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SUBJECT NAME: Electromagnetic Field Theory

ROLL NUMBER:26301623056


DEPARTMENT: Electrical Engineering(EE)

TOPIC NAME: Product of Vector.

The vector product:
One of the ways in which two vectors can be combined is known as the vector product.
When we calculate the vector product of two vectors the result, as the name suggests,
is a vector.
In this unit you will learn how to calculate the vector product and meet some geometrical
In order to master the techniques explained here it is vital that you undertake plenty of
practice exercises so that they become second nature.
After reading this text, and/or viewing the video tutorial on this topic, you should be able
• define the vector product of two vectors
• calculate the vector product when the two vectors are given in Cartesian form
• use the vector product in some geometrical applications
One of the ways in which two vectors can be combined is known as the vector
product. When
we calculate the vector product of two vectors the result, as the name suggests,
is a vector.
In this unit you will learn how to calculate the vector product and meet some
geometrical apple-cations.
Defining Cross Product:
A non-inverting amplifier works like a voltage follower circuit because this circuit uses a
negative feedback connection. So it gives a part of the output signal as feedback to the
inverting input terminal instead of giving a complete output signal. The complement of
this op-amp is inverting op-amp which generates the output signal that is 180 degrees
out of phase. This circuit is ideal for impedance buffering applications due to high input
and low output impedance.

Cross Product Formulas:


Product of Vectors:
Vector operations are used almost everywhere in the field of physics. Many times these
operations include addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Addition and subtraction can
be performed using the triangle law of vector addition. In the case of products, vector
multiplication can be done in two ways either dot products or vector products. Vector
products give vector as a resultant product after multiplication. In rotational motion,
many quantities are derived using vector products. It becomes essential to understand
the concepts and intuition behind this product. Let’s see this product in detail.
Vector Product Identities:
Examining the vector product identities, including the properties of the cross-product
such as distributivity and anti-commutativity.Understanding the relationships between
the cross-product and the dot product. Analyzing the algebraic properties of the
cross-product operation.

Cross product:
Crossproductis abinaryoperationontwovectorsinthree-dimensionalspace.Itresults
Dot Product:
Consider two vectors and . The scalar product of these two vectors is
defined by the equation,

Here, θ is the angle between two vectors.

In case the vectors are given by their components. for example a = a 1i + a2j + a3k and b
= b1i + b2j + b3k. In this case, the dot product is given by,

a.b = a1b1i + a2b2j + a3b3k

Consider two vectors

\vec{A} and \vec{B} . The scalar product of these two vectors is defined by the
equation, \vec{A}.\vec{B} = |\vec{A}||\vec{B}|cos(\theta)Here, θ is the angle between two
vectorsIn case the vectors are given by their components. For example a = a1i + a2j +
a3k and b = b1i + b2j + b3k. In this case, the dot product is given by,
a.b = a1b1i + a2b2j + a3b3k

Vector Product:
Consider two vectors \vec{A} and \vec{B}. The vector product of these twovectors is

denoted by . The direction of this vector is perpendicular to both of the

vectors. The magnitude of this vector is given by,

Here, θ is the angle between two vectors.

The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of the resulting vector from the

In case the vectors are given by their components. for example a = a 1i + a2j + a3k and b
= b1i + b2j + b3k. In this case, the cross product is given by,

Property 1: Unlike the addition and dot product, the vector product isnot commutative in

nature. .In this case, the magnitude of the both products will
be same but the direction will be completely opposite. This means,
Property 2: The vectors products are distributive in nature with respect to vector
addition. For example,
Some applications of the vector product:
In this section we will look at some ways in which the vector product can be used.
Using the vector product to find a vector perpendicular to two given vectors.
One of the common applications of the vector product is to finding a vector which is
perpendicular. To two given vectors. The two vectors should be non-zero and must not
be parallel.
Summarizing the significance of the cross- product in mathematical analysis and its
wide- ranging applications. Emphasizing the power of vector products in solving
complex problems. Encouraging further exploration of cross- product in advanced
mathematical contexts.

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