International Trade Law Syll

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School of Law and Governance

LAW- International Trade Law L T P C

Version1.1 4 0 0 4
Pre-Requisites//Exposure International law
Semester VIII
Programme B.A.LL.B.(H.)

1.0. Teaching Learning Methodology:

Lecture Method

Discussion Method

Presentation/Case analysis

Court Room Exercise

Problem Method

Course Contents:

MODULE-1: History and Development of WTO

➢ Brief history of GATT/WTO

➢ Institutional Structure of WTO
➢ Membership, Accession and Withdrawal
➢ Decision making process

MODULE -2: Sources of law

➢ The traditional sources analogy, International agreements, Customary International law,

General Principles of law and judicial decisions.
➢ Covered Agreements, Vienna Convention on law of Treaties
➢ Travaux preparatoires

MODULE -3: Dispute Settlement

➢ Introduction to WTO dispute settlement

➢ Institutions
➢ Types of Complaints
➢ Dispute resolution Procedure
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MODULE -4: Enforcement of WTO obligations

➢ Compliance
➢ Compensation
➢ Retaliation

MODULE -5: Most Favoured Nations Clause

➢ Meaning of MFN
➢ Like products
➢ Rule of origin
➢ Exceptions to MFN clause

MODULE 6: National Treatment

➢ Meaning of NT
➢ Like product
➢ State trading monopolies
➢ Exception to NT

MODULE -5: Tariff, Quotas and Other barriers to market access

➢ Tariff, nature of tariff, welfare effects of tariff, tariff modifications

➢ Quotas, nature of quota, welfare effects of quota, prohibition on quota and other measures
that restrain trade, exception to the prohibition of quota and other measures.
➢ Technical barriers to trade; sanitary and phytosanitary measures

MODULE 6- Developing Countries and WTO

➢ Meaning of developing countries, World Bank classification, Least developed Countries

by UN.
➢ Provisions for Developing countries and LDC in WTO
➢ Enabling clause
➢ Special and Differential treatment
➢ Technical assistance
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➢ Legal assistance
➢ Transitional time period
➢ Waivers
➢ Critique of the effectiveness of the measures for developing and LDCs

MODULE-6: Environment Protection and Trade

➢ International trade and Environment

➢ The Environment impact of Trade
➢ The Tuna Dolphin case
➢ EC Beef hormones case
➢ Shrimp turtle case
➢ Trade and environment : GATT/WTO rules: Art XX
➢ Agreement on SPS

MODULE 7: Brief understanding of Major International Agreements

➢ Agreement on Agriculture
➢ Anti dumping Agreement
➢ Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement
➢ The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the "SPS
➢ The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights


India – Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector case, Complaint by US & EU against India,
European Communities – Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal
Products, Australia-Salmon, Brazil-Tyres, Canada-Aircraft, Canada-Dairy, Canada-Autos,
Canada Lumber, Canada-Periodicals, Dram Chips Case, EC-Asbestos, EC-Bananas, EC-Bed
Linen, EC-Hormones, EC-Sardines, EC-Tariff Preferences, Guatemala-Cement, Japan-
Alcohol, Korea-Beef, India-Quantitative Restrictions, Thailand-Cigarettes, Thailand-H Beans,
TunaDolphin (1991), Tuna-Dolphin (1994), Turkey-Textiles, US-FSC, US-Gambling
School of Law and Governance

Services, US-Gasoline, US-Hot Rolled Steel from Japan, US-Shrimp, US-Soft Lumber, US-
Subsidies on Up Land Cotton, US-Wool shirts, Japan Alcoholic beverages case

Reading materials

Mitsuo Matsushita, Thomas J. Schoenbaum and Petros C. Mavroidis, The World Trade
Organization: Law, Practice and Policy (Oxford University Press:2006).

Michael Trebilcock, Robert Howse, Antonia Eliason, The Regulation of International Trade, 4th
edition (Routledge:2012)

Pitroda, S. S. (1995). From GATT to WTO: The Institutionalization of World Trade. Harvard
International Review, 17(2), 46–67.

Qureshi, A. H. (2003). Participation of Developing Countries in the WTO Dispute Settlement

System. Journal of African Law, 47(2), 174–198.


56(3/4), 53–60.

SOUKAR, L. (2019). Natural Resources Endowment and WTO. Journal of Economic Integration,
34(3), 546–589.

Horlick, Gary N. “The WTO and Developing Countries.” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
(American Society of International Law) 100 (2006): 220–23.

Charnovitz, S. (1998). Environment and Health Under WTO Dispute Settlement. The International
Lawyer, 32(3), 901–921.

Chimni, B. S. (2000). WTO and Environment: Shrimp-Turtle and EC-Hormones Cases. Economic
and Political Weekly, 35(20), 1752–1761.

Chimni, B. S. (2002). WTO and Environment: Legitimisation of Unilateral Trade Sanctions.

Economic and Political Weekly, 37(2), 133–139.

Schoenbaum, T. J. (1997). International Trade and Protection of the Environment: The Continuing
Search for Reconciliation. The American Journal of International Law, 91(2), 268–313.
School of Law and Governance

Ravindra Pratap. (2003). WTO and Rules of Origin: Issues for India. Economic and Political
Weekly, 38(33), 3454–3456.

Saggi, K., & Sengul, F. (2009). On the Emergence of an MFN Club: Equal Treatment in an
Unequal World. The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d’Economique, 42(1),

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