Saep 331

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-331 27 January 2019

Project Schedule Requirements
Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Standards Committee


1. Introduction .............................................. 2
2. References .............................................. 3
3. Schedule Tools ........................................ 4
4. Business Plan Project Schedule .............. 4
5. Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) .. 6
6. Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) 7
7. Level II Project Milestone Schedule ......... 8
8. Level III Project Summary Schedule ...... 10
9. Level IV Project Control Schedule ......... 13
10. Project Completion Schedule ................ 16
11. Progress Measurement System ............ 20
12. Schedule Reporting Requirements ........ 22
Attachment 1 – Exhibits .............................. 26
Attachment 2 – FEL Scheduling
Documents .................................................. 48
Attachment 3 – Execution Scheduling
Documents .................................................. 56
Attachment 4 – EPM for Schedule
Management ............................................... 81

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Contacts: NIAZMA © Saudi Aramco 2018. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Project Management Office Standards Committee
Issue Date: 27 January 2019 SAEP-331
Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

1. Introduction

This engineering procedure provides a consistent and uniform approach to the
development and review of project schedules and related documents and reports. This
procedure is applicable to all projects that apply the Saudi Aramco Capital
Management System (CMS) that are reported through the Monthly Project Update
(MPU) and Project Planning Update (PPU) reports within SAP, except for Master
Appropriations (BI-19), Maintain Potential, Annual Maintenance Expenses for SABG
Schools (BI-20&23), Corporate Donation (BI-26), Home Loans for Company
Employees (BI-27), Exploration projects (BI-33), Unconventional Gas Exploration (BI-
34), Development Drilling projects (BI-60) and third party owned projects.
For Budget Items (BI) following the Enterprise Project Management (EPM) process, the
construction agency ensures that the contractor as well as Saudi Aramco internal
stakeholders follow the EPM guidelines for schedule management requirements.
This procedure shall be used by all personnel requesting Project Management Office
Department (PMOD) for the development/review/endorsement of schedules and
schedule-related documents and reports.

BI Budget Item
BISR Budget Item Summary Report
CA Construction Agency
CMS Capital Management System
CPM Critical Path Method
DBSP Design Basis Scoping Paper
EPM Enterprise Project Management
EPS Enterprise Project Structure
ER Expenditure Request
ERA Expenditure Request Approval
FEL Front End Loading
FPD Facilities Planning Department
FMCC Final Mechanical Completion Certificate
IFC Issue For Construction
IPT Integrated Project Team
JO Job Order
MC Mechanical Completion
MPU Monthly Project Update
MSS Master Scheduling System

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MTO Material Take Off

OS On Stream
PAER Prior Approval Expenditure Request
PB Planning Brief
PBISR Proposal Budget Item Summary Report
PCD Project Controls Division
PCS Project Completion Schedule
PCR Project Change Request
PEP Project Execution Plan
PMC Project Management Contractor
PMD Project Metrics Division
PMS Progress Measurement System
PMOD Project Management Office Department
PPU Project Planning Update
PSU Planning and Scheduling Unit
SAP Systems Applications – Enterprise Resource Planning
SWBS Schedule Work Breakdown Structure
VA Value Assurance
WER Work Element Release

2. References
The editions of the following reference documents that are in effect on the project’s
standards cut-off date (see SAEP-14, Sec. 3.2.8) are applicable to this procedure:
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-12 Project Execution Plan
SAEP-14 Project Proposal
SAEP-25 Estimate Preparation Guidelines
SAEP-40 Value Assurance Process
SAEP-303 Engineering Reviews of Project Documentation
SAEP-329 Project Close-out Reports
SAEP-367 Value Improving Practices Requirements
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) Preparation and
Saudi Aramco General Instruction
GI-20.520 Project Change Requests
GI-20.520-1 Instructions for Preparing Project Change Request

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GI-02.710 Mechanical Completion and Performance Acceptance of

Saudi Aramco Manuals
Cost and Scheduling Manual
Project Controls Division Manual
Front End Loading (FEL) Manual
Integrated Project Team (IPT) Manual
Target Setting (TS) Process Guidelines
RAPID Matrix - FEL 1-3
EPM Manual and Guides
PMOD/PMD Reference Documents
Business Plan Project Schedule Standard Template
Level I Project Master Schedule Standard Template
Project Completion Schedule (PCS) Template

3. Schedule Tools
The scheduling tool to be utilized is primarily dependent on the project phase and the
level of schedule that needs to be developed. Level of schedules are discussed in
detail from Section 4 to Section 9.
A standard template developed by PMOD/PMD/PSU in company-approved
spreadsheet software, shall be used for the development of the following levels of
 Business Plan Project Schedule
 Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial)
 Level I Project Master Schedule (Update)
 Schedule durations shall utilize the month as the unit of time for the schedule
levels listed above.
Company-approved Critical Path Method (CPM) based scheduling software shall
be used for the development of the following levels of schedules;
 Level II Project Milestone Schedule
 Level III Project Summary Schedule
 Level IV Project Control Schedule
Schedule durations shall utilize the day (with relevant work hours indicated) as the unit
of time for the schedule levels listed above.

4. Business Plan Project Schedule


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A list of activities represented in a bar-chart format. Business Plan Project Schedule is

developed by PMOD from the Planning Brief (PB), historical data, internal and external
relevant durations benchmarks, market conditions and other supporting information.
This schedule identifies preliminary durations for project planning and execution
phases to support the proposed company three-year Business Plan.
Preliminary durations established in the Business Plan Project Schedule are used to
prepare the cash flow required for each project identified within the proposed company
three-year Business Plan. These durations are maintained in the Master Scheduling
System (MSS).
The Business Plan Project Schedule includes activities for each of the following:
a) Development of FEL 1, FEL 2 and FEL 3
b) Relevant gate approvals
c) Bid Package preparation, bidding and evaluation
d) Finalizing estimate and ERA
e) Contract award
f) Detailed Design
g) Procurement
h) Construction leading to Mechanical Completion (MC)
i) Commissioning leading to On-Stream (OS)
j) Pre-funding summary duration
k) Post-funding summary duration
l) MSS Pre-funding duration
m) MSS Post-funding duration
Application and Timing
This schedule is applicable to all characterizations of projects stated in Section 1.1,
except C1 projects.
FPD annually prepares and publishes the Capital Program Processing Schedule,
which establishes the dates when Business Plan Project Schedules are required.

The Business Plan Project Schedule development request is submitted by FPD to
PMOD/PMD/PSU as per the Capital Program Processing Schedule upon finalizing the
documents necessary to support the request.
PMOD/PMD/PSU reviews the submitted request and supporting documentation,
validates the provision of the minimum documents required and clarifies the project
definition as applicable. After clarification and internal peer review, the required
Business Plan Project Schedule is developed by PSU. The outcome is compiled into
spreadsheet format and provided to FPD for update of the MSS data.

Business Plan Project Schedule Development Request Package

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See Attachment 1 - Exhibit I for the minimum list of documents required for the
development of the Business Plan Project Schedule.

5. Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial)

A list of high-level activities, tasks or events represented in a bar-chart format that are
developed by PMOD. It summarizes the preliminary durations for project planning and
execution phases and includes major project milestones. It focuses on supporting
identified alternatives that will be further explored during the following FEL stage.
The Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) includes milestones and high-level, single
activity durations for each of the following:
a) As-built FEL 1
b) Development of FEL 2 and FEL 3
c) Relevant phase VA reviews and gate approvals
d) Bid Package preparation, bidding and evaluation
e) Finalizing estimate and ERA
f) Contract award
g) Detailed design
h) Procurement
i) Construction leading to MC
j) Commissioning leading to OS
k) Pre-funding summary duration
l) Post-funding summary duration
m) MSS pre-funding duration
n) MSS post-funding duration
The Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) is developed in the same manner as the
Business Plan Project Schedule and includes any additional updates/new information
based upon the current scope definition provided by the IPT.

Application and Timing

This schedule is applicable to characterization A and B of projects stated in Section
The Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) is a deliverable of the FEL 1 Business
Case; hence, it is finalized as per CMS RAPID Matrix before the project proceeds to
the next stage.

The IPT Leader initiates the request for development of the Level I Project Master
Schedule (Initial) upon finalizing the required supporting documents.

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

PMOD/PMD/PSU reviews the submitted request and supporting documentation and

validates the provision of minimum documents required and clarifies project definition
as applicable. After clarifications and internal reviews, the required Level I Project
Master Schedule (Initial) is developed by PSU. The outcome is compiled into
spreadsheet format and provided to the IPT Leader.

Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) Development Request Package

See Attachment 1 - Exhibit II for the minimum list of documents required for
development of the Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial).

6. Level I Project Master Schedule (Update)

The Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) is an update of the Level I Project
Master Schedule (Initial) developed during the previous FEL phase. It includes the
preliminary durations of the identified alternatives for the project to support the
economic analysis. The Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) with preliminary
durations of each identified alternative, is an essential document to assist the
stakeholders with the decision making process at the end of FEL 2 Study phase.
The Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) includes milestones and high-level,
single activity durations for identified alternatives for each of the following:
a) As-built FEL 1 Business Case and FEL 2 Study
b) Development of remaining FEL 2 and FEL 3
c) Relevant phase VA reviews and gate approvals
d) Bid package preparation, bidding and evaluation
e) Finalizing estimate and ERA
f) Contract award
g) Detailed design
h) Procurement
i) Construction leading to MC
j) Commissioning leading to OS
k) Pre-funding summary duration
l) Post-funding summary duration
m) MSS pre-funding duration
n) MSS post-funding duration

Application and Timing

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This schedule is applicable to characterization A, B, C and C1 projects stated in

Section 1.1. The Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) is a deliverable of the FEL 2
Study phase and is finalized as per CMS RAPID matrix before the project proceeds to
the next phase.

The IPT Leader initiates the request for development of the Level I Project Master
Schedule (Update) upon finalizing the required supporting documents.
PMOD/PMD/PSU reviews the submitted request and supporting documentation and
validates the provision of minimum documents required, clarifies project definition as
applicable. After clarifications and internal reviews, the required Level I Project Master
Schedule (Update) is prepared by PSU. Each alternative and outcome is compiled into
spreadsheet format and provided to the IPT Leader to assist stakeholders in decision-

Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) Request Package

Attachment 1 - Exhibit III provides minimum list of documents required for preparation
of Level I Project Master Schedule (Update).

7. Level II Project Milestone Schedule

The Level II Project Milestone Schedule is developed during the FEL 2 DBSP phase
after the main elements of the project’s selected alternative have been further
developed, major engineering decisions have been made and the overall project
design basis is established (see SAEP-1350, Sec. 7). It provides supplementary
visibility of the previously identified high-level activities to support the planning and
execution of the scope of work in the Design Basis Scoping Paper.
The Level II Project Milestone Schedule is the first schedule prepared using company
approved Critical Path Method (CPM) based scheduling software and utilizes critical
path analysis of the logically driven activities and milestones to ensure the proposed
durations are sufficient to complete project scope.

Application and Timing

This schedule is applicable to characterization A, B, C and C1 of projects stated in
Section 1.1.
The Level II Project Milestone Schedule is required as an essential supporting
deliverable of the FEL 2 DBSP phase. The Level II Project Milestone Schedule Review
Request, along with required supporting deliverables, shall be submitted at least three
(3) weeks prior to commencement of VA process, to enable the schedule review in line
with corresponding FEL 2 DBSP gate requirements.


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The IPT Leader initiates the schedule review request upon availability of the Level II
Project Milestone Schedule and the required project deliverables as per Attachment 1 -
Exhibit IV to support the schedule review.
PMOD/PMD/PSU reviews the Level II Project Milestone Schedule Review Request and
supporting documentation and validates the provision of minimum documents required,
clarifies project definition as applicable. After clarification, internal reviews of the Level
II Project Milestone Schedule are completed and the outcome of the review is provided
to the IPT Leader. The IPT Leader shall ensure that identified gaps and deficiencies
are addressed in a timely manner in line with the corresponding FEL 2 DBSP gate

Level II Project Milestone Schedule Review Request Package

See Attachment 1 - Exhibit IV for the minimum list of documents required for the Level
II Project Milestone Schedule review.

Level II Project Milestone Schedule – Key Elements

7.5.1 Schedule Work Breakdown Structure
The schedule work breakdown structure (SWBS) divides the project into
manageable portions of work to facilitate planning and control. The SWBS must
identify the total work to be performed and may vary by the project type and sub-
type (For a list of types and sub-types, see SAEP-25 Sample I ) and shall be
developed in conjunction with the applicable Saudi Aramco Unit Area (See SAEP-
25 Sample II). As applicable, Unit Areas can be sub-dividied to account for specific
requirements of the project scope. The Contractor must submit and seek approval
of its proposed SWBS before adopting. Attachment 1 - Exhibit XI provides a typical
7.5.2 Schedule Contents
The Level II Project Milestone Schedule must include the remainder of FEL 2
DBSP and FEL 3 activities and must address the complete scope of the project as
per the DBSP. Attachment 2 Item 9 provides a sample of detailed list of activities
that need to be included in a Level II Project Milestone Schedule. The contractor
must submit and seek approval of its proposed list of activities from Integrated
Project Team (IPT) before adopting.
7.5.3 Schedule Quality
Besides many other factors, the ability to forecast accurate completion dates also
depends upon the quality measures taken during schedule development.
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIV Schedule Quality Checklist provides the minimum
quality measures that must be met when developing the Level II Project Milestone
7.5.4 Schedule Activity Coding Structure
Activity codes help filter, group, and sort activities to facilitate multi-dimensional
schedule analysis and reporting. Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIII - Activity Codes
mandates the minimum activity coding requirements. Use of EPS activity codes
shall not be used. Projects with multiple packages must set and use Global activity

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7.5.5 Basis of Level II Project Milestone Schedule

The Basis of Level II Project Milestone Schedule document explains in detail how
the Level II Project Milestone Schedule is prepared. It must cover all aspects of
Level II Project Milestone Schedule development, including schedule structure,
project scope, duration basis, inclusions, exclusions, assumptions and risks
associated with the project. See Item 10 of Attachment 2 for details regarding the
Basis of Level II Project Milestone Schedule document.
7.5.6 Integrated Summary Schedule
Programs and projects with multiple packages must produce an Integrated
Summary Level Schedule that must include, at a minimum, the summary level
activities for each package. It must also identify major design and construction
interfaces at the package, project and program level. Item 13 of Attachment 2
explains in detail the requirements of Integrated Summary Schedule.

8. Level III Project Summary Schedule

The Level III Project Summary Schedule is built on the schedule from the previous
phase and is a CPM-based, fully resource-loaded schedule. Activities for each phase
are logically linked to produce the project’s overall duration and resource requirements
based on the scope defined in the Project Proposal.
Level III Project Summary Schedule provides the basis for key milestone dates and
durations reflected in Issue for Bid Packages (IFB) and subsequently included in the
Attachment -II of Schedule "B" of the Contract. Any changes in Level III Project
Summary Schedule after IFB shall be addressed through addendum.
An agreed Level III Project Summary Schedule establishes the baseline for project
durations control of the subsequent phases of the project and represents basis for
Expenditure Request Approval (ERA). This schedule is used for the development of
the company Project Completion Schedule (Revision 00), see 10 for details.
Major elements to assist review of the Level III Project Summary Schedule include:
a) Level III Project Summary Schedule and basis of Level III Project Summary
b) Project Proposal
c) Final PEP (see SAEP-12, Sec. 1.3)
d) Final Contracting Strategy
e) Final Constructability review report
f) Issued for design drawings and diagrams
g) Sized equipment list for process, utility and electrical
h) Engineered & non-engineered items material requisitions and formal quotations
i) List of scope changes from approved DBSP with schedule impact

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j) Commissioning and start-up requirements

k) Required agreement for shutdown windows
l) Market Outlook Study, as applicable
m) Benchmarking (Key Metrics Report)
n) Schedule Risk Assessment Report

Application and Timing

This schedule is applicable to characterization A, B, C and C1 of projects stated in
Section 1.1.
The Level III Project Summary Schedule is an essential deliverable of FEL 3 Project
Proposal. A complete Level III Project Summary Schedule review package shall be
submitted to PMOD/PMD/PSU at least four (4) weeks prior to the commencement of
VA process to enable schedule review in line with the corresponding FEL 3 gate

8.3.1 Construction Agency
Construction agency leads the Integrated Project Team (IPT) during FEL 3 and is
responsible for the development and submission of Level III Project Summary
Schedule Review package. Major responsibilities include:
 Engaging IPT and relevent Project Controls Division during the
development and review of Level III Project Summary Schedule
 Ensuring the schedule produced by contractor is of good quality and
encompasses the entire scope of work as indicated in the Project
Proposal package.
 Ensuring the contractor provides dedicated and experienced scheduling
engineers and other resources to support the development of the Level
III Project Summary Schedule
 Providing PMOD/PMD/PSU the Level III Project Summary Schedule,
and all applicable supporting documentation as per Attachment 1 -
Exhibit V - Level III Project Summary Schedule Review Checklist, for
their review in line with correcponding FEL 3 gate requirements.
8.3.2 PMOD/PMD
Performs the schedule review and vailadation of the Level III Project Summary
Schedule and issues schedule review findings. Once fully satisfied, issues
agreement as per the RAPID® Matrix.
Level III Project Summary Schedule Review Request Package
Attachment I - Exhibit V provides the minimum list of documents required for the Level
III Project Summary Schedule review.

Level III Project Summary Schedule – Key Elements

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8.5.1 Schedule Work Breakdown Structure

The schedule work breakdown structure (SWBS) divides the project into
manageable pieces of work to facilitate planning and control. The SWBS must
identify the total work to be performed and may vary by the project type and sub
type (SAEP 25 Sample I) and shall be developed in conjunction with the applicable
Saudi Aramco Unit Area (SAEP 25 Sample II). As applicable, Unit Areas can be
sub-dividied to account for specific requirements of the project scope. The
Contractor must obtain approval of its proposed SWBS before adopting.
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XI provides a typical SWBS.
8.5.2 Schedule Contents
The Level III Project Summary Schedule must include the remainder of FEL 3
activities and must address the complete scope of work as per the Project Proposal
or detailed design developed in FEL 3. Item 11 of Attachment 2 provides a sample
of the detailed list of activities that are to be included in a Level III Project Summary
Schedule. The contractor must submit and seek approval of its proposed list of
activities before adopting.
8.5.3 Schedule Resource Loading
The Level III Project Summary Schedule is a fully resource loaded schedule.
Schedule activities must be loaded with the relevant phase/discipline and sub-
discipline quantities and man-hours resulting from material take off (MTOs).
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XII provides the minimum requirements pertaining to
schedule resource loading.
8.5.4 Activity Duration Estimates
Estimation of activity durations is one of the critical element and can heavily affect
the outcome of the schedule. When estimating duration for engineering activities,
the direct engineering man-hours and associated engineering documents and
deliverables that need to be produced, shall be considered. Time required for all
stakeholders to review and provide feedback for all the provided engineering
documents and deliverables shall also be considered. Additionally, input from
relevant engineering discipline leads along with production rates from historical
data for similar type and size projects must be considered. Procurement durations
must be based on the most recent quotations obtained for Expenditure Request
estimate. Durations for construction activities must be estimated using construction
quantities and direct man-hours along with historical installation rates from similar
type and size of projects.
8.5.5 Schedule Quality
Besides many other factors, the ability to forecast accurate completion dates also
depends upon the quality measures taken during schedule development.
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIV Schedule Quality Checklist provides the minimum
quality measures that must be adhered to when developing the Level III Project
Summary Schedule.
8.5.6 Schedule Activity Coding Structure
Activity codes help filter, group, and sort activities to facilitate multi-dimensional
schedule analysis and reporting. Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIII - Activity Codes
mandates the minimum activity coding requirements. Use of EPS activity codes is

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strictly prohibited. Projects with multiple packages must set and use Global activity
8.5.7 Basis of Level III Project Summary Schedule
The Basis of Level III Project Summary Schedule document explains in detail how
the Level III Project Summary Schedule has been prepared. It must cover all
aspects of schedule development including structure, project scope, duration basis,
inclusions, exclusions, assumptions and risks associated with the project. See Item
12 of Attachment 2 for details regarding the Basis of Level III Project Summary
Schedule document.
8.5.8 Schedule Risk Analysis Report
Upon development of the Level III Project Summary Schedule, schedule risk
analysis must be considered on all critical projects selected by PMOD. The
resultant Schedule Risk Analysis Report must include the risk register and
qualitative and quantitative impacts of risks and duration analyzer distributions
highlighting the probability of achieving the MC and OS dates established by the
Level III Project Summary Schedule. See Item 14 of Attachment 2 for details
regarding the Schedule Risk Analysis Report.
8.5.9 Integrated Summary Schedule
Programs and projects with multiple packages must produce an Integrated
Summary Level Schedule that must include at a minimum the summary level
activities for each package and must identify major design and construction
interfaces at the package, project and program level. Item 13 of Attachment 2
explains in detail the requirements of the Integrated Summary Schedule.

9. Level IV Project Control Schedule

The Level IV Project Control Schedule is a detailed, CPM-based schedule prepared
after ERA by the selected contractor in accordance with the dates and durations
agreed in the contract. It details the sequence of activities identified in the scope of
work and provides sufficient detail to allow for various reviews and analysis of the
scope of work including the planned, actual and forecast dates and durations, in
addition to the monitoring and control of its progress and performance.
Upon acceptance by the construction agency, the schedule becomes the Contractor's
baseline work schedule and is used for recording and reporting contractor actual
performance and progress.
Major components of the schedule are:
a) Updated Level IV Schedule, baseline and its basis
b) Original and current copies of contract schedules “A”, “B” and “C”
c) Contractor project controls and schedule management procedures
d) Current contractor Progress Measurement System (PMS)
e) Monthly progress report including all attachments

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f) Schedule and Progress Variance Report

g) Engineering and construction dashboards
h) Materials Procurement and Expediting Reports
i) System Schedule, System Progress Summary if in pre-commissioning stage
j) Integrated Program/Project Summary Schedule

Application and Timing

This schedule is applicable to all characterizations of project stated in Section 1.1.
The Level IV Project Control Schedule is developed after ERA by the selected
contractor, after contract award. The contractor prepares the Level IV Project Control
Schedule for construction agency review and acceptance as per the contractual
agreement, but no more than 90 calendar days of contract award, if not specified in the
contract. The contractor shall submit the Level IV Project Control Schedule for review
to the construction agency as per submission frequency determined by the contract
and frequency shall not exceed one month.

9.3.1 Construction Agency
 Engages relevent Project Controls Division during the development and
review of Level IV Project Control Schedule
 Ensures the contractor provides dedicated and experienced scheduling
engineers and other resources to support the development of the Level
IV Project Control Schedule.
 Ensures the contractor develops the Level IV Project Control Schedule
and that it meets the requirements of the contract and this procedure.
 Ensures the contractor takes full responsibility for schedule integration
and maintenance.
 Ensures that contractor, after verification of meeting the above
obligations submits, it to the Construction Agency for their review and
 Defines a common understanding for multiple projects relating to a
single BI and/or multiple BI’s relating to a program for the development
of the Level IV Project Control Schedules, including schedule integration
and maintenance, ensuring a consistent approach across all applicable
 Works with the contractor(s) to ensure that the Level IV Project
Summary Schedule(s) are of good quality and encompass the entire
scope of work as laid out in the contract document and in accordance
with this procedure.
 Upon request provides PMOD/PMD/PSU the Level IV Project Summary
Schedule, and all applicable supporting documentation as defined in
Attachment 1 - Exhibit VI.

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9.3.2 PMOD/PMD
Upon PMOD management request, performs the schedule review and vailadation
of the Level IV Project Control Schedule and issues schedule review findings.
Level IV Project Control Schedule Review Request Package
Exhibit VI of Attachment I provides the minimum list of documents required for Level IV
Project Control Schedule review.

Level IV Project Control Schedule – Key Elements

9.5.1 Schedule Work Breakdown Structure
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XI provides a typical project SWBS. For the SWBS in Exhibit
XI, the “Execution phase” is only applicable for Level IV schedules. The Contractor
must obtain approval of its proposed SWBS before adopting. The proposed SWBS
and Progress Measurement System must be synchronized.
9.5.2 Schedule Contents
The Level IV schedule must include the complete scope as per contract. Item 2 of
Attachment 3 provides a sample of the detailed list of activities to be included in a
Level IV schedule, as applicable. The contractor must develop the complete list of
his contracted scope activities and obtain approval from the company
representative prior to building logic in the schedule.
9.5.3 Progress Measurement System (PMS)
Once the list of activities has been established for each phase of the project for the
Level IV Project Control Schedule, it shall be used in developing the PMS. Item 5 of
Attachment 3 provides a sample of how the weights of each phase, discipline and
sub-discipline are established. The lowest level in the PMS must be a progressible
activity of the Level IV Project Control Schedule and shall have associated direct
man-hours, quantities. The lowest level must also have intermediate progress
increments/gates/milestones/rules of credit/and progress steps. Item 5 of
Attachment 3 also provides a sample of progress increments for various disciplines.
The PMS and activities in the Level IV schedule must be fully synchronized. As the
project progress, line items and underlying progress gates are progressed in the
PMS which rolls up to provide physical progress for each activity in the Level IV
9.5.4 Schedule Resource Loading
The Level IV Project Control Schedule is a fully resource loaded schedule.
Schedule activities must be loaded with relevant man-hours and quantities as
reflected in the PMS for each activity. Attachment 1 - Exhibit XII provides the
minimum requirements pertaining to schedule resource loading. For full alignment
between the PMS and Level IV schedule, the contractor must also load weights for
each activity.
9.5.5 Activity Durations
Activity durations for direct progressive work in engineering and construction
phases in a Level IV schedule must not exceed 25 calendar days unless justified.
Activity durations must be calculated considering quantities, man-hours and

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contractors’ proven production and installation rates. Procurement durations must

be based on the most recent quotations.
9.5.6 Schedule Quality
Besides many other factors, the ability to forecast accurate completion dates also
depends upon the quality measures taken during schedule development.
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIV Schedule Quality Checklist provides the minimum
quality measures that must be adhered to when developing the Level IV schedule.
9.5.7 Schedule Activity Coding Structure
Depending upon the scope of contract and scope granularity required, the
contractor’s Level IV schedule may have several thousand activities. This requires
activity codes to help filter, group, and sort activities to facilitate multi-dimensional
schedule analysis and reporting. Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIII - Activity Codes
mandates the minimum activity coding requirements. Use of EPS activity codes is
strictly prohibited.
9.5.8 Basis of Level IV Project Control Schedule
The Basis of Level IV Project Control Schedule document explains in detail how the
Level IV schedule has been prepared. It must cover all aspects of Level IV
schedule development including schedule structure, contract scope, duration basis,
inclusions, exclusions, assumptions, incremental progress peaks and targets and
the resource requirements. Item 3 of Attachment 3 explains in detail the
composition of the Basis of Level IV Project Control Schedule document.
9.5.9 Schedule Change Management
Changes related to the scope of work introduced in the contract after award must
be included in the schedule to ensure it accounts for the complete scope of
contract. Changes must be managed such that the original contract scope is not
clouded. Item 13 of Attachment 3 briefly explains the schedule change
management mechanism.
9.5.10 Integrated Summary Schedule
Programs and projects with multiple packages must produce an Integrated
Summary Level Schedule. It must include, at a minimum, the summary level
activities for each package and must identify major design and construction
interfaces at package, project and program level. Item 1 of Attachment 3 explains in
detail the requirements of the Integrated Summary Schedule.

10. Project Completion Schedule

The Project Completion Schedule (PCS) provides the responsible construction agency
with a mechanism for establishing the progress baseline plan and major milestone
target dates in SAP. The progress baseline plan includes time-phased cumulative
progress for detailed engineering, material procurement (company and contractor), and
construction phases of work. As the project progresses, the construction agency
reports actual percentage progress figures and forecast completion dates against the
agreed baseline plan.

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The PCS is the construction agency’s commitment in terms of percentage progress

and major milestone completion dates and is an essential part of the project
information reported to Senior Management. Therefore, the PCS requires
PMOD/PMD/PSU approval in line with the funding cycle and approval process (PAER
and/or ER) as a validation of that commitment to the company.
PCS progress baseline and completion date targets are established for each JO under
a Budget Item (BI). JOs roll up to establish PCS progress baseline and completion date
targets at the BI Level.
PCS revision is permitted at various stages.
 Initial PCS Revision
Known as the ‘original’ baseline plan, or the PCS Rev00, it is the monthly
percentage progress plan resulting from the agreed Construction Agency Level III
Project Summary Schedule.
 Subsequent PCS Revisions
Known as the ‘current’ baseline plan, or the PCS Rev01 and onwards, it is the
monthly percentage progress plan resulting from the agreed construction agency
Level IV Project Control Schedule. All subsequent PCS revisions replace the
‘Current’ baseline plan.
Application and Timing
A PCS is required for all characterizations of projects stated in Section 1.1.
PCS Rev00 shall be submitted for PMOD/PMD review and concurrence one month
prior to ER approval or receiving PAER funds. All PCS revision packages shall be
submitted to PMOD/PMD for review. From complete submission of PCS Revision
Request Package at least four (4) weeks shall be allocated for PMOD/PMD detailed
review. Cases where OS date changes between PAER and ERA, an update will be
allowed to previously approved Rev00 PCS at the time of ERA without changing the
revision number.
All subsequent PCS revisions must fall into one of the below categories:
Contract Award (Compulsory)
A PCS revision is required upon contract award and subsequent acceptance of the
Contractor’s Level IV Project Control Schedule.
Time Extensions (Compulsory)
Any extension to project duration, affecting the OS/ER completion date, required by
any of the below items, mandates the support of a PCS revision.
a) ER redefinition
b) ER partial cancellation
c) ER supplement
d) a + b or a + c above

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e) Project Change Request (PCR) (see GI-20.520 and GI-20.520.1)

f) Contract extension through amendment
Other Justifications (subject to prior agreement)
Seeking prior written approval from PMOD/PMD/PSU, the Construction Agency will
provide specific clear justification as to why a PCS revision is required before
developing the intended PCS revision.

10.3.1 Construction Agency
 Engages relevent Project Controls Division during the development and
review of PCS
 Prepare the PCS using the standard PCS template and using the data
from the applicable schedule(s) for each JO within the BI.
 Review the PCS revision ensuring completeness and compliance as per
the instructions located within the PCS template and Attachment 1 -
Exhibit VIII.
 Resolve any comments/issues regarding the PCS revision.
 Verify the PCS revision is justified and meets the requirements of this
document before submitting for final review.
 Submits PCS to PMOD/PMD/PSU after internal acceptance that the
PCS is valid and compliant.
 Upon notification from PMOD/PMD/PSU that the PCS revision is
concurred, will obtain all signatures from the responsible construction
agency before returning to PMOD/PMD/PSU for the final signature.
 Will input the relevant data into SAP within time allowed by
PMOD/PMD/PSU after PCS dign-offs or PCR approval
 Notify PMOD/PMD/PSU the input is complete for verification.
 Validates the PCS revision justification and completeness of supporting
information against PCS review checklist as per Attachment 1 - Exhibit
 Reviews the PCS revision and resolves any comments, issues or
clarifications with the PCD.
 Ensures the PCS revision is acceptable and provides initial concurrence
to the PCD to proceed with sign-off.
 Once PCS is fully signed-off and subsequent PCR approved, if
applicable, notifies the PCD that the relevant sections in SAP are open
for entry of the signed data.
 When informed, that the PCS revision is in SAP, verifies the entry in
SAP is accurate and complete as per signed-off PCS.
PCS Review Request Package

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 Exhibit VIII of Attachment I provides the minimum list of documents required for
PCS review. Major components include:
1. Depending upon the revision number of the PCS, any one of the following
 Attachment 1 - Exhibit V - Level III Project Summary Schedule Review
 Attachment 1 - Exhibit VI - Level IV Schedule Review Checklist
 In case of PCS with extension of on-stream date, following is required in
addition to above
 Attachment 1 - Exhibit VII – PCS Review Checklist with on-stream
2. Updated PCS Template file
3. Basis of Cost Weights
4. Complete traceable calculations of the proposed progress figures and dates

PCS Revision - Key Elements

10.5.1 Standard PCS Template
Each submission of a PCS revision shall utilize the latest version of the PCS
Template available from the PMOD/PMD website. Refer to the following link for the
10.5.2 PCS Review Checklist
At a minimum, the PCS submission shall include all supporting documentation
identified in Attachment 1 - Exhibit VIII and the PCS template, including any other
relevant documentation not mentioned in the checklist, to aid with the PCS review
10.5.3 PCS Revision Numbering
Applicable to both the BI and all relevant JOs. The PCS number will increase
incrementally at the BI level each time a PCS is processed. However, the PCS
number will increase incrementally only for those JOs which are driving the PCS
revision, regardless if it is entered into SAP.
10.5.4 PCS Revision Flowchart
Attachment 1 - Exhibit IX - PCS Flow Chart shows the PCS and its subsequent
revision development and approval process.
10.5.5 BIs with PAER Funding
In cases where a BI utilizes PAER funding during FEL, the JO(s) scope of work
identified under the PAER, as a minimum, requires a Level III Project Summary
Schedule(s) for the PCS Rev00; the remaining scope(s) of work will use the last
agreed Project Schedule(s) from the previous phase.
10.5.6 PCS Progress Data Granularity and Traceability

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The development of each PCS revision for a BI is an accumulation of the project

JOs and their relevant engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) phases.
Therefore progress data entered in the PCS template shall be fully traceable all the
way back to the activities contributing to progress numbers in any given period. In
addition, progress numbers in the supporting calculations shall be summarized at
least one level below the EPC phases of work (i.e. plant, area, discipline, system
etc.), allowing for the analysis of high percentage increments within the scope(s) of
work for any given month.
10.5.7 PCS with On-Stream Extension
As supporting documentation to a on-stream extension, a PCS revision is vital to
allow Management to see the impact of changes to the project(s). Therefore, the
schedule shall be thoroughly reviewed to assess and validate the impact of all
changes on the completion date. For PMOD/PMD/PSU to review the PCS with on-
stream extension, the Construction Agency must submit all supporting
documentation as per Attachment 1 - Exhibit VII with on-stream extension.
Following PMOD/PMD/PSU’s assessment, the Construction Agency must secure
the proponent organization’s approval of the revised dates before proceeding with
the PCS final review done by PMOD/PMD/PSU.

11. Progress Measurement System

This section of the procedure describes the detailed methods for progress
measurement during various project phases. This provides the Construction Agency
with the data necessary to enable suitable control measures to be taken to ensure
target dates are achieved.

Application and Timing

Progress Measurement System (PMS) is applicable to all phases of all
characterizations of projects stated in Section 1.1. It is an essential element and is
required for calculating earned progress for each item in the scope.
The approved PMS shall be submitted concurrently with the schedule baseline for
review and approval by the construction agency. This is to ensure that the proposed
PMS aligns with the approved scope and baseline schedule.

The Construction Agency shall ensure:
Contractor submits its proposed detailed procedure for progress measurement of the
awarded scope to the Construction Agency for review and approval within thirty (30)
calendar days from the contract award date or as stipulated in the contract.
Contractor submits proposed PMS for engineering and procurement for review and
approval of construction agency with the submission of schedule baseline. This is to
ensure that the proposed PMS is in line with the approved scope.
Contractor baseline schedule for construction agency review and approval

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Contractor submits proposed PMS for construction prior to start of construction for
review and approval of construction agency.
Contractor measures and reports progress as stipulated in the contract and
incorporates the results into schedule forecasts and progress reports.
Contractor maintains the accuracy of the PMS. The contractor shall immediately
update any change in scope and/or quantities in the PMS and reflect the changes in
subsequent reporting periods.
Contractor submits the detailed PMS database as stipulated in the contract.

Progress Measurement System – Key Elements

11.4.1 PMS Alignment with and Schedule and WBS
Scope man-hours and quantities in the PMS and baseline schedule must match prior
to submitting it for construction agency approval.
Progress Measurement System must match the project Work Breakdown Structure.

PMS Granularity
PMS must be detailed enough to help evaluate progress of discrete, identifiable work
PMS must support progress calculation against discrete elements of work by using a
system of standard milestone weightings. Item 3 of Attachment 02 and Item 5 of
Attachment 03 provide minimum requirements in this regard. Progress measurements
must be made in such a manner that physical progress can be easily related to the
project’s established detailed schedule.
An objective measurement system for each step must be defined at the lowest
measurable level to avoid any individual interpretation on how the incremental progress
will be measured.
Any additional standard milestone weightings, or modifications to standard milestones
required to address specific activities, shall be accepted by the Construction Agency
prior to implementation.

PMS Weights
The method for deriving a weighting factor for engineering and construction shall be
based on a man-hour break-down. The construction agency shall review, discuss and
approve any changes to final PMS weights with the contractor. The construction
agency reserves the right to change any final weighting at its own discretion.
All procurement items shall be equally weighted. This is only for progress
measurement, however, invoicing shall follow the numbers speculated in Schedule C
of the contract.
The sum of the weighted values of each activity in a given discipline shall total 100%.
Each discipline’s total weighted value is itself a weighted value of all the disciplines
within a particular phase and the sum of all the weighted values and associated
progress percentages equal the total progress achieved.

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Each element in the PMS is the sum of multiple milestones. Each milestone is
assigned a “rule of credit” or percentage of completion of the total activity. The sum of
the rules of credit total 100% for each element.
The relationship between the PMS and schedule activity could be many to one, e.g.,
preparation of multiple engineering documents under one schedule activity.
11.6.1 PMS Tool
The PMS tool shall be approved by the construction agency prior to its use.
The capability of the PMS tool must be demonstrated for construction agency approval
prior to its implementation.
Access to the PMS tool shall be available to the construction agency representative for
The PMS shall support calculating the physical percent complete, man-hours forecast
to complete, productivity analysis and manpower planning requirements to complete
the work.
The PMS database must be structured in such a way as to allow progress to be
calculated by any variation of area/unit/contract/work location/discipline/WBS/work
packages (CWP)/cost code/type of work/deliverables/system/sub-system/block/train,
The construction agency shall be provided access to the software/ program used for
progress measurement. Upon request, the construction agency shall be provided with
the necessary training to enable use of the software.
11.6.2 Scope Changes and PMS
All scope changes must be reflected in the PMS database.
Approved change orders must be entered at the deliverable/ task level and associated
resources (man-hours, quantities, etc.) shall be distributed against the new
deliverables/ tasks.
Approved change orders must be added to the PMS database prior to monthly cut-off,
after construction agency agreement and approval.
Approved weightages shall only be changed after construction agency approval. The
contractor must justify any requested changes in the approved weightages.

12. Schedule Reporting Requirements

This section illustrates the major scheduling documents and reports that need to be
developed, updated and reported for effective management and control of project
development and execution phases. Up to date schedule documents and related
reports assist the construction agency in making timely decisions and effectively
managing projects.

Application and Timing

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Schedule documents and reports are required for all characterizations of projects
stated in Section 1.1.
Scheduling documents and related reports are required throughout FEL development
and project execution until the Final Mechanical Completion Certificate (FMCC) (see GI
02.710) has been signed-off. However, reporting requirements varies depending upon
project progress stage and the nature of project.

12.3.1 Construction Agency
Engaging Project Controls Division during the development and review of schedules
and related documents
Arrange scheduling kick-off meeting for all projects as stated in Section 1.1 within one
month FEL development contract award. Invite PMOD/PMD/PSU representatives for
Type A and B projects.
Review contractor scheduling and project controls procedures to ensure they support
schedule development and reporting requirements established in this procedure,
contract terms and conditions and other company procedures as applicable.
Ensure the contractor develops, reviews and submits scheduling documents and
reports to construction agency as per requirements established in this procedure,
contract terms and conditions and other company procedures as applicable.
Receive, review, analyze and utlize scheduling documents and reports to manage
project and report to senior management.
Ensure the contractor maintains schedule and related reporting systems with backup of
the supporting documents for tracebility and make them available for construction
agency and its representatives upon request.
When instructed by senior management, assist PMOD/PMD/PSU in conducting
detailed reviews of schedule documents and related reports as per post funding Site
Visit Framework published on PMOD intranet.
Maintain company internal reporting systems with up to date relevent project
information related to scheduling function.
Submit and archive schedule documents and related reports as per company
requirements stipulated in company manuals, GIs and procedures.
Ensure the contractor submits as-built schedules, schedule-related documents and
reports as per company requirements stipulated in this procedure, contract terms and
conditions and other company procedures as applicable.
Lead scheduling kick-off meetings for Type A and B projects for FEL and execution
contracts and walkthrough company minimum requirements regarding scheduling
documents and reports governed by this procedure.

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Provide input to construction agency regarding contractors proposed scheduling and

project controls procedures when requested.
Review company management reports maintained in the company’s internal reporting
system and share findings with construction agency as per the company’s applicable
procedures and manual.
Review schedule documents and related reports submitted and archived for
compliance with company requirements stipulated in manuals, RAPID Matrix, GIs and
Vist contractor design offices and/or construction sites, upon instructions from
company senior management, and conduct detailed reviews of schedule documents
and related reports as per post funding Site Visit Framework published on PMOD

Schedule Reporting - Key Elements

12.4.1 FEL Development
Following is the minimum list of schedule documents and related reports that must
be produced by contractor during FEL development. Attachment 2 explains details
of each of these required documents and reports.
 Detailed FEL 2 and FEL 3 Development Schedule Baseline and Basis
 Updated detailed FEL 2 and FEL 3 Development Schedule
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 PMS
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 Progress Summary
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 Drawings/Documents Production Summary
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 Schedule and Progress Variance Report
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 Schedule Look ahead
 FEL 2 and FEL 3 Manpower Summary
 Level III Project Summary Schedule Risk Analysis
 Integrated Summary Schedule
 As-built detailed FEL 2 and FEL 3 Development Schedule
 As-built Drawings/Documents Production Summary
 As-built Man-hours/Headcount Report by discipline
Following is the list of management reports produced by the construction agency.
Section 17 of Cost and Schedule manual explains details of each of these reports.
 Project Planning Update (PPU)
 Proposal Budget Item Summary Report (PBISR)
12.4.2 Execution
Following is the minimum list of schedule documents and related reports that must
be produced by contractor during execution. Attachment 3 explains details of each
of these required documents and reports.

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 Detailed EPC Level IV Baseline Schedule and basis

 Updated EPC Level IV Schedule
 PMS for engineering, procurement and construction
 Progress Summary by package, by phase by unit by discipline
 Procurement Status Report
 Materials Expediting Report
 Schedule and Progress Variance Report
 Man-hours/Headcount Report – Engineering by discipline and
construction by trade
 Engineering Deliverables Completion Dashboard
 Construction Quantity Installation Dashboard
 Schedule Change Log
 System Schedule
 System Progress Summary
 Pre-Commissioning Key Quantity Report
 As-built detailed EPC Level IV and System Schedule
 As-built Construction and Pre-Commissioning Quantity Installation
 As-Built Man-hours/Headcount Report by trade
Following is the list of management reports produced by construction agency.
Section 17 of Cost and Schedule manual explains details of each of these reports.
 Monthly Project Update (MPU)
 Budget Item Summary Report (BISR)
In case of BIs with multiple JOs and/or programs with multiple BIs construction
agency must prepare following key documents and keep them up to date by
working with relevant stakeholders.
 Integrated Summary Schedule
 Commissioning and Start-Up Schedule

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Attachment 1 – Exhibits


EXHIBIT 1 Business Plan Project Schedule Development Checklist

EXHIBIT II Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) Development Checklist

EXHIBIT III Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) Development Checklist

EXHIBIT IV Level II Project Milestone Schedule Review Checklist

EXHIBIT V Level III Project Summary Schedule Review Checklist

EXHIBIT VI Level IV Schedule Review Checklist

EXHIBIT VII Extension of Time Schedule Review Checklist

EXHIBIT VIII PCS Review Checklist



EXHIBIT XI Schedule Work Breakdown Structure

EXHIBIT XII Schedule Resource Loading

EXHIBIT XIII Schedule Activity Coding Structure

EXHIBIT XIV Schedule Quality Checklist

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A. EXHIBIT I - Business Plan Project Schedule Development Checklist


1 Project PB/Scope Brief

Preliminary List of Major/Long Lead/Specialty
2 
3 Major Quantities

4 Shutdown Requirements

5 List of Key Interfaces with Other Projects

6 MSS Data

7 Historical Data

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B. EXHIBIT II - Level I Project Master Schedule (Initial) Schedule Development Checklist


1 Project Scoping Document

2 Initial Project Charter

3 Initial PEP (see SAEP-12, Sec. 1.3)

4 Initial Contracting Strategy

5 Initial Project Risk Management VIP

6 Conceptual Drawings and Diagrams

7 List of Major/Long Lead/Specialty Equipments

8 Preliminary Quotations

9 Major Quantities

10 Shutdown Requirements

11 List of Key Interfaces with Other Projects

12 Identification of Technology Requirements

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C. EXHIBIT III - Level I Project Master Schedule (Update) Schedule Development Checklist


1 Study Alternative Scoping Document

2 Updated Project Charter

3 Abbreviated PEP (see SAEP-12, Sec. 1.3)

4 Updated Contracting Strategy

5 Updated Project Risk Management VIP

6 Initial Constructability Review Report VIP

7 Updated Conceptual Drawings and Diagrams

8 List of Major/Long Lead/Specialty Equipment

9 Preliminary Quotations

10 Major Quantities

11 Shutdown Requirements

12 List of Key Interfaces with Other Projects

13 Identification of Technology Requirements

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D. EXHIBIT IV - Level II Project Milestone Schedule Review Checklist


1 Level II Project Milestone Schedule

1 Basis of Level II Project Milestone Schedule

2 Design Basis Scoping Paper

3 Updated Project Charter

4 PEP (see SAEP-12, Sec. 1.3)

5 Updated Contracting Strategy

6 Updated Project Risk Management VIP

7 Updated Constructability Review Report VIP

8 Preliminary Drawings and Diagrams

9 Process and Utility Sized Equipment List

10 Sized Electrical Equipment List

11 Vendor Quotations

12 Bulk Quantities

13 Procurement Strategy and Material Procurement Plan

14 3rd Party MOUs

15 Commissioning and Start-Up Requirements

16 Shutdown Requirements

17 List of Key Interfaces with Other Projects

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18 Identification of Technology Requirements

19 Change Log

20 Benchmarking Study – Target Setting Deliverable

21 FEL Detailed Schedule Variance Report

Value Assurance Findings (see SAEP-40, Sec. 6.4) from
22 
FEL 2 Study

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E. EXHIBIT V - Level III Project Summary Schedule Review Checklist


1 Level III Project Summary Schedule

2 Basis of Level III Project Summary Schedule

3 Project Proposal and / or Detailed Design done in FEL 3

4 Final Project Charter

5 Final PEP (see SAEP-12, Sec. 1.3)

6 Final Contracting Strategy

7 Updated Project Risk Management VIP

8 Final Constructability Review Report VIP

9 Issued for Design Drawings and Diagrams

10 Process and Utility Sized Equipment List

11 Sized Electrical Equipment List

Engineered & Non-Engineered Items Material
12 
13 Formal Vendor Quotations

14 Engineering Quantities by Discipline

15 Engineering Man-Hours by Discipline

16 Construction Quantities by Discipline/Trade

17 Construction Man-Hours by Discipline/Trade

18 Procurement Strategy and Material Procurement Plan

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19 List of Scope Changes from DBSP with Schedule Impact

20 Commissioning and Start-Up Requirements

21 Market Outlook Study, as applicable

22 Benchmarking (Key Metrics Report)

23 Schedule Risk Analysis Report

24 Agreement on Required Shutdown Windows

Value Assurance findings (see SAEP-40, Sec. 6.4) from
25 
26 Schedule B included in Issue for Bid Packages

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F. EXHIBIT VI - Level IV Schedule Review Checklist


1 Level IV Schedule - Baseline

2 Basis of Level IV Schedule

3 Copy of Contract Schedule “B”

5 Copy of Contract Schedule “C”

6 Contractor Approved Project Controls Procedure

8 Contractor Approved Schedule Management Procedure

9 Contractor PMS

11 Plot Plans

12 3D Model Shots

These additional items required for project in progress;

13 Level IV Schedule – Updated with progress reflected

14 Contractor updated PMS

Progress Summary by Package, by Phase by Unit by
15 
16 Schedule and Progress Variance Report

17 Engineering Deliverables Completion Dashboard

18 Procurement Status Report

19 Materials Expediting Report

20 Construction Quantity Installation Dashboard

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Man-hours/Headcount Report – Engineering by
21 
Discipline and Construction by Trade
22 Schedule Change Log

23 Monthly Progress Report

In case, contract has been revised;

24 Most Recent Copy of Contract Schedule “B”

25 Most Recent Copy of Contract Schedule “C”

In case, pre-commissioning activities have commenced;

26 System Schedule

27 System Progress Summary

28 Pre-Commissioning Key Quantity Report

In case of programs or projects with multiple packages;

29 Integrated Program / Project Summary Schedule

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G. EXHIBIT VII - PCS Review Checklist with On-Stream Extension


1 Project Summary with Brief description of change

2 PCR Scoping Document with Well-defined scope of work

Engineering drawing List and man-hours related to
3 
5 Procurement Agreements related to Project Change

6 Quotations for key items related to project change

Construction Quantities and man-hours related to
8 
9 Level IV Schedule - Updated Excluding to Scope Change

11 Level IV Schedule - Updated Including Scope Change

12 Latest Copy of Contract Schedule “B”

14 Latest Copy of Contract Schedule “C”

15 Schedule Change Log

17 Basis of Schedule Extension

18  All Applicable documents identified in Attachment 3

19 PCR Extension of Time Checklist validated by SAPMT

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H. EXHIBIT VIII - PCS Review Checklist


 For Rev 0 PCS;
EXHIBIT V - Level III Project Summary Schedule Review
1 
2 Updated PCS template file

3 Updated PCS Checklist with compliance remarks

Basis of Weights, such as; 56D estimate and/or cost
4 
Complete traceable calculations of the proposed
5 
progress & dates
Log of PCD’s comments / observations along with
6 
Construction Agency’s actions
 For Rev 1 PCS;

7 EXHIBIT VI - Level IV Schedule Review Checklist

8 Updated PCS template file

9 Updated PCS Checklist with compliance remarks

Basis of Weights, e.g.; copy of 56D estimate and/or cost
10 
rack-up sheet for the Contract value
Complete traceable calculations of the proposed
11 
progress and dates
Log of PCD’s comments / observations along with
12 
Construction Agency’s actions
Explanation of difference between Contractor and
13 
proposed PCS Curves and durations.
Agreed Shutdown Plan / Test & Inspection Plan / Drilling
14 
15 Updated Procurement template of all POs
 For Rev 2 PCS and onwards with change in on-stream;
Same as PCS Rev 01, with the addition of Exhibit VII - PCS
16 
Review Checklist with On-Stream Extension

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I. EXHIBIT IX - PCS Flow Chart

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K. EXHIBIT XI - Schedule Work Breakdown Structure

o Project description
o Major milestones
 Such as GAS, G2, G3, PAER, ERA, CA, MC, OS, etc.
 Additional Major milestone shall be included as Schedule development
o Major interface milestones
 List of major interfaces with third parties as well as other BIs
 Additional interface milestone shall be included as Schedule development
o FEL-2
 Such as DBSP start and finish, PEP, design reviews, DBSP approval, CMS
gates, VA, PP Contract Award
o FEL-3
 Such as PP deliverables, PEP, PP preparation and approval, design
reviews, bidding process, ER estimate, ERA process, VA, CMS gate
milestones, award of EPC
o Execution phase
 Major areas/JOs
 Engineering
o General
 Project Management deliverables (PEP, Schedule,
o Process design
 Process deliverables (PFDs, UFDs, P&IDs, H&M
balance study, etc.)
o Civil Design (incl. SS design)
 Major Civil deliverables (piles, equipment
foundations, buildings, piperack, etc.)
o Mechanical
 Major mechanical deliverables (MR for static,
rotating, furnaces, etc.)
o Piping Design
 Major piping deliverables (MR for piping and fittings,
stress analysis, MTOs, ISOs, etc.)
o Electrical design
 Major electrical deliverables (area classification
drawings, load list, single line diagrams, etc.)
o Instrumentation (including communications)
 Major instrumentation deliverables (MR for
DCS/ESD, F&G detection system, instrument index,
 Procurement

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o Civil (including building and structural steel materials)

o Piping materials (piping, fittings, valves, etc.)
o Mechanical materials (rotating, static, packages, furnaces,
special purpose, etc.)
o Electrical materials (substation equipment, cables, etc.)
o Instrumentation materials (DCS/ESD, instruments, control
valves, etc.)
 Construction
o Mobilization
o Site preparation
 Site preparation work (cut and fill, etc.)
o Civil/architectural work
 Major civil/architectural. works (drainage, equip.
foundations, buildings, fencing, roads, etc.) up to
o Steel work
 Major steel work (piperacks, steel structures, etc.)
o Piping works
 Major piping work (piping fabrication/erection, U/G
piping, tie ins, etc.)
o Mechanical work
 Equipment erection (all equipment erection, HVAC,
o Electrical work
 Major electrical work (grounding, MV/LV switchgear,
cabling, cathodic protection, etc.)
o Instrumentation work
 Major instrumentation work (DCS, ESD, field
instruments, cabling, loop testing, etc.)
o Painting
 Painting work (piping, steel structures, etc.)
o Insulation
 Insulation work (equipment, piping)
o Fireproofing
 Fire proofing work (piperack etc.)
o Pre-Commissioning
 Pre-Commissioning work by System
 Commissioning and Start Up

Note: (a) As each project is unique, SWBS shall be prepared, discussed and agreed priro to
commencing schedule development (b) SWBS expands as the project gets more defined from
FEL 2 DBSP to FEL 3 (c) SWBS for Level IV Project Control Schedule shall reflect complete
scope of contract

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L. EXHIBIT XII - Schedule Resource Loading

This exhibit explains the minimum resource loading requirements for Level III Project
Summary Schedules developed during FEL 3 and Level IV Project Control schedules
developed after contract. Resource loading must be at activity level. Resource shall not be
loaded at summary level activities, Level of Effort activities and WBS Summary activities.
Following rules apply to Level III Project Summary Schedule when setting resource dictionary:
Direct Engineering MH Labor MH
Procurement Units Material Each
Direct Construction MH Labor MH
Excavation Material M3
Concrete Material M3
Structural Steel Material Tons (Metric)
Equipments Material Each
Tanks Material Tons (Metric)
Above Ground Piping Fabrication Material Dia-Inches
Above Ground Piping Erection Material Dia-Inches
Under Ground Piping Material Linear Meter
Electrical Cables Material Linear Meter
Instrumentation Cable Material Linear Meter
Following rules apply to Level IV Project Control Schedule when setting resource dictionary:
Direct Engineering MH by Discipline Labor MH
Procurement Units Material Each
Direct Construction MH by Discipline Labor MH

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Excavation Material M3
Backfill Material M3
Concrete - Civil Material M3
Concrete - Buildings Material M3
Steel - Piperacks Material Tons (Metric)
Steel - Ladders and Platforms Material Tons (Metric)
Steel - Structural Material Tons (Metric)
Plant Equipments Material Each
Construction Equipments Material Each
Plant Equipments Material Tons (Metric)
Tanks Material Tons (Metric)
Above Ground Piping Fabrication Material Dia-Inches
Above Ground Piping Erection Material Dia-Inches
Under Ground Piping Material Linear Meter
Electrical Conduits Material Linear Meter
Electrical Cables Material Linear Meter
Electrical Cable Tray Material Linear Meter
Junction Boxes Material Each
Fiber Optic Cable Material Linear Meter
Instrumentation Cables Material Linear Meter
Instrumentation Cable Tray Material Linear Meter
Hydrotests Material Each
Steam Blowing Material Each
Motor Solo Runs Material Each
Loop checks Material Each
Functional Tests Material Each

Note: (a) Distribute 100 Procurement Resource Units across the procurement steps as per
Item 5 of Attachment 3. (b) All direct engineering and construction man-hour resources shall
be assigned cost of $1 per unit. All other resources shall be assigned cost of $0 per unit.

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M. EXHIBIT XIII - Activity Codes

Activity codes help filter, group, and sort activities to facilitate multi-dimensional schedule
analysis and reporting. This exhibit mandates minimum activity coding requirements and will
expand based on project needs. Use of EPS activity codes is strictly prohibited. Projects with
multiple packages must set and use Global activity codes.
Below is the list of minimum activity codes, activity code values need to be developed by
contractor and agreed with execution agency;


Project Phase Milestones, Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction,
Precommissioning, Commissioning etc.

Discipline Process, HSE, Mechanical, HVAC, Piping, Electrical, Instrumentation, Civil,

Structural, Architectural, Fire Fighting, Pre-Commissioning etc.

Unit/Plant Sulfur Recovery Unit, Amine Unit, Hydrotreating Unit etc.

Area Compressor Area, Reactor Area, Pipe Rack Area, Tank Lot Area etc.

Work Package For Engineering; Process Design Basis, Cable Routing Layout for Building,
Fire Hazardous Classification Schedule, Fire Hazardous Classification
Schedule, Lighting Layout for Building, Lighting and Small Power Dist.
Panelboard Schedule, Illumination Calculation, Grounding Layout /
Lightning Protection for Building etc.

For Procurement; Fired Heater, Overhead Crane, Flare System, Horizontal

Centrifugal Pump, Vertical Sump Pump, Sealless Pump, Centrifugal
Compressor etc.

For Construction; Mobilization, Temporary Construction Facilities,

Excavation Works, Vessel Foundation Work, Vessel Installation, Vessel
Platform & Ladder Installation, Filter & Coalescer Platform & Ladder
Installation, Desalter Platform & Ladder Installation, Vacuum Package
Platform & Ladder Installation, Vessel Platform & Ladder Installation,
Building Foundation Work, Building Concrete Structure Installation, Building
Internal Work etc.

Sub-contractor Sub Contractor A, Sub Contractor B, Sub Contractor C etc.

System Potable Water System, Demin Water System, Utility Water System, Fire
Water System, Sea Water System, Nitrogen System, Propane Distribution
System, Steam Systems etc.

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N. EXHIBIT XIV Schedule Quality Checklist


Except milestones, Level of Effort and WBS
Activity Summary activities;
1  Level II, III, IV
Parameters Activity Type must be Task Dependent
% Complete Type must be Physical or Unit
Activity Activities must be described uniquely with a verb
2  Level I, II, III, IV
Description at start and with a specific object
Activities IDs must be developed systematically
3 Activity IDs Level II, III, IV
and must be meaningful
Following calendars must be used unless agreed
otherwise by construction agency
5 - Day OOK
5 - Day IK
4  Calendars 6 – Day Level II, III, IV
7 – Day (12 hour)
7 – Day (24 hour)
Calendars shall include all official holidays and
account for reduced productivity periods such as
Ramadan, Summer and Winter periods
The only open ended logic allowed are the
Project Start (No Predecessor) and the Project
Finish (No Successor)
Each activity must have a minimum of a FS
and/or SS predecessor and a FS and/or FF
5  FS relationship logic from total count, shall be: Level II, III, IV
>70% for Level II Project Milestone Schedule
>80% for Level III Project Summary Schedule
>90% for Level IV Schedule
The remaining percentage shall account for SS
and FF relationships logic
SF Logic is must NOT be used
Lags must be less than one reporting period
Lags more than 2 reporting periods not
6  With Level III, IV
permitted unless justified
Leads (Negative Lags) are not allowed

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Hard constraints ('Mandatory Start', 'Start On',
'Mandatory Finish' and 'Finish On' at the activity
level, or 'Must Finish By' at the Project level) are
7  Constraints Level II, III, IV
not allowed unless justified
More than 5% soft constraints on total activity
count shall be justified
With exception of Procurement activities and
Milestones, excessive floats must be avoided
High Total
8  Total float less than 30 days is permissible Level IV
Total float more than 60 days not allowed unless
Negative Negative floats are not permitted and must be
9  Level II, III, IV
Total Float eliminated
Longer Activity Durations are not permitted
unless approved by company
10  For contracts awarded after ERA, Direct Level IV
engineering and construction activities cannot
exceed 25 calendar days
Exceptions Detailed justification need to be prepared and
11  To The provided for any exceptions to any of the above Level II, III, IV
Items Above items

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Attachment 2 – FEL Scheduling Documents


Detailed FEL 2 and FEL 3 development schedule shall be built
1. Detailed FEL 2 and FEL 3
on an agreed upon Schedule Work Breakdown Structure and
Development Schedule
shall include as minimum activities for the following for
successful delivery of FEL deliverables;

 Major Project Milestones

 Technology Development Activities Where Applicable
 Required Surveys, Studies, Assessments and
 Value Improvement Practices (VIP) (see SAEP-367,
Sec. 5)
 Plans and Procedure Development
 Engineering activities for FEL development for relevant
disciplines, including; Process, Civil, Structural,
Mechanical, , HVAC, Safety, Electrical, Instrumentation
and Communication
 Technical Reviews
 Engineering Reviews (see SAEP-303, Sec. 3.2)
 Material Procurement Assessments
 Contracts
 MTOs
 Cost Estimate Development
 Expenditure Request (ER) Estimate Development
 Mechanism for Scope Changes and Work Element
Release (WER) Revision

Once Schedule is baselined, it is updated with most recent

information as per the cut-off calendar and including;

 Progress achieved to date on each activity

 Realistic estimates of remaining durations on in-
progress activities
 Data date updated to last cut-off date

As a minimum, basis of Schedule shall address the following;

2. Basis of FEL 2 and FEL 3
Detailed Development
a) Purpose
b) Project information
c) Schedule summery in terms of key milestones
d) Schedule critical path in narrative format and in Gantt chart
e) Schedule basis shall cover;
 Activity duration calculations
 Logic development
 Calendars and work hours
f) Assumptions shall be documented
g) Risks
h) Attachments
 FEL Development Schedule
 FEL Scope of Work

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FEL PMS shall address fully FEL scope and shall address as a
3. FEL 2 and FEL 3 PMS
minimum the following items;

a) Criteria for progress reporting of drawing and documents,

such as;
 Production drawings
 P&IDs
 Design Calculations
 Documents
 Licensor Work
b) Criteria for progress reporting of reviews, such as;
 Design review
 3D Model Review
c) Criteria for progress reporting of;
 Surveys
 Studies
 Assessments
 Investigations
d) Criteria for reporting of progress for Vendor Quotes
(including data sheets and technical specifications)
e) Criteria for reporting of progress for MTOs
f) Criteria for progress reporting of;

FEL Progress Summary shall include as a minimum the

4. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Progress
following items;
a) Progress Summary Table containing Plan, Actual and
Variance, for the period and to date by discipline and Total
b) Progress graphs containing Plan and Actual, for the period
represented as histograms and to date represented as S-
Curves by discipline and Total

Actual progress reported shall be based on updated PMS which

shall be backed by document control logs

FEL Drawings/Documents Production Summary shall include as

5. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Drawings /
a minimum the following items;
Documents Production
a) Drawings Summary Table containing Plan, Actual and
Variance, for the period and to date by discipline and Total
b) Drawings production graphs containing Plan and Actual, for
the period represented as histograms and to date
represented as S-Curves by discipline and Total

FEL Schedule Variance Report shall include as a minimum the

6. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Schedule
following items;
and Progress Variance
a) Critical activities with slippage more than one reporting
b) Root Cause of slippage
c) Impact of slippage
d) Corrective actions to recover slippage

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FEL Progress Variance Report shall include as minimum the

following items;

a) Progress variance by discipline, supported by detailed

activity level progress variances
b) Root Cause of progress variances
c) Progress variance recover plans

Following Look ahead schedule shall be produced at each

7. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Schedule
schedule update cycle;
Look ahead
 Three Week Look Ahead
 Six Week Look Ahead
 Three Month Look Ahead

FEL Schedule Look ahead shall include as a minimum the

following items;

 Activities starting, finishing or in progress during look

ahead period
 Activity Table shall include, Activity ID, Description,
Original and Remaining Durations, Current and
Baseline Dates, Free and Total Floats
 Gantt Chart shall include, Current and Baseline Bars
with Month/Week Timescale

FEL Manpower Summary shall be by disciplines / sub-

8. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Manpower
disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work groups and shall
include as a minimum the following items;

a) Manpower Summary Table containing Plan, Actual and

Variance, for the period and to date by discipline and Total
b) Manpower graphs containing Plan and Actual, for the period
represented as histograms and to date represented as S-
Curves by discipline and Total

Level II Project Milestone Schedule shall be based on an

9. Level II Project Schedule -
approved SWBS. Level II Project Milestone Schedule shall
FEL 2 DBSP Deliverable
contain as a minimum the following activities in the relevant

a) FEL 2 & 3
 Key Milestones
 Deliverables as defined in scheduling SAEP
 Estimates development activities
 Long Lead / Novated Items procurement activities
 Bidding process
 VA Reviews
 Gate Exit activities
 PAER / ERA process

b) Engineering
 Key Discipline activities
 Engineering Interfaces (Package / BI Level)

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 Model Reviews (30%,60% & 90%)

 Design / Safety Reviews (30%, 60%, 90%, HAZOPs,
SIL etc.)
 Development of major equipment/instruments
Specification & Data sheets
 Key Disciplines Drawings IFCs (Early IFC such as site
works, major Foundation etc.)
 Development of production drawings (SS, isometrics
etc.) (Summary level)
 MTOs

c) Procurement
 Long Lead Items procurement cycles
 Major Equipment
 Bulk items (by Discipline)
 Durations to be supported market by outlook data &
Project Management Contractor (PMC) contractors
recent experiences

d) Construction
 Site Preparation
 Mobilization
 Prefabrication
 Structural Steel
 Piping
 Modules
 Precast buildings
 Civil / Foundation Work
 Buildings
 Structure Steel work
 Modules
 Packages / equipment installation
 Piping works
 (Onsite fabrication / erection)
 Electrical works
 Substations / major equipment
 Other activities
 Instrumentation works
 Pre-commissioning activities

e) Commissioning and Startup

Basis of Schedule shall include as a minimum the following;

10. Level II Project Milestone
Schedule Basis Document
a) Scope of work
b) Schedule breakdown structure
c) Schedule Coding structure
d) Schedule Calendars
e) Basis for duration calculations (key bulk quantities and
production rates)
f) Critical / near critical paths
g) Resources (summary level)
 Engineering Man-hours
 Direct Labor and Quantities (offsite & Onsite)
h) Schedule Risks & opportunities

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i) Exclusions
j) Engineering Assumptions
 Discipline level
 3D Model
 Vendor Data availability
 Release of production drawings
k) Procurement Assumptions
 Long Lead and Critical Equipment
 Non-Long Lead Equipment
 Strategy for Bulk Material
 Transportation and Logistics
l) Construction Assumptions
 Site Hand Over Plan
 Construction Sequencing and Priorities
 Productivity & no. of crews
 Shutdown assumptions
 Pre-commissioning plan
m) Commissioning & startup sequence

Level III Project Summary Schedule shall be based upon an

11. Level III Project Summary
approved SWBS and shall be fully resource loaded as per
Schedule - FEL 3 Deliverable
Attchment I - EXHIBIT XII. Level III Project Summary Schedule
shall be by sub-disciplines, disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area
and work groups and shall contain as a minimum the following
activities in the relevant phase;

a) FEL 3
 Key milestones
 Deliverables as defined in scheduling SAEP
 Long Lead / Novated Items procurement activities
 PP preparation and approval
 Bidding process
 ER Estimate and Level III Project Summary Schedule
development timelines
 VA Reviews
 Gate Exit activities
 ERA process

b) Engineering
 Detailed discipline activities (flexible to be organized by
deliverable type)
 Progress gates are identified
 Engineering Interfaces (Package / BI Level)
 All engineering studies
 Detailed activities for model Reviews and model
updates (30%, 60% & 90%)
 Design / Safety Reviews (30, 60, 90, HAZOPs, SIL etc.)
 Development of equipment/instruments Specification &
Data sheets
 Main Automation Contractor activities
 Disciplines Drawings IFCs (per area, discipline,
 Production drawings (SS, isometrics etc.)
 Release of early IFCs (site development etc.)
 MTOs

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 Major equipment foundations IFCs etc.

 Man-hours loading at activity level

c) Procurement
 Long Lead Items procurement cycles
 Engineered and non-engineered items
 Main Automation Contractor activities
 Bulk material
 Delivery durations to be supported by vendor quotes
and market outlook data

d) Construction
 Detailed activities at are sub units/sub discipline
 Prefabrication
 Structural Steel
 Piping
 Modules
 Precast buildings
 Mobilization
 Site Preparation
 Civil/Foundation work
 Buildings
 Structure steel work
 Modules
 Packages/equipment installation
 Piping works
o (onsite fabrication/erection)
 Electrical works
o Substations/major equipment
o Other activities
 Instrumentation works
 Main Automation Contractor activities
 Pre-commissioning activities

e) Commissioning and Startup

Basis of Schedule shall include as a minimum the following;

12. Level III Project Summary
Schedule Basis Document
a) Scope of work
b) Schedule breakdown structure
c) Schedule Coding structure
d) Schedule Calendars
e) Basis for duration calculations (quantities, man-hours and
productivities applied)
f) Critical / near critical paths
g) Resources (summary level)
 Engineering Man-hours
 Direct Labor and Quantities (offsite & Onsite)
 Construction Progress Curves and Manpower
h) Schedule Risks & opportunities
i) Exclusions
j) Engineering Assumptions
 Discipline level
 3D Model

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 Vendor Data availability

 Release of production drawings
k) Procurement Assumptions
 Long Lead and Critical Equipment
 Non-Long Lead Equipment
 Strategy for Bulk Material
 Transportation and Logistics
l) Construction Assumptions
 Site Hand Over Plan
 Construction Sequencing and Priorities
 Productivity & no. of crews
 Shutdown assumptions
 Pre-commissioning plan
m) Commissioning & startup sequence

Programs as well as projects with multiple packages shall

13. Integrated Summary
produce an Integrated Summary Level Schedule and shall
include as minimum the following;

a) Scope of all of BIs / Packages in the BIs

b) Summary level details
c) Major interfaces
a. BI level
b. Package level
d) All design interfaces, both TO and FROM, such as;
a. Utility Data From ABC Package
b. Line Size, Line Class From ABC Package
c. Process and Mechanical Details From ABC
d. Cable Route From ABC Package
e. SEED File From ABC Package
f. 132 KV Load Data From ABC Package
g. ETAP Calculation Report From ABC Package
h. PSA Information From ABC Package
i. Anchor Point Location From ABC Package
j. Anchor Load From ABC Package
e) All Construction interfaces, both TO and FROM, such as;
a. Construction Site Handover From ABC Package
b. Construction Jetty Handover From ABC Package
c. U/G piping System Handover From ABC Package
d. Road & Paving Handover From ABC Package
e. Pipe Rack Handover From ABC Package
f. Steam From ABC Package
g. Instrument Air From ABC Package
h. Boiler Feed Water From ABC Package
i. Cooling Water From ABC Package
j. Fire Water From ABC Package
k. Power Supply from Substation XYZ From ABC

Schedule Risk Assessment must be conducted by contractor

14. Level III Summary Schedule
upon the development of Level III Project Summary schedule
Risk Analysis Report
and must include following as a minimum in the schedule risk
analysis report;

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a) Schedule Health Check

a. Review for logic & error
b. Risk Ready State
b) Risk Identification
a. Risk Matrix
b. Risk Register
c) Risk Quantification
a. Qualitative (Probabilistic)
b. Quantitative (Three point estimates)
d) Risk Modeling
a. Map Risks to Activities
e) Preliminary Results
a. Impacted Risk Plan
b. Pre Mitigation Distribution Analyzer
c. Pre Mitigation Duration Sensitivity
d. Pre Mitigation Criticality Index
e. Pre Mitigation Cruciality
f) Final Results & Report
a. Post Mitigated Risk Plan
b. Post Mitigation Distribution Analyzer
c. Post Mitigation Duration Sensitivity
d. Post Mitigation Criticality Index
e. Post Mitigation Cruciality

As-Built Schedules must be submitted in native format as per

15. As-Built Schedule of FEL 2
SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item
and III Development
As-Built Quantity Installation Report must be submitted as per
16. As-Built Quantity Report
SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item

As-Built Man-Hours and Headcount Report by Engineering

17. As-Built Man-
Discipline must be submitted as per SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item
hours/Headcount Report by, and
Engineering Discipline
FEL Earned Value Report shall be by disciplines / sub-
18. FEL 2 and FEL 3 Earned
disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work groups and shall
Value Report
include as a minimum the following items;

c) Earned Value Summary Table containing Plan, Earned,

Actual hours and Productivity, for the period and to date
d) Earned Value Graphs showing Plan, Earned and Actual
hours and Productivity, for the period represented as
histograms and to date represented as S-Curves

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Attachment 3 – Execution Scheduling Documents


Programs as well as projects with multiple packages shall
1. Integrated Summary
produce an Integrated Summary Level Schedule and shall
include as minimum the following;

a) Complete scope of all of BIs / Packages

b) Detailed at summary level
c) All major interfaces, both at;
a. BI level
b. Package level
d) All design interfaces, both TO and FROM, such as;
a. Utility Data From ABC Package
b. Line Size, Line Class From ABC Package
c. Process and Mechanical Details From ABC
d. Cable Route From ABC Package
e. SEED File From ABC Package
f. 132 KV Load Data From ABC Package
g. ETAP Calculation Report From ABC Package
h. PSA Information From ABC Package
i. Anchor Point Location From ABC Package
j. Anchor Load From ABC Package
e) All Construction interfaces, both TO and FROM, such as;
a. Construction Site Handover From ABC Package
b. Construction Jetty Handover From ABC Package
c. U/G piping System Handover From ABC Package
d. Road & Paving Handover From ABC Package
e. Pipe Rack Handover From ABC Package
f. Steam From ABC Package
g. Instrument Air From ABC Package
h. Boiler Feed Water From ABC Package
i. Cooling Water From ABC Package
j. Fire Water From ABC Package
k. Power Supply from Substation XYZ From ABC
f) Shall include discipline level summary activities for
engineering for each package
g) Shall include major long lead procurement items for each
h) Shall include discipline level summary activities for
construction for each package

As minimum Level IV schedule shall contain, but not limited to,

2. Detailed EPC Level IV
the following items;
Baseline Schedule
 Level IV schedule shall be built on an agreed SWBS.
See Attachment 1 - Exhibit XI.
 Schedule shall reflect full scope of contract.
 Schedule shall be fully resource loaded as per
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XII.

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 Schedule shall be fully coded as per Attachment 1 -

Exhibit XIII.
 All activities in schedule shall be logically tied and
adhere to minimum schedule quality requirements per
Attachment 1 - Exhibit XIV.
 Schedule shall include subcontractor activities
 Schedule shall include activities for vendors and
 Engineering Interface activities need to be included in
relevant disciplines.
 Schedule activities and PMS shall be in Sync
 No individual activity duration can exceed 25 working
days unless approved by a company representative.

In addition to items highlighted above, activities for

disciplines/sub-disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work
groups are required for Level IV schedules as identified below
and agreed with construction agency.

a) Engineering
 Process
o Process Design Basis
o Process Description
o Process Control Philosophy
o Process Flow Diagram
o Utility Flow Diagram
o Heat & Material Balance
o Material Selection Diagram (MSD)
o Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID)
o Equipment List
o Line Designation Table
o Cause & Effect Diagram
o Relief & Blowdown Summary
o Chemical & Catalyst Summary
o Battery Limit Condition Summary
o Utility Summary
o Corrosion Control Plan
o On Stream (OS) Inspection
o Operating Instruction Manual
o 1st HAZOP / SIL Report
o 2nd HAZOP / SIL Report
o SIL Verification Report
o Hazardous Area Classification Schedule
 Static Equipment
o Datasheets for Static Equipments
 Rotating Equipment
o Datasheets for Rotating Equipments
 Package Equipment
o Datasheets for Packaged Equipments
 Piping
o Plot Plan
o Equipment Location Plan
o Utility Station and Safety Shower Location Plan
o U/G and A/G Piping Plan Drawing

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o Piping Standard Support Drawing

o Piping Special Support Drawing
o Piping Typical Detail Drawing
o 1st and Final Isometric Drawing for U/G Piping
o 1st, 2nd and Final Isometric Drawing for A/G
o 1st and Final Material Take-Off of U/G piping
o 1st, 2nd and Final Material Take-Off of A/G
o 30%, 60%, 90% 3D Modeling & Review
o Isometric Drawing for TMLs
o Steam Tracing Plan & ISO
o Tie-in List
o Hydro Test Diagram
o Piping Material Specification
o Pipe Wall Thickness Calculation Report (26" +)
o Piping Stress Analysis Report
o Specialty Item List
o Safety Instruction Sheet
o Specification for Piping Stress Analysis
o Specification for Piping Support Elements
o Steam Tracing Specification
o Insulation Thickness Tables
 Electrical
o Symbol & Legend
o One Line Diagram
o Electrical Load Schedule
o Cable Schedule
o Electrical Equipment Data Sheet
o Power System Study
o Relay Coordination
o Hazardous Area Classification
o Electrical Equipment Location
o Interconnection Diagram
o Typical Installation Detail
o Cable Routing Layout
o Lighting Layout
o Lighting Fixture Schedule
o Lighting and Small Power Dist. Panelboard
o Illumination Calculation
o Grounding Layout
o Grounding Layout/Lightning Protection for
o Fire Alarm Layout
o Fire Alarm Block Diagram
o Electrical Heat Tracing Specification
o 1st, 2nd and Final MTO
o Transformer Sizing
o UPS Sizing
o Cable Sizing
 Telecommunication
o Symbol & Legend
o Cable Routing Plan
o Trench Layout (Cable & Conduit)

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o Equipment Layout
o Typical Installation Detail
o Block Diagram
o Schematic Diagram
o Cable Schedule
o Data Sheet
o Specification
o 1st, 2nd and Final MTO
 Instrument
o Symbol & Legend
o Key Plan & Drawing Index
o Specification (Data Sheet)
o Instrument Points and Lines
o Instrument Installation Schedule
o Instrument Index
o Electrical Instrumentation Layout Plan
o Junction Box Wiring Drawing
o Marshalling Rack Termination Drawing
o Combustible Gas and H2S Detection Drawing
o Fire Detection Layout Drawing
o Instrument Hook up Drawing
o Instrument Typical Detail Drawing
o Air Piping Layout Drawing
o Main Cable Tray Layout Drawing
o Control Room Layout Drawing (Equipment,
Tray and Wiring)
o Logic Diagram
o Instrument Loop Diagram
o 1st, 2nd and Final MTO
 Civil
o Geotechnical Investigation Report
o Design Basis for Civil, Structural &
o General Notes and Standard Drawing
o Soil Improvement Drawing (Stone Column)
o Soil Improvement Design Report (Stone
o Foundation Location Plan
o Pile Location Plan and Schedule
o UG Sewer Drainage Plan and Detail (Valve Pit
& Box, Manholes, etc.)
o Drum Sump Pit
o Steel Piperack Foundation Drawing
o Equipment Foundation Drawing
o Equipment Structure Foundation Drawing
o Misc. Structure Foundation Drawing
o Road and Paving Plan
 Structural Steel
o Steel Piperack Drawing
o Equipment Structure Drawing
o Misc. Structure Drawing
 Architecture
o Steel Structure, Shelter and Building Drawing
o Concrete Structure, Shelter and Building
Foundation Drawing

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o Analyzer Shelter Foundation Drawing

o Architectural Floor Plan, Roof Plan, Reflected
Ceiling Plan, Schedule, Section, and Detail
o HVAC Design Basis
o HVAC Symbol & Legend
o HVAC Calculation
o HVAC Drawing
o Plumbing Drawing
 Fire Fighting
o Maximum Fire Water Demand Calculation
o Fire Fighting Equipment Data Sheet
o Fire Fighting Line List
o Fire Fighting P&ID
o Fire Hazardous Classification Drawing
o Fire Protection Conceptual Layout Drawing for
o Fire Protection Equipment Layout Drawing for
o Hose Reel Coverage Area Drawing
o Monitor Coverage Area Drawing
o Risk Process Area Drawing
o Fire Extinguisher Location Plan Drawing
o Fire Hazardous Classification Schedule

b) Procurement

Level IV schedule shall have procurement cycle programmed

for each of the item to be procured as per contract. Where
applicable, multi batch deliveries need to be reflected. Delivery
durations to be supported by vendor quotes and revised with
committed durations, once PO signed. Below is a typical list of

 Process
o Specialty Chemicals
o Commodity Chemicals
 Static Equipment
o Columns
o Column Internals
o Vessels
o Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
o Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
o De-super heater
o Filter & Coalescer
o Silencer
o Flame Arrester
o Static Mixer
 Rotating Equipment
o Pumps
o Compressors
 Package Equipment
o Chemical Injection Package
o Vacuum Package
o Fired Heater
o Flare System

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o Flare Gas Recovery System

o Desalter
o Overhead Crane
o Oil Mist Generator
o External Barrier Fluid System
 Piping
o Pipes (CS, SS, Alloy)
o RTR Pipe
o Fittings (Forged, Wrought)
o Flanges
o Valves
o Nuts & Bolts
o Gaskets
o Strainers
o Steam Traps
o Sampling Systems
o Safety Shower and Eye Wash
o Flexible hoses and Couplings
o Injection Quills
o Tube Pipe and Fittings
o Steam Manifold
 Electrical
o Switchgears
o Transformers
o Distribution Panels
o AC UPS & DC System
o Cable BUS
o Power & Control Cable
o Fiber Optic Cable
o Cable Tray
o Termination Kits
o Cable Gland
o Grounding & Lightning System
o Lighting Fixture
o Cathodic Protection
o Fire Alarm System
o Electrical Device
o Motor Control Station
o Multi Cable
o Electric Heat Tracing
o Conduit & Fitting
o Power System Automation
o Air Craft Warning Light
o Communication System
o Cameras
 Instrument
o Process Control System (PCS)
o Distributed Control System (DCS)
o Corrosion Monitoring System
o Steam Monitoring System
o Field Instruments
o Control Valves
o Safety Valves
o Gas Detector

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o Analyzers
o Local Pushbutton
o Instrument Cable, Cable Tray & Fitting
o Instrument Junction Box & FF Junction Box
o Instrument Conduit Pipe & Fitting
o Instrument Cable Gland
o Instrument Pipe Fittings
o Instrument Tube & Tube Fitting
 Steel Structure
 Fire Fighting
o Fire Fighting System
o Deluge Valve

c) Construction

 Mobilization
o Temporary Facilities
 Site Preparation
o Soil Investigation
o Soil Improvement
 Civil
o Piling
o Catch Basin
o Manhole / Valve Box
o Sump Pit
o Cable Trench
o Duct Bank
o Thrust Block Work
o U/G Piping Excavation
o U/G Piping Backfill
o Road, Paving, Landscaping
 Architectural
o Building Foundation
o Building Structure
o Building Internal
o Building Miscellaneous Work
o Painting
o Smoking Shelter
o Chemical Shelter
o Compressor Shelter
 Concrete
o Piperack foundations
o Equipment Foundations
o Building foundations
 Structural Steel
o Piperack steel
o Equipment steel
o Platform and Ladders
o Gratings
 Mechanical
o Module installation
o Packaged equipment installation
o Non-Packaged equipment installation
 Piping Fabrication

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o Offsite fabrication
o Onsite fabrication
o Pipe Support Fabrication
 Piping Installation
o Underground Piping Installation
o Above Ground Piping Installation
o Pipe Support Installation
o Hydrotesting
o Blasting & Coating
o Painting
o Insulation
 Electrical
o Electrical Equipment Installation
o Cathodic Protection System Installation
o Grounding (Earthing) System Installation
o Lightning System Installation
o Electrical Cable Tray Installation
o Electrical Conduit Pipe Installation
o Bus Duct & Cable Duct Installation
o Electrical Cable Pulling & Termination
o Plant Lighting Fixture Installation
o Fire Alarm System Installation
o Electrical Push Button, Switch, Box Installation
o Communication System Installation
o Electrical Heat Tracing
o Power Energizing
 Instrumentation
o Process Control System Installation & Pre-SAT
o Monitoring System Installation
o Field & In-Line Instrument Installation
o Valve (Control/MO/Others) Installation
o Safety Valve Installation
o Fire & Gas Detector Installation
o Analyzer Installation
o Junction Box Installation
o Instrument Cable Tray Installation
o Instrument Conduit Pipe Installation
o Instrument Cable Pulling & Termination
o Instrument Air Piping & Tubing Installation
 Pre-Commissioning
o Piping - Flushing / Steam Blowing
o Piping - Reinstatement
o Piping - System Leak Test
o Electrical - Lighting System Test
o Electrical - Grounding System Test
o Electrical - Lightning System Test
o Electrical - Cathodic Protection System Test
o Electrical - Communication System Test
o Electrical - Fire Alarm System Test
o Electrical - Motor Solo Run Test
o Electrical - Substation Equipment Test
o HVAC - HVAC System Test
o Mechanical - Lube Oil Flushing
o Mechanical - Chemical Cleaning
o Mechanical - Final Alignment

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o Mechanical - Box Up
o Instrument - Loop Test
o Instrument - Air Piping Leak Test
o Instrument - Functional test
 System Turnover
o System Walk downs
o Punch List Clearing
o System Turnover
d) Commissioning
 Commissioning support activities
 Commissioning Interface activities

Basis of Schedule shall include as minimum the following;

3. Basis of Level IV Schedule
n) Scope of work
o) Schedule breakdown structure
p) Schedule Coding structure
q) Schedule Calendars
r) Basis for duration calculations
s) Critical / near critical paths
t) Resources (summary level)
 Engineering Progress curve by discipline and overall
 Engineering Man-hours/Man-power by discipline and
 Construction Progress curve by discipline and overall
 Construction Man-hours/Man-power by discipline and
 Key Quantities histograms and curves
u) Exclusions
v) Engineering Assumptions
 Discipline level
 3D Model
 Vendor Data availability
 Release of production drawings
w) Procurement Assumptions
 Long Lead and Critical Equipment
 Non-Long Lead Equipment
 Strategy for Bulk Material
 Transportation and Logistics
x) Construction Assumptions
 Site Hand Over Plan
 Construction Sequencing and Priorities
 Productivity & no. of crews
 Shutdown assumptions
 Pre-commissioning plan
y) Commissioning sequence

Level IV Schedule established in previous bullet shall be

4. Updated EPC Level IV
updated with most recent information as per the cut-off
calendar and including;

 Progress achieved to date on each activity

 Realistic estimates of remaining durations on in-
progress activities
 Data date updated to last cut-off date

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PMS shall address the complete scope of the contract and as

5. PMS for Engineering,
minimum the following items;
Procurement and
g) Agreed Progress Weights
 Engineering Weights
o Overall engineering weight w.r.t contract
o Engineering weights at discipline level
 Procurement Weights
o Overall procurement weight w.r.t contract
o Procurement weights Owner Supplied and
Contractor Supplied Materials
o Each PO to be equally weighted
 Construction Weights
o Overall construction weight w.r.t contract
o Construction weights at discipline level
 Pre-Commissioning weights

PMS shall be able to roll up progress by package,

disciplines/sub-disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work
groups Below is a sample of intermediate progress increments /
gates / milestones / rules of credit for deliverables of each
phase of project and shall be reviewed and agreed by
construction agency before implementation.

h) Engineering
 CLASS 1 : Drawings and Documents to be issued for
o Engineering / Studies / Calculations 15%
o Drafting Complete 20%
o Discipline Check (Issue for Approval) 20%
o Review Complete 15%
o Issue for Construction with Holds 5%
o Issue for Construction without Holds 25%
 CLASS 2 : Drawings and Documents to be issued for
o Engineering / Studies / Calculations 15%
o Drafting Complete 20%
o Discipline Check (Issue for Review) 20%
o Review Complete 15%
o Issue for Construction with Holds 5%
o Issue for Construction without Holds 25%
 CLASS 3 : Drawings and Documents to be issued for
o Engineering / Studies / Calculations 20%
o Drafting Complete 40%
o Issue for Information 40%
 CLASS 4 : 3D Modeling & Review (for 30%, 60%, 90%)
o Modeling Started 10%
o Modeling Completion 40%
o Modeling Review 25%
o 3D Model Review Completed with Comments
Incorporated 25%
 CLASS 5 : HAZOP & SIL Study

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o Notification of Meeting 15%

o Meeting Completion 35%
o Draft Report 15%
o Incorporated comments 15%
o HAZOP Completed with Comments
Incorporated 20%

i) Procurement
 Class 1: Engineered Equipment
o Request for Quotation Issued (RFQ) 5%
o TBE & CBE Completed 15%
o Purchase Order Placed 15%
o Vendor Preliminary Engineering (NMR 601)
Completed 10%
o Vendor Engineering (NMR 602) Completed
o Delivery to the Construction Site 40%
o COMPANY Approval of NMR 603 5%
 Class 2: Non-Engineered Equipment
o Request for Quotation Issued (RFQ) 10%
o TBE & CBE Completed 10%
o Purchase Order Placed 15%
o Delivery to the Construction Site 55%
o COMPANY Approval of NMR 603 10%

j) Construction
 Civil Work
o Steel Piling
 Fabrication 30%
 Pile Driving 50%
 Pile Cutting and Capping 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Concrete Piling
 Rebar 15%
 Drilling 15%
 Concrete Pouring 50%
 Area Backfill and Compact 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Equipment and Structures Foundations
 Excavation and Lean Concrete.10%
 Formworks 20%
 Reinforcement Preparation 15%
 Concrete Casting 20%
 Stripping/Backfilling 20%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 15%
o Buildings Concrete
 Excavation and lean 5%
 Foundation & Backfilling 10%
 Precast Wall Panels 5%
 Slabs (Ground level) 15%
 Beams 15%

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 Slabs (Elevated) 30%

 Roof Water Proofing 20%
o Architecture
 Floors 20%
 Internal Walls 20%
 Ceilings 16%
 Walls Finishing 8%
 Plumbing & Drainage 8%
 Electrical Installation 8%
 Doors & Openings 8%
 Painting 8%
 Furniture 4%
 Compressor & Fans Install 10%
 Ducts 40%
 Fire Protection 25%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 25%
o U/G Piping and Fire Fighting System
 Excavation / Sand Base 15%
 Manholes/Cast Basin Installed 20%
 Pipe Installation 30%
 Backfilling 15%
 Testing 15%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 5%
o Duct Bank / Trench Work
 Excavate 10%
 Prepare and Pour Lean Concrete 10%
 Rebar and Formwork 30%
 Concrete 40%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Concrete Paving
 Ground Prepared. & Formwork 20%
 Reinforcement 30%
 Casting and Finishing 40%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Pits
 Excavation 10%
 Formworks and Rebar 15%
 Reinforcement 25%
 Casting and Coating 20%
 Backfilling 20%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Gravel Paving
 Leveling, Base Rolling, Rolling 30%
 Gravel Installation 50%
 Compacting 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Access Ways

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 Cleaning and Way Mark 10%

 Rolling 20%
 Sub-Base and Base 30%
 Asphalt 20%
 Fencing 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Demolition
 Disconnection 20%
 Demolition 40%
 Removal of Debris 40%
 Steel Work
o Erection Medium -Heavy Structural Steel
 Erection in Position 30%
 Shimming and Alignment 20%
 Bolting and Tightening 30%
 Finishing/ Clean out /Touch up 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Platforms and Stairs Erection
 Placement 30%
 Bolting/ Welding and Adjust 50%
 Painting & Touch up 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Erection of Vertical Ladders and Handrails
 Placement 30%
 Bolting/ Welding and Adjust 50%
 Painting & Touch up 10%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Structure Fireproofing
 Structure Cleaning 10%
 Wire Mesh 25%
 Formworks 25%
 Casting 30%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
 Equipment Erection
o Towers, Reactors & Columns
 Base and Plates Preparation 10%
 Equipment Erection 30%
 Leveling, Plumb Adjustment and
Grouting 40%
 Inspection and Testing 20%
o Vessels and Heat Exchangers
 Base and Plates Preparation 10%
 Equipment Erection 30%
 Leveling, Plumb Adjustment and
Grouting 30%
 Inspection and Testing 30%
o Centrifugal Compressors
 Base and Plates Preparation 10%

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 Equipment Erection 20%

 Auxiliary Equipment Erection 15%
 Grouting and Preliminary Alignment
 Interconnecting, Cleaning and
Inspection 20%
 Final adjustment and Testing 20%
o Fin Fan Coolers
 Base and Plates Preparation 10%
 Equipment Erection 40%
 Alignment and Inspection 30%
 Testing 20%
o Pumps
 Base and Plates Preparation 10%
 Equipment Erection 30%
 Grouting 10%
 Preliminary Alignment and Piping
Connection 30%
 Motor Testing 10%
 Final Adjustment 10%
o Internals Erection
 Material Preparation & Select 10%
 Internal Installation 80%
 Inspection 10%
o Equipment Fireproofing
 Surface Cleaning 10%
 Wire Mesh 30%
 Casting 40%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 20%
o Equipment and Tanks Painting
 Cleaning 20%
 Priming 30%
 Finish Coat 40%
 Inspection 10%
o Equipment Insulation
 Preparation of Material and Equipment
 Insulation Erection 60%
 Inspection 10%
 Piping Work
o Piping Prefabrication
 Cutting, Beveling & Fit-up 30%
 Welding 60%
 Inspection 10%
o Unit Piping Erection
 Prefabricated Pipe Erection 20%
 Other Pipe Erection 20%
 Welding 30%

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 Valve Erection 20%

 Inspection 10%
o Interconnection Piping Erection
 Non-prefab. Pipe Erection 10%
 Prefabricated Pipe Erection 30%
 Welding 30%
 Valve Erection 20%
 Inspection 10%
o Special Supports
 Support Base 20%
 Delivery 20%
 Erection 50%
 Cover 10%
o Piping Painting
 Cleaning 20%
 Priming 40%
 Finish Coat and Signs 40%
o Piping and Valves Insulation
 Preparation of Material and Piping 20%
 Insulation Erection 50%
 Identification Signs 20%
 Punch and Inspect 10%
o Testing & Pre-Commissioning
 Valve Testing 10%
 Hydrostatic / Pneumatic Test 40%
 Circuit Cleaning 15%
 Circuit Blowing 15%
 Layup 10%
 Re-Instatement 10%
 Electrical Work
o Cable Pulling in Duct Banks
 Cleaning & Guide Installation 10%
 Cable Pulling and Marking 40%
 Connections and Tagging 20%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
 Install Cover / Duct Closing 10%
 Punch and Inspect 10%
o Cable Trays Installation
 Supports Fabrication and Erection 30%
 Trays Installation 40%
 Grouding/Earthing connetions 10%
 Cable Tray Cover install 10%
 Inspection & Accept 10%
o Cable Pulling on Trays
 Cable Pulling 50%
 Cable Tie with Cable Tray 10%
 Markers Installation 30%
 Inspection & Accept 10%

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

o Electrical Junction Boxes

 Base Preparation 10%
 Junction Box Erection 20%
 Connections 50%
 Inspection and Testing 20%
o Plant Lighting
 Installation Piping Conduit 20%
 Channel & Support Fabrication and
Erection 15%
 Junction Boxes & Access Fabrication
and Erection 15%
 Lighting Fixtures / Installation 10%
 Cable Pulling 20%
 Connections and Grounding 10%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
o Emergency Lighting
 Installation Piping Conduit 20%
 Channel & Support fabrication and
erection 15%
 Junction Boxes & Access Fabrication
and Erection 15%
 Lighting Fixtures / Installation 10%
 Cable Pulling 20%
 Connections and Grounding 10%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
o Cable Pulling in Feeders
 Cleaning & Guide Installation 10%
 Cable Pulling 50%
 Connections 30%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
o Electrical Heat Tracing
 Preparation of Heat tracing Material
 Equipment Installation 30%
 Cable Pulling & Connections 40%
 Inspection & Testing 20%
o Building Lighting
 Installation of Conduit 20%
 Installation of Lighting Fixtures,
Grounding and Accessories 30%
 Cable Pulling & Connections 40%
 Inspection & Testing 10%
o Transformers
 Base preparation 10%
 Equipment Preparation and Erection
 Grounding 5%
 Transformer Pit 20%

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

 Final Field Tests 20%

 Cable & Duct Connections 20%
o Switchgear, MCC
 Equipment Location Prepared 10%
 Panel Assembly 35%
 Cable & Wire Connections 25%
 Grounding Connection 5%
 Testing 10%
 Marking 5%
 Final Inspection 10%
o Lighting System
 On Ground Preparation 30%
 Accessories Installation 30%
 Cable Pulling & Connections 30%
 Inspection 10%
o Bus Duct & Cable Duct
 Supports Fabrication & Erection 20%
 Bus Duct Erection 50%
 Connection 20%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
o Ups & Battery Charger
 Equipment Location 10%
 Equipment Erection 30%
 Connection 20%
 Battery Filling & Testing 20%
 Equipment Testing & Inspection 20%
o Feeders
 Excavation 10%
 Base 10%
 Cabling Laying 50%
 Covering & Backfilling 20%
 Testing & Inspection 10%
o Upgrade Existing Equipment
 Shutdown & Isolation 30%
 Installation & Upgrade 30%
 Testing & Inspection 30%
 Re-energization 10%
o Cathodic Protection
 Excavation 10%
 Anode & Accessory Installation 15%
 Cable Pulling & Connection 20%
 CP Station Installation 25%
 Backfilling 20%
 Inspection & Testing 10%
 Cable & Equip. Installation 50%
 System Configuration 40%
 Testing & Inspection 10%

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o Power Distribution
 Conduit & Cable Tray 30%
 Cable Pulling & Termination 30%
 Equipment & Accessory Installation
 Testing & Inspection 10%
o Grounding System
 Excavation 10%
 Accessories Installation 30%
 Cable Pulling and Connections 30%
 Backfilling 20%
 Inspection and Testing 10%
o Electrical and Control Trench
 Excavation 10%
 Cable Positioning 40%
 Backfilling/Compacting 40%
 Final Check & QA/QC Certif. 10%
o Testing & Pre-Commissioning
 Equipment Preparation 10%
 Testing Packages 30%
 Testing 60%
 Instrumentation and Control Work
o Analyzers, Metering Stations and Other Skid
Equipment Installation
 Base preparation 10%
 Erection and Leveling 20%
 Supports Fabrication and Erection 20%
 Piping and Cable Connections 20%
 System Integration 20%
 Calibration and Testing 10%
o Tubing Installation
 Material prefabrication 10%
 Supports Fabrication and Erection 30%
 Tubing Installation & Connect 40%
 Testing & Inspection 20%
o Control & Instrumentation Cables
 Secondary Conduit Installations 20%
 Junction Boxes & Access Fabrication
and Erection 20%
 Cable Pulling and Connections /
Marking 40%
 Cable Testing & Inspection (QA/QC)
o Instrument Erection
 Calibration 20%
 Erection 30%
 Connections 30%
 Inspection 20%

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o Control Valves
 Valve Testing 20%
 Valve Erection 30%
 Connections 30%
 Testing 20%
o Safety Valves
 Valve Test 40%
 Valve Erection 50%
 Inspection 10%
o Instrumentation Junction Boxes
 Base Preparation 10%
 Junction Box Erection 20%
 Connections 50%
 Inspection and Testing 20%
o Control Panels
 Base Preparation 10%
 Panel Erection 20%
 Connections 50%
 Inspection and Testing 20%
o Fire & Gas Detection
 Supports Installation 10%
 Panel Installation 20%
 Detectors Horns & Beacons Installation
 Cable Pulling and Connections 30%
 Testing 20%
o Paging and Telecommunication System
 Conduits & Supports Fabrication and
Erection 20%
 Cable Pulling and Connections 30%
 Equipment and Accessories
Installation 30%
 Testing 20%
o PCS (DCS / FSD / MMS / CCS / Honeywell
 Optical Fiber & Network Installation
 Cabinet Installation 10%
 System Interconnections 10%
 Cable & Fiber Testing 20%
 SAT Testing 20%
 Integration 30%
 Conduit & Supports Fabrication and
Erection 20%
 Cable Pulling & Connections 20%
 Equipment & Accessory Installation

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

 Poles & Foundation 20%

 Inspection & Testing 20%
o Analyzers Data System
 Conduits & Supports Fabrication and
Erection 20%
 Cable Pulling & Connections 20%
 Equipment Installation 20%
 Integration 20%
 Testing & Inspection 20%
 Software Loading 20%
 Integration 20%
 Cable & Interconnection 20%
 Testing 40%
o Pre-Commissioning / Loop Testing
 Instruments Verification and
Connections 10%
 Testing Packages 30%
 Testing 60%

Progress Summary tables shall include as minimum the

6. Progress Summary by
Package, by Phase by Unit
by Discipline
a) Overall Progress Summary at Package level and shall
contain as minimum the following;
a. E, P and C phases
b. Package level E, P and C weights
c. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
d. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
e. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with
b) Progress Summary at Unit / Train / Block level and shall
contain as minimum the following;
a. E, P and C phases
b. Package level E, P and C weights
c. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
d. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
e. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with
c) Engineering Progress Summary by Discipline at Package /
Unit / Train / Block level and shall contain as minimum the
a. Relevant Engineering disciplines
b. Engineering discipline weights
c. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
d. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

e. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with

d) Procurement Progress Summary by category at Package /
Unit / Train / Block level and shall contain as minimum the
a. Relevant Procurement Categories
b. Procurement Category weights
c. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
d. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
e) Construction Progress Summary by construction discipline
at Package / Unit / Train / Block level and shall contain as
minimum the following;
a. Relevant construction disciplines
b. Construction discipline weights
c. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
d. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with

In addition to above, progress graphs shall be produced. Plan

and Actual, for the period shall be represented as histograms
and to date progress shall be represented as S-Curves by
Package, Phase, Unit, Plant, Discipline and Sub-Discipline.

Procurement status report shall include as minimum the

7. Procurement Status Report

a) Shall include all purchase requisitions

b) Shall group purchase requisitions by material categories
c) Shall include all procurement steps in detail up to PO
d) Procurement steps from PO placement up to receiving
materials and final vendor documents shall be at summary
e) Each step for each purchase requisition shall include Plan,
Actual and Forecast dates

In addition, procurement status shall be available by

disciplines/sub-disciplines, Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work
Materials status report shall include as minimum the following;
8. Materials Expediting Report
a) All purchase orders
b) Group purchase order by material categories
c) Include all expediting steps in detail from Kick-Off onward.
d) Below are key info to be included in expediting report;
a. P.O. Number
b. Material Description
c. Manufacturer
d. Country
e. Effective Date
f. Kick Off Meeting Date
g. 1st Key Drawing Received (Plan, Actual, Forecast)

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h. Materials Ordered (Plan, Actual, Forecast)

i. Materials Received (Plan, Actual, Forecast)
j. Fabrication Start (Plan, Actual, Forecast)
k. Final Inspection Start (Plan, Actual, Forecast)
l. PO delivery date (Fist Batch) (Plan, Actual,
m. PO delivery date (Last Batch) (Plan, Actual,
n. Site Required Date
o. Remarks

EPC Schedule Variance Report shall include as minimum the

9. Schedule and Progress
following items;
Variance Report
e) Critical activities with slippage more than one reporting
f) Root Cause of slippage
g) Impact of slippage
h) Corrective actions to recover slippage

EPC Progress Variance Report shall include as minimum the

following items;

d) Progress variance by discipline, supported by detailed

activity level progress variances
e) Root Cause of progress variances
f) Progress variance recover plans

Manpower Summary shall include as minimum the following

10. Man-hours/Headcount Report
items for both engineering and construction;
– Engineering by Discipline
and Construction by Trade
e) Manpower Summary Table containing Plan, Actual and
Variance, for the period and to date by discipline and Total
f) Manpower graphs containing Plan and Actual, for the
period represented as histograms and to date represented
as S-Curves by discipline and Total

Engineering Deliverables Completion Dashboard shall include

11. Engineering Deliverables
as minimum the following items;
Completion Dashboard
c) Engineering Deliverables Summary Table containing Plan,
Actual and Variance, for the period and to date by
Package, Unit, Train, Block, discipline and Total
d) Engineering Deliverables production graphs containing
Plan and Actual, for the period represented as histograms
and to date represented as S-Curves by Package, Unit,
Train, Block, discipline and Total

Construction Quantity Installation Dashboard shall include as

12. Construction Quantity
minimum the following items;
Installation Dashboard
a) Construction Quantity Installation Summary Table
containing Plan, Actual and Variance, for the period and to
date by discipline and Total

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

b) Construction Quantity Installation graphs containing Plan

and Actual, for the period represented as histograms and to
date represented as S-Curves by discipline and Total

Updated Schedule with all approved changes, ensuring that

13. Schedule Change Log
schedule accounts for the complete scope. Schedule change
log must include as a minimum the following items;

a) Schedule activity information including Activity ID and

b) List of new activities and/or changes to existing activities
modified as result of change
c) Activity original and remaining durations (not applicable for
new activities added as result of change) before and after
d) Activity original and remaining resources (quantities and
man-hours) before and after change
e) Impact on contractual milestones and mechanical
completion milestone in days

GI 2.710 mandates identification of systems and sub-systems

14. System Schedule
before acceptance committee meeting at 60% actual
construction. Identified systems and sub-system information
must be used to prepare detailed pre-commissioning schedule
by system and sub-system. System schedule shall include as
minimum following but not limited to:

a) Activities for hydro testing of pipes

b) Activities for pipe flushing and cleaning
c) Calibration activities for PSVs
d) Calibration activities for all other instruments
e) Piping Reinstatement activities
f) Activities for remaining static and rotating equipment works
g) Activities for pneumatic testing of equipments
h) Activities for equipment flushing and cleaning
i) Activities for Internal inspection of the vessels
j) Equipment reinstatement activities
k) Activities for Equipment and skids box-up
l) Activities for remaining electrical and instrumentation cable
m) Activities for motor solo runs
n) Loop checking activities
o) Activities for system and sub-system walk downs
p) Activities for Testing of electrical, communications and DCS
q) Activities for Electrical System Energization
r) Activities for checking of the safety system
s) Activities for e vendor packages
t) Activities for clearing punch items
u) Activities for partial and full mechanical completion
certificate sign-offs

System Progress Summary tables shall include as minimum the

15. System Progress Summary

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

a) Construction Progress Summary by System / Sub-System

under a Package / Unit / Train / Block level and shall
contain as minimum the following;
a. System / Sub-System weights
b. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
c. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
d. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with
b) Construction Progress Summary of all systems and sub-
systems rolled up at Unit / Train / Block level and shall
contain as minimum the following;
a. Unit / Train / Block level weights
b. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
c. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
d. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with
c) Construction Progress Summary at Package level and shall
contain as minimum the following;
a. Current Period Plan & Actual progress with
b. Last Three Periods Plan & Actual progress with
c. Cumulative to date Plan & Actual progress with

Pre-Commissioning Key Quantity Dashboard shall be by

16. Pre-Commissioning Key
Plant/Unit/System/Sub-System and shall include as minimum
Quantity Report
the following items;

a) Summary Table containing Plan, Actual and Variance, for

the period and to date and Total for following items;
a. Hydro Tests
b. Steam/Air Blows
c. Instrument Calibration
d. Reinstatements
e. Internal inspection of the vessels
f. Equipment box-up
g. Motor solo runs
h. Loop checks

C&SU schedule need to be developed by Project / Program

17. Commissioning and Start-Up
Integration team by working closely with proponent. C&SU
Schedule shall include as minimum the following items;

a) MC milestones at system and sub-system level

b) Work permits
c) System Preparation
d) System Inspection
e) QA Documentation
f) Switchboard / MCC Checks
g) Fire System Checks

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

h) Safety System Checks

i) Test Electrical Function
j) Test Instrument Function
k) Test Run Ins
l) Catalyst and Chemicals loading
m) System Leak Test
n) System Inerting
o) Final Vent/Drain Check
p) Reinstate Insulation
q) Ready for Energization and Energized
r) Testing for OEM, PIB, POIB Buildings
s) Pre-Startup Safety Review
t) Final Checks For Start Up
u) Utilities Start-Up
v) Pre Start-up Safety requirements Completion verification
w) Start-Up Equipments
x) Introduce Feed
y) Establish Operating Conditions
z) Increase Throughput to Production Targets

As-Built Schedules must be submitted in native format as per

18. As-Built Schedule
SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item

As-Built Quantity Installation Report must be submitted as per

19. As-Built Quantity Installation
SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item
As-Built Man-Hours and Headcount Report must be submitted
20. As-Built Man-
as per SAEP-329 Exhibit II Item, and
hours/Headcount Report by
Earned Value Report shall be by disciplines / sub-disciplines,
21. Earned Value Report
Phase, Unit, Plant, Area and work groups and shall include as a
minimum the following items;

g) Earned Value Summary Table containing Plan, Earned,

Actual hours and Productivity, for the period and to date
h) Earned Value Graphs showing Plan, Earned and Actual
hours and Productivity, for the period represented as
histograms and to date represented as S-Curves

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Attachment 4 – EPM for Schedule Management

A centralized Schedule Management solution has been implemented under Enterprise

Project Management (EPM) platform. The system primarily relies on Oracle Primavera P6,
this system is integrated with SAP & Oracle Primavera Unifier. The system also:
 Offers a structured way of schedule development & management for Saudi Aramco.
 Enables contractors to access a centralized system to develop & update all contract
 Communicate through workflows within Saudi Aramco and with contractors.
EPM Schedule Creation
In order to start utilizing the Schedule Management system, the BI has to be created in the
EPM System through PMOD EPM Admin. EPM Admin uses SAP transactions to create
schedule in Oracle Primavera in master & staging environments in P6. “Master environment” is
internal to Saudi Aramco while “Staging environment” is for contractor’s access. Along with the
creation of schedule, this interface also transfers the Milestones at BI & JO level and the WBS.
EPM Schedule Development and update
Construction agency is responsible to manage & maintain the BI & JO level schedule
Milestones. Contractors are primarily responsible for creating & updating the contract
schedules by logging in the Oracle Primavera Web software product for which access is
provided by Saudi Aramco. Schedule development requires the utilization of the provided
codes, calendars & dictionaries that are available through Oracle Primavera P6.
EPM PCS Development
Based on the resource loaded schedule and schedule data transferred to Unifier, through
interface, the PCS is established. This PCS is routed for approval utilizing the business
process, along with all the necessary support documents. This business process includes all
the levels of review and approval between construction agency & PMOD.
EPM Schedule Management Reporting and check
The general quality of the developed schedule should be checked using the P6 14-Point
checklist, which is a standard Oracle Primavera features. Construction agency has access to
the live P6 data through the Oracle Primavera P6 Web or Oracle Primavera P6 Professional.
Oracle Primavera has more than 100 generic reports that can be produced & other adhoc
reports can also be created as needed.
EPM Schedule Management Configuration
A structured approach is required to develop and manage schedules in the Oracle Primavera
P6. This approach includes following a standard coding, standard dictionaries & provided
calendars. In order to fully utilize the Schedule Management system, Construction agency &
Contractors are required to strictly follow the EPM guidelines that are communicated through
the EPM Contractor’s Guide & Project Scheduling Procedure.
Non-EPM BI Schedule Submittal

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Next Planned Update: 27 January 2022 Project Schedule Requirements

For all BIs that are being executed out of EPM, construction agency is required to submit their
monthly schedules through EPM. These schedules are stored in a centralized repository and
are submitted for the attention of PMOD.

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