9 Lab 10

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STUDENT ID: 66010983, 66011132,
66011117, 66011589
DATE OF SUB.: 11/6/2023
1. Purpose (All)

✓ Understand the meaning of Centrifugal Force

✓ Understand the relationship between Angular Velocity and Centrifugal Force.
✓ Observe the angular momentum of the spinning wheel to understand how torque
contributes to the generation of precession.

2. Summary of Theory (All)

→ When an object moves in a circle of radius R with constant speed v, the acceleration 𝒂𝑪 is
always directed towards the center of the circle and is called the centripetal acceleration. The
force 𝑭𝑪 that produces the centripetal acceleration must also be directed towards the center of
the circle and is called the Centripetal Force.

Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration

→ Centrifugal Force is a pseudo force in a circular motion that acts along the radius and is
directed away from the center of the circle.

Centrifugal Force

→ Angular momentum is the property of any rotating object given by the moment of inertia
multiplied by the angular velocity. It is given by the equation:

𝑳 = 𝑰𝝎
Where L is the angular momentum of an object, I is the moment of inertia
and 𝜔 is the angular velocity.
Angular momentum of a spinning wheel

→ If some torque were applied to a spinning wheel, the angular momentum of the wheel will
move in the direction of the applied torque.

Angular momentum and Torque

→ Precession is the change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body; a slow
and continuous change in rotation.

Angular momentum of a spinning wheel

Angular momentum of a spinning wheel

→ The wheel’s spin rate will be reducing due to the presence of air friction. The wheel will
progressively pitch down and eventually the spin axis will be practically parallel to the
direction of gravity.

3. Exercises (All)
1. Should increasing the torque by adding the weight of the axle of the bicycle
increase or decrease the precession rate?

▪ Adding weight to the axle of a bicycle would increase the torque required
to rotate the wheel. The increased torque would result in an increased
precession rate.

2. Should the increasing the rate of bicycle wheel spins increase or decrease the
precession rate?

▪ Increasing the rate at which the bicycle wheel spins would increase the
precession rate. This is because more angular momentum is generated when
the wheel spins faster, which then leads to a higher precession rate when an
external force acts on the wheel.

3. Explain the motion boomerang using angular momentum.

▪ A spinning boomerang creates angular momentum. The boomerang’s shape

and weight distribution make it want to stay upright, however the angular
momentum created by the spinning of the boomerang makes it want to
change direction. Therefore, as it’s spinning in the air, it wobbles, creating
a lift on one side and a downward push on the other. These forces along
with the spinning motion make the boomerang want to turn and come back
to you.
4. Experimental Procedure (All)

Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force


• Centrifugal force demonstrator instrument

• Metal sphere

• Mobile phone (as a stop watch)


• Calculate the spring constant for the spring linked to the metal cross arm

based on the provided information. Use Hooke's law as a reference.

• Formulate an equation to determine Centrifugal Force (FCF) in the

experiment using l1 (2cm) and l2 (8cm) with spring compression length

measured using the color stripe ruler. Consider the application of moment or

torque principles.

• Place the metal sphere into the slot indicated by the red arrow. Rotate the

system using the crank handle at two different angular speeds (ω1 and ω2)

and note down the spring compression length using the color stripe ruler.

• Determine the Centrifugal Force (FCF) by using the angular velocities (ω1

and ω2) as a basis for calculation.

• Calculate the Centrifugal Force (FCF) using the mathematical formula

established in question 2.

• Compare the outcomes of FCF obtained through practical means in question 4

with those derived from the theoretical approach mentioned in question 5.

Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque


• Gyroscope

• Meter Ruler

• Mobile phone(as a stop watch)


• Initially, manually spin the disk and allow it to undergo precession.

• Using the right-hand rule, determine the precession direction based on the spinning

direction and the torque direction.

• Develop a mathematical formula for determining angular momentum during spinning

while keeping in mind that the least uncertain factor, precession frequency, needs to

be ascertained through experimentation.

• Calculate the wheel's angular velocity.

• Determine the actual (observed) angular velocity of the disk through experimentation.

• Observe and record the time it takes for one full precession rotation, and then

calculate the theoretical angular precession speed, denoted as 𝜔𝑝𝑟𝑒 .

The angular precession speed; 𝝎𝒑𝒓𝒆 = 𝝉/ 𝑳s

The 𝝉 torque on the wheel; 𝝉 = 𝒎𝒈l

The angular momentum of the wheel is, when m is overall mass of wheel and the

handle; L𝒔= I𝛚spin

That is the momentum of inertia of the wheel, if assume that all the mass of the wheel

is at the circumference; I =𝑴R2

• Conduct the experiment on a minimum of three occasions, each time with a different

spinning speed.
5. Observations (All)

Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force


→ The ball exhibits an acceleration away from the center of rotation while the instrument is

→ One of the measured springs appears to have a consistent behavior, as evidenced by the
close proximity of measurements.


→ The recorded weight of the ball is approximately 97 grams.

→ The spring lengths are measured at 3 cm, 2.9 cm, and 2.7 cm.

Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque


→ The disc’s weight allowed it to complete one full lap when spun naturally.

→ The disc rotates automatically due to precession, causing the gyroscope’s axle to move
when torque is applied.

→ Torque is described as a force or combination of forces applied away from the reference


→ The disc weighed approximately 1500 grams.

→ Three trials were conducted, resulting in scores of 10, 6, and 7.

6. Calculations (All)

Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force

Calculating spring constant using Hooke’s Law, 𝑭 = 𝒌𝒙, using the above values:
𝐹 𝑚𝑔
𝑘= =
𝑥 𝑙2 −∆𝑙
𝑘= = 98
𝑘= = 98
𝑘= = 98

Mathematic expression to calculate 𝑭𝑪𝑭 using values from experiment:

𝑙1 = 0.02 m
𝑙2 = 0.08 m
𝒌𝒙(𝑙2 ) 𝒌𝒙(0.08)
𝑭𝑪𝑭 = = = 𝒌𝒙(𝟒)
𝑙1 0.02

Trial 1: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (98)(0.03)(4) = 11.76 N

Trial 2: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (98)(0.029)(4) = 11.36 N
Trial 3: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (98)(0.027)(4) = 10.58 N

Calculating 𝑭𝑪𝑭 using theory:

𝑭𝑪𝑭 = 𝒎𝝎𝟐 𝒓 where 𝜔 = 2πf, m = 0.097 kg, r = 0.08 m
Trial 1: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (0.097)(2π * 11)²(4) = 37.03 N
Trial 2: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (0.097(2π * 10)²(4) = 30.60 N
Trial 3: 𝑭𝑪𝑭 = (0.097(2π * 11)²(4) = 37.03 N
Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque

Creating a mathematical expression to calculate spinning angular momentum, we get

that (Using torque and precession frequency, also known as angular precession speed):

τ 𝑚𝑔𝑙
ωprecession = Ls = Iωspin

we can calculate the angular speed of the wheel from the video recorded:

ωspin = 2πf = 2π/T

Calculation 1: Calculation of Angular Speed (ω)

Angular speed (ω) was determined using the formula ω = 2πf, where f represents the frequency, and
T stands for the time period.

Trial 1: ω(wheel) = 2π × 4.00 = 25.13 rads-1

Trial 2: ω(wheel) = 2π × 3.00 = 18.84 rads-1

Trial 3: ω(wheel) = 2π × 3.20 = 20.10 rads-1

Calculation 2: Angular Velocity of the disk

Trial 1: ω(disk) = 2π × 4.5 = 28.27 rads-1

Trial 2: ω(disk) = 2π × 3.1 = 19.47 rads-1

Trial 3: ω(disk) = 2π × 3.31 = 20.792 rads-1

We will use the calculated angular spin velocity as our theoretical value to find the theoretical

angular precession velocity.

Torque on the wheel:

τ = mgl = 1.5 × 9.8 × 0.25 = 29.4 N

Inertia of the wheel:

I = MR2 = 4.65 × 0.12 = 0.073 kgm2

Calculation 3: Angular momentum

Ls = Iωspin

Trial 1: Ls = Iωspin = 0.073 × 25.21 = 1.84 kgm2

Trial 2: Ls = Iωspin = 0.073 × 30.20 = 2.20 kgm2

Trial 3: Ls = Iωspin = 0.073 × 20.92 = 1.52 kgm2

Calculation 4: Angular precession speed

ωpre = Ls

Trail 1: ωpre = = 14 rads-1

Trail 2: ωpre = 1.88 = 15.63 rads-1

Trail 3: ωpre = 2.33 = 12.618 rads-1
7. Results (All)

Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force Result Tables

x of spring f of spring
Trial Theory Experiment
(m) (hz)
(N) (N)

1 0.03 11 37.03 11.76

2 0.029 10 30.60 11.36

3 0.027 11 37.03 10.58

Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque

Compare the Angular speed of the wheel and of the disk.

Angular speed Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Of the wheel 25.13 18.84 20.06

Of the disk 28.27 19.47 20.79

Trial 1 2 3

Angular speed
25.13 18.84 20.06

momentum 2.28 1.47
(kg ∙ m2/s)

Angular 12.89 20.00

precession speed 18.375
8. Conclusion (All)
Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force

From the experiment, we found that for centrifugal force, the values obtained from
experimental method were much less than values obtained from the use of theoretical
equations, with the ratio being roughly 1:3 respectively. The highest spring compression along
with the highest frequency gave the highest value for centrifugal force for both theoretical
method and experimental method.

Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque

The experiment revealed that the angular velocity values for both the wheel and angular
disk were comparable, and the angular speed and angular precession speed consistently
exhibited similar values in each iteration of the experiment.

9. Discussion (All)
Experiment 1: Centrifugal Force

The data rеvеаlеd an inverse relationship between spring compression and frequency,
which aligns with the principles of simple harmonic motion. As spring compression decreases,
the force and subsequent acceleration increase, resulting in a higher oscillation frequency. This
behavior is consistent with theoretical expectations.

From the result tables above, we found the values of centrifugal force to be very
different when calculating using theoretical equations compared to when using experimental
values. This could be due to a number of errors, such as inconsistencies in the force used by
the person doing the experiment as well as timing errors (human error).

Experiment 2: Angular Momentum and Torque

The experiment measured centrifugal force and compared it to thеorеtical valuеs. Thе
experimental rеsults consistently exceeded thе theoretical valuеs. This discrеpancy may bе
attributеd to factors such as friction, spring impеrfеctions, and measurement inaccuraciеs.

To еnhancе accuracy in futurе еxpеrimеnts, minimizing sourcеs of еrror and еnsuring

prеcisе measurements will be essential.

The еxpеrimеnt succеssfully dеmonstratеd thе invеrsе rеlationship bеtwееn spring

compression and frequency. Howеvеr, thе experimental centrifugal force valuеs consistently
exceeded thе theoretical values, pointing to potential sources of error that can bе addrеssеd in
futurе itеrations.

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