W5 Notes

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Statistics for Data Science - 2

Week 5 Notes

1. Functions of continuous random variable:

Suppose X is a continuous random variable with CDF FX and PDF fX and suppose
g : R → R is a (reasonable) function. Then, Y = g(X) is a random variable with CDF
FY determined as follows:

• FY (y) = P (Y ≤ y) = P (g(X) ≤ y) = P (X ∈ {x : g(x) ≤ y})

• To evaluate the above probability
– Convert the subset Ay = {x : g(x) ≤ y} into intervals in real line.
– Find the probability that X falls in those intervals.
– FY (y) = P (X ∈ AY ) = AY fX (x)dx
• If FY has no jumps, you may be able to differentiate and find a PDF.

2. Theorem: Monotonic differentiable function

Suppose X is a continuous random variable with PDF fX . Let g(x) be monotonic for
x ∈ supp(X) with derivative g 0 (x) = . Then, the PDF of Y = g(X) is
1 −1
fY (y) = fX (g (y))
|g 0 (g −1 (y))|
• Translation: Y = X + a
fY (y) = fX (y − a)
• Scaling: Y = aX
fY (y) = fX (ya)
• Affine: Y = aX + b
fY (y) = fX ((y − b)a)
• Affine transformation of a normal random variable is normal.

3. Expected value of function of continuous random variable:

Let X be a continuous random variable with density fX (x). Let g : R → R be a function.
The expected value of g(X), denoted E[g(X)], is given by
Z ∞
E[g(X)] = g(x)fX (x)dx

whenever the above integral exists.

• The integral may diverge to ±∞ or may not exist in some cases.

4. Expected value (mean) of a continuous random variable:

Mean, denoted E[X] or µX or simply µ is given by
Z ∞
E[X] = xfX (x)dx

5. Variance of a continuous random variable:

Variance, denoted Var[X] or σX or simply σ 2 is given by
Z ∞
Var(X) = E[(X − E[X]) ] = (x − µ)2 fX (x)dx

• Variance is a measure of spread of X about its mean.

• Var(X) = E[X 2 ] − E[X]2

X E[X] Var(X)
a+b (b−a)2
Uniform[a, b] 2 12
1 1
Exp(λ) λ λ2

Normal(µ, σ 2 ) µ 2

6. Markov’s inequality:
If X is a continuous random variable with mean µ and non-negative supp(X) (i.e. P (X <
0) = 0), then
P (X > c) ≤
7. Chebyshev’s inequality:
If X is a continuous random variable with mean µ and variance σ 2 , then
P (|X − µ| ≥ kσ) ≤

8. Marginal density: Let (X, Y ) be jointly distributed where X is discrete with range
TX and PMF pX (x).
For each x ∈ TX , we have a continuous random variable Yx with density fYx (y).
fYx (y) : conditional density of Y given X = x, denoted fY |X=x (y).

• Marginal density of Y
– fY (y) = pX (x)fY |X=x (y)

9. Conditional probability of discrete given continuous: Suppose X and Y are
jointly distributed with X ∈ TX being discrete with PMF pX (x) and conditional densi-
ties fY |X=x (y) for x ∈ TX . The conditional probability of X given Y = y0 ∈ supp(Y ) is
defined as

pX (x)fY |X=x (y0 )

• P (X = x | Y = y0 ) =
fY (y0 )

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