Social Media Influnece On Eating Habits
Social Media Influnece On Eating Habits
Social Media Influnece On Eating Habits
For better or worse, the 21st century has entered the era of In the internet era, social media's pervasiveness and
social media. Social media controls everything, including
the internet's extraordinary scale and speed of
what customers buy and how they consume. All food and
diffusion, consumers' seeking product or service
beverage trends are greatly influenced by social media.
Naturally, customers will want to participate in whatever information and food consumption behaviours have
hot trends their social media followers have found. altered significantly. Consumers now rely more on
information from social media and other consumers
Objectives ( al, 2022). The majority of young
To determine the influence of social media on eating habits people take advantage of these expanded choices for
of people who participate in whatever hot trends their social networking such as Facebook, Instagram,
social media followers have found. YouTube, Twitter, etc (Davila, J. et al., 2012). The
phenomenon has led to the growth of social media
Methods An online survey was conducted for 100 subjects
influencers (SMI)—content producers who actively
using a structured questionnaire to collect information
about their demographic details, dietary pattern, social share their opinions and knowledge about products
media habits. online, some of whom can subsequently draw a large
audience and serve as a resource for their followers.
Results SMIs have had a big impact on social media
The survey's findings show that majority of participants marketing, and brand marketers are now turning to
(71%) regularly use social media, and the majority (65%) SMIs instead of traditional celebrities to endorse their
reported that they follow social media influencers. Only a products. ( al, 2022). Young adult
small percentage of individuals (28%) admitted
populations can also benefit from social media sites
occasionally trying the diet suggested by social media
like Facebook and YouTube as well as mobile game
celebrities. More than half of the participants said they
would highly recommend the diet that a social media nutrition-intervention apps like Food Hero to promote
influencer had promoted to co-workers or friends. 15% of awareness, knowledge, shape core beliefs, and inspire
participants stated that social media had increased their attitudes. Adolescents have acknowledged the value of
need for fast food, and 8% of participants believed that social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and
dishes with the most likes and shares on social media were Snapchat in delivering peer support for healthy eating
more reliable. It is clear from the survey that YouTube through information sharing and social support
plays a major part in influencing people. ( al,2021). This scoping study sought to
clarify the impact of social media on eating habits
among 100 subjects between the ages of 18 and 45
Social media is like an ocean; once users dive in, they will
find material that is beneficial or not, relevant, or not, years old.
accurate or untrue, and so on. There is a ton of blogs on
diets and food that are written by amateurs. People will Objectives
benefit from a nutrition education programme that • To conduct a survey of 100 subjects to find out
includes information on how social media affects diet. their eating patterns.
There needs to be increased awareness in order for • To elicit information on the demographic profile of
children, teenagers, and adults to have better futures.
the subjects.
Indexed Terms— Social media, eating behaviours, social
• To assess the eating habits of the subjects.
media influencers, nutrition, food habits. • To determine the influence of social media on the
eating behaviour of the subjects.
Information about trying the diet recommended by • Details on the assumption that foods promoted or
social media influencers. displayed on social media are healthy.
The majority of participants (30%) stated that they As a result of the present worldwide trend of
have never tried a diet that was suggested by a social increasing health consciousness, businesses have an
media influencer, while 28% said they have opportunity to differentiate their goods in fiercely
occasionally done so. 5% of respondents indicated competitive marketplaces, and the promotion of
they very frequently attempt the diet, while 12% of healthier foods is becoming more visible. (Valino. P.S
participants said they frequently follow the diet et al, 2020). The majority of participants (34%)
recommended by social media celebrities. The indicated they rarely think the items advertised or
majority of the food content posted by food shown on social media are healthy, while 20% said
influencers does not adhere to the standards set by the they occasionally think that way.
World Health Organisation (WHO) for public health
advertising, according to a study conducted by • Increase in fast food consumption after using
researchers at the Medical University of Vienna and social media.
presented at this year's European Congress on Obesity The fast-food sector is widespread worldwide and is
(ECO) in Maastricht, Netherlands. About 45% of gaining popularity in many countries. Customers form
those surveyed indicated that they would try the diet, opinions on fast food restaurants based on
which has an impact on not just their health but also recommendations from others, promotions from the
the health of their friends and acquaintances. (TOI, restaurants, their own experiences, ratings on social
2022). media, reviews, etc. (Gogoi.B.J, 2020).Nearly 15% of
the subjects confessed that their fast food consumption
increased after they started using social media, and
12% of the subjects reported that their fast food
consumption never increased after using social media.
to this, celebrities are becoming more influential today recommended by social media influencers. More than
among customers as a result of their increased use of half of the participants stated that they highly suggest
social media. Evidence also supports the idea that to colleagues or acquaintances the diet that was
celebrity endorsements on social networking sites advertised by a social media influencer. 15% of the
have an increasing impact on how consumers behave. participants admitted that using social media had
(Porral.C.C et al, 2021). 29% of the participants stated boosted their appetite for fast food. People will also
that they rarely consume food that is promoted by believe a post based on the number of likes, shares,
celebrities whereas 17% of the participants said that and followers. For instance, 8% of the participants
they will sometimes consume the food item or dishes thought that social media dishes with the most likes
promoted by them. and shares were more trustworthy. This study only
provides a high-level overview; in-depth research will
• Reliability of foods/dishes with more likes/shares reveal how social media affects mental and physical
on social media. health, how it encourages sedentary behaviour, how it
After opting to buy, a buyer creates a list of leads people to believe false diet information, how it
possibilities to help him/her choose the best goods. tempts users with food posts from influencers, how it
Even if e-commerce sites provide a variety of tools for contributes to the rise in lifestyle disorders and
browsing, searching for the goods, and proving obesity, etc. People will benefit from a nutrition
product specifications, the task of the buyer is still education programme that includes information on
challenging. People are looking for evaluations, how social media affects diet. There needs to be
suggestions, and rankings from previous clients as increased awareness in order for children, teenagers,
well as from reliable sources, such as employees of and adults to have better futures.
businesses, members of their families, and friends.
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