1 s2.0 S1568494619306738 Main
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1 s2.0 S1568494619306738 Main
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Article history: With respect to limited financial resources, prioritization of technology fields in order to be supported
Received 2 January 2019 financially is a matter of paramount significance that governmental organizations, such as ‘‘Technology
Received in revised form 28 June 2019 Development Funds (TDFs)’’, face with. Innovation and technology development, as the cornerstone of
Accepted 21 October 2019
the economic development of countries, requires making decisions in terms of assigning the best-suited
Available online 25 October 2019
form of financial resources mainly by governments. Accordingly, this study addresses a multi-objective
Keywords: portfolio optimization problem in a multi-period setting with the aim of maximizing the created
Technology portfolio selection jobs – as a key factor in social welfare – as well as intended profit while minimizing the risk of
Financial resource allocation inappropriate portfolio selection. To formulate the proposed mathematical model, different financing
Multi-objective robust possibilistic methods, technology readiness levels (TRL), and return on investment (ROI) associated with each
technological project are taken into account. Afterward, to deal with the uncertainty arisen from
Fuzzy programming
fuzzy parameters, the Multi-Objective Robust Possibilistic Programming approach (MORPP) is applied,
Augmented epsilon-constraint
the performance of which is examined under several computational tests. Finally, to illustrate the
performance of the proposed model and its applicability in practice, the computational results are
shown through a real case study in Iran Innovation & Prosperity Fund (IIPF). The results show that
selecting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for being financed, is the best option when
increasing job creation is considered in portfolio optimization. Furthermore, the comparison of the
MORPP model results with the deterministic model shows that the solutions obtained from the robust
possibilistic approach outweighed the deterministic model.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1568-4946/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
investment, the risk, and TRL associated with each project are 2. Literature review
regarded in the proposed mathematical modeling.
TDFs are governmental financial institutions which have the In this section, the most related literature in terms of ‘‘project
responsibility of supporting technology development by attract- portfolio selection’’, ‘‘technology portfolio management’’,
ing the contribution of the private sector. Since the financial ‘‘resource allocation’’, and ‘‘risk management’’ is reviewed. Then
resources are limited, the TDFs should have a prioritization mech- the related literature about robust programming is studied.
anism to optimize the allocation of resources to different technol-
ogy fields and various firms executing the technological projects. 2.1. Technology portfolio
Regarding the importance of technological innovation and
‘‘knowledge-based economy’’, some studies have explored the Technology portfolio management includes a wide range of
concept of the technology financing and commercialization sys- tools and selection methods ranging from quantitative to qualita-
tems in different countries [2–4], which have depicted the big tive measures. Noteworthy, this section mainly focuses on studies
picture of innovation financing policies, IFS of countries, their with the mathematical framework and quantitative models. The
institutions, and the role of them in each phase of technology most related studies are briefly shown in Table 1.
development. However, there are limited studies investigating Technology projects, as the key elements to keep firms com-
technology portfolio optimization and optimal resource allocation petitive in the business world, need to be continually optimized
by decision makers in order to allocate limited resources to a
in TDFs, motivating this study to focus on the role of TDFs in
subset of possible projects which bring about the most profit and
IFS, as organizations that finance the countries’ innovation and
lowest risk. To this end, a variety of tools and methods can be
technology development.
applied to select the optimal set of technology projects. In order
Considering the aforementioned concerns, and also by bearing
to optimize a portfolio of product development improvement
in mind that different technologies have different effects on the
projects, Dickinson et al. [5] using a dependency matrix, pre-
economy, job creation, and country’s overall position at innova-
sented a nonlinear integer model developed for the Boeing Com-
tion and competitiveness rankings, optimal resource allocation
pany, which quantifies the interdependencies between projects.
can enhance the productivity and efficiency of the TDFs’ finan-
In addition, their model seeks to balance the risk, cost, and benefit
cial resources significantly. With this in mind, in this paper, a
of the entire portfolio.
mathematical framework for TDFs’ technology portfolio selection In his book entitled ‘‘Technology Portfolio Planning and Man-
is developed which makes it possible to determine the optimal agement’’, Yu [6] developed a linear single-period model in which
technology portfolio composition and the appropriate type of the limitations of the budget, employee’s time, and managerial
financing. In doing so, the decisions are made based on the time are incorporated into modeling while considering uncertain
corresponding technology fields’ risk, return on investment (ROI), conditions. Considering enterprise benefits – including economic
job creation, and technology readiness level (TRL). and environmental benefits – and synergies between different
The main contributions of this study that differentiates it from technologies, Congbo et al. [7] proposed a methodology to op-
relevant studies are as follows: timize a green technology portfolio. They used the AHP method
to calculate the weights of the enterprise benefits and the ANP
• Taking into consideration the social and economic impact method to assess the synergies among the different types of the
of each technology field to select the optimal technology technologies.
portfolio Since traditional technology assessment tools are often inca-
• Considering the risk, technology readiness level (TRL), tech- pable to consider vague data gathered from a real-world setting,
nology complexity and technology leverage factor (TLF) for Sattari Ardabili [8] developed a multi-objective, single-period
technology portfolio optimization model with random fuzzy technologies’ return in order to op-
• Considering different types of financing methods (i.e. differ- timize a technology portfolio selection problem. To successfully
ent loan types, joint venture, and direct investment) to fi- tackle investment projects in renewable energies, Davoudpour
nance the technological projects according to their financial et al. [9] presented a mathematical model for renewable tech-
requirements, TRL, and ROI nology portfolio selection applied in the oil industry R&D center
• Considering two levels for technology portfolio planning, with the aim of maximizing support of the organization’s strat-
that is ‘‘technology fields’’ and ‘‘technological projects’’ cat- egy and values. Besides, their model tries to set an appropriate
egorized in each technology field balance between cost and benefit of the entire portfolio. Using
• Applying a multi-objective robust possibilistic model to cope AHP method, they first determined the importance of assessment
with uncertain parameters and investigating the behavior of criteria of renewable technology portfolio; and then, proposed
the robust model under several computational tests a mathematical model with deterministic variables for portfolio
• Demonstrating the applicability of the proposed model optimization problem.
through a real case study developed in Iran’s Technology The difficulty of selecting an appropriate set of portfolios is
Development Fund (TDF) mainly resulted from the multiple and often conflicting objec-
tives, inherent technical complexities, and valuation uncertainties
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the related associated with the assessment process. Tavana et al. [10] pro-
literature is reviewed in Section 2. In Section 3, the proposed posed a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model addressing the
mathematical model for technology portfolio selection is formu- ambiguity and vagueness of parameters. Their multi-objective
lated. In Section 4, the augmented epsilon constraint approach fuzzy linear model was developed in order for assessing high-
and the multi-objective robust possibilistic approach are incor- tech projects in National Aeronautics and Space Administration
porated into modeling. In Section 5, the real case under investi- (NASA). The proposed model combines different decision-makers
gation is introduced and managerial insights obtained from the opinions about fuzzy inputs and outputs with involving the α -
computational results are presented. Section 5.4 investigates the level-based approach for their fuzzy DEA model. Hassanzadeh
optimality of the applied robust possibilistic approach through et al. [11] suggested a multi-objective model for R&D projects
numerical testing. Section 6 presents the final remarks and future portfolio selection in an uncertain condition. They have used the
research opportunities. robust optimization approach to deal with uncertainty while an
Table 1
Selected resources related to project portfolio and technology portfolio optimization.
Variables Time Problem type Modeling methods Factors considered in model Application context
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
type period
Uncertain variables
Technology complexity
Deterministic variables
Fuzzy variables
Interval data
Real options
Job creation
TP at TDFb
1 Dickinson et al. [5] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
2 Yu [6] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
3 Sattari Ardabili [8] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
4 Davoudpour et al. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
5 Tavana et al. [10] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
6 Hassanzadeh et al. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
7 Jafarzadeh et al. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
8 Tavana et al. [13] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
9 Kocadagli and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Keskin [14]
10 Mashayekhi and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Omrani [15]
11 Alvarado et al. [16] ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
12 Mokhtarzadeh ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
et al. [17]
13 Schaeffer and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Cruz-Reyes [18]
14 Karasakal and Aker ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
15 Kucukbay and Araz ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
16 This paper ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
4 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
interactive procedure has been used in setting tradeoffs among estimation models and five assignment frameworks based on
the multiple objectives. Metrics such as Technology Readiness the DEA approach to sort and rank the R&D projects. They used
Level (TRL) are handled to specify the level of maturity for a given five-level hierarchical structure to define R&D project selection
technology, thereby providing an evaluation of the needed steps criteria. Then, this structure was used to determine the impor-
to motivate the technology implementation. tance of the criteria. Since the evaluation criteria include the
Terrile et al. [21] considered TRL as a proxy for the sake of inputs and outputs of the projects, they developed a DEA-based
reducing the risk of portfolio selection. Likewise, they proposed model to sort the projects.
other measures such as ‘‘Technology Leverage Factor’’ (TLF) and
market size as a proxy for reward in technology portfolio selec- 2.2. Robust optimization
tion. Their model is a qualitative framework developed based on
the risk and the reward matrix. Regarding organization’s goal and There have been developed different methods in order to deal
mission, Tavana et al. [13] considered projects portfolio matching with uncertainty in data. In the cases that the distributional infor-
and proposed a three stages model for projects portfolio selection. mation about random data is available, stochastic programming
They used the DEA method for primary projects screening, the methods are used. In the absence of information about the distri-
TOPSIS for projects ranking, and the linear-integer programming bution of random data, robust programming methods are applied.
for selecting the most appropriate portfolio in a fuzzy setting. Pishvaee et al. [24] presented a robust optimization approach in
Considering the fact that projects have different durations and
order to deal with uncertainty in closed-loop supply chain net-
potential rates of return, and also by taking into account that
work. Their model has a single objective of minimizing total cost
the profit yielded by the implemented projects can be reinvested
of supply chain. Mirzapour Al-e-hashem et al. [25] used robust
in the accomplishment of other projects, Jafarzadeh et al. [12]
optimization approach for a multi-objective aggregate production
used reinvestment strategy within a flexible time horizon and
planning problem.
proposed a model for optimal selection of project portfolios.
The other type of uncertainty is epistemic that is about im-
They applied a three-objective integer programming to determine
precise parameters and arise from the lack of knowledge about
project composition, schedule of the selected projects, and the
the exact values of parameters. In such cases, possibilistic pro-
time horizon of projects’ execution.
gramming approaches are applied. Pishvaee et al. [26] proposed
The multi-objective fuzzy model for portfolio selection pro-
a credibility-based fuzzy programming model for a two-objective
posed by Kocadagli and Keskin [14] took into consideration the
green logistics network. Pishvaee et al. [27] proposed a robust
risk priorities according to market-moving trends as well as the
possibilistic programming for socially responsible supply chain
risk-return tradeoff, which enables decision maker(s) to deter-
network design. They used ‘‘realization model’’ in order to com-
mine the importance and the priority of the designated goals.
pare their model results with the deterministic counterpart and
Kucukbay and Araz [20] presented a linear physical programming
show their model effectiveness. Zahiri et al. [28] presented a
(LPP) model in order to determine the optimal portfolio selec-
multi-period robust possibilistic programming approach for
tion, considering two criteria of expected return and risk. They
location–allocation of organ transplant centers. Zahiri et al. [29]
compared the portfolio selected by applying LPP with the com-
bination of portfolio gained from fuzzy goal programming (FGP) proposed a multi-objective network design for the organ trans-
and found that LPP could be considered a good alternative for plant chain under uncertainty and handled epistemic uncertainty
FGP method. Canbaz and Marle [22] proposed a portfolio selection of data by an interactive fuzzy approach. Salehi Sadghiani et al.
model based on constraint satisfaction problem techniques. Their [30] developed a model in order to design retail supply chain
model considers project interdependencies and balance. network, in which random and possibilistic data was handled by
Schaeffer and Cruz-Reyes [18] proposed a multi-objective math- a robust-possibilistic programming.
ematical model to select R&D projects at a public organization. To the best of our knowledge, none of the studies published
In their framework, each project proposal includes tasks with in the field of technology portfolio optimization integrate the
different types of the costs and financial resources. This frame- technology readiness level (TRL), complexity, technology leverage
work considers interdependencies and synergies among projects factor (TLF) and robust programming in their models. In addi-
and activities. Caglar and Gurel [23] proposed a two-stage model tion, considering different types of financing methods – including
considering the impact of R&D resource allocation to different different loan types, joint venture, and direct investment – with
sectors and the relative balance among them. In the first stage the aim of financing the technological projects is another re-
of the proposed model, sectoral budget allocation decisions are search gap when reviewing the previous studies. Furthermore,
made in order to maximize the total impact of the budget and the context in which the previous studies have been applied is
in the second stage, maximization of the total score of supported at the company level without regarding national organizations’
R&D projects is considered. goals. This study, however, makes an effort to prioritize tech-
Mokhtarzadeh et al. [17] developed a three-dimensional model nology fields in accordance with the national goals and strategic
for R&D projects portfolio selection which considers three criteria plan when determining the optimum composition of technolog-
including the risk, attractiveness, and competitiveness. Addition- ical projects and the best-suited form of financing technological
ally, their model considers the interdependencies among different projects.
projects in the form of a multi-objective framework with deter- In the presented model, there is an uncertainty on exact values
ministic variables. Alvarado et al. [16] presented a mixed-integer of some parameters (such as maximum allocated capital to the
linear programming (MILP) to optimize the technologies selection TDF) due to the dynamic and imprecise nature of required data.
and apply them in buildings’ energy systems, simultaneously. Therefore, these parameters are assumed to be possibilistic and
This model regards the cost of whole technology’s life cycle, the suitable possibility distribution based upon the opinions of
carbon emissions, real-time energy prices, and demands. decision makers has been estimated for each imprecise parameter
Mashayekhi and Omrani [15] proposed a multi-objective in the form of a trapezoidal fuzzy number. To make the proposed
model for portfolio selection at stock exchange market. Their model more robust against the uncertainty, a fuzzy-robust possi-
model combines DEA with Markowitz mean–variance model by bilistic approach is applied yielding a much more reliable solution
incorporating the risk, return, and efficiency of each portfolio in the face of non-deterministic parameters, which is examined
into the model. Karasakal and Aker [19] proposed two threshold under several computational tests.
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892 5
Table 3 Table 4
TLF description (Own construction based on [21]). Definition of cjgt (Own construction based on [35]).
TLF jgt level Description TLF jgt coefficient (%) TRLbjgt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Low Component level technology 10 TRLb
cjgt 100% 87% 75% 62% 50% 37% 25% 12% 1%
Medium Subsystem level technology 30
High System level technology 70
Enabling Enabling level technology 100
where cjgt is a failure impact coefficient that has a reverse
relationship with the level of the beginning TRL of the tech-
greater TLF and therefore greater job creation potential. Another nological project g in technology field j in the period t and is
important factor which could be considered as a reward for the defined as Table 4. TRLbjgt and TRLejgt are the TRL associated with
first objective function is the job creation by implementing each technological project g in technology field j in the period t at
project. Thus, we define the first objective function as follows: the beginning and at the end of the project (after executing the
G T J project), respectively. ccojgt is ‘‘technology complexity coefficient’’
which takes a value between 0.1 (lowest) to 1 (highest) and is
∑ ∑ ∑
Max Z1 = Emjgt × TLFjgt × θjgt (6)
determined by the technology assessment experts based on the
g =1 t =1 j=1
technical specifications that have been explained in the project
in which Emjgt is the total number of jobs created by the project g BP.
in technology field j in period t. TLFjgt is the ‘‘Technology Leverage Executing the technological projects accompanies by adminis-
Factor’’ coefficient of the technological project g in technology tration costs, and also maintaining the allocated budget is associ-
field j in period t which is determined based on Table 3. θjgt ated with depreciation costs. Additionally, in each period the TDF
is a binary decision variable that takes 1 if the project g in gets the repayments of the loans including the profit of allocated
technology field j starts receiving financial resources in period t loans to the projects. Therefore, the third objective is formulated
and 0 otherwise. to maximize the obtained benefits:
The second objective function minimizes the total risk of tech- J G T
( )
nological projects. We formulate this objective function based on
∑ ∑ ∑ ROIjgt
Max Z3 = αjgt × )−n
the concepts defined by Terrile et al. [21] as well as Mankins [35]
j=1 g =1 t =1 1 − 1 + ROIjgt
for technological projects’ risks. Terrile et al. [21] used Technology (( β ′
J jgt ×Prof
) )
Readiness Level (TRL) illustrated in Fig. 2 and the complexity of a ∑ ∑ ∑
+ βjgt ′
given technology field as a proxy for risk. + ×u
They proposed a qualitative model to establish a suitable bal- j=1 g =1 t =1
ance in the technology portfolio. According to the Mankins [35], (( γ ′′
J jgt ×Prof
) )
the higher is the level at which the beginning TRL of a project
∑ ∑ ∑
+ γjgt
+ × u′′
would be, the lower is the impact of the project failure. Similarly, k′′
j=1 g =1 t =1
the higher is the complexity of technology, the higher would be
the probability of the failure. ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
The application of TRL in mathematical calculations is seen in − Ajgt × θjgt − h × Bt
different references such as Magnaye et al. [36], Sauser et al. [37] j=1 g =1 t =1 t =1
and Yasseri and Bahai [38]. Therefore, in our model, TRL is used in which αjgt , βjgt , γjgt are the allocated resources for investment,
as a proxy for technological progress of the projects in the Eq. (7) type 1 loan, and type 2 loan affiliated with executing technolog-
and the difference between the TRL in the beginning and end of ical project g in technology field j in the period t, respectively.
the project multiplied by the failure impact and the technology ROIjgt is the return on investment of the project g in technology
complexity in order to minimize the total risk of technological field j at the period t. Prof ′ and Prof ′′ are the interest rate in type 1
projects. Hence, the second objective function with regard to the and type 2 loans, k′ and k′′ are the total number of type 1 and type
TRL and technology complexity is defined as follows: 2 loan installments, and u′ and u′′ are the number of repayments
J G T of type 1 and type 2 loan installments in each period, respectively.
∑ ∑ ∑ TRLbjgt − TRLejgt
Min Z2 = TRLb
cjgt ×( ) × ccojgt × θjgt (7) Ajgt is the administration costs for performing the technological
TRLejgt project g in the technology field j in the period t. h is depreciation
j=1 g =1 t =1
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892 7
cost of holding the budget, and Bt is the budget available at the considered regarding the interest rates. In other words, this
end of the period t. maximum level of return guarantees that the resources are
This equation is about maximizing the TDF’s benefits. The allocated optimally and the resources with lower interest
investment benefits in each period is determined by the first sec- rates is not allocated to the projects with very high re-
tion of the equation. The second section of the equation is related turn. There is no limitation for maximum level of return
to the repayment of the type 1 loan that is calculated based on the on investment for direct investment or joint venture. This
total number of installments (k′ ) and the number of installments is formulated through the below constraints:
in each period (u′ ). The third section of the equation is related to
ROImin × σjgt ≤ ROIjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J , g = 1, 2, . . . , G,
the repayment of the type 2 loan and its calculations is similar to
the type 1 loan. Administration costs and the depreciation costs of t = 1, 2, . . . , T (11)
maintaining the allocated budget are calculated by the fourth and ′
ROImin × λjgt ≤ ROIjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J , g = 1, 2, . . . , G,
fifth sections of the equation, respectively. Administration costs
t = 1, 2, . . . , T (12)
are imposed on the TDF when a project is selected and financed,
therefore the cost coefficient is multiplied by the θjgt . ROIjgt × λjgt ≤ ROImax
, j = 1, 2, . . . , J , g = 1, 2, . . . , G,
t = 1, 2, . . . , T (13)
3.1.3. Model constraints
Various criteria and constraints as to deciding on appropriate
ROImin × ρjgt ≤ ROIjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J , g = 1, 2, . . . , G,
financing method are held by the model: t = 1, 2, . . . , T (14)
• Technology field selection: The technology fields could be ROIjgt × ρjgt ≤ ROImax
, j = 1, 2, . . . , J , g = 1, 2, . . . , G,
put into portfolio composition only if their respective risk is t = 1, 2, . . . , T (15)
lower than the maximum acceptable risk level. The model ′ ′′
presumes that at least one technology field should be se- where ROImin , ROImin , and ROImin are the Minimum accept-
lected in each period. The constraints (9) and (10) guarantee able level of return on investment for direct investment or
the aforementioned concept. joint venture, type 1 and type 2 loan, respectively. ROImax
and ROImax are Maximum acceptable level of return on in-
Ejt × Rj ≤ Rmax , j = 1, 2, . . . , J , t = 1, 2, . . . , T (9) vestment for type 1 and type 2 loan, respectively. σjgt is
J a binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is a direct
investment on the project g in technology field j in the
Ejt ≥ 1, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (10)
period t and is 0 otherwise, λjgt is a binary decision variable
that takes 1 if there is type 1 loan for the technological
in which Ejt is a binary decision variable that takes 1 if the project g in technology field j in the period t and is 0
technology field j is selected in the period t, and 0 otherwise. otherwise, and ρjgt is a binary decision variable that takes
Rj is total risk of the jth technology field and Rmax is the 1 if there is type 2 loan for the technological project g in
maximum acceptable level of risk for technology fields. technology field j in the period t and is 0 otherwise.
• ROI: One of the projects’ approval criteria is their ROI in • TRL constraints for technological projects: Our model con-
the way that there is a minimum and maximum acceptable siders financing only for projects at the technology devel-
level of return on investment for different financing meth- opment phases after the R&D phases (i.e. TRL 3 and above).
ods. These financing methods have different interest rates. Different financing methods have different constraints re-
Therefore, the minimum and maximum levels of return is garding TRL. If the level of beginning TRL of a given project
8 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
t = 1, 2, . . . , T (22) g =1
t = 1, 2, . . . , T (26) g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (35)
αjgt ≥ (1 − cjgt ) × Djgt − M × 1 − σjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
( )
where M is a sufficiently large number.
• Budget constraints: We assume that in each period a por-
g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (36)
tion of the maximum state budget is allocated to the TDF
(Eq. (27)), and there is a maximum level of the budget that Ijgt ≤ cjgt × Djgt × (1 − L) , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
TDF could hold in hand and transfer to the next period g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (37)
(Eq. (28)). Additionally, budget allocation to each technology
Ijgt + αjgt ≥ cjgt × Djgt − M × 1 − σjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
( )
field is done only when that field is selected (Eq. (30)),
and the total amount allocated to technology fields in each g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (38)
period cannot be greater than the total budget available in cjgt × q ≤ Pjgt × σjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
that period (Eq. (31)). In each period within the planning
horizon, the loans’ profit and the return on investment are g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (39)
added to the available budget. The budget balance equation Capmin × λjgt ≤ βjgt ≤ Capmax × λjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
′ ′
is formulated via the constraint (32). The aggregated amount
t = 1, 2, . . . , T , g = 1, 2, . . . , G (40)
of different types of financing for technological projects in
each field is constrained by the total budget allocated to that Djgt − M × (1 − λjgt ) ≤ βjgt ≤ Djgt × λjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
field (Eq. (33)). g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (41)
Cat ≤ Camaxt , t = 1, 2, . . . , T (27) Cap′′min × ρjgt ≤ γjgt ≤ Cap′′max × ρjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892 9
t = 1, 2, . . . , T , g = 1, 2, . . . , G (42) L̃y ≤ x
Djgt − M × 1 − ρjgt ≤ γjgt ≤ Djgt × ρjgt , j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
( )
x ≤ d̃
g = 1, 2, . . . , G, t = 1, 2, . . . , T (43) Gx ≤ My
Bx = 0
where Cap˜min is the minimum level of funding for direct
investment or joint venture, Capmax is the maximum level Ey ≤ 0
of funding for direct investment or joint venture, Cap′min and Hy = x
Cap′′min are the minimum level of funding for type 1 and type
2 loans, respectively. Cap′max and Cap′′max are the maximum x ≥ 0, y ∈ {0, 1} (45)
level of funding for type 1 and type 2 loans, respectively. where the vectors Q and L and d correspond to the number
Djgt is the total cost that requested for executing the tech- of jobs created, maximum and minimum capacity for financing,
nological project g in technology field j in the period t, cjgt
respectively. The vectors F, W, and A correspond to failure im-
is a binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is joint
pact coefficient, return on investment and administration costs,
venture on the technological project g in technology field
respectively. Additionally, the matrices B, E , G, H and M are the
j in the period t and is 0 otherwise and Ijgt is the allocated
coefficient matrices, and vectors y and x denote the binary and
resources for the joint venture in the technological project
positive variables, respectively. To develop multi-objective robust
g of technology field j in the period t. L is the maximum
possibilistic programming model (MORPP), we consider the con-
shares of the organization in the joint venture (percentage),
Pjgt is the success probability of technological project g in cept proposed by Bairamzadeh et al. [39] which is formulated in
technology field j in the period t and q is the minimum separate objective functions as follows:
success probability of projects for other organization’s joint 3
venture decision. Max obj1 = ωm µm
• Decision variables: The addressed decision variables are bi- m=1
nary or non-negative variables:
Min obj2 = ϕ L(4) − (1 − ∂1 ) L(3) − ∂1 L(4)
[ ]
Xjt , αjgt , βjgt , γjgt , Ijgt , Cat , Bt ≥ 0 and Ejt , θjgt , σjgt , λjgt , ρjgt , + ϑ (1 − ∂2 ) D(2) + ∂2 D(1) − D(1)
[ ]
min Zm (x∗m ) , m = 2
{ { }
Max z1 = Qy PIS
Zm =1,2,3 =
max Zm (x∗m ) , m = 1, 3
{ }
Min z2 = Fx
Max z3 = Wx − Ay max Zm (x∗m ) , m = 2
{ { }
Zm=1,2,3 =
s.t . min Zm (x∗m ) , m = 1, 3
{ }
10 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
Table 5 order to determine the values of the positive ideal solution (PIS)
Risk calculation for 8 technology fields. and negative ideal solution (NIS) in terms of Z1 , Z2 and, Z3 , we
Technology field wmj rmj wt j rt j wf j rf j Rj solve each model separately and calculate objective function Obj1 .
T1 0.249 0.45 0.594 0.63 0.157 0.72 0.599 Table 7 illustrates the results for positive and negative ideal
T2 0.528 0.49 0.333 0.36 0.140 0.42 0.437 solutions related to each objective. As mentioned in Section 4.1,
T3 0.128 0.45 0.595 0.49 0.276 0.5 0.487
Obj1 is the aggregation of Z1 , Z2 , and Z3 , namely the basic objective
T4 0.259 0.18 0.259 0.32 0.482 0.48 0.360
T5 0.237 0.4 0.449 0.21 0.313 0.56 0.364 functions. Finally, to solve multi-objective problem of maximizing
T6 0.323 0.35 0.446 0.81 0.232 0.72 0.641 Obj1 and minimizing Obj2 we use augmented epsilon-constraint
T7 0.328 0.72 0.414 0.64 0.258 0.49 0.627 method which can be presented as follows:
T8 0.252 0.12 0.422 0.2 0.326 0.2 0.179
Max Obj1 = ωm µm
This software calculates an ‘‘inconsistency index’’ for each s.t .
pairwise comparison matrix in which the inconsistency below the
Obj2 ≤ ε
0.1 means that judgments are rational. The inconsistency index
for all 8 technology fields is put between the interval of [0.004, x∈S (49)
0.05], as shown in the T1 segment of Fig. 4.
where S indicates the feasible region of the problem involving
Hence, the calculated weights are rational and acceptable. the constraints (6) to (44) of the original model in which the
In the next step, we determine risk index by the proposed ma- constraints (27) and (34) (including uncertain parameters) are
trix (Fig. 1), and finally, calculate the total risk of each technology replaced with the corresponding robust counterparts as follows:
field (Table 5).
We consider the planning horizon for 4 periods and 8 tech- Cat ≤ (1 − ∂1 )Camax
˜ t(2) + ∂1 Camaxt(1) , t = 1, 2, . . . , T
˜ (50)
nology fields which the number of the technological projects ((1 − ∂2 )Cap
˜min(3) + ∂2 Cap
˜min(4) ) × σjgt ≤ αjgt j = 1, 2, . . . , J ,
in a given technology field in each period is between [5,13].
As previously explained, four types of financing are considered t = 1, 2, . . . , T , g = 1, 2, . . . , G (51)
which can be classified in 3 groups as follows: As can be observed, the constraint (51) is nonlinear which should
be transformed to linear counterparts. Thus, constraint (51) can
1. Direct Investment and joint venture: for those projects be linearized by introducing the new variable v = σ × ∂ as
with the highest ROI (at least 0.3) and high success proba- follows:
bility (at least 0.7) whose minimum level of financing is
uncertain and is determined by the expert opinion with ((σjgt − vjgt )Cap ˜min(4) ) ≤ αjgt
˜min(3) + vjgt Cap (52)
regarding the investors’ risk attitude. Therefore, we take vjgt ≤ M σjgt (53)
this parameter as a fuzzy parameter.
2. Type 1 loan: for small projects with lower resources re- vjgt ≥ M(σjgt − 1) + ∂2 (54)
quirements in comparison with other projects (between vjgt ≤ ∂2 (55)
0.01 and 5). In fact, the type 1 loan is a short-term loan
The linear version of the Obj2 can be stated as follows:
with smaller installments for the projects with the medium
Obj2 = ϕ1 (1 − ∂1 ) Camaxt (2) + ∂1 Camaxt (1) − Camaxt (1)
[ ]
ROI (0.13–0.2). ˜ ˜ ˜
3. Type 2 loan: for large projects with higher financial re- (56)
+ϕ2 vjgt Cap ˜min(3) − vjgt Cap
˜min(4) − σjgt − vjgt Cap
[ ( ) ]
quirements (between 2 and 10). This is a long-term loan
with greater installments for the projects with higher risk Values of epsilon ranging from 2.68 to 1315.9 for Obj2 are
and the ROI between 0.16 to 0.35. obtained from the payoff table through ‘‘Augmented epsilon-
constraint’’ method described in Section 4.2. Also, the deter-
Table 6 shows parameter settings of the proposed model. ministic model solved under nominal data in order to be com-
In both loan types, in contrast to the investment, the minimum pared with proposed robust possibilistic model can be shown as
and maximum level of financing is determined with respect to follows:
regulations, and hence, there is no uncertainty in the limits of 3
these two types of financing.
Max Obj1 = ωm µm
The maximum level of state capital that could be allocated
to the fund in period t (Camax t ) is calculated as a percentage
s.t .
of the government budget which fluctuates with the oil price.
Fig. 5 shows the fluctuations of Iran’s oil export in the recent x ∈ S′ (57)
18 years (2000–2018). With regarding the great variations (rang- ′
where S indicates the feasible region of the original model in-
ing from 20 to 133 B$), the amount of capital allocation cannot
volving the constraints (6)–(44).
be determined exactly. In this regard, we take Camax
˜ t as a trape-
Table 8 shows computational results of solving the multi-
zoidal fuzzy parameter and apply a fuzzy robust possibilistic objective robust model under different epsilon limits and differ-
programming to cope with the uncertainty. ent weights of the objectives. As Table 8 shows, with increasing
epsilon limits, the value of the objective function Obj1 increases,
5.2. Implementation and evaluation which in turn leads to more desirable values for basic objective
functions (Z1 , Z2 , Z3 ).
This section presents the results obtained from presented Fig. 6(a, b, c) shows the pairwise conflicts related to the
model in a real case study. These results are obtained by the basic objective functions. In addition, there is a pairwise conflict
GAMS 24.1.2 using CPLEX solver on a laptop with an Intel core between the objectives of the proposed robust model as well
i5 processor with 1.6 GHz of CPU and 4 GB Ram. (Fig. 6d). As expected, with decreasing the limit held on the Obj2 ,
At first, robust counterpart of the constraints with uncertain as the epsilon-constraint, the value of the Obj1 increase, which
parameters is formulated based on the MORPP model. Then, in clearly shows a sharp conflict between these two objectives.
12 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
Table 6
Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit
T 4 Number Camax
˜ t M $
J 8 Number Bmax 500 M $
G 10–30 Number ROImin 0.3 %
TRLbjgt 1–8 Number ROImin 0.13 %
TRLejgt 3–9 Number ROImin 0.16 %
cTRLbjgt 0.12–1 Number ROImax 0.2 %
ccojgt 0.1–1 Number ROImax 0.35 %
TLFjgt 0.1–1 Number Cap
˜min (1, 2, 3, 5) M $
ROIjgt 0.11–0.4 % Capmax 7 M $
Ajgt 0.00005–0.11 M $ Capmin 0.01 M $
Djgt 0.01–22 M $ Capmax 5 M $
Pjgt 0.003–0.999 % Capmin 2 M $
Emjgt 0.6–5 100 FTE Capmax 10 M $
Prof 0.08 % n 3 Number
k 6 Number q 0.7 %
u 2 Number L 0.5 %
Prof 0.11 % h 0.000365 M $/year
k 15 Number Rj 0.360–0.641 Number
u 3 Number Rmax 0.65 Number
Table 7
Results of positive and negative ideal solutions for basic objective functions.
Objective function Positive ideal solution (PIS) Negative ideal solution (NIS)
310.605 0.375
{max z1; s.t: x ϵ S} {min z1; s.t: x ϵ S}
−20.779 −0.016
{min z2; s.t: x ϵ S} {max z2; s.t: x ϵ S}
403.541 −0.103
{max z3; s.t: x ϵ S} {min z3; s.t: x ϵ S}
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892 13
Table 8
Objective values and resource allocation.
Objective values and resources allocation for ω = (0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
Epsilon limit Robust objective Objective function values Decision variables
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
obj1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Cat Xjt αjgt βjgt γjgt Ijgt
t j ,t j ,g ,t j,g ,t j,g ,t j ,g ,t
ε ≤ 29.480 0.646 203.285 −13.905 247.463 602.245 685.050 198.000 307.350 179.700 144.000
ε ≤ 243.89 0.692 216.680 −15.097 261.926 640.378 718.531 222.000 304.950 191.400 168.000
ε ≤ 458.29 0.714 223.265 −15.551 272.489 683.258 755.559 222.000 329.000 204.500 168.000
ε ≤ 672.69 0.737 230.770 −15.973 281.240 726.039 790.160 222.000 343.350 224.800 168.000
ε ≤ 887.098 0.758 237.690 −16.302 291.913 768.941 826.935 222.000 368.850 236.000 168.000
ε ≤ 1101.50 0.780 244.525 −16.749 299.856 811.801 860.750 222.000 378.350 260.400 168.000
ε ≤ 1315.90 0.800 251.115 −17.073 310.180 854.650 896.850 222.000 402.150 272.700 168.000
Objective values and resources allocation for ω = (0.3, 0.4, 0.3)
Epsilon limit Robust objective Objective function values Decision variables
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
Obj1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Cat Xjt αjgt βjgt γjgt Ijgt
t j ,t j ,g ,t j,g ,t j,g ,t j ,g ,t
ε ≤ 29.480 0.648 201.715 −14.006 247.579 602.249 684.950 198.000 308.350 178.600 144.000
ε ≤ 243.89 0.695 215.095 −15.172 262.830 640.378 719.818 222.000 309.500 188.300 168.000
ε ≤ 458.29 0.718 221.995 −15.664 271.680 683.193 754.500 222.000 324.500 208.000 168.000
ε ≤ 672.69 0.740 229.895 −16.109 279.177 726.131 789.150 222.000 329.650 237.500 168.000
ε ≤ 887.098 0.761 236.600 −16.452 290.521 769.020 825.525 222.000 360.650 242.800 168.000
ε ≤ 1101.50 0.782 243.185 −16.934 297.524 811.843 860.050 222.000 362.250 275.800 168.000
ε ≤ 1315.90 0.802 250.225 −17.316 306.065 854.727 895.061 222.000 374.550 298.500 168.000
Objective values and resources allocation for ω = (0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
Epsilon limit Robust objective Objective function values Decision variables
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
Obj1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Cat Xjt αjgt βjgt γjgt Ijgt
t j ,t j ,g ,t j,g ,t j,g ,t j ,g ,t
ε ≤ 29.480 0.643 199.880 −13.742 254.229 602.295 688.100 198.000 352.600 137.500 144.000
ε ≤ 243.89 0.688 213.205 −14.859 270.410 640.305 723.517 222.000 359.850 141.600 168.000
ε ≤ 458.29 0.711 220.755 −15.286 279.549 683.258 758.484 222.000 376.550 159.900 168.000
ε ≤ 672.69 0.733 228.370 −15.831 286.591 726.138 792.556 222.000 379.150 191.400 168.000
ε ≤ 887.098 0.755 235.315 −16.213 296.295 769.020 828.556 222.000 398.550 208.000 168.000
ε ≤ 1101.50 0.776 242.490 −16.634 304.598 811.716 863.554 222.000 409.250 232.200 168.000
ε ≤ 1315.90 0.797 249.925 −17.029 312.373 854.780 897.777 222.000 416.950 258.800 168.000
5.3. Analysis and managerial insight have the largest share of financing. The joint venture enables the
organization to support executing larger projects with greater
Fig. 7 shows the total allocated resources to each technology potential for job creation in widespread fields.
field (a) and the amount of allocated finance to each technology Since the job creation, as the first objective in the basic model,
using different financing methods for the ω = (0.4, 0.3, 0.3) and is of crucial importance for IIPF, we compare technology fields in
ε ≤ 243.89 (the row 2 of Table 8). As seen in Fig. 7a, technology terms of job creation. Fig. 8a shows total job creation by executing
field 4 (ICT & Computer Software) attracts the most financial the projects in each technology field, and Fig. 8b shows the cost
resources, the reason of which goes back to the widespread ap- of job creation in each field; i.e. the lower is the better. As is
plication of ICT. In addition, the ‘‘TLF’’ of this field is greater than seen, technology field 4 has the greatest number of job creation
the other fields, which results in a larger potential of job creation. and attracts the most financial resources for projects executed in
Technology field 3 (Power and Electronic Hardware, Laser and this field. In contrast, technology field 1 (Biotechnology) needs
Photonics) and technology field 8 (Advanced Products in Other the lowest financial support for job creation. In field 1, small
fields) have the second and third ranks in terms of total financing, projects with a high rate of job creation can be implemented
respectively. These fields include a wide range of opportunities in with a relatively small amount of required finance which can be
high-tech industries with a high potential for knowledge-based supported by type 1 loan.
job creation, such as power plants, railroad, construction, cultural The results are consistent with this assumption that small and
industries, etc. medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are one of the best options to
Fig. 7b shows the percentage of different types of financing be selected in the technology portfolio, especially in developing
for each field. As seen, the share of type 1 loan to finance the countries.
technology fields 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 is greater than the other types IIFP, in addition, thanks to the opportunity created by the joint
of financing since, as mentioned previously, type 1 loan, is a venture, can enjoy smaller self-funding and attracting and lever-
short-term loan and has fewer financing limits. These technol- aging the partners’ resources to reduce the risk of investment.
ogy fields have many small projects (in comparison with other We define two measures in order to compare different financing
projects) that fewer financial restrictive policies are adopted for methods depicted in Fig. 9. Fig. 9a indicates the ratio of job
them. Additionally, they have the advantage of being finished creation to financial resources specified by each financing type.
faster compared to other projects. On the other hand, technology Fig. 9b shows a similar index stating the ratio of total executed
field 3 has much more complex technological projects with great technological projects to financial resources for each financing
capital investment requirements. Therefore, the largest portion type. As is obvious, ‘‘direct investment and joint venture’’ have
of the required financial resources for implementing the projects a better performance as to job creation index. Enjoying joint
categorized in field 3 is satisfied by type 2 loan; as a long-term venture, IIPF can support more projects by less self-funding and
loan with more flexible financing limits. For projects grouped in leverage other partners’ financial resources, giving rise to more
technology fields 4 and 8, direct investment and the joint venture jobs created by this method.
14 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
Fig. 6. Pairwise conflicts related to basic objective functions (a, b, c) and robust model objective functions (d).
Type 1 loan sets in the first position in terms of technological (e.g. D̃ = (D(1) , D(2) , D(3) , D(4) ). To generate random values for
projects index and the second position in the job creation index. uncertain parameters under each realization, uniform distribution
This loan corresponds to the smaller projects by which IIPF can is used in the variation interval of Fuzzy parameters, in the
support more projects and also pave the way for job creation way that random values are generated uniformly between two
better than type 2 loan. extreme[ points of ] the related interval (i.e., Lreal ∼ [L(1) , L(4) ] and
Dreal ∼ D(1) , D(4) ). Compact form of the realization model could
5.4. Computational experiments be written as follows:
∗ ∗
To validate the proposed model, we define a deterministic (Qy∗ ) − Z1NIS Z2NIS − (Fx∗ )
Max objReal = µ1 PIS ∗ NIS ∗
+ µ2 PIS ∗ ∗
linear programming model named ‘‘realization model’’ in which Z1 − Z1 Z2 − Z2NIS
the values of uncertain parameters are produced randomly in the (Wx∗ − Ay∗ ) − Z3NIS
Fig. 7. Total financing for each technology field (a) and financing of technology fields by financing method (b).
Fig. 8. Total job creation for each technology field (a) and job creation cost in each technology field (b).
Fig. 9. Job creation proportion to financial resources (a) and technological projects proportion to financial resources (b).
16 M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892
Table 9
Performance comparison between the deterministic (realization model) & proposed model under 10 realizations.
RHS of eps-constraint at grid point = 243.89
Realization No. ϕ Rrd + ϑ Rrc
Deviation from expected value of fuzzy parameters
10% deviation 15% deviation 20% deviation
Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP
1 261.426 13.041 381.805 10.698 653.735 7.482
2 153.981 9.081 619.348 13.272 731.773 11.316
3 426.451 10.974 542.770 5.985 350.729 9.504
4 362.950 7.218 355.016 13.044 747.480 5.232
5 446.059 11.739 363.369 12.282 277.235 11.688
6 130.215 6.900 626.945 9.825 1354.337 19.200
7 503.436 4.707 872.175 12.717 890.900 15.456
8 194.591 10.563 474.274 13.635 129.976 15.015
9 147.902 8.049 619.338 10.215 576.232 11.433
10 345.525 13.455 305.028 3.234 921.509 16.923
Average 297.2536 9.5727 516.0068 10.4907 532.0642 12.3249
Standard deviation 137.6592 2.860943 174.7113 3.429122 313.4114 4.338322
Realization No. 25% deviation 30% deviation 35% deviation
Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP
1 957.910 4.716 2304.048 53.891 2203.790 4.830
2 930.159 12.804 1051.415 1.938 1677.083 9.333
3 318.657 10.203 826.582 14.220 1863.413 12.051
4 1282.715 12.294 2122.213 19.599 368.107 9.867
5 930.159 12.804 423.500 12.699 2095.996 68.107
6 818.229 9.552 1299.540 10.410 2348.562 9.369
7 507.711 17.778 1763.333 2.028 1479.688 12.222
8 718.211 6.837 1366.654 8.991 1296.539 5.001
9 1009.845 9.045 190.727 16.041 2194.328 14.502
10 1569.985 18.519 1943.156 16.194 904.523 13.428
Average 904.3581 12.4552 1329.117 15.6011 1643.203 15.871
Standard deviation 356.5239 4.37113 614.3837 14.66108 640.1927 18.63533
Realization No. 40% deviation 45% deviation 50% deviation
Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP Deterministic model MORPP
1 1367.526 5.910 936.902 17.289 2267.946 5.871
2 1949.107 6.669 1239.835 26.232 2374.893 28.124
3 1801.523 7.647 3344.638 997.865 3527.383 1180.604
4 1312.860 13.986 2402.516 152.372 2285.428 35.279
5 2434.125 87.350 2479.184 132.410 3172.842 922.700
6 1002.683 12.936 2623.078 276.284 4341.851 2091.698
7 1584.264 13.695 720.810 8.112 2860.751 610.595
8 2814.132 6.156 2809.238 781.351 1799.847 2.676
9 533.099 16.737 2164.490 136.612 1890.893 4.131
10 1650.569 13.587 840.162 14.568 1695.924 5.415
Average 1644.989 18.4673 1956.085 254.3095 2621.776 488.7093
Standard deviation 662.1927 24.51898 939.2746 349.0497 850.2157 715.4628
Table 10
The penalty of infeasibility for the deterministic (realization model) and proposed model.
Realization no. ϕ Rrd + ϑ Rrc
Deter. model MORPP model solutions
RHS of eps-constraint at grid points
29.480 243.89 458.29 672.69 887.098 1101.50 1315.908
2360.301 10.143 13.529 164.871 316.212 466.853 618.195 769.542
1 1685.377 13.185 13.185 13.185 13.185 35.251 161.370 287.258
2 2105.160 8.196 77.263 203.381 329.498 455.032 581.151 707.039
3 1858.343 3.621 3.621 3.621 82.703 208.237 334.356 460.244
4 2076.359 6.678 6.678 6.678 129.057 279.698 430.151 582.387
5 1194.858 12.318 12.318 12.318 12.318 12.318 12.318 12.318
6 1853.066 6.483 6.483 6.483 77.405 202.939 329.058 454.946
7 1840.327 6.555 6.555 6.555 6.555 43.685 194.138 346.374
8 2150.001 10.974 122.101 248.219 374.336 499.870 625.989 751.877
9 11.026 11.025 11.025 11.025 11.025 11.025 11.025 11.025
10 2189.509 11.025 11.025 11.025 145.644 296.285 447.627 598.974
Average 1756.757 9.109364 25.79845 62.48736 136.1762 228.2903 340.4889 452.9076
Standard deviation 657.6239 2.984648 38.0151 93.76511 139.9615 188.5688 224.94 268.4306
Table 11
Definition of notations.
Notations Description
t Time periods (t = 1, . . . , T)
j Technology field (j = 1, . . . , J)
g Technological projects (g = 1, . . . , G)
Rj Total risk of the jth technology field
˜ t Maximum level of capital that could be allocated to the organization at the beginning of the period t
Bmax Maximum level of the budget available at the end of each period
ROImin Minimum acceptable level of return on investment for direct investment or joint venture
ROImin Minimum acceptable level of return on investment for type 1 loan
ROImin Minimum acceptable level of return on investment for type 2 loan
ROImax Maximum acceptable level of return on investment for type 1 loan
ROImax Maximum acceptable level of return on investment for type 2 loan
˜min Minimum level of funding for direct investment or joint venture
Capmax Maximum level of funding for direct investment or joint venture
Capmin Minimum level of funding for type 1 loan
Capmax Maximum level of funding for type 1 loan
Capmin Minimum level of funding for type 2 loan
Capmax Maximum level of funding for type 2 loan
Rmax Maximum acceptable level of risk for technology fields
n Investment period in venture investment or partnership
q Minimum success probability of projects for other organization’s joint venture decision
h Depreciation cost of maintaining budget
Prof Profit percentage in type 1 loan
k Total number of type 1 loan installments
u The number of installments of type 1 loan in each period
Prof Profit percentage in type 2 loan
k Total number of type 2 loan installments
u The number of installments of type 2 loan in each period
L Maximum shares of the organization in the joint venture (percentage)
M Big M (A sufficiently large number)
ccojgt Technology complexity coefficient of the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
TRLbjgt TRL at the beginning of technological project g in technology field j in the period t
TRLejgt TRL at the end of technological project g in technology field j in the period t
cjgt TRL coefficient of the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
TLFjgt Technology Leverage Factor coefficient of the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
ROIjgt ROI of the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Ajgt Administration cost of the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Pjgt The success probability of technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Emjgt Expected jobs creation by the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Djgt Total cost that requested for executing the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Bt The budget available in the period t
Cat Capital that allocated to the organization in the period t
Xjt Allocated resources to the jth technology field in the period t
Ejt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if the technology field j is selected in the period t; and 0 otherwise
αjgt Allocated resources for the direct investment in the technological project g of technology field j in the period t
βjgt Allocated resources to type 1 loan for the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
γjgt Allocated resources to type 2 loan for the technological project g in technology field j in the period t
Ijgt Allocated resources for the joint venture in the technological project g of technology field j in the period t
θjgt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if the technological project g in technology field j starts receiving fund in the period t;
and is 0 otherwise
σjgt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is a direct investment on the project g in technology field j in the period t and
is 0 otherwise
λjgt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is type 1 loan for the technological project g in technology field j in the period
t and is 0 otherwise
ρjgt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is type 2 loan for the technological project g in technology field j in the period
t and is 0 otherwise
cjgt Binary decision variable that takes 1 if there is joint venture on the technological project g in technology field j in the period
t and is 0 otherwise
M. Shaverdi, S. Yaghoubi and H. Ensafian / Applied Soft Computing Journal 86 (2020) 105892 19
gramming model proposed by Pishvaee et al. [27]; then, the basic possibilistic chance constrained programming (BPCCP) is as
Multi-Objective Robust Possibilistic Programming (MORPP) ap- follows:
proach will be elaborated on what follows.
Max z = Qy − ϕ1 L(4) − (1 − ∂1 ) L(3) − ∂1 L(4)
[ ]
Assumed that the compact form of a model could be stated as
− ϕ2 (1 − ∂2 ) D(2) + ∂2 D(1) − D(1)
[ ]
Max z = Qy s.t .
(1 − ∂1 )L(3) + ∂1 L(4) y ≤ x
( )
s.t .
L̃y ≤ x x ≤ (1 − ∂2 )D(2) + ∂2 D(1)
Gx ≤ My
x ≤ d̃
Bx = 0
Gx ≤ My
Ey ≤ 0
Bx = 0
Hy = x
Ey ≤ 0
Hy = x x ≥ 0, y ∈ {0, 1} , 0.5 < ∂i ≤ 1 (62)
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