A Review On Electromagnetic Piston

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© 2017 IJSRSET | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099

Themed Section: Engineering and Technology

A Review on Electromagnetic Piston

Sumit Kumar*1, Rajpradeep Singh2, Kale Rupesh3, M. Mallesh4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


The main objective of this project to design and construct an electrically operated engine i.e. Electromagnetic engine.
this engine is totally different from ordinary IC engine, because of the inventory advancement in operating
principals. We have changed the operating principle of IC engine by using the electromagnetic effect instead of
combustion of fossil fuels. This engine works on the principle of magnetic repulsion between two magnets. This
electromagnetic engine consists of two magnets, one of them is an Electromagnet and other one is a Permanent
Magnet. Permanent Magnet acts as piston and Electromagnet is located at the top of the cylinder instead of spark
plug and valve arrangement in IC Engines. In this way this engine does not contain any spark plug and fuel injection
system. The Electromagnet is energized by a battery source of suitable voltage and when the electromagnet attract
the piston, spring get compressed and it will repel the permanent magnet which is attached to the piston head. i.e.
piston from TDC to BDC, which will result in the rotary motion of crank shaft. When the piston is at BDC the
supply of Electromagnet is discontinued, the permanent magnet which was repelled to BDC will come back to its
initial position i.e. TDC. This procedure completes one revolution of crank shaft i.e. our output work. A copper
winding is also wound to the cylinder block to get additional power to the piston to reciprocate. This winding is
connected to a battery to create a magnetic field inside the cylinder and reciprocate permanent magnet piston on
basis of repulsion forces created by winding. The total power supplied by battery will be just to fulfil the copper
losses of winding and power required to magnetize the windings.
Keywords: Permanent Magnet, Piston, Relay, Spring

I. INTRODUCTION challenge. Magnetism is the basic principle of working

for an electromagnetic engine. The general property of
With diminishing fossil fuel resources and unabated magnet i.e. attraction and repulsion forces is converted
increase in energy costs and environmental concerns, into mechanical work. A magnet has two poles. A north
engines using alternate energy sources such as bio-fuel, pole and a south pole. When like poles are brought near
solar power, wind power, electric power, stored power, each other they repel and attract when like poles are
etc. are being developed around the world. However, brought together. This principle is being used in the
such engines have many limitations. electromagnetic engine. In this engine, the cylinder head
Production of bio-fuel takes enormous resources and is an electromagnet and a permanent magnet is attached
they still pollute the environment. to the piston head When the electromagnet is charged, it
attracts or repels the magnet, thus pushing then piston
They do not meet the ever increasing energy demand as downwards or upwards thereby rotating the crankshaft
well. Similarly, the solar power is not efficient. Added to This is how power is generated in the electromagnetic
all, the initial capital and subsequent maintenance costs engine. It utilizes only repulsive force that allows the
for machines that use alternate energy sources are very field to dissipate completely, and have no restrictive
high. Hence, in the absence of a viable alternative, until effects on the rising piston. Before submitting your final
now, switching to new technology by changing from paper, check that the format The electromagnetic engine
traditional Internal Combustion engines has been a should ideally perform exactly the same as the internal

IJSRSET1732210 | 18 April 2017 | Accepted : 26 April 2017 | March-April-2017 [(2)2: 796-801] 796
combustion engine. The power of the engine is magnets on our refrigerators. These magnets are
controlled by the strength of the field and the strength of permanent in the sense that once they have been
the field is controlled by the amount of windings and the magnetized they retain a certain degree of magnetism.
current that is being passed through it. If the current is Permanent magnets are generally made of ferromagnetic
increased the power generated by the engine also material. Such material consists of atoms and molecules
increases accordingly. The current that is used to charge that each have a magnetic field and are positioned to
the electromagnet is taken from a DC source like a lead reinforce each other. There are various types of magnets
acid battery. depending on their properties. Some of the most well
known are
The main advantages of electromagnetic engine are that listed below.
it is pollution free. Also it is easy to design an
electromagnetic engine because there are no complicated Permanent Magnets can be classified into four types
based on their composition:
parts. Since the engine doesn’t have combustion, valves,
1. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB or NIB)
water cooling system, fuel pump, fuel lines, air and fuel 2. Samarium Cobalt (SmCo)
filters and inlet and exhaust manifolds etc. can be 3. Alnico
eliminated from the engine. The main challenge faced in 4. Ceramic or Ferrite
designing an electromagnetic engine is that it has to be
as efficient as an internal combustion engine.[1] 1. Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB or NIB)

Neodymium iron boron magnets, also known as

II. WORKING PRINCIPLE Nd2Fe14B magnets, neodymium magnets, neo magnets,
Nd-Fe-B magnets, RE2TM14B magnets, or simply 2:14:1
The working of the electromagnetic engine is based on magnets, were developed in the 1980s. Nd2Fe14B has a
the principle of magnetism. A magnet has two poles a tetragonal crystal structure. The heavy rare earth
north pole and a south pole. Magnetism is a class of element, dysprosium, is often added to increase intrinsic
physical phenomenon that includes forces exerted by coercivity and maximum operating temperature. Small
magnets on other magnets. By principle of magnetism, amounts of other transition metals, such as Al, Co, Cu,
when like poles of a magnet is brought together they Nb and/or Ga, can be added to modify the
repel away from each other. When unlike poles are microstructure to improve performance.[3]
brought near each other they attract. This is same for the
case of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet too. Key Features of Sintered NdFeB
So the idea is to modify the piston head and cylinder Magnets Include:
head into magnets so that force can be generated

between them. This working of the electromagnetic
Highest room temperature maximum energy
engine is based on attraction & repulsive force of the
product, (BH)max, up to 52 MGOe

magnet. The engine greatly resembles the working of a
Relatively less expensive

two-stroke engine. To start, let us begin from the
situation, when piston is located in the lower position. Wide range of choices for a variety of
The coil is connected through the battery, the copper coil applications
is energized to produced the magnetic field the piston in
side of the large power Neodymium Iron Boron B. Samarium Cobalt (SmCo)
magnets, the piston moved upper and lower the fly
wheel connected through the piston link the copper coil Permanent Samarium Cobalt magnets (SmCo) are
energized the piston move upward and copper coil is de- composed of samarium, cobalt and iron. These rare earth
energized the piston move to downward. With the help magnets are extremely strong for their small size,
of relay and control unit. The continuous process metallic in appearance and found in simple shapes such
through piston is move to (up and down) with also as rings, blocks and discs.[4]
rotated the fly wheel.[2]
Attributes of Samarium Cobalt

High resistance to demagnetization
These are the most common type of magnets that we  High energy (magnetic strength is strong for its
know and interact with in our daily lives. E.g.; The size)

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

 Good temperature stability magnetic field and other losses further cylinder
 Expensive material (cobalt is market price material Itself should not get attracted to the magnet
sensitive) and resist the movement of the piston. To take care of
above issues, the cylinder must be only made up of
MATERIAL MAXIMUM WORKING non-magnetic materials such as stainless steel,
titanium or similar materials of high resistivity and
TEMPERATURE low electrical conductivity. The cylinder of an
°C °F electromagnetic engine is a simple rectangular block
Ceramic 400 752 with a blind hole in it. The temperature within the
Alnico 540 1004 electromagnetic engine cylinder is very low and so
Smco 1, 5 260 500 no fins are needed for heat transfer. This makes the
SmCo 2, 17 350 662 cylinder easily manufacturable. Also the cylinder is
NdFeB N 80 176 made of aluminum, a non-magnetic material which
NdFeB M 100 212 limits the magnetic field within the boundaries of
NdFeB H 120 248 cylinder periphery. Usage of aluminium material
NdFeB SH 150 302 makes the engine lighter unlike the cast-iron cylinder
NdFeB UH 180 356 used in internal combustion engine.[6]
NdFeB EH 200 392
C. Power Generation System

It is used to charge the battery by generating the

power from the engine. PGS contains a generator to
covert mechanical energy in to electrical energy. A
The constructions of Magnetic engine mainly consist of
dynamo is an electrical generator that produces direct
components such as:
current with the use of a commutator. A commutator
1. Neodymium magnet. is the moving part of a rotary electrical switch in
2. Acceleration unit. certain types of electrical generators. With a
3. Single cylinder engine. commutator, a dynamo becomes an alternator, which
4. Crankshaft. is a synchronous singly fed generator. Alternators
5. Connecting rod. produce alternating current with a frequency that is
6. Magnetized piston. based on the rotational speed of the rotor and the
7. Flywheel. number of magnetic poles.[5]
8. Clamp.
D. Rechargeable Battery
9. Aluminum liner.
Where high values of load current are necessary, the
lead-acid cell is the type most commonly used. The
Some of the important parts used in Magnetic piston
engine are as follows: electrolyte is a dilute solution of sulfuric acid
(H₂ SO₄ ). In the application of battery power to
A. Magnetic Piston start the engine in an auto mobile, for example, the
Magnetic Piston uses free energy derived from the load current to the starter motor is typically 200 to
renewable resource of magnetism and the Earth’s 400A One cell has a nominal output of 2.1V, but
energy field. It does not generate any pollution, so it lead-acid cells are often used in a series combination
will help the environment. No exotic materials or of three for a 6-V battery and six for a 12-V
alloys are required for piston. Piston requires battery.[6]
neodymium magnets.[5] E. Relay
B. Cylinder A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current
Electromagnetic engine uses only magnets for its flowing through the coil of the relay creates a
operation. The cylinder must take care of unwanted magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the
switch contacts. The coil current can be on or off so

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relays have two switch positions and most have demagnetize as and when required. This control is
double throw (changeover) switch contacts. Relays established by an electric current. When current flows,
allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which can magnetism is expressed, and it vanishes when there is no
be completely separate from the first. For example a flow of current. When a wire is closely wound around a
low voltage battery circuit can use a relay to switch a cylindrical object, the side faces of the core exert certain
230V AC mains circuit. There is no electrical poles when current is passed. The reversal of direction
connection inside the relay between the two circuits; of current, changes the magnetic poles across the iron
the link is magnetic and mechanical.[6] core. When electric current passes around the core, there
is and energy generation called magnetic flux. This
F. Timer 555IC
magnetic flux is responsible for exerting the magnetic
The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used force.[7]
in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator
applications. The 555 can be used to provide time V. DESIGN AND CALCULATION
delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element.
Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one Input voltage = 36 V
package. Introduced in 1972 by Signetics, the 555 is Input current = 1 A
Input Power = Voltage × Current = 36 × 1 = 36W
still in widespread use, thanks to its ease of use, low
Max. Force exerted by electromagnet on piston
price, and good stability.[6] F1 = (N2I2KA)/2G2
Proposed model of Electromagnetic Engine
N = number of turns = 1000
I = Current flowing through coil = 1 A
K = Permeability of free space = 4π×10-7
A = Cross-sectional area of electromagnet
(radius r = 0.0175 m)
G = Least distance between electromagnet
and permanent magnet = 0.005 m
On substitution, we get Max. Force
F1 =24.18 N
Force exerted by permanent magnet Force
F2 = (B2A)/2μ0
B = Flux density (T)
A = Cross-sectional area of magnet
(radius r = 0.0125 m) μ0= Permeability of
free space = 4π×10-7
IV. ELECTROMAGNETS Now, flux density
B = Br/2 × [(D + z)/(R2 + (D + z)2)0.5
An electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental – z/(R2 + z2)0.5]
interactions of nature. Electromagnetism is the physical
interaction between electrically charged particles. As Where,
Br = Remanence field = 1.21 T
proposed by Sir J C Maxwell, there are majorly four z = distance from a pole face = 0.005 m
electromagnetic interactions present. First, the force of D = thickness of magnet = 0.012 m
attraction and repulsion between electric charges is R = semi-diameter of the magnet = 0.0125 m
inversely proportional to the square of distance between On substitution we get flux density,
them. Second, magnetic poles always come in pairs, as B = 0.2547 T
electric charges do. Third, current flowing in a Now substituting B in the equation of force,
F2 = 12.67 N
conductor produces a magnetic field around it. Lastly a
Since, force F1 and F2 are repulsive,
travelling electric field will produce a magnetic field, Total force F = F1 + F2 F = 36.85 N
and vice-versa. An electromagnet is a type of magnet Torque T = F × r
which possesses the ability to magnetize and Where,

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F = total force on piston  Power generating applications.
r = crank radius = 0.01m
Torque T = 0.3685 N-m
Mass of Fly wheel ω = (2πN)/60, VII. ADVANTAGES
N = speed = 200rpm  Reducing pollution from one source, as opposed
Therefore ω = 20.94 rad/s
to the millions of vehicles on the road.

Energy stored on flywheel
E=T×θ Transportation of the fuel would not be required
Where, due to drawing power off the electrical grid.
T = torque θ = Angle of rotation = 1800 = π radians This presents significant cost benefits. Pollution
On substitution we get energy stored created during fuel transportation would be
E = 1.157 J eliminated.

Also E = 0.5 × I × ω2
Where, There is no need to build a cooling system, fuel
tank, Ignition Systems or silencers.

I = moment of inertia of flywheel
ω = angular velocity on substitution we get moment The mechanical design of the engine is simple
of inertia,  Low manufacture and maintenance costs as well
I = 5.277 × 10-7 Kg-m2
as easy maintenance.

Moment of inertia, I = 0.5 × m × r2
Where, The price of fueling magnetic powered engine
will be significantly cheaper than current fuel.

m = mass of fly wheel
r = radius of fly wheel = 0.07 m No pollution is obtained.
On substitution, We get m = 2.154 Kg  Consumption of fossil fuel is reduced.

Output power
P = (2πNT)/60 Initial crank is enough to start the engine.
Where,  Life time of the magnet is high, so it can run for
N = speed = 200 rpm a long period
T = Torque = 0.3685 N-m  No combusting takes place inside the engine.
On substitution,
which reduce the evaluation of heat and toxic
we get Output power
gases from the engine

P = 7.718 W
Reduces global warming.

Efficiency = (Output/Input) × 100
= (7.718/36) × 100 Green environment is established.
Efficiency = 21.44 %
Engine Efficiency
The Electromagnetic Engine is efficient in converting  Recharge Points.
energy from Electromagnetic Energy to Mechanical  Electricity isn’t Free.
Energy by using Crank shaft. The Combustion Engine  Short Driving Range and Speed.
uses crankshaft, but very inefficiently. The  Longer Recharge Time.
 Normally 2 Seaters.

Electromagnetic Engine turns the crankshaft more
Battery Replacement.

efficiently than the Combustion Engine, requires less
strokes and energy to produce more horse power than Not Suitable for Cities Facing Shortage of Power.
the Combustion Engine.
The prototype of an electromagnetic engine which

works on the principle of magnetism was successfully
Two wheeler Application.

designed and fabricated. Experimental analysis was
Automatic guided vehicle. successfully performed on the prototype. The results
 Pump applications. obtained from the experiment are as follows.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

 Prototype of an engine which works on the principle XII. REFERENCES
of magnetism was successfully manufactured.
 It uses electricity as its input. No fuel is consumed, [1]. Abil Joseph Eapen, Aby Eshow Varughese theory
which was the primary goal. on electromagnetic engine.
 The prototype creates no pollution and is eco- [2]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet.
friendly. [3]. http://www.electronenergy.com/products/material
 The prototype is a two stroke engine. s/neodymium-iron-boron.

[4]. http://www.allmagnetics.com/smco.htm
Only the repulsive force between the magnet and
[5]. ISSN 2278 – 0149 www.ijmerr.com Vol. 3, No. 1,
electromagnet is used for power generation.

January 2014
Acceleration is done by controlling the timer which [6]. IJRET: International Journal of Research in
controls the relay.

Engineering and Technology.
Maximum efficiency obtained was 21.22% at 229 [7]. International Journal of Science and Research
rpm for an input current of 1.2A. (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index
Maximum output power obtained was 20.7W at Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor
249 rpm for an input current of 1.7 A (2014): 5.611


In this way an electromagnetic engine has designed. It is

different from motor, because the working principle is
totally different as well as the power consumption is
also very less. The only power consumed is the power
consumed by electromagnet. Electromagnet used here is
to repel the permanent magnet. There is no extra power
consumed by electromagnet to repel the permanent
magnet. Movement of magnet doesn’t induce back
electromotive force in windings of electromagnet. And
hence nothing happens similar to electric motor here.
Power to be produced at shaft of the engine is much
more than the power to be consumed by electromagnet
to repel permanent magnet.


The authors express their deep sense of gratitude to

Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department,
Director and Correspondent of Vidya Jyothi Institute of
Technology, Aziz Nagar, Hyderabad, for the
encouragement and support extended towards the
current work.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)


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