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Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat: Xuegeng Mao, Pengjian Shang

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Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347

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Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat

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Research paper

Transfer entropy between multivariate time series

Xuegeng Mao, Pengjian Shang∗
Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is a crucial topic to identify the direction and strength of the interdependence between
Received 27 April 2016 time series in multivariate systems. In this paper, we propose the method of transfer en-
Revised 5 October 2016
tropy based on the theory of time-delay reconstruction of a phase space, which is a model-
Accepted 2 December 2016
free approach to detect causalities in multivariate time series. This method overcomes the
Available online 5 December 2016
limitation that original transfer entropy only can capture which system drives the transi-
Keywords: tion probabilities of another in scalar time series. Using artificial time series, we show that
Multivariate time series the driving character is obviously reflected with the increase of the coupling strength be-
Transfer entropy tween two signals and confirm the effectiveness of the method with noise added. Further-
Time-delay reconstruction of phase space more, we utilize it to real-world data, namely financial time series, in order to characterize
the information flow among different stocks.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

One of the biggest problems in scientific studies is modeling and analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships among
dynamical system components. The research of interdependence among different observations addresses three major tasks:
the formulation form of coupling, the direction and the quantification of coupling strength [1]. Over the last few years,
researchers have introduced a lot of linear and non-linear analysis approach to detect coupling from response observations.
Among them, Wiener proposed the leading approach to identify if the prediction of a given series is improved by the
incorporation of information from the past of another series, which says: “For two simultaneously measured signals, if we
can predict the first signal better by using the past information from the second one than by using the information without
it, then we call the second signal causal to the first one.” [2]. And later Granger formalized it, called Granger causality
[3]. Granger causality is robust in the study of quantifying the directional interactions and causal relationships among time
series in dynamical systems and it has been universally applied in economics. However, it is based on linear models and is
not appropriate for the nonlinear system. Lots of extensions of Granger’s idea have thus been proposed, such as conditional
Granger causality [4] and multivariate Granger causality [5]. In spite of the success of these strategies, the model-based
approach may suffer from the drawbacks of model misspecification and result in unauthentic information of causality.
Recently, Podobnik and Stanley introduced a new measurement termed as detrended cross-correlation analysis(DCCA)
to quantify the power low cross-correlation between non-stationary time series [6,7], which is a extension of detrended
fluctuation analysis(DFA) [8] and is based on detrended covariance. Based on the theory of DFA and DCCA, the detrended
cross-correlation coefficient ρ DCCA was proposed to quantify the level of cross-correlation between non-stationary signals
[9]. Furthermore, the generalization of ρ DCCA , q-dependent detrended cross-correlation coefficient ρ q , was introduced by
Jarosław Kwapień [7], in which way the insensitivity ofρ DCCA could be avoid. Nowadays these methods have become a

Corresponding author. Tel.: +8613641228092
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Mao), [email protected] (P. Shang).

1007-5704/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347 339

widely-used tool for investigating the cross-relations between time series, spanning from finance, physiology, astrophysis
and so on [10,11]. However, the method it doesn’t represent the directionality between different time series, too.
In the content of information theory, the concept of entropy was first put forward by Shannon [12], which aims to de-
crease the uncertainty of information. And several techniques have been utilized to identify the relationship between two
random variables. Mutual information (MI) is one of the model-free methods [13]. MI tells us that how much information
one random variable obtains from another. Not dependent on the real-value random variables like the distribution type
of variables, MI is more natural and can estimate the similarity between the joint distribution and the products of fac-
tored marginal distribution. Nevertheless, the causal interactions cannot be identified by calculating MI due to lacking the
definition of direction and dynamical properties. Because there is a major shortcoming of MI: MI is symmetric, that means,
whatever X is a deterministic function of Y or Y is the driving character of X, there is no difference of information transition.
To obtain more appreciate mechanism, delayed mutual information is taken into consideration by introducing a time-lag in
one of the variable. Although delayed MI is an asymmetric measure, it consists in the certain dynamical framework as a
result of the shared history. To this end, transfer entropy(TE) as the implementation of Wiener’s theory was expressed by
Schreiber [14].
Transfer entropy has been proved as an effective scalar measure of capturing the directional and dynamical features
among different components of time series. This approach was defined originally for data by calculating discrete probability
[14], and later added the algorithm of continuous variables [15]. Compared to model-based Granger causality and mutual
information, TE is practical for both linear and non-linear systems and needn’t presume any specific model for the causal
effects of two systems. What’s more, it is asymmetric and built upon transition probability. Since its mechanism, TE has been
applied to a variety of scientific fields, including economic [16,17], biological [18,19], chemical analysis [20], health detecting
[21] and music [22]. In the last few years, more and more papers have concentrated on the interactions of neurosciences by
means of TE [23].
Although TE is a rigorous measure within the information theoretic construction, it is limited to the scalar time series in
the present papers. And some of them have just identified the causal inter-dependencies among three or more observations
in a multivariate system [24,25]. What if the variables have two or more dimensions? After all multivariate time series are
not rare in practical cases, for instance, economic data and biological data are usually high-dimensional [26]. But how could
we deal with the variables so that we can calculate the transfer entropy between multidimensional variables? There are few
studies thinking about a concept of coupling relationship in the multivariate system. Nevertheless, The technique of time-
delay reconstruction of a phase space opens a new avenue for understanding the causal relationships between multivariate
time series [27,28]. This measure has been utilized to the prediction of nonlinear systems and modeling [29,30], such as
noise reduction [31], signal categorization [32] and control [33]. At the beginning, most of the published articles emphasize
on scalar time series with the benefit of embedding theorem, due to the reason that scalar time series are enough for
the reconstruction of dynamical systems if the delayed parameters are suitable. But it might be diverse in practical cases.
If there are three or more dimensions in some system, we cannot use the third coordinate to reconstruct the dynamical
system by reason that it does not resolve the former two coordinates’ symmetry. Furthermore, there are significant merits
using different time series to predict, extremely when the system is noisy. Now we can apply this technique to estimate the
interactions among multivariate time series of system combined with the theory of transfer entropy.
The algorithm of calculating multivariate transfer entropy combines the theory of time-delay reconstruction of a phase
space and the traditional measurement of transfer entropy. Considering that most of the practical time series are contami-
nated with a noise, it can be widely used in natural complex system. For example, there are numerous parameters in traffic
system, such as traffic speed, volume and occupancy [34]. They together represent the current condition of a certain road.
To analyze the inter-dependency among different roads in the round, it is better to adopt two or more parameters. What’s
more, in stock markets, it is obvious that there is an inextricable connection between the closing price and volume on the
trading day. We can obtain more comprehensive conclusions about causality among different stock indices by using both.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 first illustrates the concept of phase space reconstruction and trans-
fer entropy, then presents the algorithm of multivariate transfer entropy based on the theory of phase space reconstruc-
tion. In Section 3 we use two types of artificial time series, the unidirectionally coupled Rössler system and Hénon map,
to examine the effectiveness of the fresh technique, also including the effects of different types noise added in the data.
Section 4 demonstrates the and application of financial time series. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the conclusions.

2. Methodologies

2.1. Time-delay reconstruction of a phase space

Consider an M-dimensional time series X = (X1 , X2 ,…, XN )T , where Xi = (xi, 1 , xi, 2 ,…, xi, M ),i = 1, 2,…, N, then using time-
delay embedding theory [27,28] as in the case of scalar time series, we make a time-delay reconstruction:

Wk = x1,k , x1,k+τ1 , . . . , x1,k+(d1 −1 )τ1 ,
x2,k , x2,k+τ2 , . . . , x2,k+(d2 −1 )τ2 ,
... ...

xN,k , xN,k+τM , . . . , xN,k+(dN −1 )τN ,
340 X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347

where τ = (τ 1 , τ 2 ,…, τ N ) and D = (d1 , d2 ,…, dN ) are time-delay and embedding dimension respectively. Next issue is that
how we choose the acceptable time-delays τ i and embedding dimensions di , i = 1, 2,…, N. We can use mutual information
[35] and auto-correlation [36] to choose the time-delay for a scalar time series. But the present question is how to calculate
τ i separately for every scalar time series. It is of great importance to determine a perfect time-delay because different
time-delays may lead to magnificent affects for the time series. In this paper, we use mutual information to choose the
time-delays. Having already chosen the time-delays, we can find the embedding dimensions by means of Cao algorithm or
FNN. The concrete calculating process sees Ref [27].

2.2. Transfer entropy

Transfer entropy (TE) is a non-parametric measure that estimates the directed information flow among stochastic pro-
cesses, which is developed by Schreiber [14]. It is relevant to the concept of Shannon entropy [12] and mutual information
[13] in the framework of information theory. More importantly, transfer entropy is a powerful technique quantifying the
coupling strength and asymmetric properties in dynamical systems.
Suppose a random system with sets of possible issues whose probabilities of occurrence are p1 , p2 ,…, pn , we define
log 1/p(i) as the information quantity of any certain event. Averaging this amount over all possible outcomes, we obtain the

H=− pi log pi , (2)

which is called the entropy. If there are two random variables in the system, the joint entropy girls

H (X, Y ) = − p(x, y ) log p(x, y ) (3)
x∈X y∈Y

is given to detect the properties of system. What’s more, conditional entropy girls
H (X |Y ) = − p( y ) p(x|y ) log p(x|y ). (4)
y∈Y x∈X

is to reduce the unpredictability of the other when two variables are inter-dependent with each other. Then mutual infor-
mation(MI) is proposed to identify the inter-dependencies between them, which can be written as:

MI (X ; Y ) = − p(x, y ) log p(x, y )/( p(x ) p(y )). (5)

Notice that
MI (X ; Y ) = H (X ) − H (X |Y ) = H (X ) + H (Y ) − H (X, Y )
MI (Y ; X ) = H (Y ) − H (Y |X ) = H (Y ) − H (X ) − H (X, Y )
So MI(X; Y) = MI(Y, X) (because H(X, Y) = H(Y, X)), that is why MI cannot provide the directional information even though
it is a good measure to quantify the relationships between two observations. Lately, Schreiber proposed transfer entropy to
characterize the coupling strength and directional properties from one system to the other.
Assume that I: {xn , n = 1, 2,…, N} and J: {yn , n = 1, 2,…, N} are two systems with Nrandom variables. If the time series I
is a Markov process of degree k, we can obtain the equation:
p(xn+1 |xn , xn−1 , . . . , x1 ) = p(xn+1 |xn , xn−1 , . . . , xn−k+1 ), (7)
which represents that the state xn + 1 is related to the k previous states of itself. In a similar way, the state yn + 1 depends
on the l previous states in the system of J. To be specific, define xn(k ) = (xn , xn−1 , . . . , xn−k+1 ) and yn(l ) = (yn , yn−1 , . . . , yn−l+1 )
with the length of k and l respectively.
Considering the information transfer from J to I, it is advisable to quantify the deviation from the generalized Markov
p(xn+1 |xn(k ) ) = p(xn+1 |xn(k ) , yn(l ) ). (8)
It is to say that the state of J is independent on the transition probabilities on system I. Assume that the next state xn + 1
relays on both the k previous states of the same variable and the l previous states of system J, the formulation of transfer
entropy is defined as:
  (k ) (l )
 p xn+1 |xn(k ) , yn(l )
TJ→I (k, l ) = p xn+1 , xn , yn log  
p xn+1 |xn(k )
  p yn+1 |xn( ) , yn( )
k l
 (k ) (l )
TI→J (k, l ) = p yn+1 , xn , yn log   (9)
p yn+1 |yn( )

The joint probability density function p(xn+1 , xn(k ) , yn(l ) )is the probability of combination of xn+1 , xn(k ) and yn(l ) with partic-
ular values. The conditional PDF p(xn+1 |xn(k ) , yn(l ) ) and p(xn+1 |xn(k ) ) are the probability that xn + 1 has a certain value when
X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347 341

the value of previous variables xn(k ) and yn(l ) are given and xn(k ) is given respectively. In the respect of practical cases, k = 1
and l = 1 are the better choices.
The transfer entropy from J to I quantifies the dynamical information of process Jinfluencing the transition probabilities
of another system I, and its asymmetric characteristic allows it to provide the information about the direction of inter-
dependency between two time series.

2.3. Multivariate transfer entropy based on time-delay reconstruction of a phase space

The innovative measure to estimate inter-dependencies between multi-dimensional variables of two system components
is built upon the reconstruction of phase space [27], by which numbers of scalar time series are obtained. After that, the
transfer entropy among time series can be calculated. This method consists of five steps. Consider two M-dimensional time

X = (X1 , X2 , . . . , XN )T and Y = (Y1 , Y2 , . . . , YN )T

where Xi = (xi, 1 , xi, 2 ,…, xi, M ), Yi = (yi, 1 , yi, 2 ,…, yi, M ), i = 1, 2,…, N.

Step 1: Calculate the time-delay τ = (τ 1 , τ 2 ,…, τ N )and embedding dimension D = (d1 , d2 ,…, dN )of X and Y referencing to
Section 2.1.
Step 2: Make a time-delay reconstruction

Pk = (x1,k , x1,k+τ1 , . . . , x1,k+(d1 −1)τ1 , Qk = (y1,k , y1,k+τ1 , . . . , y1,k+(d1 −1)τ1 ,

x2,k , x2,k+τ2 , . . . , x2,k+(d2 −1)τ2 , y2,k , y2,k+τ2 , . . . , y2,k+(d2 −1)τ2 ,
... ... ... ...
xN,k , xN,k+τM , . . . , xN,k+(dN −1)τN ) yN,k , yN,k+τN , . . . , yN,k+(dN −1)τN )

where k ≤ M − max (dj ) × max (τ j ) and k + (dj − 1)τ j ≤ M, j = 1, 2,…, N.

Step 3: Calculate transfer entropy T EQk →Pk and T EPk →Qk between Pk and Qk according to. Section 2.2
Step 4: In order to calculate the transfer entropy between X and Y, we average the several TEvalues of T EQk →Pk and T EPk →Qk
obtained in step 3.

T EY →X = T EQk →Pk /kmax ,
k  (11)

T EX→Y = T EPk →Qk /kmax , where kmax = M − max(d j ) × max(τ j )

Step 5: Sometimes the results are small scale. To overcome the problem and summarize in avisualized way about the infor-
mation of casual relationships, some researchers apply thenormalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) [37]. It
is disposed by:

T E = (T EY →X − T EX→Y )/(T EY →X + T EX→Y ). (12)

The value of NDTE varies from −1 to1. And the value is expected to be positive when Xis the driver and negative
for Y driving X.

3. Numerical results for artificial time series

In this section, we apply two types of artificial time series, the unidirectionally coupled Rössler system [38,39] and two-
way coupled Hénon map [40], to examine the effectiveness of the fresh technique and make some comparisons.

3.1. Unidirectionally coupled Rössler system

The Rössler system is an oscillatory coupled system and is identified by

x1 = −ω1 x2 − x3 ,
x2 = ω1 x1 + 0.15x2 , (13)
x3 = 0.2 + x3 (x1 − 10 )

for the driving system and

y1 = −ω2 y2 − y3 + ε (x1 − y1 ),
y2 = ω2 y1 + 0.15y2 , (14)
y3 = 0.2 + y3 (y1 − 10 )
342 X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347

Fig. 1. (a) the transfer entropy from X to Y and from Y to X and (b) the normalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) between X and Y on different
coupling strength ε in the Rossler system with the frequencies ω 1 = 1.015, ω2 = 0.985. (c) the transfer entropy from X to Y and from Y to X and (d) the
normalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) between X and Y on different coupling strength ε in the Rossler system with the frequencies ω 1 = 0.5,
ω2 = 2.515.

for the response system, where ω1 and ω2 are the mismatched parameters, ε denotes the strength of the coupling . The sys-
tem was generated referring to Euler’s method and afterwards interpolated at regular time intervals of 0.01 s. The duration
of the time series was 100 s. We assume that ω1 = 1.015, ω2 = 0.985 and ω1 = 0.5, ω2 = 2.515.
Fig. 1 illustrates the influence of transfer entropy on the detectability of coupling strength in Rössler oscillators where
the coupling strength ε is presented in the x components of system. Automatic controlled system has its own track, and
the track of response system is controlled by equation itself and driving system at the same time. In our simulations, the
frequencies are set as ω1 = 1.015, ω2 = 0.985 and ω1 = 0.5, ω2 = 2.515respectively. Fig. 1(a) shows the dependence between
X and Y with the frequencies of ω1 = 1.015, ω2 = 0.985. We observe that the driver X shows the growing influence on the
response Y with increasing ε despite the low degree of identification. Fig. 1(b) shows the values of normalized directionality
transfer entropy (NDTE) between X and Y with different coupling strength. Obviously, with the increase of coupling strength,
the driving element shows a noticeable reflection of the system, which agrees with the equations. Fig. 1(c) and (d) shows
the dependence between X and Y with the frequencies of ω1 = 0.5, ω2 = 2.515. With increasing coupling strength, TEX → Y
and TEY → X both decreased. Additionally, the NDTE also presents a decreasing trend. This trend can be explained by the
cardiorespiratory interactions with the frequency ratio 1:5. And the autonomous system with ω1 = 0.5 is chaotic, while the
autonomous system with ω2 = 2.515 is again quasiperiodic.
X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347 343

Fig. 2. (a) The transfer entropy from M to N and from N to M and (b) the normalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) between M and N on different
coupling strength q in Henon map.

3.2. Hénon map

The Hénon map is a two-dimensional dynamical system with discrete time series, which is proposed by Michel Hénon
[40,41]. It is a simplification of Lorenz system with chaotic solutions. It is given by:

xt = 1 + yt−1 − axt−1
, (15)
yt = bxt−1
where a = 1.4, b = 0.3, t = 1, 2,…, N. N is the length of generated time series.
Suppose that Lt = (xt , yt )T , M0 = (r1 , r2 )T , N0 = (s1 , s2 )T ,where ri , si ∼ N (0, 1 ), i = 1, 2 and construct the two-dimensional
time series with coupling strength q as follow:
Mt = 0.9Mt−1 + Lt−1 + M0
Nt = 0.2Nt−1 + qMt−1 + Ln−1 + N0
In general, Fig. 2 shows that the driving character of time series is obviously shown up with the increase of the coupling
strength though there is a small fluctuation. From the Fig. 2(b), there are two inflection points at q = 0.4 and q = 0.8, where
is relevant to the properties of two-way coupled system.

3.3. The effectiveness test of multivariate transfer entropy

In order to verify the effectiveness of transfer entropy between multivariate time series, we add two types of synthetic
noise signals, white noise and the noise whose distribution is uniform, to generated data in Section 3.2. To be simplified,
we use the results of normalized directionality transfer entropy(NDTE) as reference and calculate the deviate rate between
the values of normalized directionality transfer entropy and that with noise.
First, we consider the time series contaminated by Gauss white noise whose standard deviations are varying from
σ = 0.025 to σ = 0.15 in steps of 0.025. Fifty independent noise samples are applied in each simulation and the length
of each noise sample is 10 0 0. All results presented are the means of 50 observations of time series with the given level of
noise and coupling strength.
Fig. 3 shows the deviate rates of normalized directionality transfer entropy with different levels of white noise and
coupling strength. Overall, the range of deviate rate is within −5% to 5%, which indicates the noise added does not change
the results considerably, although Hénon map is a little sensitive to changes. What’s more, there are two obvious fluctuations
at the point of q = 0.4 and q = 0.8 and the phenomenon is consistent with the conclusion in Section 3.2.
Furthermore, we add the noise whose distribution is uniform to the time series with different levels of noise by the
yi = xi ( 1 + α p ) (17)
where yi is the time series with noise presented, xi is the original time series, α is the level of noise varying from 0.01 to
0.06 in steps of 0.01 and p is a random number from the range −1 to 1. We also use fifty independent noise samples in
each simulation and use the average of those results as final results with the given level of noise and coupling strength.
344 X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347

Fig. 3. The deviate rate of the normalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) between M and N with the white noise added.

Fig. 4. The deviate rate of the normalized directionality transfer entropy (NDTE) between M and N with the noise whose distribution is uniform.

Fig. 4 illustrates the deviate rates of normalized directionality transfer entropy with different levels of noise whose dis-
tribution is uniform and coupling strength. We can see that the most values of deviate rates of normalized directionality
transfer entropy are lower than those added white noise. As the increase of the level of noise, the deviate rate is close to 0
gradually despite of some fluctuations. In this case, the noise has little impact on the algorithm of calculating the transfer
entropy between multivariate time series.
In general, adding different types of noise to time series has little impact on the results of transfer entropy between
multivariate time series within a finite error range.

4. Numerical results for financial time series

To demonstrate the application of the introduced multivariate transfer entropy based on the reconstruction of phase
space in practical situation, we utilize this measure to financial time series to characterize the information flow among
them. Here, we consider the daily closing price and trading volume of 12 stock indices from January 1, 2011 to December
31, 2015. Every continent (America, Asia, Europe) contains 4 stock indices. The data used for this study was obtained from
the website http://in.finance.yahoo.com/.
For the purpose of the synchronicity of time series, we remove the unwanted data and then recombine the time series.
In this section, we adopt logarithmic price difference given by:
xn ≡ ln(Sn ) − ln(Sn−1 ), (18)
where Sn means the closing price of nth trading day.
As for trading volume Vn , we first standardize the data to keep the uniformity. Then we also use the logarithmic trading
volume difference to deal with the standardized data in order to decrease the diversity between them.
In the experiment, our subject is to study the information flow among the 12 stock indices as follow.
Fig. 5 is the gray-scale map of the transfer entropy among stock indices with different variables. Numbers in x-axis
denote the indices displayed in Table 1. The given direction of information flow is from x-axis to y-axis. Every indice is set
to interact with the last 11 stock indices. The darker lattice represents the higher value of transfer entropy. Fig. 5(a) indicates
X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347 345

Fig. 5. (a) Transfer entropy for multivariate data, (b) transfer entropy for the closing price data, (c) transfer entropy for the trading volume data.

Table 1
List of 12 stock indices. We obtain data from
the website http://in.finance.yahoo.com/.

America 1 NDX US
4 GSPTSE Canada
Asia 5 HSI China
6 KS11 Korea
7 N225 Japan
8 BSESN India
Europe 9 ATX Austria
10 FCHI France
12 SSMI Switzerland

the transfer entropy by means of multivariate transfer entropy, that is to say, it takes the closing price and trading volume
into consideration. Fig. 5(b) illustrates the transfer entropy of the closing price between stock indices. Fig. 5(c) shows the
transfer entropy of the trading volume between stock indices. The stock markets in America drive most of the markets from
other continents, especially the values of transfer entropy between markets in the US is extremely high, which is explained
as the inner interactions and it is closely linked to high trading volume per day, while the transfer entropy for the market
in Asia and Europe shows the lower values and demonstrably Num.8 (BSESN) has lower coupling inter-dependency between
almost all the last listed market as a whole, in whose market the trading volume is also the lowest one.
To detect the efficiency of the proposed technique, we calculate the transfer entropy of the closing price and trading
volume respectively, see Fig. 5(b) and (c). Compared Fig. 5(b) and (c) with Fig. 5(a), the two latter plots show little obvious
coupling information among stock indices and the value gap of transfer entropy is a bit high. In summary, from Fig. 5, we
can conclude that the markets in America occupy a leading position.
In some of the published dissertations, researchers have already studied the cross-correlations between any pair of stocks
by means of DCCA and its extension. Results confirm that the cross-correlations are stronger if the pairs of stocks are in high
346 X. Mao, P. Shang / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 47 (2017) 338–347

level of industrial similarity [7]. Based on the conclusions above, we infer that the cross-correlations between stocks within
the US are stronger than that in other continents daringly. However, the algorithm of detrended cross-correlation analysis
between multivariate time series should be taken into consideration first.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we initially introduce the method of multivariate transfer entropy based on the time-delay reconstruction
of phase space when the variables of two systems are both two or high dimensional. The novelty is that this technique
highlights the significance of constructing causality models able to quantify causal influence directly in non-stationary mul-
tivariate time series, which overcomes the limitation that the original transfer entropy only can capture which system drives
the transition probabilities of another in scalar time series. In addition, the proposed method is relatively immune to addi-
tive noise.
To prove the robustness of this novel technique, the non-linear Rössler system and Hénon map first have been confirmed
the effectiveness of the algorithm as the artificial time series. Moreover, we also confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed
method by adding different types of noise to original time series. Then we applied it to financial time series to analyze the
information flow between different stock markets. Here the innovation is that we combine the closing price and trading
volume as the two-dimensional variables to estimate the causality relationships. By doing so, we overcame the inevitable
problems when only analyzing the closing price and draw some more all-round conclusions.
Generally speaking, the proposed multivariate transfer entropy solved the problem concerning the information flow be-
tween multivariate time series successfully while there are a few shortcomings, e.g. one of the embedding dimensions is
sometimes a small value, which may influence the calculation of transfer entropy.


The financial supports from the funds of the China National Science (61371130) and the Beijing National Science
(4162047) are gratefully acknowledged.


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