RobView is a software that allows users to monitor and control multiple robots from a PC. It provides customizable views to display robot status, remote operation capabilities, and file management tools. Key features include monitoring robot status, operating robots remotely, customizing screens, and central storage of robot programs.
RobView is a software that allows users to monitor and control multiple robots from a PC. It provides customizable views to display robot status, remote operation capabilities, and file management tools. Key features include monitoring robot status, operating robots remotely, customizing screens, and central storage of robot programs.
RobView is a software that allows users to monitor and control multiple robots from a PC. It provides customizable views to display robot status, remote operation capabilities, and file management tools. Key features include monitoring robot status, operating robots remotely, customizing screens, and central storage of robot programs.
RobView is a software that allows users to monitor and control multiple robots from a PC. It provides customizable views to display robot status, remote operation capabilities, and file management tools. Key features include monitoring robot status, operating robots remotely, customizing screens, and central storage of robot programs.
RobView lets you operate and monitor your robots from a Project customisation PC. You can customize the RobView screens to reflect your It also provides convenient access to the robot con- specific robot cell. All the tools you need are included in troller for easy file transfer and program backup. RobView. Design your own views and screens in RobView to Define your own command buttons signal lamps and make it fit perfectly to your specific needs - without pro- “connect” them to RAPID variables in the robots. The gramming. objects will display the value or change colour as the variable changes in the robot. Robot status monitoring RobView gives you full overview of, and control over, all Robot file operations the robots in your work cell. RobView allows you to manipulate robot files and up– With its user-friendly graphical interface and ready and download them for off-line editing or back-up built robot boxes, you can monitor the robot status, in- purposes. spect I/O, display the robot position, view robot RAPID You see all the robots connected on the network and variables and list robot messages. can easily navigate to view all files and directories in each robot. Remote robot operation RobView offers remote control of your robots, including Central storage power on/off, program loading and execution, setting of CAP is your central point for storage and back-up of all I/O's, RAPID variables, etc. robot programs from all robots in your work cell. RobView Robot Status Monitoring
ROBVIEW FEATURES · The width of the columns
Projects Unlimited number of projects · The text to be displayed in the header of columns and rows Customer views Up to 99 screens (views) in each project · If the operator is allowed to edit the values and send them to the Robot communication InterLink - Interface for connecting up to 32 robot robots · Whether the array is to be protected or not User security Optional Log In functionality with user-id and user-password. Four user categories: View, Command button Safe, Expert and “Programmer”. A command button is used to send commands to the robot. It can be File Manager Using familiar “drag-and-drop” interface used to set I/O’s, clear a variable, load a program, start it, etc. For an array you can define the following properties: PREDEFINED CONTROLS · The text on the button, if any Robot monitoring Motor state · The font, size and colour of the button text Controller state · The size of the 3D appearance of the button I/O monitoring · A picture-file (.bmp or .ico) to display on the button Robot position · The action you want to perform when the button is operated Controller information · Link your button to variables in the robot that can change the Robot operation Motor on/off appearance of the button. The button can change its text colour, picture, user input or become invisble, dependent on the value Run/continue program of a persistent robot variable or an I/O. The variables can be execution different from those used to execute an action. Halt program execution · A log-text that is written to a log file when the button is operated Load program Start program from top Image An Image is used to draw a picture on the screen. For an image you can USER DEFINED CONTROLS define the following properties: Screen · The name of the picture-file (.bmp or .ico) that you want displayed For each screen (view) you can define the following: · The name of the view · Link your image to variables in the robot. The image can change picture or become invisible, dependent on the value of a persis- · A picture used as a background in the view tent robot variable or an I/O. · The fill-colour (background) colour of the view · Specify if this view is to be the start-up screen Hotspot · A 'Go to Page' link to make variables in the robot automatically A hotspot is any area you define in a screen (view) to make RobView select a screen based on the value of a persistent robot variable change to another view when you click on the hotspot. The property you or an I/O can define for a hotspot is: · The name of the screen (view) you want to move to Shape Used to display robot variable status by changing colours. For a Shape SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS you can define the following properties: PC Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or · The form of the shape: Rectangle, Square, Oval, Circle, higher, Windows 95 to Windows 2000 Rounded rectangle or Rounded square · If the shape is to be filled or transparent Robot Controller FactoryWare Interface 3.1 or RAP Communi-
· The fill colour of the shape cation 3.1 installed · If the shape is to have a border or not Ethernet interface hardware · The colour and thickness of the border · Link your shape to variables in the robot. The shape can change RECOMMENDED PC HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS colour or become invisible, depending on the value of a persis- CPU Pentium III 450 MHz tent robot variable or an I/O Memory 256 MB RAM · If the shape is to move on the screen dependent on a value of a Free disc-space 50 MB variable in the robot Graphics card Graphics card with 2,5 MB Video RAM 16 Mio colours Label Screen resolution 800x600 pixels or better A label can be anything from a simple text on the screen to a dynamically Communication Ethernet board updated data field displaying the value of a robot variable, including the Media CD-ROM reader ability to edit the value and send it back to the robot. For a label you can define the following properties: · The name of the variable in the robot that you want to display the value of, and the format (text, number, etc) of the value · The text of the label, if any Ethernet · The font, size, alignment and colour of the label text · If the value can be edited by the operator and sent to the robot RobView · Whether the label is to be protected or not · If the label is to be filled or transparent, and the fill colour · If the label is to have a (3D) border · Link your label to variables in the robot. The label can change its fill colour, text colour or become invisible, dependent on the value of a persistent robot variable or an I/O. Note that the vari- S4P S4P S4P able can be a different variable than the one displaying its value PR 10090EN_R2
· A log-text to be logged when the label is changed by the
operator Array An array can be connected to both complex variables or arrays. It will dynamically update the data fields displaying the value of a robot vari- Data and dimensions may be changed without notice. able, including the ability to edit the value and send it back to the robot. For an array you can define the following properties: · The name of the variable in the robot that you want to display the values of, and the format (text, number, etc) of the values · The font, size and alignment (left, centred, right) of the array text · The number of columns and rows to display in the array