Icici Policy
Icici Policy
Icici Policy
*Other charges is inclusive of applicable taxes and cess (if any), Switch charge, Premium allocation charges Policy Administrations
charge etc.
31-Mar-2022 Opening Balance 0.00 36.04 0.00
Fund Name: MCGrowth F SFIN: ULIF 085 24/11/09 LMCapGro 105
Fund Name: LDIS SFIN: ULIF 100 01/07/10 LDiscont 105
Fund Name: Maximiser SFIN: ULIF 114 15/03/11 LMaximis5 105
Unique Identification Number specified by Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India for ICICI Pru Life Time Classic is 105L155V01.
Fund units of your policy in a particular fund as on The most important benefit of your policy is the life
the date mentioned. insurance cover that it provides. Mortality charge refers to the charge
Premium paid less Premium Allocation charge that that you pay for this benefit.
is utilized to purchase units under the Policy. is a charge levied towards the
Moving monies into the fund administration of the policy at the beginning of each policy month from
mentioned. the policy fund by cancellation of units of the equivalent amount.
Moving monies out of the fund will be applicable as per the policy terms
mentioned. and conditions and will be adjusted from the NAV on a daily basis. This
charge will be a percentage of the Fund Value.
Fund value of your policy or amount in a particular
fund as on the date mentioned. is a charge levied towards the riders chosen (if any); at
the beginning of each policy month from the policy fund by cancellation
of units of the equivalent amount.
is a charge levied at the time of receipt of is a flat charge levied on switching of monies from one
Premium. The balance is utilized to purchase units under the Policy. fund to another available within the product. The charge will be levied at
is inclusive of applicable taxes and cess (if any), Switch the time of effecting the switch.
charge, Premium allocation charges, Policy Administrations charge etc. For Unit linked insurance plans, Goods &
is a charge levied towards the riders chosen (if any); at Services Tax and cess (if any) of 18% is applicable on charges like fund
the beginning of each policy month from the policy fund by cancellation management, switch charges, etc.
of units of the equivalent amount.
In ULIP policies, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne In the event of discontinuance of payment of premium, part withdrawal
by the policyholder. The past performance of the Investment Funds is or surrender of the policy, etc, benefits payable will be in accordance
not indicative of their future performance. The names of the Investment with the policy terms and conditions. The surrender value may be
Funds or of the Policy are not indicative of the returns that may be different from the Fund Value as mentioned in this statement.
expected of them. The Fund Value may change as per the Net Asset Value (NAV) declared
Please note customers availing ECS mode of payment can request to on a daily basis. The NAV is published in the local newspapers and can
modify ECS mandate 15 days before the premium due date. also be accessed on our website www.iciciprulife.com
As stipulated by IRDAI, the formula for computation of the Net Asset Goods and Services Tax Registration Number: For details of the Goods
Value per Unit (NAV) for linked funds stands modified effective August and Services Tax registration number applicable in your state, refer
18, 2011: Market value of the investment held by the fund plus value of https://www.iciciprulife.com/gstin.html . Goods and Services Tax and
current assets less value of current liabilities and provisions, if any and cess( if any) will be charged as per applicable rates and prevailing tax
divided by the number of units existing on the valuation date. laws..
For complete details on applicability of NAV on ULIPs as per the current The unit statement shall be read in conjunction with the terms and
IRDAI guidelines, refer to policy terms & conditions. conditions mentioned in the policy document.
This is an authenticated statement which does not require any
signature. In case of any discrepancies, please notify us immediately
through any of our contact points.
Please note that the Company reserves the right to obtain and update
PAN details with the assistance of financial institutions, credit rating
agencies or any other entities with which the company has tie-ups. The
company will intimate you where PAN details are updated.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, Ground Floor & Upper Basement, Unit No. 1A & 2A, Raheja Tipco Plaza,
Rani Sati Marg, Malad (East), Mumbai- 400097. Maharashtra.
1089 Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025. Reg No: 105. IRDAI Regn No. 105.
CIN:L66010MH2000PLC127837. Comp/doc/Nov/2015/703.
Call Center Timings: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, except National Holidays. *When calling our Customer
Service Helpline, please do not prefix "+" or "91" or "00" before the number. Customers outside India can call us on
+91-22-6193 0777. Charges as applicable.