It Asset Management Guide
It Asset Management Guide
It Asset Management Guide
Introduction 01
Conclusion 15
The bottom line is to discover and track every asset The third step is to ensure that your mobile as-
in your organization. Let’s look at a three-step sets are tracked as well. Initially, you may not have
approach to do this. a Bring Your Own Device policy in place, but you
can always start by asking users to register their
The first step is to discover the assets inside your personal devices for MDM tracking. These person-
home network. You can use the Windows domain al devices are on and off the home network, and
or network scan, depending on the types of devices therefore require dynamic discovery techniques.
you are looking to discover and track. If your assets
are scattered across multiple sites, use the distrib- An advantage of using MDM is that it reduces the
uted asset scan to get the information you need. adverse effects of shadow IT.
WINDOWS DOMAIN SCAN NETWORK SCAN There is always a dilemma between choosing
agent-based and agentless discovery techniques. It
Linux, Solaris
Windows devices is advisable to use a combination of both to achieve
Mac, AIX
VMHost machines the best results.
Routers & Switches
The agent-based discovery technique:
Figure 1: Types of devices that can be scanned using • Gives you precise and comprehensive detail of
Windows domain and network scans your assets.
• Can be used to scan devices that are mobile
The second step is to discover assets outside your and outside your home network.
home network. This is where agent-based scans • Requires minimal infrastructure to perform
come in handy. You need to deploy agents on your scans and leaves behind a minimal footprint
workstations to scan the machine information and on the scanned asset.
send the information back to your central server. • Can be used to selectively scan individual
On subsequent scans, the agent scans your assets workstations that have undergone a change.
for changes sends out only the differential data to
the ServiceDesk Plus database, reducing the bur-
den on the ServiceDesk Plus server and your net-
It is important that you know everything about your assets. You need to capture as much asset information
as possible to help you drive critical decisions later. Here are some basic hardware and software parameters
that you should track.
To access assets easily, without tedious searching, you typically need to classify them under three sections,
as depicted below.
Organization have their unique asset procurement, In the above diagram, an asset is initially requested
maintenance, and disposal policies. You need to by a department or a user. A purchase request is
frame an asset life cycle to cover all stages of an then raised and sent for approval. Upon approval
asset in your organization. Each asset stage can of the purchase request, the asset is procured and
have one or more states associated to it. installed in the IT environment. The asset is then
put to use by mapping it to a user. If the asset needs
to be repaired or is not currently in use, it is placed
in storage. Finally, if the asset has expired or depre-
Request for asset (requested) ciated, a decision must be made to either dispose
or reuse the asset.
Approval (waiting for approval, approved)
Here are some simple steps to ensure that you stay installations, the licenses available, and the licenses
software compliant. already allocated. Analyzing this data will help you
determine your software compliance level. Do not
Study existing software and licenses panic if the numbers do not tally initially because
very few organizations can be perfect the first time.
Scan and identify all your existing license details
and deployments. Learn what type of licenses you Ensure software compliance by either
own, when they will expire, and if they are linked to purchasing new licenses or deleting
any contracts. existing software applications
Choose license types that will suit This, again, is a time-consuming process, but a nec-
your needs essary evil. Do not be even slightly over or under
compliant because it would either induce a heavy
You will have a wide choice of license types such penalty or increase your total cost of ownership. It
as volume, individual, OEM, CAL, concurrent, and is advisable to have real-time dashboards to meas-
perpetual to choose from. You need to do your re- ure and track software compliance metrics.
search to identify the type or combination of types
that would best suit your organization, based on
the type of software you own. For example, trial
software would need a temporary license, where-
as core software, such as a coding platform, would
need a perpetual license.
Reconcile licenses
Here are a few prerequisites for an effective ITAM- ITAM influences other ITIL processes
ITSM integration. Make sure your technicians and such as
end users adhere to these prerequisites.
Incident management
Make sure to map your workstations
ITAM provides key diagnostic information about
to end users
assets used by the requester. It also helps techni-
cians access any workstation, via a remote control
Mapping your workstations can help you effectively
feature to troubleshoot issues.
track and manage a specific end user’s workstation
for quick analysis. You will also have a count of
Problem management
workstations that are currently in use, which can
help you tackle fluctuations during ad hoc asset ITAM provides diagnostic information to perform
requirements. root cause analysis.
Generating specific ITAM reports can help you accomplish specific objectives. Let’s take a look at a few of
those objectives and their corresponding reports.
Unassigned workstations
Users with more than one workstation
Users without a mapped workstation
Here is why self audits are important. Being compli- Set audit policies
ant and audit-ready ensures that you are in control
You need to clearly define the people and tools in-
of your IT, and that you have already curbed a lot of
volved in your audits. You also need to plan your
unwanted IT spending. Real audits may occur any
audit execution strategy and set the scope of your
time, and therefore you need to ensure that you are
always audit-ready. Conduct self-audits for all your
vendors at least twice a year.
People aspect
Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of conducting Define appropriate audit roles. List the department
internal self-audits names and their level of involvement in the audit.
Choose skilled people from the legal and technical
• Serves as an early warning system. departments to play the auditor’s role. Also, form a
• Helps you save huge fines and penalties. committee to represent and defend the
• Reduces existing discrepancies in your IT organization.
• Helps your staff get enough hands-on experi- Tools involved
ence to face real audits without any panic.
Check to see if you need to install a third-party tool,
or if you are planning to use existing tools for the
Follow these simple steps to conduct a hassle-free
audit. Some vendors may not entertain the use of
third-party tools.
The seven IT asset management best practices discussed above cover most aspects of an ITAM process, right
from detecting your assets and integrating ITAM with other ITIL processes to improving ITAM on a continual
basis. You need to identify a tool that will help you accomplish your ITAM objectives effectively. But, today’s
ITSM market is overloaded with IT asset management tools, which make your selection process more com-
plicated. You need to look out for those unique advantages and out of the box features that some tools offer
to gain an edge over your business competitors.