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Test Tube Baby Clinic


Welcome to the youngest member of our family - the new, state-of-the-art Deccan Fertility
Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Center. We have grown and in doing so we have multiplied our
Virtual Tour of Lab
commitment to your dreams. As all younger siblings, Deccan has so many things that
Press Clippings
make it special. It is India's first budget IVF clinic, and the first of our tentative steps in
Statistical Analysis
of our Group Success Rates taking the miracle of life to the masses. All men were born free and procreation shouldn't

be a privilege. We hope to facilitate the transition to make it a medically-assisted right. We
have been able to do this without compromising on our technology, techniques or our
Global Ambassadors
commitment to quality.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Over the years, we have seen the look of joy on the faces of thousands of expecting
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
parents who have belatedly experienced the miracle of life and we feel fortunate to have
Injection (ICSI)
the privilege of spreading that joy a little further. Assisted Reproduction is an expensive
Success Rates
proposition and we at Deccan are taking on the challenge of reaching out to the masses
Donor Egg IVF
who need the treatment, even as they make difficult choices at home to aspire for it. We
Overseas IVF
work towards the dream of making Assisted Reproduction a reality for the common man.
Embryo Adoption
Free Second Opinion
We know that facing infertility can be one of the most stressful situations you may
DNA ID Check encounter, emotionally, physically and of course, financially. At the Deccan Fertility Clinic,

MYC Test we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of the process- from diagnosis to
treatment- as predictable and comfortable as possible. Together we will map out a plan to
determine the cause of your infertility and an appropriate course of action. Many problems
One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination can easily be corrected with medication or minimally invasive surgical procedures. For
One Year Fulltime couples facing more difficult challenges, our ART program ranks among the best in the
Clinical Fellowship Program nation.
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic We know when you visit our offices you may be worried about a procedure, a result, or
your next step. Our staff is here to help - to answer all your questions, offer support, and
make any procedures as comfortable as possible. Our goal is to provide our patients with
Round and About
state-of-the-art medical care and an environment that fosters the best possible outcome -
Muslim Views
at affordable prices!!
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

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While the information provided here is not a substitute for the professional medical advice
Help Line provided by your physician, it is a place to start as you search for a solution to overcome
Satellite IVF Clinic the challenge of infertility. We encourage you to learn as much as you can so you can
make educated decisions about your options and find the support you need to get through
Diagnostic Laparoscopy this difficult and frustrating time in your life.

Operative Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy FAQs

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs

Our Publications


Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

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Virtual Tour of Lab

What is Infertility?
Press Clippings

Statistical Analysis What is the incidence of infertility worldwide?

of our Group Success Rates
My husband and I have an active sex life, we are both healthy, and my periods are regular.
Why are we still unable to conceive?
Global Ambassadors

Is infertility exclusively a female problem?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
How can I determine my fertile period?
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI)
What are the most common causes of infertility?
Success Rates

Donor Egg IVF My gynecologist has done an internal examination and said I am normal. Do I still need to get
Overseas IVF tests done to determine why I am not conceiving?
Embryo Adoption
Free Second Opinion What is the general progression of infertility treatment?
DNA ID Check
Do painful periods cause infertility?
MYC Test

What treatment options do infertile couples have?

One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination
My periods come only once every 6 week Could this be a reason for my infertility?
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program
How successful is infertility treatment?
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic
Endoscopy My husband's blood group is B positive and I am A negative. Could this blood group
"incompatibility" be a reason for our infertility?
Round and About

Muslim Views Are there particular factors influencing the success of a treatment?
and Issues on ART

ART Truths After having sex, most of the semen leaks out of my vagina. How can we prevent this? Should
we change our sexual technique? Could this be a reason for our infertility?

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

What about success rates of IVF?

Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic

My colleagues at work tell me that if we "work" hard at getting pregnant, and want it enough,
we definitely will ! In fact, my mother in law is even suggesting that the fact that I am not
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
conceiving means that subconsciously I do not wish to have a baby (because it may interfere
Operative Laparoscopy
with my career) and this psychological barrier is the reason for our infertility.
Laparoscopy FAQs

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Are there particular health risks for women undergoing infertility treatment?
Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs My grandmother says that if I just pray and have faith, I will definitely conceive. How far is
Our Publications this true?
What is Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome(OHSS)?

Gender selection is illegal

My husband refuses to get his semen tested. He says the fact that it is thick and voluminous
in India. We do not
means it must be normal. Is that true?
advocate it nor do it.

How do multiple births occur?

My sister conceived only after 6 years of marriage. Does this mean I will also have difficulty

What are the common local side effects?

My doctor just did a physical examination for me, and he feels that the reason for my infertility
is that my uterus is tipped backwards, and this prevents the sperm from swimming into the
uterus. He is advising I have surgery to correct this problem. Should I go ahead?

Can ovulation induction increase the risk of ovarian cancer?

My husband says we should be having intercourse every day to achieve pregnancy. Is this

What about the health risks for children born following infertility treatment?

My friends say I should have sex exactly on the day I ovulate to get pregnant. How can I do

How important is counseling to the patient undergoing infertility treatment?

My sister in law is advising me to keep a pillow under my hips during and after intercourse.
Will this increase my chances of conceiving?

What is the duration of one IVF or ICSI cycle?

My mother feels I am too tense, and that if I just relax, I'll get pregnant. Is that true?

What is Extra Uterine Pregnancy (EUP)?

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I just had a HSG (X-ray of the uterus and tubes) done, and this shows my tubes are blocked.
I've never had symptoms of a pelvic infection, so how could my tubes get blocked?

What is timed sexual intercourse?

My doctor has advised me to take fertility drugs . I don't want to take them because I am
scared that if I do , then I'll have a multiple birth.

What is Egg donation?

My husband's sperm count varies every time we test it! How do we determine what the "real"
sperm count is?

What is PCOS?

I have no problems having sex. Since I am virile, is my sperm count normal?

What is Embryo Reduction?

I don't think infertility treatment should not offered in India, because there are too many
babies in this country already. Why should we exacerbate the population problem by producing
more? In any case, IVF treatment is too expensive for India to be able to afford it.

What is Cryopreservation?

My semen analysis report shows I have no sperm in the semen (azoospermia). Is this because
I used to masturbate excessively as a boy?

Is Intra Uterine Insemination suitable for every infertile couple?

My wife is frigid and does not enjoy having sex. Could this be the reason for her infertility?

What is TESE or MESA?

What are the causes of damaged fallopian tubes?

What is Cystic Fibrosis and Male Infertility?

What is Endometriosis?

What does Sperm Preparation mean?

What is Reproductive Surgery?

What does Laparoscopy involve?

What is Infertility?
Infertility, whether male or female, can be defined as 'the inability of a couple to achieve

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conception or to bring a pregnancy to term after a year or more of regular, unprotected


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What is the incidence of infertility worldwide?
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 8-10% of couples
experience some form of infertility problem. On a worldwide scale, this means that 50-80
million people suffer from infertility. However, the incidence of infertility may vary from region
to region. In France, 18% of couples of childbearing age said that they had difficulties in
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My husband and I have an active sex life, we are both healthy, and my periods are
regular. Why are we still unable to conceive?
You need to remember that it's not possible to determine the reason for your infertility until
you undergo tests to find out if your husband's sperm count is normal; if your fallopian tubes
and uterus are normal; and if you are producing eggs. Only after undergoing these tests will
your doctor be able to tell you why you are not conceiving. While testing does cause
considerable anxiety, it's far better to intelligently identify the problem so that we can look for
the best solution.
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Is infertility exclusively a female problem?

No. The incidence of infertility in men and women is almost identical. Infertility is exclusively a
female problem in 30-40% of the cases and exclusively a male problem in 10-30% of the
cases. Problems common to both partners are diagnosed in 15-30% of infertile couples. After
thorough medical investigations, the causes of the fertility problem remain unexplained in only
a minority of infertile couples (5-10%).
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How can I determine my fertile period?

Your fertile period is the time during which having sex could lead to a pregnancy. This is the 4-
6 days prior to ovulation (release of a mature egg from the ovary). Women normally ovulate
14 days prior to the date of the next menstrual period.

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What are the most common causes of infertility?

The most common causes of female infertility are ovulatory disorders and anatomical
abnormalities such as damaged fallopian tubes. Less frequent causes include, for example,
endometriosis and hyperprolactinemia. Causes of male infertility can be divided into three
main categories: Sperm production disorders affecting the quality and/or the quantity of
sperm; anatomical obstructions; Other factors such immunological disorders. Approximately a
third of all cases of male infertility can be attributed to immune or endocrine problems, as well
as to a failure of the testes to respond to the hormonal stimulation triggering sperm
production. However, in a great number of cases of male infertility due to inadequate
spermatogenesis (sperm production) or sperm defects, the origin of the problem still remains

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My gynecologist has done an internal examination and said I am normal. Do I still

need to get tests done to determine why I am not conceiving?
A routine gynecological examination does not provide information about possible problems
which can cause infertility, such as blocked fallopian tubes or ovulatory disorders. You need a
systematic infertility workup.
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What is the general progression of infertility treatment?

A variety of procedures can be used to diagnose the cause of infertility in a couple; these
range from simple blood tests to more complicated analytical methods. In any case, diagnosis
is a crucial first step to determine the appropriate therapeutic path that should be followed. In
addition to the cause itself, other factors, such as the age of the woman, or problems shared
by both partners, might also influence the choice of treatment.
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Do painful periods cause infertility?

Painful periods do not affect fertility. In fact, for most patients, regular painful periods usually
signal ovulatory cycles. However, progressively worsening pain during periods (especially when
this is accompanied by pain during sex) may mean you have endometriosis.

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What treatment options do infertile couples have?

Several options are offered to couples depending on the type of infertility that has been
diagnosed. The vast majority of female patients are successfully treated with the
administration of drugs such as clomiphene citrate, cabergoline, metformin or gonadotropins.
Surgery can also be a means to repair damage to the reproductive organs, such as those
caused by endometriosis and infectious diseases. Treatment options for male infertility also
include the administration of drugs, surgery and assisted reproductive technologies, such as
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Drug therapy and surgery have proved very
successful for specific types of male infertility. However, in a great number of cases, the
reason why men have fertility problems remains unexplained and the treatment methods
applied are empirical. Some patients nevertheless require more complex medical intervention.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) refer to several different methods designed to
overcome barriers to natural fertilization such as anatomical problems (eg blocked fallopian
tubes). One of these techniques, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), has now been practiced for more
than 15 years. Overall, the estimated number of infertile patients currently treated by ART is
around 20%.
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My periods come only once every 6 week. Could this be a reason for my infertility?
As long as the periods are regular, this means ovulation is occurring. Some normal women
have menstrual cycle lengths of as long as 40 days. Of course, since they have fewer cycles
every year, the number of times they are ‘fertile’ in a year is decreased. Also, they need to
monitor their fertile period more closely, since this is delayed (as compared to women with a

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30 day cycle).

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How successful is infertility treatment?

When talking of success rates for any type of infertility treatment, one should bear in mind
that the average chance to conceive for a normally fertile couple having regular unprotected
intercourse is around 25% during each menstrual cycle. It is estimated that 10% of normally
fertile couples fail to conceive within their first year of attempt and 5% after two years.
Comparable to normal fertility rates, effective treatments can be expected to have, on an
average, up to a 25% success rate per cycle of treatment, and may therefore need to be
repeated several times before a pregnancy is achieved. Simple ovulation induction to
compensate for hormonal imbalances has a very high success rate; more than 80% of women
suffering from such disorders are likely to conceive after several cycles of treatment with drugs
such as clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins.

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My husband's blood group is B positive and I am A negative. Could this blood group
'incompatibility' be a reason for our infertility?
There is no relation between blood groups and fertility.

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Are there particular factors influencing the success of a treatment?

In any type of infertility treatment, important factors need to be taken into account when
referring to success rates. The age of the woman and the duration of the couple's infertility are
likely to influence the success of treatment. In women, fecundity decreases as age increases,
particularly after 40 years of age. When the woman is being treated, her chances of conceiving
can be lessened if her partner also has infertility problems (eg poor quality sperm).

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After having sex, most of the semen leaks out of my vagina. How can we prevent
this? Should we change our sexual technique? Could this be a reason for our
Loss of seminal fluid after intercourse is perfectly normal, and most women notice some
discharge immediately after sex. Many infertile couples imagine that this is the cause of their
problem. If your husband ejaculates inside you, then you can be sure that no matter how
much semen leaks out afterwards, enough sperm will reach the cervical mucus. This leakage
of semen (which is called effluvium seminis) is not a cause of infertility. In fact, this leakage is
a good sign - it means your husband is depositing his semen normally in your vagina! Of
course, you cannot see what goes in - you can only see what leaks out - but the fact that
some is leaking out means enough is going in!

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What about success rates of IVF?

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Overall, success rates for IVF have steadily improved over the last ten years. Birth rates for
IVF vary according to the expertise of the centers practicing this technique. However, centers
in Europe have reported pregnancy rates after one cycle of IVF equal or superior to 25%. In
1993, the French IVF registry (FIVNAT) reported a pregnancy rate of 25.4% per embryo
transfer on a total of 23,025 oocytes retrieved. Based on such results, after three to four
cycles of IVF, a woman under 40 whose partner does not have any fertility problems could
reasonably expect to give birth. Again, in general, success rates may vary from one center to
another, since they are influenced not only by the level of expertise of the medical team but
also by the characteristics of the patients treated. A clinic treating a large number of women
over 40 is likely to report lower success rates than a clinic having a majority of patients under

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My colleagues at work tell me that if we 'work' hard at getting pregnant, and want it
enough, we definitely will! In fact, my mother in law is even suggesting that the fact
that I am not conceiving means that subconsciously I do not wish to have a baby
(because it may interfere with my career) and this psychological barrier is the
reason for our infertility.
Unlike many other parts of your lives, infertility may be beyond your control. Don't blame
yourself if you are not getting pregnant - it's a medical problem which often needs appropriate
medical treatment. The attitudes you are encountering are often born out of ignorance - and
are a kind of ‘victim-blaming’ - ignore them!

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Are there particular health risks for women undergoing infertility treatment?
Along with their intended benefits, drugs used to treat infertility may on occasion cause side
effects. In ovulation induction, close monitoring of follicular growth is crucial to ensuring
successful treatment. Monitoring techniques (such as ultrasound scan and blood tests) and
adequate use of treatment protocols help the physician to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation
syndrome (OHSS) and minimize the risk of multiple pregnancy. Current treatment protocols
have been designed to reduce the risk of multiple births and OHSS.

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My grandmother says that if I just pray and have faith, I will definitely conceive.
How far is this true?
Believing in god can help you to maintain a positive outlook - but sheer will and blind faith
won't overcome a physical problem like blocked tubes or absent sperms.

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What is Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS)?

Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is a side-effect that can occur during infertility
treatment with ovulation inducing drugs. Symptoms of this syndrome may include ovarian
enlargement, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and gastrointestinal disorders (nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea). Severe cases of OHSS are however very rare (1-2% of cases).

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My husband refuses to get his semen tested. He says the fact that it is thick and
voluminous means it must be normal. Is that true?
Semen consists mainly of seminal fluid, secreted by the seminal vesicles and the prostate. The
volume and consistency of the semen is not related to its fertility potential, which depends
upon the sperm count. This can only be assessed by microscopic examination.

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How do multiple births occur?

Multiple births occur more frequently after infertility treatment than in the normal population.
About 80% of pregnancies achieved following simple ovulation induction with gonadotropins
result in single births, the remaining 20% being multiple pregnancies, mostly twin
pregnancies. New treatment regimens carefully adapted to the patient's response help to
decrease the risk of a multiple pregnancy. After IVF, one pregnancy out of four is multiple
(20% twin pregnancies and 3-4% triplets). In IVF centers, physicians now frequently choose
to replace a maximum of three embryos after fertilization, to further reduce the chance of
multiple births.

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My sister conceived only after 6 years of marriage. Does this mean I will also have
difficulty conceiving?
If your mother, grandmother or sister has had difficulty becoming pregnant, this does not
necessarily mean you will have the same problem! Most infertility problems are not hereditary,
and you need a complete evaluation.

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What are the common local side effects?

Common local side effects experienced by patients who receive gonadotropins by
intramuscular injection include skin redness, swelling and bruising. Pain and discomfort
sometimes reported after intramuscular injections are now likely to be lessened with the
availability of gonadotropins produced by recombinant DNA - or genetic engineering-
techniques, which are administered by subcutaneous injection.

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My doctor just did a physical examination for me, and he feels that the reason for my
infertility is that my uterus is tipped backwards, and this prevents the sperm from
swimming into the uterus. He is advising I have surgery to correct this problem.
Should I go ahead?
About one in five women will have a retroverted uterus. If the uterus is freely mobile, this is
normal, and is not a cause of infertility. This is not an indication for surgery!

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Can ovulation induction increase the risk of ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a rare disease; the chance of a young woman developing an ovarian
malignancy during her lifetime is lower than 1.5%. A number of factors have been found to
increase the risk of ovarian cancer, including genetic predisposition and dietary habits.
Scientific studies carried out in the last few decades have demonstrated that infertility itself is
a risk factor for ovarian cancer. There is evidence that each pregnancy reduces the risk of a
woman contracting ovarian cancer (this risk could be reduced by more than 25% by a first
pregnancy). No epidemiological study has ever established a causal link between ovulation
promoting drugs and ovarian cancer. An extensive study on this issue, reporting on more than
2,600 women treated between 1964 and 1974 and followed for an average of twelve years,
found no association between ovulation inducing drugs and ovarian cancer.

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My husband says we should be having intercourse every day to achieve pregnancy.

Is this true?
Sperm remain alive and active in woman's cervical mucus for 48-72 hours following sexual
intercourse; therefore, it isn't necessary to plan your lovemaking on a rigid schedule.

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What about the health risks for children born following infertility treatment?
Regarding children born following treatment with ovulation promoting drugs, the incidence of
birth defects has never been found to be higher than that in the normal population.

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My friends say I should have sex exactly on the day I ovulate to get pregnant. How
can I do this?
Although having sexual intercourse near the time of ovulation is important, no single day is
critical. So, don't be concerned if intercourse is not possible or practical on the day of

Top of the Page

How important is counseling to the patient undergoing infertility treatment?

The physician helps the infertile couple find the most appropriate therapeutic path to overcome
barriers to conception, but, before a treatment is started, patients need to be aware of all its
aspects, including its constraints. Beyond the medical expertise, infertile couples are also
looking for counseling and support. From a psychological point of view, infertility is often a
hard condition to cope with. During treatment and before a pregnancy is achieved, feelings of
frustration or loss of control usually experienced by the infertile couple are likely to be
exacerbated. Management of infertility includes both the physical and emotional care of the
couple. Therefore, support from physicians, nurses and all people involved in treating the
infertile couple is essential to help them cope with the various aspects of their condition.
Offering counseling and contact with other infertile couples and patient associations can
provide help outside the medical environment.

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My sister-in-law is advising me to keep a pillow under my hips during and after

intercourse. Will this increase my chances of conceiving?
Sperm are already swimming in cervical mucus as sexual intercourse is completed and will
continue to travel up the cervix to the fallopian tube for the next 48 to 72 hours. The position
of the hips really doesn't matter.

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What is the duration of one IVF or ICSI cycle?

One complete IVF or ICSI cycle takes approximately 15 to 16 days. From Day 1 or 2 of
menses the stimulation of the ovaries start by muscular or subcutaneous injections of
hormones. The mean stimulation period is 12 days, depending on the reaction of the ovaries.
The ovum pick up takes place within two days after stopping the stimulation (usually on day
13). Now the real IVF or ICSI follows in the laboratory. When fertilization occurs, embryos are
transferred into the uterus (usually on day 15) and drugs supporting the uterus are given.
After approximately 13 days a pregnancy test will show whether the IVF treatment has been
successful or not.

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My mother feels I am too tense, and that if I just relax, I'll get pregnant. Is that true?
If pregnancy has not occurred after a year, chances are there is a medical condition causing
infertility. There is no evidence that stress causes infertility. Remember, all infertile patients
are under stress- it's not the stress which causes infertility, it's the infertility which causes the

Top of the Page

What is Extra Uterine Pregnancy (EUP)?

When a pregnancy is not located in the uterus it is called an Extra Uterine Pregnancy (EUP) or
ectopic pregnancy. The most common place for an EUP is the fallopian tube but sometimes the
ectopic pregnancy is located elsewhere, such as in the cervix, the ovary or in the abdomen.
EUP is a rare disease and occurs in 1% of all pregnancies. With IVF treatment the risk can
increase. Risk factors for EUP are a history of infection of the tubes (salpingitis), chlamydia
infection, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), former EUP, operation on the tubes or in the
lower abdomen, endometriosis and appendicitis. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are often
similar to those of a normal miscarriage and may include a positive pregnancy test together
with or without vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Although it is not common, the possibility
of EUP has to be considered in patients with the symptoms and one (or more) of the risk
factors for EUP. Diagnosis is made by questioning the patient on the risk factors, physical
examination, vaginal ultrasound and laboratory findings. Depending on the size and the
location of the EUP, different treatments can be given. Mostly the ectopic pregnancy will be
removed surgically but occasionally medical treatment or expectant treatment is offered when
the pregnancy is very small and thorough control of the patient is possible.

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I just had a HSG (X-ray of the uterus and tubes) done, and this shows my tubes are
blocked. I've never had symptoms of a pelvic infection, so how could my tubes get
Many pelvic infections have no symptoms at all, but can cause damage, sometimes
irreversibly, to the tubes.

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What is timed sexual intercourse?

To increase the chance of getting pregnant spontaneously, timed sexual intercourse is
recommended. This means that sexual intercourse, or coitus, has to be taken place around the
time of ovulation, which is the most fertile period of a woman. To detect the approximate time
of ovulation a temperature curve of several menstrual cycles can be made. The woman takes
her body temperature each morning before getting out of bed, starting on the first day of the
menstruation until the start of a new period. The body temperature rises around 0.5 degree
Celsius after the ovulation. This is mostly about 14 days after the first day of the period and
when no pregnancy occurs the temperature drops to normal again; with pregnancy the
temperature stays high. One can also use urine or saliva tests to detect the ovulation. The
time of ovulation can sometimes vary a few days each month, even in a regular menstrual
cycle. Also, if the circumstances are right, sperm can live inside the women for a few days and
sperm quality can decrease with high sexual activity. Therefore it is best to have intercourse 3-
4 days before the expected ovulation and every other day until 2-3 days after the expected
ovulation with no necessity for higher frequency. When tests are used to detect ovulation it is
advised to have sexual intercourse on the day of a positive test.

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My doctor has advised me to take fertility drugs. I don't want to take them because I
am scared that if I do, then I'll have a multiple birth.
Although fertility drugs do increase the chance of having a multiple pregnancy (because they
stimulate the ovaries to produce several eggs) the majority of women taking them have
singleton births.

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What is Egg Donation?

Women with no or not properly working ovaries can, in some cases, get pregnant through egg
donation. In this procedure another woman will be the egg donor. This woman will have an IVF
stimulation and ovum pick-up. After the ovum pick-up the collected eggs will be fertilized with
sperm of the partner of the recipient woman ie donor acceptor. The embryos are then
transferred into the uterus of the recipient. If a pregnancy occurs the recipient and her partner
will have a child which is biologically only half their own.

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My husband's sperm count varies every time we test it! How do we determine what

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the 'real' sperm count is?

Even a normal (fertile) man's sperm count can vary considerably from week to week. Sperm
count and motility can be affected by many factors, including time between ejaculations,
illness, and medications. There are other factors which affect the sperm count as well, all of
which we do not understand.

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What is PCOS?
Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is an ovulation disorder, which affects 4-6% of all
women. Several factors contribute to the disease. At this moment researchers think that the
cause of the disease is genetic. The major features of this syndrome are irregular or no
menstruation, hirsutism and acne due to high levels of male hormones, obesity (40-50%),
high insulin levels with risk of developing diabetes and large polycystic ovaries shown on
ultrasound. Women with PCOS usually present at fertility clinics for counseling. To increase
fecundity the treatment possibilities are mostly focused on regulation of the menstrual cycle.
For this, several drugs are used (clomiphene citrate, metformin, gonadotropins) and weight
loss is strongly advised. In many cases the cycle will be ovulatory and regulated by these
treatments. Furthermore at this moment it is being investigated whether electrocoagulation of
the large ovaries can give (long-term) regulation of the cycles.

Top of the Page

I have no problems having sex. Since I am virile, is my sperm count normal?

There is no correlation between male fertility and virility. Men with totally normal sex drives
may have no sperms at all.

Top of the Page

What is Embryo Reduction?

Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) has caused an increase in multiple pregnancies. This
situation is especially seen in ovulation induction and Intra Uterine Insemination. In order to
prevent the risk of severe premature birth and handicaps as well as risks for the mother,
embryo reduction is sometimes performed. The number of embryos in the uterus is reduced
and the remaining pregnancy has a better chance of normal development and delivery. Of
course this is not an easy decision for either the patients or the doctor. With careful guidance
of the patient during treatment and good counseling when the patient is at risk for a large
multiple pregnancy, many triplets or higher order pregnancies may be avoided.

Top of the Page

I don't think infertility treatment should be offered in India, because there are too
many babies in this country already. Why should we exacerbate the population
problem by producing more? In any case, IVF treatment is too expensive for India to
be able to afford it.
The right to have children is a fundamental right of every human being and a very basic
biological urge. Just because a neighbor has too many children should not deprive the infertile

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

couple of their right to have their own. IVF and related technologies are undoubtedly
expensive, but, then, so is heart surgery. Yet, no one objects when over Rs 1 lakh are spent to
try to salvage the heart of a 70-year-old man (whose life expectancy in any case is only about
5 years and is not extended by the surgery). Why then should medical technology not be used
to help couples in their thirties (with their whole lives ahead of them) have their own baby? In
fact, IVF is a much more cost-effective use of medical resources than a number of other
accepted surgical procedures (such as joint replacement surgery or kidney transplants).

Top of the Page

What is Cryopreservation?
Cryopreservation means preserving in a frozen condition. The best known cryopreservation is
of semen. This is mostly done in case of cancer of the testicles before treatment of the cancer.
Furthermore cryopreserved semen is used in donor insemination. It is also possible to freeze
fertilized eggs after IVF or ICSI. If more embryos are left after an IVF or ICSI procedure they
can be frozen and transferred another time. In this way there is another chance of a
pregnancy while only one IVF or ICSI cycle is performed. For human oocytes cryopreservation
is much more difficult. Only in very few experiments this is done successfully. The attention of
researchers now is on developing a way to freeze ovarian tissue and after thawing, to obtain
the oocytes in it. This procedure is not yet fully refined but when it is it can offer great
opportunities in the future.

Top of the Page

My semen analysis report shows I have no sperm in the semen (azoospermia). Is

this because I used to masturbate excessively as a boy?
Masturbation is a normal activity which most boys and men indulge in. It does not affect the
sperm count. You cannot ‘run’ out of sperms, because these are constantly being produced in
the testes.

Top of the Page

Is Intra Uterine Insemination suitable for every infertile couple?

No. In Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) processed semen is directly put into the uterus. It is a
technique used for couples with fertility problems based on specific causes. These causes are

● Cervical hostility: This means that the cervix is not permeable for semen shown after the
Post Coital Test.

● Idiopathic subfertility: No cause has been found for the inability to conceive

● Male subfertility The sperm quality is decreased. Clinics use different ranges for sperm
count in which they perform IUI.

● Sperm Antibodies: Inability for vaginal ejaculation with decreased sperm quality For
example in men with retrograde ejaculation or spinal cord injury.

IUI can be performed either in a spontaneous ovulatory cycle (cervical hostility) or in a cycle
with ovarian stimulating hormones (idiopathic subfertility and male subfertility/sperm

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

antibodies). The stimulation is mostly done with clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins.

Top of the Page

My wife is frigid and does not enjoy having sex. Could this be the reason for her
There is no connection between sexual pleasure and fertility. Don't forget that even a woman
who gets raped can get pregnant! And don't forget that the commonest reason women do not
enjoy sex is because their husbands are unskilled lovers! Maybe you should improve your
sexual technique, and spend more time in foreplay and in pleasuring your wife!

Top of the Page

What is TESE or MESA?

TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction): Sperm collected out of the testicles after operation. MESA
(Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): Sperm collected out of the epididymis after
operation.TESE or MESA is a technique developed for patients with no sperm cells in their
sperm due to an undeveloped or obstructed spermatic cord. The cause of obstruction can be a
former sterilization or an infection of the epididymis. When the testicles make no sperm cells
at all, of course TESE or MESA is not possible. If sperm cells are obtained, an ICSI procedure
(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) will follow. ICSI is like IVF; only now one sperm cell is
injected into each egg to fertilize it and make an embryo.

Top of the Page

What are the causes of damaged fallopian tubes?

In the beginning In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) was developed for patients facing infertility due to
damaged fallopian tubes. Later on the indications to perform IVF were broadened, for
example, unexplained infertility and male infertility. Nowadays tubal damage still accounts for
a large number of all IVF treatments. The main cause is abdominal infection. This is mostly
due to sexually transmitted diseases (for example chlamydia or gonorrhea) but complicated
appendicitis or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) can also cause damaged tubes. Other causes
are abdominal operations (gynecological operations, Cesarean section, sterilization or other)
and internal diseases like Crohn's disease. Affected patients can have fertility problems and
are at risk for having a pregnancy located in the tubes (ectopic or tubal pregnancy).

Top of the Page

What is Cystic Fibrosis and Male Infertility?

Men who have cystic fibrosis often have a congenital anomaly in the male genital tract. The
vas deferens, the tube connecting the testicle and epididymis to the ejaculatory duct, is
congenitally absent. This makes it impossible for the sperms to pass through the penis. Using
testicular sperm aspiration, the urologist can obtain sufficient sperm to allow excellent success
with IVF and ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection). Insufficient numbers of sperm are
obtained to make intrauterine insemination an effective option. As cystic fibrosis is a recessive
genetic disorder, abnormal gene contributions from both parents are necessary for this
disorder to be present. Both copies of the gene are abnormal in men with CF. While persons
carrying a single copy of an abnormal gene do not have this condition, when paired with a

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

partner with CF, they have a 50% chance of CF in their offspring. This makes testing the
female partner advisable. If the woman tests normal, the children will be carriers for an
abnormal gene and although they will not likely have CF, it is advised that their spouses be
checked for CF gene abnormalities.

Top of the Page

What is Endometriosis?
Tissue histologically identical to the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterine wall) outside
the uterine cavity. Usually, endometriosis is confined to the pelvic and lower abdominal cavity;
however, it has occasionally been reported in other areas as well. Endometriosis is one of the
most common problems that gynecologists currently face. It is one of the most complex and
least understood diseases in our field and, despite many theories, we still do not have a clear
understanding of the cause or of its relationship to infertility. Since this disorder is primarily a
human disease and rare in other animal species, accumulation of the facts has been slow.
Although endometriosis has been considered a pathological or separate disease entity, it may
not be a disease at all. It may actually be the clinical manifestation of a more basic underlying
disorder, such as a basic chemical or physiological abnormality that affects the tubal motility or
immune system which could be responsible for the initiation or progression of endometriosis in
patients with retrograde menstrual flow. By the same token, endometriosis may not be the
cause of infertility, but the result of it. Further technological developments may be necessary
in order for us to fully understand this problem.

Top of the Page

What does Sperm Preparation mean?

Spermatozoa are ejaculated in the seminal fluid during intercourse or masturbation. During
assisted reproduction the spermatozoa are extracted from the semen by a series of processes
- centrifugation and washing, layering (to select the active sperm and leave the immotile or
dead sperm behind) or selecting the best sperm by making them swim through a denser
medium and using those that succeed.

Top of the Page

What is Reproductive Surgery?

Reproductive surgery is a subspecialty that treats anatomical abnormalities interfering with
normal reproductive function. Advanced reproductive surgery requires meticulous surgical
technique for optimal results, including rapid patient recovery and avoiding the need for
routine hospitalization. Reproductive surgeons treat tubal obstruction, endometriosis, uterine
fibroids, scarring of the ovaries or other pelvic structures resulting from pelvic inflammatory
disease (PID) in the female, and varicocele and vas obstruction in the male as well as other

Top of the Page

What does Laparoscopy involve?

The laparoscope allows visual inspection of the pelvic organs through a very tiny incision.
Abnormalities that lead to infertility can be treated surgically through additional small incisions

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

to remove scar tissue, laser, coagulate, or excise endometriosis, and repair tubes blocked at
the fimbrial end. Many types of female reproductive surgery can be performed laparoscopically
in the outpatient setting.

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Virtual Tour of Lab

Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery Center
Press Clippings
1, Shankar Niwas,
Statistical Analysis
of our Group Success Rates Plot No 117,
Dadasaheb Rege Marg,
Opp Shiv Sena Bhavan,
Global Ambassadors
Shivaji Park,
Mumbai 400 028
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI)

Success Rates Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992

Donor Egg IVF Fax: +91 22 2444 4443

Overseas IVF Email:[email protected]

Embryo Adoption To Fill Online Feedback Form, click here (Please disable anti popup software before)
Free Second Opinion

DNA ID Check

MYC Test

One Day Training Course in

Intrauterine Insemination

One Year Fulltime

Clinical Fellowship Program

Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic

Round and About

Muslim Views
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/contactus.asp (1 of 2) [10/16/2008 9:17:58 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic

Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy FAQs

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs

Our Publications


Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

Top of the Page

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Virtual Tour of Lab

Press Clippings The Deccan Fertility Clinic provides comprehensive IVF services, all under one roof, so patients
Statistical Analysis don't need to shuttle from clinic to lab to the scan center. Our practice is restricted to treating
of our Group Success Rates
infertile patients exclusively, and we offer our patients the very best medical care - at
affordable prices.
Global Ambassadors

At the Deccan Fertility Clinic, we recognize the importance of the healthcare team functioning
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
as a coordinated unit in the overall treatment plan. Each member of the Deccan staff, from the
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) physicians to the nursing coordinator, plays a critical role in providing the high-level of
Success Rates reproductive healthcare that our patients have come to expect from the Rotunda group. We

Donor Egg IVF acknowledge the skills and contributions of each team member and support education,

Overseas IVF outreach and research to enhance our staff's knowledge and further the field of reproductive

Embryo Adoption

Free Second Opinion

The team is led by the Medical Director, Dr Gautam N Allahbadia who coordinates the
DNA ID Check
Infertility & Assisted Conception services along with the Clinical Associate, Dr Sulbha Arora.
MYC Test Our Laboratory Director, Mrs Anjali Awasthi looks after the ART laboratory along with the
Biologist, Ms Anuja Tamhane.

One Day Training Course in

Intrauterine Insemination The Keyhole Surgery Center clinical faculty includes Dr Swati Allahbadia, Dr Pritesh Naik, Dr
One Year Fulltime Rajendra Sankpaland Dr Vivek Salunkhe, who perform Minimally Invasive Fertility Alleviation
Clinical Fellowship Program Surgery for our patients.
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic

Round and About

Muslim Views
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/profile.asp (1 of 2) [10/16/2008 9:18:00 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic

Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy FAQs

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs

Our Publications


Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

Top of the Page

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Virtual Tour of Lab

Press Clippings Deccan Fertility Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Center offers a comprehensive range of infertility
Statistical Analysis services under one roof.
of our Group Success Rates
The Deccan Fertility Clinic's core team is known for their innovation, integrity, medical and
technical excellence, personalized service, and consistent willingness to accept patients
Global Ambassadors
facing the most difficult medical challenges.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Conveniently located at Shivaji Park (Dadar West), in the heart of Mumbai, the Center has all
Intracytoplasmic Sperm the facilities required to deliver a full range of services to couples requiring assistance
Injection (ICSI) conceiving. This ensures that patients are required to visit only one site for all stages of their
Success Rates diagnosis and treatments.
Donor Egg IVF
Services offered at the Deccan Fertility Clinic include:
Overseas IVF

Embryo Adoption Basic Work-up of the Infertile Couple

Free Second Opinion
One Stop Fertility Diagnostic Services including Hormonal Testing
DNA ID Check
Uterine Cavity Assessment (Sonocontrast Hysterography)
MYC Test
Gonadotropin Cycles

One Day Training Course in Ovulation Induction & Monitoring

Intrauterine Insemination

One Year Fulltime Semen Processing

Clinical Fellowship Program

Hands-On Training Semen Cryopreservation

Course in Gynecologic
Endoscopy Intrauterine Insemination

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Round and About
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Muslim Views
and Issues on ART
Embryo Freezing
ART Truths
Blastocyst Embryo Transfer

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/services.asp (1 of 2) [10/16/2008 9:18:02 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic

Donor Egg IVF

Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic

Assisted Hatching

Surgical Sperm Retrieval (PESA/Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Aspiration, MESA/TESE)

Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Evaluation of Male Patient
Operative Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy FAQs Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinic

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
Minimally Invasive Ultrasound Guided Procedures
Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs Fallopian Tube Sperm Perfusion

Our Publications Diagnostic & Operative Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy

Reproductive Endoscopic Surgery including Fallopian Tube Recanalization

Gender selection is illegal

Accommodation for out of town patients
in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

To make your time spent in India for medical treatment hassle-free we have appointed an
official Travel Manager. Adrian pinto and her team work round-the-clock to make your stay
comfortable, facilitating a home-away-from-home experience, be it receiving you at the
airport, hotel bookings, local transport, ticketing and visa support, sight-seeing or just
helping you pick a last-minute gift for your family back home.

From the time you arrive in India, up till the time of your departure, her team will ensure
that your time is efficiently spent, pre and post treatment.

Contact them today to find out more about the personalized services they provide to make
your trip comfortable and memorable.

Travel Manager - Reunion Holidays (Email ID - [email protected])

Travel Manager - Celina (Email ID - [email protected])

Top of the Page

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Test Tube Baby Clinic


We provide comprehensive services including Assisted Reproductive Techniques and Minimally
Virtual Tour of Lab
Invasive Surgeries all under one roof, so patients don't need to shuttle from clinic to lab to the
Press Clippings
scan center. Our practice is restricted to treating infertile patients exclusively, and, we offer
Statistical Analysis
our patients the very best medical care- at affordable prices. The Deccan Fertility Clinic and
of our Group Success Rates
Keyhole Surgery Center is an ISO 9001-2000 certified center.

Global Ambassadors
If you have done IVF at another clinic, have you got upset that a different doctor attended to

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

you each time? Are you forced to talk to a number of different nurses, with no real direction?
Are you having trouble getting the feedback or explanations you need? At the Deccan Fertility
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) Clinic all the treatment including the consultation, all the ultrasound scans, egg collection and
Success Rates embryo transfers are done personally by either Dr Gautam Allahbadia or Dr Sulbha Arora. The
Donor Egg IVF buck stops with us- and we don't delegate any part of your delicate and critical IVF treatment
Overseas IVF to anyone else!

Embryo Adoption
At Deccan, we recognize the importance of the healthcare team functioning as a coordinated
Free Second Opinion
unit in the overall treatment plan. Each member of the Deccan staff plays a critical role in
DNA ID Check
providing high levels of reproductive healthcare. We acknowledge the skills and contributions
MYC Test of each team member and support education, outreach and research to enhance our staff's
knowledge and further the field of reproductive healthcare.
One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination THE FACULTY
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program Minimally Invasive Surgery Team
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic Swati Allahbadia

Round and About

Muslim Views
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

Pritesh Naik
Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy FAQs

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy Rajendra Sankpal

Hysteroscopy FAQs

Our Publications


Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

Vivek Salunke


Yogen Bhatt & Associates

Assisted Conception Team

Laboratory Director
Anjali Awasthi

Anuja Tamhane

Clinical Associate
Prajakta Pawar

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/team.asp (2 of 3) [10/16/2008 9:18:12 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic

Vijay Kulkarni

Rupin Shah

Shashank Joshi

Avinash Phadke

Vandana Phadke

Sandeep Karembelkar

Mukund Joshi

Scientific Director
Sulbha Arora

Medical Director
Gautam N Allahbadia

Top of the Page

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Virtual Tour of Lab

A Walk through our Facilities
Press Clippings

Statistical Analysis The environment, the equipment and the expertise at the clinic are par excellence. Patient
of our Group Success Rates
safety is our motto. We are proud to have the 4th Generation Datex Ohmeda Anesthesia
Testimonials Monitor & Trolley for all surgical procedures. We have gone through the rigorous ISO
Global Ambassadors 9000:2001 certification process during the pre-launch period itself. The attention to detail is
evident from the moment you step into our laboratory. The human touch is maintained across
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) the board, from the bedside manner of our associates to the privacy accorded to you by a
Intracytoplasmic Sperm slightly removed Semen Collection Room.
Injection (ICSI)

Success Rates An adjacent pass-through from the operating room to the IVF lab ensures that eggs that are
Donor Egg IVF being retrieved, or embryos that are being transferred, are not exposed to detrimental

Overseas IVF fluctuations in environment.

Embryo Adoption
The embryos are kept in four HeraCell incubators, which are monitored on a 24-hour basis to
Free Second Opinion
ensure appropriate culture conditions. The Microgalaxy workbench incubators complement the
DNA ID Check exacting work environment.
MYC Test
If necessary, microsurgical procedures are performed at the micromanipulation work station.
The Research Instruments (UK) Micromanipulation System with a third generation Saturn
One Day Training Course in active diode laser offers ultimate performance and ease of use, with automated pipette set-up.
Intrauterine Insemination
We also provide facilities for cryopreservation of embryos for future use.
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program
After the procedure, patients are taken to our state-of-the-art Recovery Suite, where our
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic
caring staff tends to their needs.

Round and About

Muslim Views
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

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Test Tube Baby Clinic



Virtual Tour of Lab 2008

Press Clippings New legislation can help avoid Manji-like cases
Statistical Analysis Times of India
of our Group Success Rates

India a hot spot for gay couples keen on babies
Global Ambassadors
Times of India

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Now, test-tube babies at half rate
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) Times of India

Success Rates

Donor Egg IVF 2006

Overseas IVF Kashmiris break taboo, go for test tube babies
Embryo Adoption DNA India
Free Second Opinion

DNA ID Check 2005

MYC Test Infertile Muslims get reason to smile

Times of India

One Day Training Course in

Intrauterine Insemination No Conflict between Science and Religion

One Year Fulltime Times of India

Clinical Fellowship Program

Hands-On Training 2004

Course in Gynecologic
Endoscopy Hindistan' la Fransa' yi Bulusturan Kongre
Kongre Gazetesi
Round and About

Muslim Views 2001

and Issues on ART
Infertility can be overcome with new techniques: Dr. Allahbadia
ART Truths
The Hitavada

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/news.asp (1 of 2) [10/16/2008 9:18:21 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic

Help Line 2000

Satellite IVF Clinic The Genesis of Infertility
The Sunday Review
Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy 1997

Laparoscopy FAQs
Fertile couples create babies artificially
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
The Mumbai Age, 19th March
Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs If News Items do not open in new window, please disable pop up blocking software, and retry

Our Publications Top of the Page


Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not

advocate it nor do it.

Top of the Page

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Test Tube Baby Clinic




Press Clippings

of our Group Success Rates
Total No. % CPR Total No. % CPR Total No. % CPR

Global Ambassadors 2000 42 26.2% 11 36.4% 53 28.3%

2001 44 27.3% 20 40.0% 64 31.2%

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
2002 46 30.4% 29 48.3% 75 37.3%
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) 2003 47 29.8% 33 51.5% 80 38.8%
Success Rates 2004 59 30.5% 56 50.0% 115 40.0%
Donor Egg IVF
2005 60 31.7% 46 52.2% 106 40.6%
Overseas IVF
2006 64 31.3% 70 51.4% 134 41.8%
Embryo Adoption
Free Second Opinion 2007 68 32.4% 99 51.0% 167 43.1%
(till 15th
DNA ID Check
MYC Test

One Day Training Course in

Intrauterine Insemination

One Year Fulltime

Clinical Fellowship Program

Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic

Round and About

Muslim Views
and Issues on ART

ART Truths

http://www.testtubebabyclinic.com/new/successrates.asp (1 of 2) [10/16/2008 9:18:25 AM]

Test Tube Baby Clinic



Virtual Tour of Lab

Over the years, we have been lucky to get our patients from all over the world to vouch for
Press Clippings
our services, professional ethics, cleanliness & the ISO 9001-2000 International standards at
Statistical Analysis
of our Group Success Rates our Center. These patients have experienced Rotunda first hand and have volunteered to

communicate their experiences on email to other potential patients who are planning to visit
India for their ART treatments. They know what doubts come into patients minds due to pre-
Global Ambassadors
conceived and mis-leading notions about the medical services in India & would like to dispel
these doubts and allay anxiety with the purpose of sending the potential patients with
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
confidence to take up treatment at Rotunda, Mumbai. Please feel free to write to our Global
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) Ambassadors by clicking on the following links:
Success Rates

Donor Egg IVF

Overseas IVF India :

Embryo Adoption
Meeta ------ [email protected]
Free Second Opinion

DNA ID Check
Uday ------- [email protected]

MYC Test Dr. Priyesh Tiwari ------ [email protected]

Mrs. Mona Ramprasad ------ [email protected]

One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination
Australia :
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program
Adele Pace ------- [email protected]
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic Jyoti ------ [email protected]

Bahamas :
Round and About
Sangeeta ------ [email protected]
Muslim Views
and Issues on ART
Canada :
ART Truths
Mrs R -------- [email protected]

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Test Tube Baby Clinic

Denmark :
Help Line

Satellite IVF Clinic H and K ------- [email protected]

Israel :
Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy Dr Ilan Tal ------- [email protected]

Laparoscopy FAQs
Pakistan :
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy Mrs. Rukhsana Aziz ------ [email protected]

Hysteroscopy FAQs
Spain :
Our Publications

BLOG JDC ------- [email protected]

Derek Kehl ------- [email protected]

Gender selection is illegal

in India. We do not UAE :

advocate it nor do it.
Ajit ------ [email protected]

UK :

Mr and Mrs Singh ------ [email protected]


Ganesh -------- [email protected]

Gita Carey ---------- [email protected]

Anita -------- [email protected] / [email protected]

Sridhar ---------- [email protected]

Andalu Kasarla ------------ [email protected]

Top of the Page

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Test Tube Baby Clinic


Team In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Virtual Tour of Lab Beginning an IVF cycle is an exciting and anxious time for a couple. Our Center provides
Press Clippings couples with the maximum amount of clinical, emotional, and administrative support they will
Statistical Analysis need to complete their cycle successfully - whether it results in a pregnancy or not.
of our Group Success Rates

Testimonials The following explanation is meant to simplify what occurs during various stages of IVF:
Global Ambassadors
Ovarian Follicle Development through Controlled Ovarian Stimulation
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Deccan Fertility Clinic uses fertility drugs that simulate the female partner, natural hormones
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI) to develop several normal follicles in the ovaries. These medications are Clomiphene Citrate
Success Rates also called Siphene® or Ovofar®; Menogon (HMG), a 50:50 mixture of FSH and LH
Donor Egg IVF hormonal administered intramuscularly; Puregon® (POFSH) administered subcutaneously;

Egg Sharing or Gonal-F (RecFSH). Any excess Oocytes that fertilize and develop into embryos at

Overseas IVF fertilization may later be stored through cryopreservation.

Embryo Adoption
Follicular growth, development, and maturity are evaluated through frequent hormone
Free Second Opinion
monitoring and by ultrasounds. Typically, the hormones estradiol, luteinizing hormone, and
DNA ID Check
progesterone are measured through blood tests to evaluate ovarian response. Ultrasound is
MYC Test used several times during a cycle to measure accurately follicular growth and size.

These steps allow the physician team to modify the treatment in some cases and to stop the
One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination cycle if the response to stimulation is not satisfactory. Once follicular maturation is achieved,
One Year Fulltime the patient receives an intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which
Clinical Fellowship Program triggers oocyte maturation and ovulation. Oocyte retrieval is performed approximately 34
Hands-On Training hours later.
Course in Gynecologic

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Embryo Retrieval through Puncture/Aspiration

Help Line
If the last hormone blood test and ultrasound evaluation indicates healthy growth of follicles,
Satellite IVF Clinic
then aspiration of mature follicles takes place. This entire procedure takes approximately 20
minutes performed under short general anesthesia. The physician locates each follicle through
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
ultrasonic guidance and carefully aspirates them. The contents of the follicles are immediately
Operative Laparoscopy
taken to the IVF lab. Patients usually recover for one to two hours following Oocyte retrieval
Laparoscopy FAQs
and are then discharged. Progesterone supplementation is initiated from the day of the
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
Operative Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy FAQs Oocyte Culture, Insemination, and Fertilization

Our Publications
In the IVF laboratory, follicular fluid is examined under a microscope to locate all eggs, which
are then incubated in a special media. Generally, semen collection occurs at about the time of
the egg retrieval but, in some cases, may be several hours later. The sperms are then added
Gender selection is illegal to the eggs in culture, here fertilization occurs. Any resulting embryos are stored in the
in India. We do not incubator, and maintained in culture until the time of embryo transfer and/or
advocate it nor do it. Cryopreservation.

Embryo Transfer

Usually, transfer of the embryos takes place on day two to three post retrieval. The embryos
are examined under the microscope and carefully aspirated to a thin transfer catheter. The
loaded catheter is introduced under transabdominal ultrasound guidance through the cervix
into the uterus where the embryos are placed. This procedure takes a few minutes and does
not require anesthesia.

After the transfer, the patient rests for two hours prior to discharge. Twelve days after the
embryo transfer, a serum base pregnancy test is taken. During this period, patients are
advised to perform light activity and remain in contact with the Center. If pregnancy does not
occur, our team reviews the IVF cycle and makes specific recommendations for follow-up. The
patient will speak with the clinical staff to review and if necessary, to discuss other options.


Embryos of sufficient quality that are not transferred can be cryopreserved. The embryologist
will select embryos that are suitable for freezing. Embryos that are ideal for freezing have
blastomeres of equal size and display minimal or no fragmentation.

A Word of Caution: There is approximately a 68% chance of survival following the cryopreserved

embryos. The quality of embryos undergoing cryopreservation is a major determinant of survival.

Depending on the stage of embryo development, frozen embryos are thawed for 2 days before the

transfer. The patient is informed of survival of the thawed embryos and posted for a Frozen Thawed

Embryo transfer ( FET).

Ovarian Follicle: A small, fluid-filled structure in which eggs develop

Oocyte: An egg

Embryo: A fertilized Egg that has undergone division cleavage

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Team Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Virtual Tour of Lab Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a laboratory procedure developed to help infertile
Press Clippings couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due to severe male factor infertility. ICSI
Statistical Analysis involves the insertion of a single sperm directly into the cytoplasm of a mature egg (oocyte)
of our Group Success Rates
using a special microinjection pipette (glass needle). After sperm injection into the egg, further
culture and embryo transfer is as with the IVF cases. For patients with subfertile semen, this
Global Ambassadors
procedure is preferable to IVF.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) ICSI can facilitate fertilization by sperm that will not bind to or penetrate an egg. It can also
Intracytoplasmic Sperm be used to treat men with extremely low numbers of sperm. However, ICSI is generally
Injection (ICSI)
unsuccessful when used to treat fertilization failures that are primarily due to poor egg quality.
Success Rates

Donor Egg IVF Indications for Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Egg Sharing
Oligospermia - very low sperm counts
Overseas IVF

Embryo Adoption
Asthenozoospermia – poor sperm motility
Free Second Opinion

DNA ID Check Teratozoospermia – too many abnormal sperms

MYC Test
Problems with sperm binding to and penetrating the egg

One Day Training Course in Antisperm antibodies (immune or protective proteins which attach and destroy sperm) of
Intrauterine Insemination
sufficient quality to prevent fertilization
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program
Prior or repeated fertilization failure with standard IVF culture and fertilization methods
Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic
Frozen sperm collected prior to cancer treatment that may be limited in number and quality

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Azoospermia with obstructive pathology - absence of sperm secondary to blockage or

Help Line abnormality of the ejaculatory ducts that allow sperm to move from the testes. In this

Satellite IVF Clinic situation, sperms are obtained from the epididymis by a procedure called microsurgical
epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) or from the testes by testicular sperm extraction
Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Operative Laparoscopy
Thus very few azoospermic men need to resort to a sperm bank now with the availability of
Laparoscopy FAQs
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Operative Hysteroscopy ICSI is not a perfect technique. Some eggs will be damaged by the ICSI process. Some eggs
Hysteroscopy FAQs have plasma membranes that are difficult to pierce. In other instances, the fertilized egg may
Our Publications fail to divide, or the embryo may arrest at an early stage of development.
Perinatal outcome studies in Europe suggest that although multiple pregnancies are common
with ICSI, there is no evidence of increased incidence of congenital malformations or abnormal
Gender selection is illegal
karyotype. There is no evidence that abnormalities may arise later in life to babies born as a
in India. We do not
result of ICSI, although there is also no guarantee that all babies will be normal.
advocate it nor do it.

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Virtual Tour of Lab

This is a wonderful treatment option for older women and women with ovarian failure. Our Egg
Press Clippings
Donation Program, unlike its western counterparts, does not depend entirely on Professional
Statistical Analysis
of our Group Success Rates Egg Donors. We also have an Egg-Sharing Program where regular patients who require IVF
and cannot afford it are ready to share half their harvested eggs. If the eggs are from a donor
instead, the crop is usually divided between two recipients. Whether donated or shared, we try
Global Ambassadors
to ensure about 7-8 eggs per recipient on an average.Ours is an anonymous donor egg
program. Our donors are screened for infectious diseases and also undergo a Thalassemia
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
screen. Any other specific genetic test you wish can be done at an additional cost.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm
Injection (ICSI)

Success Rates
Prior to undergoing the cycle, your menses may need to be coordinated with that of the donor.
Donor Egg IVF
Subsequently, from day one of your menses, you will start a prescribed dose of Estrogen
Overseas IVF
tablets (Progynova tablets or Estrace Tablets) to prepare your endometrium. Then once the
Embryo Adoption
donor gets her menses, we will begin her stimulation. She will be given Gonadotropin
Free Second Opinion
injections daily from day one of her menses for about 11 days within which she will be ready
DNA ID Check and will have formed multiple mature eggs in both her ovaries. If you are traveling here for
MYC Test your cycle, you will need to reach Mumbai only one day prior to the donor’s ovum pickup. This
usually takes place on the 13th day of her cycle. An ultrasound guided embryo transfer will be
done into your uterus two days later. You can travel back any time after the embryo transfer.
One Day Training Course in
Intrauterine Insemination
Please feel free to write to us at [email protected] for further information.
One Year Fulltime
Clinical Fellowship Program

Hands-On Training
Course in Gynecologic

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