Brainy Klasa 4 Teaching Notes and Answer Key
Brainy Klasa 4 Teaching Notes and Answer Key
Brainy Klasa 4 Teaching Notes and Answer Key
Macmillan Polska Sp. z o.o.
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ISBN 978-83-7621-821-2
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Illustrated by Wojciech Górski p77 (paper hat folding) and Sławomir Kiełbus p10, p14, p19, p22, p23, p24, p26, p30, p34, p35,
p40, p44, p45,
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Welcome Unit page 4
Christmas page 91
Easter page 92
Lead-in Lead-in
Put a piece of red paper on the board. Ask your Sing the song Heads, shoulders, knees and toes with
students if they can tell you in English what colour your students. Get faster and faster each time you
it is. Ask the students to count how many red objects sing it.
they can see in their classroom.
after ex 1 Extra practice 1
after ex 2 Extra practice 1 Ask your students to tell you the names of 6–8
Do a simple picture dictation with students. Tell them famous people. Write the list on the board. Put the
to draw and colour the following in their notebooks: students into small groups. They should assign one
a black road, a red box, a yellow house, a brown cake. or two adjectives from exercise 1 to describe each
famous person. Then they present their choices to
before ex 3 Extra practice 2 the class.
Agree on a class mime with the students for each
after ex 2 Extra practice 2
animal in exercise 3 (dog, cat, fish, snake, horse,
bird). Say the name of an animal and the students Put your students in groups of 4–5. Give each group
do the mime as a class. Divide the class into groups nine sticky notes. Tell them to write the nine parts
of 5–6. Student 1 mimes an animal and the others of the body, one on each sticky note. Ask for a
in the group guess its name. Continue with the next volunteer in each group. The volunteer stands up.
student miming. The rest of the group stick the sticky notes onto their
corresponding body parts. Remind the students to
after ex 5 Fast finishers be careful with each other’s eyes!
Ask fast finishers to describe in their notebooks all
after ex 4 Extra practice 3
the colours of the things they can see on the page.
Ask each student to choose one of the objects from
exercise 4 and draw it any number of times (1–10) in
a black horse
their notebook. When finished, students show their
Happy goodbye notebooks to two or three classmates, who count the
objects and give the answer using the correct plural
Tell your students to choose in secret one colour
from those presented in this lesson. Tell the students
to stand up. Say the names of colours. When Example:
a student hears the colour they have chosen, they sit six women / nine fish
on the floor. Continue until all students are sitting on
the floor.
Happy goodbye
Play a spelling game. Say one of the words from this
Homework lesson and name a student to start spelling it by
Workbook, page 4 giving the first letter. Then the other students say
the next letters.
Workbook, page 5
Welcome Unit Steps 3–4 Warm up your brain!
Lead-in Lead-in
Focus on two orders: open and close. Tell your Write four of the verbs from exercise 1 on the board
students to open and close their eyes / arms / that you think your students will be familiar with.
mouths / fingers / toes. If they have difficulty with Tell each student to put the four verbs in order of
the body parts vocabulary, mime it yourself with preference, with number 1 as their favourite.
before ex 1 Extra practice 1
after ex 1 Extra practice 1 Write the first letter of each verb on the board.
Tell the students to copy the instructions into their The students add the four verbs from the lead-in
notebooks and make a little stickman drawing to activity and try to think of the others. If they find
show what each one means. this difficult, add letters to the verbs until they guess
them. Drill the pronunciation of the verbs as a class.
after ex 2 Extra practice 2
before ex 2 Extra practice 2
Remember to tell the students to add the negative
imperative to their notebook list from the previous Tell your students to look at the vocabulary in
exercise. If they haven’t written the imperatives, exercise 2 and make a note in their notebooks of
write them on the board and ask the students to any words they do not know. Ask your students to
make them negative. pool their ideas on the vocabulary in small groups
and help each other discover the meaning of all the
before ex 4 Extra practice 3 words. If they still need help, draw any remaining
Write the days of the week out of order on the board. vocabulary on the board or use an online dictionary
Tell the students to get into pairs and put them in with the class to find out the meaning together.
order. Check as a class.
after ex 3 3 Extra practice 3
after ex 5 Fast finishers Tell your students to write one dialogue they have
Tell fast finishers to do a simple stick drawing of their just practised speaking in their notebooks.
favourite activity next to each day of the week.
Happy goodbye
Happy goodbye Put six of the English learning verbs on the board in
Ask the students to tell you their favourite day of the a grid. Ask for a volunteer who comes to the front of
week. Write it on the board with a big smiley face. the class. Give that student a ball or a rolled up piece
of paper. The student throws the ball at the grid and
Homework tries to hit a word. Whichever verb they hit, they
Workbook, page 6 have to provide the translation in Polish. Change
the word on the grid and continue with a different
Workbook, page 7
We are friends! lesson 1 It’s selfie time!
1 2
lesson We’re four friends!
Grammar presentation
Ask your students to tell you what verbs they can
see in the paragraphs in exercise 1. Try and elicit the
different forms of verb be – are, am, is.
G Grammar app
Verb be: affirmative: full form
Tell your students to copy the grammar table
into their notebooks using the green colour to
highlight the verb forms.
1 3
There are many unusual classrooms around
the world. Try to find and show photos of these
unusual classrooms or learning spaces:
yy treehouse learning space in Feltonfleet school
in Cobham (England)
yy a library in a double-decker bus (Rosendale
primary school, London)
yy a museum learning school (the Langley
Academy, England)
yy Vittra school 'Telefonplan' (Stockholm,
Sweden) where classrooms look like
e.g. a cave, a camp site, or the top of
the mountain.
1 4
lesson Iggy the Inventor: Episode 1 – My dad is an inventor!
Grammar: articles (a, an, zero article); nouns with
G Grammar app
adjectives Tell your students to close their books. Copy the
Reading: for general understanding and detailed two Grammar apps from the lesson onto the
information about the story board quickly but without the articles. Prepare
Listening: for detailed information a and an on two cards. Ask the students to tell
Speaking: describing classroom objects you where to place the a and an cards – before
Optional materials: two big cards (A4 format) or after the nouns and adjectives.
– one with a, and the other one with an
(for Grammar app)
Around the world
Lead-in Option 1 (5 minutes): Ask the students if they know
how to name in English the means of transport they
In preparation for this lesson, revise the adjectives can see in the photos (school bus, canoe, monorail).
used: big and small. Tell the students to stand up and Elicit some more means of transport and write them
make themselves as big as possible, then to lie down on the board. Finally, ask the students how they get to
and curl up on the floor to be as small as possible. school every day.
after ex 2 Act it out Option 2 (10 minutes): Read the question with the
students and explain to them that they are going to
Divide the class into two groups. Tell Group A that watch a video about different ways of going to school.
they will read the even numbers in the comic strip Play the Unit 1 video from Brainy klasa 4 DVD. Tell
boxes (2, 4, 6, 8) and tell Group B that they will read the students to note down all the means of transport
the odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7). Read the whole story out presented in the video (by bike, on foot, by train, by
loud together. canoe, by monorail, on the school bus/by bus). Finally,
Useful! ask students how they get to school.
Option 3 (45 minutes): Prepare the handouts from
After your students have written the sentences Unit 1 from Brainy klasa 4 DVD and give them out
and their translations in their notebooks, make to the students. Follow the instruction in the DVD
a happy face and stretch out your hand. Encourage teaching notes for Unit 1 (available on the DVD).
the students to say Nice to meet you. Next, make
a surprised face and try to elicit What a big pencil!
Finally, make a scared face to elicit Be careful! Tell the Happy goodbye
students to continue practising this in pairs, making Use the cards with a and an and stick one on each
faces and saying the correct expression. side of the classroom. They can be small, as it makes
the students more interested to take a look. Tell
the students to stand up and say the complete
What do you call a guy with a rubber toe? sentences from exercise 3 and then tell the students
to point to the a or an card on the corresponding side
Roberto! of the classroom. When there is no article (–), tell the
students to sit down on their hands.
Grammar presentation Homework
Ask your students to look at the cartoon and tell
Workbook, page 11
you what words they can see after a (a teacher, a big
pencil, a crazy pencil, a big rubber, a big orange car,
a very small notebook, a genius, a (very) bad invention)
and what words after an (an inventor, an amazing
pencil case). Try and get them to guess why they
have to use an. When the students have finished, tell
them to group the words into adjectives and nouns.
Here are some activities
1 5
after ex 4 Extra practice 2
General aims: revision of vocabulary (the alphabet, Put the students into groups of 6–8. Give each
numbers 1–20, classroom objects) and grammar student a small piece of paper and tell them to draw
(personal pronouns, verb be: affirmative: full an object (similar to those in exercises 3 and 4) and
form and short form articles: a, an, zero article colour it in secret. Name one student in each group
nouns with adjectives) from lessons 1–4 and tell him/her to hide their picture somewhere in
Special aims: logical thinking (finding hidden the classroom while the other students from that
objects and numbers, following clues in a maze), group have to cover their eyes. After the object has
spacial thinking (puzzles and maze), noticing been hidden, the others should open their eyes
(hidden objects) and look for the object. In order to win the round of
Optional materials: small pieces of (scrap) paper the game, the student who finds the object has to
(for Extra practice 2) for each student; three describe it correctly in English.
pieces of paper (for Extra practice 1)
Happy goodbye
Write a series of numbers on the board in a random
Lead-in circle and ask your students to find and then tell you
Introduce your students to Freddie and Freda. which one in the series is missing.
Explain that they are the students’ personal trainers Example:
and describe them together as a class. Use Polish 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 (written randomly on the board –
as necessary to explain why they are present in missing number 17)
their Student's Book. Talk about how they are there
to help activate brainpower and help the students Dyslexia tip – preparation time
remember English more easily.
Give dyslexic students sufficient time to
before ex 1 Extra practice 1 complete each task, particularly if it’s for a class
activity or game (Extra practice 2) so that they do
Write three different letters of the alphabet on three
not feel discouraged or additionally disrupted by
pieces of paper and hide them partially behind the
time pressure.
board. Choose letters the students found easy when
practising the alphabet to encourage them. Tell the
students to guess which letters they are. Homework
ex 1 Workbook, page 12
ex 2
Clue: Tell the students they can turn the puzzle
if necessary and use the jigsaw pieces which fit
together to help.
1 6
lesson A new student in the class
Ask your students where the children are in the
picture in lesson 6. Elicit at school. Ask the students
what they think the children are doing. Elicit meeting
each other for the first time.
Fast finishers
Tell your students to write the first three questions
from exercise 5 in their notebooks. Tell them they
can pose the questions to someone in their family at
1 7
Culture: languages and alphabets Show your students the picture of Egyptian
Reading: for detailed information hieroglyphics and ask them if they know what
Writing: describing an unusual language and they are. Ask them: What was the first alphabet
its alphabet ever created? (Egyptian hieroglyphics).
Optional materials: photos of Egyptian Between 1850 and 1700 B.C., Egyptian
hieroglyphics (for Brainy fact) hieroglyphics were adapted so one symbol
represented one consonant (no vowels as yet),
and this spread to Lebanon and Israel to form
Lead-in an alphabet known as abjad /ˈæbdʒɑːd/. The
Make sure that your students have their books Latin alphabet developed later from the Greek
closed. Ask them to stand up and try to make the alphabet.
vowels A, E, I, O, and U with their bodies.
1 8
lesson Revision workout
Happy goodbye
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Tell all the students to stand up. Spell different
in a variety of controlled practice exercises colours and any student who is wearing an item of
clothing in the colour you spell has to put their hands
on their head and stand on one leg. Continue spelling
Lead-in colours until all the students are on one leg with their
hands on their heads.
Put your students into groups of 6–8 with one
notebook / piece of paper for each group. Point at
the various objects in the classroom and tell the Dyslexia tip – self-esteem
groups to write the words to test whether they Some students with dyslexia may have low self-
remember them from previous lessons. esteem. Allow them to show you what they can
do such as in games when they have to show off
Freddie and Freda note their physical skills, not just their English skills.
Tell your students to guess what the prize could You can apply this for instance to the Happy
be if they do the Revision workout. Then tell goodbye game at the end of this lesson.
them to go to the Trainer’s Office on page 126
to check their answers.
Workbook, page 15
Star rating
Explain to your students that there are two more
difficult exercises in the Revision workout (exercises
3 and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points for each
correct answer 1–5 (but not for each gap they fill).
Ask your students to add up their points from all
the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s Office on
page 126 to collect their prize. Give the students who
got Try to get fit! or See your trainer now! certificates
the opportunity to improve by doing those more
difficult exercises again with the help of a friend,
perhaps a friend who won the You are very, very fit!
Exercise 2
Ask your students to say all the numbers:
yy ending in -teen.
yy ending in -ty.
yy beginning with forty-.
yy beginning with ninety-.
2 Who are you? lesson 1 What are you like?
Happy goodbye
Vocabulary: adjectives describing personality Tell your students to make the correct face according
(Człowiek: cechy charakteru) to the adjective you say. Start off as a whole class
Listening: for general understanding activity, then you could do it with small groups /
Speaking: giving an opinion rows / tables of students as a competition.
Optional materials: sticky notes (for the Extra
practice task)
Workbook, page 16
Tell your students to look at the picture on page 20
and count the total number of red / green / blue
objects they can see.
Phonics Rap
1.31 Tell your students to stand up and
A rap fact: The fastest rapper in the world is
Ricky Brown, also known as NoClue, from the
United States. On January 15, 2005, he rapped
723 syllables in 51.27 seconds from his track
(that’s 14.1 syllables per second)!
2 2
Grammar in context
Tell your students to find examples of three negative
verbs in the blog.
G Grammar app
Tell your students to use their finger to cover the
verb be in the table and test their partner on the
negative long and short forms of the verb be.
2 3
lesson How much is the ruler?
before ex 6 Skills note: Speaking
Vocabulary: classroom objects and stationery Before playing the game in exercise 6, elicit a written
(Edukacja: przybory szkolne) example of the dialogue which the students should
Listening: for detailed information then copy into their notebooks.
Speaking: asking for and giving prices
Optional materials: flashcards 21–28
Customer: Good morning, what is in your shop?
Shop assistant: A felt-tip pen, a ruler, …
Customer: How much is the felt-tip pen?
Lead-in Shop assistant: It’s 2 pounds.
Organise a vocabulary brainstorm: put your students
into groups of three and tell them to write a list of as Game
many classroom objects as they can see in 1 minute Tell your students to create a price list for four of
and 30 seconds. Ask the group with the most words their school products. Next, have them stand up and
to read out their list. The others listen and tick off the turn to the student behind them to make a pair. Then
objects on their own lists if they are said. Finally, the have them show the other student their list, but
other groups can read the words that haven’t been make sure they cover the prices by folding over the
mentioned yet. paper. They should then say the dialogue. Then, have
them turn to the student opposite to make a new
after ex 1 Vocabulary flashcards pair and say the dialogue again. Have them repeat
Stick the eight flashcards with objects round this process with new partners as many times as you
the classroom while the students are writing the like.
brainstorm lists of vocabulary for the Lead-in. If
you want, you could slightly hide the flashcards so Happy goodbye
not all of the images are able to be seen clearly (e.g. Ask your students to sit with their pencil cases open.
behind class posters, behind the board, the table, the Say names of objects with a colour. If the students
door). Then, name one of the flashcards and ask the have the object in their pencil case, they get 1 point
students to quickly look round the room and point and then they should take the object out of their
to it. The fastest student(s) get a point, if you want. pencil case. The first student to empty their pencil
Continue until you have named all eight, then ask the case wins.
students to cover their eyes, change the cards round
and play again. This time tell a student to name the
a black crayon, a blue gel pen, a yellow felt-tip pen
flashcard for the class.
after ex 4 Fast finishers
Workbook, page 18
Tell the student(s) to write a list of all the objects in
his/her pencil case. Encourage them to include the
colour and the correct article.
a red pen, a blue crayon, a green sharpener
The world’s longest pencil (2015) is 459.97
metres long!
2 4
Workbook, page 19
Here are some activities
2 5
UNIT to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
Happy goodbye
General aims: revision of vocabulary (stationery, Tell your students to write a number between 1 and
adjectives describing people) and grammar 10 on their hand in secret. Tell the students to stand
(verb be – negative and questions, wh-questions) up. Start saying random numbers between 1 and 10.
from lessons 1–4 When a student hears the number he/she has on
Special aims: logical thinking (solving a riddle, his/her hand, he/she sits down. Continue until all the
reading a hidden code), mathematical thinking students are sitting down.
(completion of a shopping list), spacial thinking
(finding the start of game and following the
route round to the finish), noticing (Iggy's task) Workbook, page 20
Tell your students to name one item of clothing they
can see on page 26 which is blue (jacket, sweater),
and one which is red (shirt).
ex 3
Clue: Letters follow the alphabetical order.
ex 4
Clue 1: The bag can be found in Lesson 1.
Clue 2: Use adjectives from the box on page 20 to
describe Jeff, Lisa, Ruby, and Zac.
ex 5
Clue 1: Is she sporty? Find an answer with she
(not he).
Clue 2: What are they? Find an answer with they
(not it / she / he).
Encouragement note
Tell your students to work with a partner. Encourage
them to have the same answers and help each other.
Ask (in Polish if necessary): Do you have the same
answers? Can you help your partner?
Why is six afraid of seven?
Because 7 ATE 9.
2 6
Hi. I’m Ana. What’s your name?
My name’s Maria.
Nice to meet you.
2 7
lesson Around the world
Do our Revision workout. Go to page
2 8
lesson Revision workout 126 and see what your prize is!
Star rating
Explain to your students that there are two more
difficult exercises in the revision workout (exercise 3
and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points for each
correct answer 1–5 (but not for each gap they fill).
Summary Vocabulary summary
ex 1
Listening 2
Tell your students to swap the revision card to cover Read the sentences in the affirmative to the
the Polish words and then the English ones. Then tell students one by one. At the end of each sentence,
the students to get into pairs and test each other – stop and tell the students to write the negative
student A says a word from the list in Polish and for sentences 1–4 and the question form for
student B has to say it in English. sentences 5–8.
ex 2 1 He’s quiet.
2 They’re from London.
If the students have difficulty remembering the
3 I’m a teacher.
vocabulary, tell them to draw the word in the shape
4 We’re helpful.
it represents.
5 He’s quiet.
Example: 6 It’s a noticeboard.
7 They are rulers.
8 We are helpful.
1 He isn’t quiet. 2 They aren’t from London.
3 I’m not a teacher. 4 We aren’t helpful. 5 Is he quiet?
6 Is it a noticeboard? 7 Are they rulers?
8 Are we helpful?
Let's check
Lead-in Lead-in
Name some objects that the students might or Start drawing a classroom object from exercise 11 on
might not have in their pencil cases. Have the the board. The first student to raise their hand to tell
students put their hands up if they have the object you the correct name of the object wins a point.
or sit on their hands if they don’t.
before ex 8 Extra practice 1
To help your students remember the question forms
a blue felt-tip; a red pencil sharpener; a black crayon,
for this exercise, gap fill the questions on the board
with some letters added. Tell the students to work
after ex 2 Extra practice 1 in small groups to complete the questions. The first
group to finish may write the questions on the board
Tell the students to draw their pencil case in their
for the class to correct.
notebooks with the classroom objects it has in it.
Next, they should label the object. Example:
o y ?
after ex 6 Extra practice 2
Answer: How old are you?
Write Yes, it is / No, it isn’t on the board if necessary
to help the students (you can erase it halfway after ex 9 Extra practice 2
through this activity). Hold up objects from their Tell your students to imagine that they are new to
pencil cases for the other students to see. Describe the school. Ask them to draw a big face on a piece of
the first object: It’s a big brown ruler. Have the A4 paper to represent their new identities. Put the
students shout Yes, it is or No, it isn’t. After a few students into pairs and tell them to hold up their face
rounds, put them into groups of 5–6 so that they can masks. Student A says the sentences from exercise 9.
continue the same task in groups. Continue until all Student B answers. Then have them swap roles.
the students in each group have had a turn as the
teacher. before ex 14 Extra practice 3
Example: Write the adjectives funny, friendly, sporty, shy,
It’s a small red pencil. (Yes, it is). kind, clever, quiet and helpful on pieces of paper. Ask
Student 1: It’s a big red sharpener (No, it isn’t). a volunteer to come to the front of the class and take
a piece of paper and mime the adjective to the rest of
Happy goodbye the students.
Ask one student to come to the front of the class.
Happy goodbye
Whisper a word from this lesson to the student. The
student should then mime the word to the rest of Tell your students to cover their eyes. Write a word
the class. Whoever guesses the word correctly comes from Units 1–2 Let’s check on the board with the letters
to the front to mime a different word. out of order. Tell the students to open their eyes, look
at the board, and then raise their hands to guess the
Homework correct word. Tell them to spell it to you correctly in
Workbook, page 24, exercises 1–6 order to get points. Repeat.
NRACYO (crayon)
Workbook, pages 24–25, exercises 7–13
Our possessions lesson 1 Zac’s a star!
Happy goodbye
Vocabulary: possessions (Człowiek: rzeczy Put your students into groups of three and tell
osobiste) each group to choose one possession but keep it
Listening: for detailed information a secret from the other groups in the class. Tell all the
Writing: describing an object students to stand up. Start to name the 12 objects
Speaking: guessing objects, spelling names from the lesson. When a group hears the object they
have chosen, they have to stand on one leg with
their hands on their head and remain totally still. Do
Lead-in this until the whole class is standing on one leg with
their hands on their heads.
To help prepare your students for the miming game
in exercise 7, mime for example: using a sharpener,
sticky tape, being helpful, shy, etc. Ask the students Dyslexia tip – spelling
to guess the objects and the adjective you’re miming. Prepare the game in the form of small cards.
Put each letter of each word onto a separate
Phonics Rap small card. The students’ task is to rearrange
the cards in the correct order to form the words
Tell your students to stand up and pose like one by one.
rappers (arms folded, with attitude) while they
listen to the rap. Encourage them to move
around like rappers. Make cut out microphones
which they can use while rapping. Encourage Workbook, page 26
them to shout the oh no! from the first line of
the rap loudly and confidently.
3 2
lesson Whose schoolbag is it?
after ex 4 Extra practice 3
Grammar: possessive ‘s and possessive adjectives, Write the possessive adjectives on the board.
questions with whose Go round the classroom and pick up different objects
Reading: for detailed information or point to different objects. Tell the students to
Speaking: asking and answering questions about answer the question Whose is it / Whose are they?
possessions, making sentences with possessive
For example:
Teacher: (pointing to classroom in general)
Whose is it?
Lead-in Students: It’s our classroom.
3 3
Vocabulary: clothes (Człowiek: rzeczy osobiste) More than 2 billion T-shirts are sold in the world
Reading: for detailed information each year!
Speaking: asking and answering questions about 1 Why do we say ‘T-shirt’ and not e.g. ‘P-shirt’?
favourite clothes (Answer: It’s named after the T shape of the
Writing: describing favourite pieces of clothing body and sleeves it makes when laid out flat. )
Optional materials: sticky notes / small pieces of 2 Is it correct to write ‘t-shirt’ instead of
paper (13 for each group of 3–4) and sellotape, 'T-shirt'? Why/Why not? (Answer: No, it isn’t
flashcards (37–49) because a T-shirt doesn’t look like the letter ‘t’.)
3 4
lesson Iggy the Inventor. Episode 3 – Those clothes are weird!
Here are some activities
3 5
to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
General aims: revision of vocabulary (clothes,
What race is never run?
possessions) and grammar (possessive ‘s,
possessive adjectives, questions with whose) A swimming race!
from lessons 1–4 through speaking, writing and
listening: controlled practice exercises Happy goodbye
Special aims: logical thinking (solving a puzzle),
spacial thinking (finding a way out of a labyrinth), Write this chain of words on the board. Ask the
noticing (Iggy’s task) students to tell you how many words are in it and
what they are:
Lead-in shortsskirttrouserssocksdresssandalscapjacket
Before opening their coursebooks, ask your students Answer:
what sports they do at school. Try and elicit running. eight (shorts skirt trousers socks dress sandals cap jacket)
Ask the students if they like to run.
ex 2
Workbook, page 30
Clue: To enable the students to do exercise 2
successfully, explain that the hands in the picture are
used to stress the meaning of this, these for nearby
objects and that, those for distant objects.
ex 4
Clues: ask two questions to help students find
the right shoes.
1 Are the shoes for a boy or a girl? (a girl)
2 Are the shoes for outside or inside the house?
Use mime to explain outside and inside.
ex 5
Tell your students to use their finger to help follow
the way through the labyrinth and to work with
a partner to invent sentences.
Encouragement note
Ask your students if they enjoyed finding their way
through the labyrinth. Remind them that if they
couldn’t find their way out, it doesn’t matter, perhaps
next time they can work in pairs to get out together.
3 6
lesson At the shops
Happy goodbye
Functions: buying things in shops (asking for Ask for a volunteer to come to the front of the class
the price, saying thank you, saying goodbye in and turn his / her back to the board. Write the name
a polite way) of one of the objects from exercise 6 on the board,
Speaking: acting out a dialogue in a shop between let all the students see except the one student who is
a customer and a shopkeeper at the board. Tell the class to mouth the word to the
student and ask him / her to read their lips. Change
the students at the board and repeat the game.
Ask your students what they can see in the picture.
Workbook, page 31
Tell them to think about objects, places and people.
Fast finishers 1
Tell your students to write a list of all the objects in
exercise 6 in their notebooks, including the colour.
a yellow umbrella
Fast finishers 2
Tell the students to cover the pictures of the objects
in exercise 6 and name all 8 of them from memory –
include the colour if you want to make it harder.
3 7
3 8
lesson Revision workout
after 6 Extra practice 2
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Tell the students to write four examples of the
in a variety of controlled practice exercises questions and answers about Karol and Maria’s
Whose keys are these? They’re Karol’s.
Ask your students to tell each other what they are
wearing today. Write an example on the board to Evaluation
help them. Ask your students to add up their points from all
Example: the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office on
I’m wearing / I have a red T-shirt, brown shoes and page 126 to collect their prize. Give the students
blue trousers. who got the worst gym equipment the opportunity
to improve by doing those more difficult exercises
Freddie and Freda note again with the help of a friend, perhaps a friend who
Tell your students to try to remember who won won the best gym equipment (the golden bar with
the prize from the Revision workout in unit 2 and weights and the weight bench with weights).
encourage them all to try to get the highest score Extra practice 3
this time.
Time permitting, do the extra memory workout.
See the notes on page 34 – Freddie and Freda extra
Star rating workout: memory.
Explain to your students that there are two more
difficult exercises in the Revision workout (exercises 3
Happy goodbye
and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points for each Put your students into pairs and tell them to stand
correct answer (but not for each gap they fill). opposite their partner. Name items of clothing
from exercise 2 and tell the students to point to the
after 2 Extra practice 1 item on their partner (if their partner is wearing it).
Tell your students to do a class survey. Copy the table Include colour if you want. The students will have fun
onto the board and tell the students to copy it into ‘poking’ each other.
their notebooks. Fast finishers can also add items 5 Example:
and 6. Tell the students to study everyone’s clothes black trousers / a blue T-shirt
and write the number for each item of clothing. Then
you can compare the results as a class. Homework
Workbook, page 33
How many … are there Number:
in our classroom?
1 blue trousers
2 white T-shirts
3 black shoes
4 brown jackets
Optional materials: colours for the T-shirt design, Freddie and Freda extra workout: memory
pieces of card for descriptions in project 2 These extra activities have
their own focus and they
can be done whenever there
Extra practice 1: At the shops is some free time: e.g. after
Copy the gap-filled dialogue below onto the board. the Revision workout,
Tell the students to complete the gaps. If they find at the end of the class, or
this difficult, tell them to look at the At the shop the beginning of the next class, etc.
functional language table on page 44 for help.
Memory workout
A: G m ! After your students have completed the Revision
B: H . workout page, give them five minutes to study
A: H much i th shirt? all the answers. Write on the board: names,
B: 10 p . possessions, clothes, prices. Tell them to focus
A: H you a . on these four categories while looking at
B: T you. the answers.
A: G !
B: Bye! After five minutes, tell them to turn over their
books. Ask these questions:
A: Good morning! 1 What colour is the umbrella?
B: Hello 2 Has Karol got a cap?
A: How much is this shirt? 3 How much is the blue T-shirt?
B: 10 pounds 4 What colour is Jakub’s comb?
A: Here you are 5 Whose headphones are they?
B: Thank.
A: Goodbye! Check the answers orally. Write the correct
B: Bye! answers on the board.
Revision card 1 yellow 2 yes 3 20 pounds 4 blue 5 Maria’s
Encourage your students to use the special
bookmark they made in Unit 1. If any of the
students have lost their bookmark, you can
distribute distribute the templates available
in Brainy klasa 4 Teacher's Resource File.
Summary Grammar summary
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and another
for content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc).
Do not correct all their mistakes or cover their
project with red pen. Make light corrections at
the bottom of the page or on a separate piece
of paper.
What have you got? lesson 1 This is my family.
after ex 2 LOOK
Vocabulary: family (Życie prywatne – rodzina) Tell your students that they can remember the
Reading: for detailed information pronunciation of child by thinking that the letter i
Listening: for detailed understanding in the word is the same as the first person singular
Speaking: asking and answering short questions pronoun I. One person = I. Ask the students to say
about who is who in a family, about age and I’m a child out loud.
Optional material: photos of your family to show Phonics Rap
to students (for Extra practice 1)
Practise saying the rap slowly at first with the
students and then gradually tell them to shout / say
Lead-in the family words extra loudly. This will help them
with their rhythm and the proper word stress.
Write the word FAMILY on the board. Ask your
students to tell you what words they can think of
after ex 5 Skills note: Reading
associated with family (try and elicit basic words like
brother, sister, mother, father). Write these yes/no questions on the board about the
reading text.
before ex 1 Extra practice 1
Bring some photos of your family to the class. 1 Is Henry clever? (yes)
Write the 11 words of family vocabulary from this 2 Is Lionel Tyler’s uncle? (no)
lesson (mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, 3 Is Jeff’s aunt friendly? (yes)
grandmother, great-grandmother, great- 4 Are Jeff’s cousins 10 years old? (no)
grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin) on the board or ask
the students to look at the list of words on page 46. after ex 6 Extra practice 4
Show the pictures to the students. Ask them to raise
Put your students into pairs and tell them to make
their hands to guess which member of your family is
sentences with the information in the table in
in each picture.
exercise 6 and then say the sentences to each other.
after ex 1 Extra practice 2 Do the first row with Mary together as a group or on
the board as a reference.
Tell your students to listen to you and raise both Mary: She is a grandmother. She is 76. She is kind
their hands in the air when you say a sentence that is and helpful.
true about their family.
Examples: after Let’s all sing! Extra practice 5
I’ve got two brothers / I’ve got six cousins / I’ve got When you are playing the song and the students are
one great-grandmother / I’ve got three aunts. singing, turn down the volume suddenly for one or
two words when they are not expecting it so they
You may want to extend this task by putting students
can hear themselves sing and get a surprise.
in groups of 6–8. Tell one student in each group to start
by saying a sentence about their family (the same as Happy goodbye
the extra task). The others in the group should then
Tell one student to tell the rest of the class a family
listen and raise their hands if the sentence is also true
member vocabulary word from this lesson. The other
for them. Each student in each group should have
students listen and then shout the name of that
a turn saying a sentence with I’ve got… family member in their family. Choose a different
before ex 2 Extra practice 3 student and repeat.
Write the words left and right on the board on the Example:
left and right hand sides of the board. Say the names Student A: Sister! (The students with a sister or
of some of the students in the classroom. Ask the sisters will then shout their names.)
students to shout left! or right! according to where Homework
each student you name is sitting.
Workbook, page 34
4 2
lesson Have you got a pet?
Fast finishers
Tell your students to learn the poem in exercise 1 by
heart and if there’s time, say it to either their partner
or to you.
4 3
Face (nose,
Aims Name of person Hair
eyes, mouths)
Vocabulary: hair Lottie Long, wavy, Long face
Reading: for detailed understanding brown
Listening: for detailed understanding Noah Short, brown Long nose, big
Writing: describing twins and their pets eyes
Optional materials: flashcards 50–58 Max No hair! Big mouth,
round face
Name of dog
Lead-in Oscar Long, wavy, Long face
Write the words identical twins on the board. Ask
Leo Brown Long nose, big
your students if they know what it means without
translating it into Polish. Ask the students if they
Blake Short, brown Big mouth,
know of any identical twins in their family, among round face
friends, at school, etc.
after ex 3 Fast finishers
Grammar: presentation and practice of verb Tell your students to write one or two sentences
has got: affirmative, negative and questions describing their classmate(s)’ hair, eyes, feet, etc.
Reading: for general understanding and detailed
information about the story
after ex 5 Extra practice 1
Listening: for detailed understanding Tell your students to write one or two questions
Speaking: questions and answers about the using Has got about their classmates. Tell the
characters from the comic using has got, students to ask each other their questions.
guess the word game
Writing: describing of characters
Has Emilia got blue eyes? Yes, she has. / No, she
Lead-in before ex 7
Tell your students to point to the characters with Before you play the game, set it up clearly with the
black hair (Iggy and his daughter) and the characters students. Write the page numbers so the students
with fair hair (Imogen and his son). can choose words from the board. Write the question
forms Has it got an …? And Is it …? Demonstrate the
after ex 1 Act it out
game in front of the class with one student volunteer
Tell your students to practise moving round the (choose a strong student).
classroom like a robot. They can say I am a robot
(in a machine-like monotone) as well. Then put Happy goodbye
the students into groups of three and tell them to Say some phrases about your students in the class
choose their roles (mother, father, robot) and act out and then tell the other students to point to the
the story. Allow them to change roles and repeat student they think you are describing.
because being the robot is the best one to act out.
Useful! She’s got curly hair and a blue T-shirt. (Anna)
Grammar presentation
Ask your students to count how many examples of
the question form Has she got…? they can find in the
comic strip.
Answer: 3
Here are some activities
4 5
to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
Lead-in Homework:
Tell your students that during this lesson they will Workbook, page 38
build a robot – after each completed task they will
get one part of the robot. Ask the class to suggest
names for the robot. Choose a name together as
a class.
ex 1
Clue: There are six letters to find (C-O-U-S-I-N).
ex 2
Clue: First ‘s is a short form of is, whereas the second
‘s is the genitive.
ex 3
Clues: Tell your students they can look at the family
picture in unit 4 lesson 1.
Who are the people with fair hair in Lisa’s family? (her
brother, her father, Lisa, the dog)
Who are the people with grey hair in Lisa’s family)?
(her grandfather, her grandmother)
ex 4 Encouragement note
Play the audio two or three times to ensure all the
students get to the next junction.
ex 5
Write this template for the robot description on
the board so that the students can complete their
description more easily. Add an arrow under each
gap with adjective or noun to help students decide
which word goes in the gap more easily.
4 6
lesson At a friend’s house
after ex 4 Extra practice 2
Functions: welcoming, introducing yourself Tell your students to stand up and repeat exercise 4
and others by pretending they are at the door of their house and
Speaking: welcoming someone and meeting roleplaying the dialogue. Encourage them to shake
them for the first time hands, sit down together, mime eating food, etc.
Optional materials: strips of paper – about They could also use the classroom door to act out
eight for each group of four students the dialogue and make it more authentic.
(for Extra practice 1)
Happy goodbye
Ask for a volunteer to stand in front of the class and
Lead-in mime the action for one of the phrases in this lesson.
Ask your students to look at the picture in lesson 6 Tell the volunteer to mouth the action as well to
and to guess who the people are and what is make it easier.
happening. Example:
Answer: Student mimes Have a seat (motions someone to
They are parents with their children, and they are meeting sit down) / This is my sister (points to a girl) / Help
for the first time. yourself to the pizza (passes a plate), etc.
4 7
Culture: robots What is the world’s biggest robot?
Reading: for detailed understanding It’s the fire-breathing dragon from Germany.
Speaking: describing a robot’s body It measures 15.72 m in length, 12.33 m in width,
Writing: describing robots 8.20 m in height. Everyone can see the dragon
in summer at the Spearing the Dragon Festival
in Furth.
Write four essential words, one from each paragraph
in the reading in exercise 1, on the board: operations
/ breakfast / factories / space. Elicit the meaning What’s a robot’s favourite type of music?
of the words in Polish. Tell the students to open
their books and match each word with one of the Heavy metal!
paragraphs before they read in detail.
ex 5 Discover more!
Paragraph 1: factories
Paragraph 2: operations Tell your students they are going to investigate
Paragraph 3: space robots and to look for information to describe the
Paragraph 4: breakfast robot – write What has it got? on the board to help
them. Encourage the students to bring a picture of
Culture note the different robots they have found information
The name ‘robot’ is related to Polish words like about on the Internet to share with the class.
robota, and robotnik. The word ‘robot’ was introduced
Happy goodbye
to the public by the Czech interwar writer Karel
Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots), Tell your students to look at their pictures of robots
published in 1920. from lesson 6 and say a sentence to their partner /
Nowadays, robots play an essential part in our lives. group using It’s got … / It hasn’t got. Their partner(s)
Tell your students to think about car production, should listen and then point to the robot described.
space and underwater exploration, or medical
procedures. Ask the students if people could do that
without robots? Workbook, page 40
4 8
lesson Revision workout
Happy goodbye
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Ask your students to count the number of times they
in a variety of controlled practice exercises can see the word HAIR in English on the Revision
Workout page 55, lesson 8.
Answer: 12
Divide the class into two groups. Tell Group A to Dyslexia tip – visual prompts
cover their eyes. Tell Group B a hair vocabulary word
Help dyslexic students with individual work
secretly. Tell Group A to open their eyes. Group B has
by writing useful words and phrases for them
to mouth (say the word making no sound) the word
on the board, using different colours to help
to Group A who should shout it out as soon as they
differentiate between he and she, for example.
guess it. Swap roles with a different word.
Star rating
Explain to your students that there are two more
difficult exercises in the Revision workout (exercises
3 and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points for each
correct answer 1–5 (but not for each gap they fill).
Ask your students to add up their points from all
the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office on
page 126 to collect their prize. Give the students who
got an old notebook the opportunity to improve by
rewriting any task they didn’t do particularly well.
Ask those students who got the best scores to help
the others.
Extra practice 1: At a friend’s house Freddie and Freda extra workout: spelling
Write this dialogue on the board and tell the
These extra activities have
students to fill in the gaps with expressions from
their own focus and they
the At a friend’s house box at page 56.
can be done whenever there
is some free time: e.g. after
A: Hello
the Revision workout,
B: Hello, how you?
at the end of the class, or
A: Fine, thanks. And ?
the beginning of the next class, etc.
B: Fine. Have a and
yourself to some pizza.
Spelling 1
A: Thanks. is my dog, Ozzy.
Say the words and sentences listed below. Ask
B: Hello Ozzy. Good boy!
the students to write them in their notebooks.
Read the words and phrases list three times: the
A: Hello
first time, the students listen; the second time,
B: Hello, how are you?
the students write the words and phrases; the
A: Fine, thanks. And you?
third time, the students check their answers.
B: Fine. Have a seat and help yourself to some pizza.
Then call some students to the front of the class
A: Thanks. This is my dog, Ozzy.
to write the words and phrases correctly on the
B: Hello Ozzy. Good boy!
Summary Grammar summary
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and another
for content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc.).
Do not correct all their mistakes or cover their
project with red pen. Make light corrections at
the bottom of the page or on a separate piece of
Let's check
Lead in Lead-in
Tell your students to open the book to page 58 and Say the names of different possessions and
count the number of times they see the word SOCKS different family members. When the students hear
(Answer: 2) a possession, they should find it in the classroom or
point at in the Student’s Book. When they hear the
after ex 3 Extra practice 1 name of a family member, they should say the name
Ask the students to write a list of the members of (e.g. Marta) of their own e.g. grandmother out loud.
their family in their notebook with each person’s
before ex 9 Extra practice 1
Ask the students to work in pairs and to write
after ex 5 Extra practice 2 possible questions to all the reactions a–f.
Put your students into groups of 2–3 and tell them
before ex 12 Extra practice 2
to ask and answer questions about the pictures in
exercise 5 without looking at their notebooks. Tell the students to count the number of objects in
the texts and write a list of them in their notebooks
after ex 7 Fast finishers with the price next to each.
Tell the fast finishers to put all the verbs from Answers:
exercise 7 into the opposite form: from the negative headphones – 30 pounds, brown umbrellas – 5 pounds,
into affirmative and the other way round. red purse – 20 pounds, black umbrella – 20 pounds,
Answers: memory stick – 5 pounds, brown wallets – 25 pounds,
1 haven’t got 2 has got 3 have got 4 hasn’t got black wallets – 10 pounds
5 What can you do? lesson 1 Slap it!
before ex 5
Vocabulary: activities 1 (Życie prywatne: spędzanie Make sure your students know the names of each
czasu wolnego) character before doing the reading and listening
Reading: for detailed information in exercise 5. This will enable everyone to count
Listening: for detailed information the points and say the final score.
Speaking: using the activity words in the context
of a game
before ex 6 Skills note: Listening
Optional materials: a flyswatter and ten A4 sheets Tell your students to look at the picture of the
of paper per each group of three students (for children playing Slap it! on page 60 and listen to
exercise 7) the audio to exercise 5 again. Tell them to imagine
they are playing with Jeff, Zac and Ruby and to touch
the picture Jeff says.
ex 7
See which group can write the names of all four
children from the big picture on page 60 the Hand out A4 sheets of paper and the flyswatters.
quickest. Put the students in groups of four or five Tell the students to draw simple pictures illustrating
and then tell them to name the four children in the the actions in exercise 1. Set the rules for the game
picture introduction as quickly as they can. Tell them clearly, otherwise the students may get too excited
to stand up when they finish. and start using the swatters on each other!
If you don’t have enough resources or time to
prepare the swatters and drawings, play a simpler
Jeff, Zac, Ruby, Lisa
alternative of the game. Instead of the swatter,
after ex 2 Fast finishers the students may use just one finger to touch the
activity pictures in the big illustration on page 60.
Tell your students to copy the picture of each activity
next to each word in their notebooks. Happy goodbye
Divide the class into two groups. Tell the groups
Phonics Rap
to face each other across the classroom. Show an
Draw the letter S on the board. Tell your students activity from this lesson in written form to group A.
to look at the rap and count how many times the All the group A students should mime the activity to
letter S appears (answer: 15). Encourage them to group B at the same time. Group B students should
exaggerate the S when reciting the rap. shout the answer. Then have them swap roles.
Organise a rap battle by dividing the class into
two big groups. Don’t forget to also keep the
pronunciation of the short i correct. Workbook, page 44
5 2
before ex 3 Extra practice 2
Grammar: verb can: affirmative and negative, Write the template for the correct sentences on the
can with adverbs board.
Reading: for detailed information
Who? + CAN/CAN’T + action + how?
Listening: for detailed information
Writing: describing one’s abilities
Then add an example under the template, e.g. I can
speak loudly.
Lead-in after ex 5 Fast finishers
Say the names of the four animals in Grammar 1 Ask the fast finishers to make some more mixed
– monkey, fish, snake, bird. Tell your students to sentences for other fast finishers to unjumble. Tell
pretend to be each animal as you say its name. them to use the sentences from the text in exercise 1.
before ex 1 Extra practice 1 before ex 4
Write the names of these animals on the board: Check that your students understand the six
monkey, fish, snake, bird. Tell your students to find activities that are named in exercise 4 – whisper each
each of the four animals in the photos in exercise 1. activity to the students and then have them shout
out what it is.
after ex 5 Extra practice 3
These are the real names of the animals in the
text in exercise 1: Put your students into pairs. Student A looks at one
• howler monkey (in Polish: wyjec) sentence they have written in exercise 5 and mimes
• mudskipper (in Polish: poskoczek mułowy) it to Student B who guesses what it is. Then have the
• anaconda (in Polish: anakonda) students swap roles.
• blue-footed booby (in Polish: głuptak
Happy goodbye
Say sentences from the article in the grammar
presentation (exercise 1) to the students. They should
after ex 1 Extra practice 1 listen to you and tell you which animal the sentence
Write the most surprising facts from the reading text is about. Encourage the students to use the real
about these animals on the board. Underline can and names of the animals – howler monkey, mudskipper,
can’t and elicit what these words mean. anaconda, and blue-footed booby.
G Grammar app It can dance (bird / booby). It can scream very loudly
(monkey / howler monkey).
verb can: affirmative and negative
Tell your students to copy the Grammar app into
their notebooks. Tell them to use a different
Dyslexia tips – writing
action for each person. Give your students with dyslexia extra help with
writing. If there are any words you see they have
difficulty with, make sure you write them on the
G Grammar app board so they can refer to them when necessary.
5 3
lesson I can sing, but I can’t whistle.
Happy goodbye
Vocabulary: activities 2 (Życie prywatne: Practise the rhyme from exercise 2 again but whisper
spędzanie czasu wolnego) it. Divide the class into two big groups and have
Reading: for detailed information them repeat a line in turn, whispering. This makes it
Speaking: describing one’s abilities fun as they have to strain to listen to each other.
Optional material: flashcards 59–68, ten sheets
of paper, each with an activity from exercise 1
Workbook, page 46
Write sing, swim, drive a car on the board. Ask the
students if they can do any of these actions. Tell
them to raise their hands if they can.
5 4
before ex 3 Extra practice 1
Grammar: verb can: questions and short answers; Elicit a list of action verbs from your students and
wh-questions write them on the board. Example: cook, write,
Reading: for general understanding and detailed play chess, whistle (they can be verbs from this
information about the story unit or any suggestions from the students). Put the
Listening: for detailed information students into pairs and tell them to ask and answer
Speaking: asking and answering questions about questions with Can you… (verb from list). Encourage
one’s abilities them to give the full answer: Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
Optional materials: photos of the useful phrases:
I feel awful, Watch out! What a mess! (for the
Useful! task); four or more A4/A3 sheets of paper
G Grammar app
(for the Grammar app: wh-questions) verb can: wh-questions
Prepare the grammar flashcards: write one word
from the question What can you cook? on each
Lead-in piece of paper. Next, choose four students and
give each a piece of paper. Tell the students to
Tell your students to find these words in the comic
stand in any order in front of the class and hold
strip: pasta and tomatoes. Explain to them in
their word in front of themselves. The class
Polish if necessary or draw them on the board if the
has to put the question in the correct order by
students have difficulty understanding.
moving the students around until it is correct.
after ex 1 Act it out Regroup the students, but each time you do the
task, substitute one grammar flashcard (the verb
Tell your students to decide which person they want
or the pronoun).
to be in the comic strip. Check by asking: Who is
Iggy / Imogen / Eddie / Ellie? Read the comic strip as
a class, with every child reading their particular role.
Life skills: learning new skills
Take a quick class survey to find which activity
Stick the photos to represent each phrase round they would all like to learn or which would be
the classroom. Read out the phrases in turn, with the most popular.
exaggerated intonation, and ask the students to
point to the correct photo.
Happy goodbye
ex 2 Tell your students to draw (with two dots and a line
Remind your students that they have to find factual for a smile) a little face on their index finger with a
mistakes, not grammar or lexis mistakes. pen in order to prepare finger puppets. Put them
into pairs. Tell them to ask Can you …? questions to
Grammar in context each other using their puppets.
Tell your students to find questions with can in
episode 5 and to write them down in their notebooks. Dyslexia tips – teacher’s helper
Give your students with dyslexia the opportunity
Dad, what can you cook? Ellie, can you cook?
to show their different strengths by choosing
them as a teacher’s helper (with flashcards,
G Grammar app cleaning the board, etc.).
Here are some activities
5 5
UNIT to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
ex 4
General aims: revision of vocabulary (activities) Clue: They can only do the things that are linked to
and grammar (verb can: affirmative, negative, their names.
questions and short answers) from lessons 1–4 Draw a table on the board for the students to copy and
Special aims: spacial thinking (doing a word add the titles for the words they will find in the word
search, finding their way through a maze); puzzle to the table. This will make it easier for them
logical thinking (solving a puzzle); musical to write what the children and the goldfish can do.
intelligence (completing a rhyme); peer help
(learning words) Child’s name activity
Optional materials: one strip of coloured card /
paper for each student (for Happy goodbye) 1
In preparation for exercise 1, write the letters of each
verb out of order on the board and ask the students
to put them back in order. Goldfish’s name activity
N S G I (sing), O K C O (cook), A P L Y (play), L I B M C
ex 5
ex 1 Clue: The animals can be found in lesson 2, page 62.
Clue: The children can only do the activities that start
with the same letter as their name. fact
ex 2 Tell your students these facts and ask them to
tell you if they are true or false.
Clue: Put a list of words on the blackboard to help
1 Some fish can fly. (False – they can jump out
the students complete the rhyme: sing, paint, swim
of the water)
cook, climb trees. Two words don’t fit the rhyme.
2 Bats are the only mammal that can fly. (True)
before ex 3 3 Some birds can fly for 200 days non-stop.
(True – e.g. swifts flying from Africa to
Give your students some preparation time before
they start. Tell them to look at the activities listed in
Vocabulary summary, page 70, for 30 seconds before
playing. Happy goodbye
Encouragement note Tell your students to write a sentence about what
they can do (something they are really proud of)
Tell your students to add up the number of words
on a piece of coloured card and stick it up in the
they remembered in the game and remind them they
all did well. While the students are playing the game,
remember to praise those who are helping their Homework
peers and making an effort to try hard.
Workbook, page 48
5 6
after ex 3 Extra practice 3
Functions: asking for permission (granting Tell each row of students in the class that they are on
permission, saying thank you, showing the bus together. Name one student in each row as
disappointment) the teacher on the bus. Tell the students to think of
Grammar: verb can for permission different expressions and practise the dialogues with
Speaking: asking for permission on a mid-term them asking for permission. If any students have
trip trouble with this, make them the bus driver to ensure
Optional material: strips of coloured card / paper they are involved in the activity.
to write dialogues on and put on the board (for
Extra practice 1)
call my parents / eat a sweet
5 7
lesson Around the world
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Ask your students to add up their points from all
in a variety of controlled practice exercises the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office on
page 127 to collect their prize. Give the students who
got water instead of a smoothie the opportunity to
Lead-in improve by correcting at least two mistakes they
have made. The stronger students can help the
Write S, the first letter of the verb speak, on the
weaker students find and correct their mistakes.
board. Tell the students it is a verb and tell them to
guess which one. Repeat with T for tell, P for play, D Happy goodbye
for do and C for climb.
Ask your students to choose their favourite activity
Freddie and Freda note from exercise 1 or 2. Have a class vote to find the
Remind your students that they can win a prize most popular activity.
and encourage them all to try and do a bit better
than they did in unit 4. Dyslexia tips – reading
Allow dyslexic students preparation time for
Star rating reading tasks by writing key words from the
text on the board and asking the students to
Explain to your students that there are two
find these words in the text, and focus on their
more difficult exercises in the Revision workout
(exercises 3 and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points
for each correct answer (but not for each gap they
fill). Homework
Workbook, page 51
after ex 3 Extra practice 1
Write similar instructions to those in the picture in
exercise 3 on the board and tell the students to act
out the dialogue in pairs.
read a book (✓) order pizza (✗)
Teacher: Why are you late?
Summary Vocabulary summary
Extra practice: On a school trip Freddie and Freda extra workout: error
Write the halves of the phrases from the school trip spotting
vocabulary box on the board and tell the students to
These extra activities have
match a number with a letter to make the complete
their own focus and they
can be done whenever there
is some free time: e.g. after
A Can I ..., 1 me.
the Revision workout,
B No, I’m afraid 2 please?
at the end of the class, or
C Excuse 3 course.
the beginning of the next class, etc.
D Thank 4 you can’t.
E Yes, what 5 you.
F Oh, that’s 6 is it?
G Yes, of 7 a pity. Write the sentences from below on the board.
Make sure you cross them out so that the
Answers: students know they are incorrect.
A2, B4, C1, D5, E6, F7, G3 In pairs, the students should find the mistakes
and write the correct sentences in their
Revision card notebooks. Call the students to the front to
Encourage your students to use the special erase one incorrect sentence each and then write
bookmark they made in Unit 1. If any of the the correct one.
students have lost their bookmark, you can
distribute the templates available in Brainy Can he climb trees? No, he can.
Teacher's Resource File. Are they friendly? No, they isn’t.
She’s get long fair hair.
before ex 1 Extra practice 1 Where is he for? Germany.
Who socks are these? They’re Zac’s.
Give your students plenty of preparation time in
What are this? They’re pencils.
small groups to choose the ten most difficult words
They haven’t not got a pencil sharpener.
from Unit 5. Encourage them to work together
Lisas cap is red.
and help each other with the meaning before they
Who old are you? I’m ten.
exchange the bookmarks with another group to say
Have he got a computer? No, he hasn’t.
the meaning and spell the words.
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and one for
content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc.). Do not
correct all their mistakes or cover their project
with red pen. Make light corrections at the
bottom of the page or on a separate piece of
6 Tasty food lesson 1 It’s party time!
after ex 7 Fast finishers
Vocabulary: food (Żywienie: artykuły spożywcze) Have the students draw the birthday party items
Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns, in a trolley in their notebooks. Next, they label the
quantity: some, a lot of items.
Reading: for detailed information
Speaking: repeating a shopping list
Why do the French like to eat snails?
Lead-in Because they don’t like fast food!
Ask the students to tell you their favourite food.
Happy goodbye
Phonics Rap
Read the food vocabulary words aloud and tell the
Practise the rap by getting the students to students to make a happy or sad face according to
shout the last word of each line loudly. Repeat, whether they like the food item or not.
but this time tell them to whisper the last word
instead. Homework
Workbook, page 52
before ex 3 Extra practice 1
Pre-teach ‘trolley’ and ‘shelves.’ Draw a trolley on the
board and point to shelves in the classroom or draw
them on the board too. Write ‘trolley’ and ‘shelves’
on the board and ask the students to match the
word with your picture.
Tell your students to look at the two Look boxes on
the page and to compare the amount of biscuits and
cheese. Try to elicit the meaning of ‘some’ and ‘a lot
of’ in Polish.
before ex 5
Tell your students to look at the trolleys in exercise 3
and name the food in each. Give your students time to prepare their true and
false sentences in their notebooks before speaking.
biscuits (Answer: 7)
cheese (Answer: 4)
ice cream (Answer: 1)
strawberries (Answer: 4)
cake (Answer: 1)
sausages (Answer: 2)
pasta (Answer: 2)
pizza (Answer: 1)
6 3
lesson I love smoothies!
ex 6
Vocabulary: fruit, vegetables, and others Teach the Polish translation of the words from
(Żywienie: artykuły spożywcze) the box used to describe the smoothies. Write
Reading: for detailed information the translation on the board and leave it there for
Speaking: offering to make smoothies the first few minutes while the students are doing
Optional materials: flashcards 69–88 exercise 6.
Happy goodbye
Lead-in Ask one student to describe one item of food
mentioned in lesson 3 without using words, only
Ask your students if they know how to say any
miming and pointing to colours. Repeat with the
names of fruit in English. Write them on the board.
other students or do it in small groups.
Tell the students to open their books to page 75
and see if there are any pictures of fruit they have
mentioned. Dyslexia tips – preparing for reading
out loud
before ex 1 Extra practice 1
To help your students with dyslexia read out
Write on the board: meat, vegetables, fruit, other. loud, divide the class in half and tell the groups to
Tell the students to look at the pictures of food in read one sentence each together out loud.
exercise 1 and see who can count the quickest how Then repeat in pairs.
many are meat / how many are vegetables / how
many are fruit / how many are other.
meat – 4, vegetables – 2, fruit – 4, other – 2 Workbook, page 54
Vocabulary flashcards
There are 20 food item flashcards. Shuffle them and
put 15 on the board. Ask the students to tell you
which are missing. Take the cards down, shuffle,
and repeat. This can be done as a team game if you
divide the class into two teams. Each team should
get a chance to tell you which cards are missing for
blueberry, lemon, recipe, ham, meat, fish, chicken
6 4
after ex 2 Extra practice 1
Grammar: there is / there are: negative, Tell your students to write the incorrect sentences
quantity: any from exercise 2 correctly in their notebooks after
Reading: for general understanding and they finish the true / false task.
detailed information about the story
Listening: for detailed information
Speaking: changing sentences from
G Grammar app
affirmative to negative there is/there are: negative; any
Optional materials: one piece of A4 paper per Give your students a piece of A4 paper and tell
student / pair of students (for Grammar app) them to tear it or cut it into 12 smaller pieces. On
each piece of paper they should write one of the
words from the three sentences in the grammar
Lead-in app box. Tell them to mix up the pieces of paper
and then try and reconstruct the three sentences
Tell your students to tell you the colour of the two
without looking at the book. You may ask your
smoothies they can see in the comic strip.
students to do the activity in pairs, so that they
learn to share the workload and work quicker.
purple (picture 3) and grey (picture 5)
Here are some activities
6 5
UNIT to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
Happy goodbye
General aims: revision of vocabulary (food; Play a memory game with what is on one of the lists
vegetables, fruit, and others) and grammar (there of words in exercise 3. Divide the students into four
is/are: affirmative and negative; quantity: some, big groups. The first group to write a list of all the
a lot of, any) from lessons 1–4 items correctly wins.
Special aims: spacial thinking (making sentences
from a diagram maze), logical thinking (solving
a code), attention to detail (finding differences Workbook, page 56
in two pictures), noticing (Iggy’s task)
Tell your students to look at lesson 5 and tell you
which exercise looks the most interesting. In order to
break the routine, you may decide to start the lesson
with the task that looks the most interesting to the
ex 1
Clue: It’s not enough to decode the signs. The
students must add the missing letters. Help them
out by saying that the word:
• in 1 belongs to the category of meat,
• in 2 is neither meat, vegetable, nor fruit,
• in 3 and 4 are vegetables,
• in 5 is a fruit,
• in 6 is something sweet.
ex 2
Clue: Tell the students to focus on the aspect of
ex 3
Clue: Tell the students to look at the conveyor belts
and write in their notebooks what food is on each.
ex 4
Clue: Once the students discover that the picture
is from Lesson 1, explain to them that they should
describe both what is in the trolley and on the
ex 5
Clue 1: One word from the grid won’t be used (any in
the first row).
Clue 2: Tell your students that they are trying to
form sentences in the affirmative and the negative.
Remind them that wallets is plural so they need to
use some, and that hairbrush is singular.
6 6
6 7
lesson Around the world
Polish dumplings pork chops meat patty This popular dish / school lunch is called .
It’s got , , and . It’s famous in
. People eat on special occasions /
Pork chops (kotlet schabowy)
every day.
Meat patty (kotlet mielony)
Polish dumplings (pierogi)
Happy goodbye
Around the world Say some sentences from exercise 3 giving your
opinion about different foods. Encourage the
Option 1 (5 minutes): Ask the students to read the
students to respond with a loud I agree / I disagree
questions. Try to elicit ‘sushi’. Then ask them if they
and put their thumbs up / down at the same time.
know where these dishes come from: Greek salad
(Greece), Lángos bread (Hungary), tacos and nachos Homework
Workbook, page 58
6 8
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Ask your students to add up their points from all
in a variety of controlled practice exercises the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office
on page 127 to collect their prize, a special treat.
Encourage the students to get a better mark by
Lead-in helping each other. Remember to name the students
who have done particularly well and also name those
Tell your students to cover their eyes with their
who have helped their classmates.
hands (or their notebooks). Hold up one food
flashcard and say one, two, three – Open your eyes! Happy goodbye
Quickly hide the flashcard after they have seen it for
Call out some names of food and have the students
a second. Ask them to tell you what food was on the
shout out healthy / unhealthy to give their opinions.
flashcard. Repeat with two flashcards at the same
Write healthy / unhealthy on the board to remind
time, then with three.
them, erase the words after doing a few examples.
Freddie and Freda note
Tell your students it’s time to try and get a prize Dyslexia tips – visual prompts
again this lesson. Tell them to look over the Help your dyslexic students with individual work
previous lessons’ progress and try to do a bit by allowing them access to the class flashcards
better. as a reminder, for example in exercises 2, 3, and 5.
You could put them on one classroom wall or on
Star rating your desk for students to borrow as necessary.
Summary Vocabulary summary
Extra practice 1: At the salad bar Freddie and Freda extra workout: responding
Tell your students to fill in the missing letters in the These extra activities have
expressions: their own focus and they
can be done whenever there
I´m s _ _ _ y. is some free time: e.g. after
T _ _ _ out? the Revision workout,
Can I h _ _ _ a sa _ _ _ , please? at the end of the class, or
_ _ _ t’s 4.50, please. the beginning of the next class, etc.
I´m sorry. Activity
Take out? Say these sentences from Units 1–6 and ask the
Can I have a salad, please? students to react in any suitable way. Give every
That’s 4.50, please. student a chance to respond.
ex 3
Tell your students to draw their smoothie in a
glass with appropriate colours and write the name
as a design at the top of the page. Display the
smoothies and vote on the healthiest.
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and another
for content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc.).
Do not correct all their mistakes or cover their
project with red pen. Make light corrections at
the bottom of the page or on a separate piece
of paper.
Let's check
Lead-in Lead-in
Write seven of the eight verbs from exercise 1 on Hold a quick class survey. Ask the students whether
the board (climb, drive, play, cook, ride, read, and they prefer tomatoes or cucumbers.
tell). Don’t use do as it is too general to mime. Put
before ex 10 Extra practice 1
the students into small groups. Have one student
choose a verb in secret and mime it to the rest of Tell your students to imagine they are at a camp. In
the group. The group then have to guess what it is. groups of 3–4, tell them to write two things they can
do and two things they can’t do. Play the audio and
after ex 1 Extra practice 1 have the students tick any of the activities which
Tell the students to get into pairs and ask each other they had on their list and which they hear in the
questions with Can you …? and the activities from audio.
exercise 1. Remind them to use Yes, I can / No, I can’t.
after ex 11 Fast finishers
after ex 6 Extra practice 2 Tell the fast finishers to think of a good name for the
Tell your students to write two sentences using camp in the reading comprehension.
there is / are to describe their fridge at home. Put
after ex 12 Extra practice 2
the students into pairs and tell them to draw one
fridge between the two of them. Student A dictates When the students have written the description of
their sentences to Student B. Student B draws what the camp, tell them to make a poster / drawing of it.
Student A says. Then have the students swap roles. Tell them to give the camp a name and display their
The students end up with a picture of their fridge posters on the classroom walls.
which has their four food items in it.
Happy goodbye
after ex 6 Fast finishers Give your students two small pieces of paper each.
Tell the fast finishers to draw the food items next to They should write Yes, I can on one and No, I can’t
the sentences in their notebooks. on the other. Invent some questions with Can you ...
for the students to answer by holding up the correct
Happy goodbye piece of paper.
Tell your students you are going to play a game of
true or false. Say a sentence with can about yourself
Can you play chess? No, I can’t.
to the class. They have to guess whether it is true or
false by holding their thumbs up or down. Those who Happy goodbye
guess right win a point.
Ask the students to read each other’s descriptions of
Example: camps and say which one they would most like to go
I can play chess very well. (False) to.
Homework Homework
Workbook, page 60, exercises 1–5 Workbook, pages 60–61, exercises 6–10
My Week lesson 1 Ruby’s busy week
7 2
lesson Do you go out?
Lead-in before ex 4
Read the activities from exercise 1 in lesson 1 Write the days of the week in order on the board and
(page 86) for the students to mime as a class. check your students’ pronunciation by repeating
them together as a class. You could also put them
after ex 1 Extra practice 1
out of order and tell the students to order them.
Tell your students to get into pairs to write one more
sentence about the dialogue. It may be either true or after ex 5 Extra practice 2
false. Have the students change pairs and read their Put your students into pairs and tell them to sit
sentences to each other. The students guess if the back-to-back. Tell them to pretend to have the
sentences are true or false. conversation from exercise 5 as a telephone call so
they can practise listening to each other without
G Grammar app being able to see the person they are talking to.
Workbook, page 63
7 3
Happy goodbye
Vocabulary: daily routine (Życie prywatne: Read the text in exercise 3 to the students. They
czynności życia codziennego) should listen and mime the activities as they hear
Reading: for detailed information them. If the text has a verb in the negative, they
Speaking: talking about school days in the don’t have to mime it.
affirmative and negative
Optional materials: flashcards 89–98
Workbook, page 64
Mime the verbs in the vocabulary presentation to the
students and try to elicit them. If the students aren’t
sure, tell them not to worry and make sure you give
these words extra attention in the presentation.
7 4
lesson Iggy the Inventor. Episode 7 – A brilliant idea!
father get up late?
Grammar app
Present simple: affirmative and negative Dyslexia tips – understanding grammar
Tell the students to copy the app into their rules
notebooks and to add the 3rd person negative Give plenty of examples and ask the students
forms of the verbs have, go, do, and watch. to suggest their own examples of the questions
using Does he/she…? Tell them to check spelling
Answers: of DOES carefully. Cut up the letters of DOES and
doesn’t have, doesn’t go, doesn’t do, doesn’t watch ask the students to put them in order.
Here are some activities
7 5
to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
General aims: revision of vocabulary (free time,
Ana goes out on Saturday. Ana doesn’t do karate on
daily routine) and grammar (Present simple) from
lessons 1–4
Have the students read their sentences to their
Special aims: spacial thinking (drawing shapes),
classmates to check if they are true or false.
logical thinking (reading a text), visual thinking
(a crossword), and noticing (Iggy’s task) Happy goodbye
Ask one student to be the teacher and name some
activities from lesson 5, for example: take photos /
Lead-in do karate. The other students should listen and act
Tell your students to spell the days of the week to out the activity. Choose another student to be the
each other. Remember to help any students with teacher and repeat the activity.
dyslexia by allowing them to see the days in written
form while trying to spell them. Homework
Workbook, page 66
after ex 1 Extra practice 1
Tell your students to make a shape for the other
target phrases in this lesson, e.g. a pentagon for:
go to my dance classes.
ex 2
Clue: Tell your students to draw a table with the days
of the week with one empty space for each day. Tell
them to fill it in with verbs from the text. Provide
the first letter of each day to help the students and
remind them that activities are repeated on different
Encouragement note
Try to encourage your students who have
successfully solved the puzzle in exercise 2 to help
others by giving them some more clues (not just
the answer!). Tell the class that this time you expect
everybody to work hard on the task, only then will
you consider the task a group success. This will give
your students a chance to enjoy the feeling of team
spirit and team success.
ex 3
Clue: Tell your students they are looking for verbs
to add to the crossword. Tell them they can look at
exercise 1 for help with the verbs.
ex 4
Clue: Tell the students to look at lesson 3 to find
7 6
lesson On a mid-term trip
Happy goodbye
Functions: telling the time; asking what time it is; Tell the students to put the activities from exercise 4
hurrying up in order: 1 is their favourite activity; 6 is their least
Vocabulary: time favourite.
Speaking: asking and answering about time;
acting out a dialogue on a mid-term trip Dyslexia tips – telling the time
Help your dyslexic students tell the time by
preparing some clocks with cardboard hands and
have the students place the hands at the correct
Draw an analogue clock on the board with the hands time. Repeat lots of examples using o’clock and
set to 8 o’clock. Elicit the time from the students and encourage the students to move the hands of
if necessary, play Hangman with the word O’CLOCK the clock to the correct time. Then move on to
to make sure they are familiar with it. half past, quarter past, etc. Alternatively, you
could ask the students to draw a circle in their
before ex 3 Extra practice 1
notebooks for a clock face. Then, they should
Use the clock on the board again. Clearly mark draw in the hands.
o’clock, half past, quarter past, past and to using
arrows on the clock. Tell the students to copy this
into their notebooks.
Workbook, page 67
There are two types of time standards:
astronomical time (based on the movement
of the Earth around the Sun) and atomic time
(based on the frequency of atomic oscillations).
An astronomical ‘second’ is generally longer
than an atomic ‘second’ as the Earth’s rotation
is uneven and on the whole, is slowing down
gradually. Since 1967, we have all been telling
time based on the atomic second.
7 7
Discover more!
Culture: dangerous journeys to school Tell your students to investigate dangerous journeys
Reading: article about dangerous journeys to to school as homework. You can show them
school in different countries a YouTube video about a dangerous journey or tell
Speaking: asking and answering about their them to find one by themselves (for homework).
journeys to school It will be enough for them to type in these search
Writing: a dangerous journey to school words in the YouTube search box: most dangerous
journeys to school.
7 8
lesson Revision workout
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Ask your students to add up their points from all the
in a variety of controlled practice exercises tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office on page
127 to collect their prize. Give the students who didn’t
get a SPA treatment the opportunity to improve by
Lead-in working with another student who got a good score
and improve their answers.
Tell your students to ask and answer: What time
do you get up? Start the activity with four or Happy goodbye
five different students in different places in the
Tell your students to get into pairs and close their
classroom. Tell them to pose the question to the
eyes. Write one of the verbs from this lesson on the
student next to them and then pass the question
board and say 3, 2, 1, open your eyes! The students
on. In this way you will get the question being asked
should look at the verb and as quickly as they can,
multiple times round the room in every direction.
tell their partner a sentence that is true for them
Freddie and Freda note using that verb. Repeat with different verbs.
Remind the students they can win a prize and Example:
encourage them all to try and do a bit better HAVE BREAKFAST (on the board) – I have breakfast
than in Unit 6. at 8 o´clock. I have breakfast in the morning.
Extra practice 1: On a mid-term trip Freddie and Freda extra workout: responding
Draw a bus on the board. Tell the students there are These extra activities have
a teacher, a bus driver, and students on the bus. their own focus and they
Tell the students to look at the phrases from the can be done whenever there
midterm trip vocabulary box and determine who is some free time: e.g. after
says what to whom: the Revision workout,
Example: at the end of the class, or
Am I late? (Answer: a student to the teacher) the beginning of the next class, etc.
Hurry up! (Answer: the teacher to a student)
Take your time. (Answer: the teacher to some Activity 1
students getting on the bus).
Tell the students to work in groups. Put the bingo
It’s time to go! (The bus driver to the teacher
card on the board and ask students to copy it
and the students.)
into their notebooks. Then, they write six free
time activities and daily routine activities in it.
Revision card
Play bingo!
Encourage your students to use the special
bookmark they made in Unit 1. If any of the go out
students have lost their bookmark, you can
distribute the templates available in Brainy
Teacher's Resource File.
Activity 2
before ex 1 Extra practice 2 After the revision activity, give the students five
To help your students remember the expressions minutes to study all the vocabulary in the units.
with go, have, and get, write the first letter of the Then ask them to write five activities for each of
word that goes with the verb on the board. these categories:
Summary Grammar summary
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project 2 Interview
Prepare the project by putting the students into pairs
to choose a famous person and write questions. If you
want them to make a mask of that person, tell them
either to choose fictional characters only or they could
use photos from magazines. Tell the students to look
at the verbs in the Vocabulary summary and check the
Grammar in the grammar summary as they write the
questions for the interview.
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and another
for content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc.).
Do not correct all their mistakes or cover their
project with red pen. Make light corrections at
the bottom of the page or on a separate piece
of paper.
Is it real? lesson 1 Brainy Park
ex 3
Vocabulary: adventure activities (Życie prywatne: Extend exercise 3 to include other classroom objects
czynności życia codziennego) that the students are familiar with.
Reading: for detailed information
after ex 5 Skills note: Reading
Listening: for detailed information
Speaking: talking about activities that they want Practise pronunciation by putting your students into
to do pairs and telling them to read the dialogue aloud.
Listen for and then write down any pronunciation
problems. When the students have finished, write
Lead-in the mispronounced words on the board and drill the
correct pronunciation as a class.
Tell your students to look at the poster advertising
the attractions in the Brainy Park. Ask them to count before ex 7 Extra practice 3
all the animals that are there.
The memory game is much easier if you allow
the students to practise in smaller groups first.
7 (1 dinosaur, 2 crocodiles, 2 bats, 1 teddy bear, and 1 rabbit
Demonstrate with one group of 3–4 students in
in the magician’s hat)
front of the class, then divide the class into groups of
before ex 2 Extra practice 1 4–5 and encourage them to play. You can repeat the
game by making the groups bigger and bigger, with
Tell your students to look at the vocabulary list from
the aim of playing with the whole class as one big
exercise 1 in their Student’s Book and give them one
group (be careful; if you choose to do this, it can be
minute to memorise as much of it as they can. Put
a long wait for each student to have their turn).
them into small groups. Have one student say a verb
and then the other students should say what activity Happy goodbye
goes with it as quickly as possible.
Play bingo with the activities from this lesson. Tell
after ex 2 Extra practice 2 the students to draw a grid of four squares and to
write the names of four of the eight activities from
Tell the students to put the activities in their order
the lesson in each square. Read out the activities
of preference. Have them compare their list with
randomly and have the students cross off the ones
a partner.
they have written in their squares. The winner is the
first student to cross off all four squares.
Life skills: Real or virtual?
Tell your students to think about these areas
(translate them from Polish first) when talking Workbook, page 70
about the advantages and disadvantages of
virtual reality:
money / making mistakes / student interest /
Phonics Rap
Practise the rap by switching off the audio at
random moments as the students are singing
it and check whether they can continue. When
you have done this a few times, hand over the
control of the audio to a student who should
then do the same.
8 2
lesson I’m fighting a dinosaur!
8 3
before ex 2 Extra practice 2
Vocabulary: places in a town (Miejsce Tell your students to go through the text quickly and
zamieszkania: dom i jego okolica) use their finger to find all the places mentioned in
Reading: for detailed information it. This will help them recognise the new vocabulary
Listening: for detailed information more easily in preparation for reading.
Speaking: describing location and present activities
Optional materials: flashcards (109–118), sticky
after ex 3 Skills note: Listening
notes for students to place on the picture of Tell your students to listen and then put the places
the town below in the order they hear them mentioned in the
audio. There is one extra place which is not listed
here but is mentioned in the dialogue.
train station, cinema, car park, shopping centre,
Play shark attack with the word supermarket. Write school, supermarket, museum, main square, café,
one gap for each letter of the word on the board bus stop
and in turn ask the students to guess a letter in the
word. Draw a shark circling in the water. Each time Answers:
a student guesses a letter which isn’t in the word main square, car park, cinema, supermarket, museum, train
supermarket, the shark jumps out of the water a bit station, café, shopping centre, bus stop (the extra place is
further. Give 8–10 wrong guesses before the shark ‘school’)
eats the students!
ex 3
Example: Check the answers by giving sticky notes to groups
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (supermarket) of 3–4 students and asking them to stick them
on the picture in exercise 1 to show where the
Brainyballs are.
Vocabulary flashcards
Draw a rough line map of the area where your school before ex 4 Extra practice 3
is. Tell the students to add the flashcards of the Offer some extra help to your students. Leave the
various places to the map so that it represents where sticky note from the previous exercise on the picture
they all live. to help the students produce the sentences orally. If
the students have problems inventing the activities
after ex 1 Extra practice 1
for the Brainyballs, write some popular activities in
Tell your students to copy the places in a town the continuous form on the board, e.g.:
vocabulary into their notebooks as a list. When they buying …, waiting for the train / bus, sitting in the
have finished, say the names of the places. Warn the car, learning English, having lunch, looking at the
students that there is one place you are not going to fountain, looking at the paintings, etc.
say. Have the students listen and tick each place they
hear. When you stop, they have to tell you the place Happy goodbye
you haven’t said. Ask the students to tell you which places from this
lesson they have near where they live.
Dyslexia tips – focus on form
Dyslexic students may read too quickly without
Workbook, page 72
paying much attention to the details, so they
may miss out on those little grammar forms such
as the negative. To help your students with the
reading comprehension in exercise 2, make them
aware of the negative don’t. Ask them to tell you
which paragraph has affirmative verbs and which
has negative verbs.
8 4
lesson Iggy the Inventor: Episode 8 – Success
Here are some activities
8 5
to get your brain working!
lesson Train your brain!
General aims: revision of vocabulary (adventure Bats Quiz – true or false?
activities, places in a town) and grammar 1 Bats are the only mammals that can fly. (True)
(Present continuous) lessons 1–4 2 Same bats eat only blood. (True – they are
Special aims: spacial thinking (following clues called vampire bats)
in a map, escaping the castle), logical thinking 3 Some bats can live for more than 40 years.
(solving a crossword, reading clues), noticing (True)
(Iggy’s task) 4 Giant bats have wings 1 metre wide. (False –
around 2 metres wide!)
Encouragement note
Ask the students how many bats they can see on this
page. Look at the students’ notebooks with the work
they have done in lessons 1–4 and give stickers for
Answer: 14
particularly neat / tidy / well-produced / correct
ex 1 work.
Clue: The route is a shape of the first letter of the Happy goodbye
Tell the students to mime sentences in Present
ex 2 continuous from this unit to each other in small
groups of 4–5.
Clue: The students can use each word only once. It’s
better to start with questions (that go diagonally). Example:
Lisa is playing volleyball / Jeff is visiting Spooky
ex 3 Castle.
Clue: Write on the board the initials of Jeff, Lisa, Zac,
and Ruby next to each question and tell the students
to copy it into their notebooks. Workbook, page 74
Then read the text. Each time you see a negative
sentence, cross out the corresponding initials. The
initials that are left are the answers to this puzzle.
ex 4
Clue: Tell the students to look back at lesson 3 and
find the fountain as quickly as possible.
ex 5
Clue: Tell your students to write any of the questions
and answers (remind them the answers are all short
forms) in their notebooks so they don’t get confused
while trying to find the exit.
8 6
lesson In the city
after ex 5 Fast finishers
Functions: asking for and giving directions; Tell the fast finishers to draw a square round
inviting their email and format it to make it look more like
Listening: for detailed understanding the email from the Student's Book.
Speaking: giving directions
Reading: for detailed understanding
Happy goodbye
Writing: an email with an invitation Tell the students to read their emails from exercise 5
to each other.
8 7
Happy goodbye
The largest city square in the world is Xinghai
Put your students in small groups and tell them to
square in the city of Dalian, China. It’s more
share their Discover more! research and read it aloud
than ten times bigger than Trafalgar Square in
to their friends.
before ex 4 Extra practice Workbook, page 76
Tell your students to choose one of the photos, then
have them close their eyes and try to visualise for
one minute every detail of the photo such as: the
people, buildings, etc.
Discover more!
Tell your students they can do research about
a square for homework using the Internet. They
could ask their family about interesting squares and
then find some pictures on the Internet, print them,
and bring them to class.
8 8
lesson Revision workout
Happy goodbye
Revision of lessons 1–6: vocabulary and speaking Give one student a piece of paper with a secret
in a variety of controlled practice exercises sentence on it in Present continuous. This student
has to mouth the sentence to the rest of the class.
The class try to guess what they are mouthing.
Lead-in Change students and repeat with a different secret
sentence for them to mouth silently to the class.
Tell the students to look at all the exercises in this
lesson and tell you which one they want to do first. Example:
You’re brushing your hair.
Freddie and Freda note
Tell your students it’s time to try and get a prize Dyslexia tips – word cards
again in this lesson. Tell them to check their
To help your dyslexic students with exercise 6,
answers carefully to improve their mark. Allow
write the correct question forms on cards, one
the students to get into pairs and check their
set per each dyslexic student. Cut up the cards
answers as extra help.
into separate words, mix them, and ask the
students to put the words in the correct order.
Star rating
Explain to your students that there are two
more difficult exercises in the Revision workout
(exercises 3 and 6) and that’s why they get 2 points Workbook, page 77
for each correct answer.
Ask your students to add up their points from all
the tasks. Tell them to go to the Trainer’s office on
page 127 to collect their trophy. Give the students
who did not get a trophy the opportunity to improve
by doing the more difficult exercises again with
the help of a friend, perhaps a friend who won the
gold or silver trophy.
Finally, tell the students to look over all eight units of
work and see which they did best / worst.
Extra practice 1: In the city Freddie and Freda extra workout: memory
Write the phrases on the board with gaps and tell These extra activities have
the students to finish them by adding the missing their own focus and they
letters. can be done whenever there
is some free time: e.g. after
Ex____ me. I’m l______ for the sh______ the Revision workout,
centre. at the end of the class, or
Go st _ _ _ _ _ _ on. the beginning of the next class, etc.
L____ g_ to the museum on Friday at 3 o´c____.
Th _ _ _ you.
Visual memory workout
Th _ _ , tu _ _ l _ _ _ .
Turn ri _ _ _ . Tell your students to work in pairs. Ask them to
You’re we _ _ _ _ _ ! choose one big illustration with Jeff, Zac, Ruby,
and Lisa from any lesson in one of their Student´s
Books. Tell them to look at it for one minute and
to try to remember as many details as they can.
Excuse me. I’m looking for the shopping centre.
After one minute, the students should close
Go straight on.
the books and try to describe as many details
Let’s go to the museum on Friday at 3 o’clock.
as possible. Have the students describe the
Thank you.
illustration in turns.
Then, turn left.
Turn right.
You’re welcome!
Auditory memory workout
Tell your students to play False identities.
Revision card Have them invent false names, surnames, as
Encourage your students to use the special well as false ages. Then they should introduce
bookmark they made in Unit 1. If any of the themselves to three different students in the
students have lost their bookmark, you can class. Their task is to remember all three of the
distribute the templates available in Brainy new names and ages of their fellow students.
Teacher's Resource File.
Summary Grammar summary
Project note
You will find that Project 1 always involves some
crafts for students whereas Project 2 is more
demanding in terms of language use.
Choose your
grammar project!
Project work
To motivate weaker students, give two marks
for the project: one for accuracy and another
for content (layout, ideas, illustrations, etc.).
Do not correct all their mistakes or cover their
project with red pen. Make light corrections at
the bottom of the page or on a separate piece
of paper.
Let's check
Lead-in Lead-in
Put your students into groups of four. Tell them to Put your students into pairs and tell them to ask
decide on a digital time (example 03.30, 12.15). Each each other What time do you go to bed? When they
person in the group has to make the shape of one have finished, ask them to tell you their partner’s
of the numbers in the chosen time. The rest of the answers and see who goes to bed the latest.
class should look at the four numbers and guess the
after ex 8 Extra practice 1
correct time.
Tell your students to get into four groups of their
after 2 Fast finishers own choice: group 1 representing Czekanie, group
Tell the students to make questions with the six 2 representing Pośpieszanie, group 3 representing
sentences in exercise 2 in their notebooks. Niedowierzanie, and group 4 representing Szczęście.
Then each group remember their respective
before ex 4 Extra practice 1 sentence from exercise 8 and say it out loud chorally
Put the students into pairs and tell them to describe each time the teacher points at them. The other
what each student is doing in each of the four groups try to name the categories, e.g. Szczęście.
pictures out loud to their partner. Tell them to
before ex 9 Extra practice 2
describe as many actions as possible.
Write the five activities from exercise 9 on the
Happy goodbye board and add two extra ones. Play the audio and
Play Pictionary with the class. Draw a picture of some tell the students to listen and then tell you which
action for the students to guess. Remind them to use activities they hear and which are the extra ones.
Present continuous. This will prepare them for exercise 9 where they
have to order the activities.
Workbook, page 78, exercises 1–4
take photographs, read a book (extra), have breakfast,
download music, go to the cinema (extra), go to bed,
get up
Happy goodbye
Play the Mannequin challenge in groups of 3–4
students. In turns, have the groups describe what
the other groups are doing.
Workbook, page 78, exercises 5–10
1–2 3–4
Let's talk Let's talk
Aims Aims
Revision of functional language from Revision of functional language from
Units 1 and 2 Units 3 and 4.
Lead-in Lead-in
Tell your students to get into groups of 3–4 and Ask the students to stand up. Say: Everybody with
spell their surnames to each other. Next, they should a green T-shirt, sit down. Any student wearing
say their locker numbers. If there are no lockers at a green T-shirt has to sit down. Continue with other
school, tell them to say their lucky numbers to each clothes and colours until all the students are sitting
other. down.
Happy goodbye
Tell the students to look at page 114 of the Student’s
Book and find as many objects as they can which
start with the letter T.
trousers, T-shirt, trainers
5–6 7–8
Let's talk Let's talk
Aims Aims
Revision of functional language from Revision of functional language from
Units 5 and 6 Units 7 and 8
Lead-in Lead-in
Ask each student to tell you their favourite free time Write go to the museum / go to the cinema / go to
activity. the shopping centre on the board. Ask the students
what they can see in a museum, what film they want
before ex 1
to see at the cinema, and what they want to buy in a
Write the letters of the verbs from exercise 1 out of shopping centre.
order on the board. Have the students put them in
before ex 1
order and then mime the verbs to each other.
Put your students into pairs. Student A turns away
vdrie, histwle, nsig, payl chses, sbokateard, pkaes and covers their eyes. Student B looks at the board.
Cehinse, coko, imclb eetrs, isk Write a time on the board and then erase it. Student
B looks at the time and draws a clock with that time
on it for Student A. Student A looks at the drawing
and writes the time next to it. Then have them swap
drive, whistle, sing, play chess, skateboard, speak Chinese,
cook, climb trees, ski
before ex 3 before ex 3
Write a list of the places in exercise 3 on the board
Write the word SUPERMARKET on the board
with the vowels taken out. Tell the students to
and put the students into groups of 3–4 with
complete the places with the missing vowels.
one notebook and a pen. Tell them they have two
minutes to write as many items as they can think
of that you can buy in a supermarket. Tell them to
b _ s st _ p, c _ r p _ rk, m _ s _ _ m, tr _ _ n st _ t _ _ n,
include fruit, vegetables, drinks, etc. The winning
m__n squ_r_, c_n_m_, sch__l,
group is the one with the most items.
sh_pp_ng c_ntr_
before ex 4
Answers: bus stop, car park, museum, train station, main
Tell the students to write a list of all the food they square, cinema, school, shopping centre
can see in exercise 4 and then have them put the
food items in order of preference. Find the least
ex 3
favourite food in the class. Time permitting, ask the students to draw the maps
of their cities in their notebooks.
Happy goodbye
Play a spelling game round the class. Spell CARROT
Happy goodbye
– one student says the first letter, the next student Look at the city centre maps the students produced
says the second letter, the next student says the in exercise 3 and decide which map has the best
third, and so on round the class. Spell different layout and which city the students would most like
vegetables. If a student makes a mistake or to visit.
hesitates, they have to start the word again from the
first letter.
Aims 1 When do British people eat turkey? (Christmas Day, 25th
Vocabulary: Christmas symbols and traditions in December, for lunch)
the UK and Poland (Kultura: tradycje i zwyczaje) 2 What do Polish people eat during Christmas Eve
Reading: for general understanding and for supper? (beetroot soup, fish, dumplings, cabbage, etc.)
specific information about Christmas traditions 3 What do British people pull? (Christmas crackers)
in Poland and the UK 4 When do Polish people open presents? (Christmas Eve,
Speaking: talking about Christmas traditions at after supper)
one’s home
Optional materials: the words and music to some after ex 7 Extra practice 3
Christmas carols for students to sing together Tell your students to draw a Christmas tree in their
(for Happy goodbye) notebooks or on a coloured card and decorate it
with the vocabulary from this unit (baubles, crackers,
candy canes, stockings, stars, angels). Tell them to
Lead-in label the objects on their drawing with the colour.
Play Hangman with the word CHRISTMAS to
introduce the topic.
a gold star, a red and white stocking
after ex 1 Extra practice 1 Happy goodbye
Tell your students to record the vocabulary from
Divide the class into two groups and have a carol
exercise 1 into their notebooks with a drawing next
singing competition. Decide which group sings the
to each of the items.
Culture note Homework
Explain to your students that the British traditions
Workbook, page 80
mentioned in the text are not always strictly
followed. For example, people usually put their tree
up about three weeks before Christmas Eve while
some children get all their presents in a pillow case
on Christmas Eve and don’t wait for Christmas Day to
open them. Point out to the students that in Poland,
traditions are more strictly followed than in Britain at
Culture note
Vocabulary: Easter symbols and traditions in the Students in Britain usually have a two-week school
UK and Poland (Kultura: tradycje i zwyczaje) break around Easter. They go on egg hunts, eat lots
Reading: for general understanding and for of chocolate, and sometimes go to church on Easter
specific information about Easter traditions Sunday.
in Poland and the UK
Speaking: talking about Easter traditions at
Happy goodbye
one’s home Tell the students to stick their Easter cards up round
Writing: Easter cards the room to decorate it.
Optional materials: pieces of paper, plastic bag
or shoe box (for Extra practice 1)
Workbook, page 81
Ask your students if Easter is celebrated on the same
day each year. Explain in Polish that the date changes.
The reason the date changes every year is because
Easter must fall on the first Sunday after the first full
moon in spring (after 21 March).
ex 3 Extra practice 2
Put your students into pairs and ask them to choose
their favourite Easter tradition from those in exercise
3. Tell them to write a sentence about their favourite
Easter tradition in their notebook.
Student’s Book Audioscript
1.20 5 Hawaiian
Look at this! They are small black Hawaiian has a very short alphabet.
1 three desks and two computers
pencil cases. There are only 12 letters: A E I O U
2 fourteen pencils and three school
6 H K L M N P and W. The alphabet is
Look at this! They are very big white easy, but the sounds are difficult for
3 three school bags and four pencil
rubbers. language learners.
4 eighteen pencils and two books 1.24
5 one computer and two school bags
Look at the pen! It’s new! The English alphabet has 26 letters.
1.21 It’s a pencil and a rubber too! The number of vowels is five: a, e, i, o
Look at the school bags! They’re cool! and u. People use picture alphabets
They are small computers for school! for fun. This is an alphabet with
What an amazing invention!
What a fantastic idea! Unit 2
Make your brain work for you,
And you can make inventions too! 1.29
book funny
Look at that chair! It’s fun!
pencil case friendly
It’s a very big chair and it can run!
rubber sporty
Look at that big board! It’s nice!
It can say every word you write! kind
Iggy the Inventor. Episode 1 - My quiet
What an amazing invention!
dad is an inventor! shy
What a fantastic idea!
Make your brain work for you, helpful
Ellie and Eddie are new students at
And you can make inventions too! 1.30
1 1.25 Zac
Ellie: Hello. I’m Ellie. Hello! It’s me, Zac. I’m funny and
Girl: What’s your name?
Eddie: I’m Eddie. friendly.
Boy: My name’s James.
Teacher: Nice to meet you, Ellie and My friends are in this photo.
Girl: What’s your surname?
Eddie. I’m Miss Blake. I’m a teacher. Ruby is shy and helpful.
Boy: My surname’s Winston.
Welcome. Jeff is quiet and clever!
Girl: How do you spell Winston?
2 Lisa is sporty and kind.
Boy: W – I – N – S – T – O – N.
Student: Wow! What a big pencil! What are you like?
Girl: How old are you?
Ellie: My dad is an inventor. Look at
Boy: I’m 10. 1.31
this! It’s a crazy pencil!
3 1.26 Listen to the sound of y in shy,
Eddie: And a big rubber! In my, buy, fly and why,
twenty thirty forty fifty sixty
4 Listen now to friendly, sporty, funny,
seventy eighty ninety a hundred
Student 1: It’s an amazing pencil case! They sound different – yes, that’s
Student 2: And a very small notebook! 1.27 funny!
Narrator: Now it’s time to go home … Teacher: OK, let’s check all the 1.32
6 numbers. What’s your locker
number, James? 1
Student 1: It’s a big orange car! Girl: What is 14 + 5 + 30 + 19 + 46?
Student 2: Your dad is a genius! It’s James: It’s 58.
Teacher: OK, 58 for James. Now, Boy: Hmm, It’s 114.
amazing! 2
7 Alice, what’s your locker number?
Alice: It’s 92. Girl: Hi! Hello! How are you? It’s great
Iggy: Oh no! to see you!
Ellie and Eddie: Be careful! Teacher: Right, that’s Alice – 92. One
more person – Ryan. What’s your 3
8 Boy: My name’s Toby. I’m ten years
Iggy: It’s a bad invention. locker number?
Ryan: It’s 81. old. I’m a student.
Ellie: Yes, Dad. It’s a very, very bad 4
invention. Teacher: Thank you – that’s Ryan, 81.
That’s it. Thanks, everyone. Girl: Happy birthday! This is for you!
1.28 Boy: Oh .. …hello … my … er … my
1 name’s Jack …
Look at this! It’s a big green rubber! Chinese
2 There are no letters in Chinese!
Boy: I love basketball and tennis.
Look at this! It’s a small red notebook. Chinese people use over four
I run, swim and play sports
3 thousand symbols. Look at this
Look at this! It’s a beautiful orange photo. It’s a school in China. The
chair. symbols mean school. Chinese is
Girl: Oh, no, look! My pet cat is in my
4 beautiful, but it’s very difficult to
bag! Why? Oh no. My cat’s at school!
Look at this! It’s a big purple computer. read.
8 6 2
Boy: Can I help? Can I take your bag? Iggy: Help! More special prices at English
Oh! It’s very heavy. No, no, that’s OK. Ellie: Are you OK? Mart! Boards for the classroom
Woman: Oh, thank you. Thank you Iggy: No, I’m not. Open it, please! are 25 pounds, and our very big
so much. Eddie: Yes, Dad. noticeboards are 30 pounds.
7 That’s 25 pounds for a board for
Ellie: Dad, your inventions are the classroom …. and a very big
1 Be friendly. 2 Look shy. 3 Do dangerous. It’s time to make a safe noticeboard for 30 pounds.
something helpful. 4 Be quiet. 5 Do invention. 3
something sporty. 6 Do something Iggy: Yes, I know. But it’s difficult... More fantastic prices at English Mart.
funny. 7 Do something kind. Notebooks are a special price today.
1.39 They are 1 pound 50 pence. Yes,
1.34 1 pound 50 pence for a notebook.
Teacher: What’s your name?
English Mart for great prices!
Zac Jeff: I’m Jeff.
My name’s Zac, and you’re on my new Teacher: And what’s your surname?
school blog page. I’m 10 years old. I’m Jeff: My surname’s Shipton.
Unit 3
friendly and funny, but I’m not quiet. Teacher: Who is he?
Lisa, Jeff and Ruby are students in Jeff: He’s Zac. His surname is Masters. 1.44
my class. We’re friends. Lisa’s 10. Teacher: Thank you. And who is she? hairbrush
She’s sporty and kind. Jeff isn’t 10. Jeff: She’s Ruby Wright. comb
He’s 9 and he’s quiet and clever. Teacher: Thanks. And the last one – wallet
Ruby is 9 too. She’s shy and helpful. who’s she? purse
Jeff and Ruby aren’t sporty. Jeff: She’s Lisa. Her surname’s Green. keys
Teacher: Good. That’s all. Thank you. smartphone
1.35 tissues
ruler sharpener crayon sticky tape 1.40 headphones
noticeboard felt-tip pen gel pen glue Girl: Hi. I’m Julia. What’s your name? charger
stick Boy: My name’s David. Nice to meet umbrella
you. memory sticks
1.36 Girl: Where are you from? remote
The felt-tip pen is 70 pence. Boy: I’m from Argentina.
The ruler is 20 pence. Girl: Oh, that’s cool! Come and play
with my friends. Oh no! Where’s my comb?
The crayon is 30 pence.
Boy: Sure! Where are my headphones?
The sticky tape is 90 pence.
Where’s my smartphone?
The sharpener is 1 pound.
1.41 I know! They’re at home.
The notice board is 7 pounds fifty.
The glue stick is 2 pounds. Argentina England France Italy 1.46
The gel pen is 3 pounds. Poland Spain Germany the United
States of America (the USA)
1.37 Boy: Is that thing a purse?
1.42 Girl: No, I don’t think it is a purse.
a felt-tip pen, a gel pen, a ruler, Boy: Oh, I know. It’s a wallet.
sticky tape, a sharpener, a glue stick Flags of the world Girl: Oh, yes, that’s right. It’s a wallet.
Red, white and blue are popular 2
1.38 colours for flags. The flags of the Boy: What‘s that red thing?
Iggy the Inventor: Episode 2 – Your United States of America (the USA), Girl: Er … I think it’s a hairbrush.
inventions are dangerous! the United Kingdom (the UK), and Boy: A hairbrush? But ….
Professor Iggy is an inventor … but France are all red, white and blue. Girl: Yes … look … you can brush your
his inventions are a problem for his Other popular colours are black, hair with it.
family. yellow and green. The flag of Boy: Oh, yes.
1 Germany is black, red and yellow. The 3
Iggy: Hello, Ellie. Hello, Eddie. flag of Italy is red, white and green. Girl: What’s that?
Ellie, Eddie: Hi Dad! Some flags have symbols. The blue Boy: What? The white thing or the
2 and white flag of Argentina has a black thing?
Ellie: Hey, what are they? yellow sun on it. The red and yellow Girl: The white thing.
Iggy: They’re felt-tip pens with LEDs. flag of Spain has a royal symbol on it. Boy: It’s a charger.
3 Girl: Oh, I see. Yes.
Eddie: Are they rulers? Units 1-2 Let's check 4
Iggy: No, they aren’t. They’re crayons. Girl: What are they?
4 Boy: Oh … what’s the word … they’re
Iggy: Look! for the television. You can change
1 the channel...
Ellie: Is it a new invention?
Special prices today at English Mart. Girl: Ah! Remotes?
Iggy: Yes, it is.
Today, desks are a very special price Boy: Yes - they’re remotes.
– a desk is 15 pounds. Yes, 15 pounds! Girl: But most remotes are black, not
Eddie: What is it?
Chairs are a special price too – chairs white.
Iggy: It’s a computer!
are 10 pounds. Fantastic prices! Boy: True, but these are white
Eddie: Wow! That’s incredible!
5 1.51 Imogen: No, that T-shirt is 10 pounds.
Boy What are they? That’s a lot of money.
Point to Iggy’s trousers.
Girl I think they’re chargers. Eddie: But …
Boy No, they aren’t chargers. Point to Iggy’s sweater.
Imogen: We can’t buy that T-shirt
Girl I know! They’re memory sticks. Point to Imogen’s dress.
for 10 pounds. We can buy this
Boy Oh, yes, you’re right. Point to Eddie’s shirt.
T-shirt for 2 pounds.
Point to Ellie’s trainers.
Eddie: Aw, Mum ….
1.47 Point to Imogen’s shoes.
hairbrush hairbrush Point to Eddie’s shorts. 1.54
comb Point to Iggy’s shirt.
Woman 1 Good morning. How much
wallet wallet Point to Ellie’s skirt.
is this shirt?
purse Point to the scissors.
Woman 2 It’s 15 pounds.
keys keys Point to the hairbrush.
Woman 1 Here you are.
schoolbag schoolbag Woman 2 Thank you. Have a good
tissues 1.52
headphones headphones Iggy the Inventor: Episode 3 – Those
Woman 1 Thank you. Goodbye.
charger clothes are weird!
comb comb 1 1.55
umbrella umbrella Ellie: Dad … Those clothes are really
smartphone weird. Customer: Good afternoon. How
tissues tissues Iggy: They’re my latest inventions. much are these trainers?
memory stick memory stick This is a shirt, that’s a sweater, these Shop assistant: They’re 20 pounds.
remote remote are trousers and those are shoes. Customer: Here you are.
headphones 2 Shop assistant: Thank you. Have
purse purse Ellie: What’s that, dad? a good evening.
schoolbag Iggy: It’s a hairbrush. Customer: Thank you. Goodbye.
Eddie: What’s this? 1.56
It’s my sister with her two children. 2.07 5
They’re so cute! Imogen: I’m not a scarecrow! Your
The Smiths and their pets
Then it’s my grandmother and my robot hasn’t got a brain, Iggy.
My mother and my father have got
grandfather. My aunt and uncle are 6
a pet. Imogen: But now it has got a nice hat!
on the right, with my cousin Liam.
They’ve got a snake! It’s true! Robot: Help! What’s happening?
Oh, and there’s our dog too. He’s
My aunt and my uncle haven’t got 7
a snake. Iggy: What a disaster! Imogen isn’t
2.03 They’ve got a kangaroo. happy. Robots aren’t a good idea…
And they’ve got a bear, too!
This is my mother,
And that is my father, 2.08
These are my brother and my sister 1
length: short, long Iggy: This person has got long
type of hair: straight, wavy, curly straight black hair.
Who’s that on the phone?
colour: red, black, fair, grey Robot: OK …. OK …. OK … Got it!
Oh, hello – it’s you!
Look! Look!
Iggy: No, robot. That’s not right!
Let’s look at the two women in You’ve got a pair of black trousers.
picture 1. They’ve got grey hair, and 2
My grandmother’s name is Mary.
it’s long and wavy. Iggy: Let’s try again. This person has
She’s a kind person, and she is Let’s look at the two women in got short straight fair hair.
helpful too. She’s 76. picture 1. They’ve got grey hair, and Robot: OK … OK …. OK … Got it! Look!
Liam is my cousin. Liam’s 11 and he’s it’s long and wavy. Iggy: No, robot. That’s wrong. You’ve
very funny. got a yellow cap.
My sister’s name is Poppy. She’s 23 OK, let’s look at number 2. They’re 3
and she’s quiet and clever. nice girls. They’ve got long hair, and Iggy: OK, here we go again. This is
it’s curly and fair. an easy one. This person has got
OK, let’s look at number 2. They’re short, straight black hair.
How many people are there in your nice girls. They’ve got long hair, and Robot: OK … OK …. er … er … Got it!
family? it’s curly and fair. Iggy: No, robot. That’s completely
With your aunts, your uncles and wrong. That’s a black dog.
your cousins too? Next, the two boys in picture 3. Their 4
Or is your family a little bit small? hair is short, it’s straight and black. Iggy: OK. Let’s try something
Your mother and brother, that’s all? Next, the two boys in picture 3. Their different. This has got short,
hair is short, it’s straight and black. straight red hair.
Families of every size are special, Robot: Different … different …
Big and small and in-between too Number 4 – the girls. They’ve got very different … Got it!
And everyone in your family is curly hair, and it’s long and red too. Mark: No, robot. That’s wrong!
special Number 4 – the girls. They’ve got very That’s a red ball. They’re all wrong!
‘Cos you love them and they love you. curly hair, and it’s long and red too. Oh no, what a disaster!
family? long hair short hair curly hair 1 She’s got straight black hair.
With your grandmothers and great- straight hair brown hair red 2 My friend has got green shorts.
grandmothers too? hair wavy hair fair hair black hair 3G irl: Have you got fair hair?
Or is your family very, very small? grey hair Boy: No, I haven’t.
You, your father and yes, that’s all? 4G irl: Has your brother got a blue
2.11 jacket?
Families of every size are special, Iggy the Inventor: Episode 4 - A big Boy: No, he hasn’t.
Big and small and in-between too, mistake 5G irl: Has your sister got a purse?
And everyone in your family is 1 Boy: Yes, she has.
special Iggy: My new robot is very clever.
‘Cos you love them and they love you. Imogen: Has he got a brain?
Iggy: No, he hasn’t. He’s got a big Boy: Welcome to my house.
2.06 computer in his head. Girl: Thank you.
1 2 Boy: This is my mother.
brother great-grandfather aunt Iggy: Robot, I want you to find Girl: Hello, Mrs James. My name’s
2 Imogen. She’s my beautiful wife. Alice. How are you?
kangaroo snake dog She’s got short fair hair. Woman: I’m fine, thank you, Alice.
3 Robot: Has she got curly hair? And you?
memory stick charger smartphone Iggy: No, she hasn’t. Girl: I’m fine too.
tissues 3 Boy: Have a seat and help yourself
4 Robot: Has she got straight hair? to the sandwiches.
bear horse fish cat Iggy: Yes, she has. 1, 2, 3 … go! Girl: Thank you.
5 4
Robot: This is Imogen, your beautiful 2.15
great-grandmother uncle cousin
sister wife. She’s got short, straight fair Conrad: Welcome to my flat.
hair and... Tymon: Thank you.
Conrad: This is my father. Joe: I want to get some headphones Jeff: No, it’s not that, Zac.
Tymon: Hello, Mr James. My name’s too. Let’s go to the shopping centre Ruby: This picture!
Tymon. How are you? tomorrow and look for new ones. Jeff: Yes! One point for Ruby. That’s
Father: I’m fine, thank you, Tymon. Emma: OK. Good idea. three points for Ruby. Ruby, you’re
And you? the winner!
Tymon: I’m fine, too. Unit 5 2.23
Father: Have a seat and help
yourself to the cake. Jeff: Lisa, do you want to play Slap
Tymon: Thank you. 2.19
it! too?
swim Lisa: Oh, yes, thanks. It looks fun.
2.16 fly Jeff: OK, Lisa, you can play with me.
Factory robots ski And Zac, you can say the words.
There are more than 2 million robots climb trees Zac: Cool! Are you ready?
in factories around the world. These drive a car Jeff: Yes.
robots have got tell jokes Lisa: Yes … I think so.
arms and hands. They make cars, do skateboard tricks Zac: Right. One, two, three, go! Ride
computers and other things. speak English a bicycle.
Medical robots speak Chinese Lisa: That’s it!
Hospitals and doctors have got ride a bicycle Zac: One point for Lisa. Next one, ski.
robots too. Some robots do Jeff: This picture!
complicated medical operations. 2.20 Zac: Well done, Jeff. Next, speak
Some robots give you medicine. Sixty and six is sixty-six. English.
Space robots Let’s do skateboard tricks. Jeff: This picture!
Space robots have got cameras. It’s also fun to swim and ski. Zac: No, Jeff, that picture is speak
They send pictures from the planets. Let’s sing this rap with me. Chinese.
This is the Mars robot Lisa: Ha, I’ve got it! This picture is
Curiosity – and the photo is a selfie! 2.21 speak English!
And in the future … 1 Zac: Yes! One point for Lisa. Next, fly.
It’s six o’clock in the morning. You [sound: speak English] Lisa: That’s it!
are in your bed. Listen! It’s a robot at Zac: One point for Lisa. Lisa is the
the door. It’s got your breakfast, and winner!
[sound: skateboard]
your robot car is in the street. Soon, Jeff: Well done, Lisa! It’s my game,
you’re at school. Perhaps the teacher but you’re the winner!
[sound: ride a bike]
is a robot too? Lisa: It’s fun, Jeff. Great game!
[sound: swim]
Units 3-4 Let's check 5
[sound: climb trees]
2.17 [sound: skateboard]
6 [sound: ride a bike]
1 Girl: This is my father. [sound: tell jokes] 2
2 Boy: How much is this T-shirt? 7 [sound: fly]
3 Girl: Have a seat and help yourself [sound: fly] [sound: drive a car]
to the sandwiches. 8 3
4 Boy: How are you? [sound: ski] [sound: ski]
5 Girl: How much are these trainers? 9 [sound: speak English]
6 Man: Have a good day. [sound: drive a car] 4
[sound: swim]
2.18 2.22
[sound: climb trees]
Joe: Hey, I like your smartphone. Jeff: Hey, this is my new game. [sound: tell jokes]
Emma: Yes, it’s great. It’s new. You’ve It’s called ‘Slap it’. Look at these
got a nice smartphone too. pictures. I say an activity, you find 2.25
Joe: Yes, it’s fine. But I haven’t got it on a card, and you slap it with Amazing animals!
the charger for it. these fly swatters. This monkey can shout very loudly.
Emma: Oh no! Where is it? Zac: Hey that’s fun! You can hear it from six kilometres!
Joe: I don’t know. I need to get a new Jeff: So let’s start! You slap the card All fish can swim, but this fish can
one. first, you get a point. Three points walk too. It can’t walk fast.
Emma: Oh, Joe, have you got a and you win. Are you ready? This snake can swim very well. It’s
memory stick? I want to copy Ruby: Yes, we are! a dangerous snake!
these photos. Jeff: OK, listen! Drive a car. These birds can dance. They move
Joe: Sure. It’s in my bag. Here you are. Zac: This picture! their blue feet at the same time, but
Emma: Thanks. Oh, no. My Jeff: One point for Zac! Next, swim. they can’t dance quickly.
notebook is dirty. Ruby: This picture!
Joe: Do you want a tissue? I’ve got Jeff: One point for Ruby. Next, climb 2.26
Boy: I think so, look. There are some 2.42 2.44
biscuits and some cheese.
Iggy the Inventor: Episode 6 - It’s There are some apples in this
Woman: Great!
a smoothie! smoothie.
Boy: And there is a lot of ice-cream,
1 This smoothie is for you.
Iggy: My cooking machine is ready! There isn’t any cream – that’s great.
It can cook food. Let’s cook But there aren’t any vegetables.
Man: Have we got all the food on
a meal. We can start with fish. Stop! wait!
the list?
Ellie: There isn’t any fish. Let’s add cabbage and carrots too!
Girl: Er … yes. There is some cheese.
Iggy: Oh. OK, let’s cook a sausage.
There are some biscuits too … oh,
Ellie: There isn’t a sausage. A smoothie with vegetables
and there are some sausages.
2 Is good for you!
Man: What about strawberries? We
Iggy: A lemon. Any potatoes? It tastes great!
need strawberries too.
Ellie: There aren’t any potatoes. And it’s healthy too!
Girl: Oh, yes. There are some
There’s some meat, there’s
strawberries too.
a pineapple and there are There are some grapes in this
Man: That’s good.
some lemons. smoothie.
Iggy: No problem! This smoothie is for you.
Girl: Have we got all the food on the
3 There isn’t any sugar – that’s great.
Iggy: Here it is! Oh …. But there aren’t any vegetables.
Boy: Let’s check. There are some
Ellie: Dad, it isn’t a meal. It’s Stop! wait!
strawberries, some biscuits ...
a smoothie. A meat, lemon and Let’s add lettuce and tomatoes too!
Girl: Biscuits?
pineapple smoothie. Yuck!
Boy: Sorry, no biscuits. It’s a cake.
4 A smoothie with vegetables
And there are some sausages, too.
Iggy: Let’s try again. Let’s make Is good for you!
Girl: That’s everything! Let’s go
a tasty smoothie. There’s It tastes great!
some lettuce ... And it’s healthy too!
Ellie: And some grapes.
Man: Have we got all the food on 2.45
the list?
Iggy: This is a grape and lettuce Woman: Can I have a tomato and
Girl: There’s some pasta. I can make
smoothie! cucumber salad, please?
a pasta dish. And there are some
6 Man: I’m sorry, there isn’t any
Ellie: Dad … it’s good… but it’s not tomato and cucumber salad.
Man: What about cheese and
quite right … Woman: Oh. Can I have a red pepper
biscuits for mum?
Iggy: I think I know how to make the and carrot salad?
Girl: Yes, there is some tasty cheese
perfect smoothie! Man: Yes, of course. Eat in or take
and some biscuits too.
Woman: Take out, please.
Ellie: Let’s make another smoothie. Man: Here you are. That’s £4.50,
Eddie: Look, there’s some ham! please.
Iggy: No, ham isn’t a good idea for Woman: Thank you.
a smoothie. Is there any bread?
chicken 2.46
Ellie: Bread? No, there isn’t any
bread. tomato
Iggy: Oh. No problem. Is there any cucumber
jam? red pepper
Ellie: Yes, there is. carrot
Iggy: Great! Let’s put some jam in. cabbage
Are there any strawberries? onion
Ellie: Yes, there are. bean
Iggy: Let’s put the strawberries in beetroot
2.41 too. And grapes, are there any
grapes? 2.47
Ellie: No, there aren’t any. England
Eddie: Dad, there’s some bacon here. In England, one of the favourite
Iggy: No, we don’t want bacon in the foods is curry from India! Tea is the
smoothie. favourite drink, and that’s from India
Eddie: Oh, please, let’s try bacon … too. In England, people drink tea
Iggy: Well, OK … let’s put it in the with milk.
Iggy: … and start it … Argentina
Iggy: and here’s the smoothie. In Argentina, people eat a lot of
Eddie: I want some! Please! beef. Mate tea is a favourite drink in
Ellie: Yes, me too, please. Argentina. Mate tea is from a south
meat mushroom
Iggy: OK, let’s try it. American plant called yerba mate.
Iggy: Oh dear. What a disaster. People drink a lot of coffee too.
The USA Make a robot, now! 3.08
Hamburgers, pizzas, chips and soft Take a photo, wow!
have lunch
drinks are popular in the USA and all
3.04 get up
over the world. But there’s a problem
have a shower
because this food isn’t healthy. Jeff: I take photos every day.
go to bed
Lisa: Every day? That’s a lot of
Japan get dressed
In Japan the food is very healthy. have dinner
Jeff: Yes, and I post them all on my
Fish, salad and rice are all favourites. brush your teeth
Green tea is a favourite drink. have breakfast
Lisa: I chat on my mobile every day.
go to school
I chat with Zac and Ruby. We talk
Units 5-6 Let's check about films and books. 3.09
Jeff: Another thing, I do judo on
Wednesday and Friday. Iggy the Inventor: Episode 7 -
A brilliant idea!
Lisa: I do karate, on Tuesday. What
Listen to me, please. There are rules about your computer? 1
at the camp. Jeff: I download apps on Saturday Eddie: That’s my Dad. He’s an
In the morning, you can rollerblade and Sunday. I love apps! And, of inventor. He doesn’t work in
and do skateboard tricks, but please course, I do homework every day – an office. He works at home.
be careful. You can’t climb the trees on my computer. Simon: Does he work in the evening?
because it’s dangerous. Lisa: Yes, me too, I do homework Eddie: Yes, he does.
In the afternoon it’s time for sports. every day. Too much homework! 2
You can play volleyball, you can do Simon: Does he make good
karate and you can do judo, but you 3.05 inventions?
can’t swim. So please don’t go to the Eddie: No, he doesn’t. His inventions
play ...
area of the swimming pool. are ...
download ...
In the evening, please try to be quiet. Iggy: Boys, come and see my new
hang out …
There’s a piano in the camp house invention!
post ...
but you can’t play it. But you can read 3
do ...
and you can play chess if you like. Iggy: This is The SmoothieMax!
go to ...
So, those are the rules. They’re very Eddie: Wow! Does it make smoothies?
clear, I think, but perhaps you’ve got go …
chat .… Iggy: Yes, it does. Look! I put the
some questions. So, are there any vegetables and fruit in here, then
questions? … watch …
take … I start the machine …
Unit 7 3.06 Iggy: Oh no! Sorry! Oh, what
Boy 1: Hi there! How are you? a disaster …
Boy 2: Hi, I’m fine thanks but I’ve got Eddie: This is for you.
go to my dance class a lot of homework. Simon: But I don’t like fruit. I don’t
play volleyball Boy 1: Oh, homework. I do like vegetables.
go out homework every day, even on 6
do exercise Sunday. Simon: Wait a minute! I like this
chat on my mobile Boy 2: Yes, I do homework on smoothie!
watch TV Sunday too …but it’s Saturday. Eddie: I love it!
hang out with my friends Boy 1: Do you go out on Saturday? Iggy: Imogen! Ellie! Come here! They
post comments Boy 2: Yes, I do. I hang out with my like my new invention! Eddie likes
download music friends. Do you go out with your the smoothie! Simon likes the
take photos friends on Saturday too? smoothie too!
Boy 1: Yes, I do. We go to free English 7
3.02 Imogen: It’s delicious. And it’s
classes. Look at this photo!
Ruby Boy 2: Wow! healthy!
On Monday, I do exercise. Tuesday, Simon: I can’t believe that I love
is a sports day - I play volleyball. On 3.07 vegetables!
Wednesday, I go to my dance class. get up Ellie: Dad, you’re a genius!
On Thursday, I post comments on have a shower
the Internet. On Friday, I download 3.10
get dressed
music. On Saturday, I hang out with brush your teeth Reporter: Hello. My name’s Robby
my friends. Then, on Sunday, I’m at go to school Green from Brainy News. Can I ask
home. I watch TV with my family in go to bed you some questions?
the evening. Of course, I take photos go home Iggy: Yes, but ask the questions
every day. It’s my hobby! have breakfast quickly, please. I’ve got a lot of work.
have lunch Reporter: No problem. Mr Iggy,
3.03 children say your smoothies are
have dinner
What’s your name? in the morning fantastic.
Let’s play a game. in the afternoon Iggy: They are my children’s friends.
Can you make in the evening They come to our house. They like
a tasty cake? at night my smoothies.
Reporter: And this machine … this Nepal 3.18
is The SmoothieMax … it’s an Perhaps going to school on the river
incredible machine. sounds nice. Not for these students
Boy: I want to fight a dinosaur.
Iggy: Thank you. at a school in Nepal. Girl: No, I don’t want to fight
Reporter: Do you make a lot of There are twenty students in a little a dinosaur. I want to look for
inventions? canoe. brainyballs.
Iggy: Yes, I do, but they aren’t good.
The SmoothieMax is different! It’s Unit 8 Girl: I want to find treasure!
a good invention!
Boy: Me too! I want to find treasure
Reporter: Does it make fruit
3.14 too!
Iggy: Yes, of course. And it makes buy tickets win prizes fight
Boy: Magic tricks! Wow. I want to
smoothies with vegetables too. a dinosaur dive into a crocodile
learn magic tricks.
Reporter: And do your children like lake find treasure look for
Girl: I hate magic tricks! I want to
your smoothies? brainyballs visit spooky castle learn
dive into a crocodile lake.
Iggy: Yes, they do! And my wife likes magic tricks
3.15 Girl: Look at those games! And look
Reporter: Can I have a smoothie?
at the prizes! I want to win prizes!
Iggy: No, not now. I’m sorry. But you Welcome to Brainy Park! Please buy Boy: I don’t want to win prizes.
can have a smoothie on Saturday. tickets first. Then you can choose I want to visit Spooky castle.
Reporter: On Saturday? where to go. You can dive into
Iggy: Yes! Come and see The a crocodile lake, or you can fight 3.19
SmoothieMax in the Main Square. a dinosaur! Do you like puzzles? You
I want everyone to come! I want Ruby: Hi Mum! Brainy Park is great!
can find King Arthur’s treasure or Zac’s fighting a dinosaur now, Jeff
everyone to have my smoothies! you can look for brainyballs. You can
Saturday is smoothie day! and Lisa are visiting
also visit Spooky Castle. But it’s not Spooky Castle, and I’m ... guess!
3.11 all virtual reality here. You can learn Mum: You’re looking for brainyballs!
magic tricks … and you can win real Ruby: No, Mum. I’m not looking for
a prizes! brainyballs now. I’m learning magic
Girl 1: What time is it?
tricks. Bye!
Girl 2: It’s eight o’clock. It’s time to 3.16
get up! 3.20
What’s the time? I don’t know.
Girl 1: Am I late?
Let’s fight a dinosaur! Let’s go! 1
Girl 2: Yes, you are. Hurry up!
Find the treasure, ride and fly. Boy: Two tickets for Spooky Castle,
Climb and dive, but don’t be shy! please. For me and my sister. Thank
Girl: Excuse me, what time is it?
you. How much are they? Oh, ok …
Woman: It’s one o’clock. It’s time to 3.17 here you are. Thank you.
have lunch.
Dad: OK, we’re here at last. So, Jeff, 2
Girl: Are we late?
what do you want to do? Girl: Look! This is a little toy dinosaur.
Woman: No, you aren’t. Take your
Jeff: Wow! There’s so much to do, I’m putting this little dinosaur into
look! You can fight a dinosaur. Oh the box. It’s in the box. … I’m closing
3.12 yes, I want to do that! it, abracadabra, and now I’m opening
Dad: It isn’t a real dinosaur. It’s the box. Where’s the dinosaur?
1 It’s ten o’clock.
a virtual dinosaur. 3
2 It’s quarter past ten.
Jeff: Yes, I know! But I want to do it. Girl 1: Come on… be careful! Don’t
3 It’s twenty past ten.
Dad: OK. And …? What about this, walk into the lake. There are
4 It’s half past ten.
you can dive into a crocodile lake? crocodiles. Look! I can see it!
5 It’s twenty to eleven.
Jeff: No way! I hate crocodiles! Girl 2: Yes, that’s right! This is it!
6 It’s quarter to eleven.
Dad: OK. So … look, you can find Girl 1: Let’s open it!
3.13 Girl 2: Oh, wow!
treasure. You like puzzles …
Dangerous journeys to school Jeff: Yes, that sounds great.
Boy: Oh, there’s one. I can touch it! …
How do you get to school? Do you Dad: Look at this one too. You can
Yes, that’s one more point! They’re
walk, go by car, or by bus? You’re visit Spooky Castle. I think that’s
flying fast, but I’m getting a lot of
lucky! fun.
points. That’s eight points! And
Jeff: Not really, Dad. What other that means – oh, there’s another ….
China ones are there? one more point!
Children at this school in China go Dad: Let’s see … You can look for 5
up and down these ladders. The first brainyballs … and you can win Girl: Aaagh! … It’s really scary! Oh,
time it is very scary, but soon they prizes! no …. There’s a spider … Are you
are good at it. Jeff: Great! Let’s do that! scared? … No? Oh… a ghost … more
Dad: OK. Is that everything? spiders … Aaagh!
Indonesia Jeff: No, look, this is perfect. You can
This bridge in Indonesia isn’t for learn magic tricks. That’s exactly 3.21
people. It’s a bridge for water what I want to do! main square cinema supermarket
called an aqueduct. It’s old and it’s Dad: OK, that’s a lot of things to do. museum car park train station
dangerous. Children ride their bikes Jeff: Great. I want to go and buy the café school shopping centre
on it when they go to school. tickets! Let’s go! bus stop
3.22 1 Are you diving?
Iggy: Get a move on, you two! Are you doing anything?
Girl: I’m standing in the main square.
Ellie: Where are we going? Yes, I am. I’m writing songs.
There’s a car park, I can see the
Iggy: We’re going to the main square. Songs to change everything.
Boy: The cinema’s a good place for 2 Use your brain, use it well
brainyballs. Eddie: Are you looking for your Train your brain, (and) keep fit.
Girl: OK, I’m walking to the cinema … tablet? Be brainy on your own,
oh, there’s a brainyball … it’s Iggy: No, I’m not. Be brainy with your friends.
watching the film! I’m touching it. Ellie: Are you looking for your
phone? 3.27
That’s one point!
Boy: Try the supermarket next. Iggy: Yes, I am. Hello, my name is Nick … or Mike
Girl: OK … now I’m in the supermarket Ellie: I’ve got your phone. … Listen carefully and you can find
… there are two brainyballs! They’re 3 the first letter of my name on the
fighting … no, they’re playing. Three Imogen: Look at all the people! They map. Let’s start at the café. Now,
points! What’s next? I can see the all want your smoothies! I’m walking to the car park. Now I’m
museum… I’m walking into the 4 walking again. I’m at the shopping
museum … oh, there’s a brainyball! Man: What is he doing? centre. I’m looking at the cinema, but
It’s sitting on a chair! Four points! Woman: He’s putting vegetables in I’m not going there. I’m going to the
Boy: The car park is next. Don’t go the SmoothieMax. The children are train station. I’m at the train station.
there. giving smoothies to everyone. Now I’m walking to the bus stop.
Girl: OK. I can see a train station. 6 Can you guess my name? Am I Nick
Boy: No, don’t go there. Try the café. Iggy: Can we buy a SmoothieMax for or Mike?
Girl: OK … No, there’s nothing in the our café?
café. We want 50 SmoothieMax 3.28
Boy: Try the school. Hurry up! We machines for our supermarkets! Boy: Excuse me. I’m looking for the
haven’t got a lot of time. Our school needs a SmoothieMax! shopping centre.
Girl: OK, I’m in the school. Oh, yes, People are texting me! Man: Go straight on, then turn left,
there are two brainyballs here! Oh, 7 then turn right.
look … they’re learning English. Imogen: Your smoothies are a big Boy: Thank you.
How cute! Six points! success, Iggy! Man: You’re welcome.
Boy: The shopping centre’s next. Eddie: The SmoothieMax is a great
That’s a good place. invention! 3.29
Girl: OK, I’m running into the Ellie: And you are a great inventor! Turn left, go straight on, turn right.
shopping centre … it isn’t big … Iggy: Thank you, everyone! I’m on Turn left, turn right, turn left, turn
ah, there’s a brainyball here! It’s top of the world! right, go straight on.
jumping. Seven points. Turn left, left, left, turn right, right,
Boy: Great! The bus stop’s next. 3.25
right, go straight on, turn left, left,
Don’t go there. 1 right, right, right, and left!
Girl: The bus stop … you’re right, Ellie: Hi Mum! I’m buying tickets for
there aren’t any brainyballs here … a film this afternoon. 3.30
no, wait, there’s one … it’s driving Imogen: OK! 1
a bus! Eight points! 2 Girl: Excuse me. I’m looking for the
Boy: Brilliant! Imogen: Ellie, what are you doing cinema.
Girl: Oh… I’m back at the cinema now? Man: Go straight on, then turn right.
again. OK, I’m leaving the main Ellie: I’m having lunch with my Girl: Thank you.
square now … what’s next? friends. Man: You’re welcome.
3.23 3 2
Imogen: Ellie, are you walking home Boy: Excuse me. I’m looking for the
1 I’m buying vegetables and meat. now? bus stop.
2 I’m running for the train! Ellie: No, I’m waiting for the bus. Woman: Go straight on, then turn
3 I’m buying some new trousers. 4 right, then turn left.
4 I’m watching a film. Imogen: Ellie, where are you? Are Boy: Thank you.
5 I’m looking for a bus to London. you waiting for the bus? Woman: You’re welcome.
6 I’m walking to my car. Ellie: No, I’m not. I’m at the door.
7 I’m drinking coffee. 3.31
8 I’m looking at very old things … this 3.26
Popular squares
picture is 400 years old. Is she reading?
9 I ’m learning Polish! The teacher is Is she sleeping? Federation Square, Melbourne,
very good. I love this class. Is she doing anything? Australia
10 I ’m walking in a big open place. Yes, she is. She’s writing stories. We’re in a new square. This is
There are big buildings and trees. Stories to change everything. Federation Square in Melbourne,
3.24 Use your brain, use it well Australia. It’s about twenty years old.
Train your brain, (and) keep fit. There are restaurants and cafés, and
Iggy the Inventor: Episode 8 – Be brainy on your own, there’s a theatre too.
Success! Be brainy with your friends. Tourists like the green glass on a lot
Free Smoothies in the main square Are you swimming? of the buildings.
on Saturday!
Trafalgar Square, London, England 5 I'm really tired. I can't watch 4 hot cross bun: H-O-T C-R-O-S-S
This is Trafalgar Square in London, television at night. Look, its half B-U-N
England. There is Nelson’s column past eleven! It's very late. I'm going 5 lamb: L-A-M-B
in the middle. Can you guess what’s to my room. Goodnight! 6 Easter bunny: B-U-N-N-Y
on the top? There is a big fountain in 7 catkins: C-A-T-K-I-N-S
the square and there’s the National Christmas 8 Easter eggs: E-G-G-S
Gallery too. There are a lot of beautiful
pictures in the National Gallery. 3.38
Times Square, New York, the USA 1 Christmas stocking: S-T-O-C-K-I-N-G My favourite Easter tradition is the
We’re in Times Square in New York, 2 Sleigh: S-L-E-I-G-H Easter egg hunt. We look for Easter
in the USA. People are walking in 3 Candy cane: C-A-N-D-Y C-A-N-E eggs in the garden or the house.
the square because there aren’t any 4 Reindeer: R-E-I-N-D-E-E-R I always find more eggs than my
cars. They’re going to the cinemas, 5 Christmas cracker: C-R-A-C-K-E-R sister!
theatres, or they’re having dinner in 6 Christmas tree: T-R-E-E 2
cafés and restaurants. My favourite Easter tradition is egg
rolling. It’s a game where we take
3.32 Santa funny facts eggs to the top of a hill and then roll
1 1 Santa puts presents under Christmas them down the hill. The first egg to
I can’t choose. The theatre, or the trees and in Christmas stockings in get down the hill is the winner.
cinema, or a restaurant … Maybe the about 254 million houses. 3
cinema? I can see lots of cinemas - 2 Santa’s sleigh full of very small My favourite Easter tradition is
let’s check the films. presents weighs 500, 000 tons. going to church with an Easter
2 3 Every Christmas, Santa’s reindeers basket. Lots of people bring their
Oh look at that building – I really travel for 36 hours. own decorated baskets to get them
want to go there. They’ve got some 4 Santa eats 33,000 tons of sugar blessed by the priest.
very famous paintings. Can we go in candy canes hanging on the 4
now? Christmas trees. My favourite Easter tradition is
3 5 A typical Christmas cracker is about preparing my Easter basket with
These new buildings are beautiful. I 20 centimetres long. Easter eggs, sausage, salt and
love this green glass – let’s sit down pepper and a chocolate bunny or
and have a coffee. Then we can get sugar lamb.
the train at 3 o’clock. 1 5
4 On Christmas Eve, we decorate My favourite Easter tradition is Wet
You want to take a photo of me? the Christmas tree with Christmas Monday when we pour water on
Here, with the fountain? Or with the baubles, angels and candy canes. We each other! Everybody in my family
column? No, there are people sitting also put Christmas stockings full of gets wet. Hope that this year it’s
there … so, in front of the fountain. small presents over the fireplace. The warm and sunny!
children then open all their presents
Units 7-8 Let's check on Christmas Day morning. At
Christmas dinner, we eat Christmas
pudding and turkey. We also pull
Christmas crackers and have lots of
1 Look at that boat, it's fantastic! fun!
It's flying to the tree. Where's my
camera? Ah, here it is. Look, it's 2
flying to the house now. Hey, look In my house, we decorate the
at these, they're brilliant! Christmas tree with Christmas
2 I love that song! How much is it? baubles and angels. The children
One pound? That's good. All his wait for the first star to shine in
songs are here, fantastic! Let's buy the sky on Christmas Eve and then
the whole album. Hey, the Internet they run to open their presents.
is really fast here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... During our Christmas Eve supper,
And I've got all the songs on my we don’t eat any meat - we eat fish
computer now! and other things. We leave an empty
3 What? What are you saying? What? chair at the table for an unexpected
What time is it? Nine o'clock?! Oh guest. We share a wafer and wish
no, I'm late! Where are my school everybody ‘Merry Christmas’!
clothes, and my schoolbag? I
haven't got time for breakfast, I've Easter
got to get a move on!
4 Good morning everyone, can I
have some bread and jam? I'm so
hungry. Thanks! Are you making 1 chick: C-H-I-C-K
tea? That's good, I like tea in the 2 salt and pepper: S-A-L-T and P-E-
morning. Can I have some tea, P-P-E-R
please? Thank you! 3 Easter basket: B-A-S-K-E-T
Student’s Book Answer key
p15 ex 5 ex 2
ex 1 1 - 2 an 3 an 4 a big chair 5 small 1 70p, 2 20p, 3 30p 4 90p 5 £1
Student’s own answers red pens 6 £7.50 7 £2 8 £3
ex 2 ex 6 ex 3
1 What’s your name? 2 What’s 1 They are/’re 2 It is/’s 3 You are/’re Student’s own answers
your surname? 3 How do you spell 4 I am/’m 5 We are /’re ex 4
Winston? 4 How old are you? 1 d, 2 b, 3 f, 4 a, 5 e; nie pasuje
ex 3 p18 zestaw c
sixty-seven, fifty-five ex 1 ex 5
ex 4 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers
1a 2c 3b ex 2 ex 6
ex 5 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers
Student’s own answers
p19 p24
p16 ex 1 Useful:
ex 1 Student’s own answers It’s time to … – używamy, gdy
Chinese ex 2 jesteśmy zniecierpliwieni i chcemy,
ex 2 Student’s own answers aby ktoś coś w końcu zrobił.
1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True That’s incredible! – używamy, gdy
5 False Unit 2 jesteśmy czymś zachwyceni i chcemy
to komuś powiedzieć.
ex 3
2 p20 ex 1
Life skills: learning ex 1 No.
Na kartce jest tort i balon. Na tej Student’s own answers ex 2
podstawie możemy domyślić się, ex 2 1 True 2 False 3 True 4 False
że to kartka urodzinowa i że napis Zac is funny and friendly. Ruby is shy Life skills: Criticism and failure
oznacza ‘Wszystkiego najlepszego and helpful. Jeff is quiet and clever. By poczuć się lepiej, Iggy może
z okazji urodzin’ (Happy Birthday). Lisa is sporty and kind. spróbować zrozumieć, że nie można
To oznacza, że do odgadnięcia ex 3 ciągle odnosić sukcesów, popełnianie
znaczenia słów lub całego tekstu Student’s own answers błędów jest nieodłącznym
możemy wykorzystać kontekst: elementem procesu uczenia się;
fragment tekstu lub zdjęcie/obrazek. p21 może zastanowić się, co zrobił źle
ex 4 ex 4 i jak może ten błąd naprawić.
1 shy, sporty 2 helpful 3 funny,
English Polish p25
friendly, sporty, shy 4 clever, quiet
number of 26 32
ex 3
ex 5
letters 1 Yes, he is. 2 No, they aren’t. 3 Yes,
Student’s own answers
they are. 4 No, you aren’t. 5 Yes,
number of 5 8 ex 6 you are. 6 No, I’m not. 7 Yes, I am.
vowels 1 clever 2 friendly 3 quiet 4 kind
ex 4
5 shy 6 sporty 7 funny 8 helpful
Is it difficult Student’s Student’s 1 is; Is Lisa a student? Yes, she is.
to learn? own own ex 7 2 aren’t; Are Eddie and Ellie teachers?
answers answers Student’s own answers No, they aren’t.
ex 8 3 are; Are you a student? Yes, I am.
ex 5 Student’s own answers 4 isn’t; Is it a noticeboard? No, it isn’t.
Student’s own answers 5 are; Are they sticky tapes? Yes, they
p22 are.
p17 ex 1 ex 5
Vocabulary & Speaking 1 True 2 False 3 True 4 True Jeff Shipton, Zac Masters, Ruby
ex 1 5 False 6 True Wright, Lisa Green
1 desk 2 chair 3 board 4 schoolbag ex 2 ex 6
5 notebook 6 pencil case 1 am 2 am not 3 are 4 are not Student’s own answers
ex 2 5 are 6 are not 7 is 8 is not
1 eighteen red pens 2 forty-two ex 3 p26
yellow books 3 thirty black schoolbags 1’m 2 ‘m not 3 ‘re 4 aren’t 5 ‘re ex 1
4 a hundred pink rubbers 6 aren’t 7 ‘s 8 isn’t Joe, 12
ex 3 ex 4 Ex 2
1 What’s your name? 2 What’s Student’s own answers 1 sticky tape £2
your surname? 3 How do you spell ex 5 2 glue stick 70p
Edwards? 4 How old are you? Student’s own answers 3 ruler 20p
5 What is your locker number? Ex 3
Grammar p23 r u l r (letter e is missing)
ex 4 ex 1
1 am/’m 2 are 3 is/’s 4 are/’re 1 felt-tip pen 2 ruler 3 crayon
5 are/’re 4 sticky tape 5 sharpener
6 noticeboard 7 glue stick 8 gel pen
ex 4 ex 3 Units 1-2 Let’s check
(page 20) Zac and Lisa are 10. Jeff Student’s own answers
and Ruby are 9. Zac is friendly and ex 4 ex 1
funny. Ruby is shy and helpful. Jeff 1 white, red 2 red, white, green 1 case 2 pen 3 stick 4 tape
is clever and quiet. Lisa is sporty and 3 white, blue 4 blue, red, white
ex 2
kind. They are friends. ex 5 1 sharpener 2 noticeboard 3 crayon
ex 5 Student’s own answers 4 ruler 5 desk
START >>>>> Is she sporty? Life skills: Sources of information ex 3
Yes, she is. >>>>> Who is he? Student’s own answers. eighteen, forty-nine, fifty-one,
He’s Jeff. >>>>> What is it? Nie każda informacja jest prawdziwa seventy-six, a/one hundred
It’s a sharpener. >>>>> How much is (zwłaszcza informacje znalezione
ex 4
the sticky tape? w Internecie: Wikipedia, Facebook 1 kind
It’s one pound fifty pence. >>>>> Is etc.; mogą okazać się fałszywe). 2 helpful
he friendly?
3 friendly
No, he isn’t. >>>>> What are they? p29
4 clever
They’re felt-tip pens. >>>>> How Vocabulary & Speaking 5 funny
much are the noticeboards? ex 1 ex 5
They’re twenty pounds. >>>>> Who 1 helpful 2 sporty 3 clever 4 shy Argentina, the USA, Italy, Poland,
is she? 5 funny France.
She’s Ruby. >>>> FINISH ex 2 ex 6
2 Where is this sharpener from? It’s 1 It’s a big pink computer.
p27 from Spain. 3 Where is this gel pen 2 It’s an orange chair.
ex 1 from? It’s from Germany. 4 Where 3 It’s a red board.
Student’s own answers is this ruler from? It’s from France. 4 They’re white noticeboards.
ex 2 5 Where is this noticeboard from? 5 They’re big green crayons.
Argentina, England, France, Poland, It’s from Italy. 6 Where is this sticky ex 7
the USA tape from? It’s from the United 1 Are they students? Yes, they are.
ex 3 States. 2 Is she 13? No, she isn’t.
1 What’s 2 name’s 3 meet 4 are ex 3 3 Is he a teacher? No, he isn’t.
5 from 6 cool 7 play 1 Where are you from? 2 Are you ten? 4 Are they shy? No, they aren’t.
ex 4 3 What is it? 4 Is Jeff clever? 5 Where is the desk from? It’s from
Student’s own answers 5 How much is the ruler? Poland.
Grammar 6 How much is the desk?
p28 ex 4 It’s 65 pounds.
ex 1 1 He is Rob. 2 She isn’t Kate. 3 They ex 8
aren’t eleven. 4 They are Rob and 1 How old are you?
country colour: 2 What’s your surname?
Amy. 5 It is a gel pen.
the United States red, white and ex 5 3 How do you spell ‘Jones’?
of America/the blue 1 she, isn’t 2 Are, are 3 How, It’s 4 What’s your locker number?
USA: 4 Where, from 5 Are, am ex 9
ex 6 1 Where are you from?
the United red, white and 2 That’s cool!
1 How; It 2 Is, isn’t 3 a, is 4 Are, a,
Kingdom / the UK: blue 3 Come and play with my friends.
5 Are, I’m
France: red, white and ex 10
blue p30 1 time 2 careful 3 What 4 incredible
Vocabulary summary ex 11
Germany: black, red, ex 1 1 15 pounds, 10 pounds
yellow Student’s own answers 2 25 pounds, 30 pounds
ex 2 3 1 pound 50 pence
Italy: red, white,
Student’s own answers ex 12
ex 3 1 He’s from France.
Argentina: blue, white Student’s own answers 2 (His surname is) Martin.
and yellow 3 No, he isn’t.
p31 4 He’s 11.
Spain red and yellow 5 Yes, she is.
Grammar summary
ex 1 ex 13
Around the world: 1 Elena Summer / Mark Jones
La Tomatina to święto, podczas Student’s own answers
którego uczestnicy obrzucają się ex 2
3 helpful
pomidorami. Bitwa na pomidory Student’s own answers 4 shy
odbywa się w ostatnią środę 5 Lina
sierpnia. 6 10
ex 2 7 11
1 Germany 2 Argentina 3 France 8 sporty
4 Italy 5 Poland 6 the USA 7 Spain 9 quiet
10 clever
Unit 3 ex 3 ex 4
1 his 2 their 3 her 4 our 5 your 1 These are sandals.
6 my 7 their 2 That is a shirt.
ex 4 3 Those are trousers.
ex 1
Student’s own answers 4 These are socks.
1 wallet
5 Those are jackets.
2 headphones
p37 6 This is a dress.
3 memory sticks
ex 1 7 That is a skirt.
4 remote
5 purse 1 jacket ex 5
6 keys 2 shorts 1 – 20 pounds
7 hairbrush 3 socks 2 – 2 pounds
8 comb 4 trainers 3 – 10 pounds
9 smartphone 5 trousers 4 – 10 pounds
10 tissues 6 shirt ex 6
11 umbrella 7 sweater Student’s own answers
12 charger 8 T-shirt
ex 2 9 skirt p40
hairbrush – szczotka do włosów 10 sandals ex 1
comb – grzebień 11 cap 1 Toby’s 2 Ellen’s 3 Fleur’s
wallet – portfel 12 dress 4 Steven’s
purse – portmonetka 13 shoes ex 2
keys – klucze ex 2 These are Toby’s memory sticks.
smartphone – smartfon favourite: Tyler’s jacket, Jack’s These are Toby’s headphones.
tissues – chusteczki papierowe trousers, Jack’s sweater, Amy’s T-shirt This is Olive’s remote. This is Olive’s
headphones – słuchawki old: Tyler’s shorts, Tyler’s socks, hairbrush. These are Olive’s tissues.
charger – ładowarka Jack’s shirt, Amy’s cap This is Trixie’s smartphone. This is
umbrella – parasol new: Tyler’s trainers, Trixie’s charger.
memory sticks – pamięć przenośna nice: Tyler’s trainers, Amy’s skirt That is Ellen’s comb.
remote – pilot, np. do telewizora comfortable: Amy’s sandals That is Elliot’s umbrella. Those are
ex 3 not comfortable: Julia’s dress Elliot’s headphones.
Student’s own answers cool: Julia’s shoes, Amy’s T-shirt ex 3
ex 3 Olive: dress, jacket, sandals, cap
p35 Student’s own answers Trixie: skirt, shirt, socks, shoes
ex 4 ex 4 Elliot: sweater, trousers, shoes
two hairbrushes, blue comb, green Student’s own answers ex 4
umbrella, charger Life skills They are Imogen’s shoes. Iggy: shirt,
ex 5 Niektórzy zapominają, że wygląd sweater, trousers, socks, trainers;
1f 2d 3a 4i 5g zewnętrzny nie jest ważny. Ważna Imogen: dress, socks, shoes.
ex 6 jest osobowość, zachowanie, bycie ex 5
Student’s own answers dobrym, życzliwym i pomocnym Student’s own answers
ex 7 człowiekiem.
Student’s own answers p41
p38 ex 1
p36 Useful! a shirt
Quick check 1 It’s a waste of money – To strata
ex 2
hairbrush pieniędzy.
Customer: Good afternoon. How
wallet 2 It’s a waste of time – To strata
much are these trainers?
keys czasu.
Shop assistant: They’re 20 pounds.
schoolbag ex 1 Customer: Here you are.
headphones 4 Shop assistant: Thank you. Have
comb ex 2 a good evening.
umbrella 1 A hairbrush 2 Scissors 3 No 4 No Customer: Thank you. Goodbye.
memory stick ex 3
remote Student’s own answers.
ex 3
purse ex 4
Dad, those clothes are really weird.
ex 1 1 Here you are.
This is a shirt, that’s a sweater, these
It’s Luke’s school bag. 2 How much are these shoes?
are trousers and those are shoes.
3 How much is this shirt?
ex 2 What’s that, dad?
4 Good morning.
1 It’s Luke’s. What’s this?
5 These sandals are 15 pounds.
2 It’s Joe’s. What are those?
6 This sweater is 10 pounds.
3 It’s Ana’s. What are these?
7 Goodbye. Have a good evening.
4 It’s Amy’s. Are those your father’s crazy
5 It’s Natalie’s. ex 5
6 It’s Nigel’s. Student’s own answers
7 It’s Nathan’s.
ex 6 ex 4 ex 2
Student’s own answers. Student’s own answers 1 I have not got a new schoolbag.
I haven’t got a new schoolbag.
p42 p45 2 My brother and I have got
ex 1 Grammar summary headphones.
Student’s own answers ex 1 3 We have not got new computers.
ex 2 Student’s own answers We haven’t got new computers.
1c 2a 3b ex 2 4 My mother and father have got
ex 3 Student’s own answers memory sticks.
1 funny clothes 5 They have not got green umbrellas.
2 traditional clothes Unit 4 They haven’t got green umbrellas.
3 celebrity clothes W zdaniach 2 i 4 nie można użyć
4 unusual clothes p46 form skróconych, ponieważ form
ex 4 skróconych używa się tylko po
ex 1
Student’s own answers zaimkach osobowych. W zdaniach,
1 brother 2 sister 3 mother
w których na początku wymienione
ex 5 4 father 5 grandmother
są dwie osoby lub więcej, nie
Student’s own answers 6 grandfather 7 great-grandmother
używamy form skróconych.
8 great-grandfather 9 cousin
p43 10 aunt 11 uncle ex 3
Vocabulary and Speaking Student’s own answers
ex 2
ex 1 Her great-grandfather. ex 4
2 What is this? It’s a charger. Student’s own answers
3 What is this? It’s a smartphone. p47 Life skills: Learning outside school
4 What is this? It’s a wallet. ex 3 Dzięki opiece nad zwierzętami
5 What are these? They’re Student’s own answers domowymi możemy nauczyć się
headphones. odpowiedzialności, opiekuńczości,
ex 4
6 What is this? It’s an umbrella. systematyczności. Uczymy się
1 True 2 False 3 False 4 False
ex 2 o zwierzętach i ich zwyczajach,
5 True 6 True
1 jacket o tym, co lubią, a czego nie lubią.
ex 5 Dowiadujemy się, że zwierzęta
2 trousers 1 His aunt isn’t 36. She is 35.
3 trainers domowe są zależne od opieki
2 His uncle isn’t 35. He is 36. człowieka.
4 shorts 3 His uncle’s name isn’t Harry.
5 shoes p 49
It’s Henry.
6 cap ex 1
4 His cousins aren’t shy. They’re
7 skirt Picture 1: short, wavy, grey
8 T-shirt Picture 2: long, straight, fair
ex 6 Picture 3: short, straight, black
9 sweater
ex 3 Mary grandmother 76 kind, Picture 4: long, curly, red
1 of money 2 you are helpful ex 2
3 good day / evening 2 They’ve got long, straight, fair hair.
Liam cousin 11 very 3 They’ve got short, straight, black
funny hair.
ex 4
1 Her 2 His 3 your 4 My 5 their 4 They’ve got long, curly, red hair.
ex 5 Poppy sister 23 quiet ex 3
1 is 2 are 3 It 4 Whose 5 They and 1 False 2 False 3 True 4 True
ex 6 clever ex 4
2 Whose keys are these? They’re a Noah and Leo b Max and Blake
Karol’s keys. c Lottie and Oscar
3 Whose memory sticks are those? ex 7 Around the world
They’re Maria’s memory sticks. Student’s own answers giraffe, zebra, flamingo
4 Whose purse is this? It’s Maria’s ex 8 ex 5
purse. 1 cousins 2 brother Daniel and Yoda and
5 Whose umbrella is that? It’s Karol’s 3 grandmothers 4 father David Soda
6 Whose headphones are those? p48
They’re Maria’s headphones. Quick check hair length short long
1 family 2 animals 3 possessions
p44 4 animals 5 family
Vocabulary summary hair type straight straight
ex 1
ex 1 The Smiths have got three pets.
Student’s own answers hair colour black brown
ex 2 and black
Student’s own answers
other big eyes, short legs
ex 3
Student’s own answers
ex 6 ex 3 Units 3–4 Let’s check
Student’s own answers 1 Hello, Mr White. My name’s Tom.
p 50 How are you? 2 I’m fine, thank you.
Useful! And you? I’m fine too. 3 This is my
3,2,1 start! sister, Amy. 4 Have a seat and help
ex 1
Co za katastrofa! yourself to the pizza.
1 jacket 2 sweater 3 dress
Co się dzieje? ex 4
4 shorts 5 socks 6 purse 7 tissues
Quick check Student’s own answers
8 charger 9 umbrella 10 wallet
short hair straight hair fair hair p 54
ex 2
ex 1 ex 1
1 She’s got long, wavy, fair hair.
1 Imogen is angry because the robot Student’s own answers
2 She’s got long, straight, black hair.
has mistaken her for a scarecrow. ex 2 3 He’s got short, curly, red hair.
1b 2a 3c
p51 ex 3
ex 3 1 brother (male)
ex 2 1 medical robot 2 space robot
Student’s own answers 2 cousin (not the closest family)
3 robot from the future 4 factory 3 great-grandmother (older
ex 3 robot generation) / grandfather (male)
1 Iggy hasn’t got short brown hair. ex 4 4 aunt (female)
2 Imogen has got big eyes. It’s got legs. It’s got feet. It’s got Grammar
3 Ellie hasn’t got curly hair. eyes. It hasn’t got a nose. It hasn’t
4 Eddie has got fair hair. ex 4
got a mouth. It’s got a head. It’s Student’s own answers
5 The robot has got big feet. hasn’t got ears. It’s hasn’t got hair.
ex 4 ex 5
ex 5 2 Sara’s 3 Whose, are, Sara’s (socks)
Student’s own answers Student’s own answers 4 Whose, is, Jim’s (cap)
ex 5 p55
1 Has Imogen got black hair? ex 6
Vocabulary & Speaking
No, she hasn’t. 1 your 2 His 3 Her 4 Their 5 My
ex 1 6 Our
2 Has Eddie got a yellow T-shirt? 1 sister 2 aunt
No, he hasn’t. ex 7
3 great-grandmother 4 cousin
3 Has Ellie got blue trainers? 1 have got 2 hasn’t got 3 haven’t
5 grandfather
Yes, she has. got 4 has got
ex 2
4 Has the robot got glasses? ex 8
1 grey 2 long 3 red 4 curly 5 fair
No, it hasn’t. 1 Has Sara got wavy hair? No, she
ex 3 hasn’t. 2 Have Jim and Sara got
5 Has the robot got eyes?
1 Thank brown hair? Yes, they have. 3 Have
Yes, it has.
2 are Jim and Sara got fair hair? No, they
ex 6
3 you haven’t. 4 Has Sara got long hair?
1a 2d 3e 4f
4 fine Yes, she has.
ex 7 5 help
Student’s own answers ex 9
p 52 1d 2b 3e 4c 5a 6f
ex 4
ex 1 ex 10
1 has got 2 hasn’t got 3 hasn’t got
1 cousin 1 go = 3,2,1, start!
4 hasn’t got 5 has got 6 haven’t got
ex 2 2 happening = Co się dzieje?
7 have got 8 haven’t got
1 grandmother 2 uncle 3 cousin 3 waste = To strata czasu.
ex 5 4 disaster = Co za katastrofa!
4 great-grandfather 5 aunt 1c 2a 3e 4f 5d 6b 5 money = To strata pieniędzy.
ex 3 ex 6
a Lisa’s father has got short, straight, ex 11
Student’s own answers 1 3 4
fair hair.
b Lisa’s dog has got long, straight, ex 12
fair hair. 1 a black wallet (e) 2 a brown
Vocabulary summary
c Lisa’s great-grandmother has got umbrella (b) 3 a memory stick (d)
ex 1
long, straight, grey hair. 4 headphones (a)
Student’s own answers
ex 4 ex 13
ex 2
1b 2b 3a 4b 5a Example answer
Student’s own answers
ex 5 Is it your great-grandmother’s
ex 3 birthday? We’ve got nice sweaters
Student’s own answers Student’s own answers
p 53 (£15).
ex 1 ex 14
Student’s own answers Student’s own answers
Grammar summary
ex 2 ex 1
1 flat 2 father 3 Mr James 4 fine Student’s own answers
5 fine 6 cake ex 2
Student’s own answers
Unit 5 ex 4 ex 5
1 do skateboard tricks ✓✓
paint ✓ cars, very
2 swim ✓
p60 good
3 ride a bicycle ✓✓
ex 1 pictures
4 tell jokes ✓
Student’s own answers
5 climb trees ✗ play games ✓ computer
ex 2 6 speak Chinese ✗ games,
1 drive a car
ex 5 very well
2 ride a bicycle
Student’s own answers
3 speak Chinese whistle ✗ very
4 swim p63 difficult
5 fly
ex 1 sing ✓ well, very
6 speak English
Student’s own answers loudly, pop
7 climb trees
ex 2 songs
8 do skateboard tricks
Student’s own answers
9 tell jokes
10 ski ex 3 ex 6
sport Student’s own answers
ex 3
play chess Life skills: Learning new skills
Student’s own answers
snowboard Student’s own answers
p61 rollerblade Warto uczyć się nowych rzeczy,
ice-skate ponieważ uczenie się utrzymuje
ex 4
music nasz mózg w dobrej kondycji.
1 speak English
play the piano Ponadto zdobywanie nowych
2 do skateboard tricks
read music umiejętności rozwija nas, pozwala
3 ride a bicycle
sing poznać nowe osoby i lepiej
4 swim
whistle wykorzystywać czas wolny. Dzięki
5 climb trees
other nowym umiejętnościom można
6 tell jokes
cook sobie poradzić w różnych,często
7 fly
paint niespodziewanych sytuacjach.
8 ski
9 drive a car ex 4
1 Two p66
ex 5
2 Three ex 1
Ruby – 3 points
3 Two 4 Yes, he can.
Zac – 1 point
4 Three 5 No, he can’t.
ex 6
ex 5 6 He can whistle.
a, d, e, f
Student’s own answers ex 2
ex 7
1 cook
Student’s own answers p64 2 climb trees
Quick check 3 sing
Student’s own answers ex 3
Quick check
Useful! Student’s own answers
1 do skateboard tricks, ride a bicycle
1 feel
2 fly, drive a car ex 4
2 Watch
3 ski, speak English Jeff can ice-skate. Ruby can draw.
3 mess
4 swim, climb trees, tell jokes Zac can paint. Sunny can swim.
ex 1
ex 1 Q T B P X S N Y J
Student’s own answers
ex 2 p65 I C E - S K A T E
1 can, can’t ex 2 S U N N Y K W Z F
2 can, can’t Imogen can’t cook because she is
3 can, can’t sick. Ellie can cook a pasta dish. Ellie, W L M C D R A W F
4 can’t, can Eddie and Iggy go to the market to I I D N M U S D T
ex 3 buy some pasta. They’ve got food
1 Ruby can ride a bicycle well. in a big bag. The bag is very heavy. M S I N G B Q Z X
2 Jeff can’t run very fast. Eddie can’t carry it. What a disaster!
3 Zac can’t do skateboard tricks very N A H Z T Y M K W
Iggy’s invention isn’t very helpful.
well. ex 3 M L P A I N T V N
4 Ruby’s cat can climb trees very 1 Can Ruby and Lisa ice-skate?
quickly. Yes, they can. C B Y C X S P T M
5 Zac can sing loudly. 2 Can Zac cook? No, he can’t.
3 Can Zac and you play chess? ex 5
Yes, we can. Page 62, lesson 2:
4 Can you whistle well? No, I can’t. a This fish can swim and walk. It can’t
5 Can Ruby sing well? No, she can’t. walk fast.
ex 4 b These birds can dance. They can’t
1e 2 c 3d 4a 5b dance quickly.
ex 6 ex 3 Unit 6
1 Can elephants jump? No, they can’t. 1 You can camp, play games, swim,
2 Can dogs swim? Yes, they can. have picnics, drive a car, climb
3 Can cats fly? No, they can’t. the mountains and ride a bicycle.
ex 1
4 Can bears swim? Yes, they can. 2 You can see beautiful trees,
Student’s own answers
5 Can snakes fly? No, they can’t. fantastic waterfalls and special
animals. ex 2
p67 3 Yes, you can. pizza 6
ex 1 4 Yes, you can. pasta 9
b ice cream 1
ex 4
biscuits 8
ex 2 Student’s own answers
sausages 3
1 Around the world
cake 5
A: Excuse me, Mr Green. Symbolem narodowym Polski jest
cheese 2
Br: Yes, what is it? orzeł bielik; symbole innych krajów
strawberries 4
A: Can we swim here, please? to np.: Nowa Zelandia – kiwi,
bread 10
B: No, I’m afraid you can’t. Wenezuela – Kacyk plamoskrzydły,
jam 7
A: Oh, that’s a pity. Gwatemala – kwezal herbowy;
2 Australia – emu. ex 3
A: Excuse me, Mr Green. in the trolley: pizza, strawberries, ice
B: Yes, what is it? p69 cream, sausages, cake, cheese
A: Can I use my mobile phone, Vocabulary and Speaking on the shelves: biscuits, pasta, bread,
please? ex 1 jam
B: Yes, you can. 1b 2d 3e 4a 5c
A: Thank you. ex 2
ex 4
ex 3 1 read music 2 speak English
Student’s own answers 3 drive a car 4 ride a bicycle we can count we can’t count
ex 4 5 cook spaghetti
Student’s own answers ex 3 pizzas, sausages, ice cream,
1 Excuse me strawberries, cheese, pasta,
p68 2 what is cakes, biscuits bread, jam
ex 1 3 Can I
park – park 4 can’t play ex 5
camp – biwakować 5 Thank you 1 a pizza
picnics – pikniki Grammar 2 some pizzas
waterfalls – wodospady ex 4 3 a lot of pizzas
mountains – góry 1 My brother can’t swim very well. 4 some pasta
bird – ptak 2 My friend can ride a bicycle fast. 5 a lot of pasta
bears – niedźwiedzie 3 I can cook very well. ex 6
leave – zostawiać 4 She can’t sing loudly. 1 a, 2 b, 3 a, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a
Znaczenie słów można odgadnąć na 5 My uncle can paint very quickly. ex 7
podstawie: 6 They can’t do skateboard tricks Student’s own answers
a) podobieństwa do języka very well.
polskiego (park – park, picnics – ex 5 p74
pikniki) 1 Can 2 can’t 3 well 4 very 5 she Quick check
b) załączonych zdjęć (camp – 6 What 1 a pizza, some pasta
biwakować, waterfalls – wodospady, ex 3 2 a sausage, some cheese
mountains – góry, bird – ptak, bears 1 Can he ice-skate? Yes, he can. 3 some bread, some jam
– niedźwiedzie) 2 Can he rollerblade? No, he can’t. 4 some ice cream, a cake, some
ex 2 3 Can he ski? Yes, he can. biscuits
Yosemite National Park is in the 3 What can he cook? He can cook ex 1
United States. 4 million people spaghetti. pasta, biscuits; They are in
visit it every year. You can drive a blue bag. The blue bag is at the
a car in Yosemite, and you can ride p70 supermarket.
a bicycle. The trees and waterfalls ex 1
are beautiful there. Student’s own answers
You can see the bald eagle in the ex 2
park. It’s the national bird of the Student’s own answers
United States. You can see bears
ex 3
too. They aren’t afraid of people.
Student’s own answers
ex 1
Student’s own answers
ex 2
Student’s own answers
ex 2 No problem! Gdy widzisz rozwiązanie ‘There’, then follow the red line to
2 There are some biscuits. problemu i nie martwisz się ‘aren’t’
3 There is a cake. przeciwnościami. Sentence 4
4 There are a lot of pizzas. Yuck! Gdy zjesz coś niesmacznego. There aren’t any wallets
5 There is some bread. ex 1
6 There are some sausages. No, it can’t cook. p79
ex 3 ex 1
1 Lucy’s trolley 2 Rosa’s trolley p77 Student’s own answers
3 Troy’s trolley 4 Luke’s trolley ex 2 ex 2
ex 4 1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True Student’s own answers
1 Luke’s trolley 2 Lucy’s trolley ex 3 ex 3
3 Troy’s trolley 4 Rosa’s trolley 1 are 2 is 3 isn’t 4 aren’t 5 is Example answers
ex 5 6 isn’t 1 tomato and cucumber
Student’s own answers ex 4 2 tomato and cucumber
Example answers 3 bean and beetroot
p75 There is some cake. 4 Eat in
ex 1 There is a lemon. 5 Eat in
There isn’t any meat. 6 £4.75
meat vegetable There are some grapes. ex 4
ham potato, lettuce There isn’t a pizza. Student’s own answers
bacon There aren’t any sausages. ex 5
meat There are some strawberries. Student’s own answers
chicken ex 5 Life skills: Healthy food
jam, strawberries, bacon Sałatki są zdrowe, chociaż
fruit other ex 6 niektóre składniki sałatek mogą
Example answers być szkodliwe w nadmiarze (sól,
pineapple, mushroom, rice There aren’t any grapes in his majonez).
lemon, smoothie. Na co dzień nie powinno się jeść
blueberries, There isn’t any ham in his smoothie. słodyczy (ciastek, lodów, tortów)
grapes There are some strawberries in his i śmieciowego jedzenia (pizza,
smoothie. hamburgery, chipsy).
ex 2 There is some bacon in his smoothie.
We can count pineapples, chickens, There is some jam in his smoothie. p80
potatoes, lemons, blueberries, ex 7 ex 1
grapes, mushrooms, lettuces. Student’s own answers Student’s own answers
We can’t count ham, bacon, meat, rice. ex 8 ex 2
ex 3 1 are 2 isn’t 3 aren’t 4 are 5 isn’t
Student’s own answers popular food popular
6 aren’t
ex 4 drink(s)
p78 England curry tea with
very not strange
ex 1 milk
popular popular smoothies
1 sausages 2 pasta 3 potato
4 lettuce 5 strawberry 6 biscuits Argentina beef mate tea,
strawberry lemon ham
smoothies smoothies smoothies ex 2
banana bacon 1 meat the USA hamburgers, soft
smoothies smoothies 2 cheese pizzas, chips drinks
blueberry meat 3 a grape
smoothies smoothies ex 3 Japan fish, salad, green tea
fish There isn’t any bacon. There aren’t rice
smoothies any sausages. There are some Poland Student’s Student’s
chicken grapes. There is some ice cream. own own
smoothies There are some biscuits. answers answers
ex 4
ex 5 pizza, strawberries, ice cream, Around the world
Student’s own answers sausages, cake, cheese Sushi
ex 6 ex 5 Student’s own answers
Student’s own answers Sentence 1 ex 3
There is a hairbrush. / There isn’t Student’s own answers
p76 a hairbrush. - Go back to ‘START ‘ via ex 4
Useful! blue line, don’t go right. Student’s own answers
It’s not quite right. Gdy coś wymaga Sentence 2
nieznacznych poprawek. There isn’t a hairbrush. / There is a p81
Let’s try again! Gdy chcesz ponownie hairbrush. - Go right to ‘There’ Vocabulary & Speaking
spróbować zrobić coś, co nie udało Sentence 3 ex 1
się za pierwszym razem. There are some wallets. - Go left to 1c 2e 3f 4d 5g 6a 7b
ex 2 ex 6 ex 3
1 lemon (not meat) 2 bread (not 1 There is some rice. 2 There are Student’s own answers
a vegetable) 3 lettuce (not a fruit) some sausages. 3 There isn’t any ex 4
4 carrot (only vegetable) 5 fish (not lettuce. 4 There aren’t any biscuits. Student’s own answers
a vegetable) Around the world
ex 3 p85 Germany – football
1 isn’t any ex 7 England – cricket
2 cabbage and onion 1 Excuse me. 2 Can I ride a bike ex 5
3 Take out (here)? 3 Oh, that’s a pity. a post photos - J
4 £3.25 ex 8 b chat on my mobile - L
Grammar 1 sorry c do judo - J
ex 4 2 salads d do karate - L
1f 2c 3e 4a 5b 6d 3 take out e download apps - J
ex 5 4 salad f do homework - J,L
1 There isn’t a pizza. 2 There aren’t 5 carrot ex 6
any sausages. 3 There isn’t any 6 £4.50 Student’s own answers
cheese. 4 There aren’t any cakes. a2 b7 c4 d1 e3 f6 g5
5 There isn’t any salad. 6 There isn’t ex 9 p88
a cake. 1b 2e 3d 4f 5a 6c Quick check
Suggested answers
ex 6 ex 10
play volleyball
1 There is a sausage. 2 There aren’t They can’t climb the trees, swim, play
download music
any sausages. 3 There is a lot of the piano.
hang out with my friends
cheese. 4 There isn’t any cheese. ex 11 post comments / photos
1 Yes, they can. do homework / judo / karate / exercise
p82 2 Yes, there is. go to dance class / school
ex 1 3 No, she can’t. go out
Student’s own answers 4 She/They can’t rollerblade. chat on my mobile
ex 2 ex 12 watch TV
Example answers Student’s own answers take photos
sausage, strawberry ex 13 ex 1
pizza, pineapple, potato Student’s own answers 1 True 2 False 3 True
ex 3 ex 2
Student’s own answers Unit 7 Student’s own answers.
ex 3
p83 p86 1 Do you go out on Monday? Yes,
ex 1 ex 1 I do./ No, I don’t.
Student’s own answers 1 play volleyball 2 Do you chat on your mobile? Yes,
ex 2 2 hang out with my friends I do. / No, I don’t.
Student’s own answers 3 do exercise 3 Do you download music every day?
4 chat on my mobile Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Units 5–6 Let’s check 5 go out 4 Do you do homework on Sunday?
6 watch TV Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
p84 7 post comments 5 Do you take photos on Saturday?
Vocabulary 8 download music Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
ex 1 9 go to my dance class ex 4
1c 2d 3b 4a 5g 6h 7e 8f 10 take photos Student’s own answers.
ex 2 ex 2 ex 5
1 pizza, biscuit(s), sausage(s), grape(s) Student’s own answers.
Mon. do exercise, take photos
2 bacon, lemon(s), cheese, lettuce
3 bread, cake, ham, meat Tue. play volleyball, take
4 chicken, rice, mushroom, jam ex 1
5 cabbage, bean, onion, carrot 1 get up - wstawać
Wed. go to my dance class, take 2 have a shower - brać prysznic
ex 3
photos 3 get dressed - ubierać się
1 can’t
4 brush your teeth - myć zęby
2 can Thurs. post comments, take 5 go to school - iść do szkoły
3 can’t photos 6 go to bed - iść spać
4 can, very well 7 go home - iść do domu
5 can Fri. download music, take
8 have breakfast - jeść śniadanie
ex 4 photos
9 have lunch - jeść lunch
1 Can she ride a bicycle? Yes, she can. Sat. hang out with my friends, 10 have dinner - jeść obiad/
2 Can they read music? Yes, they can. take photos obiadokolację
3 Can they whistle? No, they can’t. in the morning - rano
ex 5 Sun. watch TV, take photos in the afternoon - po południu
1 a lot of 2 some 3 a 4 any 5 any in the evening - wieczorem
at night - w nocy
ex 2 p92 p95
Student’s own answers. ex 1 Vocabulary & Speaking
ex 3 chat on my mobile, go to judo ex 1
Student’s own answers. classes, post photos, post 1 have a shower 2 brush your teeth
ex 4 comments, download music, 3 get dressed 4 go to bed
1 Yes, they do. 2 No, they don’t. download apps 5 go home 6 have breakfast
3 No, they don’t. 4 Yes, they do. ex 2 7 go to school 8 get up
ex 5 She goes to her dance class on ex 2
Student’s own answers Wednesday. 1 on 2 afternoon 3 in 4 at
ex 3 ex 3
p90 Dialog 1
Useful A: Excuse me, what time is it?
I can’t believe that … Gdy chcesz G 5 B: It’s half past one. It’s time to have
wyrazić swoje zdziwienie. 2
P O S T lunch.
Wait a minute! Gdy prosisz kogoś, A: [brakujące zdanie] Am I late?
aby dał ci więcej czasu na wykonanie B: Yes, you are. Hurry up!
jakiejś czynności.
D O W N L O A D K Dialog 2
Quick check Y E A: Excuse me, what time is it?
Suggested answers B: It’s twenty to four. It’s time to play
ex 4
have lunch - in the afternoon volleyball.
Daria Martinez is in Lesson 3,
get up - in the morning A: Am I late?
exercise 3.
have a shower - in the morning/ in B: [brakujące zdanie] No, you aren’t.
She gets up early, she has a shower,
the evening Take your time.
she gets dressed, she brushes her
go to bed - in the evening/at night Grammar
teeth, she has breakfast, goes to
get dressed - in the morning ex 4
school. She goes home and she
have dinner - in the evening 1 takes 2 take 3 hangs out
writes apps (with her brother).
brush your teeth - in the morning/ 4 hang out 5 watch 6 watches
ex 5
in the evening 7 go 8 goes
have breakfast - in the morning ex 5
go to school- in the morning 1 Does he download films at
ex 1 night? 2 Do they write apps in the
ex 1
Yes, it is. evening? 3 Does she work at home
Student’s own answers
ex 2 on Monday? 4 Does he go to bed
p91 late on Saturday? 5 Does she have
1b 2a 3a 4b
ex 2 breakfast in the morning? 6 Do you
e, c, g, a, f, b, d ex 3
play volleyball on Tuesday?
1b 2f 3d 4e 5a 6c
ex 3 ex 6
1 gets 2 has 3 plays 4 loves ex 4
1 Do you hang out with your friends in
5 does 6 watches 7 goes Student’s own answers
the afternoon? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
ex 4 ex 5 2 Does your best friend play
1 Eddie doesn’t work all night. 1 half past seven 2 get up 3 Yes, volleyball on Saturday? Yes, he/she
2 Iggy doesn’t go to office. you are. 4 quarter past eight does. / No, he/she doesn’t.
3 Iggy works at home. 5 have breakfast 6 No, you aren’t. 3 Does your cousin go to school at
4 Imogen doesn’t have a lot of ex 6 night? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she
problems. Student’s own answers doesn’t.
5 Ellie goes to school by bus.
p94 p96
ex 5
1 Does Ellie get up late? No, she ex 1 ex 1
doesn’t. 1 In China. 2 No, it isn’t. 3 No, they Student’s own answers
2 Does Iggy put fruit in the don’t. 4 Yes, it is. 5 In Nepal. 6 20. ex 2
SmoothieMax? Yes, he does. ex 2 1 past three, 2 to four, 3 to four,
3 Does Eddie brush his teeth at Example answers 1 d, e, f 2 a, b, c 4 o’clock
night? Yes, he does. 3 d, e, f
4 Does Iggy go to bed early? No, he ex 3 p97
doesn’t. Student’s own answers ex 1
5 Does Ellie have breakfast every ex 4 Student’s own answers
day? Yes, she does. Student’s own answers ex 2
ex 6 Life skills: Learning Student’s own answers
1 Yes, he does. 2 No, he doesn’t. Dzieci potrzebują wykształcenia, aby
3 Yes, it does. 4 No, it isn’t. mogły dostać pracę. Nauka pomoże
ex 7 im dowiedzieć się więcej o świecie,
Student’s own answers zdobyć pracę, zarobić pieniądze.
Dzieci lubią swoją szkołę.
Unit 8 ex 7 ex 2
Student’s own answers 1 In the main square. 2 They want
to buy the SmoothieMax (machines).
p100 3 Because his invention is a success. /
ex 1 Quick check Because he is a great inventor.
1 buy tickets 2 visit Spooky Castle 1 different 2 same 3 different ex 3
3 dive into a crocodile lake 4 fight 4 different 1 Is Iggy driving the green car?
a dinosaur 5 find treasure 6 look Yes, he is.
ex 1
for Brainyballs 7 learn magic tricks 2 Is Iggy wearing a blue sweater?
1 Ruby
8 win prizes No, he isn’t.
2 Zac
ex 2 3 Jeff and Lisa 3 Is Imogen wearing a white skirt?
buy tickets Yes, she is.
ex 2
dive into a crocodile lake 4 Are Iggy and Imogen drinking
learning, riding, sitting, taking,
fight a dinosaur smoothies? No, they aren’t.
chatting, swimming, buying, finding,
find treasure 5 Is Iggy reading the texts? Yes, he is.
look for Brainyballs ex 4
ex 3
visit Spooky Castle 1 What are you buying? 2 Where
1 are/’re looking for, am/’m winning
learn magic tricks are you buying the T-shirts? 3 What
2 is/’s learning, are taking
win prizes are Zac and Jeff doing? 4 Where are
3 are chatting, is/’s buying
Life skills: Real or virtual? they sitting?
Wirtualna rzeczywistość to obraz ex 4
ex 5
sztucznego świata stworzony 1 We aren’t looking for Brainyballs
1c 2a 3b 4d
przy wykorzystaniu technologii now. I’m not winning prizes!
2 Now, my sister isn’t learning magic ex 6
informatycznej. Czynności, które Student’s own answers
można naprawdę wykonać w Brainy tricks. My mum and dad aren’t
taking photos. ex 7
Park to: buy tickets, win prizes and Student’s own answers
learn magic tricks. Czynności, które 3 Now, my aunt and uncle aren’t
należą do wirtualnej rzeczywistości chatting on their mobiles. My father
to: fight a dinosaur, dive into isn’t buying more tickets!
ex 1
a crocodile lake, find treasure, look ex 5
for Brainyballs, visit Spooky Castle. 1 is 2 isn’t 3 aren’t 4 isn’t 5 is
ex 2
Zalety grania w gry wykorzystujące ex 6
1 Is 2 No 3 isn’t. 4 having 5 Are
wirtualną rzeczywistość: Student’s own answers
6 Yes, 7 playing
• Dobra zabawa
p101 ex 3
• Robienie rzeczy, których nie można
1 Zac and Ruby 2 Lisa 3 Jeff
naprawdę zrobić (latanie, spotkanie ex 1
1 shopping centre 2 bus stop ex 4
3 cinema 4 supermarket 5 museum There is a shopping centre, a bus
Wady grania w gry wykorzystujące
6 car park 7 train station 8 café stop, a cinema, a supermarket,
wirtualną rzeczywistość:
9 school 10 main square a museum, a car park, a train station,
• Oderwanie od rzeczywistego świata
a café, a school.
• Uzależnienie od gier ex 2
ex 5
ex 3 They like: main square, cinema,
What is Jeff doing? – He is learning
Student’s own answers school, museum, supermarket
magic tricks. – What is Ruby doing?
ex 4 They don’t like: car park, train
– She’s
1 a T-shirt, a salad, a game, a memory station, bus stop
having lunch. – Is Zac doing
stick ex 3 homework? – No, he isn’t. – Is Lisa
2 a swimming pool, the sea cinema, supermarket, museum, playing volleyball? – Yes, / she is. Exit
3 a T-shirt, a salad, a game, school, shopping centre, bus stop
a memory stick ex 4 p105
4 your grandmother, a swimming Student’s own answers ex 1
pool The shopping centre is number 1.
5 a swimming pool, a T-shirt, a salad, p102 ex 2
a game, your schoolbag, your Quick check Turn left, go straight on, turn right.
grandmother, your trainers, the sea, 1 supermarket 2 train station Turn left, turn right, turn left, turn
a memory stick, 3 shopping centre 4 cinema right, go straight on.
6 a swimming pool, a T-shirt, a salad, 5 bus stop 6 car park 7 café Turn left, left, left, turn right, right,
a game, your schoolbag, your 8 museum 9 school 10 main right, go straight on, turn left, left,
grandmother, your trainers, the sea, square right, right, right, and left!
a memory stick, Useful! ex 3
ex 5 1 Get a move on! Gdy chcesz, żeby cinema 3, bus stop 4
Brainyballs – it’s the favourite of ktoś się pospieszył 2 I’m on top of
ex 4
three people (Jeff’s uncle, aunt, the world. Gdy jesteś szczęśliwy/
Student’s own answers
cousin). szczęśliwa. .
ex 5
ex 6 ex 1
b, c, e, f He can make more SmoothieMax
ex 6
machines and sell them.
Student’s own answers
p106 p109 ex 3
ex 1 Grammar summary Liam – funny
restaurants – restauracje ex 1 Lily – helpful
fountain – fontanna Student’s own answers Hannah – kind
Gallery – galeria ex 2 ex 4
theatres – teatry Student’s own answers 2 £2.60
ex 2 4 £1.20
1 It’s about twenty years old. 7-8 Let’s check 6 £3.20
2 Federation Square in Melbourne, 8 90p
Australia. 3 In the National Gallery Felt-tip pens £3.20 + 1 ruler 90p +
in Trafalgar Square. 4 Yes, you can. two glue sticks 2x40p = £4.90
ex 3 ex 1
1c 2b 3a 4b p113
Student’s own answers
ex 4 ex 1
Grammar 1 What’s your name?
Student’s own answers
ex 2 3 How do you spell that?
ex 5 1 go 2 don’t go 3 goes 5 Where are you from?
Student’s own answers 4 doesn’t go 5 go 6 don’t go
Around the world ex 3
ex 3 Maya – shy
1 Do Mike and Tina go home at Matt – sporty
4 o’clock? No, they don’t. 2 Does Jason – clever
Jane go home at 5 o’clock? No, she ex 4
ex 1 doesn’t. 3 Does Lynda go to bed at
1 visit 2 learn 3 win 4 fight 5 buy 1 £ 3.20
10 o’clock? Yes, she does.
6 find 3 £4.40
ex 4 5 40p
ex 2 1 Archie is reading a book. 2 Archie
1 bus stop 2 car park 3 museum 7 £2.50
isn’t listening to music. 3 Lola isn’t Felt-tip pens £3.20 + 1 ruler 90p +
4 shopping centre 5 train station running. 4 Lola’s listening to music.
6 cinema two glue sticks 2x40p = £4.90
5 Max and Sara aren’t reading
ex 3 a book. 6 Max and Sara are running.
A: Excuse me. I’m looking for the ex 5
Units 3–4 Let’s talk
school. 1 Are Max and Sara listening to music?
B: Go straight on, turn left, then turn No, they aren’t. 2 Are Max and Sara p114
right. running? Yes, they are. 3 Is Amy ex 1
A: Thank you. reading a book? No, she isn’t. 4 Is a hairbrush, a skirt, a charger,
B: You’re welcome. Amy using a computer? Yes, she is. a purse
ex 4 ex 6 ex 4
1 They’re going home. b, a, d, c smartphone £50.20
2 They aren’t watching TV. ex 7 headphones £8.50
3 You’re taking photos. 1 for 2 straight 3 turn 4 then memory stick £12
4 You aren’t playing volleyball. 5 welcome remote £10.99
5 I’m doing homework. ex 8 charger £18.20
6 I’m not cooking. 1 can’t c 2 on b 3 world d 4 minute
ex 5 a p115
1 taking 2 Yes, is 3 Are, doing ex 9 ex 1
4 Yes, am 5 Are, watching 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b a smartphone, keys, a cap,
6 No, aren’t. headphones
ex 10
ex 6 Joe pisze do Charliego, aby wyjaśnić, ex 4
1 Where are they buying clothes? dlaczego nie może iść do kina we cap £13.50
2 What is he watching? wtorek i zaproponować inny dzień. trousers £20.99
3 What is she buying? 1 False 2 True 3 False T-shirt £4
4 Where are you going? ex 11 trainers £15.20
Student’s own answers shoes £30.50
p108 socks £3.30
ex 12
Vocabulary summary Student’s own answers
ex 1 Units 5–6 Let’s talk
Student’s own answers Units 1–2 Let’s talk
ex 2 p116
Go straight on, turn right, then turn ex 1
left, then go straight on. Sally – speak Chinese
ex 1
Students’ own answers. Liam – cook
2 What’s your surname?
ex 3 Jason – play chess
4 How old are you?
Student’s own answers ex 3
6 What’s your locker number?
rice, strawberries, lemon
ex 4 ex 7 Let’s all sing
pizza £2.50 the first star PL
cheese £1.20 share a wafer PL p124
sausage £3.00 Christmas cracker GB ex 7
lemons £1.40 presents PL + GB 1a
potatoes 90p empty chair PL 2a
candy cane GB 3–
p117 angel PL + GB 4 an
ex 1 bauble PL + GB 5a
Luke – drive Christmas pudding GB 6–
Lily – whistle fish PL 7a
Laura – sing turkey GB 8 an
Christmas stocking GB 9a
ex 3
mushrooms, potatoes ex 8
ex 4
Easter 1 cousins
biscuits £1.80 2 brother
bread 90p p122 3 grandmothers
cake £2.50 ex 1 4 father
ice-cream £1.20 1 chick
jam £3.00 2 salt and pepper p125
3 Easter basket ex 8
Christmas 4 hot cross bun 1 are
5 lamb 2 isn’t
6 Easter bunny 3 aren’t
7 catkins 4 are
ex 1
8 Easter eggs 5 isn’t
1 (Christmas) stocking
ex 3 6 aren’t
2 sleigh
1 c – GB
3 candy cane
2 e – GB
4 reindeer
3 b – PL
5 (Christmas) cracker
4 a – PL
6 (Christmas) tree
5 d – PL
ex 2
1 Christmas trees, stockings p123
2 sleigh
ex 4
3 reindeers
Easter in Poland
4 candy canes
1 Easter basket
5 Christmas cracker
2 Easter eggs
ex 3 3 salt and pepper
1 baubles 4 lamb
2 star 5 chick
3 fish 6 Easter bunny
4 angel
7 Easter basket
5 wafer
8 catkins
6 presents
9 church
7 Christmas pudding
10 Wet Monday
8 turkey
Easter in Britain
ex 4
1 hot cross buns
1 Christmas in the UK
2 Easter eggs
2 Christmas in Poland
3 Easter basket
p121 4 Easter Egg hunt
5 Easter bunny
ex 5
6 Easter eggs
1 Christmas Day
7 chicks
2 Christmas stockings
8 Wet Monday
3 Christmas pudding; turkey
4 Christmas crackers 9 Egg rolling
5 star 10 Easter egg
6 Christmas Eve
7 wafer
8 fish
9 chair
Workbook Audioscript
Welcome unit 4 My name’s Felicity. I’m ten years 5 My name is Angus. My country’s
old. flag is blue and white.
5 Hey, listen to this! 6 My name is Nadia. My country’s
6 Are you OK? Let me help you. flag is blue and white. It has a
1 It is a brown horse. Alright? yellow sun on it.
2 It is a grey dog. 7 Girl: Here’s a book for you.
3 It is a black cat. Boy: Thank you! Units 1–2 Let's check
4 It is a purple fish. 8 Hi, um, I’m a new student here,
5 It is a pink snake. um, and I’m called Sophie. 11
6 It is an orange bird.
07 Shop assistant: Hello. Welcome to
shy my shop!
1 Sit down! funny Boy: Thank you. What are they?
2 Don’t open your books! cry Shop assistant: They’re gel pens.
3 Work in pairs! friendly Boy: How much are they?
4 Stand up! sunny Shop assistant: The small gel pens
5 Don’t look at the board! why are £1.20. The big gel pens are £1.80.
6 Don’t close your book! sporty Boy: OK, and how much are the
my sharpeners?
fly Shop assistant: They’re 80 pence.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, slowly Boy: OK. So, two small gel pens, one
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z big gel pen and three sharpeners,
08 please.
Unit 1 Shop assistant: Sure!
Shop assistant: Hello.
Girl: Hi. Oh, how much is the blue
04 crayon, please? Unit 3
Shop assistant: The crayon? It’s
1 Gavin: My name is Gavin.
50 pence. 12
That’s G-A-V-I-N.
Girl: Fifty pence. OK. And the pens? Boy: What colour is your purse?
I’m fourteen years old.
How much are the pens? Girl: It’s blue.
2 Alexandra: I’m Alexandra.
Shop assistant: The felt-tip pen is Boy: What colour are your
That’s A-L-E-X-A-N-D-R-A.
80 pence and the gel pen is £1.20. headphones?
I’m nineteen years old.
Girl: £1.20 for the gel pen and Girl: My headphones? They’re black.
3 Matthew: My name’s Matthew.
80 pence for the felt-tip pen. Boy: What colour is your hairbrush?
That’s M-A-T-T-H-E-W.
Shop assistant: That’s right. Girl: My hairbrush is pink.
I’m eleven years old.
Girl: OK, and I need sticky tape and Boy: What colour is your charger?
4 Suzy: I’m Suzy.
a sharpener. How much are they? Girl: It’s orange.
That’s S-U-Z-Y.
Shop assistant: The sticky tape is Boy: What colour is your comb?
I’m seven years old.
90 pence. And the sharpener is Girl: My comb is white.
5 Jack: My name’s Jack.
35 pence. Boy: What colour are your keys?
That’s J-A-C-K.
Girl: Thank you. Girl: My keys? They’re yellow.
I’m sixteen years old.
6 Dominique: My name is Dominique. Boy: What colour is your memory
That’s D-O-M-I-N-I-Q-U-E. stick?
Boy: Hi! I’m Bob. What’s your name? Girl: It’s grey.
I’m thirteen years old.
Girl: My name’s Ella. Nice to meet
05 you. 13
Boy: Where are you from? comb
Girl: Hi! What’s your name?
Girl: I’m from France. colour
Boy: My name’s Tim.
Boy: That’s cool! I’m from Spain. headphones
Girl: What’s your surname?
Come and play with my friends. smartphone
Boy: My surname’s Palmer.
Girl: Sure. memory
Girl: How do you spell that?
Boy: P-A-L-M-E-R. no
Girl: How old are you? crayon
1 My name is Raquel. My country’s remote
Boy: I’m eleven.
flag is blue, white and red. But my orange
Girl: What’s your locker number?
country isn’t
Boy: It’s eighty-six.
the United Kingdom and it isn’t 14
the United States. Daughter: Those black trainers are
Unit 2 2 My name is Tom. My country’s flag cool, Mum.
is green, white and red. But my Mother: No, they aren’t. They’re
06 country isn’t Italy. horrible. But these blue trainers
1 Hey, let’s play football and then go 3 My name is Grete. My country’s are nice.
swimming. flag is yellow, black and red. Daughter:That grey shirt is nice.
2 Well done, Marta. 100% in your 4 My name is Paul. My country’s flag Mother: No, it isn’t! It’s expensive.
test. That’s excellent! is red and white. But my country But this pink shirt is great!
3 Hi, everyone! Hi, Bob! Hello, Sam! isn’t England.
Daughter: This green skirt is great. Boy: My uncle Dan? He’s over there. do skateboard tricks
Mother: It’s OK. But that yellow skirt Look! His hair is grey. It’s short and drive a car
is cheap! straight. speak English
Girl: Oh, yes, I see him. ski
climb trees
Boy: Good afternoon. How much are 19
speak Chinese
these trousers? Ben: Hi, Jeff!
Shop assistant: They’re£18. Jeff: Hi, Ben! 23
Boy: And how much is this T-shirt? Ben: Welcome to my house. Cheetahs can run very fast, but they
Shop assistant: It’s £7.50. Jeff: Thank you. can’t climb trees very well. They can
Boy: Here you are. Ben: This is my aunt Josephine. swim, but they can’t swim quickly.
Shop assistant: Thank you! Have Jeff: Hello, Josephine. My name’s Jeff. Bears are amazing animals. They can
a good day. How are you? climb trees very well, they can swim
Boy: Thank you! Goodbye. Josephine: I’m fine, thank you, Jeff. fast and they can run quickly, but of
And you? course, they can’t fly!
Unit 4 Jeff: I’m fine too. Penguins are birds, but they can’t
Josephine: Have a seat and help fly. They can swim very well and they
16 yourself to the biscuits. can run, but they can’t run very fast.
Jeff: Thank you.
Girl: Hey, Billy, is that a picture of 24
your family?
Boy: Yes, it is. That’s my sister, Grace,
Units 3–4 Let's check Student: Excuse me, Miss Smith.
Teacher: Yes, Andrew, what is it?
on the left, with my mother and Student: Can we climb trees in the
father. Grace’s fourteen. 20
Girl: What’s she like? Boy: What have you got in your Teacher: No, I’m afraid you can’t.
Boy: She’s clever! schoolbag, Marie? Student: That’s a pity. Can we
Girl: And who are those children on Girl: Um … let’s see. I’ve got two
rollerblade here?
the right? books, a purse and a hairbrush.
Teacher: Yes, you can. You can
Boy: They’re my cousins, Eva and Boy: Have you got a smartphone?
rollerblade here, but you can’t do
Sam. They’re ten years old. Eva’s Girl: Yes, I have. But I haven’t got
skateboard tricks here.
really sporty and Sam’s very funny. a charger. That’s at home. How
Student: OK, thank you. And can we
Girl: Who are the people with Eva about you, Dave? What’s in your
play football here?
and Sam? bag?
Teacher: Yes, you can.
Boy: That’s my uncle, Andrew, and Boy: I’ve got some headphones, my
my aunt, Jane. keys and a smartphone – look!
Girl: And who’s this? Girl: Dave, that isn’t a smartphone. Unit 6
Boy: She’s my grandmother, Betty. That’s a remote.
And she’s with my grandfather, Boy: What? Oh no! It is a remote. 25
Frank. So my remote’s in my bag. But Boy: Have we got the food for the
Girl: How old is Betty? where’s my smartphone? party tonight?
Boy: She’s 75 and Frank’s 73. Girl: Ha ha! Your smartphone’s at Girl: Yes, I think so. We’ve got some
Girl: What are they like? home. biscuits and we’ve got a lot of ice
Boy: My grandmother’s really kind Boy: What a disaster! cream.
and my grandfather’s very quiet Boy: What about bread and cheese?
and shy. Unit 5 Girl: We’ve got a lot of cheese and a
Girl: It’s a great picture. You’ve got lot of bread.
a lovely family. 21 Boy: Great. And the cake?
swim Girl: We’ve got some cakes. And
we’ve got a big pizza and some
1 that, the, three drive sausages.
2 mother, thin, their ride Boy: Good, thanks. Oh, and what
3 thirteen, father, this in about strawberries?
4 grandfather, these, thank you six Girl: Yes, we’ve got some
sister strawberries.
Boy: Who’s that boy? The boy with 26
the short, curly, red hair. fish rap
Girl: Oh, that’s my cousin Steve. white black
Boy: You’re right! And who’s the girl pink cake
with the long, wavy, fair hair? kind cat
Girl: That’s Sophie. She’s my best listen wallet
friend. And that’s her sister, Gemma. jacket
Boy: That’s funny. Sophie’s hair is 22 jam
fair and Gemma’s hair is black. ride a bicycle hand
Girl: Yes. And Gemma’s hair is short, fly draw
wavy and black. Where’s your tell jokes car
uncle? swim man
27 31 35
Boy: What about your dad? Is he
looking for treasure with you?
Girl: No, he isn’t. He isn’t at the
adventure park, he’s watching
a film in the cinema.
Boy: And what’s your brother doing?
Girl: He’s riding his bike in the park.
Workbook Answer key
Train your brain! 2 Phonics
Possible answers: 1 Picture c shy: cry, why, my, fly
It is a notebook. 2 Picture a funny: friendly, sunny, sporty, slowly
It is a (very) small notebook 3 Picture b 3
It is an amazing notebook. 3 Students’ own answers
2E 3B 4E 5K 6B
They are pens. Life Skills p17
They are (very) small pens. Possible answers: 1
They are amazing pens. copying out the alphabet 1 Alex 2 Jack 3 Jack and Alex
putting up posters on your wall 4 Alex 5 Alex 6 Alex
making up stories about each letter 7 Jack and Alex
1 drawing outlines 2
two making dot-to-dot picture of each 1 ’m 2 isn’t, ’s 3 ’s 4 are 5 isn’t
three letter 6 aren’t 7 ’m not 8 ’re
seven p15 1 isn’t 2 isn’t, ’s 3 isn’t, ’s 4 ’s , isn’t
fifteen 1 5 aren’t, ’re 6 aren’t, ’re
thirteen 1 thirty-two x two = sixty-four
five 2 four + fifty-three = fifty-seven
twenty 4
3 a hundred – sixty = forty
eleven 4 seventy-four + eight = eighty-two
Students’ own answers
six 5 eleven x two = twenty-two Train your brain!
The hidden message is: We are tree
2 C S L A S O B J p18
1 one, nine, thirteen, seventeen, E C H A I R A T 1
nineteen 1 gel pen 2 felt-tip pen 3 ruler
2 seventeen, sixteen, fourteen, twelve 4 sharpener 5 sticky tape
3 eight, fourteen, seventeen C O M P U T E R 6 noticeboard 7 crayon
3 N O T E B O O K
The mystery word is: glue stick.
1 Tom is eight. 2
T L I N B E T A 1 50p 2 80p 3 £1.20 4 90p 5 35p
2 My dog is three.
3 Greg and Daisy are twelve. S B C D E S K C 3
4 My friend and I are eleven. P A N A R S O H 1 forty-five pounds
5 Students’ own answers. 2 two pounds twenty-five (pence)
4 E G B O A R D P 3 one pound seventy-two (pence)
1 They’re very small chairs. a 4 five pounds forty (pence)
2 It’s an amazing computer. a 1 desk 2 board 3 schoolbag 4
3 It’s a black notebook. b 4 pen 5 rubber 6 notebook Students’ own answers
4 They’re beautiful desks. a 7 computer 8 chair
3 p19
p13 1 What’s your 2 Alfie 3 your 1
1 surname 4 Mansfield 5 do you spell Students’ own answers
1c 2e 3a 4f 5d 6b that 6 What’s your 2
2 7 seventy-two 1 Who is Professor Iggy?
1 ninety-one 2 a hundred 4 2 Are they students?
3 twenty-six 4 sixty-three 1–2 a 3–4 an 5 an 3 What are they?
5 fifty-five 6 thirty-nine 5 4 Is it a good invention?
3 1 It’s an orange notebook. 5 Are they felt-tip pens?
1 What 2 spell 3 old 4 twelve 2 They’re beautiful green 3
4 schoolbags. 1 Is Hal nine years old? Yes, he is.
Name and surname: Tim Palmer 3 I’m Bella. 2 Who are Rick and Ben? They are
Age: 11 4 You’re my friend. students.
Locker number: 86 5 My dog’s ten. 3 Are Rick and Ben funny? Yes, they
5 6 Joe and I are students. are.
1 What’s your surname 7 It’s a very small desk. 4 Are Rick and Ben quiet? No, they
2 Stewart aren’t.
3 do you spell that
Unit 2 Useful!
4 How old are you 1 That’s incredible!
p16 2 It’s time to make
5 I’m
6 What’s 1 Train your brain
7 It’s seventy-four. 1 helpful 2 sporty 3 clever Who is he?
4 quiet 5 funny 6 kind 7 shy Am I a teacher?
p14 2 What is it?
1 1 sporty 2 clever 3 friendly 4 quiet Are you a student?
1H 2C 3E 4C 5H 5 funny 6 helpful 7 kind 8 shy
p20 4 Units 1-2 Let’s Check
1 The rulers aren’t blue. p24
2 I am eleven.
3 Her name is Gemma.
4 Piotr isn’t a teacher. n o t e b o o k s
2 s b o a r d d t h
a ruler 60p
5 c o m p u t e r a
b gel pens £2.25
c noticeboard £15.00 r o i e c k s y r
d sharpeners £1.00 a k t n a p k e p
e sticky tape £1.20
f £21.05 y p e c h a i r e
3a o n v i l c s u n
1 funny 2 clever 3 sporty 4 friendly
n g e l p e n l e
5 shy
3b d r c r u b b e r
1 Julie 2 Joe 3 Nathan 4 Amy d o h b l a g r o
1 Austria / Russia 2 Russia / Austria
4 3 Japan 4 Portugal
1 Yes, I am. 2 He’s Ben. 2
Around the world
3 Yes, they are. 4 They’re 75p. 1 clever 2 sporty 3 funny 4 helpful
5 No, he isn’t. 3
1 France 2 Wales 3 Germany 1 thirty-four - eighteen = sixteen
4 Poland 5 Scotland 6 Argentina 2 sixty-eight ÷ two = thirty-four
1 3 twenty-four + seventy-six =
1 c Spain Life skills
✓ an encyclopaedia a hundred
2 e France
✓ a book from your school library 4
3 g the United States of America
1 you 2 she 3 you 4 it 5 they 6 I
4 f Poland
p23 7 he 8 we
5 d Germany
6 b Italy 1 5
7 a England Countries: Poland, Italy, Germany, 1 They’re big brown desks.
Scotland 2 It’s an orange notebook.
Classroom objects: sticky tape, 3 They aren’t big schoolbags.
e1 a2 c3 b4 f5 d6
ruler, crayon, gel pen 4 It isn’t a blue gel pen.
Adjectives: shy, funny, helpful, kind.
1 Bob 2 Ella 3 France
2 6
Students’ own answers 1 She’s a teacher.
Students’ own answers
3 2 We aren’t students.
p22 1 name, Nice 2 play, Sure 3 Is he shy?
3 from, from 4 I’m not an inventor.
4 5 You’re clever.
1 are, ’m/am 2 Is, is 3 Are, aren’t 6 Are they from Spain?
4 is, ’s /is
5 7
1 He isn’t a student. He’s an inventor. 1 name 2 name’s Emily 3 surname
2 They aren’t from Scotland. They’re 4 Bennett 5 How do you spell
from Wales. 6 are you 7 12/twelve
3 I’m not nine. I’m ten.
2 4 You aren’t quiet. You’re noisy. p25
5 It isn’t a crayon. It’s a gel pen. 8
6 [ 4 ] Dhruv: I’m from India.
Possible answers: [ 6 ] Dhruv: Sure!
Her name is Marta. She’s eleven [ 3 ] Rita: Where are you from?
years old. She’s from Italy. She’s [ 1 ] Rita: Hi, I’m Rita. What’s your
funny and friendly. She isn’t shy. She name?
isn’t sporty. [ 5 ] Rita: Oh, that’s cool! Come and
3 play with my friends.
[ 2 ] Dhruv: My name’s Dhruv. Nice
to meet you.
1 What 2 Be 3 It’s time 4 That’s
1 £1.20 2 £1.80 3 80p 4 1 5 3
6 £2.40 7 £1.80 8 £2.40 9 £6.60
11 2b p32
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 6T 1T 2F 3T 4F 5F 6T 1
12 3 1 not comfortable
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers 2 gold
13 Life skills 3 funny
Students’ own answers Students’ own answers 4 T-shirt
5 expensive
Unit 3 p29 2
1 1B 2D 3C 4A
p26 1 Those 2 That 3 These 3
1 2 Traditional clothes Text 1
1 smartphone 2 comb 3 purse 1 grey 2 pink 3 yellow 4 green Funny clothes Text 4
4 remote 5 memory sticks 5 black 6 blue Unusual clothes Text 2
6 charger 7 keys 8 wallet 3 Around the world
9 hairbrush 10 umbrella 1 What is that? It is a sweater. Students’ own answers
11 tissues 2 What are these? They are glasses.
2 3 What are those? They are shorts. p33
1 purse c 2 charger e 3 memory stick 4 What are those? They are sandals. 1
d 4 keys f 5 comb a 5 What is this? It is a hairbrush. 1 trousers, shorts, skirt
6 headphones g 7 hairbrush b Useful! 2 trainers, shoes, sandals
Phonics 1 time 2 money 3 sweater, T-shirt, jacket
headphones, smartphone, no, Train you brain! 2
remote 1 an umbrella 2 keys 1 memory stick 2 hairbrush
3 3 Students’ own answers 3 charger 4 purse 5 keys
Students’ own answers 6 wallet 7 smartphone 8 comb
p30 9 headphones 10 tissues
p27 1 3
1 sandals [4] B: Thank you. Have a good day.
1 her 2 our 3 his 4 their 5 your memory stick [1] A: Good morning. How much is
hairbrush this T-shirt?
T-shirt [5] A: Thank you. Goodbye.
1 twoje 2 jego 3 je 4 nasze 5 wasze
smartphone [3] A: Here you are.
6 ich
umbrella [2] B: It’s £7.50.
jacket 4
1 his 2 your 3 her 4 their 5 my
trainers 1 my 2 their 3 our 4 your 5 Martin’s
2 6 her
1 Whose comb is it? It’s Jan’s comb.
1 T-shirt 2 trainers 3 glasses 5
2 Whose umbrella is it? It’s Joy’s
4 sweater 1 What are those? They are trousers.
3 2 What is that? It is a hairbrush.
3 Whose memory stick is it? It’s Ava’s
Gemma’s 3 What is this? It is a dress.
memory stick.
4 Whose headphones are they? 4 4 What are those? They are socks.
They’re Dan’s headphones. This is Oliver’s remote. 5 What is this? It is a smartphone.
5 Whose tissues are they? They’re That is Helen’s schoolbag. 6 What are these? They are sandals.
Uma’s tissues. That is Tabitha’s wallet 6
These are Lucy’s shoes. Students’ own answers
Train your brain!
These are Henry’s keys.
1 Whose glasses are they?
2 Whose magic wand is it?
This is Alice’s purse. Unit 4
3 Harry Potter’s
p31 p34
p28 1 1
1C 1 cousin 2 great-grandfather
2C 3 mother 4 sister
I L D S A N D A L S 3 SA
O T R O U S E R S H 2 1d 2e 3a 4b 5c
1 Good morning 2 It’s 3 are
V E E W E H A S R I 3
4 good day 5 Goodbye
1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F
W S S N I R A I I T 1 £18.00 2 T-shirt 3 £7.50 4 £25.50
1 three 2 thin 3 thirteen
4 4 thank you
Students’ own answers
1b 2d 3a 4c
4 5 3
Julia is my sister. She’s eleven years Possible answers: They haven’t got a computer.
old. / Mike is my brother. He’s nine They’ve got small grey eyes and She’s my aunt.
years old. small mouths. They haven’t got big Has Sarah got a brother?
Bob is my father. He’s forty-one eyes or mouths. They’ve got thin My sister’s got long red hair.
years old. faces. They’ve got long, wavy, fair Have you got a smartphone?
Sally is my mother. She’s thirty-six hair. They haven’t got short, curly 4
years old. hair. They haven’t got straight, black Possible answers:
Beth is my aunt. She’s forty-four hair. Jake has got a big house/a red jacket.
years old. We haven’t got a big house/a red
Isaac is my uncle. He’s fifty years old. p37 jacket.
Noah is my cousin. He’s sixteen 1 Have you got a pet dog/grey hair?
years old. 1 hasn’t got a wallet. Has your uncle got a pet dog?/grey
Ted is my grandfather. He’s sixty- 2 hasn’t got a cap. hair?
nine years old. 3 ‘s got a smartphone.
Emma is my grandmother. She’s 4 ‘s got a schoolbag. p39
sixty-five years old. 5 hasn’t got a computer. 1
2 1 to 2 This 3 How 4 fine 5 seat
p35 1 Has he got a nose? No, he hasn’t. 6 help
1 2 Has he got small feet? No, he hasn’t. 2
1 have got 2 have got 3 have got 3 Has he got big hands? Yes, he has. 1 Help yourself
4 ‘ve got 5 ‘ve got 4 Has he got long hair? No, he hasn’t. 2 How... you
2 5 Has he got two legs? Yes, he has. 3 Welcome to
1 haven’t got 2 haven’t got 3 ‘ve got 3 4 Have... seat
4 Students’ own answers Possible answers: 5 This... mother/father
5 Students’ own answers 1 She’s got short straight black hair. 3
3 She’s got a skirt and a jacket. 1a 2b 3b
1 Have Jodie and Harry got a snake? She hasn’t got long hair. She hasn’t 4
No, they haven’t. got a dress. Students’ own answers
2 Have Tim and Hannah got a dog? 2 He’s got short straight fair hair.
No, they haven’t. He’s got shorts and a T-shirt. p40
3 Have Tim and Hannah got a snake? He hasn’t got trousers. 1
Yes, they have. 3 He’s got short straight black hair. 1 Space 2 Medical 3 Space
4 Have I got a dog? Students’ own He’s got a sweater and trousers. 4 Factory 5 Medical 6 Factory
answers He hasn’t got fair hair. 2
5 Have I got a snake? Students’ own Useful! 1 eyes 2 floor 3 music 4 easy
answers 1 ‘s happening 3
4 2 a disaster 1 therapy robot 2 companion robot
Students’ own answers Train your brain! 3 roomba robot 4 robot pet
Life Skills snake. 4
food, water, place to sleep, regular Students’ own answers
exercise, company, love p38
Train your brain! 1 p41
All 12 months have got 28 days. s t r a i g h t f m o u 1
t h g r e p r w a v y b 1 great-grandfather 2 great-
grandmother 3 grandmother
1 Students’ own answers s g r a n d m o t h e r 4 father 5 mother 6 aunt
2 i c u r l y r l h v b o 7 uncle 8 brother 9 cousin
1e 2d 3a 4c 5b
m o t h e r e a e f l t 2
3 hair length: short, long
1 Steve - short curly red hair l u n c l e d u r a a h
hair type: wavy, curly, straight
2 Sophie - long wavy fair hair o s h o r t a n p i c e hair colour: grey, red, fair, black
3 Gemma - short wavy black hair
4 Uncle Dan - short straight grey
n i e r s i s t e r k r 3
g n f a l a n m i r d y [ 1 ] Welcome to my house.
[ 6 ] I’m fine too.
2 [ 8 ] Thank you. I love pizza!
1 I’ve got short curly red hair.
1 Max hasn’t got black hair. [ 3 ] This is my mother.
2 I’ve got short wavy black hair.
2 Tommy’s got curly hair. [ 2 ] Thank you.
3 I’ve got long wavy fair hair.
3 Lewis hasn’t got short hair. [ 5 ] I’m fine, thank you, Leila. And
4 I’ve got short straight grey hair.
4 Millie hasn’t got long hair. you ?
5 Lucy has got wavy hair. [ 4 ] Hello, Mrs Benson. My name’s
6 Christine hasn’t got fair hair. Leila. How are you?
[ 7 ] Have a seat and help yourself
a Lucy b Tommy c Millie d Max to the pizza.
e Christine f Lewis
4 [ 1 ] Welcome to my house. p46
1 Has, hasn’t 2 Have, have 3 Has, [ 2 ] Thank you. 1
has 4 Have, haven’t 5 Have, have [ 3 ] This is my father. 1 snowboard 2 play chess 3 sing
6 Have, haven’t [ 7 ] Have a seat and help yourself 4 ice-skate 5 paint 6 rollerblade
5 to the cake. 7 read music
2 Kath and Tom have got a new car. 7 The mystery activity is: whistle
3 Billy’s got short red hair. 1 waste of money 2
4 I haven’t got five cats. 2 waste of time 1 Sam 2 Sam 3 Sam, Bonnie
5 My cousins have got a big house. 3 a disaster 4–5 Sam, Bonnie, Sam’s father
6 You haven’t got a new teacher. 4 go 3
6 5 happening 1 can cook 2 can ice-skate 3 can’t
Julia has got long straight fair hair. 8 play chess 4 can’t snowboard 5 can
James has got short curly black hair. 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T 6T rollerblade 6 can’t ice-skate 7 can’t
Julia has got headphones. James 9 rollerblade 8 can swim
has got a schoolbag. Julia and James 1 Jack, Ada 2 Jack 3 Ada, Ed 4
have got a small black dog. James 4 Ada 5 Ed Students’ own answers
has got a grey cat. 10
Students’ own answers p47
Units 3-4 Let’s Check 1
Unit 5 1 Can he play the piano? No, he can’t.
p42 2 Can you/we cook? No, we can’t.
1 p44 3 Can they snowboard? Yes, they can.
1 short 1 4 Can I/you drive a car? No, I can’t.
2 straight, wavy 1 trees 2 skateboard tricks 2
3 fair, grey, red 3 jokes 4 English 5 a bicycle 1 Can you paint
4 cousin, great-grandmother 6 a car 2 No, I can’t.
5 charger, hairbrush, key, purse 2 3 Can your brother rollerblade?
6 dress, skirt, sock, trainers 1 tell jokes 2 climb trees 3 ski 4 Yes, he can.
2 4 drive a car 5 do skateboard tricks 5 Can your cousins ice-skate?
1 aunt 2 short 3 grey 4 straight 6 fly 7 speak English 8 swim 6 No, they can’t.
5 jacket 6 trousers 7 smartphone 9 ride a bicycle 3
3 Phonics 1 What can Iggy drive?
1 Whose key is this? It’s Paul’s key. trick, in, six, sister, fish, pink, listen 2 What can they speak?
2 Whose umbrella is that? It’s Mark’s 3 3 What can I paint?
umbrella. 1 A monkey can climb trees. 4 What can Imogen play?
3 Whose trainers are these? They’re 2 A fish can swim. 5 What can Ellie cook?
Jodie’s trainers. 3 A bird can fly. Useful!
4 Whose comb is that? It’s Astrid’s 4 A child can ride a bicycle. 1 What a mess!
comb. 5 A robot can speak Chinese. 2 I feel awful.
5 Whose sandals are those? They’re 4 3 Watch out!
Lauren’s sandals. Students’ own answers Train your brain!
4 Can she read music?
1 My 2 ‘ve 3 haven’t 4 ‘ve 5 My p45 No, she can’t.
6 ‘s 7 hasn’t 8 ‘s 9 ‘ve 10 Our 1 What can you play?
11 his 12 Our 13 ‘ve 14 Their 1 can’t swim 2 can’t do 3 can ski I can play chess.
15 Have 16 Have 4 can drive a car 5 can’t speak Life skills
5 6 can’t speak 7 can’t fly Students’ own answers
A: Good morning. How much are 2
these trousers? 1 can 2 can’t 3 can’t 4 can 5 can p48
B: They’re £17.50. 6 can 7 can’t 8 can 9 can’t 1
A: Thank you. And how much is 3 ACROSS 2 sing 4 jokes 5 trees
this T-shirt? 1 can’t ride 6 snowboard 7 fly
B: It’s £8.75. 2 can climb trees very well DOWN 1 whistle 3 rollerblade 6 ski
A: Here you are. 3 can’t swim fast 2
B: Thank you. Have a good day. 4 can ride a bicycle very well 1 ice-skate
A: Thank you. Goodbye. 5 can climb trees 2 You can read music.
4 3 You can play the piano.
p43 4 can fly
Students’ own answers
6 5 You can drive a car.
Train your brain!
[ 4 ] Hello, Mr Price. My name’s Will. 6 You can cook.
How are you? 7 We can speak English.
[ 6 ] I’m fine too.
[ 8 ] Thank you.
[ 5 ] I’m fine, thank you, Will. And
3 p51 p53
1 Monkeys can climb trees very well. 1 1
2 Dogs can’t whistle. 1 are 2 is 3 is 4 are 5 are 6 are
3 Fish can’t ride a bicycle. 2
4 Cheetahs can run fast. O T I A R S K I O M E
1 There is a lot of bread.
5 Hippopotami can’t jump. G I C E S K A T E I Y 2 There are some strawberries.
4 E A W H I S T L E E L 3 There is a sausage.
Can she cook? No, she can’t. 4 There is some cheese.
Can she ride a bicycle? No, she can’t. P C T E Z Y E F P B I
5 There are some cakes.
Can she play chess? Yes, she can. R O L L E R B L A D E
Can she paint? Yes, she can. S O K A S Y O Y I I A There is a pizza.
Can she swim? Yes, she can. There is a lot of bread.
There is some jam.
p49 D H A G N S R I T C S
There is some ice cream.
1 T M S C G R D H N N C There are some biscuits.
[ 2 ] Yes, what is it?
Train your brain
[ 4 ] Yes, of course. 2 Possible answers:
[ 3 ] Can I read my book, please? 1 skateboard 2 films 3 the USA There are some children. There is
[ 5 ] Thank you. 4 jokes 5 pictures a teacher / man. There are some
[ 1 ] Excuse me, Mr Carter. 3 chairs. There are some desks. There
2 [ 3 ] Can I do skateboard tricks in are some notebooks. There are some
He can rollerblade and he can play the park? school bags. There is a board.
football in the park. [ 1 ] Excuse me, Mrs Price.
He can’t climb trees and he can’t do [ 5 ] Oh, that’s a pity. Can p54
skateboard tricks. I rollerblade? 1
3 [ 7 ] Thank you! 1 pineapple a 2 chicken g
1 is it [ 4 ] No, you can’t. 3 blueberry e 4 lettuce b
2 Can I/we ride a [ 6 ] Yes, you can. 5 mushroom f 6 bacon c 7 lemon d
3 No, I’m afraid you can’t. [ 2 ] Yes, what is it? 2
4 that’s a 4 1 rice 2 grapes 3 pineapple 4 ham
5 Can I/we play 1 Can your sister run fast? 5 potato 6 chicken
6 you can 2 I can’t swim very quickly. 3
4 3 Our teacher can sing very loudly. 1 pineapples 2 grapes 3 lemons
Students’ own answers 4 You can’t speak Chinese. 4 rice 5 a lot of 6 six potatoes
5 What can they climb? 4
p50 6 What can you paint? Students’ own answers
1 5
1 eagles 2 picnics 3 food 4 year 1 Can your sister rollerblade? p55
5 waterfalls, mountains 6 dangerous Yes, she can. 1
2 2 Can your sister dance? 1b 2a 3c 4b 5c
1 Australia 2 old 3 swim 4 can No, she can’t. 2
5 birds 3 Can your brother run fast? 1c 2a
3 No, he can’t.
1 20,000 years old. 4 Can your brother ice-skate?
1 There is some lettuce.
2 No, you can’t. Yes, he can.
2 There are some pineapples.
3 More than 250. 5 Can your brother ski?
3 There aren’t any blueberries.
4 Kangaroos and crocodiles. Yes, he can.
4 There is a strawberry.
5 Students should mention two of
5 There isn’t any bread.
the following activities: camp, look Unit 6 Useful!
at the rock art, walk, watch the
birds, see tall trees and amazing 1 Yuck!
p52 2 It’s not quite right.
waterfalls, ride a bike, drive a car, 1
go in a boat, see kangaroos 3 Let’s try again.
1b 2g 3h 4a 5d 6j 7f 8e 9c 4 No problem!
Around the world 2
a kangaroo, an emu, but also: a black Train your brain!
1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b A mushroom
swan, a lion and a bird called shrike
1 some bread 2 a sausage 3 some p56
pasta 4 a lot of cakes 5 a biscuit 1
6 some jam 7 a strawberry biscuits, chicken, lettuce, pineapple,
Phonics bacon, ice cream, potato, bread, jam,
black, cat, jacket, jam, hand, man pizza, sausages, pasta
4 2
Students’ own answers 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b Ice
3 4 p61
1 There is a pineapple. 1 There are 2 There isn’t 3 There 7
2 There is some pasta. is 4 There aren’t 5 There is / There 1 Yuck!
3 There isn’t any rice. isn’t 6 There is 2 feel awful
4 There are some biscuits. 5 3 try again
5 There aren’t any cakes. Possible answers: 4 Watch out!
6 There is a potato. There is some bread. 5 What a mess!
7 There isn’t any ham. There isn’t any bread. 8
4 There is a lot of bread 1 can’t 2 can 3 aren’t any 4 is
Possible answers: There is a sausage 5 are some 6 delicious
There is a biscuit. There isn’t any There isn’t a sausage.. 9
bread. There is a cake. There are There is some chicken.
some grapes. There isn’t any jam. There is a lot of chicken can can't
There isn’t a lemon/There aren’t any There isn’t any chicken. Rita sing read music
lemons. There is a potato. There are There are some blueberries Tom tell very sing
some sausages. There aren’t any There are a lot of blueberries funny jokes
strawberries. There aren’t any blueberries
Caitlin paint play the
6 beautiful piano
p57 Possible answers: pictures
1 There are a lot of cakes. There is
1 beetroot 2 tomato 3 carrot a lot of bread. There is some cheese. 10
4 cabbage 5 onion 6 cucumber There is a lot of jam. There aren’t any Students’ own answers
7 red pepper 8 bean strawberries. There isn’t any ham.
2 Unit 7
1 Can 2 sorry 3 have 4 course Units 5-6 Let’s Check
5 in 6 please 7 are 8 Thank p62
3 p60 1
1 beetroot and mushroom 1 1 photos 2 volleyball 3 with my
2 carrot and tomato 1 lemon 2 grapes 3 sausages friends 4 out 5 comments
3 Eat in 4 pizza 5 rice 6 bread 7 lettuce 6 my dance class 7 music 8 TV
4 £9.75 8 biscuit 9 mushroom 9 exercise
4 10 strawberries 2
Students’ own answers 2 1 do exercise, watch TV, take photos
Life Skills 1 do skateboard tricks 2 fly 3 swim 2 hang out with my friends, chat on
b 4 climb trees 5 tell jokes 6 read my mobile, post comments
music 7 play chess 8 paint 3
p58 3 1 Cindy
1 1 Amy can sing. 2 Kuba
1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 2 Can you snowboard? 3 Cindy and Kuba
2 3 We can drive. 4 Cindy
A Canada B Germany C India 4 Can he speak Chinese? 5 Cindy and Kuba
D Australia 5 I can’t cook. 6 Cindy and Kuba
3 6 My sister can play the piano very 7 Cindy
1 coffee well. Phonics
2 a sausage in a curry sauce 4 1 orange 2 draw 3 black 4 car
3 Canadians 1 There are some is a sausages. 4
4 poutine 2 There is a are some cakes. Students’ own answers
5 meat, chicken and fish 3 There is a lot of some pasta.
6 spicy tea with sugar and milk 4 There is a are a lot of blueberry p63
Around the World blueberries. 1
1d 2a 3b 4c 5 There is some isn’t any rice. 1 don’t hang 2 do 3 play 4 don’t go
5 5 don’t watch
p59 There is some ham. 2
1 There isn’t any bacon. 1 Do I/you hang out with my/your
1 biscuit 2 sausage 3 grape There are a lot of biscuits. friends at the weekend? No, I
4 potato 5 bread 6 ice-cream There is a lot of cheese. don’t.
7 jam 8 cheese There is some jam. 2 Do my/your cousins do their
2 There is a pizza. homework on Saturday morning?
1 strawberry 2 lemon 3 chicken 6 Yes, they do.
4 pasta 5 mushroom 6 bacon/beef Here you are. [B] No, I’m afraid you 3 Do you play volleyball after school
7 lettuce 8 blueberry 9 rice can’t. [T] Can I play football, please? on Thursday? Yes, you do.
3 [T] Eat in or take out? [B] That’s 4 Do the students go to their art
1 of 2 to 3 it 4 you 5 there 6 I £6.25, please. [B] Yes, what is it? [T] class on Sunday? No, they don’t.
Excuse me, Mrs Bell. [T] I’m sorry, 5 Do I/you watch TV on Saturday
there isn’t any carrot salad. [B] evening? No, I don’t.
3 Useful! 2
1 watch 2 don’t watch 3 go 4 take 1 minute 2 can’t believe 1 horses 2 boat 3 fast
5 do 6 play 7 hang out 8 Do you do Train your brain! 3
9 do 10 play 11 don’t play 12 play Does your brother like sausages? 1 The Philippines 2 Indonesia
13 do She doesn’t brush her teeth at night. 3 Colombia
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday He gets up late. 4
Sadie do home- go to play play Students’ own answers
work, music basket- basketball p66
watch TV lesson ball 1 p69
take 1 chat 2 watch 3 breakfast 4 get 1
5 post 6 hang 7 go 8 teeth 1 hang 2 watch 3 post 4 take
Frank play do play do 9 shower 10 music 5 brush 6 chat 7 have 8 get 9 go
football home- chess skateboard
hang work tricks 2
Mystery word: take photos
out with 1 shower 2 exercise 3 dressed
The best present for Freda is a camera.
friends 4 photos 5 a dance class
Train your brain! do judo play take ski 1 late
1 whistle volley- photos 2 What time is it?
2 watch TV ball 3 Hurry up!
3 don’t ride my bicycle and I don’t Trixie Jodie Trixie Natalie 4 It’s time to... breakfast.
download music 5 Take... time
(She only does things that start with Natalie Bella Jodie Bella
the same letter as the day) 1 Do, do 2 Does, doesn’t 3 Do, don’t
4 Do, do 5 Does, does 6 Do, don’t
p64 1 I watch TV at night.
2 Do you have a shower in the 5
morning every day? 1 doesn’t play football every day
1 dressed b 2 teeth d 3 dinner i
3 Iggy’s robot doesn’t have dinner. 2 don’t go to school on Sunday
4 bed h 5 school c 6 up g 7 lunch e
4 Gerry chats on his mobile in the 3 watch TV after school
8 home f 9 shower a
afternoon. 4 likes sausages
5 The students don’t take photos in 5 don’t get up early on Saturday
1 have dinner 2 get up 3 get dressed
the classroom. 6
4 go to school
6 Does your sister download music 1 Do you get up
in the morning? 2 do
morning: have breakfast in bed, get
4 3 get up
up, brush her teeth, get dressed, do
Students’ own answers 4 don’t have
5 go
afternoon: have lunch, go to
p67 6 Does he go
her friend’s house, take photos,
1 7 doesn’t
download music
1 It’s half past two. 8 doesn’t get up
evening: have dinner at her friend’s
2 It’s twenty past eleven. 9 has
house, go home, watch TV
3 It’s ten to eight. 10 hangs out
night: have a shower, go to bed
4 It’s quarter past nine. 11 Do your mum and dad get up
4 12 do
Students’ own answers 5 It’s quarter to nine.
13 don’t go
14 don’t hang out
p65 1 Excuse me,
15 play
1 2 It’s time to have lunch.
I watch like do have go 3 Take your time.
4 What time is it?
Unit 8
He/she watches likes does has
goes 5 It’s time to go out.
6 Hurry up! p70
3 1
1 doesn’t have, has
2 doesn’t do, plays Conversation 1 1 a lake 2 your grandmother
3 doesn’t drive, rides half past ten 3 your smartphone 4 a robot
4 doesn’t go, goes go to the judo class 5 a new computer 6 English
is 7 treasure 8 £100
1 Does he do; No, he doesn’t. Conversation 2 2
2 Does he play; Yes, he does. quarter to seven a8 b4 c3 d7 e5 f1 g2 h6
3 Does he hang out; No, he doesn’t. have dinner Phonics
4 Does he take; No, he doesn’t. isn’t time, fight, write, drive, kind, rice,
4 4 white, night, ice cream, pineapple
1 doesn’t work 2 works 3 puts Students’ own answers Life Skills
4 makes 5 Does it make 6 doesn’t a pilot
7 Does he drink 8 doesn’t p68 3
9 doesn’t drink 10 Does she like 1 Students’ own answers
11 does 1 Nepal 2 old 3 ladders 4 water 5 isn’t
p71 4 What is Professor Iggy doing? 4
1 Taking photos. 1–3 Students’ own answers
1F2T3F4T5T6F 5 Is Eddie taking photos? No, he isn’t. 4 Go straight on and turn left. Then
2 6 Is Ellie chatting on her mobile? Yes, turn right.
1 I’m cooking pasta. she is.
2 My cousins aren’t playing 7 What is Eddie doing? Drinking p76
volleyball. a smoothie. 1
3 Steph is having lunch. Train your brain! 1 Times Square 2 Federation Square
4 Tarek isn’t buying a new jacket. Possible answers: 3 Trafalgar Square 4 Trafalgar Square
5 We’re doing skateboard tricks. What is your cat watching/playing/ 2
6 I’m not hanging out with my eating? 1 snakes and monkeys 2 at night
friends. What are the students watching/ 3 at the Polish Art Gallery in the Main
3 playing/eating? Square in Krakow 4 The Sukiennice
1 ‘s/is driving What am I watching/playing/eating? 3
2 ‘s/is swimming 1 climbing 2 tower 3 Main Square
3 ‘s/is visiting p74 4 people 5 shopping 6 pictures
4 ‘m not/am not doing 1 Around the world
5 ‘m/am writing 1 Mary is reading in the cinema. b
4 2 Ted is eating cake in the café.
Students’ own answers 3 Amy is whistling at the bus stop. p77
Train your brain! 2 1
I am diving into a crocodile lake. fight a dinosaur 1 café 2 supermarket 3 museum
The hidden word is: brainy find treasure 4 car park 5 cinema 6 bus stop
buy tickets 7 train station 8 shopping centre
p72 dive into a crocodile lake 2
win prizes 1 visit 2 look for 3 fight 4 buy
learn magic tricks 5 find 6 dive into 7 learn 8 win
1d 2f 3b 4e 5a 6c
visit Spooky Castle 3
3 Ted: Excuse me. I’m looking for the
1 supermarket 2 bus stop 3 school
1 f Ben café.
4 museum 5 cinema 6 train station
2 g Victor You: Go straight on and turn left.
7 shopping centre
3 e Helena Then turn left.
4 a Joe Ted: Thank you
1 is looking at some old pictures
5 b Fiona You: You’re welcome.
2 a museum
6 c Jim 4
3 is buying some bread and cheese
7 d Gloria 1 ‘m watching 2 Are you doing
4 a supermarket
Joe’s winning prizes at the museum. 3 I’m not 4 ‘m playing 5 ‘m winning
5 is walking and looking at a lot of
4 6 isn’t winning 7 Is your dad playing
Are they fighting a robot? 8 he is 9 ‘re singing
6 a car park.
Is your aunt buying tickets? 10 are your aunt and uncle doing
7 is watching a film
I’m looking for my friend. 11 aren’t singing 12 ‘re making
8 a cinema
What are you playing? 13 ‘s buying
Where is she going? 5
Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers
1 museum 2 café 3 cinema
1 Is, learning c 2 Are, visiting e
3 Are, eating d 4 Is, watching f
1 Excuse me 2 straight on 3 turn left
5 Are, taking a
4 turn right 5 Thank you
6 You’re welcome
1 are you reading?
2 is she looking for?
3 are they fighting?
4 am I buying?
5 is he going?
Useful! clothes shop
train station cinema
on top of the world!
Get a move on!
1 What is the SmoothieMax making? café car park
school museum
A lot of delicious smoothies.
Units 7-8 Let’s Check 3 SKILLS BOOSTER 1
1 stocking 2 candy canes 3 tree
4 presents 5 turkey 6 pudding Discover more! National public
7 star 8 presents 9 fish 10 wafer holidays, p83
4 1
activities: have a shower, do exercise,
Students’ own answers A Australia Day, Australia
play volleyball, find treasure, buy
B the spring bank holiday, England
tickets, download music
places: café, museum, cinema, Easter C Independence Day, the USA
D National Independence Day, Poland
shopping centre, supermarket,
bus stop p81 2
2 1 1 26 stycznia
1f 2d 3e 4a 5b 6c 1 hot cross bun 2 lamb 3 salt and 2 łodzi/statków
pepper 4 basket 5 chick 6 bunny 3 4 lipca
The mystery word is: catkin. 4 sztucznych ogni
1 Do you get up 2 I do 3 get up
2 5 11 listopada
4 have 5 Does your father get up
6 doesn’t 7 doesn’t get up 6 parady i pokazy wojskowe
8 works 9 Do you do 10 I don’t 7 w ostatni poniedziałek maja
11 play 12 goes 13 has 8 (rodzinnych) piknikach
14 Do your mother and father have 3
15 do 16 gets up 17 have 18 go Possible answers:
19 hang out 1 historii tego kraju
4 2 znalazła plecak (po koncercie)/chce
1 Rob and Steve are swimming in the oddać plecak właścicielowi
lake. They aren’t visiting the castle. 3 3 (nowy) smartfon
Are they riding a bike? No, they 1 the UK - c
aren’t. 2 Poland - a SKILLS BOOSTER 2
2 I’m finding treasure. I’m not 3 Poland - e
winning prizes. 4 the UK - b REAGOWANIE/PRZETWARZANIE,
Am I/Are you learning magic tricks? 5 the UK - f p84
No, I’m not. 6 Poland - g 1
3 Paul’s buying tickets. He isn’t 7 Poland - d 1B2E3A4C5D
fighting a dinosaur. 4
Is he finding treasure? No, he isn’t. Students’ own answers
1 Help yourself to the sandwiches.
p79 SKILLS BOOSTER 1 2 How much are these trousers?
5 3 Have a seat, please.
1 Excuse, what time 2 quarter to REAGOWANIE/PRZETWARZANIE, 4 This is my sister.
3 lunch 4 late 5 you are 6 Hurry p82 5 Here you are.
6 1 3
[ 4 ] You’re welcome. 1B2A3C4E5D 1F2F3P
[ 2 ] Go straight on, then turn right. 2 4
Then turn left. 1 Sure! 1 What is Adam like?
[ 1 ] Excuse me. I’m looking for the 2 It’s time to go home now. 2 Have a good evening.
cinema. 3 That’s incredible! 3 Help yourself to the cake.
[ 3 ] Thank you. 4 Come and play with my friends. 4 Whose jacket is this?
7 5 Where are you from? 5 These shoes are 20 pounds.
1B 2D 3A 4C 3 5
8 1F 2F 3P 1C2B
1e 2c 3d 4b 5a 4
9 1 What is your surname? SKILLS BOOSTER 2
1F 2T 3F 4F 2 How much is the rubber?
10 3 Welcome to my school.
4 Nice to meet you. Discover more! Birthdays, p85
Students’ own answers
5 How old are you? 1
A Eduardo B Jacek C Olivia D Amy
Christmas 5
1D 2B 3A
1 chleb 2 świeczkami 3 słodycze /
p80 cukierki 4 nosy 5 szczęście
1 3
Across 1 Friday/19th March 2 5 3 lesson
2 fish 3 star 6 presents 8 baubles 4 cake
1 wafer 4 turkey 5 reindeer 7 sleigh
1 tree 2 pudding 3 stocking
4 cracker 5 angel
REAGOWANIE/PRZETWARZANIE, Discover more! Polish national
p86 food, p89
1 1
1E 2A 3D 4C 5B 1 dumplings 2 dried mushrooms
2 3 sour cream 4 mayonnaise
1 Eat in or take out? 5 stew 6 sauerkraut
2 Can we swim here, please? 2
3 Oh, that’s a pity. 1 polskiej 2 pierogi/bigos
4 Can I have a cabbage and onion 3 bigos/pierogi 4 truskawkami
salad, please? 5 warzywna 6 lody 7 kapustę
5 Watch out! 3
3 1 uncle 2 afternoon 3 mushrooms
1F 2P 3F 4 strawberries 5 sour cream 6 salad
1 Can I watch a film? SKILLS BOOSTER 5
2 What is it?
4 Let’s make a pizza. p90
5 I feel awful. 1
5 1E2C3B4D5A
1B 2D 3C 2
1 I’m on top of the world.
SKILLS BOOSTER 3 2 it’s not quite right.
3 I don’t like pineapples.
Discover more! Active holidays 4 Oh, that’s a pity.
in Poland, p87 5 Do you like going to the cinema?
1 3
1C 2A 3B 4D 1F 2P 3P
2 4
B and D 1 It is time to go home.
3 2 Do you want to hang out with my
1 godzinach friends?
2 dzikich 3 I hate playing volleyball.
3 organizuje 4 Let’s watch TV.
5 I feel awful.
1C 2A 3B
1C 2E 3D 4A 5B Discover more! Places to visit
2 in Poland, p91
1 Hurry up! 1
2 Excuse me, I’m looking for the 1 B 2 C 3D 4 A
shopping centre. 2
3 I’m on top of the world! 1 Biskupin 2 Krakow 3 Gdansk
4 Excuse me, what time is it? 4 Warsaw
5 You’re welcome! 3
3 1 history 2 films 3 footballer
1P2P3F 4
4 1 muzeum 2 dwóch/2 godzin
1 Wait a minute. 3 90 4 festynie/festiwalu
2 Am I late? archeologicznym
3 Go straight on.
4 Let’s go to the cinema on Saturday
at 5 o’clock.
5 Take your time.