Exp 111 Midterm Exam Reviewer
Exp 111 Midterm Exam Reviewer
Exp 111 Midterm Exam Reviewer
3. Managerial skill concept o Ability to perform work with the latest method.
o The Scholars supporting this concept have turned o Ability to take decisions during uncertainties.
entrepreneurship as the ability of managerial skills.
o Besides, he has also assumed that inspiration for high-level
Entrepreneurship as the ability for inspections, controls, and achievements makes a man an entrepreneur.
direction. Similarly, entrepreneurship as a Managerial skill,
along with the capacity to bear risks.
6. Professional concept
o When assembling your team, it is imperative to gather a o “Vision is scarce but not capital”
team of individuals with the same mindset and attitude
o Good business plan always draws investors. Capital should
towards achieving a common goal. You must not involve
be your least worry when you have a solution.
family or close friends especially those without any knowledge
Entrepreneurship is all about solution. When your idea is
or expertise they can add to your startup. Your team must have
great, you can easily get investors or government loan. In my
the same drive, tenacity, perseverance, and an underlying
country, Nigeria for example, government has created loan
belief in themselves and the value they can add to the success
programs for SMEs and this can be easily accessed with a good
of the business. Your team must be motivated and dedicated.
business plan alone. One of such programs is YouWin. Also,
the Central Bank of Nigeria is supporting startups with
funding with a little interest rate. Other programs like the
● Viable products/services Tony Elumelu Foundation also support startups financially.
These funding channels should be exploited. These are
o “Good products most times sell itself”
measuring most national governments are applying to
o “Always stay focused on your goal and also always keep
promote entrepreneurship knowing that the growth of the
success in your mind”
world’s economy depends on it.
o Every successful business grew over the years. Most big
companies started small. It was all a process. Success in
● Accountability business is not a one-time event; it is an on-going process.
You must give room for growth. Do not be content with the
o “Accountability breeds responsibility” success of yesterday; always strive to beat your own record.
That way, your business will keep on growing, your investors
o “Accountability breeds from responsibility”
will be happy to remain and inject more funds. Always remain
o As an entrepreneur, you are accountable to the success or focused and dedicated to your goal. Have a clear goal and
failure of your business, not your employees, investors or pursue it. Your business growth also depends on your
advisors. You must have a detailed account of whatever marketing strategy. Marketing helps in getting your product
transaction made by the company. Have a scorecard of all known and good sales come from good marketing.
inventories. Always carry your investors along if there are any.
The success of any business is, in many ways, measured by the
management of its resources. Even if you hire a full-time
● Know your customer
accountant, as an entrepreneur, you are expected to have a
fundamental knowledge of accounting, how it works and how o “Always treat your customers as special guests.”
to apply its basic principles with the aim of operating a
o “Your business must be streamlined in a definite niche”
flourishing business.
o Your customer base determines the life of your business. If
you provide solution to better the world, your customers will
● Growth and marketing increase. In business, the higher your customers, the higher
the profit. Your business must be streamlined into a particular
o “Without continual growth and progress, such words as niche. This will help you to know who your prospective
improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” customers should be and how to get and keep them. When you
focus on a niche market, it is more efficient, more productive
and less competitive. Always map out strategies that will allow
for customer feedback even if it means giving out ● Never give-up
discounts/vouchers in exchange.
o “Never, Never, Never Give Up”
● The art of execution & delivery matters a working environment and not only the perks and increments.
It is a sign of good entrepreneurship that their employees feel
like their leaders and organization respects their dignity and
o “Entrepreneurship is an art of execution.” also value the contribution to business success.Apart from all
such principles, an entrepreneur should have the ability to
o It is not enough to have a bunch of ideas and a great team fulfill economic, environmental, as well as social
unless and until the entrepreneur knows how to execute responsibilities along with the drive their business in the
everything. The venture can stay at the same level if there is cut-throat competitive business sphere. The most important
all talk and no execution of ideas. Successful entrepreneurship determinant for entrepreneurship is to maintain a balance
needs to generate ideas and also obey the talk and not fake between internal aspirations and external expectations.
promises or illusions.
Brookside School for Science Based on scholars, personal qualities in many cases are stable
Fall Semester 20XX and difficult to change (Driessen, Zwart, 2006), something fixed
and immutable (Sanchez, 2011), compared to capabilities,
Teacher: Ms. Wendy Writer
which can be developed or knowledge, which can be obtained.
Email: [email protected]
Broad personality traits are less related to the creation of
enterprises than specific personality traits (Sanchez, 2011), so
4. Creative
An entrepreneur should be creative and innovative to
stay in the business and in order to have an edge over
the other competitors.
5. Has initiative
Other PEC’s
An entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put
yourself in a position where you are responsible for the
1. Hardworking failure or success of your business.
one of the most important characteristics of a good
entrepreneur is hardworking. This means working 6. Profit oriented
diligently and being consistent about it. hardworking An entrepreneur enters the world of business to
people keep improving their performance to produce generate profit or additional income. The business
good products and/or provide good services. shall become your bread and butter. Therefore, you
must see to it that the business can generate income.
Listed below are the important skills of a successful
1. Excellent planner – planning involves strategic thinking
and goal setting to achieve objectives by carefully maximizing
all the available resources. A good entrepreneur develops and
follows the steps in the plans diligently to realize goals. A good
entrepreneur knows that planning is an effective skill only
when combines with action.
• Use empathy: put yourself in the shoes of your customers. The process of developing and generating a business idea is not
Always focus on the needs of the target customers and forget a simple process. Some people come up with a bunch of
falling in love with your own product or service. Always business ideas that are not really feasible. There are two
remember, you are making/providing this product not for problems that arise; the first is the excessive generation of
yourself but for the target customers to eventually increase ideas that can forever remain as a dreaming stage and the
sales and earn profit. The essential question such as what could second is when they don’t have ideas and don’t want to become
make them come back and ignore competition should be asked entrepreneurs. The most optimal way is to have a systematic
to oneself. Most possible answers may be focused on quality, approach in generating and selecting a business idea that can
availability, convenience, cleanliness, and reliability of the be transformed into a real business. Here are some basic yet
product or service. very important considerations that can be used to generate
possible ideas for business:
• Identify customers’ desires. It is very important for you to
understand and find out what drives and motivates your 1. Examine existing goods and services. Are you satisfied with
customers to buy your product or service. Make some effort to the product? What do other people who use the product say
find out, analyze and utilize the information that motivates the about it? how can it be improved? There are many ways of
customers in their decision to purchase the product or service. improving a product from the way it is made to the way it is
packed and sold. You can also improve the materials used in
• Discover customers’ genuine reasons for buying the product. crafting the product. In addition, you can introduce new ways
Information is very important in decision-making. A of using the product, making it more useful and adaptable to
competitive entrepreneur always improves their products or the customers’ many needs. when you are improving the
services to provide satisfaction and of course retention of product or enhancing it, you are doing innovation. You can also
do an invention by introducing an entirely new product to
replace the old one. Business ideas may also be generated by
examining what goods and services are sold outside the
community. Very often, these products are sold in a form that
can still be enhanced or improved.