Analytical Equipment I
Analytical Equipment I
Analytical Equipment I
Various instruments and techniques used for chemical analysis in clinical biochemistry are as follows;
1. Colorimetry
This is measurement of colors for the determination of the concentration of biochemical compounds.
Colorimetry is based on the principle that when white light passes through a colored solution, some
wavelengths are absorbed more than others.
Many compounds, not colored can be made to absorb light in visible spectrum by reaction with suitable
Colored compounds absorb light at given wavelength at visible spectrum.
Extent at which a solution absorbs light depends on the intensity of its color.
Light travels in form of wavelength
Wavelength is the distance between two wave peak in nanometer (nm)
Wavelength between 400nm & 700nm form a visible spectrum of light
Wavelength of about 700nm are visible to the eye as red color while those of shorter wavelength gives rise to
colors; orange, yellow, green, blue and finally violet (400nm)
Wavelength greater than 700nm have vibrations known as Infrared and are not visible to the eye
Wavelengths shorter than 400nm have vibrations known as Ultraviolet and are also not visible.
Light absorption
• Light falling on a colored solution is either absorbed, reflected or transmitted
• A colored solution absorbs all the colored component of white light and selectively transmits only one color
L0 Jj La
Lt Lo = Incident light
La = Absorbed light
Lt =Transmitted light
Beers Laws
• The law states that the proportion of incident light absorbed by the molecules in a solution is directly
proportion to the number of absorbing molecules in the light path.
• It follows that the concentration of substance is directly proportion to the intensity of the color of the solution
• In this law, light path is constant while the concentration varies.
Lambert’s Law
• The law states that when a monochromatic light passes through a colored solution, the amount of light
absorbed increases with increase in the thickness of the layer of solution through which light passes
• In this law, the concentration of the solution is constant while the light path varies.
• The distance travelled by the light path can be kept constant by using tubes/cuvettes identical in size and
optical density.
This is the ratio of the intensity of the transmitted light over the intensity of the incident light
It is usually multiplied by 100 to give percentage transmission
% transmission = Lt X 100
o Absorbance increases linearly with concentration
A = 2 - log %T
Application of Beer-lambert’s law
o As the test and the standard solution are compared in the same or identical cuvettes, the same
Light – path or thickness of the solution is employed.
Solution/sample holder
Holds colored solution and must be scrupulously clean
Holder can be test-tube or cuvette
Cuvette are rectangular cells with one pair of opposite side optically clear while other parallel sides are opaque
Measuring device
• Current from the detector is fed to a sensitive suitable measuring device, usually galvanometer.
• Read out is by means of a scale or digital display
• Scale may show both the absorbance and % transmittance
• Absorbance scale ranges from 0 to infinity
• Zero absorbance is equivalence to 100% transmission & infinitive absorbance is equivalent to 0 transmission.
Light source entrance slit Monochromator exit slit colored sol. Photocell Galvanometer
Adsorption chromatography
Molecules are separated due to difference in their attraction to the stationary phase and the mobile phase.
Speed of migration of a component depends on its adsorptive affinity relative to other components
Example of this technique is Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).
In ion exchange chromatography, electrostatic forces operate between charged molecules & appositively
charged particles on the ion exchange resins or modified cellulose or dextran.
Electrostatic forces can be altered by changing the pH of the mobile phase.
Partition chromatography
Utilizes difference in the relative solubility of the solute molecules between mobile & stationary phase
The two phases may be liquid – liquid or liquid-gas
It is used in gas –liquid chromatography (GLC) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Exclusion chromatography
When a mix of small & large particles are allowed to pass over porous solid particle, smaller molecules (ions)
passes through pores of solid particles
Pore size determines which molecules are able to enter particles and others excluded
Particles with large molecular size (proteins) are excluded more easily than small particles.
4. Gas chromatography
o Separation process by which a mixture of compound in gaseous state is passed through a gas in stationery
o Mobile phase is usually nitrogen, helium & argon gas
o Separation is achieved by a difference in the partitioning of the various molecules between the two phases.
o If the stationary phase consist of thin layer of non-volatile liquid, the technique is called; Gas-liquid
chromatography (GLC)
o If the stationary phase is solid absorbent, then it is called ; Gas – solid chromatography (GSC)
• Eluate – This is the analyte material that emerges from the chromatography
• Elute – to remove by dissolving, as absorbed material from an adsorbent.
• Elution – process of extracting one material from another by washing with a solvent
• Eluent / Eluant – carrier portion of the mobile phase. It moves the analyte through the chromatography
• Elution time – time between the start of separation & the time at which the solute elutes
• Elution Volume – volume of eluent required to cause elution
• Mobile phase – A fluid which carries the solute through a structure holding another material called stationary
• Stationary phase is the substance fixed in place for the chromatography procedure. Examples include the
silica layer in thin layer chromatography
Discuss the difference between one-dimension chromatography and two-dimension chromatography
Two-dimensional chromatography is a type of chromatographic technique in which the injected sample is separated by
passing through two different separation stages. This is done by injecting the eluent from the first column onto a second
column. Typically the second column has a different separation mechanism, so that bands that are poorly resolved from the
first column may be completely separated in the second column. (For instance, a C18 reversed-phase chromatography column
may be followed by a phenyl column.) Alternately, the two columns might run at different temperatures. The second stage of
the separation must be run much faster than the first, since there is still only a single detector. The plane surface is amenable
to sequential development in two directions using two different solvents.
If you spot your compound in one corner of a square plate and run it up in one solvent system, then turn it 90o and develop it
again in the same solvent system, all of your spots should be along a diagonal.
Reversed-phase chromatography
Reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) is any liquid chromatography procedure in which the mobile phase is significantly
more polar than the stationary phase. It is so named because in normal-phase liquid chromatography, the mobile phase is
significantly less polar than the stationary phase. Hydrophobic molecules in the mobile phase tend to adsorb to the relatively
hydrophobic stationary phase. Hydrophilic molecules in the mobile phase will tend to elute first. Separating columns typically
comprise a C8 or C18 carbon-chain bonded to a silica particle substrate.
Ground state
Ground state atoms absorb light of the same characteristic wavelength as it emits when returning from excited
state to ground states.
Intensity of absorbed light is proportional to the concentration of the element in the flame
In quantitative analysis, absorbance or emission of atomic vapor is measured.
Transmission = - log (Intensity of radiation reaching the detector in absence of the sample)
(Intensity of radiation reaching the detector in presence of the sample)
Light source lens atomized lens monochromator detector amplifier read out
Sucks up the liquid sample
Creates fine aerosols (fine sprays) for introduction into flame
Mixes aerosols, fuel & oxidant thoroughly creating heterogeneous mixture
The smaller the size of the droplet produced, the higher the element sensitivity
Advantages of AAS
• Inexpensive in equipment and day to day running
• Higher sample throughput
• Easy to use
• High precision
eye piece
Excitation optics
Excitation filter
As Arsenic Blue
Cs Caesium Blue-Violet
Cu(I) Copper(I) Bluish-green
K Potassium Lilac
Li Lithium Red
Sr Strontium Crimson
in sample burning
photocell galvanometer
Atomizer Entrance Filter Exit slit
(Sample+air+fuel) slit
• Mechanism of mixing sample with air and spraying it to the burner at a constant rate as a fine spray.
• Means of reducing metal to atomic state and exciting the atoms to emit light.
Photosensitive element;
• Means of detecting and recording intensity of light emitted.
• Diode is used to convert the emitted light into electric current.
Wavelength selector
• Device for selecting the wavelength of the emissions to be measured
• Lens focuses light from flame and a narrow band filter selects wavelength.
This compares the difference between two electrodes immersed in a solution under zero current conditions
By using a reference electrode known as a potential, the charge on the other indicator electrode can be
Commonly used reference electrode is saturated calomel electrode & silver chloride electrode
Indicator electrode can be platinum wire, carbon rod or a thin stream of mercury
Potentiometry is used for measurement of pH
Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
Wavelength used in spectrophotometry depends on the wavelength at which there is significant absorption by
the substance to be measured
If the wavelength of the light absorbed is in UV region of the spectrum which is non-visible (200-400nm),
analysis is called UV spectrometry.
Immunochemical assay
They make use of antigen-antibody reactions.
Antigenic properties of some drugs & hormones are used to raise specific antibodies in experimental animals
These antibodies are used as specific reagents for the detection & quantitation of drugs & hormones in patient’s
Serum immunophoresis is useful in detection of abnormal fraction in the serum which combines immunoassay
with electrophoresis.
Atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus
Mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons
Nuclide is an atomic species (element) with a given atomic number & mass number
Isotopes are nuclides with the same atomic number but different mass number
Isotopes of lighter elements are stable
Isotopes of heavy elements are unstable
Unstable nuclides undergo spontaneous decay to produce stable nucleus by a process known as radioactive
Decay is accompanied by emission of energy inform of radiation
Half-life of radioactive substance is the time required for the isotope to decay to half its activity
Radiation from an atom or its nucleus may either be
Electromagnetic Radiation
This is divided into two groups;
o Radiation with very low energy & long wavelength (radio waves)
o Radiation with high energy and high wavelength (light waves)
Radiations with highest energy are called X-rays & gamma rays.
Gamma rays can penetrate materials which blocks alpha and beta radiation.
Radioactivity is used for estimation of hormones, drugs & other substances present in minute quantities in
body fluids
Radio Immunoassay (RIA) is the method of choice
Gravimetric analysis
Gravimetric analysis describes the set of methods in analytical chemistry
This is for the quantitative determination of analyte based on mass of solid
Can be generalized into two types
Quantitative determination by precipitation involves isolation of an ion in solution by precipitation reaction,
filtering, washing the precipitate free of contaminants, conversion of precipitate to a product of known
composition & finally weighing the precipitate & determining the mass difference.
From the mass of unknown composition of precipitate, the amount of the original ion can be determined
Measurements of osmolar concentration are often expressed in osmolarity and osmolality. Osmolarity is a measure
of the osmoles of solute per liter of solution. A capital letter M is used to abbreviate units of mol/L. Since the volume
of solution changes with the amount of solute added as well as with changes in temperature and pressure, osmolarity is
difficult to determine.
Osmolality is a measure of the moles (or osmoles) of solute per kilogram of solvent expressed as (mol/kg, molal, or
m). Since the amount of solvent will remain constant regardless of changes in temperature and pressure, osmolality is
easier to evaluate and is more commonly used, and often preferred, in practical osmometry. Most commercially
available osmometers report results using osmolality units mOsm/kg.