Transcript TEST 5

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1. 4.
(A) She’s unpacking some merchandise. (A) There are boots standing on the floor.
(B) She’s folding some clothing. (B) Some shirts are suspended from a rack.
(C) She’s looking at her reflection. (C) A sign has been placed in between some books.
(D) She’s cleaning off the mirror. (D) Shoes are being packed into boxes.
2. 5.
(A) They’re splashing in the pool. (A) Some people are seated on a bench.
(B) They’re resting beneath a patio umbrella. (B) Musicians are surrounded by an audience.
(C) They’re setting up chairs in a row. (C) One of the women has a guitar sitting in her lap.
(D) They’re walking side by side near the water. (D) A performer is bowing on the stage.
3. 6.
(A) Baked goods are being taken out of the oven. (A) A railing runs along some stairs.
(B) Some food is being served on plates. (B) A river flows past a garden.
(C) The chef is sampling some pastries. (C) A trash can is situated next to a bench.
(D) The man is scrubbing a tray in the kitchen. (D) A bridge spans the waterway.

7. Didn’t Bernard Cook design the newly opened war memorial? 8. Do you have enough lumber to complete the front railing?
(A) It was very well done. (A) Yes, just barely.
(B) I live near Wilson Plaza. (B) Our building tools.
(C) Yes. Isn’t it inspirational? (C) I'll meet you out front.
9. Which suitcase did you decide to buy in the end? 10. Let’s get clarification about the dress code from Ms. Winters.
(A) The gray suit is the most formal. (A) No, my address hasn’t changed.
(B) I forgot the brand’s name. (B) She’s out of the office right now.
(C) Because I’m going on a trip. (C) Just the confirmation number.
11. Why isn’t Robert playing in the championship game? 12. Would you mind greeting delegates when they arrive?
(A) I have an extra ticket. (A) I delegated it to Sandra.
(B) Because he got injured. (B) Sure, that’s no problem.
(C) Congratulations on winning it! (C) I'll find out.
13. How often does the home improvement store give product 14. Who should I fax the invoice to?
demonstrations? (A) You should voice your opinion.
(A) Every Saturday. (B) Mr. Steele fixed it.
(B) For home repairs. (C) Generally, Ms. Young pays the bills.
(C) In the main showroom.
15. We don’t have to turn in our budget summaries today, do we? 16. I’m planning to renovate my kitchen.
(A) You should keep going straight. (A) Yes, I really enjoy cooking.
(B) No, you have until next week. (B) In about two months.
(C) The expenses were surprising. (C) Be sure to get a reliable contractor.
17. The prototype was approved for production, wasn't it? 18. There’s plenty of room for advancement at this company.
(A) I haven’t heard either way. (A) Yes, I made the payment in advance.
(B) Check the label on the product. (B) Could you give me an example?
(C) Proof of insurance. (C) There are five rooms total.
19. How did Amy find a caterer for the event? 20. Should we hold the session in the morning or in the afternoon?
(A) Through a friend’s recommendation. (A) Before lunch would be better.
(B) A four-course meal. (B) It’s too heavy to hold.
(C) It is located next to City Hall. (C) We found it very informative.
21. When would you like me to give you the list of volunteers? 22. Have you reported your overtime hours to the accounting
(A) I’m surprised that you volunteered. department?
(B) Before you leave for the day. (A) To finish an urgent project.
(C) For a charity marathon. (B) When are they due?
(C) Yes, they usually do.
23. Do I need to keep both copies of the receipt? 24. Why has the Coleman Bridge been closed to traffic?
(A) One sheet is for the customer. (A) A few days, according to the report.
(B) They’re in the register. (B) By the transportation department.
(C) I haven’t received it yet. (C) Actually, just one lane is closed.
25. The number of participants for the training is much higher than 26. Who will be featured at tomorrow night’s debate?
expected. (A) The candidates for mayor.
(A) He’ll most likely be hired. (B) Promptly at eight o’clock.
(B) I participated last year. (C) I'd be happy to.
(C) Then we'll need a larger venue.
27. The review is missing some important figures. 28. You'll be arriving in Istanbul on June 6, won't you?
(A) I lost my bag, too. (A) It’s a national holiday.
(B) We imported several boxes. (B) No, the convention was postponed.
(C) That'll be a problem. (C) Yes, he’s leaving in the morning.
29. Are you taking pain medication for your ankle, or did the doctor 30. This advertisement exceeds the magazine’s size limit.
advise against it? (A) Then we’ll have to make it smaller.
(A) I’m supposed to put ice on it. (B) Business News Monthly.
(B) Yes, it was helpful advice. (C) One issue per month.
(C) At the Mondale Community Clinic.
31. Aren’t Grayson brand appliances offered at a reduced price this
(A) I need a new washing machine for my home.
(B) We should put a coupon in the newspaper.
(C) No, but there’s a free gift with each purchase.
Questions 32-34 Questions 35-37
M: Hi. I’m calling to order a large, high definition flat-screen TV and a W: Hello. I’m here to deliver this fruit basket to the patient in room 416.
surround-sound stereo attachment. I don’t need any help with the at- M: I think you must have the wrong room number. The whole west wing
home installation, so I’d like to just come in tomorrow to pick them up. is closed for construction, so those rooms aren’t occupied at the moment.
Is that going to be possible? Could you tell me the patient’s name?
W: Certainly. But you should know that we’re closing at 6 P.M. W: The order is addressed to...Ms. Greta Downs.
tomorrow instead of our usual time of 8 RM. We’re taking inventory of M: Let me see if I can find her name in our database. Hmm...She’s
our entire stock. currently in our critical care unit, so she’s not allowed visitors. l can take
M: Oh, I see. In that case, I won’t be able to get there in time. Would this up to her later.
you mind telling me how much it would cost for delivery minus the
Questions 38-40 Questions 41-43
M: Hello. This is Vernon King, and it’s my first day here. I’m assisting W: It seems that our wedding bouquets are growing in popularity. A lot
Wayne Powell on his medical research, and I have a question for Lance of people who have used our floral services have recommended them to
Jacobs, the head of security. Could I speak to him now? their friends.
W: I’m sorry. He’s in a conference call at the moment. What seems to be M: I know. However, getting personal recommendations is not going to
the problem? be enough. To stay competitive, we need to get a professional to
M: Well, I haven’t received my access code for the restricted section of redesign our Web site.
the database yet. W: I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I set up a meeting with Langdon’s
W: According to our records, a request was made yesterday but hasn’t Web Design. They have a proven track record in online retailing, and
been approved yet. Mr. Jacobs can approve it as soon as he’s available, they are sending a representative here to go over our options.
so it will be ready after lunch. He’ll e-mail it to you directly.
Questions 44-46 Questions 47-49
M: Excuse me. I think one of your dryers is malfunctioning. I keep W: This food is wonderful, and I’m amazed by the wide variety of
turning it on, but after about sixty seconds it seems to just turn itself off. dishes offered here. How’s your meal?
I even tried holding down the start button, but that didn’t work either. M: It’s delicious. The flavors are well-balanced, and the prices are also
W: I think I know the one you mean. The timer on machine number quite reasonable. I wonder if this restaurant would deliver to our office.
seven keeps breaking down. I’ll call the engineer out again. This food would be perfect for the orientation meeting we’re in charge
M: Okay. Should I try another machine, or do I need to come back later? of next month. I'm sure the staff would love it. Don’t you agree?
W: Number ten, the one in the far corner, isn’t in use now. I’ll help you W: I’m not sure whether or not there is delivery, but it’s an excellent
move your laundry over and then give you your money back for the idea. Why don’t we ask the waiter? He could explain the options for off-
coins you already put in. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. site events.
Questions 50-52 Questions 53-55
M: Hi, Molly. ls everything ready for the proposal for the Gateway W: How was your trip to Singapore?
Foundation grant? M: It was quite hectic. I had to attend the Engineering Conference and
W: I’ve nearly completed it, but I don’t have the initial figures from our meet with the leaders of Singapore’s structural design team.
first round of testing. You’re the one who compiled that data, right? W: Wow. You must be exhausted. Oh, I almost forgot. Peter Mannings
M: Oh, you’re right. I prepared the file with the findings so far, but I called. He was asking for you.
forgot to send the raw data to you. It’s completed, so I'll e-mail it to you M: No way! The great Peter Mannings? I can’t believe it.
shortly. W: I know. He said you met at the conference.
W: Thank you. Representatives from Gateway are coming first thing M: Yes, we spoke after his talk on steel bridges. I even invited him to
tomorrow to discuss whether we will get this funding. I'd like to print the conduct a seminar for our engineers.
informational materials today to have them ready before the morning. W: That would be a great learning opportunity for everyone.
Will you have some time to take care of that after lunch today? M: I completely agree.
Questions 56-58 Questions 59-61
M1: Hey, Liza! Congratulations on becoming a supervisor. W: Is this for real? We’re closing in 30 minutes, but there’s still a long
W: Thanks, Ralph. I didn’t see it coming. I thought the company would line of customers buying coffee.
hire someone outside to fill the position. Oh, what if I can’t handle the M1: Yeah. Since the new office buildings across the street opened, a lot
job well? of people have been coming by the shop every day. We really need to
M2: Don’t say that. I’ve been there. At first, being a team leader was extend our business hours.
challenging for me, but I eventually got used to it. M2: And it’s necessary to add more tables and chairs. Can we do both of
W: Maybe I’m just overwhelmed. I haven't managed a team before. those things, Rose?
M1: There’s nothing to worry about. You’ve helped us plan projects and W: I think our budget will allow us to expand some more seating. I'll
train people before. You'll be fine. contact our contractor tomorrow morning.
M2: That’s right. You can do it, Liza. M2: What about the possibility of extending our hours?
W: Thanks, guys. I’m lucky to have coworkers like you. W: It’s not a good idea to do that without hiring new staff first. Don’t be
M1: So, what are we waiting for? Let’s celebrate! concerned. I can just assign longer shifts to our current staff.
Questions 62-64 Questions 65-67
W: Hi. I'd like to apply for a new business loan. I have a small café W: Hello, Wayne. Did you book Conference Room B today?
downtown, and I’m opening a second location. M: Hi, Martha. Yes, I did. I have a job interview at four o’clock. Why?
M: Okay. To obtain the loan you must provide your financial records W: My team has a video conference call with our London counterparts at
and a copy of your new business plan. that time. I reserved a small meeting room because I thought not
W: I haven't written one. everyone had to come. Unfortunately, I was recently informed that the
M: Then you'll need to meet with Ms. Brady. She can tell you about entire team must attend. We now need a bigger space.
what other options there are in more detail. She has two openings in her M: Hmm...Why don’t we exchange rooms? I don’t need a large one
schedule tomorrow. If you want, I can book you for one of those. anyway.
W: I work every day until 2:30 P.M. I’ll come by after that. W: Really? Thank you so much. I’ll ask Jill to change our room
M: Okay, she’ll see you tomorrow then! reservations and notify you.
M: Sure, anytime.
Questions 68-70
M: Have you read the news? Vehicle sales all over the country went down by 30 percent this quarter.
W: Yeah, it has affected a lot of car companies like ours. How was your sales record?
M: It didn’t look good. My team could have done better. Well, Jason remained a top performer, but Christian and Phil...they need to step up. I’m
going to see them tomorrow to discuss their performance.
W: Sorry to hear that. What about your new member?
M: Ryan? Oh, he’s amazing. He met the quota for the last quarter. Too bad he’s not yet qualified for the incentive program like the rest of the team.
Only one of them will get a bonus, actually.
W: Well, you’re still lucky. It’s hard to find someone like Ryan nowadays.
Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone message Questions 74-76 refer to the following radio broadcast
W: Hello. This is Denise Courtney from Indica Clinic calling on behalf W: You’re listening to the hourly traffic report on WKKL Radio.
of Dr. Ramus. The doctor has asked me to remind you to skip breakfast Drivers are experiencing long delays on Roth Avenue due to the heavy
prior to your appointment at 9 A.M. on May 7 because it could affect snowfall from last night. Nearly nine inches of snow is covering the
your test results. If you are currently taking any pills or other road, and vehicles are getting stuck. The city has begun clearing major
medication, then please contact the clinic so we can add that information roadways, but the progress is slow. Therefore, you should take the
to your records. Our number is 555-2094, which is the same number you subway if possible to avoid further delays. And, unfortunately, more
should call if you have any questions. snow and freezing rain is expected tonight. As a safety precaution,
Randall Bridge will be closed all day tomorrow on account of the icy
conditions. We’ll have another traffic update at five o’clock.
Questions 77-79 refer to the following advertisement Questions 80-82 refer to the following telephone message
M: The Heights Golf Resort is open for the season. Following a W: Hello, Mr. Hong? This is Samantha from Essential Home. I’m very
construction project that added a lake on the 5th and 14th holes, the sorry, but we just realized that your recent order was filled incorrectly.
course is now ready for play. Known for its breathtaking landscape on This week your order was inadvertently sent to another customer, and
the Scottish coastline, The Heights has won numerous course-design you will soon receive theirs. We will immediately repackage your order
awards. As a welcome gift for new members, every application form and send it to your address along with a postage-paid box. Please return
comes with an entry into a prize draw to win a complete set of clubs the incorrect order in that box. Additionally, we will include a coupon
from Bobcat Sports. for ten dollars off your next purchase to compensate you for the
inconvenience. Please call customer service at 1-800-555-2940 with any
further questions. Thank you.
Questions 83-85 refer to the following introduction Questions 86-88 refer to the following telephone message
W: Thank you, everyone. To conclude this evening’s ceremony, I want M: Hi, Susan. It’s Jeremiah. I need to tell you something about Mark
to introduce Mr. Harvey Levine who is retiring as the CEO of Executive Stroud, one of the biggest accounts of yours. Mr. Stroud’s assistant said
Solutions. Mr. Levine came to us ten years ago from the world of luxury that he is unable to make it to tomorrow’s meeting. He has to go out of
vehicles and his remarkable skills as a salesperson have served us well. town on business unexpectedly. Therefore, he’d like to reschedule the
His management has increased our profitability by forty percent over the meeting for... uh...Friday morning at 9 A.M. I know you’re supposed to
years. That’s well known. Before he leaves, we will give Mr. Levine the lead the training of the interns at that time, but don’t worry. I’ll cover it
opportunity to reflect on his decade here. Please put your hands together for you. As you know, I led it last year, so I know what to do. The
and help me welcome him to the stage. meeting is much more important, so it should be given top priority.
Questions 89-91 refer to the following talk Questions 92-94 refer to the following announcement and list
W: Good afternoon. My name is Tracy Moore, and I’m here to tell you M: Attention, shoppers. Johnson Supermarket is always looking for
about a solid investment opportunity. The Renco heater is a heating ways to bring healthy options to our customers. That’s why we’ve
device for your home or office. Most heaters have to be operated recently added an organic foods section, where a wide variety of fruits
manually or work on a pre-set timer. But the Renco heater can be turned and vegetables are available for you and your family. You can find these
on and off from an app on your smartphone. That means you can have it items at the rear of the store, where our employees are serving free
start heating your home shortly before you get there. These days, samples of some of these products all week. Yesterday our flavorful bell
consumers are looking for opportunities to reduce their energy usage. peppers were a hit, and today we’re giving out juicy apples. We
For your information, this is the way. I've prepared some preliminary encourage you to stop by and give them a try. And please remember that
profit estimates, which were passed out to you when you arrived. Please Johnson Supermarket will be closed tomorrow in observance of National
take a moment now to look these over. Independence Day. Thank you.
Questions 95-97 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting and list Questions 98-100 refer to the following talk and chart
W: Last month finalized the legal process for merging our two W: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Portland Enterprises. The
companies. From now on, we will operate under the new title Hologram competition at the final interview stage was strong this year.
International, with Jerry Rayner acting as the sales director and Lynn should all feel proud to have been hired. Today, you will
Spears in charge of marketing. As part of the ongoing process of learn all about our company through several information sessions. You
integrating our administration operations, we will slowly switch to a new will attend each session in small groups based on the departments you
management system. We expect some integration challenges between were hired for. This particular group received the largest number of
the two sides of the business. Our head of HR, Kelly Young, has applicants, so you should be even more pleased that you were able to
volunteered to be a point of contact regarding these issues. Please call secure a position here. Finally, I want to warn you that you may feel
her to report any problems you’ve had with the transition. Now...uh...I'll nervous with a lot of details in today’s sessions, but don’t worry. I’ll
briefly open the floor to questions before we break for lunch. give you copies of the speakers’ notes later on.

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