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Ann-Christin Eliasson
Karolinska Institutet
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tween impairment and the development of skills, i.e. between the ICF
level: Body function and Activity. Yet, the present examples can be un-
derstood this way: The grip patterns (Fredizzo et al., 2003) and the qual-
ity of movement (QUEST: Hanna et al., 2003) reflect the impairment
and are not easily changed, but children can learned effective strategies,
resulting in increased skills confirmed by the result of the Jebson Hand
Function Test and the Peabody Development Test (Eliasson & Gordon
unpublished, Hanna et al., 2003). This can be interpreted such as chil-
dren have learned to handle their deviant grip and movement pattern
during their development. This interpretation gives positive evidence
for the possibility to improve hand skills through training of activities
relevant for he children.
Successful manual skills for use in daily life are dependent on a com-
plex process and incorporate different aspects of a person’s capability
(Mackenzie & Iberall 1994, Exner & Hendersson 1995). Commonly en-
countered words like hand function, in-hand manipulation or fine motor
ability are used, however these words are mainly associated with the
ability to move the fingers and that is just part of the problem to be
The usefulness of the hand is highly dependent on cognition (Exner &
Hendersson, 1995). One has to understand the value of using one’s
hands for a meaningful purpose (Fig. 1). Then the task has to be en-
coded and translated into purposeful actions, and these must be per-
formed in the appropriate order. Developmental limitations may result
in a lack of ability to comprehend the constraints of a task. Motivation
also influences hand skills because one has to be motivated if one is to
learn a task. If not, one may never master the task with a high level of
skill. The individual’s own motivation has probably been an aspect that
has been underestimated when planning treatment. Motivation is closely
related to attention and concentration and, when attempting to learn a
task, a reduced focus on the task will almost certainly limit the ability to
learn (Smith & Wrisberg 2000). Overall, self-efficacy and body image,
influenced by personal as well as environmental factors, have an impact
on task performance.
The physical part, composition of the hand’s manipulation, is also
complex (Eliasson 1995, Exner & Hendersson 1995, Mackenzie &
Iberall 1994). A person’s perception will influence their action as their
Ann-Christin Eliasson 41
Cognition Sensorimotor system
Attention Perception
Hand use
Self-efficacy Muscles &
skeletal system
Ann-Christin Eliasson 43
Grip Strength
⫺5 25%-75%
before 6 mo 5 yr
10 25%-75%
before 6 mo 5 yr
Ann-Christin Eliasson 45
sized and, thereby, examples can be given about how to provide treat-
ments in a more precise way.
ment session was to repeat the task. For the evaluation, the Goal
Attainment Scale (GAS) (King et al 1999) was used as follows:
During the first session Marcus needed both physical and verbal
guidance. The following three treatment sessions started with verbal
repetition of the strategies, and thereafter, the task was practiced. After
the forth session and about 35 attempts, Marcus achieved 0 on the GAS:
he could put the paper in the folder without any help. He continued to
practice to achieve a higher score on the GAS and to learn the task in a
more flexible manner. After six sessions he achieved +2 on the GAS.
Marcus learned the task more rapidly than had been expected; the essen-
tial part for him had been to understand the strategy required to accom-
plish the task. As soon as he understood the structure, it was not difficult
memorizing the strategy.
This is an example where the occupational therapist used a client cen-
tered approach to formulate a specific goal, then knowledge of task
analysis and principles of motor learning to plan and execute the treat-
ment. Knowing about Marcus’ visual problem, the therapist understood
that the task needed to be highlighted from a different perspective using
a cognitive strategy. The task was broken down into parts, but practiced
as a whole. Feedback was given using both Knowledge of the Result
(KR) and Knowledge of Performance (KP). The most important part
was probably the occupational therapist’s talent in structuring the task
and giving information using demonstration, and physical and verbal
guidance, in a sensitive way (Smith & Wrisberg, 2000). The hand func-
tion per se had not changed, but the usefulness of the hands in this
specific situation had improved.
When putting down and releasing an object or any toy efficiently, the
object has to be moved downwards and placed on a surface, not too
quickly and not too slowly, using low velocity of the movement close to
the surface of the table. Then, the force of the grasp is quickly released
and the finger is removed from the object almost simultaneously. In a
hemiplegic hand, a reversed pattern is found; the placement is per-
formed fairly quickly, but the velocity of the movement is high upon
contact with the table making the movement abrupt. Then it is hard for
the children to decrease the force, resulting in a prolonged movement
phase and the fingers are released one at a time in an un-coordinated
manner. How can this knowledge be used? I meet Emma, who is four
years old. She was playing with small plastic animals. Every time she
tried to move the horse-it fell. It was obvious that Emma was releasing
the object too abruptly, not taking into account her impaired coordina-
tion when releasing her grasp. By giving a simple instruction-straighten
your fingers slowly-she immediately succeeded. By analyzing her per-
formance, based on the knowledge of impaired release of objects, I was
able to give Emma precise information. She appeared to be slow when
replacing the horse, but she was not slow enough in the crucial part of
the action, when she had to open up her fingers. That part had to be per-
formed even more slowly and by increasing her awareness of that
movement sequence, she was able to succeed. Normally this behavior is
performed in an unconscious way, i.e., by implicit processes (Gentile
1987). After a lesion in the central nervous system, it seems to be more
efficient to use an explicit process, at least in the early stage of learning.
Knowledge about typical and atypical behavior and the ability to ana-
lyze the task made it possible to give a precise instruction. The idea was
to teach Emma how her impaired nervous system worked. If she was
made aware of a strategy that enabled her to be successful in this task,
then she might be able to use the same strategy when releasing other ob-
jects in different situations.
need information about the general idea. This could be physical or ver-
bal information, to help them to learn the strategy. It is common for typi-
cally developing children to guide themselves by talking to themselves,
making it easier to maintain attention and follow through the strategy.
This is the stage in which Marcus and Emma, in the examples above,
needed help. The second step is the (2) Motor Stage. In this stage, chil-
dren can perform the activity and the performance becomes increas-
ingly more consistent. Performance is slow and the quality is low in the
early stage, but the children start to work on the fine details of the task.
They need to give the task their full attention but instruction and feed-
back become less important. Children with motor dysfunction seem to
commonly stay in this stage for a long time and the learning process is
slow. Children with cerebral palsy require more practice than typically
developing children demonstrated in learning simple tasks in laboratory
settings (Gordon & Duff, 1999; Valvano & Newell, 1998). The last step
is the (3) Autonomous Stage, which is attained when the child can pro-
duce the action almost automatically with little or no attention.
I have found these three stages of the learning process very useful in
clinical practice. Using them helps the therapist to avoid giving too
much help and emphasizes discussing the procedure of the task, This
step may be the most important way to encourage the children to con-
tinue to practice until the task has been learned thoroughly. It is only
through repetition that there is progression from one stage of learning to
another (Smith & Wrisberg 2000). Automatic task performance with a
low energy cost requires a larger number of repetitions. Through repetition,
the memory representation of the procedure is established (Gordon &
Duff, 1999). The memory traces are then recalled and used when per-
forming the task on another occasion. Children with cerebral palsy usu-
ally exhibit slow and uncoordinated motor performance (Eliasson et al
1991, Eliasson & Gordon 2000). This characteristics probably leads to a
reduced number of spontaneous repetitions and, consequently, a less
skillful performance than necessary. This highlights the clinical di-
lemma. How can we create a situation that encourages an adequate
amount of practice! There are few examples demonstrating the learning
abilities when performing functional tasks in children with cerebral
palsy, but here are some suggestions.
2-week day camp where the adolescents were treated by Constraint In-
duced Movement Therapy (for further explanation se further on, on
Constraint Induced Movement therapy, see page 15). When playing
Frisbee, the goal was to transverse a 350 foot long course, ending up
with the Frisbee in a basket, using the fewest number of throws. The ad-
olescents practiced seven times for about 30 minutes each during the
two week period. All adolescents improved at the game, and the number
of throws needed to get the Frisbee into its basket decreased from the
first to the last day of camp (Fig. 3). The reduced number of throws oc-
curred in conjunction with an increased ability to time the release of the
Frisbee and to generate a directly appropriate force. Three important as-
pects of the result can be emphasized; (1) you learn what you practice,
(2) progress in the game was the important aspect of the game for the
adolescents-they focused on the activity itself not increased quality of
the movements, (3) the improved movement quality in releasing the
grasp and generating force may or may not be transferred to other activi-
ties. This issue was not clarified by the design, but the transfer of abili-
ties between tasks is a tentative suggestion. Also, it is unclear can be
whether this improvement was due to solely the practice of frisbee golf
to intensive general practice of the hand during the day-camp. These
questions need further investigation.
FIGURE 3. Number of Frisbee golf throws obtained before and after interven-
tion (n = 9).
Frisbee golf
before - after intervention
FIGURE 4. In-hand manipulation of the pen shift task before and after interven-
tion and at the 5 month follow-up assessment (n = 9).
Before After Follow-up
Ann-Christin Eliasson 53
used to restrain the dominant hand 90% of the waking hours. Specific
training is undertaken for six hours each day. A few case studies have
examined the concept in children diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral
palsy. All have indicated a positive outcome for the treatment (Crocker
et al., 1997; Charles et al., 2001; Kaman, et al., 2003). One small ran-
domized controlled study demonstrated that the children improved on
the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales after one month. The chil-
dren were restraint by casting without intensive treatment versus stan-
dard therapy. Although the follow up rate was low (68%) there is some
evidence that some improvements persisted at 6 months (Willis et al.,
2001). Finally, there is one study of nine adolescents demonstrating
improvements of different aspects of hand function after a 2 week day
camp and at 5 month follow up (Eliasson et al, 2003).
In order to use this concept in pediatrics and for small children it was
important to make this method more child-friendly and to base the treat-
ment on recent knowledge of motor control research of hand function
and principles of motor learning. We have developed an adapted model
and used it in a pilot project and in a study of small children between 18
months and 4 years (Eliasson et al., 2004). Since the intensity and dura-
tion of the practice are both important aspects when planning treatment,
the total time in our adapted model was comparable to Taub’s concept,
but the intensity was adjusted (Taub et al., 1994). The children wore a
restraining glove on the dominant hand for two hours each day for two
months. The treatment was not shaped in the same way described by
Taub and collaborators (Taub et al., 1994). We were not training spe-
cific movement patterns and we were not concerned about deviant
movements but were interested in the outcome i.e. the quality of the per-
formed activity. When applying principles of motor learning, the most
important concept is motivation and this was taken into serious consid-
eration during treatment. It had to be acceptable to the children to wear
the glove and fun to practice with the hemiplegic hand. If we could not
find activities that were sufficiently enjoyable, the child would not ac-
cept wearing the glove and we had to break off the treatment. This also
emphasizes the importance of choosing the right toys and activities. It
should be possible to carry out the activities with the hemiplegic hand,
but they should be neither too easy nor too hard, taking into consider-
ation the complexity of hand skills. A selection of activities was chosen
on the basis of each child’s particular interests, these activities were
up-graded during the treatment to mirror each child’s level of ability
and motivation. To facilitate performance, also the treatment should
take place in an environment that is relevant to and natural for the child,
Ann-Christin Eliasson 55
It seems possible that children with cerebral palsy can improve their
ability to use their hands in daily activities requiring manual perfor-
mance by treatment on the Level of Body Function as well as on the
Level of Activity of the ICF. More scientific studies are necessary be-
fore each treatment can be considered to be evidence based practice.
The treatments discussed are examples of the effect of upper extremity
surgery and BTX-A and activity based examples that apply theories of
motor control and principles of motor learning. By highlighting the
complexity of the ability to use one’s hands, it becomes apparent that
the evaluation of treatment needs to be directed at the treated compo-
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