Uncertainty Aware Deep Learning Methods

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Received 8 June 2022, accepted 11 July 2022, date of publication 18 July 2022, date of current version 26 July 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3192024

Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for

Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification
1 Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, 00076 Aalto, Finland
2 The Alan Turing Institute, London NW1 2DB, U.K.
3 Department of Computer Science and the Department of Statistics, The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K.
4 Department of Statistical Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, U.K.
5 Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto University, 00076 Aalto, Finland
6 Central Finland Health Care District, 40620 Jyväskylä, Finland

Corresponding author: Kimmo K. Kaski ([email protected])

The work of Joel Jaskari, Jaakko Sahlsten, and Kimmo K. Kaski was supported in part by the Academy of Finland under Project 345449.

ABSTRACT Automatic classification of diabetic retinopathy from retinal images has been increasingly
studied using deep neural networks with impressive results. However, there is clinical need for estimating
uncertainty in the classifications, a shortcoming of modern neural networks. Recently, approximate Bayesian
neural networks (BNNs) have been proposed for this task, but previous studies have only considered the
binary referable/non-referable diabetic retinopathy classification applied to benchmark datasets. We present
novel results for 9 BNNs by systematically investigating a clinical dataset and 5-class classification scheme,
together with benchmark datasets and binary classification scheme. Moreover, we derive a connection
between entropy-based uncertainty measure and classifier risk, from which we develop a novel uncertainty
measure. We observe that the previously proposed entropy-based uncertainty measure improves performance
on the clinical dataset for the binary classification scheme, but not to such an extent as on the benchmark
datasets. It improves performance in the clinical 5-class classification scheme for the benchmark datasets,
but not for the clinical dataset. Our novel uncertainty measure generalizes to the clinical dataset and to one
benchmark dataset. Our findings suggest that BNNs can be utilized for uncertainty estimation in classifying
diabetic retinopathy on clinical data, though proper uncertainty measures are needed to optimize the desired
performance measure. In addition, methods developed for benchmark datasets might not generalize to
clinical datasets.

INDEX TERMS Approximate Bayesian neural networks, deep learning, diabetic retinopathy, reject option
classification, uncertainty estimation.

I. INTRODUCTION probability on one of the classes, even when the predicted

Deep neural networks have achieved impressive results in class is incorrect, whereas a well calibrated classifier would
a wide variety of problems, ranging from large scale image place less probability mass on uncertain classes. In the med-
classification [1], to natural language understanding [2], and ical domain, the issue of uncertainty estimation is especially
to medical image segmentation [3]. However, the standard important for having trust to confident model predictions
methods have been found to produce over-confident predic- in screening automation and referring uncertain cases for
tions, meaning that they are poorly calibrated [4]. In clas- intervention by medical experts. In this work we refer to
sification tasks, a poorly calibrated network can place high the classifiers that can indicate their uncertainty as robust
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and Over the past few years, the automatic classification of
approving it for publication was Nagarajan Raghavan . diabetic retinopathy by using deep neural networks has been

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 10, 2022 76669
J. Jaskari et al.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification

under growing interest [5]–[8]. More recently, the focus of task. A single Radial BNN was found to outperform the
attention has turned on developing robust deep learning meth- MC dropout and MFVI, but not the deep ensemble. Overall,
ods for the classification task, most commonly using the an ensemble of Radial BNN’s turned out to outperform all
approximate Bayesian deep learning approach that approx- other methods at all referral levels. In [18] the RDR task was
imates the Bayesian neural network (BNN) posterior distri- examined using the EyePACS dataset for training and testing,
bution in a computationally scalable manner. The previous and the out-of-distribution performance was evaluated with
works have considered a variety of aspects from studying the APTOS, similar to [12]. They also studied how the robust
the benefits of uncertainty estimates [9] to algorithmic devel- deep learning methods generalize when no images of severe
opment of robust methods [10], [11]. Although the vari- and even severer proliferative diabetic retinopathy cases are
ety of different studied algorithms has been diverse [9], used in the training. The considered approximate deep learn-
[12], the used datasets have so far been benchmark datasets. ing methods were MFVI, Radial BNN, Function-Space Vari-
This leaves open the question of whether the algorithms ational Inference, MC dropout, and Rank-1 Parameterized
generalize to real clinical data. In addition, these recent BNN, and ensembles of them. Also the deep ensembles were
works have mainly focused on the classification of diabetic used. It was found that the MC dropout ensemble performed
retinopathy using binary classification schemes, i.e. ‘‘refer- the best for the within-distribution and the MFVI ensemble
able vs. non-referable’’ (RDR) or ‘‘healthy vs. any’’ diabetic for the out-of-distribution experiments.
retinopathy. However, in clinically oriented approaches there In this study, our objective is to analyze robust neural
has been a shift towards the 5-class proposed international networks, i.e. networks that are inherently well calibrated,
diabetic retinopathy classification system (PIRC) [8], [13], for the task of diabetic retinopathy classification using the
[14]. In order for these approaches to have clinical use, it is RDR and PIRC classification schemes. For this reason we
of paramount importance that the algorithms generalize to leave out the analysis of post-hoc calibration methods, such
clinical datasets and to clinical diabetic retinopathy grading as the test-time augmentation introduced in [11] and [19],
systems, which is the novel scope we adopt in this study. neural network softmax temperature scaling, and probability
The common aspect among the works focusing on robust binning strategies [4]. We also omit methods based on stan-
methods is the use of uncertainty information to simulate a dard neural networks, such as the DR|GRADUATE [20], that
referral process, introduced by [9]. Each prediction is asso- is trained to predict the PIRC label and an uncertainty score,
ciated with an uncertainty estimate, and the least certain using a specific ordinal regression setting.
predictions are referred to experts, while the more certain Many measures of uncertainty have been used in the previ-
predictions are used for evaluation. This process mimics a ous works. In [9], the standard deviation of the output of the
situation in which the automated system asks human interven- BNN and the entropy of the posterior predictive distribution
tion for uncertain cases, i.e. refers them to an expert. In prac- were considered as measures of uncertainty and were found
tice, the holdout test set predictions are ordered according to perform similarly. In [12], [19], and [18] the entropy was
to their uncertainty and several referral levels are defined also selected as the measure of uncertainty. On the other hand,
corresponding to a percentile of referred examples, i.e. 10% the mutual information between the parameters of the model
referral level means that 10% of the most uncertain examples and the output was considered as the measure of uncertainty
are left out of the evaluation. in [10].
In [9], a Monte Carlo (MC) dropout neural network was In the present work, we explore the benefits of uncertainty
used for two binary classification tasks: classification of estimates for a clinical dataset of a Finnish hospital on both
any diabetic retinopathy and RDR. They used the EyePACS the binary RDR and the 5-class PIRC classification schemes.
dataset [15] for training and testing and evaluated the out- We investigate 9 different approximate Bayesian methods
of-distribution performance with the Messidor dataset [16] to extensively analyze recently proposed methods. In addi-
and observed improved robustness in comparison to a base- tion, we study the out-of-distribution performance using three
line standard neural network. Reference [12] conducted a benchmark datasets: the EyePACS [15], the Messidor-2 [16],
more methodologically extended study for the classification [21], and the APTOS [17]. We observe that the entropy uncer-
of RDR. The EyePACS dataset was used for training and tainty estimates improve the area under the receiver oper-
testing, and the out-of-distribution performance was evalu- ating characteristic curve (AUC) performance in the binary
ated with the APTOS [17]. The work examined a number RDR system, but in the case of the 5-class PIRC system,
of approximate Bayesian deep learning methods, such as the quadratic weighted Cohen’s kappa (QWK) performance
the MC dropout, Mean Field Variational Inference (MFVI), only improves across the benchmark datasets. For the clinical
deep ensembles, and MC dropout ensemble. They observed dataset and PIRC system, we observe less robust classifier
that the approximate Bayesian methods outperformed the performance using entropy-based uncertainty. To improve the
standard neural network in all the experiments where net- quality of the uncertainty estimates, we additionally pro-
work uncertainty was utilized. Reference [10] proposed the pose a novel classifier risk based uncertainty measure, which
Radial BNN method and benchmarked it against MFVI, improves the within-distribution uncertainty performance on
MC dropout, and deep ensembles using the EyePACS dataset, both the Finnish hospital dataset and the EyePACS dataset.
as both the training and test sets, for the RDR classification As far as we know, clinical diabetic retinopathy severity

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schemes and clinical workflow datasets have not been studied were used only as out-of-distribution test sets. Complete
before using robust neural networks. description of the training, validation, and test sets are
described in Table 1 and the test set class distributions in
II. METHODS Table 2. The images were resized into standard size 512 x
A. DATASETS 512 and, to reduce known variability, preprocessed with steps
All our datasets consist of color images of the human described in the Supplementary Section 1.
retina and are graded using the following 5-class PIRC
system for the severity scheme of diabetic retinopathy: no B. APPROXIMATE BAYESIAN DEEP LEARNING
diabetic retinopathy (class 0), mild diabetic retinopathy The approximate Bayesian deep learning models take the
(class 1), moderate diabetic retinopathy (class 2), severe uncertainty in account by computing the following posterior
diabetic retinopathy (class 3), and proliferative diabetic predictive distribution:
retinopathy (class 4). From the PIRC system, we derive the Z
binary referable/non-referable diabetic retinopathy (RDR) p(y | x, D) = p(y | x, θ) p(θ | D) dθ. (1)
classification, which is defined as the union of no dia- θ ∈2
betic retinopathy or mild diabetic retinopathy (≤ 1) and
Here x and y denote the image and target, respectively, D
referable as retinopathy worse than or equal to moder-
the training data, and θ the model parameters. The predic-
ate diabetic retinopathy (≥ 2). We chose to include the
tions are weighted averages using the posterior distribution
binary RDR system for comparison with the previous
p(θ | D) [25], [26]. For the standard neural networks, the
maximum likelihood (ML) or maximum a posteriori (MAP)
We use the following four datasets for our experiments:
estimates are typically used, which completely ignore the
the EyePACS [15], KSSHP [22], Messidor-2 [16], [21],
uncertainty in the parameters.
and APTOS [17]. The EyePACS and APTOS datasets
The exact solution for Equation (1) is intractable for
were introduced for two different Kaggle competitions of
deep neural networks, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
diabetic retinopathy detection. The Messidor-2 is a com-
is prohibitively expensive for real world scenarios. Thus
mon benchmark dataset that was introduced for research
approximations need to be utilized. We selected the deep
in computer-assisted diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. The
ensemble, MC dropout, MFVI, Generalized Variational
EyePACS, APTOS, and Messidor-2 datasets have been
Inference (GVI), and Radial BNN as our approximate
widely used in literature for training and analyzing robust
Bayesian methods. The posterior predictive distribution can
neural networks. In order to examine if the results generalize
be inexpensively approximated with these methods using
to clinical hospital datasets, we use the non-public KSSHP
an approximate posterior distribution q(θ) and Monte Carlo
dataset. The KSSHP set was collected from clinical workflow
integation with N samples:
data from the Central Finland Health Care District. Central
Finland Health Care District approved the research permit N
1 X
regarding the KSSHP data in January 2021. The research p(y | x, D) ≈ p(y | x, θ i ), θ i ∼ q(θ). (2)
was conducted as a register based research, and thus did not N
need ethical board evaluation according to EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Finnish law [23], [24]. C. DEEP ENSEMBLES
All the used datasets originate from different countries: The The deep ensemble [27] is a collection of multiple ML or
EyePACS from USA, KSSHP from Finland, APTOS from MAP neural network models. The models are trained using
India, and Messidor-2 from France, allowing for extensive different initializations in order to produce a diverse set of
analysis for the generalization of the models under distribu- models. The predictions of the models are averaged to pro-
tion shift by country. duce the prediction of the ensemble model, corresponding to
The division of data to training, validation, and test sets heuristically setting the posterior as uniform distribution over
were performed for EyePACS and KSSHP image datasets. the set if models in Equation (2).
For the EyePACS dataset, the official ‘‘Train’’ set was used
for training, the ‘‘Public’’ set was used for validation, and D. MONTE CARLO DROPOUT - MC DROPOUT
the ‘‘Private’’ set was used as the test set. These training, The Monte Carlo dropout method introduced in [28] allows
validation, and test splits have also been used in [18] and approximate Bayesian inference during test-time for net-
in the Tensorflow Datasets Python package. For the KSSHP works that have been trained using the dropout regularization
dataset, we used 70%, 10%, and 20% of images for the method. The dropout works by sampling a binary mask r =
training, validation, and test sets, respectively. For the splits, [r1 , . . . , rd ]> from a Bernoulli distribution ri ∼ Bern(p) and
we used stratified pseudo random sampling to preserve PIRC masks the activations h of a layer by computing the Hadamard
class distribution of the original set, but taking into account product r h [29], which is equivalent to masking rows of
that images from the same patient cannot reside in more than the weight matrix and elements of the bias vector [28]. The
one set. Due to the low amount of images in the APTOS posterior predictive distribution is then computed using the
and Messidor-2 datasets, 3662 and 1744 respectively, they dropout distribution in Equation (2).

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TABLE 1. Number of images in each subset for each dataset.

TABLE 2. Class distribution for PIRC and RDR classification schemes of the test sets.

E. MEAN FIELD VARIATIONAL INFERENCE - MFVI normal is typically chosen for computational convenience
The Mean Field variational approximations assume that the (rather than to incorporate any prior knowledge about good
neural network parameters are independent and typically values of the neural network weights) [32], this approach
that the approximate posterior and prior are Gaussians [10], is promising. We select the robust divergence as Rényi’s
[12], [30]. The evidence lower-bound (ELBO) can then be α-Divergence (DαAR [ · || · ]), with α = 0.5. As the loss
maximized, which provides a lower bound for the posterior function, we use the negative log-likelihood, and as the space
probability, and for the diagonal multivariate Gaussian case, of feasible solutions the mean field normal posteriors and
the equations become simple [30]: priors, where the prior was selected as the diagonal standard
normal. The total minimization objective is then:
LELBO (D, θ) = Eq(θ) [log(p(D | θ))]
− DKL [q(θ) || p(θ)], LGVI = −Eq(θ) [log(p(D | θ))]
= Eq(θ) [log(p(D | θ))] + DαAR [q(θ) || p(θ)], (4)
sj DαAR [q(θ) || p(θ)] = log q(θ)α p(θ)(1−α) dθ.
α(1 − α)
− log
σj (5)
+ [(µj − mj )2 + σj2 − s2j ]. (3) G. RADIAL BAYESIAN NEURAL NETWORKS - RADIAL BNN
The multivariate normal distribution has the so-called ‘‘soap
Here the KL[· || ·] denotes the Kullback-Leibler (KL) diver- bubble’’ pathology in high dimensions, meaning that most of
gence, the prior is N (mj , s2j ), and the variational posterior the probability mass is concentrated on thin shell far from
is N (µj , σj2 ) for a parameter θj . The remaining expected the mean, resulting in samples with a high norm. In [10], the
log-likelihood term is computed using Monte Carlo inte- high norm is proposed to be the problem in training deep
gration and the reparametrization trick [31]. Similar to the neural networks using the MFVI approach with Gaussian
MC dropout, the posterior predictive distribution is computed posteriors. To address this issue, they propose a novel ‘‘Radial
using samples from the fitted approximate posterior distribu- BNN’’ posterior distribution. The proposed distribution is
tion. We used multivariate standard normal distribution as the constructed such that the samples have the same expected
prior in all experiments. norm as univariate standard normal distribution, regardless
of the dimension. The sampling process is defined as follows
F. GENERALIZED VARIATIONAL INFERENCE - GVI for a single weight vector:
In [32], a novel optimization-centric view to posterior w = µ + σ ˆ · r, (6)
inference is proposed. The problem of finding posterior 
distributions is viewed in terms of the so-called ‘‘Rule-of- ˆ = , (7)
Three’’, which separates the loss, divergence, and the space of  ∼ N (0, I ), (8)
feasible solutions as different aspects of the optimization pro-
r ∼ N (0, 1). (9)
cedure. Different configurations result in different posterior
inference methods, for example the standard Bayesian pos- The resulting random variable w avoids the soap bubble
terior inference and variational inference. This view allows pathology, however, it has no closed form probability den-
for principled use of divergences, which are robust to the sity function or KL-divergence. The authors observe that a
mis-specification of the prior. Since the diagonal standard stochastic estimate of the KL-divergence can be computed

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similar to [26], allowing for optimizing the ELBO up to a con- TABLE 3. Architecture of the VGG network. k denotes the kernel size and
s the stride used for the convolutional layer. C = 64 for MAP, MC dropout,
stant. Multivariate standard normal distribution was selected deep ensemble, and MC dropout ensemble, and C = 46 for MFVI, GVI,
as the prior, similar to MFVI. Radial, MFVI ensemble, GVI ensemble, and radial ensemble.


For all our experiments, we used a VGG16 type network as
the base architecture, similar to most of the previous stud-
ies [9], [10], [12]. The VGG16 architecture was chosen to be
identical to the one used by [10], as their study demonstrated
high performance for approximate Bayesian neural networks
on the RDR task. This network consists of five ‘‘blocks’’ with
the first two blocks containing two convolutional layers each,
and all the later blocks have three convolutional layers in each
block. All the convolutional layers have a kernel size of 3×3,
and each of them is followed by a Leaky ReLU activation with
a negative slope of α = 0.2. A max pooling operation with
kernel size and stride of 2 × 2 is applied as the last operation
of each block, with the exception of the final block. The
output of the final block is globally average pooled and max
pooled over the spatial dimensions, and their output vector
representations are concatenated. The final fully-connected
layer has one neuron with a sigmoid activation for the binary
RDR classification task, and five neurons with a softmax
activation for the 5-class PIRC task. The MAP and MC
dropout networks had 64 channels for the first convolution
and the channel count was doubled after each block. The
MFVI, GVI, and Radial networks had 46 channels that were
doubled after each block to keep the total number of trainable
parameters between models comparable, similarly to [10].
All the models had approximately 15 million parameters. The
ensemble models consisted of three individual models that
were trained with different random seeds. The architecture is data augmentation scheme are detailed in the Supplementary
visually illustrated in Table 3. Section 1.
Our baseline approach is a standard neural network trained
with dropout and L2 weight regularization. The L2 weight I. UNCERTAINITY ESTIMATION
regularization is equivalent to the MAP estimation if a fully Many uncertainity estimates have been used in previous
factorized normal prior is used on the network parameters. works. The entropy of the posterior predictive distribution
The MAP network, MC dropout, deep ensemble, and MC has been a typical choice, and has been observed to work
dropout ensemble models were trained using the negative well for the binary RDR classification. However, for the
log-likelihood of a Bernoulli distribution for RDR and the 5-class PIRC classification, we observe that the entropy does
negative log-likelihood of a categorical distribution for PIRC. not systematically improve the referral process QWK on the
In addition, these models were regularized using the L2 clinical dataset. We seek to identify alternative measures of
weight regularization. The MFVI, Radial, MFVI ensemble, uncertainty, which would give more informed rejection rules.
and Radial ensemble models were trained to maximize the We measure the performance of our 5-class PIRC classi-
ELBO in Equation (3), and the GVI and GVI ensemble fiers using the quadratic weighted Cohen’s kappa [33]:
model to minimize the loss in Equation (4). The log p(D | θ) PM PM
in Equations (3) and (4) was also the log-likelihood of a 2
i=1 j=1 (i − j) Ci,j
Bernoulli distribution for RDR and the log-likelihood of κQW (C) = 1 − PM PM , (10)
a categorical distribution for PIRC. We did not employ i=1 j=1 (i − j) Ei,j
over-sampling of the minority classes or weighting of the 1 X X
log-likelihood term, as previous studies suggest that the stan- Ei,j = Ci,a Cb,j . (11)
dard negative log-likelihood loss can reach equal or bet- a=1 b=1

ter performance, e.g. when comparing the results by [10] The C is the confusion matrix where element Ci,j is the
and [12]. Mini-batch sizes, optimizer settings, and the used number of cases where the predicted label is i and the true

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label is j, and E is the expected agreement matrix. For a In order to apply the methodology to the QWK, we need a
perfect classifier the confusion matrix is diagonal and thus loss function that directly reflects it. For a single prediction,
the numerator term is zero, which results in a QWK value the numerator and denominator terms in Equation (10) will
of 1. The QWK weights the misclassifications with squared be the same and thus the κQWK will always be zero. Thus
distance of the numerical class labels, as well as with the we need the confusion matrix to be a non single entry matrix.
expected agreement. For this purpose, we utilize an initial estimate of the confusion
The referral of uncertain examples is essentially a case of matrix C, computed on the validation set of the corresponding
reject option classification [34]. In reject option classifica- training set the model was trained on, and define the con-
tion, the risk of a classification decision is the measure of fusion matrix as a sum of the initial confusion matrix and
uncertainty, and when the risk exceeds a certain threshold, a single entry matrix Sj,i with 1 on index j, i. The entry j, i
the prediction is discarded [35]. When the classifier risk denotes a combination of a prediction-target pair where the
is the minimum risk over the decisions, and the error is predicted label is j and the target label is i. We propose the
defined using the 0/1 loss, a classic result is that the pre- loss to then be the negative expected QWK:
diction is rejected if maxi p(y = i | x) < τ for some M
threshold τ [34], [36]. X
LQWK (p(y | x), i) = − p(y = j | x)κQW (C + Sj,i ). (16)
Instead of the minimum risk estimator, we choose to use
an average risk, similar to the expected risk of classifier
in [37]. The average risk view reveals an interesting con- The final QWK-Risk uncertainty estimate is then:
nection between the classifier risk analysis and the entropy M
referral process, and thus helps in the analysis of constructing RQWK (x) = −
p(y = i | x)
alternative uncertainty measures. The expected risk of a clas-
sifier that estimates the likelihood of discrete labels y given x M
is defined as [37]
Z X × p(y = j | x)κQW (C + Sj,i ). (17)
I= L(p(y | x), y)p(x, y)dx. (12)
x y
The QWK-Risk can be interpreted as the expected negative
The L(·, ·) is the loss function associated with a certain QWK value for an input example x, similar to entropy being
prediction and label combination. The risk associated with the expected negative log-likelihood.
using the classifier for a certain input x can be derived by The utility of the uncertainty information is evaluated in a
leaving the marginalization over x out, which is the expected similar manner as in previous works. We compute the uncer-
(over y) conditional (on x) risk: tainty as the entropy or as the QWK-Risk of the posterior
X predictive distribution, that is computed using 100 Monte
R(x) = L(p(y | x), y)p(y | x). (13) Carlo samples for MC dropout, MFVI, GVI, and Radial
BNN, and with three ensemble members for the ensemble
For a given classifier, the risk is now completely defined by experiments. The uncertainty is then used to reject some
the choice of the loss function. Indeed, the expected condi- proportion of the most uncertain cases, which is called the
tional risk can be used for any performance measure we want referral level. The performance is evaluated for the binary
to optimize by choosing a loss function that corresponds to RDR task using the area under the receiver operating char-
the performance measure. acteristic curve (AUC), and for the 5-class PIRC task we use
The negative log-likelihood of a target label c given a the quadratic weighted Cohen’s kappa (QWK), similar to [13]
categorical distribution p(y | x) with M classes is: and [14]. Both the AUC and QWK are evaluated at 0% (no
X referral), 30%, and 50% referral levels, and are presented in
LNLL (p(y | x), c) = − [c = j] log(p(y = j | x)), a scale with maximum of 100 to improve readability.
= − log(p(y = c | x)). (14) III. RESULTS
When we plug this to the expected conditional risk, we obtain Visual illustration of results for performance after referral
the entropy of the posterior predictive distribution: for the models trained on RDR classification is presented in
X Fig. 1A. Detailed RDR results are presented in Table 4. On the
R(x) = LNLL (p(y | x), i)p(y = i | x), full test set, i.e. 0% referral level, our EyePACS data trained
i=1 models had better results on all of the benchmark sets in com-
XM parison to previous works, thus setting a higher standard as
= − log(p(y = i | x))p(y = i | x). (15) our baseline performance. Indeed, our worst models are better
i=1 than the best models in previous works: on EyePACS [9]
Thus the negative log-likelihood induces a risk measure that had 92.7 AUC, [12] 82.5 AUC, [10] 94.5 AUC, and [18]
is the entropy of the posterior predictive distribution. 92.5 AUC, in comparison to our, MFVI and Radial, with

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FIGURE 1. Performance after referral using (a) posterior predictive entropy to refer on the RDR task, (b) posterior predictive entropy to refer on the PIRC
task, and (c) QWK-Risk to refer on the PIRC task. Each column shows which dataset was used for training and each row which test dataset was used for
the results. The y-axis values are scaled to have a theoretical maximum of 100 and the limits chosen for better readability. The y-axis limits are shared in
the PIRC task between entropy and QWK-Risk referral plots for each test set, in order to enable direct visual comparison of the methods.

94.8 AUC. In addition, on APTOS dataset [12] had 77.2 AUC systematically decreases when utilizing the uncertainty. Sur-
and [18] 94.6 AUC, whereas our worst models, MC dropout prisingly, we observe strong uncertainty estimates for the
and GVI, had 95.2 AUC. The best Messidor result in [9] deterministic MAP network, unlike in [9] and [12], that
was 95.5 AUC, whereas our worst model, deterministic MAP observed generally worse uncertainty estimates for the point
network, had 95.9 AUC, however, our results are not directly estimate approach. This difference is likely due to the strong
comparable since they use the Messidor set, which is a subset regularization we used in training our MAP network.
of the more recent Messidor-2 set. It turns out that the models trained with the KSSHP data
Also, all of the KSSHP data trained models had a high had different utility from the uncertainty referral than those
AUC on 0% referral level for the KSSHP test set. Indeed, trained using the EyePACS set. Specifically, on the KSSHP
every model outperforms the corresponding model trained test set, from the 0% to 30% referral level, the MFVI and
and tested on the EyePACS dataset. However, the generaliza- Radial ensemble models exhibit slightly decreased perfor-
tion of the KSSHP trained models to Messidor-2 and APTOS mance. In contrast, the GVI model performance stayed con-
sets was worse in every comparison than the generalization stant across this range, but decreased from 30% to 50%.
of the EyePACS trained models. In addition, the uncertainty estimates do not generalize to
The uncertainty enabled referral process results for the the EyePACS test set to such an extent as they did using the
EyePACS data trained models are similar to [9], as we EyePACS set trained models on the KSSHP set. We see that
observe the referral process to systematically increase the on the EyePACS set, the uncertainty estimates given by the
AUC on the EyePACS test set and on the Messidor-2 set, MAP network, deep ensemble, and the Radial ensemble can-
and as a novel result, we observe that the referral process not be used to improve the performance by referral, and the
also increases the clinical KSSHP dataset AUC. We observe MFVI and GVI models do not improve upon the 30% referral
different behaviour on the APTOS dataset than in [12] but rate. However, all the models perform well to the Messidor-2
similar to some models in [18], as the AUC of all models dataset on all referral levels with the GVI ensemble even

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J. Jaskari et al.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification

attaining 100.0 AUC for the 50% referral level. In the case model reaches competitive performance on the KSSHP for
of APTOS dataset we observe similar performance as with any referral level.
the EyePACS trained model, as the performance decreases When using the KSSHP data for training, we get sig-
along the referral rate, with the exception of baseline network nificantly worse results compared to the EyePACS trained
improving from 0% to 30%. models, as no model consistently improves on the within
In terms of overall performance, we observe that best distribution set, and overall, no model reaches the 84.0 QWK.
results for the EyePACS, KSSHP, and the Messidor-2 datasets Indeed, only the MFVI improves from 0% to 30% refer-
were obtained by referring data. For EyePACS and KSSHP ral level. In terms of EyePACS generalization, all models
the best results were for within-distribution trained models. improve from 0% to 30%, and Radial, MFVI ensemble,
The best performance on the EyePACS was obtained with and Radial ensemble improve also from 30% to 50% refer-
MC dropout model that reaches 98.4 AUC with 50% referral ral level. However, no model reaches over 80.0 QWK.
level and on the KSSHP with MC dropout ensemble that All models consistently improve for the Messidor-2 dataset
reached 98.9 AUC with 50% referral level. The best out-of- and GVI, Radial, MC dropout ensemble, and Radial ensemble
distribution performance on the Messidor-2 set was obtained reach over 84.0 QWK for the 50% referral level. However,
with the KSSHP trained GVI ensemble with 50% referral the MFVI has generally poor performance, as the QWK
level that reached 100.0 AUC. For the APTOS set the referral only increases from 45.7 to 54.5. On the APTOS dataset,
did not improve performance, as the EyePACS trained MFVI MC dropout, GVI, Radial, and all ensemble models improve
ensemble with 0% referral level reached the highest AUC from 0% to 30% referral level. On the 30% to 50% refer-
of 96.1. ral level, GVI and all ensembles except the GVI ensemble
improve. Even though some models improve in the referral
B. PIRC CLASSIFICATION process, no model reaches over 80.0 QWK, the deep ensem-
As no previous works have utilized robust neural networks ble being closest with 79.9 QWK on the 50% referral level.
for the 5-class clinical PIRC scheme, we cannot directly The overall best performance for the EyePACS set is
compare the absolute performance. However, standard deep obtained using EyePACS trained Radial when referring 50%
learning methods have been utilized, with similar data to of images, QWK of 87.9, and for the KSSHP set using
our benchmark datasets. In [13], a deterministic Inception-v4 KSSHP trained MFVI and referring 30% of images, QWK
model was trained using over 1.6 million images from of 81.6. For the out-of-distribution sets, the best Messidor-2
EyePACS affiliated clinics, 3 eye hospitals in India, one results are obtained using EyePACS trained Radial when
of them the same as the origin of the APTOS dataset, referring 50% of images, QWK of 94.3, and for the APTOS
and the Messidor-2 dataset. The test set consisted of set using EyePACS trained MFVI ensemble when referring
EyePACS originating images, on which the model achieved 50% of images, QWK of 97.3. Since the uncertainty estima-
QWK of 84.0, which we consider the high performance tion is motivated from the point of view of clinical interest,
baseline. it is extremely concerning that the methods appear to not
Visual illustration of PIRC results are presented in Fig. 1B, work in a similar manner when trained on a clinical dataset
full results in 5. When no images are referred, the best in comparison to the benchmark datasets, especially on the
performance is achieved with different ensembles: the deep clinical set itself.
ensemble achieves 81.3 QWK on the EyePACS dataset and
81.1 QWK on the KSSHP dataset. Similarly, the MFVI C. QWK-RISK AS AN ALTERNATIVE
ensemble achieves 83.9 QWK on the Messidor-2 dataset, UNCERTAINTY MEASURE
and the MC dropout ensemble achieves 87.9 QWK on the Our proposed QWK-Risk uncertainty measure results are
APTOS dataset. EyePACS trained models had better out-of- presented in Fig. 1C and Table 6. We can see that
distribution performance than the KSSHP trained models. the QWK-Risk uncertainty based method systematically
While using entropy as the measure of uncertainty, the only improves both the within distribution test results and cross
EyePACS trained models that improved within distribution out-of-distribution results for the two train sets. Within distri-
performance for all the referral levels were GVI, Radial, and bution for the EyePACS set, all models reach over 84.0 QWK
GVI ensemble. These models also surpassed the 84.0 QWK when referring ≥ 30% of images. No EyePACS trained
when referring ≥ 30% of images. Also, deep ensemble model reaches the 84.0 QWK on the KSSHP set. However,
achieved 86.8 QWK and Radial ensemble 84.6 QWK for the QWK-Risk enables deep ensemble to reach ≥ 80.0 QWK
30% referral level. All the models, except the MC dropout, for all referral levels. In addition, deterministic MAP net-
consistently improve on the Messidor-2 dataset and reach work, MC dropout ensemble, and MFVI ensemble reach ≥
over 84.0 QWK when referring ≥ 30% of images. On the 80.0 QWK for 50% referral level. On the Messidor-2 set, the
APTOS dataset, all models consistently improve for all refer- performance of some models decreases and some improve in
ral levels and they surpass the 84.0 QWK when referring ≥ comparison to the entropy based uncertainty, most notably the
30% of images. However, we can see that on the KSSHP GVI no longer reaches over 84.0 QWK but all other models
dataset, the models degrade consistently, apart from GVI reach over 84.0 QWK for referral levels ≥ 30%. Systematic
and deep ensemble for 0% to 30% referral level, and no decrease in the performance is seen for the APTOS dataset,

76676 VOLUME 10, 2022

J. Jaskari et al.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification

TABLE 4. RDR results. Mean and standard deviation computed for 100 bootstrap resamples of the test data. Relative improvement to previous referral
level is denoted with a green up-pointing triangle, orange equals sign, or red down-pointing triangle for increasing, equal, or worse performance,

and now only MC dropout ensemble and GVI ensemble reach images, QWK of 89.9, for the Messidor-2 using EyePACS
over 84.0 QWK when referring 30% of images. trained MC dropout ensemble and MFVI ensemble when
From the clinical perspective, an important finding is that referring 50% of images, QWK of 94.3, and for the APTOS
using the QWK-Risk, all our models reach ≥ 84.0 QWK for set using EyePACS trained MC dropout ensemble when refer-
referral levels ≥ 30% when trained and tested on the KSSHP ring 0% of images, QWK of 87.9.
set. Indeed, the GVI ensemble even reaches 89.9 QWK for
the within KSSHP distribution test when 50% of examples IV. DISCUSSION
are referred. The generalization of the uncertainty estimates We have replicated the usefulness of entropy as an uncer-
to the EyePACS set also increases and now the deep ensem- tainty estimate in RDR classification task for most robust
ble, MC dropout ensemble, and MFVI ensemble reach neural networks when training with the EyePACS bench-
≥ 80.0 QWK, however, no model can reach the 84.0 QWK. mark dataset, and demonstrated to a somewhat lesser extend
The QWK-Risk decreases the performance for the Messidor- the same finding for the KSSHP clinical hospital dataset.
2 and APTOS datasets in comparison to entropy. We also observe that the quality of the uncertainty estimates
Using the QWK-Risk as the uncertainty measure, the best on out-of-distribution tests decreases when the models are
performance for the EyePACS set is obtained using EyePACS trained with the KSSHP set. In addition, we show that
trained MC dropout ensemble and Radial ensemble when entropy is less suitable as a measure of uncertainty in the
referring 50% of images, QWK of 92.6, for the KSSHP set clinical 5-class PIRC classification task for the EyePACS and
using KSSHP trained GVI ensemble and referring 50% of KSSHP datasets. We have proposed and demonstrated that

VOLUME 10, 2022 76677

J. Jaskari et al.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification

TABLE 5. PIRC results using posterior predictive entropy as the uncertainty measure. Mean and standard deviation computed for 100 bootstrap
resamples of the test data. Relative improvement to previous referral level is denoted with a green up-pointing triangle, orange equals sign, or red
down-pointing triangle for increasing, equal, or worse performance, respectively.

an uncertainty measure based on the classifier risk using the uncertainty. This highlights the concern that methods devel-
quadratic weighted Cohen’s kappa provides a useful mea- oped using benchmark datasets might not generalize to the
sure for the within-distribution uncertainty quantification that clinical setting. However, the proposed QWK-Risk uncer-
improves uncertainty based retained performance in com- tainty measure enabled the models to surpass the state-of-
parison to entropy. However, the QWK-Risk decreases the the-art when 30% of the most uncertain cases were referred,
out-of-distribution quality of the uncertainty estimates for the which demonstrates that the robust neural networks with a
Messidor-2 and APTOS datasets. more appropriate uncertainty function may be utilized for
From the clinical perspective, the classifiers should be able clinical datasets and clinical use-cases.
to indicate uncertainty, such that the cases for which the The degradation and variability in out-of-distribution
classifier is confident can be automatically classified, while performance may partly be caused by different grading
the difficult cases can be manually verified, and possibly conventions and grading variability may prevent correct
corrected, by medical experts. Since most of the benchmark evaluation. There are several mechanisms causing variable
datasets only permit research use, for real world use-cases grading. Firstly, the frequency of photographic screening may
the classifiers should be able to be trained using ‘‘in-house’’ affect the distribution of retinopathy severity with advanced
hospital datasets. When training the classifier on a hospital grades of retinopathy being rarer when screening is more
dataset, we expect that it can be utilized for future cases frequent. The patients are referred and treated before the
within the same hospital. In our studies we did not observe advanced stages and followed by clinical visits instead of
competitive performance for the KSSHP set on the clin- fundus photography. Secondly, there are no grading schemes
ical PIRC system, when entropy was utilized to quantify available for the classification of treatment outcomes after the

76678 VOLUME 10, 2022

J. Jaskari et al.: Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning Methods for Robust Diabetic Retinopathy Classification

TABLE 6. PIRC results using QWK-Risk as the uncertainty measure. Mean and standard deviation computed for 100 bootstrap resamples of the test data.
Relative improvement to previous referral level is denoted with a green up-pointing triangle, orange equals sign, or red down-pointing triangle for
increasing, equal, or worse performance, respectively.

treatment. As a result, severe retinopathy may be arbitrarily with the fusion of multi-view retinal images with the task of
classified into many different grades. The third reason for even finer grain diabetic retinopathy grading.
variable grading is poor quality of the retinal images. The
grading of poor quality photographs may reflect some pre- V. CONCLUSION
conceived notions of patient status, based on such factors as Uncertainty estimates, given by approximate Bayesian deep
age and type of diabetes, availability of treatments and also neural networks, can be used to refer uncertain diabetic
previous treatments. retinopathy classifications, with high performance on the cer-
Our future work includes a more fine-grained analysis tain classifications, using the binary referable/non-referable
of the out-of-distribution performance of robust neural net- as well as clinical 5-class proposed international diabetic
works. We will be evaluating a larger dataset of diabetic retinopathy classification scheme. For the 5-class scheme,
retinopathy images from the Helsinki region in Finland. uncertainty can be estimated using expected conditional
In addition to the country distribution shift, our aim is to risk based QWK-Risk uncertainty measure, to improve the
examine the within country hospital region distribution shift performance on clinical data. Properly regularized standard
using this data, in addition to the KSSHP dataset. Addi- neural networks exhibit also well calibrated performance.
tionally, our future work includes utilization of some of the The results suggest that methods developed for benchmark
computationally more intensive solutions for robust deep datasets tend to generalize better to them than to the clini-
learning. Moreover, we will be examining the impact of cal dataset. Uncertainty estimates could improve safety and
joint training from the different regions on performance and trustworthiness of the deep learning systems, as most uncer-
robustness. Lastly, we aim to examine multi modal inputs tain classifications can be manually corrected, if needed,

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Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical
Committee. He has been serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE SIGNAL

JOEL JASKARI received the B.Sc. (Tech.) and

M.Sc. (Tech.) degrees from Aalto University, LEO KÄRKKÄINEN received the Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics on
Finland, in 2013 and 2017, respectively, where high temperature quantum chromodynamics from the University of Helsinki,
he is currently pursuing the D.Sc. degree with Finland, in 1990. He has several academic and industrial research posi-
the Department of Computer Science, School of tions. He is currently a Professor of practice position with the Department
Science. His research interests include machine of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland, on leave of absence.
learning, especially probabilistic deep learning His research interests include QCD, acoustics, nanotechnologies, medical
and Bayesian methods and the application of technologies, AI, and AI ethics.
machine learning in healthcare.

KUSTAA HIETALA received the M.D. degree from the University of

Eastern Finland, in 1995, and the Specialist degree in ophthalmology and
the D.M.Sc. degree from the University of Helsinki, in 2005 and 2013,
JAAKKO SAHLSTEN received the B.Sc. (Tech.) and M.Sc. (Tech.) degrees respectively. His research interests include diabetic retinopathy and machine
from Aalto University, Finland, in 2016 and 2018, respectively, where he learning.
is currently pursuing the D.Sc. degree with the Department of Computer
Science, School of Science. His research interests include machine learning,
especially robust deep neural networks and their applications for issues in
the healthcare domain. KIMMO K. KASKI received the M.Sc. (Tech.) and
Lic.Tech. degrees in electrical engineering from
the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland,
in 1973 and 1977, respectively, and the D.Phil.
degree in theoretical physics from the University
THEODOROS DAMOULAS is currently a Professor of machine learning of Oxford, U.K., in 1981. He is currently a Pro-
with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Statistics, fessor of computational science with the School of
The University of Warwick. His research interests include probabilistic Science, Aalto University, Finland; a Supernumer-
machine learning and Bayesian statistics. In 2021, he was awarded the ary Fellow with the Wolfson College, University of
prestigious five-year UKRI Turing AI Fellowship to lead research that sets Oxford, U.K.; an External Faculty with the Com-
the ML Foundations of Digital Twins. plexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria; and a Visiting Fellow with The Alan
Turing Institute, London, U.K. His research interests include computational
science, statistical physics, complex system science, data science and arti-
ficial intelligence to their applications in various issues of social networks,
and studies of digital health. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society,
a fellow and a Chartered Physicist of the Institute of Physics, U.K., a fellow
JEREMIAS KNOBLAUCH received the Ph.D. degree as part of the of the Academia Europaea and Finnish Academy of Science and Letters,
Oxford-Warwick Statistics Program, in 2022. He is currently an Assis- a fellow of the Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences, and a fellow of the
tant Professor/Lecturer with University College London. He is a fellow Mexican Academy of Sciences.

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