Space Law
Space Law
Space Law
The Use by Koligian of the ASAT Missile against Palver-2 is not contrary to International
The applicant alleges that the respondent(Koligian) violated international law. However, the
use of the ASAT missile against Palver 2 does not contradict international law as It is in line with
the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer
Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(OST)(Art 4).1 , also it is in line with the
rights and obligations of the respondent as contained in the United Nations Charter2 and the
Koligian's action corresponds and is consistent with international law. The ratiocinations are as
follows: first, the use of ASAT missile does not contravene Article IV of the Treaty on Principles
Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the
Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(hereinafter to be referred to as The OST) which prohibits
states from placing in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other
kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the
Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, entered into force Oct.10, 1967, 610 U.N.T.S. 205.
In the extant case The ASAT missile was not placed in orbit as objects placed in orbit around the
nor stationed in any other manner in outer space Rather, it did a specific activity which was the
Many planets, moons, stars, meteors spacecraft and other objects in outer
space orbit around each other. Electrons also orbit around the nucleus of an atom.
The Earth’s orbitaround the Sun takes one year to complete. In this case, the ASAT
missile was launched directly at Palver 2. It was not in orbit. Also the statement of fact called
the ASAT missile a direct ascent ASAT missile. This is not a weapon of mass destruction as it is
not designed for mass destruction but specific and trageted purposes like bringing down a
Also,the use of the ASAT is consistent with *the UN Charter, specifically a combined reading of
The use of the ASAT Missile against Palver 2 amounts to the Removal of Threat to
It is pertinent to note that the use of the Palvers by Agryliam is a threat to international peace
In paragraphs 9 and 10 of the statement of facts, the destruction of Iriord-8 by Palver-3 left a
outer space" 7and a call for the suspension of aggressive military space activities of Argyliam to
The non chalant reply went thus, " the responsibility for the unfortunate incident is entirely
with the Koligian company Charalg Inc., which recklessly provided us with false
liability9. As if these unfortunate incidents were not enough, Palver 2 ceased responding to
commands on May 11 2031 and was drifting towards a densely populated orbit where some
satellites registered in Koligian were placed. Also, there was a possibility, although slight, of the
reactivation of the laser beam as the beam was in an active state (see paragraph 12). Palver was
expected to enter the densely populated orbit on the morning of 13th of May. In order to
prevent any more damage and harm to the peaceful use of Space, an ASAT missile was
launched by Koligian to end Palver 2's "dance of death" (see paragraph 14) This action is not
inconsistent with international law as it is tantamount to the prevention of breach of peace and
a removal of such threat to peace. The law for this ratiocination is Art. 1(1) if the UN Charter 10
which stipulates categorically that one of the purposes of the UN is to take effective collective
measures for the prevention and removal of the threats to the peace and for the suppression of
acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace. Thus, Koligian did not breach Art. 2(4) of UN
Charter which states that Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat
or use of any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the UN. Koligian did
something consistent with the purposes of the UN by removing the threat to international
peace which was the destruction of Palver 2 (see art 1(1) of UN Charter).
Thus the use of the ASAT missile against Palver 2 is tantamount to the removal of threat to
international peace.
Issue 4
Koligan is not Liable under International Law for the Damage of Palver 2
In light of the conclusion in Issue 3 above that Koligian acted in accordance with
international law, the issue of whether Koligian is liable will now be addressed. Koligian is
not liable for the damage alleged by Agryliam under the OST,11 the Liability Convention12
A. Xenovia is Not Liable for the Damage of Palver 2 under the Outer Space Treaty
Respondent did not violate any of the provisions of the OST and is therefore not
internationally liable for the damage of Palver 2. Respondent is not at fault for the damages
caused to Applicant’s space object as Applicant’s own negligence caused the damage.
B. Respondent Is Not Liable for the Damage of Palver 2 under Article III of the Liability
A separate regime of liability is established under LIAB which builds on the Article VII OST
liability regime14.
The Liability Convention of 1972 deals specifically with issues of liability, developing the notion
in Article VI of the OST15. The Respondent takes cognizance of the legal maxim lex specialis
derogat legi generali, which states that a more specific law governing a particular legal issue
takes precedence over a general law. As a State Party to the Liability Convention, Respondent is
Armel Kerrest and Lesley Jane Smith, Article II (LIAB) in II COLOGNE COMMENTARY ON SPACE LAW 119 (Hobe et.
al., eds., 2009)).
According to Article III of the Liability Convention, in the event of damage being caused
elsewhere than on the surface of the Earth to a space object of a launching State by a space
object of another launching State, the latter shall be liable only if the damage is due to its fault.17
The question that begs an answer is “is koligian at fault for the damage of Palver 2?” The answer
is negative because the respondent(koligian) is not liable to Applicant for the damage of Palver
2 under Article III of the Liability Convention, because the damage caused is not due to
Respondent’s fault.
Article III LIAB establishes a fault-based liability regime for damage caused in outer space18.
Although the concept of ‘fault’ is uncommon in international law,19 Koligian submits that fault
and Koligian did not breach any of its international obligations in conducting a
The Applicant’s claim against Respondent under Article III of the Liability Convention is
unsustainable, as the damage caused to Palver 2 was not due to Respondent’s fault. Article
III of the Convention provides: “In the event of damage being caused elsewhere than on the
surface of the earth to a space object of one launching State… by a space object of another
launching State, the latter shall be liable only if the damage is due to its fault or the fault of
Respondent was merely exercising her duty of ensuring International Peace. Palver 2
was a threat to this peace as stated in issue 3.21 The action of Koligian in destroying Palver 2 was
solely to prevent it from exploding especially since it was moving towards a densely populated
In order to establish fault and causation, recourse would be taken to principles of General
international law22. The OST and liability convention do not define fault.
The principal obligation of States with a fault standard is due diligence23. Due diligence is the
standard of care used by a state acting in good faith towards its neighbors. Koligian acted in good
towards its neighbors. A carefusal of the extant case shows that agrliam had in the past caused
great destruction in space with same Palver 2. It must be noted that they denied responsibility for
their actions with the defense that charalgh provided them with the wrong information. Now,
they have lost total control of the same object that caused great destruction in the past.
Koligian was only doing her due diligence by ensuring that she protects international peace as
the damage of Palver 2 was inevitable but the damage it would have caused in space was avoided
by Koligian. Hence koligian cannot bear liability as it only performed its duty in line with the
Assuming but not conceding that Koligian was at fault under Article 111 of the LIAB,
Koligian is still exculpated from absolute liability under Section V11 of the LIAB
It must be noted that Palver is a weapon of mass destruction. This has been established in the
statement of fact where it caused a huge destruction to the earth orbit during the Irriod 8 case. It
must also be noted that the destruction was done irrespective of the data given be Chaldean. It
was on a greater route of destruction possibly the worst that outer space have experienced. It was
moving uncontrolled towards a densely populated area with over 150 satellites most of which
were in a constellation. These satellites provide global internet services including airtime and
maritime use. There was an impeding danger on Koligian, on outer space, on lives, space objects
and the economy of other states including Koligian’s. It is only a fool or a paralyzed state that
would sit and watch the same object that caused it great economic loss cause an even greater
loss. Thus the action of Koligian in launching the Direct Ascent ASAT weapon was an act of self
defense, it is a very smart and proportionate action. There are other type of ASAT missiles like
the Nuclear Powered ASAT weapon which would have made them liable under Art 3 of the OST
but they launched the Direct Ascent which uses Kinetic energy thus Koligian cannot be liable for
damage of Palver 2 as its action was self defense which is in line with Customary International
2. The Damage of Palver 2 was Inevitable
It is inevitable that Palver 2 would be damaged even before the ASAT missile was launched.
From the statement of fact, it can be gleaned from para 12 of the statement of fact that Agryliam
unexpectedly lost control of Palver 2 thus control could not be restored and there was a
The claimant might argue that it was just a 3% chance that Palver 3 would explode but “In the
meantime, the uncontrolled Palver-2 was drifting toward a densely populated orbit, in which
there were 150 functioning satellites. Most of these satellites were in a constellation operated by
an international consortium to provide global Internet services, including for aircraft and
maritime use. The individual satellites were registered in several states, including, five registered
in Koligian. Palver-2 was expected to enter this orbit on 13 May 2031 which was 3 days later.
Palver 2 was already moving towards its own destruction and that of other satellites in
constellation. In paragraph 13, Agryliam declared on the 11th of may, 2 days away from the that
she would commit the utter negligence of launching the SSV which “had not yet been launched
and tested in space”. Thereby contravening the provisions of… One thing is certain, Palver 2 was
uncontrolled and would be damaged in 2 days. If nothing was to be done, not only will it be
damaged, other satellites will be and this would definitely lead to mass destruction of space
objects, injury on the earth surface and general threat to peace internationally. Either way it
would be damaged. Thus Koligan can not be said to be at fault rather Agryliam is. Thereby