OQA Guide For Applicants
OQA Guide For Applicants
OQA Guide For Applicants
Applicants Guide
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1. PATHWAYS TO REGISTRATION AS AN ARCHITECT .............................................................. 3
2. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 4
3. ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................... 5
4. ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................... 7
5. OQA PROCESS ...................................................................................................................... 9
6. OUTCOME.......................................................................................................................... 10
7. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 11
8. CORE SUBJECT AREAS OF STUDY ....................................................................................... 13
9. PORTFOLIO GUIDANCE ...................................................................................................... 14
10. TRANSLATION, AGENTS, FEES, AND SUBMISSION............................................................. 15
Appendix A - Portfolio Format Guide ............................................................................................. 17
Copyright © AACA
To register as an Architect with a state or territory If an Applicant has an accredited architecture qualification
Architects Registration Board in Australia, Applicants must from Australia, New Zealand or Hong Kong, they DO NOT
have completed an Australian accredited architectural need to complete an OQA. They may apply for a Skilled
qualification or successfully completed the AACA Migration Assessment based upon completion of an
Overseas Qualifications Assessment (OQA) before accredited architecture qualification via the Verification of
applying for the Architectural Practice Examination Australian Qualification process.
Previous OQA Stage 1 and Stage 2 Format
Refer to AACA website: Pathways to Registration as an
Architect in Australia. OQA was previously conducted in two (2) stages, but it has
now become a one-step comprehensive assessment of
The AACA - OQA process determines whether an tertiary qualifications and competency.
individual overseas academic qualification is
comparable to a current Australian accredited Applicants who apply for the first time will need to
qualification in architecture. Once an Applicant’s complete both components.
qualification has been deemed comparable, they will be
eligible to apply for the Architectural Practice Applicants who had previously completed OQA - Stage 1
Examination (APE), subject to eligibility criteria under the previous format can proceed directly to the
(including practical experience). Successful completion competency assessment by applying for OQA – Stage 2.
of the APE is required before applying for registration as
an Architect with a state or territory Architects Stage 1 of the Overseas Qualifications Assessment (OQA) is
Registration Board. an assessment of tertiary qualifications in architecture that
have been awarded outside of Australia and does permit a
graduate to proceed to registration as an architect in the
country of the awarding institution.
1. Applicants must have completed a 5-year full-time Note: Application Fees for OQA Assessments are NON-
REFUNDABLE where the Applicant is assessed as
equivalent architectural qualification awarded by an
UNSUCCESSFUL (NOT COMPARABLE) in either the Eligibility
institution outside of Australia or have been awarded a or the Competency Assessments.
qualification that will permit a graduate to proceed to
registration as an Architect in the home country of the Outcome
awarding institution. Successful Applicants are provided with:
2. Applicants must provide evidence of a minimum of 6
• An Outcome letter that indicates they will be
months of relevant professional experience. Course-
eligible to apply for the Architectural Practice
integrated, practical experience that would replace
Examination (APE), subject to eligibility criteria
coursework time, is excluded.
(including practical experience).
3. Applicants must provide evidence of English language • A Skilled Migration Assessment for migration purposes
proficiency. (if requested).
If the eligibility requirements are not met, the application Unsuccessful Applicants are provided with written advice
will be rejected (Application Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE). indicating where they are considered deficient and
recommendations regarding upgrading their competency.
Assessment Process After addressing the deficiencies and recommendations
identified by AACA, unsuccessful Applicants may then
The Overseas Qualifications Assessment (OQA) Involves:
submit evidence to AACA. An amended Outcome letter and
• Eligibility Assessment: To establish the comparability a Skilled Migration Assessment will be issued at no
of overseas tertiary qualifications with an accredited additional cost. Time limitations apply.
qualification in Australia; and
(Note: The rate for Successful Outcomes is relatively high
• Competency Assessment: An assessment of a Portfolio
when submissions are fully compliant with the
with 2 to 4 architectural projects, the 2021 National
requirements, and the 2021 NSCA document is sufficiently
Standard of Competency for Architects (NSCA)
understood and addressed in the submission and at the
Summary Statements, Project Summary Proformas
Competency Assessment Interview. Where an Unsuccessful
and an Assessment Interview.
Outcome is determined, the applicant has a right of appeal,
subject to the conditions noted in Section 6.)
Applications are generally finalised within 12 to 16 weeks.
Fraudulent Documents
The submission of fraudulent documents will result in an
immediate rejection of the application, a lifetime ban on
applying for any assessment with AACA and reporting to
the relevant authorities for further investigation.
QUALIFICATIONS The AACA Overseas Qualifications Assessment (OQA) program is used to determine the
comparability of an overseas academic qualification with an Australian accredited
architecture qualification. If an Applicant’s qualification has been deemed comparable,
they will be eligible to undertake the Architectural Practice Examination, subject to
eligibility criteria (including practical experience).
Refer to AACA website: An Australian accredited architecture qualification is one
that is approved by an Australian registration authority.
Qualifications must be completed via a coursework degree of a minimum duration of
10 semesters (5-year full-time equivalent). Qualifications obtained by research are not
AACA may accept a 4-year qualification if the qualification, at the time of graduation,
will permit a graduate to proceed to registration as an Architect in the home country
of the awarding institution. Evidence must be submitted.
Multiple completed coursework qualifications may be included. Applications may be
assessed considering additional relevant completed qualifications other than
architecture, including e.g., Urban Design and Project Management, or any qualification
replacing a core subject area.
Please note: Semesters that only include practical experience do not count as
coursework time. Many overseas qualifications include a compulsory period of practical
experience. This does not contribute to the minimum period of study and does not
count as the required 6 months post graduate practical experience when replacing the
minimum 5 years of coursework time.
WORK EXPERIENCE Applicants must provide evidence for a minimum of 6 months full time equivalent of
relevant work experience, (excluding course-integrated practical experience that would
replace the minimum 5 years of coursework time).
Work experience may be accepted when gained part-time in shorter periods within a
MAXIMUM of 18 months with the same employer e.g., during university vacation. It is
recommended that the Applicant gains experience under the supervision of a registered
Evidence of work experience includes:
• A reference letter from the employer that outlines the range of
projects and project phases in which the Applicant was involved. The
letter must be submitted on the firm’s letterhead and must include
contact details of the direct supervisor. The reference letter must
include the following information:
a) Issue date
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Evidence of English language proficiency is required if the architectural program was
PROFICIENCY delivered in a language other than English, and it may be either:
• An IELTS English Language Test with an overall band score of 6.5 or
above, issued within the last three years (or an equivalent English
language test that would be accepted by Australian universities); OR
• A PTE Academic English Language Test with an overall band score of 61
or above, issued within the last three years; OR
• A letter from a current employer stating that the Applicant has a
standard of English appropriate for professional practice in
architecture (only if the Applicant is an Australian resident).
COMPETENCY Through the submission of a Portfolio, NSCA Summary Statements and Project
ASSESSMENT Summary Proformas and participation in a Competency Assessment Interview (online).
Applicants have the opportunity to demonstrate how their qualification/s have
equipped them with an understanding of the competencies required to meet the
relevant Performance Criteria (at the graduate level) of the 2021 National Standard of
Competency for Architects (NSCA). This is the minimum standard required of a
graduate from an accredited program of architecture in Australia.
When including only residential projects in the Portfolio, one project must contain at
least four or more dwellings. Single dwelling projects are not considered a complex
To assist with the application, refer to the NSCA 2021 Explanatory Notes and
Definitions on the AACA website. The relevant sections should be read as preparation
for responses to the Topic Areas.
Project Summary Proformas and a CV (Resume) listing all academic and professional
project experience form part of the application documents.
RECEIPT OF AACA will email a receipt to the nominated contact, normally within 3 business days of
APPLICATION having received the application.
TIMEFRAME Applications are generally finalised within 12 to 16 weeks. Timeframes are dependent
upon the submission of all required documentation and the availability of Assessors for
the conduct of the Competency Assessment Interview.
Applications will be placed ON HOLD if the submitted documents are incomplete or
require revision prior to proceeding to the Competency Assessment Interview.
Please note: The application process may be TERMINATED if revisions, when requested
by AACA are not submitted by the Applicant within a MAXIMUM of 4 weeks from
notification. The application fee will be NON-REFUNDABLE.
VERIFICATION The Application and supporting documents will be reviewed by AACA for authenticity,
eligibility, and completeness. Processing of the application will not commence until all
required information has been received, documents are appropriately witnessed, a
high-quality scan of originals is submitted (in colour, a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
and including the edges of the original document), and payment has been received and
Should deficiencies be identified, AACA will contact the Applicant (and/or their
nominated Migration Agent) via email, to seek clarification or additional information.
Additional information may be required e.g., missing information or a letter from the
granting institution to confirm the authenticity of the qualification.
FEEDBACK After an AACA review of the submitted documents, an Applicant will receive only one
(1) feedback email indicating any required revisions. Revisions must be received by
AACA within 2 weeks of notification.
COMPETENCY A Competency Assessment Interview will be conducted between the Applicant and two
ASSESSMENT experienced Assessors, to review the Applicant’s submitted documents and determine
INTERVIEW the extent to which the Applicant has demonstrated that they satisfactorily meet the
relevant performance criteria of the National Standard of Competency for Architects
Interviews take approximately 45 – 60 minutes on-line (via ZOOM). Strict protocols
apply. Interview dates are usually scheduled with two weeks of notice. A third Assessor
may be invited to listen to the interview for AACA training purposes. The Applicant’s
submitted documents will be made available to assessors prior to the Interview.
To determine the extent to which an Applicant meets the relevant competencies
required of a current Australian accredited architectural qualification the Assessors will
discuss with the Applicant:
• The variety of architectural project experience, including academic and
professional work.
• The Portfolio, NSCA Summary Statements and Project Summary
Proformas in context of the relevant NSCA Performance Criteria.
Note: One of the presented architectural projects must be a complex project. The
Applicant must have been involved in the design process and should be prepared to
explain the Design Development stages.
COMPETENCY Following the Competency Assessment Interview, an Outcome letter will be issued,
ASSESSMENT usually within 5 working days.
Successful Applicants will be eligible to apply for the Australian Architectural Practice
INTERVIEW Examination (APE) , subject to eligibility criteria (including practical experience).
Successful Applicants will also receive a Skilled Migration Assessment (if requested).
Unsuccessful Applicants are provided with written advice indicating where they are
considered deficient, including recommendations regarding upgrading their
REVIEW PROCESS: UNSUCCESSFUL Eligibility: Applicants may request a REVIEW of the determination.
The grounds for a REVIEW must be clearly stated and lodged with the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of the AACA within 28 days of notification and must be based on
procedural matters. Note that NO additional documentation will be considered.
Grounds external to the Assessment will not normally constitute acceptable grounds for
a Review. AACA will acknowledge the receipt of the review request within 1-3 days. The
(CEO) will consider:
- AACA procedures for the Overseas Qualifications Assessment (OQA); and
- the review lodged by the Applicant; and
- any other relevant documentation.
AACA will respond with a decision within 28 days of the request for a Review.
If the grounds are considered reasonable by the CEO, the Application process will
resume and progress to the Competency Assessment Interview. If the review is
dismissed, the original determination stands.
No additional Fees are applicable to a Review.
APPEAL PROCESS: UNSUCCESSFUL Competency Assessment Interview: Applicants may lodge an APPEAL
of the determination. Fees apply.
Competency Assessment
Interview The grounds for an APPEAL must be clearly stated and lodged with the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) of the AACA within 28 days of notification. Applicants must clearly state
the grounds for the appeal. Grounds external to the Assessment will not normally
constitute acceptable grounds for an Appeal.
A second Competency Assessment Interview (on-line) will be scheduled with two
different Assessors using the same documents that the Applicant had submitted. AACA
may request additional documents. Generally, the interview will be scheduled within 28
days of the receipt of the Appeal. However, if additional documents are requested by
AACA, the interview will be scheduled after receipt of the documents.
APPLICATION Applicants are required to submit their application via the AACA website.
Documents must be translated into English. Refer to Part 10 of this Applicants Guide.
AACA reserves the right to contact educational and governmental institutions, agencies,
and referees for additional information and/or verification of the authenticity of any
documents and information.
DOCUMENTS All guides, forms and templates can be downloaded from the AACA website. All scans
of originals must be in colour, have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and include the
edges of the original. If an original certificate can’t be provided, AACA may accept a
letter from the institution confirming the authenticity of the Applicant’s documentation.
Applicants are required to upload the following documents (ensure that PDFs are not
password protected and do not exceed the maximum file size):
LESS THAN 5 YEARS If the coursework time of architectural studies is less than 5 years, evidence must be
OF COURSEWORK submitted that the qualification would allow you to register as an Architect in the
STUDIES country where the qualification was obtained (e.g., a Diploma Supplement, or a letter
from the institution or registration authority).
GUIDANCE ON THE The syllabus – as relevant to the times of studies completed by the Applicant – may be
SUBMISSION OF A submitted via one of the following means:
SYLLABUS • URL in cover letter, if the relevant syllabus is directly available from the
official university webpage, without any log-in requirements.
• If you have a digital version in PDF format of the relevant syllabus, you
may email it to [email protected]. Include your name and reference
number issued with your online application.
If the syllabus is in a language other than English scan and submit only the program
overview including the standard course time and the table listing all subjects per
semester of each year. Include the weighting of every subject (e.g., in credit points or
contact hours) if this information is missing in the academic transcripts. There is no need
to translate the complete syllabus.
Note: AACA does not request the translation of a syllabus if it is not available in English.
Inability to provide a copy of the relevant syllabus may be addressed in a cover letter,
with a request to proceed with the application without this information. AACA may
The six prescribed Core Subject Areas of Study, which are included in the Assessment
are described below:
DESIGN STUDIES AND Demonstrate an ability for propositional, imaginative, iterative, integrated thinking to
DESIGN INTEGRATION synthesise complex architectural designs; an ability to support decision-making using
evidence-based, reasoned argument and judgement; an ability to draw upon a
knowledge of and the capacity to integrate design procedures, precedents, systems,
and construction processes; and an ability to synthesise this knowledge to problem
solving and providing creative design solutions.
DOCUMENTATION AND Demonstrate an understanding of the visual and contextual qualities of structural
TECHNICAL STUDIES systems, construction elements, materials and building components; an ability to apply
technical design processes and integrate structure, construction technologies and
services systems into design solutions; and an ability to understand the role and
characteristics of technical documentation and specifications in the development of
buildable solutions.
HISTORY AND THEORY Demonstrated knowledge of architecture, its history, and precedents; an ability to draw
upon, interpret, integrate, and apply this information, (including heritage and
conservation rationales), to modern design solutions; and an ability to research and
evaluate emergent knowledge as it becomes necessary to fulfil the profession’s role in
ENVIRONMENTAL Demonstrate a knowledge of people, environments and culture and the future impacts
STUDIES of architectural proposals on the lives of the people and the quality of environments
affected; an understanding of ecological sustainability, urban planning and local
demography, and the ability to synthesise this knowledge to inform design solutions.
COVER PAGE Include a cover page with the Applicant’s Name and a numbered list of projects
submitted for Assessment in the Portfolio. Identify whether each project is Academic
AND CONTENTS (A) or Professional (P) work.
Include a Contents page which lists each project and the corresponding page numbers.
CV (RESUME) After the Contents page: Include a short CV (Resume), including relevant tertiary
qualifications and a short description of the range of architectural projects completed
during the university course, and include an overview of any professional experience
together with a short description of the variety of professional projects.
FORMATTING The Portfolio must be submitted in PDF format with a maximum file size of 60 MB and
must comply with the Portfolio Format Guide (refer to Appendix A):
- A3 landscape format
- maximum 6 pages per project
- drawings in sequential order by project number
- include project names on every page
- include page numbers
- consistent layout on every page
- add a short description of each project
Note: Your responses to the 13 topic areas must be included in the NSCA Summary
CONTENT The Portfolio must include one complex project. It is recommended to include the final
year academic project as it offers a good basis to also discuss educational experience.
Remove sensitive information, i.e., client names and contact details, business names
TRANSLATION OF Any documents in a language other than English must be translated into English. The
DOCUMENTS documents must be translated in full and certified copies must be submitted with the
application. Note: AACA does not require the translation of a full syllabus.
If the documents are translated in a country other than Australia, the translator must
be certified by the authorities in the country where the translation is made. The
International Federation of Translators www.fit-ift.org provides a list of certified
Translators in Australia are accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for
Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). See www.ausit.org for a list of members.
IMMIGRATION AGENT Privacy provisions prohibit AACA from discussing applications with other people (third
parties) unless specifically authorised to do so.
If applicable, submit a letter authorising a nominated person (by name) to act as your
agent. AACA also require the Applicant’s telephone and email contact details.
FEES Refer to the AACA website Forms and Fees for current application fees. All fees are
quoted in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE once an application has been submitted.
AACA only accepts online credit card payments via VISA or MASTERCARD.
Payment is made through a secure payment system upon completion of the on-line
Application form and the uploading of the required documents. Have the credit card
details and card security code ready in preparation for completion of the application.
All credit card transactions will be subject to a surcharge. Applicants will receive an
email acknowledgement and payment receipt after payment has been confirmed.
Payment details are protected during the transmission using 256-bit SSL encryption.
AACA does not store any part of the credit card number, expiry date or CCV number.
Please email any questions regarding online payments to [email protected] or call
AACA on (02) 8042 8930 (within Australia) or +61 2 8042 8930 (outside Australia).
All guides, forms and templates can be downloaded from the AACA website.
The various Sate and Territory Architects Registration Boards (ARB)s in Australia (and their
respective legislation):
PORTFOLIO COVER (A3 landscape format – pdf maximum file size 60mb)
Date: Image [OPTIONAL - Insert images]
Applicant’s Name:
Project No. Project Name Page No.
(Min 2 – Max 4 Projects) [Maximum 6 pages per
CV (Resume)
Academic Projects
Date Project Name Building Type Institution
Professional Projects
Date Project Name Building Type Employer
Appendix A - Portfolio Format Guide
Academic OR Professional:
Project Name:
Design Development: [Demonstrate design development with drawings: from analysis and concept through to the completed building
(Project No.1 only) design]
Academic OR Professional:
Project Name: