Lesson Plans Kianna White
Lesson Plans Kianna White
Lesson Plans Kianna White
8.FGR.7.1 Interpret and solve relevant mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables.
8.FGR.7.2 Show and explain that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because the
points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.
8.FGR.7.3 Approximate solutions of two linear equations in two variables by graphing the equations and solving simple cases by inspection.
8.FGR.7.4 Analyze and solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically to find exact solutions.
8.FGR.7.5 Create and compare the equations of two lines that are either parallel to each other, perpendicular to each other, or neither parallel nor perpendicular.
Monday Teacher prepared Watch a video about systems of equations. The teacher will lead the Review the graph when there
work-sheet students in a discussion with is one solution, no solution
Graphing examples and notes about and many solutions
systems of equations.
Tuesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about systems of equations. Guide Practice: Solving each Review the graph when there
work-sheet Graph system by graphing is one solution, no solution
worksheet ( Day 2 ) and many solutions
htps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKfbjkcO Independent: Worksheet ( Day
U7k 2)
Wednesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about Guided Practice: even Review the graph when there
work-sheet systems of equations. numbers is one solution, no solution
and many solutions
Independent: Odd numbers
Thursday Teacher prepared Review independent worksheet from Independent: Grade Review the graph when there
work-sheet wednesday is one solution, no solution
Solving systems of equations by and many solutions
graphing Day 4
Friday Teacher prepared Review independent worksheet from Progress Learning Unit Review the graph when there
work-sheet Thursday. review is one solution, no solution
and many solutions
Week two same standard: Solving systems of equations by substitution.
Tuesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about systems of The teacher will lead the students in a Review practice problems
work-sheet equations by substitution discussion about solving the system of
equations by using substitution.
Substitution Method to Solve a S…
Guided Practice worksheets
Day 1
Wednesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about systems of Guide Practice: substitution Review guide practice
work-sheet equations by substitution worksheet ( Day 2 ) problems
Thursday Teacher prepared Watch a video about Day 3 Review Odd problems
work-sheet systems of equations.
Guided Practice: even numbers
Friday Teacher prepared Review independent worksheet from Independent Practice : Grade Review the graph when there
work-sheet wednesday is one solution, no solution
Progress Learning Unit review should and many solutions
include solving systems of equation by
substitution and graphing
Extra Teacher prepared Give examples on the board and allow Solving systems of equations by Review the graph when there
work-sheet students to work the problems. substitution color by number is one solution, no solution
and many solutions
Week 3
Monday Teacher prepared Watch a video about solving systems of The teacher will lead the students in a Review practice problems
work-sheet equations by discussion about solving a system of
Elimination. equations by using Elimination
Tuesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about solving systems Elimination Review guide practice
work-sheet of equations by Guide Practice: Even # problems
Elimination Independent practice ODD #
Solving a System of Equations Usin…
Worksheet ( Day 2 )
Wednesd Teacher prepared Watch a video about solving Day 3 Elimination Review kohoot questions
ay work-sheet systems of equations by elimination students go in correctly.
Textbook page 216-218
Solve Systems of Equations-Elimina…
Thursday Teacher prepared Solve a system of equation problems. Independent: Graded Review the 3 ways to
work-sheet Graphing solve systems of
Substitution Progress Learning Unit review should equations.
Elimination include solving systems of equations by
substitution, graphing and elimination.
Friday Teacher prepared Solve a system of equation problems. Solving systems of equations by Review the 3 ways to
work-sheet Graphing Elimination color by number solve systems of
Substitution equations.
Week 4
8.FGR.7.5 Create and compare the equations of two lines that are either parallel to each other, perpendicular to each
other, or neither parallel nor perpendicular.
Monday Teacher prepared Watch a video about how to tell if a system The teacher will lead the students in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet of equations will produce a parallel line, discussion about how to tell if a system of questions.
perpendicular or neither. equations will create parallel lines,
perpendicular lines or neither. The teacher
How To Tell If Two Lines Are Parallel, … and students will complete a guided
practice worksheet.
Day 1 ( Week 4)
Tuesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about how to tell if a system The teacher will lead the students in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet of equations will produce a parallel line, discussion about how to tell if a system of questions.
perpendicular or neither. equations will create parallel lines,
perpendicular lines or neither. The teacher
Section 7.4 Determine whether lines … and students will complete a guided
practice worksheet
Day 2 ( Week 4)
Wednesday Teacher prepared Watch a video about how to tell if a system Grade Review Guided practice
work-sheet of equations will produce a parallel line, Pair assignment: slope match activity. questions.
perpendicular or neither.
Are Lines Parallel, Perpendicular, or … Day 3 ( Week 4)
Thursday Teacher prepared Students will find the slope of two points to The student will complete a review over the Review Guided practice
work-sheet determine if the lines are parallel, unit. Solving systems of equations by questions.
perpendicular or neither. 8 graphing, substitution, elimination and
determining if lines of systems of equations
or parallel, perpendicular or neither.
8.NR.2.1 Apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions.
8.NR.2.2 Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations. Recognize that x2 = p (where p is a positive rational number and |x| ≤ 25)
has two solutions and x3 = p (where p is a negative or positive rational number and |x| ≤ 10) has one solution. Evaluate square roots of perfect squares ≤ 625 and
cube roots of perfect cubes ≥ -1000 and ≤ 1000.
Monday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will guide the students Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet video about exponents and through Lesson 8.1 in the textbook.
exponents and exponent rules
Spiral Review Page 320-324
Create a Mini Book
Tuesday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the students Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet Video about product powers through Lesson 8.2 textbook
Page 325-329
Wednesday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the students Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet video about quotient powers through Lesson 8.3 textbook
Thursday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the students Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet video about zero and negative through Lesson 8.4 textbook
Friday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the students Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet video about zero and negative through Lesson 8.4 textbook
Exponents 337-342
Week 6
8.NR.2.1 Apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions.
8.NR.2.2 Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations. Recognize that x2 = p (where p is a positive rational number and |x| ≤ 25)
has two solutions and x3 = p (where p is a negative or positive rational number and |x| ≤ 10) has one solution. Evaluate square roots of perfect squares ≤ 625 and
cube roots of perfect cubes ≥ -1000 and ≤ 1000.
Monday Teacher prepared THE SQUARE ROOT ?… The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet The student will watch and discussion about square roots.
take notes over the video. The students will create their own
perfect square chart.
Lesson 9.1 Textbook 373-380
Tuesday Teacher prepared Perfect Cubes and Cub… The teacher will lead the students in Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet The student will watch a video a discussion about cube roots
over cube root. Guided and Independent practice
Lesson 9.3 Finding Cube
Guided Practice
Wednesday Teacher prepared How to Estimate Square… The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet discussion about estimating square
The student will watch a video roots without a calculator.
about estimating square roots. Guided practice worksheet
Thursday Teacher prepared The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet The student will watch a video discussion about estimating square
about estimating square roots. roots without a calculator.
Guided practice worksheet
Friday Teacher prepared Progress learning assessment Review Guided practice questions.
work-sheet The student will watch a video over square and cube root.
about estimating square roots.
Week 7
8.NR.1 Solve problems involving irrational numbers and rational approximations of irrational numbers to explain real-life applications.
8.NR.1.1 Distinguish between rational and irrational numbers using decimal expansion. Convert a decimal expansion which repeats
eventually into a rational number.
8.NR.1.2 Approximate irrational numbers to compare the size of irrational numbers, locate them approximately on a number line, and
estimate the value of expressions.
Monday Teacher prepared Watch a video about The teacher will have the students in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet rational and irrational discussion about rational and irrational questions.
numbers numbers.
Rational, Irrational … Textbook page 395-408
Tuesday Teacher prepared Complete a graphic The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet organizer that places discussion about locating rational and questions.
rational and irrational irrational numbers on a number line.
number in categories Textbook page 395-408
Wednesday Teacher prepared Continue organizing The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet rational irrational discussion about locating rational and questions.
numbers on a number irrational numbers on a number line.
line. Textbook page 395-408
8.NR.2.3 Use numbers expressed in scientific notation to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to
express how many times as much one is than the other.
8.NR.2.4 Add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems
where both decimal and scientific notation are used. Interpret scientific notation that has been generated by
technology (e.g., calculators or online technology tools).
Monday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet video about scientific discussion about Scientific Notation questions.
Notation Lesson 8.6 Textbook page 349-354
Tuesday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet video about scientific discussion about Scientific Notation questions.
Notation Lesson 8.6 Textbook page 349-354
Wednesday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet video about scientific discussion about Scientific Notation questions.
Notation Lesson 8.7 Textbook page 355-360
Thursday Teacher prepared The students will watch a The teacher will lead the class in a Review Guided practice
work-sheet video about scientific discussion about Scientific Notation questions.
Notation Lesson 8.7 Textbook page 355-360
Friday Teacher prepared The students will watch a Progress Learning Review Guided practice
work-sheet video about scientific questions.