O'Mahony Et Al., 2011
O'Mahony Et Al., 2011
O'Mahony Et Al., 2011
Objective: To determine the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (TSDs) in an Irish orthodontic
population among different malocclusion groups.
Materials and Methods: From 850 pretreatment sets of orthodontic models at a university clinic,
240 were selected with 30 female and 30 male sets for each malocclusion (Class I, Class II division
1, Class II division 2, and Class III). Digital models were produced, and the mesial and distal
contact points were digitized to calculate overall and anterior tooth size ratios. The differences
between the male and female groups and among the malocclusion groups were analyzed using
two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (P , .05).
Results: A clinically significant anterior TSD (more than two standard deviations from the Bolton
means) existed in 37.9% of the subjects. No differences existed in the prevalence of overall TSDs
between the male and female groups (P 5 .5913) or among the malocclusion groups (P 5 .0809).
For the mean anterior tooth size ratios in the male group, the values for Class III and Class II
division 2 were higher than in Class II division 1, and the value for Class II division 2 was higher
than in Class I (P 5 .0184).
Conclusions: The prevalence of anterior tooth size discrepancies in this sample of Irish
orthodontic patients was 37.9%. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence
of mean overall TSDs with regard to malocclusion or gender. In the male group, the mean anterior
tooth size ratio was higher in Class III and in Class II division 2 malocclusion than in Class II
division 1 and higher in Class II division 2 malocclusion than in Class I malocclusion. (Angle
Orthod. 2011;81:130–133.)
KEY WORDS: Tooth size discrepancy; Bolton; Malocclusion
Table 1. Mean Overall Tooth Size Ratios Table 3. Mean Anterior Tooth Size Ratios
Gender Gender
Female Male Total Female Male Total
Malocclusion n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD Malocclusion n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD
Class I 30 .921 .022 30 .924 .022 60 .923 .022 Class I 30 .796 .032 30 .784 .029 60 .790 .031
Class II Class II
division 1 30 .918 .018 30 .918 .024 60 .918 .021 division 1 30 .793 .033 30 .779 .036 60 .786 .035
Class II Class II
division 2 30 .923 .022 30 .928 .021 60 .926 .022 division 2 30 .794 .031 30 .811 .027 60 .802 .030
Class III 30 .929 .021 30 .927 .022 60 .928 .022 Class III 30 .796 .032 30 .803 .030 60 .799 .031
Total 120 .923 .021 120 .924 .022 240 .924 .022 Total 120 .794 .032 120 .794 .033 240 .794 .032
Table 2. Analysis of Mean Overall Tooth Size Ratios Table 4. Analysis of Mean Anterior Tooth Size Ratios
Type III Tests of Fixed Effects Type III Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect NumDF DenDF F Value Pr . F Effect NumDF DenDF F Value Pr . F
Gender 1 232 .29 .5913 Gender 1 232 0.00 .9868
Class 3 232 .27 .0809 Class 3 232 3.60 .0143
Gender*Class 3 232 .38 .7661 Gender*Class 3 232 3.41 .0184
(Num DF 5 Numerator Degrees of Freedom; Den DF 5 (Num DF 5 Numerator Degrees of Freedom; Den DF 5
Denominator Degrees of Freedom; F Value 5 F-statistics value; Denominator Degrees of Freedom; F Value 5 F-statistics value;
Pr . F: P value). Pr . F: P value).
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