21st Century Lit Lesson 5 Module
21st Century Lit Lesson 5 Module
21st Century Lit Lesson 5 Module
This lesson will discuss how close analysis and critical interpretations of
literary texts could be done through the use of varied multimedia formats aside from
understanding the contexts of a literary piece.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the students can:
1. demonstrate an understanding of the anecdote; and
2. interpret the anecdote using appropriate multimedia format.
Materials Needed:
PowerPoint Presentation
Pre-recorded video lessons
Electronic Learning Module
Duration: 6 hours
Learning Content:
Have you found studying literature more exciting with multimedia supports where
you can actively and collaboratively build knowledge structures using technology?
Evidently, most of the learners like you have realized the huge impact of the use of
multimedia in studying literature. It provides opportunities for learners like you to
construct and reconstruct your ideas in audio and visual formats. Through
multimedia platforms, you can apply a wide range of strategies to understand,
interpret and evaluate texts.
Here are some of the multimedia formats that you can use to creatively interpret
various genres of literary texts.
1. Blog or a “weblog” is a website containing informational articles about a
person’s own opinions, interests and experiences. These are usually changed
regularly (DepEd, 2013).
3. Mobile phone text tula is a traditional Filipino poem. A particular example of this
poem is a tanaga that consists of 4 lines with 7 syllables each with the same
rhyme at the end of each line. (DepEd, 2013).