Mototrbo Mobile Brochure

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PROfessiOnal DigiTal TwO-way MOBile RaDiOs

acceleRaTe PeRfORMance
MOTOTRBO PROfessiOnal DigiTal TwO-way RaDiO sysTeM The fuTuRe Of TwO-way RaDiO
Motorola is a company of firsts with a rich heritage of innovation. we continue to invent whats next connecting people, delivering mobility and making technology personal. Versatile and powerful, MOTOTRBO combines the best in two-way radio functionality with digital technology, making it the ideal communication solution for your business. you get enhanced features, increased capacity, integrated data applications, exceptional voice quality and extended battery performance. This means more productive employees and lower operating costs for your business.

The DigiTal DiffeRence

Two-way radio has been a successful analog communication solution for generations, and it proves itself every day in countless deployments around the world. But in todays technologically advanced environment, a new platform is possiblea digital platform that breaks through to new levels of performance and productivity. in the same way digital technology has transformed other media, it is now revolutionizing the way mobile professionals communicate. The time to take advantage of digital two-way radio technology is now.

Take aDvanTage Of DigiTal

Digital two-way radios offer several advantages over analog solutions, to name a few: Clearer audio to help assure messages are understood without background noise and static Integrated data applications such as text messaging, GPS-based location tracking, work order ticket management and much more 40% longer battery life for extended work shifts Increased capacity twice the number of users for the price of one frequency license

TDMa The BesT chOice

There are two primary digital radio technologies: Time-Division Multiple-access (TDMa) and frequency-Division Multiple-access (fDMa). while both digital technologies provide significant benefits over analog, TDMa is the best choice. TDMa technology delivers advantages over fDMa Double your capacity per channel with less than half the infrastructure per channel TDMa divides your existing channels into two time slots enabling you to double the number of users on your system or utilize data applications. a second call does not require a second repeater, resulting in lower costs for you, as you do not need to purchase, install and maintain additional infrastructure equipment. Double your capacity without the hassle TDMa provides two time slots on your existing licensed channels, doubling your capacity. There is no increased risk of interference, and there is no need for new licensessimply amend your existing licenses to specify digital. compatibility with all legacy radios working in 12.5 kHz analog channels is also maintained by TDMa. Longer battery life TDMa uses only half of the transmitters capacity, resulting in longer battery life. During long work shifts or where productivity enhancing data applications place an increased power demand on the radio, this extended battery life is invaluable. Advanced features TDMa enables smart control features like transmit interrupt that makes it possible to interrupt lower priority communication so critical instructions can be delivered exactly when theyre needed. and to help you maximize your infrastructure investment, TDMa can transmit voice and data on the same channel.

sTanDaRDs BaseD, fuTuRe ReaDy sOluTiOn

MOTOTRBO is designed to comply with the globally recognized european Telecommunications standard institute (eTsi) Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 standard for professional two-way radio users. DMR is widely backed by industry leading two-way radio manufacturers, and it is the most widely deployed digital mobile radio technology for professional radio users around the world. This open standard assures long-term stability and develops a community of manufacturers who build interchangeable equipment that can compete on features, benefits and price. The DMR association represents a collection of companies and organizations that manufacture DMR equipment, supply related products and service or support the standard in other ways. Motorola is an active member of the DMR association so you can be assured that MOTOTRBO will always be a robust and future-ready digital radio solution.

unique MOTOTRBO sysTeM BenefiTs fOR enhanceD PRODucTiviTy

MOTOTRBO offers a robust, standards-based solution that can be tailored to meet your unique coverage and feature needs. This versatile portfolio provides a complete system of portable radios, mobile radios, repeaters, accessories, data applications, and servicesa comprehensive communication solution for your business. MOTOTRBO:
Integrates voice and data into one device to increase your operational efficiency and support integrated applications including MOTOTRBO Text Messaging services. also features an integrated gPs module for use with third-party location-tracking applications. Uses Time-Division Multiple-Access (TDMA) digital technology to provide twice the calling capacity (as compared to analog or fDMa radios) for the price of one frequency license. a second call doesnt require a second repeater, saving you equipment costs. In digital mode, provides clearer voice communications throughout the coverage area, as compared to analog radios, rejecting static and noise. Provides easy migration from analog to digital with the ability to operate in both analog and digital modes. Enables additional functionality including dispatch data, enhanced call signaling, basic and enhanced privacy-scrambling and option board expandability. Meets demanding specificationsU.S. Military 810 C, D, E and F and Motorola , standards for durability and reliability. Utilizes Motorolas state-of-the-art IMPRES technology in batteries, chargers and audio accessories, providing longer talk time and clearer audio delivery. Features the transmit interrupt suite - voice interrupt, remote voice dekey, emergency voice interrupt or data over voice interrupt - to help prioritize critical communication exactly when needed.

exTenDeD cOveRage wiTh iP siTe cOnnecT

imagine using your MOTOTRBO digital two-way radio to speak instantly to a colleague in a plant on the other side of the world. The iP site connect digital solution uses the internet to extend the coverage of your MOTOTRBO communication system no matter where you may be located. you can communicate easily among geographically dispersed locations located across the city, state or country. you can create wide area coverage and automatically roam from one coverage area to another with no manual intervention. Or you can simply enhance coverage at a single site like a high-rise building that contains physical barriers.

iP site connect enables you to extend the voice and data communication capability of your workforce far beyond what twoway radio has ever achieved before. This means dramatically improved customer service and increased productivity.

incReaseD caPaciTy wiTh caPaciTy Plus single-siTe TRunking

as a scalable, single-site digital trunking solution, capacity Plus expands the capacity of your MOTOTRBO communication system even further. Over a thousand radio users can quickly and efficiently share business-critical voice and data communication on the same system without having to add new frequencies.

MOTOTRBO goes far beyond delivering superior voice quality, it supports data applications that add terrific communication value.

MOTOTRBO inTegRaTeD DaTa enaBles aDvanceD aPPlicaTiOns

One Device fOR vOice anD DaTa
in addition to voice, MOTOTRBO supports text messaging, gPs location tracking capability, and custom applications from Motorolas application Developer Program such as telephony, dispatch, work order ticket solutions and much more. MOTOTRBO keeps your employees connected to the information they need to be more efficientwith the convenience of one device.

cOnvenienT anD DiscReeT MOTOTRBO TexT Messaging

Text messaging enables your employees to quickly and easily share information when voice communication isnt practical. it is ideal in loud environments, for delivering messages that dont need an immediate response, or when voice communication could be disrupting to guests, students, customers, or patients. MOTOTRBO text messaging communicates between radios, radios and dispatch systems, and even radios to any email capable device.

TRack vehicles anD PeOPle wiTh inTegRaTeD gPs

every MOTOTRBO radio has an integrated gPs module to use for tracking people outside your facility, vehicles or other remote assets operating in your coverage area. Unlike other GPS capable radios, MOTOTRBOs module is integrated into the handset so there is no clumsy additional equipment to attach, carry or maintain. This enables you to better manage your mobile work force and quickly respond to incidents by locating the nearest employee and dispatching them to the scene. it also makes it easier to manage your fleet so you can make deliveries and drive routes more efficiently. for utility crews, taxi services, the hospitality industry, and countless other industries, the ability to see where your vehicles and employees are located with just a glance is invaluable. your employees will be far more efficient and your customer service can improve significantly.

cusTOM DaTa aPPlicaTiOns wiTh MOTOROlas aPPlicaTiOn DevelOPeR PROgRaM

MOTOTRBO offers an optional expansion card which can accommodate custom data applications that adapt the radios to support your specific business tasks. you can, for example, work with third-party developers or your own iT staff to extend the functionality of MOTOTRBO using Motorolas application Developer Program. with this development tool you can create unique applications such as a program to help you manage your work order tickets, to integrate your dispatch and billing systems, to link your MOTOTRBO radios to your telephone system, or to connect to email. MOTOTRBO is a powerful tool for communication with the flexibility to adapt to your work force, your customers and your business.

MOTOTRBO sysTeM cOMPOnenTs anD BenefiTs


1 10 5 6

9 2 8 3

xPR 4550 / xPR 4580 DisPlay MOBile RaDiO

1 flexible, menu-driven interface with user-friendly icons or two lines of text for ease of reading text messages* and navigating through the menus. Multi-colored leD indicators for clear, visible feedback of calling, scanning, roaming and monitoring features. large, easy-to-use volume knob. integrated gPs module enables the use of locationtracking data applications.* Up to 1,000 channels. 6 7 8 9 Powerful, front-projecting speaker. large, easy-to-use navigation buttons allow easy access to intuitive, menu-driven interfaces. accessory connector supports usB and iMPRes audio capability. four programmable/replaceable buttons for easy access to frequently used features.

2 3 4 5

10 compact and ergonomically friendly microphone.

DisPlay MOBile RaDiO sTanDaRD Package

Mobile Radio with Display Control Head Digital/analog radio or analog only radio model Compact Microphone Mounting Trunnion 10-Foot Power Cable Replacement Button Kit: monitor, scan, backlight, emergency, talkaround, text message, contacts Built-In Expansion Card* (XPR 4580 only) Two-year Standard Warranty plus one-year Repair Service Advantage (US only) / Extended Warranty (canada only)

aDDiTiOnal feaTuRes
Enhanced call management Digital calling features* encode/Decode: call alert, emergency, remote monitor, push-totalk iD, radio check, private call, all call, transmit interrupt (voice interrupt, remote voice dekey, emergency voice interrupt or data over voice interrupt), radio disable MDC 1200 analog calling features encode/decode: push-to-talk iD, emergency, call alert Quik-call ii analog calling features encode/decode: call alert, call alert with voice, select call Dual-mode analog and/or digital scan and mixed mode priority scan* facilitates a smooth migration from analog to digital Optional Expansion Card for added capabilities Basic or Enhanced privacybuilt-in scrambling for increased security* Free-form (requires keypad microphone) and quick text messaging* Remote mount control head kit for easier access and installation Seamless site roaming with IP Site Connect* Increased voice and data capacity with Capacity Plus single-site trunking*

*Digital mode only

5 6

8 2 7 3 1

xPR 4350 / xPR 4380 nuMeRic DisPlay MOBile RaDiO

1 2 3 4 5 32 channels; channel number is easy to read on large, clear numeric two-digit display. Multi-colored leD indicators for clear, visible feedback of calling, scanning, roaming and monitoring features. large, easy-to-use volume knob. integrated gPs module enables the use of locationtracking data applications.* large, easy-to-use channel navigation buttons. 9 6 7 8 Powerful, front-projecting speaker. accessory connector supports usB and iMPRes audio capability. Two programmable/replaceable buttons for easy access to frequently used features. compact and ergonomically friendly microphone.

nuMeRic DisPlay MOBile RaDiO sTanDaRD Package

Mobile Radio with Numeric Display Control Head Digital/analog radio or analog only radio model Compact Microphone Mounting Trunnion 10-Foot Power Cable Replacement Button Kit: monitor, scan Built-In Expansion Card* (XPR 4380 only) Two-year Standard Warranty plus one-year Repair Service Advantage (US only) / Extended Warranty (Canada only)

aDDiTiOnal feaTuRes
Enhanced call management
Digital calling features* encode/Decode: private call, call alert, all call, transmit interrupt (voice interrupt, remote voice dekey, emergency voice interrupt or data over voice interrupt) encode only: emergency, push-to-talk iD Decode only: radio check, remote monitor, radio disable MDC 1200 analog calling features encode/decode: call alert encode only: push-to-talk iD, emergency Quik-call ii analog calling features Decode only: call alert, call alert with voice, select call Dual-mode analog and/or digital scan and mixed mode priority scan* facilitates a smooth migration from analog to digital Optional Expansion Card for added capabilities Basic or Enhanced privacybuilt-in scrambling for increased security* Send quick text messages via programmable buttons* Remote mount control head kit for easier access and installation Seamless site roaming with IP Site Connect*

*Digital mode only

Increased voice and data capacity with Capacity Plus single-site trunking*

MOTOTRBO MOBile RaDiO sPecificaTiOns

DisPlay vhf/uhf
XPR 4550 with integrated gPs module

nuMeRic DisPlay vhf/uhf

XPR 4350 with integrated gPs module

General Specifications
Display XPR 4550 VHf channel capacity Typical Rf Output low Power High Power frequency Dimensions (Hxwxl) weight current Drain: standby Rx @ Rated audio Transmit 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-25 W: 11.0 A max 25-45 W: 14.5 A max 1-25 W: ABZ99FT3083 25-45 W: ABZ99FT3082 1-25 W: 109AB-99FT3083 25-45 W: 109AB-99FT3082 1-25 w 25-45 W 136-174 MHz UHF Band I Up to 1,000 1-25 w 25-40 W 403-470 MHz 2.01 x 6.89 x 8.11 in (51 x 175 x 206 mm) 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-25 W: 11.0 A max 25-40 W: 14.5 A max 1-25 W: ABZ99FT4081 25-40 W: ABZ99FT4080 1-25 W: 109AB-99FT4081 25-40 W: 109AB-99FT4080 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-40 W: 14.5 A max (11.0 A max < 25 W) 1-40 W: ABZ99FT4083 1-40 W: 109AB-99FT4083 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-25 W: 11.0 A max 25-45 W: 14.5 A max 1-25 W: ABZ99FT3083 25-45 W: ABZ99FT3082 1-25 W: 109AB-99FT3083 25-45 W: 109AB-99FT3082 1-40 W 450-512 MHz 1-25 w 25-45 W 136-174 MHz UHF Band II VHf Numeric Display XPR 4350 UHF Band I 32 1-25 w 25-40 W 403-470 MHz 2.01 x 6.89 x 8.11 in (51 x 175 x 206 mm) 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-25 W: 11.0 A max 25-40 W: 14.5 A max 1-25 W: ABZ99FT4081 25-40 W: ABZ99FT4080 1-25 W: 109AB-99FT4081 25-40 W: 109AB-99FT4080 0.81 A max 2 a max 1-40 W: 14.5 A max (11.0 A max < 25 W) 1-40 W: ABZ99FT4083 1-40 W: 109AB-99FT4083 1-40 W 450-512 MHz UHF Band II

fcc Description ic Description

Display XPR 4550 VHf frequencies channel spacing frequency stability (-30 C, +60 C, +25 C) analog sensitivity (12dB sinaD) Digital sensitivity Intermodulation (TIA603C) adjacent channel selectivity TIA603 TIA603C Spurious Rejection (TIA603C) Rated audio 78 dB 65 dB @12.5 kHz, 80 dB @25 kHz* 50 dB @12.5 kHz, 80 dB @25 kHz* 80 dB 3 W (Internal) 7 W (External - 8 ohms) .5 13 W (External - 4 ohms) 3% (typical) -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz* TIA603C -57 dBm 136-174 MHz UHF Band I 403-470 MHz 12.5 kHz / 25 kHz* +/- 0.5 ppm 0.3 uV 0.22 uV (typical) 5% BER: 0.3 uV 75 dB 65 dB @ 12.5 kHz, 75 dB @ 25 kHz* 50 dB @ 12.5 kHz, 75 dB @ 25 kHz* 75 dB 78 dB 65 dB @12.5 kHz, 80 dB @25 kHz* 50 dB @12.5 kHz, 80 dB @25 kHz* 80 dB 3 W (Internal) 7 W (External - 8 ohms) .5 13 W (External - 4 ohms) 3% (typical) -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz* TIA603C -57 dBm UHF Band II 450-512 MHz VHf 136-174 MHz Numeric Display XPR 4350 UHF Band I 403-470 MHz 12.5 kHz / 25 kHz* +/- 0.5 ppm 0.3 uV 0.22 uV (typical) 5% BER: 0.3 uV 75 dB 65 dB @ 12.5 kHz, 75 dB @ 25 kHz* 50 dB @ 12.5 kHz, 75 dB @ 25 kHz* 75 dB UHF Band II 450-512 MHz

audio Distortion @ Rated audio Hum and noise

audio Response Conducted Spurious Emission (TIA603C)

*25 kHz will not be available on new equipment in the U.S. after 1/1/2011.

specifications subject to change without notice. All specifications shown are typical. Radio meets applicable regulatory requirements. Version 9 03/10

Display XPR 4550 VHf frequencies channel spacing frequency stability (-30 C, +60 C, +25 C Ref.) Power Output low Power High Power Modulation limiting fM Hum and noise conducted / Radiated emission Adjacent Channel Power (TIA603C) audio Response audio Distortion fM Modulation 4FSK Digital Modulation Digital Vocoder Type Digital Protocol 1-25 w 25-45 W 136-174 MHz UHF Band I 403-470 MHz 12.5 kHz / 25 kHz* +/- 0.5 ppm UHF Band II 450-512 MHz VHf 136-174 MHz Numeric Display XPR 4350 UHF Band I 403-470 MHz 12.5 kHz / 25 kHz* +/- 0.5 ppm UHF Band II 450-512 MHz

1-25 w 25-40 W +/- 2.5 kHz @ 12.5 kHz +/- 5.0 kHz @ 25 kHz* -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz* -36 dBm < 1 GHz -30 dBm > 1 GHz 60 dB @ 12.5 kHz 70 dB @ 25 kHz* TIA603C 3% 12.5 kHz: 11K0F3E 25 kHz*: 16K0F3E 12.5 kHz Data Only: 7K60FXD 12.5 kHz Data & Voice: 7K60FXE AMBE+2 ETSI TS 102 361-1, -2, -3

1-40 W

1-25 w 25-45 W

1-25 w 25-40 W +/- 2.5 kHz @ 12.5 kHz +/- 5.0 kHz @ 25 kHz* -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz* -36 dBm < 1 GHz -30 dBm > 1 GHz 60 dB @ 12.5 kHz 70 dB @ 25 kHz* TIA603C 3% 12.5 kHz: 11K0F3E 25 kHz*: 16K0F3E 12.5 kHz Data Only: 7K60FXD 12.5 kHz Data & Voice: 7K60FXE AMBE+2 ETSI TS 102 361-1, -2, -3

1-40 W

Accuracy specs are for long-term tracking (95th percentile values > 5 satellites visible at a nominal -130 dBm signal strength) TTff (Time To first fix) cold start TTff (Time To first fix) Hot start Horizontal accuracy < 1 minute < 10 seconds < 10 meters

Military Standards
Applicable MILSTD low Pressure High Temperature low Temperature Temperature shock solar Radiation Rain Humidity salt fog Dust Vibration shock 810E Methods 500.3 501.3 502.3 503.3 505.3 506.3 507 .3 509.3 510.3 514.4 516.4 Procedures ii i/a, ii/a1 I/C3, II/C1 I/A1C3 i i, ii ii i i I/10, II/3 i, iV Methods 500.4 501.4 502.4 503.4 505.4 506.4 507 .4 509.4 510.4 514.5 516.5 810F Procedures ii i/Hot, ii/Hot I/C3, II/C1 i i i, iii i i I/24 i, iV

Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature storage Temperature Thermal shock Humidity esD Dust and water intrusion Packaging Test -30 C / +60 C -40 C / +85 C Per Mil-sTD Per Mil-sTD IEC-801-2KV IEC 60529 - IP54 MIL-STD 810D and E

*25 kHz will not be available on new equipment in the U.S. after 1/1/2011.

specifications subject to change without notice. All specifications shown are typical. Radio meets applicable regulatory requirements. Version 9 03/10

MOTOTRBO MOBile RaDiO sPecificaTiOns

DisPlay 800 / 900 Mhz

XPR 4580 with integrated gPs module

nuMeRic DisPlay 800 / 900 Mhz

XPR 4380 with integrated gPs module

General Specifications
XPR 4580 Display Mobile channel capacity Typical Rf Output frequency Band Dimensions (H x w x l) weight current Drain: standby Rx @ Rated audio Transmit Power supply fcc Description ic Description Up to 1,000 806-870 MHz 10-35 W 896-941 MHz* 10-30 W 800 and 900 MHz 2.01 x 6.89 x 8.11 in (51 x 175 x 206 mm) 4.0 lbs. (1.8 Kg) 0.81 A max 2 a max 12.0 A max 12 V dc negative ground ABZ99FT5010 109AB-99FT5010 XPR 4380 Numeric Display Mobile Up to 32 806-870 MHz 10-35 W 896-941 MHz* 10-30 W 800 and 900 MHz 2.01 x 6.89 x 8.11 in (51 x 175 x 206 mm) 4.0 lbs (1.8 Kg) 0.81 A max 2 a max 12.0 A max 12 V dc negative ground ABZ99FT5010 109AB-99FT5010

XPR 4580 Display Mobile frequencies channel spacing Frequency Stability ( -30 C, +60 C, +25 C) analog sensitivity (12 dB sinaD) Typical Digital sensitivity Intermodulation (TIA603C) Adjacent Channel Selectivity (TIA603) - 1T Adjacent Channel Selectivity (TIA603C) - 2T Spurious Rejection (TIA603C) Rated audio audio Distortion @ Rated audio Hum and noise audio Response conducted spurious emission (eTsi) 800 MHz: 854-866 MHz and 869-870 MHz 900 MHz: 935-941 MHz 800 MHz: 12.5 and 25 kHz 900 MHz: 12.5 kHz +/- 0.5 ppm 0.22 UV 5% BER: 0.28 uV 78 dB 65 dB @ 12.5 kHz 75 dB @ 25 kHz 50 dB @ 12.5 kHz 75 dB @ 25 kHz 75 dB 3 W (internal) 3% (typical) -45 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz TIA603C -57 dBm XPR 4380 Numeric Display Mobile

*For frequencies 901902, 940941 MHz, FCC Rule Part 24 limits power to 7W ERP .

specifications subject to change without notice. All specifications shown are typical. Radio meets applicable regulatory requirements. Version 1 03/10


XPR 4580 Display Mobile frequencies channel spacing Frequency Stability (-30 C, +60 C) low Power Output High Power Output Modulation limiting fM Hum and noise conducted / Rated emission (eTsi) adjacent channel Power audio Response audio Distortion (per eia) fM Modulation 4FSK Digital Modulation Digital Vocoder Type Digital Protocol XPR 4380 Numeric Display Mobile 800 MHz: 809-821 MHz, 824-825 MHz, 854-866 MHz and 869-870 MHz 900 MHz: 896-902 MHz and 935-941 MHz 800 MHz: 12.5 and 25 kHz 900 MHz: 12.5 kHz +/- 0.5 ppm 10 W 800 MHz: 35W 900 MHz: 30W +/- 2.5 kHz @ 12.5 kHz +/- 5.0 kHz @ 25 kHz -40 dB @ 12.5 kHz -45 dB @ 25 kHz -36 dBm < 1 GHz -30 dBm > 1 GHz -50 dB @ 12.5 kHz -60 dB @ 25 kHz TIA603C 3% 12.5 kHz: 11K0F3E 25 kHz: 16K0F3E 12.5 kHz Data Only: 7K60FXD 12.5 kHz Data & Voice: 7K60FXE AMBE+2 ETSI TS 102 361-1, -2, -3

Accuracy specs are for long-term tracking (95th percentile values > 5 satellites visible at a nominal -130 dBm signal strength) TTff (Time To first fix) cold start TTff (Time To first fix) Hot start Horizontal accuracy < 1 minute < 10 seconds < 10 meters

Military Standards
Applicable MILSTD low Pressure High Temperature low Temperature Temperature shock solar Radiation Rain Humidity salt fog Dust Vibration shock 810E Methods 500.3 501.3 502.3 503.3 505.3 506.3 507 .3 509.3 510.3 514.4 516.4 Procedures ii i/a, ii/a1 I/C3, II/C1 I/A1C3 i i, ii ii i i I/10, II/3 i, iV Methods 500.4 501.4 502.4 503.4 505.4 506.4 507 .4 509.4 510.4 514.5 516.5 810F Procedures ii i/Hot, ii/Hot I/C3, II/C1 i i i, iii i i I/24 i, iV

Environmental Specifications
XPR 4580 Display Mobile Operating Temperature (Radio Only) Operating Temperature (with iMPRes li-ion battery) storage Temperature Thermal shock Humidity esD water intrusion Packaging Test XPR 4380 numeric Display Mobile

-30deg. C to + 60 deg. C n/a -40deg. C to + 85 deg. C per Mil-sTD per Mil-sTD IEC-801-2KV IEC 60529 - IP54 MIL STD 810D and E

Only the following frequencies are supported by the XPR 4580 / XPR 4380
Band Receive 851.0125 851.5125 852.0125 852.5125 853.0125 800 MHz 854.000 - 865.9875 866.0125 866.5125 867 .0125 867 .5125 868.0125 869.000 - 870.000 900 MHz 935.000 - 941.000 806.0125 806.5125 807 .0125 807 .5125 808.0125 809.000 - 820.9875 821.0125 821.5125 822.0125 822.5125 823.0125 824.000 - 825.000 896.000 - 902.000 Transmit 851.0125 851.5125 852.0125 852.5125 853.0125 854.000 - 865.9875 866.0125 866.5125 867 .0125 867 .5125 868.0125 869.000 - 870.000 935.000 - 941.000

specifications subject to change without notice. All specifications shown are typical. Radio meets applicable regulatory requirements. Version 1 03/10


MOTOTRBO seRvice OffeRings

suBscRiBeR RePaiR
Managing the in-house repair and maintenance of your subscriber radios takes a dedicated staff of technicians, as well as an ongoing investment in diagnostic equipment, repair tools, and the technical training to keep up to speed on the latest technology. Motorola has made that investment and can help you easily and cost effectively keep your radios in top operating condition to ensure optimal efficiency and productivity. Our subscriber repair service offerings allow you to budget for your repairs, preventing unexpected service and maintenance costs. Repair service advantage (Rsa) and Repair service advantage comprehensive (Rsa comprehensive) repairs receive priority service and meet committed cycle times.

Repair service advantage (Rsa):

Repair service advantage is a post-warranty service offering that extends the service coverage of Motorola portable or mobile subscriber radios. RSA can be purchased as an option to new radio purchases and is available in 1, 2 or 3-year increments. (U.S. only)

Repair service advantage comprehensive:

Motorola portable and mobile radios are designed to take a lot of abuse. They are built to withstand the chaos and conditions inherent in a fire or natural disaster response and recovery effort. But even the best radios are subject to occasional above and beyond wear and tear. Thats why Motorola subscriber Repair services has introduced Rsa comprehensive. Rsa comprehensive offers all the protection of a standard Rsa support plan with even more coverage that includes chemical, liquid and other physical damage to your Motorola portable and mobile subscriber radios. Rsa comprehensive is available as an option to the radio purchase for 3 years of coverage. (U.S. only, not available on repeaters)

extended warranty:
In addition to the 2-year standard warranty, Extended Warranty is available for a total of 3 or 5 year coverage. (Canada only)


iMPRes sMaRT auDiO sysTeM exclusive auDiO TechnOlOgy ThaT enaBles high qualiTy cOMMunicaTiOns

Motorola digital technology enables breakthrough radio performance and features. Our state-of-the-art iMPRes audio technology allows communication between the radio and audio accessories, enabling enhanced performance and capabilities, both in analog and digital modesnow and into the future.

IMPRES Smart Audio SystemProvides businesses and agencies with a solution that optimizes key aspects of two-way audio quality loudness, clarity and intelligibility. Optimal Audio Performance: when an iMPRes accessory is attached, the accessory parameters are sent to the MOTOTRBO radio enabling the radio to optimize its output for each type of audio accessory. This results in more consistent output across all audio accessory types. for example, the iMPRes remote speaker microphone capitalizes on the MOTOTRBO radios intelligent signal processing for outstanding noise suppression, speech clarity, and loudness even in difficult weather conditions. Customization: accessory programmable buttons can be programmed to any feature available in the radio cPs, rather than being linked to radio programmable button programming. This allows accessories with programmable buttons to have independently programmed features. This flexibility allows the radio to be customized to fit your specific applications and needs.

Enhanced Audio Gain Capability (AGC): iMPRes audio accessories have significantly enhanced audio gain capability. when you are speaking either quietly or speaking in a normal volume but not directly into the microphone, iMPRes audio technology can detect that condition and will automatically increase the microphone gain. agc eliminates the need to adjust volume levels repeatedly. Future ApplicationsThe portable connector design also incorporates built-in USB capability to allow for the use of USBcapable accessories. The audio accessory interface is now the Motorola standard audio accessory interface for mid- to high-tier two-way radios. future accessory development is based on this interface so you will be able to take advantage of future releases of new audio accessories.


MOTOTRBO accessORies

MOBile RaDiO

a range of Motorola accessories are available to support the MOTOTRBO mobile radios. accessories are an important piece of the mobile solution to meet even the most challenging installation and operational requirements. These MOTOTRBO mobile accessories can enable hands free communication in the vehicle, dispatch-enabled communication and convenient installation options.
AudIO SOluTIOnS Various mobile microphones are available for different needs. The iMPRes keypad microphone allows the user to navigate the mobile menu, dial phone numbers and send text messages, the heavy duty microphone provides enhanced durability and easier handling while wearing gloves. The iMPRes visor microphone enables hands-free and discreet communications. The desktop microphone, tray and external speaker allow users to convert MOTOTRBO mobiles into simple base stations offering an optimal solution for transportation and dispatch users. Other accessories are available for MOTOTRBO with specific needs in mind. an emergency footswitch is available allowing users to discretely notify about an emergency situation. external speaker and push-button PTT are available when operating in noisy environments or if hands free operation is required.


REMOTE MOunTInG SOluTIOnS Remote Mount cables enable you to mount the mobile in a trunk, a critical accessory when space is limited in the vehicle or in covert operations. AnTEnnA SOluTIOnS a wide variety of antenna options are available to support your specific mobile configuration. standalone radio frequency (Rf) antennas, standalone gPs antennas or combination gPs/Rf antennas are all available in the frequency band you require.


Motorola, inc. 1301 e. alqonquin Road schaumburg, il 60196 To learn more about MOTOTRBO, visit:
MOTOROla and the stylized M logo are registered in the u.s. Patent and Trademark Office. all other product or service names are the property of their registered owners. Motorola, inc. 2010 Rc-1-2013a POD version 9 03/10

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