A Review On Electromagnetic Piston
A Review On Electromagnetic Piston
A Review On Electromagnetic Piston
The main objective of this project to design and construct an electrically operated engine i.e. Electromagnetic engine.
this engine is totally different from ordinary IC engine, because of the inventory advancement in operating
principals. We have changed the operating principle of IC engine by using the electromagnetic effect instead of
combustion of fossil fuels. This engine works on the principle of magnetic repulsion between two magnets. This
electromagnetic engine consists of two magnets, one of them is an Electromagnet and other one is a Permanent
Magnet. Permanent Magnet acts as piston and Electromagnet is located at the top of the cylinder instead of spark
plug and valve arrangement in IC Engines. In this way this engine does not contain any spark plug and fuel injection
system. The Electromagnet is energized by a battery source of suitable voltage and when the electromagnet attract
the piston, spring get compressed and it will repel the permanent magnet which is attached to the piston head. i.e.
piston from TDC to BDC, which will result in the rotary motion of crank shaft. When the piston is at BDC the
supply of Electromagnet is discontinued, the permanent magnet which was repelled to BDC will come back to its
initial position i.e. TDC. This procedure completes one revolution of crank shaft i.e. our output work. A copper
winding is also wound to the cylinder block to get additional power to the piston to reciprocate. This winding is
connected to a battery to create a magnetic field inside the cylinder and reciprocate permanent magnet piston on
basis of repulsion forces created by winding. The total power supplied by battery will be just to fulfil the copper
losses of winding and power required to magnetize the windings.
Keywords: Permanent Magnet, Piston, Relay, Spring
IJSRSET1732210 | 18 April 2017 | Accepted : 26 April 2017 | March-April-2017 [(2)2: 796-801] 796
combustion engine. The power of the engine is magnets on our refrigerators. These magnets are
controlled by the strength of the field and the strength of permanent in the sense that once they have been
the field is controlled by the amount of windings and the magnetized they retain a certain degree of magnetism.
current that is being passed through it. If the current is Permanent magnets are generally made of ferromagnetic
increased the power generated by the engine also material. Such material consists of atoms and molecules
increases accordingly. The current that is used to charge that each have a magnetic field and are positioned to
the electromagnet is taken from a DC source like a lead reinforce each other. There are various types of magnets
acid battery. depending on their properties. Some of the most well
known are
The main advantages of electromagnetic engine are that listed below.
it is pollution free. Also it is easy to design an
electromagnetic engine because there are no complicated Permanent Magnets can be classified into four types
based on their composition:
parts. Since the engine doesn’t have combustion, valves,
1. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB or NIB)
water cooling system, fuel pump, fuel lines, air and fuel 2. Samarium Cobalt (SmCo)
filters and inlet and exhaust manifolds etc. can be 3. Alnico
eliminated from the engine. The main challenge faced in 4. Ceramic or Ferrite
designing an electromagnetic engine is that it has to be
as efficient as an internal combustion engine.[1] 1. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB or NIB)
High resistance to demagnetization
These are the most common type of magnets that we High energy (magnetic strength is strong for its
know and interact with in our daily lives. E.g.; The size)