called the ledger.
Cash book
The cash book is a prime book of entry used to record transactions that are conducted
only on cash. It has two sides; a debit and a credit side. The debit side records money
collected in a period while the credit side records all payments in the same period. A
cash book is a dual function record, that is, it serves both as a day book and a ledger.
As a day book; it records the first entry of all receipts and payments of money
As a ledger; it has a debit and credit side which can be balanced at the end of
the period and be included in the trial balance.
i. Single column cash book – this is used to record transactions that are all made in
cash, without the use of cheque.
ii. Double column cash book – this is used to record transactions that made both in
cash and by cheque, but without the issue of discounts.
In a situation where the business transfers money from bank to office (for office use) or
from the office to bank (for deposit), such transaction is known as contra entry as both
the debit and credit entries are made in the same cash book.
iii. Three column cash book – this is used to record transactions that are in cash and
by cheque at the same time, allows and receives discount.
Discount allowed is a rebate given to customer for prompt payment of money. It is shown
on the debit side of the cash book.
Discount received is a rebate from suppliers for prompt payment of money. It is shown on
the credit side of the cash book.
Petty cash book
This is a subsidiary book used to record petty/small expenses in order to reduce the
workload of the main cashier. The petty cash book is operated on an imprest system.
Imprest system is a system where a fixed amount called a float is given to a petty cashier
to finance small expenses in a specified period which is then re-imbursed at the end of
that period. Re-imbursement is the process of restoring the petty cashier to his former
position by giving him/her the sum equal to the amount spent.
It should be noted that the petty cash book is part of the double entry system. Hence, it
has a debit and credit side. The debit side is for the cash float received from the main
cashier as well as the re-imbursement amount. The credit side is to record all payments
made in a period.
This is a subsidiary book used to enter goods made on credit by an enterprise. As credit
sales occur, they are listed in the sales day book which is ruled to show among others, the
date of the sale, the customers’ name and amount.
The customer’s personal account is debited while the sales’ account is credited at the
end of a convenient period.
This is used for the recording of goods bought on credit by an enterprise. The credit
purchases are listed in the purchases daybook as they occur.
In the ledger account, the suppliers’ accounts are credited while the purchases account
is debited.
The customers’ personal accounts are debited while the total amount is debited to
returns inward account
This is used for the recording of goods initially bought from suppliers but later returned to
them. The suppliers’ personal accounts are debited while the total amount is credited to
returns’ outward account.
General journal
This is used for the recording of any transaction that cannot be conveniently entered in
other day books. Examples include:
The ledger is the principal book that contains all the accounts of a business. An account is
a page in the ledger divided into debit and credit side to record transactions in detail.
Information are taken from all the subsidiary books to the ledger to complete the double
entry recording.
A ledger account is recorded by adopting a concept called the double entry principle.
This principle states that every business transaction must be recorded twice; one on the
debit side of one account and the other on the credit side of another account. Hence,
the double entry principle states that for every debit entry, there must be a corresponding
credit entry and vice-versa.
In order to apply the double entry principle, it is necessary to first identify the two
accounts required. Having done this, the next step is to identify the accounts which is
receiving the value of the transaction and the account which is giving the value. Having
identified the receiver and the giver, a debit entry shall be posted to the account which is
receiving, while a credit entry is made in the account which is giving. This is the double
entry rule, which is sometimes referred to as “debit the receiver, credit the giver”.
Record of prime entry for transactions which are not recorded in any of the other books
of prime entry.
When errors are discovered and need to be corrected. Illustrate entries here:
(Remember: in due course, the ledger accounts will be written up to include the
transactions listed in the journal.)
For example, if an expense is incurred in which part of the expense is paid with cash and
the remainder transferred to accounts payable, then two lines would be used for the
credit - one for the cash portion and one for the accounts payable portion. The total of
the two credits must be equal to the debit amount.
If the total debits exceed the total credits there is said to be a debit balance on the
account; if the credits exceed the debits then the account has a credit balance.
The next step in our progress towards the financial statements is the trial balance.
A basic rule of double-entry accounting is that for every credit there must be an
equal debit amount. From this concept, one can say that the sum of all debits must
equal the sum of all credits in the accounting system. If debits do not equal credits,
then an error has been made. The trial balance is a tool for detecting such errors.
The trial balance is calculated by summing the balances of all the ledger accounts.
The account balances are used because the balance summarizes the net effect of
all of the debits and credits in an account. To calculate the trial balance, construct
a table in the following format:
The whole of financial accounting is based on this simple idea of accounting equation.
The equation says that the total asset of a business is equal to its total liabilities (including
capital as liability).
That is, the resources of a business (its assets) are equal to the claims the owner(s) of the
business and third parties have over the business.
Effect upon:
A/c to A/c to
S/N be be
1. Bought lorry for cash
2. Paid creditor, T. Lake, by cheque
3. Repaid P. Logan’s loan by cash
4. Sold lorry for cash
5. Goods sold for cash
6. A debtor, A. Hill, pays us by cash
7. A debtor, J. Cross, pays us by cheque
8. Proprietor puts a further amount into the
business by cheque
9. A loan of $200 in cash is received from L. Lowe
10. Paid a creditor, D. Lord, by cash
Record the following details relating to a carpet retailer in the subsidiary books and
ledger accounts, extract a trial balance and prepare the financial statements for the
month of November 2007:
3 Bought goods on credit from: J Small $290; F Brown $1,200; T Rae $610; R
Charles $530.
11 Sold goods on credit to: T Potts $85; J Field $48; T Gray $1,640.
19 Bought goods on credit from: R Charles $110; T Rae $320; F Jack $165.
30 Proprietor brings a further $900 into the business, by a payment into the business
bank account.
Valuation of inventory
According to IAS 2, inventory should be valued at the lower of cost and net realizable
value (NRV).
Cost of inventories
We have:
(a) Purchase cost/price; plus Import duties and other taxes; Transport, handling and any
other cost directly attributable to the acquisition of finished goods, services and materials;
less trade discounts, rebates and other similar amounts
(b) Costs of conversion- Costs directly related to the units of production, eg (a)direct
materials, direct labour ; Fixed and variable production overheads that are incurred in
converting materials into finished goods, allocated on a systematic basis.
(c) Other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
The standard emphasizes that fixed production overheads must be allocated to items of
inventory on the basis of the normal capacity of the production facilities.
Normal capacity is the expected achievable production based on the average over
several periods/seasons, under normal circumstances.
Other costs
Any other costs should only be recognised if they are incurred in bringing the inventories
to their present location and condition.
The standard lists types of cost which would not be included in cost of inventories:
Revenue expected to be earned in the future when the goods are sold, less any cost to
be incurred in order to make the sale.
IAS2- ‘It is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less estimated
costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale’.
(d) Decision as part of the company’s marketing strategy to manufacture and sell
products at a loss
In order to calculate the cost of goods sold it is necessary to have values for the opening
inventory (i.e. inventory in hand at the beginning of the accounting period) and closing
inventory (i.e. inventory in hand at the end of the accounting period).
Closing inventory
Items for resale that we have bought in but have not yet sold are an asset of the business.
The cost of these items must be transferred out of the cost of sales account, into the
inventory account (asset)
Opening inventory must be included in cost of sales as these goods are available for sale
along with purchases during the year.
Closing inventory must be deducted from cost of sales as these goods are held at the
period end and have not been sold.
Inventory account must be kept. This inventory account is only ever used at the end of an
accounting period, when the business counts up and values the inventory in hand, in an
inventory count
For closing inventory DEBIT Inventory account (closing inventory value) CREDIT
Income statement
Closing inventory at the end of one period becomes opening inventory at the start of the
Dr Income statement
'Carriage' refers to the cost of transporting purchased goods from the supplier to the
premises of the business which has bought them.
• Carriage outwards is a selling expense. When the supplier pays, the cost to the
supplier is known as carriage outwards (out of the business) and purchaser pays for
carriage inwards
When goods are lost, stolen or thrown away as worthless, the business will make a loss on
those goods because their 'sales value' will be nil.
If, at the end of an accounting period, a business still has goods in inventory which are
either worthless or worth less than their original cost, the value of the inventories should be
written down to:
(b) Their net realisable value, if this is less than their original cost
Inventories may be raw materials, finished goods made by the business but not yet sold,
or work in the process of production (WIP)
Cost can be arrived at by using FIFO (first in-first out) or AVCO (weighted average
This is an indirect tax levied on the sale of goods and services. It is usually borne by the final
Sales tax charged on goods and services sold by a business is referred to as output sales
tax, while sales tax on goods and services bought in by a business is referred to as input
sales tax.
A business that is registered for sales tax acts as a collection agent for the government and
is also able to recover sales tax suffered on purchases. Hence, sales tax is excluded from
the reported sales and purchases of the business.
In circumstances where a business cannot recover sales tax paid on their inputs, it must be
regarded as part of the items purchased and included as an expense in the statement of
comprehensive income or in the statement of financial position as part of the cost of the
Some circumstances in which traders are not allowed to reclaim sales tax paid on their
• Non-registered persons( persons will pay sales tax on their inputs and, because they
are not registered, they cannot reclaim.
• Zero rated businesses need to record all input VAT. Will appear in Statement of
financial position as current assets
• Registered persons carrying on exempted activities (cannot reclaim sales tax paid
on their inputs. Do not record VAT
• Non-deductible inputs
Calculation of sales tax
To calculate sales tax depends on if the price given is exclusive of tax or inclusive of tax.
This concept is that income and expenses should be matched together and dealt with in
the statement of comprehensive income for the period to which they relate, regardless of
the period in which the cash was actually received or paid.
Requires that revenue be recorded when earned and expenses recorded when incurred,
irrespective of when related cash movements occur. They are a necessary part of the
accounting process and are designed to allocate an activity to the proper period
Accrued expenditure
Accruals or accrued expenses are expenses which are charged against the profit for a
particular period, even though they have not yet been paid for.
Accounting entries:
Prepaid expenses
Prepayments or prepaid expenses on the other hand are payments which have been
made in one accounting period, but should not be charged against profit until a later
period, because they relate to that later period.
Deduct prepayments from expenses shown at year end to obtain expenses incurred.
Show prepayments under current assets.
Accounting entries:
Dr: Prepayment
Cr : Expense account
Both accruals and prepayments can be regarded as the means by which we move
charges into the correct accounting period. If we pay in this period for something that
relates to the next accounting period, we use a prepayment to transfer that charge
forward to the next period.
If we have incurred an expense in this period which will not be paid until next period, we
use an accrual to bring the charge back into this period.
Accrued income
Accrued income arises when income has been earned in the accounting period but has
not yet been received.
So you must record the extra income in the IS and create a corresponding asset in the
Statement of financial position (accrued income).
Accounting entries:
Prepaid Income
Prepaid income arises where income has been received in the accounting period but
which relates to the next accounting period.
Remove the income not relating to the year from the income statement and create
corresponding liability in the Statement of financial position
Accounting entries:
Dr Income (SOCI)
Cr Prepaid income (SOFP)
Impact on profit and net assets of accruals and prepayments
Effect on income/ Effect on profit Effect on assets/
Expense liabilities
Accruals Increases Reduces Profit Increases liabilities
Prepayments Reduces expenses Increases profit Increases assets
Prepayments of Reduces income Reduces profit Increases liabilities
Irrecoverable debts are amounts owing by credit customers that are considered to be
uncollectable. Irrecoverable debts are very likely to arise as long as an organization sells
to its customers on credit.
Accounting entries:
Credit sales:
Dr Receivables
Cr sales
When it is decided that a particular debt will not be paid, this is an irrecoverable debt:
At the end of the accounting period, the balance on the irrecoverable debts account is
transferred to Income statement (like all other expense accounts).
These are debts written off as irrecoverable in a particular period and now paid in
subsequent periods.
This will be recognized as an income in the accounting period that the debt was
Accounting entries:
Dr Receivables a/c
Cr Irrecoverable debt expense a/c
Dr Cash
Cr Receivables
Doubtful debts
If there is some doubt whether customer can pay, allowance for receivables is created.
This means that the possible loss is accounted for immediately in line with the prudence
concept. The original debt still remains the books in event the customer pays.
These remain in the books as a part of accounts receivable but we will create an
allowance for receivables equal to the amount of any doubtful ones and leave a net
figure in the Statement of financial position.
As the debt is not yet regarded as irrecoverable, it will still be included in total receivable
figure. An allowance is set up which is a credit balance. This is netted off against trade
receivables in the Statement of financial position to give a net figure for receivables that
are probably recoverable.
Specific allowance: this is a situation where you can identify that a particular customer
might not be able to pay what is outstanding for any reason.
General allowance: this is an estimate of what the organization thinks that it might not be
able to receive from its credit customers. The estimate will normally be based on past
Initial allowance (i.e. when creating the allowance for the first time)
Increase in allowance:
Decrease in allowance:
Total receivables **
The addition of the specific and general allowance is equal to the closing allowance,
which will now be compared to the opening allowance to know the movement in
So far in this text we have assumed that the bookkeeping and double entry (and
subsequent preparation of financial accounts) has been carried out by a business without
any mistakes. This is not likely to be the case in real life. Once an error has been detected, it
has to be corrected. We explain how errors can be detected, what kinds of error exist, and
how to post corrections and adjustments to produce financial statements.
A control account is an account in the nominal ledger in which a record is kept of the total
value of a number of similar but individual items. Control accounts are used chiefly for
trade receivables and payables.
The amount owed by all the receivables together (i.e. all the trade account receivables)
will be a balance on the receivables control account
At any time the balance on the Receivables control account (RCA) should be equal to the
sum of the individual balances on the personal accounts in the receivables ledger.
(b) assist in the location of errors, where postings to the control accounts are made daily
or weekly, or even monthly
The control accounts should be balanced at least monthly, and the balance on the account
agreed with the sum of the individual debtors' or suppliers balances extracted from the
receivables or payables ledgers respectively. For one or more of the following reasons
(a) An incorrect amount may be posted to the control account because of a miscast of the
total in the book of original entry. A journal entry must then be made in the nominal ledger
to correct the control account and the corresponding sales or expense account
(b) A transposition error may occur in posting an individual's balance from the book of prime
entry to the memorandum ledger.
No accounting entry would be required to do this, except to alter the figure in C Cloning's
(c) A transaction may be recorded in the control account and not in the memo ledger, or
vice versa. This requires an entry in the ledger that has been missed out which means a
double posting if the control account has to be corrected, and a single posting if it is the
individual's balance in the memorandum ledger that is at fault.
(d) The sum of balances extracted from the memorandum ledger may be incorrectly
extracted or miscast. This would involve simply correcting the total of the balances.
Revenue expenditure on the other hand is an expense incurred on running the business
on a day-to-day basis. It relates to the current accounting period.
These are physical resources controlled by the organization and from which it intends to
derive benefits for more than one accounting period.
Non-current assets-
• Occurs when a business spends money to add to the value of an existing asset ,
delivery costs, legal fees, enhancing costs
• Purchase or improvement of non-current assets, which are assets that will provide
benefits to the business in more than one accounting period, and which are not
acquired with a view to being resold in the normal course of trade.
• Interest costs associated with acquiring or constructing an asset that requires a long
period of time to prepare for use
• Not charged in full to the income statement of the period in which the purchase
occurs but depreciated
Cr Bank/Payables
(a) For the purpose of running the business. Includes selling & distribution expenses, admin
expenses and finance charges
(b) To maintain the existing earning capacity of a Non -current asset, e.g. Repairs,
renewals, repainting
- Directly attributable costs incurred in bringing the asset to its present location and
Excluded costs
Subsequent expenditure
Is added to the carrying amount of the asset, but only when it is probable that future
economic benefits, in excess of the originally assessed standard of performance of the
existing asset, will flow to the enterprise.
(a) Modification of an item of plant to extend its useful life, including increased capacity
(c) Adoption of a new production process leading to large reductions in operating costs
Is the allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its estimated useful life.
We are spreading the cost of a non-current asset over its useful life, and so matching the
cost against the full period during which it earns profits for the business.
Accumulated depreciation
Is amount set aside as a charge for the wearing out of NCA. Total accumulated
depreciation on a NCA builds up as the asset gets older
Depreciation accounting
Since a non-current asset has a cost, a limited useful life, and its value eventually declines,
a charge should be made in the income statement to reflect the:
(2) match to the revenue generated by the NCA. This Charge= depreciation.
(3) Also reduce the statement of financial position value of the NCA by cumulative
depreciation to reflect the wearing out.
Cr Bank with
DR Income statement
Cr Accumulated depn
Residual value
Amount received when the asset is put out of use by the business, or the amount
company estimates it can sell asset for at end of useful life.
Asset costing $22,000 is expected to have a residual value of $4,000 at the end of its 10 yr
Depreciation methods
Must be applied consistently from period to period unless altered circumstances justify a
change. When the method is changed, the effect should be quantified and disclosed and
the reason for the change should be stated.
A non-current asset costing $100,000 with an estimated life of 5 years and no residual
value would be depreciated at the rate of:100,000/5= $20,000 per annum.
Allocates a relatively large proportion of the cost of an asset to the early years of the
assets useful life with a progressively lower charge in subsequent years and so on.
An asset was purchased for $100,000 exactly 2 years ago. The business uses depreciation
of 20% reducing balance. Therefore the NBV now is
•Provide a full year’s depreciation in the year of acquisition and none in the year of
• Monthly/ pro-rata depreciation, based on the exact number of months that the asset
has been owned.
•If there are any changes in the expected pattern of use of the asset (and economic
benefit), then the method used should be changed.
•Remaining net book value is depreciated under the new method, but not
Paul purchased an asset for $100,000 on 1/1/2001. It had an estimated useful life of 5 yrs
and it was depreciated using the reducing balance method at a rate of 40%. On 1/1/2003
it was decided to change the method to straight line. Show the depreciation for each
Depreciation charge on a NCA depends not only on the cost/value and its estimated
residual value but also on its estimated useful life
The difference between the book value and the amount actually realized from a sale of
an asset is called a gain (loss) on disposal.
Proceeds (cash or part disposal allowance) > NBV at disposal date= Profit
Proceeds (cash or part disposal allowance) = CV at disposal date= Neither profit or loss.
E.g. For example, let's say a company sells one of its delivery trucks for $3,000. That truck is
shown on the company records at its original cost of $20,000 less accumulated
depreciation of $18,000. When these two amounts are combined ("netted together") the
net amount is known as the book value (or the carrying value) of the asset. In the example,
the book value of the truck is $2,000 ($20,000 - $18,000).
Because the proceeds from the sale of the truck are $3,000 and the book value is $2,000
the difference of $1,000 is recorded in the account Gain on Sale of Truck—an income
statement account.
Disposal of assets- how it is recorded in the ledger accounts
Difference between the net sale price of the asset and its net book value at the time of
disposal is equal to Profit or loss on disposal
(1) Remove the original cost of the non-current asset from the ‘non-current asset’
(2) Remove accumulated depreciation on the non-current asset from the ‘accumulated
depreciation’ account.
Dr Accumulated depreciation;
The balance on the disposals account after this process is the profit or loss on disposal
Where an old asset is provided in part payment for new one, balance of new being paid
in cash.
Dr NC assets cash
2 debits to the NCA a/c- part exchange allowance and balance of cash to be paid.
Some non-current assets, such as land and buildings may rise in value over time. Businesses
may choose to reflect the current value of the asset in their statement of financial position.
This is known as revaluing the asset.
• The difference between the carrying value of the asset and the revalued amount
(normally a gain) is recorded in a revaluation reserve in the capital section of the statement
of financial position.
• This gain is not recorded in the income statement because it is unrealised, i.e. it is not
realised in the form of cash.
• IAS 1 requires that a revaluation gain (when sold) is disclosed in "other comprehensive
income" on the Statement of comprehensive income
After the revaluation, depreciation will be charged on the new rate of:
Revalued amount
Difference between old and new depreciation value is transferred from revaluation
reserves to retained earnings/accumulated profits. Entries are:
Dr revaluation reserve
Cr Retained earnings
A fall in the value of a non-current asset
If fall in value is expected to be permanent, the asset should be written down to its new
low market value.
CR Cost
Details of Non- current assets are maintained in an assets register. It can be manual or
All asset movements and changes in value should be recorded against individual assets
Agree balances in the nominal ledger for cost and accumulated depreciation to what is
recorded in the register.
• Description of asset
• Location of asset
• Cost
Intangible non-current assets are long-term assets which have a value to the business
because they have been paid for, but which do not have any physical substance.
Intangible assets include goodwill, intellectual rights (e.g. patents, performing rights and
authorship rights) as well as research and development costs. The most significant of such
intangible assets are research and deferred development costs.
• Development costs
• Goodwill
• Trademarks
• Lisenses
• Patents
• Copyrights
• franchises
• Software
• Customer lists
Control- Power to obtain future economic benefits generated by the item, and restrict
access of other entities to those benefits. Demonstrated by having legal rights to the item
e.g. copyright, patent
Future economic benefits- item creates revenues, cost savings, other benefits. E.g having
intellectual property that allows it to double efficiency of a production line
Identifiability- capable of being separated from the entity and exchanged, licensed,
rented sold, or transferred.
Finite- amortise
However, if the criteria laid down by IAS 38 are satisfied, development expenditure
can be capitalized as an intangible asset. If it has a finite useful life, it should then be
amortised over that life.
• Research
• Development
Research and development costs will include all costs that are directly attributable to
research and development alternatives, or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.
The standard lists the costs which may be included in R & D, where applicable (note that
selling costs are excluded).
• Salaries, wages and other employment related costs of personnel engaged in R &
D activities.
• Depreciation of property, plant and equipment to the extent that these assets are
used for R & D activities.
• Overhead costs, other than general administrative costs, related to R & D activities.
• Other costs, such as the amortisation of patents and licenses, to the extent that
these assets are used for R & D activities.
Recognition of R & D costs
Research costs
Research costs should be recognized as an expense in the period in which they are
incurred. They should not be recognized as an asset in a later period.
Development costs
Development costs will be recognized as an expense in the period in which they are
incurred unless the criteria for asset recognition identified below are met. Development
costs initially recognized as an expense should not be recognized as an asset in a later
Development expenditure should be recognized as an asset only when the business can
demonstrate all of the following. Where the criteria are met, development expenditure
must be capitalized. PIRATE
1) How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits. Among
other things, the entity should demonstrate the existence of a market for the output
of the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of then
intangible asset.
2) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it.
3) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete
the development and to use or sell the intangible asset.
4) Its ability to use or sell the intangible asset.
6) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset
during its development.
It is unlikely to be possible to match exactly the economic benefits obtained with the costs
which are held as an asset simply because of the nature of development activities. The
entity should consider either:
• Cash paid
• Import duties and non-refundable taxes less rebates
• Costs of employee benefits
• Directly related professional fees
• Costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly
Excluded- costs of introducing a new product/service; operating losses; admin and other
general OH costs
Internally generated intangible assets such as customer lists publishing titles cannot be
recognised because, the cost of these items cannot be distinguished from the cost of
developing the business as a whole.
As with all assets, impairment (fall in value) is a possibility. The development costs should be
written down to the extent that the unamortized balance is no longer probable of being
recovered from the expected future economic benefit.
Accruals and prepayments are the means by which we move charges into the correct
accounting period
Accrued expense
Accruals concept - revenue and expenses are recorded when incurred irrespective of
when cash is received.
So revenues and expenses brought into income statements are those earned /incurred
during period.
Prepaid expense
Are expenses paid in advance, e.g. Pay rent at beginning of year for whole year, only
portion relating to current period is charged
Cr Rent a/c- IS
Prepayment a/c is shown under current assets
Accrued income
• Income is earned in the accounting period but not yet received by year end- e.g.
interest receivable
• revenue earned prior to receiving cash
• Record outstanding income in the IS (rent and interest receivable, commission
• Create corresponding asset in the SOFP called Accrued income ( or could be
called sundry receivable)
Prepaid income
• Remove the income not relating to the year from the income statement (IS) and
create corresponding liability in the statement of financial position (SOFP)
• Dr utility Income (IS/SOCI)
Cr sundry payables(SOFP)unearned revenue
Here, we shall deal with errors that may be corrected by means of the journal or a
suspense account.
We will also look at the correction of material errors from a prior period in IAS 8.
Categories of errors
i. Errors of principle
It is not really possible to draw up a complete list of all errors which might be made by
bookkeepers and accountants. However, it is possible to describe five types of errors which
cover most of the errors that might occur. There are five main types of error. Some can be
corrected by journal entry while some require the use of a suspense account.
i. If the correction involves a double entry in the ledger accounts(errors not affecting
the trial balance), then it is done by using a journal entry.
ii. When the error breaks the rule of double entry, then it is corrected by the use of a
suspense account as well as a journal entry.
1. Errors of transposition
2. Errors of omission
3. Errors of principle
An error of principle involves making a double entry in the belief that the transaction
is being entered in the correct accounts, but subsequently finding out that the
accounting entries break the ‘rules’ of an accounting principle or concept. A typical
example of such error is to treat certain revenue expenditure incorrectly as capital
4. Errors of commission
Errors of commission are where the bookkeeper has made a mistake in carrying out
his or her task of recording transactions in the accounts. Here are two common types
of errors of commission.
5. Compensating errors
Compensating errors are errors which are, coincidentally, equal and opposite to one
Correction of errors
Errors which leave total debits and credits in the ledger accounts in balance can be
corrected using journal entries. Otherwise a suspense account has to be opened first, and
later cleared by a journal entry.
Journal Entries
The journal is the record of prime entry for transactions which are not recorded in any of
the other books of prime entry. The journal keeps a record of unusual movement between
accounts. It is used to record any double entries made which do not arise from the other
books of prime entry.
For example, journal entries are made when errors are discovered and need to be
corrected. A narrative explanation must accompany each journal entry. It is required for
audit and control, to indicate the purpose and authority of every transaction which is not
first recorded in a book of original entry.
$ $
Account to be debited X
Account to be credited X
b. The bookkeeper of a business reduces cash sales by $540 because she was not sure
what the money represented. It was actually a withdrawal on account of profit.
d. A page in the purchases day book has been added up to $23,456 instead of
e. A business sells $750 worth of goods on credit. What is the correct journal?
Suspense accounts
Suspense accounts, as well as being used to correct some errors, are also opened when it
is not known immediately where to post an amount. When the mystery is solved, the
suspense account is closed and
the amount correctly posted using a journal entry. A suspense account is an account
showing a balance equal to the difference in a trial balance.
It is a temporary account which can be opened for a number of reasons. The most
common reasons are as follows:
b. The bookkeeper of a business knows where to post the credit side of a transaction,
but does not know where to post the debit (or vice versa).
Posting to a suspense account are only made when the bookkeeper does not know yet
what to do, or when an error has occurred. Under no circumstances should there still be a
suspense account when it comes to preparing the statement of financial position of a
The suspense account must be cleared and all the correcting entries made before the
final accounts are drawn up.
If errors affect only the SOFP, original profit will not need to be changed. E.g. on 1/10/2010,
we paid $1,200 to a creditor Paul. It was correctly entered in the cash book but not entered
anywhere also. Net profit for the year is $10,500
If the error is in one of the items in the income statement, then original profit will be
Errors discovered during a current period which relate to a prior period may arise through:
a. Mathematical mistakes
c. Misinterpretation of facts
d. Oversights
e. Fraud
As laid down in IAS 8 the amount of the correction of a material error that relates to prior
periods should be reported adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings.
Comparative information should be restated (unless this is impracticable). This treatment
means that the financial statements appear as if the material error had been corrected in
the period it was made.
ii. Amount of the correction for the current period and for each prior period
iii. Amount of the correction relating to period prior to those included in the
comparative information
iv. The fact that comparative information has been restated or that it is impracticable
to do so.
In theory, the entries appearing on a business’s bank statement should be the same as
those in the business cash book. The balance shown by the bank statement should be the
same as the cash book balance on the same date. However, there could be differences
between the two records.
Differences between the Cash book and the Bank statement arise for three reasons:
a) Errors in calculation, or recording income and payments, are most likely to have been
made by the accountant than the bank, but it is conceivable that the bank has
made a mistake too.
b) Omission such as bank charges or bank interest not posted in the cash book. The
bank might deduct charges for interest on an overdraft or for its services, which you
are not informed about until you receive the bank statement.
c) Timing differences
i. There might be some cheques that you have received and paid into the bank, but
which have not yet been ‘cleared’ and added to your account. These are known
as un credited lodgments.
ii. Similarly, you might have made some payments by cheque, and depleted the
balance in your account, but the person who receives the cheque might not bank
immediately. Even when it is banked, it takes a day or two for the banks to process it
and for the money to be deducted from your account. These are known as un
presented cheques.
A bank reconciliation is a comparison of a bank statement with the cash book. A bank
statement or an account statement is a summary of all financial transactions occurring
over a given period of time on a deposit account, a credit card, or any other type of
account offered by a financial institution.
The opening balance from the prior month combined with the net of all transactions during
the period should result in the closing balance for the current statement. A bank
reconciliation is needed to identify and account for differences between the cash book
and the bank statement.
i. Standing order. Payments made into the account or from the account by way of
standing order which have not yet been entered in the cash book.
ii. Dividends received (on investments held by the business), paid directly into the bank
account but not yet entered in the cash book.
iii. Bank interest and bank charges, not yet entered in the cash book.
b) Items reconciling the correct cash book balance to the bank statement
i. Cheques drawn (ie paid) by the business and credited in the cash book, which have
not yet been presented to the bank, or ‘cleared’, and so do not yet appear on the
bank statement.
i. Cheques received by the business, paid into the bank and debited in the cash book,
but which have not yet been cleared and entered in the account by the bank, and
so do not yet appear on the bank statement.
Prepare bank reconciliation statement. Balance per bank must agree to the ACB
Note that the sign changes when the account is overdrawn. Balance per bank statement
will now be in negative.
So far, we have assumed that a full set of records are kept. In practice many sole traders
do not keep a full set of records and you must apply certain techniques to arrive at the
necessary figures.
Many small businesses do not keep complete double entry records. For them, a simple cash
book to record receipts and payments may be enough. A system complete with day books
and ledgers would provide better information and be less susceptible to undetected error.
The trouble with incomplete records, when it comes to preparing period end financial
statements, is that they do not tell the whole story. There is no record of outstanding debtors
or creditors, or of stock, or, without analysis, of for what receipts and payments have been
received and paid, or, in some cases, of the split between revenue and capital items.
Arriving at the year-end profit and loss account and balance sheet will rely heavily on
application of the concept of the ‘accounting equation’. This is defined as: assets equal
proprietors’ capital plus liabilities. Thus the value of capital can be determined at any point
in time.
introduction of capital;
drawings; and/or
trading profits or losses.
To understand what incomplete records are about, it will obviously be useful now to look
at what exactly might be incomplete. The items we shall consider in turn are:
Are there items in cost of sales that have not been sold due to:
When an unknown quantity of goods is lost, whether they are stolen, destroyed in a fire, or
lost in any other way such that the quantity lost cannot be counted, then the cost of the
goods lost is the difference between 2 THINGS:
(b) Opening inventory of the goods (at cost) plus purchases less Closing Inventory of the
goods (at cost)
In theory (a) = (b). However, if (b) > (a), it follows that the difference must be the cost of
the goods purchased and neither sold nor remaining in inventory, i.e. the cost of the
goods lost.
If lost goods are not insured, the business must bear the loss, shown in the net profit
(income and expenses)
Dr Expense a/c
Cr Cost of sales
If the lost goods were insured, the business will not suffer a loss, because the insurance will
pay back the cost of the lost goods. This means that there is no charge at all in the income
The insurance claim will then be a current asset, and shown in the Statement of financial
position of the business as such.
Dr Cash
Where such personal items of receipts or payments are made the following adjustments
should be made.
DR Cash
CR Drawings
DR Drawings
CR Cash
Mark up and margins
Where inventory, sales or purchases is the unknown figure it will be necessary to use
information on gross profit percentages to construct a working for gross profit in which the
unknown figure can be inserted as a balance. Could be that the trader has kept proper
books of account but has forgotten to do an inventory count.
Mark-up is the gross profit expressed as a percentage of the cost= GP/COS x 100%
Gross profit margin is the gross profit expressed as a percentage of sales/selling price=
GP/Sales x 100%
records ID of individual a/c balances
Identification of
profit figure within financial statements
Lost records, stolen
Method Methods
Use ledger accounts
Use accounting
Trade receivables
Total payables
or Ratios
Margin = GP/Sales x
Mark up = GP/COS x
There are some important differences between the accounts of a limited liability
company and those of sole traders or partnerships.
The national legislation governing the activities of limited liability companies tends to be
very extensive
The capital of a limited company is divided into shares. Shares can be of any nominal
value- 10c, 25c, $1, $10 or any other amount per share. To become a shareholder, a
person must buy one or more of these shares.
If shareholders have paid in full for these shares, then liability is limited to what they have
already paid for these shares. Shareholders are therefore said to have limited liability,
hence company’s are known as Limited liability company.
The maximum amount that an owner stands to lose in the event that the company
becomes insolvent and cannot pay off its debts, is his share of the capital in the business
We have private and public companies- Public limited companies offer their shares to the
public for subscription at large while private companies restrict the right to transfer its
(a) Limited liability makes investment less risky than investing in a sole trader or partnership
Unlimited liability means that if the business runs up debts that it is unable to pay, the
proprietors will become personally liable for the unpaid debts and would be required, if
necessary, to sell their private possessions to repay them.
As a business grows, it needs more capital to finance its operations, and significantly more
than the people currently managing the business can provide themselves. One way of
obtaining more capital is to invite investors from outside the business to invest in the
ownership or equity of the business.
Share Capital
The proprietors' capital in a LLC consists of share capital. When a company is set up for
the first time, it issues shares, which are paid for by investors, who then become
shareholders of the company. Shares are denominated in units of 25 cents, 50 cents, $1 or
whatever seems appropriate. The 'face value' of the shares is called their par value or
legal value (or the nominal value which is equal to the issuing price)
Authorised (or legal) capital is the maximum amount of share capital that a company is
empowered to issue. E.g. 5,000,000 ordinary shares of $1 each. Total capital applied for
by the company as expressed in the memo and articles and approved by the registrar of
Issued capital is the par amount of share capital that has been issued to shareholders
(that part of the capital the company invites people to buy) . The company with
authorised share capital of 5,000,000 ordinary shares of $1 might have issued 4,000,000
shares. This would leave it the option to issue 1,000,000 more shares later.
Called-up capital. When shares are issued or allotted, a company does not always
expect to be paid the full amount for the shares at once. It might instead call up only a
part of the issue price, and wait until a later time before it calls up the remainder. This
amount could be determined by the capital requirements of the company.
The called up capital is that part of the issued capital which the company has asked the
shareholders to pay up.
Paid-up capital is the amount of called-up capital that has been paid to the company.
A company will generally issue shares at above par (nominal) value. If they are issued
above par, they are said to be issued at a premium.
Cr Share premium ß
Both the share capital and share premium accounts are shown on the SOFP within the
‘Share Capital and Reserves’ section.
Types of shares
There are 2 types of shares Ordinary shares and preference (preferred) shares
• Preference shares carry the right to a final dividend which is expressed as a percentage
of their par value.
• Preference shareholders have a priority right over ordinary shareholders to a return of their
capital if the company goes into liquidation.
• Preference shares do not carry a right to vote.
• For cumulative preference shares before a company can pay an ordinary dividend it
must not only pay the current year's preference dividend, but also pay up any arrears of
preference dividends unpaid in previous years.
• Non-cumulative- case where amount paid< maximum agreed amountarrears is lost by
shareholder. Shortfall cannot be carried forward and paid in the future.
Types of preference shares
Company will redeem (repay) the nominal value of the shares at a later date. Shares will
then be cancelled and no further dividend paid. They are treated like loans and included
as non-current liabilities in the SOFP.
The double entry to record a redeemable preference share issue is:
Form part of equity like other shares and their dividends treated as appropriations of
profit. They remain in existence indefinitely
Ordinary shares
Ordinary shares carry no right to a fixed dividend but are entitled to all profits left after
payment of any preference dividend.
Ordinary shares normally carry voting rights. Ordinary shareholders are thus the effective
owners of a company. They own the 'equity' of the business. They may receive dividends
from the company from its profits.
The returns on shareholders capital are in the form of dividends. They are part of the net
profit of the company which have been set aside for distribution to shareholders.
Many companies pay dividends in two stages during the course of their accounting year.
(a) In mid year, after the half-year financial results are known, the company might pay an
interim dividend.
(b) At the end of the year, the company might propose a further final dividend. The total
dividend for the year is interim + final dividend.
Dividends which have been paid are shown in the statement of changes in equity. They
are not shown in the income statement, although they are deducted from retained
earnings in the Statement of financial position. Proposed dividends are not adjusted for,
they are simply disclosed by note.
Preference shares are shares carrying a fixed rate of dividend, the holders of which have
a prior claim to any company profits available for distribution.
A separate account will be kept for the dividends for each different class of shares (e.g.
preference, ordinary).
(i) Dividends declared out of profits will be disclosed in the notes if they are unpaid at the
year end.
(ii) When dividends are paid, we have: DEBIT Dividends paid account;
There are long-term liabilities and in some countries they are described as loan capital
because they are a means of raising finance, in the same way as issuing share capital
raises finance. They are different from share capital in the following ways:
(a) Shareholders are members of a company, while providers of loan capital are
payables (since such loans must be repaid at a give date)
(b) Shareholders receive dividends (appropriations of profit) whereas the holders of loan
capital are entitled to a fixed rate of interest (an expense charged against revenue).
(c) Loan capital holders can take legal action against a company if their interest is not
paid when due, whereas shareholders cannot enforce the payment of dividends.
(d) Loan Inventory is often secured on company assets, whereas shares are not (could be
tied to a specific property, in event of default, the payable has the legal right to sell the
Loan Inventory being a long-term liability will be shown as a credit balance in a loan
Inventory account.
Interest payable on such loans is not credited to the loan account, but is credited to a
separate payables account for interest until it is paid
Dr Interest payable;
Cr Cash
A reserve may be an amount set aside for say the repayment of a debt, payment of tax
or general business eventualities. There are 2 types:
(a) The par value of issued capital (minus any amounts not yet called up on issued shares)
(b) Other equity
All reserves are owned by the ordinary shareholders, who own the 'equity' in the
(c) Reserves
Profits are transferred to these reserves by making an appropriation out of profits, usually
profits for the year.
When a company is first incorporated (set up) the issue price of its shares will probably be
the same as their par value and so there would be no share premium. If the company
does well, the market value of its shares will increase, but not the par value. If shares
having a par value of 50c were issued and sold for 60c, they would have been issued and
sold at a premium of 10c per share.
Cash received by the company less par value of the new shares issued is transferred to
the share premium account.
• A share premium account only comes into being when a company issues shares at
a price in excess of their par value.
• Once established, the share premium account constitutes capital of the company
which cannot be paid out in dividends, ie a capital reserve
• One common use of the share premium account, however, is to 'finance' the issue
of bonus shares, which are described later
Balance at 31.12.X0 X X X X
Balance at 31.12.X1 X X X X X
A company may wish to increase its share capital without needing to raise additional
finance by issuing new shares. Company may decide to re-classify some of its reserves as
share capital. This is purely a paper exercise which raises no funds.
Entries are:
Retained earnings
• Issued share capital is divided into a larger number of shares, thus making the market
value of each one less, and so more marketable.
• Issued share capital is brought more into line with assets employed in the company.
The disadvantages are:• the admin costs of making the bonus issue is high.
Ledger accounts
Taxation affects both the Statement of financial position and the income statement.
All companies pay some kind of corporate taxation on the profits they earn, which we will
call income tax (for the sake of simplicity), but which you may find called 'corporation
tax'. The rate of income tax will vary from country to country and there may be variations
in rate within individual countries for different types or size of company.
Note that because a company has a separate legal personality, its tax is included in its
accounts. An unincorporated business would not show personal income tax in its
accounts, as it would not be a business expense but the personal affair of the proprietors.
(a) The charge for income tax on profits for the year is shown as a deduction from net
(c) In the SOFP, tax payable to the government is generally shown as a current liability as
it is usually due within 12 months of the year end.
(c) For various reasons, the tax on profits in the income statement and the tax payable in
the SOFP are not normally the same amount.
• Accounting for tax is initially based on estimates, since a company’s tax bill is not
finalised and paid until nine months after its year end.
• This means that a company will normally under– or over-provide for tax in any given
A charge to profits in the income statement being – Current year estimated tax +
previous year’s under-provision;
• A year end liability in the statement of financial position being the current year’s
estimated tax.
(ii) The outstanding balance on the taxation account will be a liability in the SOFP, until
eventually paid, when the accounting entry would be:
• Some items must appear on the face of the balance sheet or income statement
• Recommended formats are given which entities may or may not follow, depending on
their circumstances
IAS 1 incorporates the recommended formats for company published accounts. The
following financial summaries are required:
• income statement
• statement of comprehensive income (only examinable where a revaluation of non-
current assets has occurred)
• notes to the accounts (the F3 syllabus does not require knowledge of these)
Share premium
Accumulated profits X
Non-current liabilities
Loan notes X
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables X
Overdrafts X
Tax payable X
Total equity and liabilities
You should be aware of the issues surrounding the current/non-current distinction as well
as the disclosure requirements laid down in IAS 1.
Users of financial statements need to be able to identify current assets and current
liabilities in order to determine the company's financial position. Where current assets are
greater than current liabilities, the net excess is often called 'working capital' or 'net
current assets'.
Current assets
• part of the enterprise’s operating cycle • held primarily for trading purposes • expected
to be realised within 12 months of the statement of financial position date; or • cash or a
cash equivalent.
Current liabilities
Total comprehensive income for
Sales value of goods and services that have been supplied to customers.
Cost of sales
Finance cost
Once again this will include accruals for the tax due on the current year's profits.
Managers' salaries
The salary of a sole trader or a partner in a partnership is not a charge to the income
statement but is an appropriation of profit. The salary of a manager or member of
management board of a limited liability company, however, is an expense in the income
statement, even when the manager is a shareholder in the company. Management
salaries are included in administrative expenses.
Objective of IAS 7
Profit vs cashflow
• Profits represents the increase in net assets in a business and looks at the profitability
of the business.
• Is the result of a deduction of cost from revenues both of which are measured on
an accrual basis.
• Cash flow on the other hand is looking at the liquidity position of the business.
• Measures actual cash inflows and outflows on account of both revenue and
capital items.
Methods- Indirect
Derives net cash flow from operations indirectly by carrying out a series of adjustments on
the NOI obtained from the income statement.
Interest received X
Dividend received X
Determine the net profit before tax
Look for non-cash items and add them back
Adjust for working capital changes
Obtain the net cash used in investing activities
Obtain the net cash used in financing activities
Determine the net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents
Prepare a cash movement statement
Interpretation of statement of cash flows
Purpose is to show all the assets and liabilities that are controlled by the parent company
effectively as though it is one big company.
Non - controlling interest is the non-group shareholders' interest in the net assets of the
If Company A owns 60% of Company B’s shares, which is majority of the shares and other
shareholders own the other 40% of Company B’s shares, the party owning 40% are known
as minority shareholders or having a NCI
Share Capital x x
Retained earnings x x
x x
Often coy acquires another coy some years after incorporation in which case the
company will have earned profits by the time of acquisition.
Pre-acquisition retained earnings of a sub are not aggregated with P net earnings
Up till now, P paid for the subsidiary an amount equal to the value of the subsidiary as
shown in the SOFP
It will be the Difference between the total value of the business at the date of acquisition
and the fair value of all the assets less liabilities at the date of acquisition.
Other reserves
Exam questions will often give other reserves (such as a revaluation surplus) as well as
retained earnings. These reserves should be treated in exactly the same way as retained
earnings, which we have already seen.
If the reserve is pre-acquisition it forms part of the calculation of net assets at the date of
acquisition and is therefore used in the goodwill calculation.
If the reserve is post-acquisition or there has been some movement on a reserve existing
at acquisition, the consolidated balance sheet will show the parent's reserve plus its share
of the movement on the subsidiary's reserve.
If the subsidiary's financial statements are not adjusted to their fair values, where, for
example, an asset's value has risen since purchase, goodwill would be overstated (as it
would include the increase in value of the asset).
Under IFRS 3 the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of subsidiaries are
therefore required to be brought into the consolidated financial statements at their fair
value rather than their book value.
The difference between fair values and book values is a consolidation adjustment made
only for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated a/c’s must reflect their cost to the group not their original cost to
the subsidiary. Cost to group is the fair value at date of acquisition.
These fair value consolidation adjustments increase the net assets of the subsidiary at the
date of acquisition.
Adjust the assets and liabilities to their fair values to reflect conditions at the date of
At acquisition At reporting
Reserves X X
FV adjustments X X
Adjust for the Fair value on face of Statement of financial position when adding across.
Intercompany trading
Types of intra-group trading-
• Current a/c between P and S
• Loans held by one coy in another
• Unrealized profits and sales of inventory
• Dividends and loan interest
On consolidation, we need to be aware of the following:
(a) We only want to show receivables and payables from outside the group
(b) We only want to record profits made as a result of sales outside the group
(c) Eliminate the 2 balances on consolidation
When S is seller, only P% of the PURP should be deducted from profits, and NCI% of PURP
deducted from NCI. Reduce from group profit P’s share, reduce from NCI with NCI share,
reduce from group inventory.
Sale by P to S:
Dr Retained earnings of P
Cr Consolidated inventories
Sale by S to P:
DR Retained earnings of S
The (NCI will be affected by this adjustment because it is necessary to reduce their share
with the PURP portion attributable to them.
It is normally assumed that S profit after tax accrues evenly over time.
From revenue to profit include all of P’s income and expenses plus all of S’s income and
expenses subject to adjustments.
After profit for the year, show split of profit between amounts attributable to parents
shareholders and the non-controlling interest
Group structure
Net assets subsidiary at acquisition
Goodwill calculation
Non-controlling interest share of profit
Do a calculation for cost of sales
Therefore, only amounts owing to or from outside the group should be included in the
balance sheet, and any assets should be stated at cost to the group.
Trading transactions will normally be recorded via a current account between the trading
companies, which would also keep a track of amounts received and/or paid.
The current account receivable in one company's books should equal the current
account payable in the other. These two balances should be cancelled on consolidation
as intra group receivables and payables should not be shown.
(a) Eliminate intra group transactions from the revenue and cost of sales figures:
DR Group revenue X
With the total amount of the intra group sales between the companies. This adjustment is
needed regardless of whether any of the goods are still in inventories at the year end or
Unrealised profit needs to be excluded from the group profit.
The value of the inventory needs to be adjusted to the lower of cost and NRV.
Reduce group profit by increasing the cost of sales for group by amount of unrealised
profit in inventory
in the books of the company making the sale. As for the SFP this is only needed if there
are any goods still in inventories at the year end.
The provision for unrealised profit on inventories reduces the closing inventories figure. It is
therefore added to cost of sales in the working thereby reducing gross profit.
When it is the subsidiary that sells goods to other group companies which remain unsold
at the year end, any provision for unrealised profit must be shared between the group
and the minority interest.
Acquisition of subsidiaries part way through the year for consolidated income statements
If subsidiary is acquired part way through the year, subsidiaries results should only be
consolidated from the date of acquisition (date on which control is obtained).
• Identify net assets of S at date of acquisition to calculate goodwill
• Time apportion of results of S in year of acquisition
• Deduction of post acquisition intra- group items as normal
Associates- Definition
An associate is an entity in which the investor has significant influence, but is not a
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financing and operating policy
decisions of the entity, but not to control these policies.
100% income and expenses of the parent and subsidiary coy on a line by line basis
One line ‘share of profit of associates’ which includes group share of any associates profit
after tax.
Cost of investment X
Equity method
Non-current assets
Initial cost X
dividends) X
Income statement
Points to note
However, IAS 28 states that the investor's share of unrealised profits and losses on
transactions between investor and associate should be eliminated in the same way as for
group accounts.
Those material events both favourable and unfavourable, which occur between the
SOFP date and the date on which the financial statements are authorised for issue.
Adjusting- provide additional evidence of conditions existing at the reporting date and
affect the estimates that are part of the financial statement preparation process
Non-adjusting- events arising after the reporting date but which are indicative of
conditions that arose subsequent to the reporting date.
Adjusting Non-adjusting
Discovery of fraud/errors showing that Announcing plan to discontinue an
the financial statements are incorrect operation
Determination after reporting date of Major purchases of assets
cost of assets purchased/proceeds from
assets sold before reporting date
Sale of inventories after reporting period Decline in the market value of investments
at price lower than cost
Settlement of court case after reporting Declaring dividends after the year end
period confirming entity had present
obligation at SOFP date
By way of notes:
IAS 37
A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount of the future expenditure. It is made
where the following conditions are met:
- A present obligation (legal/constructive) exists as a result of past events
- There is a probable transfer of economic benefits
- A reliable estimate of the amount can be made.
A legal present obligation is an obligation that derives from-
- The entity has in some way indicated that it will accept certain responsibilities
- The entity has created an expectation on the part of other parties that it will meet
those responsibilities.
E.g. A retail store has a policy of refunding purchases by dissatisfied customers, even
though it is under no legal obligation to do so. Its policy of making refunds is generally
Accounting entries
Initially accounted for as the best estimate of probable outflow: Dr relevant expense a/c
Cr provision
Subsequent measurment
Contingent liability- a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose
outcome is based on uncertain future events, or an obligation that is not recognised
because it is not probable, or cannot be measured reliably
The table below is a summary of how liabilities should be treated in the financial
Revenue arises from a company’s ordinary trading activities while gains will include one
off’s like profit on disposal of property
Revenue definition
Concerned with the recognition of revenues arising from fairly common transactions:
• The sale of goods
• The rendering of services
• The use of others of assets of the entity yielding interest, royalties and dividends.
Generally revenue is recognised when the entity has transferred to the buyer the
significant risks and rewards of ownership and when the revenue can be measured
Revenue should be measured at the fair value of the consideration received/receivable
In a barter transaction, the revenue should be the fair value of the goods received.
Revenue is recognised for the sale of goods when a number of criteria are met:
• The product or service has been provided to the buyer.
• The buyer has recognised his liability to pay for the goods or services provided.
• The buyer has indicated his willingness to hand over cash or other assets in
settlement of his liability.
• The monetary value of the goods or service has been established.
• it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and these benefits
can be measured reliably.
• The costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured
Revenue recognised for rendering of services is recognised according to the stage of
completion of transaction at SOFP date.
Interest- recognise on a time proportion basis taking account of the yield on the asset
Dividends- recognise when the shareholders right to receive payment has been
Past periods- compare ratio calculated with past periods, it can tell if there has been
deterioration in performance. Useful to track ratios over time to see if possible to detect
Planned performance- ratios may be compared with the target that management
developed before the start of the period under review.
Year end of competitors are different so trading conditions may not be identical
Accounting policies may be different which will have a significant effect on
reported profits and asset values.
Difficult to obtain financial statements of competitor business
Planned performance- this is the most valuable benchmark for managers to assess their
own business. Develop planned ratios for each aspect of their activities. These planned
levels of performance must be based on realistic assumptions if they are to be useful for
comparison purposes.
Ratios can be grouped into broad categories which provide a useful basis for explaining
the nature of the financial ratios to be dealt with
Profitability- Provide an insight to the degree of success in creating wealth for their
owners. They express profit in relation to other key figures in the Financial statements.
Efficiency- measures the efficiency with which particular resources have been used within
the business.
Ratios are grouped into broad categories which provide a useful basis for explaining the
nature of the financial ratios to be dealt with.
Liquidity- measures the ability of the firm in meeting its obligation when they are due.
Investor ratios- concerned with assessing the returns and performance of shares held in a
particular business
Profitability ratios
sales revenue
Capital employed
Measures returns to all suppliers of long term finance. The higher, the better
ROCE is used by businesses in establishing targets for profitability. Compare ROCE with
prior year, target ROCE, other companies ROCE in same industry
Managements efficiency in generating revenue from the net assets at its disposal. Higher
Sales revenue
Is change in Net profit margin in line with changes in Gross profit margin and sales
Can very significantly between businesses, e.g, some supermarkets like EBEANO operate
on low prices hence low operating margins. This is done to stimulate sales and increase
operating profit generated.
Liquidity- amount of cash a coy can put its hands on quickly to settle its debts.
Current liabilities
Measures the adequacy of current assets to meet current liabilities as they fall due. Higher
the better.
Current liabilities
Represents a more stringent test of liquidity. Known as ‘acid test’ ratio. Normal range is 1:1
to 0.8:1
Liquid funds consist of cash, ST investment, fixed term deposits, trade receivables.
ome people say that 2:1 is the ideal current ratio but this does not take into account the
fact that different types of businesses require different current ratios e.g manufacturing
will have high current ratio due to inventory, FG,WIP and receivables, while a supermarket
will have lower ratio because inventories are fast moving inventories of finished goods.
If ratio too high, - slow inventory and idle cash which could be used else where
If the ratio is below 1, it is expected that the coy might be unable to pay its debts on time.
Acid test ratio- by eliminating inventory from current assets provides the acid test of
whether the company has sufficient liquid resources to settle its liabilities
If increasing, may be a bad sign suggesting lack of proper credit control. Increasing
payables is a sign of lack of long term finance or poor management of current assets
resulting in bank overdraft
Credit purchases
Cost of sales
Financial gearing-
Interest payable
Leverage = SHE