San Francisco Oracle

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It is nice to live

in a well designed house.

Mexico, Mexico. I was sunning my-
self on the beach at Vallarta. The pa-
per reported: Riots in SF, and a pic-
ture: Cops with guns in hand. Mexico
was never like this. Sometimes it's
worse. Maybe it;s too late to comment
on the riots. Was it even a riot? A
lot of people would like it to ~ge away.
Okay, go away. But what does forgetting
entail? Who profits by it? Certainly
not the good people of Hunter's Point,
the Fiilmore, the Bayview district,
even the maligned Haight-Ashbury. Ac-
tu~lly, not even the white community or ,
if you prefer, - the white power struct-
Ah words to evoke memories, to pro-
'v oke disasters.
What can be done that can be done
simply by people? Forget the broad,
sweeping political generality. Create:

Laws [ordinances of the heart] that

throw housing open to everyone. Real-
tors denying housing to anyone shall
have their licenses revoked. Taken a-
way. Goodby, realtor. Why the poor
realtor? Poetry. The realtor is a bro-
ker dealing in bulk housing. The agent
who most often says: Yes & NO! Terri-
ble NO!
Song: "If you ask him- why/ he reai-
ly doesn't know •••


With color, with paint, new environ-

ments. Free paint to all homeowners
who can/ or cannot afford it. Bonuses
for those who beautify their property.

Utopia! Yes, why not? Subsidies

for carpentering, and plumbing. Skil-
led workers employed to do the work.
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
And design:
It is nice to live in a well design-
ed house.
Make all housing livable/ lovable/
conservable. Keep character intact. No"
more dull/ stupefying abortions. Pub-
lic housing designed to be lived in
(for years).

Quonset hut villages on -new site_s /

don't move, old . man/ wait right there
for your new house/ apartment. Con-
serve communities/ build neighborhoods.
With love.
Trees, grass, bushes, flowe rs.
Bring nature to the neighborhoods.
Let i-µ.genuity flourish._
Urban conservation can be
taught : gardening, carpentering/
CONT . P· 4 I
bea rded soldier. Which leads me to the hardly that precise. We have to try to
cautious speculation that Denmark is say what we mean with terms which have
simply too tolerant and liveral to fos- more than one meaning depending on the
Dear Oracle: ter much rebellion (~). For example, way they're used or the tone of voice
the drinking age is eighteen and never or who's talking. .
I'll be in New York October 6th and so enforced. Anyone is free to imbibe any There's actually no woid in normal
can't join the Oracular Demonstrati6n. ~nglish usage which means exactly the
hoµr of the day or night. Beer is sim-
But the word Demon-stration should be ply too readily available, like sex same thing as psyche. The term 'soul'
defined 'for purposes of the parade as (though my inquiry didn't proceed into might make it if enough of us knew what
the freeing of Gooc;l Demons and the ex- the last-mentioned category) ••. Y d~ the soul is. It's not the ability t o
orc{z fo g of Evil Demons, especially in might even find the fuzz here quite de- appreciate blues and ribs. It's the
the racial scene. cent (by U.S. stand~rds). Always un- part of mortal man which is not con-
armed, not even toting billy . clubs, tained by time, space or so-called con-
It looks like the Mayor realizes that they appear to observe strict decorum-- scious awareness. It's the last body
the only answer to Black Power is not and I've seen them in action a few to be discarded at the periodic change
White Power at the end of a gun. The times. we call death. By some it's called the
Mayor didn't do so badly the first day Then too there are no large minori- higher self or higher consciousness or
after the riots at. Hunter's Point, con- ties, who, because of race, ethnic back
sidering the general spiritual bank~up­ ground, age, class, etc., lack the ba- Since most of us today are no longer
tcy of the Establishment, an Establish- sic amenities. It's true that the wel- hip to the original meaning of the term
ment which isn't all White either. (A fare state is not without invisible men 'psyche', public .or common use of this
(cf. Ralph Ellison), , but its invisible term and all terms coming from this
longshoreman the other day told me that
ones at least possess physical dignity. term, is a sort of naive error. A few
60% of the men on his job loading ships
-for Vietnam are Negro.) But if the Ma- Some here are very rich but none are such terms now being misapplied are:
very poor. After a fortnight I en- psychology, psychiatry, psychosomatic,
yor had gone on TV and declared that he
c.ountered my first panhandler--and he psychotic, psychedelic, etc.
was withdrawing every armed policeman
was better dressed than I. (Anthropo- The true psychedelic experience is
and National Guardsman from the Hunter's
logists take note that the old coffee the establishment of the link of aware-
Point area and was instead inviting ness between lower consciousness._ and
every minister of every church in the routine is another universal .phenome-
non). Womb to the tomb security is the the higher consciousness. This link is
·city to come and walk the streets there
~logan. As a young artist who studied the mind ( not t o be confused with the
and talk with everyone in sight , things
in the Communist countries remarked, brain ).
might be different today. However, we
"In the East people are, figuratively, As far as mortal -man is concerned,
are as far from such soul-action as we
there are four states or planes or

are from the Ascension of Buddha on the sometimes literally imp risoned; in the
West they are encased in fat." levels of consciousness which ar e:
White House lawn seeded with sweet
gras s. When I lived in Scandinavia over ten
years ago, Copenhagen , with all its higher consciousness
Yours for the unrestricted future Ex- charms and diversions, was called "the . lower consciousn ~ss UP
Paris of the North." But in spite of brain consciousness DOWN
pansion of Consciousness. Let there be
the very real charms and diversions of sensual consciou sness
light: Through the looking-glass with
Alice! Paris, Parisians are not the most af-
fable people on earth, and most Copen- These planes or states or consciousness
hageners have come to emulate them in correspond to the four bodies of mortal
this respect. Everywhere amid the man which are:
growing affluence the mercenary mercan- '
THERE AIN'T NO COPE tile spirit prevails. And the a_ccom- Spiritual
IN COPENHAGEN NO MORE!" panying smugness, snobbery, cultural Intuitional REFINED
Psychedelic friends:
Past age thirty and somewhat
stagnation, spiritual paralysis, and
just plain dull dreariness.
Physical 1

(the physical is often called ' the

"straigh"t" by your crit.e ria, I'm not If I have poanted too drab a por-
tangible or chemical body)
the best judge of the scene here in Co- trait, -so be it. Jus't one man't im-
penhagen. But please permit me a few pressions--though shared by- several of
A link or bridge or host is neces-
observations. the mo r e sensitive Danes I met who feel
that the true spirit of l)enmark is sary for the raising of the focus of
Amsterdam, London, San Francisco-- consciousness from any plane to the
not Copenhagen--are where the action is. either waning or dead. There is much
next higher plan. The link .must be
At the Flak Music Club of Denmark one to be said for the crystal palace--as
long as it refains plenty of space something of the highest of the lower
still hears the songs the S.F . Folk Mu- of wha tever· two planes we ' re talking
sic Club abandoned in the early fifties. under ground.
"Bohemian" restaurants serve some good about. For ~xample: ~o make the link
Your hopelessly romantic reporter, necessary to raise the focu~ from brain
' food at relatively--by present inflat- Dave Rothkop consciousness to lower consciousness
io?ary standards--low. prices, but they one needs something which is the high-
are about as avant garde as the Buena P.S. from Malmo, Sweden: I asked a est or most refined that the mental
V~sta. Without a necktie and "decent" young "beatnik" i n a cafeteria jammed body can define or be aware of .
dress one finds . mere token acceptance. with high schoolers what young people Also it is not possibl e to rise even
But like everywhere else beards, mostly thought about the national 'teachers' a bit higher by any bridge than the
goatee-s, . abound--almo.s t invariably strike 'against shortened vacations. next plane above where we start. Obvi-
trimmed to the chin ••• No new poster "They don' t sp1:7ak about it," he said, ously nothing which the physical or
art (I could hardly give away_ my S.F. amid the spirited backgroung din. Then . chemical body can digest or be aware of
pop art samples). No coffee houses. I 'inquired if t here were any objections can raise the consciousness above the
One good modern jazz. club · (Montµiartre) to senior students serving ·as interim ~ental plane even though the link be
and plenty of mediocre Dixieland bands. teachers (I was tempted to say "finks" established through th e farthest out,
Yes, there are very young "hippy" but that would be too subjective--and most refined chemical now known or yet
types, but lacking the wildest H-A beyond the range of his American slang ). unknown . The true psychedelic exper i-
flair (real ly beatniks circa 1958) to ''.No. And they're also taking television ence is not available thru the use of
be seen mainly along the Stroget lessons," he replied. Finally I asked any so -called "drug" or anything else
(strolling street) wat.ching, s_o metimes him what he thought about things. "Swe- physical.
ridiculing the fast-p2ced crowds going dish teachers are very well paid." (But
by. If they have any commitment to ma be he thought I was a C I A ent.)
anything, except perhaps each other, it
isn't apparent to me. Ironically, the LETTER TO THE EDITOR:
bushiest-haired young men I've seen
were working on a _new warship in the Psyche is the Greek work for soul.
Elsinore shipyards! This is no general term. Anyone who is
hip to clas.sical language 'c an tell you
I've even seen a .(well-trimmed)
that the old Greeks had a term for
2 everything. The English language is

ing over their looney h eads. Posters
and placards in eviden.c.e . The one I
loved best said:



I stood under that sign surrounded

by the sanest people in San Francisco.
-B B P BI Policemen and newsmen and real estat;e
men excepted. Those poor righteous ci-
The ACTION SIXTH OF OCTOBER~ 1966, Lunatic Pro- .
tizens were absolutely helpless on the
periphery of the crowd of beards and
test Demonstration: a celebration to beads and Crazy Jane hats bobbing madly
About 5 in the afternoon a slowly d·emonstrate opposition to legisl".ltive in the afternoon sunshine.
cruising squad car did an angry u-turn repression of chemical mysticism. The The FBI agent held his flowers be-
&, with 5 gunbarrels poked out its win- Panhandle packed w~Hh Bea~tiful People hind his back, and a handful of real
dows, stopped it's swerve abruptly in ecstatically costumed and handing out estate men standing near him all stared
front of a young long haired, bearded flowers to friends and FBI agents. at their shoes when a slim girl ap-
· man with yellow boots & a blonde, long Dancing on the greensward to the Grate- proached them with a juicy slice of
haired girl. "Get off this street, boy ful Dead's electronic musie. What sort watermelon. They were terrified that
--NOW," "git," another voice from with- of world is this? Whose world is this? she intended to offer them a bite.
in, and a mum bl e d -- 11 d amn niggers,
• II f or
Gaggle of. real estate deal.ers on "Don't be afraid," she said sweetly.
the boy was brown skinned and he & his theil' way back from a convention at Ma- · Young Beautifuls, young beggars and
fair maid were on Haight & Ashbury on sonic Hall (where Ronald Reagan assured mummers, dancers and singers, laughing
this sunny afternoon--a street filled them that their real .estate was really boys and girls--soon to be outlawed--
with laughing people except when truck- real) crossing the Panhandle, come upon that afternoon lay down their gentle
loads of bayonet wielding troops & beef this fantastic congregation. And in message, l.oud and clear. LOVE.
& bullet stuffed police cars stalked broad daylight, too! Groups of men in For a few hours on October Sixth,
the street. suits stand staring; · simply transfixed,they had their world their way.
Actually the people were not afraid simply amazed. Flutes and finger cym-
of black teenagers--our neighbors--but bals, tinkle and toot, and all that Schneck
raw power seeking_opposition to crush, long hair., short skirts, and laug.h ter.
--King John[sons'] deputies ••• You don't - see a circu~ like this every FLUTES, BELLS, FLOWERS, JOY
About 7: 30, the •'• merry men" (about day.
30 in strength), wielding picket signs: Ken Kesey's fabled bus is there; Nobody knew before the actual event
--Cops go home, support love, & no more splashed yellow, green; blue, brown, what would happen, or if anyone else
curfew--walked up & down Haight street. and purple. Colors of the raggle-
would be there.
The fear & tension subsided, people Judith Wehlau--Ha'ight-Astibury Settle-
taggle gay gang inside it, on top of
looked & laughed--others joined in, and ment House founder, full-time hospitql
it, all arounc\ it. Six hundred to a
the normal night time Haight Street . clerk & painter:
thousand younr/ souls (an .educated
sounds were heard again. · guess) dancing with brave banners _wav- CONT. p. 10
By 8:00 p.m. the crowd had swelled
to about 200 children, hippies & just
bystanders. At 8:05 a fire engine w/
siren blasting roared up Haight street.
When it got to Cole the crowd stopped &
turned to look. What they saw was a
wall of club wielding blue uniforms
follow~d by olive drab riflemen with
poised bayonets coming down Haight St.
The surprised people were herded down
the street, some into waiting paddy wa-
gons & city buses. The cops weren't
brutal but they were frighteningly cold
I walked toward them & thru them--
was almost busted--but my guardian an-
gel (temporarily acquired) l ooked
straight enough -to get us through.
Looking back we could see the roadblock
they'd set up at Masonic and herded
people towaTd a nice efficient trap.
Then as an empty bus crone past the
police loudspeaker system began to work
- --it was all over. In trying to call
fQr information on those busted the on-
. ly answer was-- " no in . "&" ge t
" f ormation
off the phone." S'o ended the "great"
Haight-Ashbury Police action. 3
'Flute Beu FiowerJo, I•t .IS 'nice .... coNT. FROM p. 1

"I weighed carefully whether or not Song: "What to do with my time/ I

I would go. · There might be misunder- just don't know •••
"Turn on standings, the parents of the children
Tune in we teach at the Settlement House, etc. Education itself should be self lib-
Drop Out 11 from a My conclusion was that I object to the erating, an appreciation of the world.
folk saying A man taught to evaluate things for
State interfering with man's private
himself, rather than having to depend
chemistry, and search for ' God and that
Thousands of Great Soctety Drop Outs I would be a sham if I didn't go there on someorte else (i.e./ a leader), is a
dropped into that thin belt of paisley far different creature.
to declare myself, to stand up for my
green brown called Panhandle and tuned beliefs. I knew I had to do it even if
in on each other this past Saturday and it meant standing alone or with six But, but, but... This may mean the
Sunday for an Artists Liberation Front end of political structure as we know
scraggly friends.
"The 'Race Riots" plus experiences it. Who cares! Outmoded political
sponsored series of happening. mechanisms are a deterrent to hum·a n de-
Rock, Jug, Jazz, bands turned on ev- close friends have had with the police
eryone but the blind, crippled, aged, made me w~nt to take a stand. What's
or straight rigid, to dance. Kids, happening now leads to concentration
Eliminate hate by loving your self.
some of whom were grandmothers, danced camps. The police state must be limit- I
It s the only one, you have. The Negro,

colors over paper and bodies and faces ed. You cannot legislate out of f~ar. the Mexican, the Oriental, the Indian,
until the speeds boosted mest of the Human dignity is being encroached upon the Jew, the Minority, the HobgobLj..n,
brush. Side walks became canvas for from all sides. I, We, want to live in the American is no more a problem than
color chalk artists and for a moment it a loving world and we are surrounded by
oneself. End - dis~rimination by. approv-
was Fat City. a frightened, hateful bureaucracy.
"I feel it was positive action on a ing of your self. . Direct
There was something psychedelic about
it all. A Hell's Angel on harmonica joyful note. That's important--not to yourself. Make your community livable.
frighten the rest of the populace. We Smile. Sing. Hold your neighbor's
accompanying poet Michael McClure sing-
· don't mean to take over. What we hope hand: ·
ing a Blake poem, long haired and robed
for is the survival of human individu- White, black, yellow, red, polka dot.
yin and yang mixing in large hoops and Look in
swirls and arcs of graceful fl.owing ality.
the mirror. The Bridge - is no alterna-
from. shade to sun... Round· -peopl.e, tall "We want to live in virtue. . '
"We want to rid ourselves of the iH;ns tive. It may be easier to love your
people, -tan, black, white, grey · people neighbor than yourself. Hold hands.
holding hands in circles of moving of our fathers.
Rejoice in your neighbor's excellence.
smiles. "We want to rid ourselves of the sins ·
of waste of our country. Tha·t ' s enough. The roads all look dif-
Other realities tried to break
"We love this place, our country. We ferent, but t;he goal is the same. Hold
through. The policeman ticketing 'il-
want America to be as great as it;s hands!
legally' parked cars, the tow truck
towing, the Ken 'Keyseyless' Kesey bus, supposed to be, as great as it can be.
"They will try to run the Flowe~s: from this humble beginning)
the lost and crying children, and the
hard black lines on three sides of the and the Artists out. I don't want to
green that the Artists Liberation Front have to leave this country.
"We know you can't have all Flutes GUIDE TO EXCELLENCE
couldn't .paint over. There were enough
straight people to remind you that and Bells--I'll .go work my job, do my BRING BACK THE BIRDS-BUILD A PARK AT
_there are people who drive those black l~undry ••• let us take the responsibili- SUNDOWN
George Tsongas
lines to work every morning and night ty for our own lives.
Monday thru Friday and probably think . "It's very important that it wasn't FR 1,OCT. "21 l EA.1J'X ·~:»A~T·a F1c
'Liberation' is something that was set- a hate parade. One of the speakers iNN"l,HrARAt•OH o~ -thE
tled with the 'Bill of Rights.' said, "You cannot legislate against fLEASU RC: :i> OMt &<.. ANG-ER.
The ALF will sponsor another oppor- flowers, against joy .•• WHE~c YA'. &=E"i fRE.ARdEN
tunity for the people to be happy at "It was one of the most exciting days AN:? J> i.J <; LlO -

Hunter's Point this coming weekend, do- of my life. I t really uplifted me to Arv.I> MA~ ic.f\L s.o u Nj)S
nations of labor and joy, even money, see all the love."
would be appreciated. fRi~ OQ.T,,, l.~, TH 'E: S~'G- .1
Judith Wehlau "1cNAs ME. l<AS
Don Hutton ~o N l\S i /'ti -r 1-i E BA f €-
. ~

.f>EY'oTE ouEEN de. Hi~di

.AT' tSG-5 -'1~
I~ 00 A~ "''~ "'t A"' J
"N\ HAL~


9 to 2 nightly Sunday open session 4 :3Q to 11
; .


'fhe King in his Counting-house. Find the Queen, the Maid, and. the Blackbird. The Lion and the Unicorn. Find the Unicorn.

g@(:taflff!ft .
llJ THii! ·1·,
"" ISSU~
.s NE.XI

The Farm w
The Fa rm is in Golden Gate Park .
In the large pl a yground .
Right a cross from t he merry-go - round.
Which goes round a nd round. ~

The Farm is a pa rt of the San Francisco

· Zoologica l Gardens. ix:
A sort of bra nch office.
A CR£"R1"1VE ourL&r :::::>
toTTE~V-JEW«LR'(· W~AlllN• >-' .
It has barnyard animals.
l>RllWIN~s - CoLLltl~E
Like chickens, ducks, goats and sheep,
PAwr1Nt1 - .SCGll-PTU!eE -

Someone has to take care of these ba rn- H

yard beasts. PetN rs- 1>11...Low.s w

Each day a Keeper at the Zoo is desig- 8r OTHe~ OljJEC.TS U'.l
OJ:! BE'AUTY rc::J · <
nated to go to The Farm. w
For most Keepers , duty .at The Farm is l>e Ll<Jtfr 7He. c Ye i:Q

like being exiled to Siberia . AA/t> / e>~ lJJ.. 0"14/ w

It's a come-down from working with -rHe M I Nl? :"' ix:

~ /?,13~-~sj
lions and tigers, elephants, goril- tlll
las and orangutangs. -H
I was recently sent into exile' at The
' · HAl6tt 1 Ul

.•.-l z
NOON -NIHE. 9m ,.0 0
But it wa s nice. l1S 0
.c P-t
It was nice. Ul
I had suddenly fulfilled a childhood 1-1 z
fantasy . <II
I was Old McDonald .
15 tO HAIGHT· Sr~ E ET
With a here - a-chick, there-a- chick,
everywhere-a- chick- chick and every-

~ 163-9805 o ·<
The whole scene.
The day after The Riot, the playground 1-1 zC-'
was deserted, 4-l ix:
All the children envied me. "\ i:Q
The beasts or The Farm lay huddled in
Lots of chi~dren .
patches of shade,
·.-l >-'
It was hot .
s:: '<
It was nice. Q
The young mothers and the children (!)
0 >-'
There were mothers N <II a. . ix:
stayed home, ·.-l CJ Ul i::cl
Lots of yuung, pretty mothers. .-I •.-l (!) ::>
The merry-go-round didn't go round, l1S .-I
1-1 i::cl
All over. <II 0
1-1 a.
I sat in The Farm and listened to the .µ
All day .
And some nice old men and ladies , rad i o's rio t reports . .-I (!)
.-I ...c
Who knew each _i ndividual chicken and And rock music, •r-l .µ
~ s (!) ...;t

rabbit by name.
Something Old McDonald never did.
Up above the playground; Kezar Stadium
1-1 (!)
Ul <II .c
;:l bO .µ
e11 -
(!) w
And lots of Haigh t -Ashbury people, l1S a. ;3 ,..:i
In ecstatic dress and mood. loomed over the empty swings and 4-l
0 'O .-I

slides, the silently panting goats s:: (!)
.-I <II .c .
Who would notice that The Keeper of
and sheep and bunnies. .-I
l1S Ul s::
The Farm had a beard today. s:: l1S <
Over · l,000 National Guardsmen were in :>-. ;:l .c P-t
And they would smile and nod and some- l1S bO .µ
Kezar Stadium. >-'
times stop to talk about Farm Life, 'O
<II .µ (!) ix:
Standing by. s0 .cl1S 1-10 :::::>
And I would smile and nod and talk back. i:Q
With joyful anxiety. .µ s ::i:::
While caring for my chicks and ducks U'.l U'.l
I was getting tired of being Old <I
and goats and sheep.
McDonald. ~
And all day, the merry-go-round. And The Farm. <
information contained herein 0
Going round and round. ~nd Kezar up above. H
Everything was so goddam still. <
It was nice.
At the end of the day, I put them all Not even a cackle or a fart f~om the Q
• Farm beasts. 0
to bed. 0
Goddam_ Kezar was up above. Ii-<
All the barnyard beasts. w
Causing this goddam sick silence, w
I didn't look forward to going back to
Only the sound of the radio on the air. ix:
the real Zoo. Ii-<
Carrying all over the hushed playground.
I would never ever get to be a snow
And up to Kezar ,
leopard, anyway.
Governor Brown was saying he's "getting .
But I was Old McDonald for a day.
sick and tired of . all this lawless-
And I might be again.
Before I'm ever a snow leopard.
A rooster tried crowing.
He didn't make it.
Then The Beatles sang "It's a Hard
Day's Night."
The disc jockeys were playing it a lot.
For the troops .up in Kezar, maybe.
Full of joyful anxiety.
is either true or false,
I left the Farm at 5.
The Farm beasts were all dead.
Or dying.
Ripped and clawed to bits.
A snow leopard got them.
4p.m. EVERYDAY, BRING A BOWL AND SPO~N newpoetr~ ma3azine--


111 llSS 9
Sofl'!E lbl.J
r THooGtfT

r "SToP ktcktNG! ,,
1s t"e moo,

l1Keo... ctiiel"'ry

San Francisco - entertainment usa!
Big rocksound breakthru/ topless
dancefrolic waitresses/ much too much

- •;·-~

B. ALL. 171 RT'( PE;oPLE


for the MIDWEST & elsewhere

Lights - big blues&greens ARE e,c..o.
& lots of red & colorful c. L\TIU: DL..D 1.Av1E:S
people moving here
makin' good sounds-
TE.l-l. 12 l,1-\'f FROM
doin' good thing~- AUNA'(s POl('JT
from Folkrock to lo f1£AV£N.
SanFranciscoSound/ D. BOOKREADE'.RS ~
the answer to _ l>ND£SiMBLE'S.
The DetroitSound E. 13DOKDSALfRS
American Jazzform f-\JW IS Ntr -n.\ E
ButterfieldBluesBand Cot-Kf\l\Jt!ONAl...-
at Winterland & R!G!-11 lJNDER 1i·\:£
Fillmore jJf At1£NVMENf
unfroze the bonds 10 Dl5SEMINP..W.
of whiteblues to
jazz to 3rd Stream.
.. .

The best of f\N'{ ONE. VJ 1-\0

WhiteSoul wedded to DOESN'T AB'RE.£
the ElectronicAge & WITrJ. ll1E ABOVE
producing the fullestsound FLEP6S W~f'fE ~
to hit Westerncivilization
since Beetoven/ roll over 'Boi\RO of Pf~!f
the chemicalsoul /\F'f'El\lS
sound is here. A.1!£Nli~: ED Ml\Woi,
BBB's arrangement/ 5~.
Cannonball's "Worksong" 12.00H 2-1..1
experience wrapped into one cny !-\ALL
mike blo9mfield· & torn 'S f\N f Rl\rJGt5CO
out thru an electricstringged woman
with THE Rrhythmsection (H05KOW!t'~ \IS. %PP, .).
& rest of group carressing &
pulled into existance & exploded
in th.e openeared minds of
this lightagegeneration.
,The enrapturement of dark
mystical blackstreets @\0oe
teeming with physical life
moving to a chemical/
technological trip_, NEEDED:
still a two much GER, CIRCULATION MANAGER, WRITERS, Published fortnightly by:
two much. PHOTOGRAPHERS~ A COMMON PREJUDICE RUN- The Oracle Cooperative
Peg ~Aw Led ers of DANTS ARE RADICAL, INTELLIGENT, HIP, 1534 Haight Street
San Francisco, . Calif.
1606 1-lo.ight Custotn /ea+heJ'" CLES WITHOUT REALLY TRYING, LOVING GO-
cro. .£ t - S GETTERS. Editors: John Brownson
George Tsongas

Cartoons: Phil Normand

Advertising: Joel Roberts

Staff: Allen Cohen, Elena Scovil,

Carrie Clausen, Ron Thelin, Don Hutton
Le~ny Silverberg, Alec Tsongas, Joanna

With special appreciation to: Glide

Memorial Foundation for their coopera-
tion and assistance.

Love to all our contributors.

might be greatly disturbed by the tur-
bulance above but he could. not rise with
As we can see, a spiritual awareness
it. It's _easy for us to confuse these
.is attainable not be expanding the con-
people, one with the other.
sciousness but only by raising it. As
Those even fewer whose consciousness
we can also see, this cannot be done
has evo lved up into the intuitive body,
through a chemical. Some chemicals are
we at our highest can barely comprehend.
impressive because most of us have not
risen even to the top of our mental They wh? are of the s piritual conscious-
ness are, to one rising by use of a
plane before, much less experienced
unity of consciousness with others chemical, literally out of sight.
there. Moreover most of us don't know If you are truly of the new race and
not just attracted by the glamour of
ab 9ut the higher planes of conscious-
the "scene... , you will, sooner or later
ness. We may have heard the terms but
we're by no means hip to what they
arrive at a point when you can no long-
tr~ly mean. When we find our conscious .er refine and raise your consciou~ness
awareness (for example) suddenly, beau- thru use of anything involving activity CONSCIOUSNESS
tifully, violently soar from our physi- o f your physical body. A point when
your consciousness may expand thru Box :Z.12. CHELSEA StA., W.Y, /f>IJ//
cal body to high up in the seldom or
never before experienced upper mental chemicals but it can no longer rise,
You can express thru your physical ve- At: Psyclie.J~) ic ~p
body (the highest we can go from a
chemical) we say "Wow! This is the
hicle but you no longer "live" in it. c:t" l.;7h'ts
Of course what you do about it is your Mots • l3e.,.Js.l•y
top!" Sure, but the roof of the house
own decision. Just make sure you know
is not the sky.
which end's up and remember that up is
We were all created equal but due to
farther than out,
the p.rocess of evolution we are not
born equal. Now and then, (rarely), we
Ambrose J. Hollingworth
may encounter someone who has evolved
Mt. Zion Hospital
much further than we . So much further

that his focus of co ns cious ne ss is in
the men ta l body to begi n wi th. He

star t s ou t where we _end up when we've
gone as far as we caQ go on something
which our physical body can digest or
be aware of. If he were to use a chem-
ical link he would either remain
"straight", expand, or come - down.
consciousness would not rise , Also, of
course, if one's level of consciousness
is lower than the level on which a cer-
tai~ physical or chemical begins, he

I ~i~o :R~~~~oi~~~~~ Al
would not even get off the ground. He

Baek to Food ~ -
One o f the things that's happening We discover that the food processed
is happening between people and the for the masses by contemporary commer-
, food they're eating. cial methods is un suited to people. Or
Wha t 's hap pened to food was described maybe we just discover that the machine
1· , by a medical doctor speaking at a con- runs better on a better grade of gas .
ference I attended la st year with_ these The things that take us on these nu-

·: 1 words: "Eighty per cent of the fooill in tritional trips ar e: organically grown
. today's supe rmar kets is unfit fo.r human fo ods, n atu ral and unre fined foods,

I ··
· consumption." foods new to us {perhaps yogurt or sun-
What's hap pened to people as a result flower seeds), food supplements like

of eating inferior food is t hat Ameri- wheat germ o r brewers yeast, raw food ·
, cans have been starving while . they've diets, vegetariaqism, vitamin and min-
i been getting fat. As the title of a eral pills derived from f ood sources
1recent book said it, "overfed but under- rathe r than test tubes. Or, going
. ~ nourished." . . deeper~ t~e dietary philosophy of Zen
(i So ":e admit that possibly our food is Macrobioti~s. But whatever the vehicle

IN ti '~
not quite what nature intended, that for the trip and whatever the nature of
this might pos. sibly be connected t o the the discovery, it's real, it's happening
. way we feel (or don' t f~el) and we de- - -now--t o more and more · people. .
cide to make some changes. Something In the future this column will talk
PERSONAL AOORNMLNT.5 h~ppens. That'. s been described to me a bo ut m~ny of the ab~ve, also q,~out
AllDADATUS ' with as ma n y different ph ra·
s es as there many th.ings not menti oned--Actually,
f"Yf"rlV'\ ·are people: "I haven 't had a co l d in a a bout anything related to health. I'd
CON6LOMEAAT/\ year," "now there's· somethin g left at like as maµy suggestions from readers
ACCOUTREMENTS 5 o'clock ," "for the first time I began as possible and would like to include
cMBE.LLl3HMENT.S to like my body' II "I came· a~)ve ' II " I many of y~ur letters.
~D J· may b e psyching myself, but I think Also, if you know a good name for
1 'lJ there' s somethi ng t p this s tuff. " Well, thi s space, please don't be bashful.
brother, the man who s aid you're only I' ve b een thinking about it for weeks
what you eat was overs tating the case, but haven't been able to think of one
1580 HAl6H1 ST. -:n.......---i....,l"tlR but I guar an tee you we 're not psyching I could l i ve wi th thus far.
SAN FRANC\SCO ourselves. ·
OPEN What we ' re doing when we make these * Contribu t ed by:
NOON - PM 30
,.--___.;.---~-'-----------------../. of making dis coveries about ourselves.
changes is introducting the possibility A S.F. Health Food Store Opr.

SMITH BROTHERS, basemen t - attic clean- The greater the v italit y co~rsing thru AS . OSCAR WILDE FOUND ALFRED, AS GERTRUDE
ing - hauling, reasonable rates-681-1160 STEIN FOUND ALICE, I TOO WISH t~ FIND
t:"""..----''------..:::..:;___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:..;.::_...:.:::.:...:.....JJ our sys.tern , the more we can feel of
YOU • ••••••••••• • •••••••••••••• Q26~]3 2
The information co ntained herein
ourselves. The greater our self-knowl -
edge, the .greater our knowledge _of I
We are not respon sible for . our
is either true or false.
others. read er's habits. 11
~i , ,


•" •


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